Where is the best place to plant a walnut in the country. Walnut as a tree in the country

Hazelnut, also called hazel, is popular with gardeners because of its rapid growth and relative easy care. Bushes are also decorative and can be arranged as hedge or standalone. These trees grow to about 3m tall and about the same width (unless pruned).


Well-drained and relatively loose soils with high nutrients and at least 91 cm deep is best for these large bushes. They can be placed in any area of ​​the yard that receives full sun, but be aware that the bushes grow a lot in different directions as well as upwards. When arranged as hedges, they should be approximately 2.4 to 3 meters apart. Hazel bushes are self-pollinating, so one tree is sufficient on its own, however, you will have more yield if you have multiple trees.


Grow hazelnuts from nuts at home of course, it is possible, but much faster and, by the way, not much more expensive, to do this with the help of already germinated seedlings. Hazelnut bushes can come from two sources: either distributed from the wild or from a nursery. In the wild or in a nursery, nuts can either be sprouted or propagated by runners nearby established tree. The second method gives more chances of success. Most hazelnut owners are happy to give up shoots when the breeding phase begins, as they must dig them up to keep their trees from spreading.

Walnut: characteristics and properties

Planting hazel is carried out in the same way as any bush or small tree. Select correct area in the garden for planting, then dig a hole large enough to completely bury the roots of the sprouted tree. Firm the soil gently and water regularly. The trees will grow fairly quickly, and begin to bear fruit after the third or fourth year, and certainly in the fifth.


Once trees are planted (usually after the first year), hazelnut bushes are no longer required unless you plan to prune them for aesthetics or after a severe drought. Fertilization should be easy and should take place in the spring after the leaves are well filled on the trees and pollination has taken place.


Hazelnut grows for a long time. If hazelnuts grow long, reed-like stems from branches that can be easily seen once the leaves fall in autumn, then the male shrub will bloom in the spring and will remain dormant through the winter. The female blooms are hard to spot, but they have small buds on the branches, usually one or two branches from the male stems. At the beginning of spring, before the leaves appear, the tree will bloom, and the action of the wind will pollinate it.

Hazelnut, it is also called hazelnut. It has not only an unforgettable taste, but also great benefits for our body. On the shelves of stores, it is quite an expensive pleasure, and also of incomprehensible quality. But if there was such a tree at home, and more than one, it would be possible to stock up on goodies for the winter. Therefore, in this article we will answer the question of how to grow hazelnuts in the country.

Hazelnut is considered a very nutritious and high-calorie product. More than half of the nut itself consists of valuable oils, another part of the protein, B vitamins, the presence of sugar and other trace elements make it a truly healing product. It is also known about the benefits of hazel leaves, decoctions from which help to cope with various diseases. It is best to eat nuts raw, and they are also dried and fried.

Healing characteristics

Useful properties of hazelnuts:

  • improves or helps the work of the heart;
  • increases the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • helps the nervous system;
  • effective for varicose veins.

Pregnant women are recommended to eat nuts in order to better develop the fetus. The product contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals for a child growing in the womb. But it is also important to remember that you can’t get carried away with nuts too much, otherwise in this position your head may start to hurt or you may start to feel sick. A few nuts a day will not harm in any way, but will only benefit.

After you read about such properties of the nut, you probably wanted to know how to grow a hazelnut. This is quite possible if you have a cottage or a country house.

Some facts about growing hazelnuts

Before planting hazelnuts in the country, take an interest in what conditions he likes, what kind of plant it is. Hazel starts to bloom in early spring. In April, even at the very beginning of the month, you will be able to see the first flowers on the plant. Even snow does not scare hazelnuts. Flowers are pollinated very easily. All it takes is the power of the wind. In order for the hazel to grow normally and bear fruit, you need to plant several plants at once. For starters, two or three bushes are quite suitable.

When can you see the first fruits

If you plant the seeds of a plant within the specified period, then you can already taste the first fruits in 4-5 years, but the seedlings will delight you with nuts in 2-3 years. The fruit of the nut is in a strong shell, which is also covered with leaves.

You can harvest in the fall, around September. If you do not pick them from the trees, they will simply begin to fall to the ground, which does not prevent you from collecting them from there. From one bush you can collect more than a kilogram of nuts. But it all depends on its size and age. Over the years, the bush will become larger, respectively, and the fruit.

What conditions to grow

Favorite conditions for hazelnut bushes:

  • can withstand even the most low temperatures and the coldest weather;
  • not afraid of the shade, but still gives the best fruits if it grows in direct sunlight;
  • needs a normal amount of moisture, does not like drought.

Therefore, it is better to plant hazelnuts in the country at the entrance to the house or in the garden, in a place where there will not be much shade and there will be more sunlight. The plant, in addition to producing fruits, is also very beautiful, and will decorate the territory of your recreation area.

Proper planting and care of the nut

How to plant a hazelnut at home? It is best if you manage to find two or three year old seedlings. They must be sold with the soil from which they were excavated. As for how to germinate hazelnuts, this can be done by buying special seeds. But it is best to grow a plant from seedlings. So,

  1. Find right place in the country. Then dig holes where you are going to plant seedlings. They should be at a fairly large distance from each other, as over the years, the bushes will grow. The distance is about three meters - no less, it should be between the bushes. The wells also need to be treated with pus or peat after the first watering.
  2. Hazelnut and its pruning. In order for the plant to form and grow properly, you need to cut the seedlings correctly. Height from ground level should be 25cm.
  3. The earth needs to be loosened from time to time. At the same time, the depth of loosening should not exceed 5 cm.

While the bush is just gaining strength, in order to bear fruit, various other crops can be planted near it. But when the bush becomes larger, there will be no room for such plants. It is important to constantly mow the grass near it so that the site is always in order.

From fertilizers, you can use special soil. It contains a whole complex of substances necessary for the rapid growth of the bush. Once a year or two, fertilize it systematically. It is important to follow the correct dosage, which is indicated on the fertilizer packaging. As for watering, the plant needs it only in long droughts.

How to properly form a plant

If you think that you only need to plant a plant correctly, and then it will somehow grow by itself, then you are mistaken. In order for the bushes to please your eye with a harvest, you need to periodically look after them, cut them correctly.

A well-formed bush should have about 10 trunks, which all extend similarly to each other from the base. If there are too many branches, then they need to be cut. This is necessary so that the bush falls well under the illumination of the sun's rays.

You need to start thinning out the bush already in the third year after planting. Then on to the fifth. After that, the plant is properly formed. You can also take up later on the propagation of hazelnuts by cuttings, if there is time and desire.

Also, gardeners whose bushes are more than 10 years old are wondering why hazelnuts do not bear fruit. This problem appears quite often. Old bushes often give fewer fruits. To prevent this from happening, you need to thin out the branches from time to time, remove too old ones. In their place, new ones grow and bear excellent fruit - this is a well-known fact.

How to grow hazelnuts in the country: Video

Many gardeners would like to have this noble and popular tree on their plots. The problem is that not everyone knows how to plant a walnut in order to long years harvest from it. If you understand the features of this procedure, it becomes clear that this is not such an overwhelming task.

The main methods of reproduction

The walnut is an unpretentious, cold-resistant plant that grows best in temperate and mild climates. The tree has the ability to self-repair, as a result of which, instead of shoots that died in harsh winters, new ones almost always grow.

To learn how to properly plant a walnut, you should familiarize yourself with the main methods of its reproduction. You can spread this culture:

  • seeds;
  • seedlings;
  • in a vegetative way.

When planting a seedling, it is quite difficult to foresee what fruits it will bring in the future, and whether they will be obtained. Therefore, cultivation from seeds is preferable, while about 80% of varietal characteristics are guaranteed to be transmitted. You should select nuts for planting from those trees that grow in your area.

If the mother plant is chosen correctly, growing the walnut vegetatively also ensures that the characteristics of the resulting offspring and the mother tree are identical. effective method such reproduction is considered open field budding.

Growing walnuts from seeds

Planting a walnut with seeds is considered one of the most simple ways breeding. You can carry out such a procedure not only in spring, but also in autumn.

Fruits intended for planting must be large and ripe. Usually they have green color with a slight yellowish tint and a moderately hard shell.

Nuts intended for planting are best harvested in the fall, when the tree is actively bearing fruit and discarding ripe fruits on its own. A reliable symptom of the ripeness of nuts is a crack in the pericarp or its lagging behind the shell.

How to plant a walnut from seeds? First of all, the selected seeds should be soaked in warm water for 2-3 days, after which they undergo stratification for 2 months. To do this, they are placed in wet sawdust or sand, contained at a temperature of 2-5 degrees. At the end of the stratification period, the seeds are brought into a warm room, where they are germinated. For this purpose, they are placed in containers filled with or wet river sand, and kept at a temperature of 5-7 degrees.

Observations show that seeds peeled from the pericarp differ in the best germination.

Autumn planting is carried out at the end of October, if climatic conditions allow, the seeds are placed in open ground. Practice shows that during the autumn planting it is possible to obtain more viable seedlings. Planting a walnut in the spring falls on the beginning of May.

Seeds will be immediately planted on permanent place growth, so it must be thought out in advance. This area should be protected from the wind and well lit. The depth of placement of seeds is 15-20 cm, they are placed in the hole with the seam up.

Planting walnut seedlings

Effective cultivation of a tree with the help of seedlings is achieved by observing all the subtleties of technology. In addition, for the successful growth of a walnut, the following factors will be required:

  • good soil;
  • sufficient illumination;
  • the required amount of moisture;
  • warmly.

Usually the planting hole has a size of 70x70 cm, but if this is not enough for the root system, it is increased so that the roots of the future tree fit in the straightened state. In equal parts, the pit is filled with earth and humus.

For planting, seedlings with a trunk thickness of at least 1 cm are selected, their height does not really matter.

How to plant walnut seedlings correctly? Previously, their root system is recommended to be treated with growth stimulants. Then the roots are straightened, placed in a hole and covered with earth, which is then lightly tamped.

The root neck of the seedling during planting should be placed at the level of the soil.

After the end of the procedure, future trees are watered, while each seedling requires at least 3 buckets of water. Stem areas are mulched with leaves or sawdust.

Vegetative propagation method

Propagation by cuttings is also approved by many gardeners. Applies vegetative way to improve the properties of an existing variety.

The cuttings required for grafting are cut from the current year's shoots located on the south side of the trunk at a height of at least 5 m. Before cutting, the tree must be well watered and the soil under it dug up.

With the help of a sharp knife, several sharp incisions are made around the handle, and then it is removed along with a 3x2 cm shield, in the middle of which there should be an eye.

To retain moisture, the place of future vaccination should be wrapped with a film. After 2 weeks, the shield with the kidney simply cuts into the bark of a new tree and is fixed with electrical tape. They remove it after 3 weeks, during which time the shield and stock have time to grow together.

Cultivation and care

in different climatic regions select appropriate varieties of seedlings with desired properties. For example, the cultivation of walnuts in the Moscow region requires such varieties as Sadko, Ideal, Podmoskovye, which calmly tolerate low temperatures and do not need shelter for the winter.

Although some Belarusian gardeners consider growing walnuts in this country a useless exercise, their compatriots successfully practice planting such varieties here as:

  • the memory of Minov;
  • Samokhvalovichsky;
  • Pinsky.

The successful cultivation of walnuts in Belarus is based on correct selection suitable varieties capable of withstanding climate change. This example suggests that this tree is able to grow on almost any soil, but they must be loose, drained and fertile.

No matter how the plant is planted, it grows slowly. Growing a walnut requires care and patience. The tree needs constant feeding, pruning, and in extreme heat it needs abundant watering.

Video about growing walnuts from seeds

» Walnut

It is difficult to find a person who does not like chocolate or hazelnut sweets. These small nuts not only have a pleasant taste, but also have a beneficial effect on human body . High content of vitamins chemical elements and amino acids improves health in anemia, chronic fatigue, diabetes, neurosis and heart disease. Hazelnut oil contained in nuts, supplying the body with vitamin E, restores vitality and has a rejuvenating effect. Eating hazelnuts is equally beneficial for children and older people. Let's take a closer look at this plant, with the features of caring for and growing hazel at home.

Industrial cultivation of hazelnuts in our country is not conducted. Valuable fruits are imported mainly from Turkey, Italy, Spain and China. But hazelnuts are not exotic plant, as it seems. It is a cultural form of the common hazel, which under natural conditions grows in the Caucasus, the Middle East, Ukraine and throughout European territory up to northern latitudes. So why not grow this unpretentious and useful plant, because planting hazelnuts is a great business prospect and an investment in your health.

Growing hazelnuts for a gardener will not cause much trouble. No wonder the Italians call "cultural hazel" a plant for the lazy. Hazelnut is a shrub that reaches 2-5 m in height depending on the variety., but can be formed using pruning in the form of a tree - the choice depends on the owner of the site.

The first harvest can be expected as early as 3-4 years after planting the seedling. The plant does not need particularly careful care, because in natural conditions the hazel grows well without human help. After planting, farming practices are reduced to watering, removing root shoots, annual pruning, and pest control if necessary.

Hazelnuts planted on the site for decades will supply fruits with high nutritional properties and useful substances. Mass collection of nuts starts from 5-7 years of plant life and lasts for 10-15 years. After that, the plant is “rejuvenated” - for several years in a row, 2-3 old branches are cut off, which over time are replaced by young ones and begin to bear fruit generously.

From each adult hazelnut, subject to agricultural practices get 5-12 kg of fruit capable of being stored long time(1-3 years) without prejudice to palatability. If you plant at least three plants on the site, the annual harvest will look quite weighty.

Hazelnuts can grow in one place from 50 to 100 years. By planting a plant once, you will provide yourself and your children with valuable nuts for many years to come.

In addition to the benefits of harvesting, the plant has a high decorative effect. Hazelnut varieties have leaves of different colors and sizes., therefore, gardeners often practice planting variegated bushes in a row - with red, yellow and green foliage. Hazelnut also looks spectacular as a solitary plant shaped like a tree. Aesthetic lovers will appreciate the beauty of the shrub that throws out showy earrings that attract bees in early spring.

Reproduction of hazelnuts at home

Fans of growing a tree from a nut may well resort to seed method breeding. It is simple and subject to necessary requirements will result in a strong and healthy plant. However, such a hazelnut will begin to bear fruit much later than the one grown from a seedling. If, when planting a seedling, the first nuts appear 3-4 years after planting, then the plant grown

walnut, bears fruit for 6 or even 10 years.

Therefore, gardeners often use planting seedlings. With this method of reproduction, unlike planting a nut, all varietal characteristics of hazelnuts are preserved, based on which they choose a plant suitable for certain conditions.

Seedling selection

One- or two-year-old seedlings are selected for planting. Preference is recommended to give winter-hardy and drought-resistant varieties. The purchase of a seedling from a local nursery guarantees the production of released varieties adapted to climatic conditions region.

When choosing hazelnut seedlings in a nursery or garden center, you need to carefully examine the root system of the plant. It should be well developed, without damage. Slightly damaged roots are cut to a healthy place.. If there is a lot of damage, you should refuse to buy a seedling, as strong pruning can affect survival and lead to the death of the plant.

Selecting a landing site

Hazelnut is considered a plant that is unpretentious to the composition of the soil and terrain. In moderation fertile soil and a sufficient amount of moisture is favorable for the development of the plant and future abundant fruiting. The most suitable for cultivation are gray forest soils, loamy, sandy loamy and chernozems. different types. Optimal occurrence ground water- no closer than 1.2-1.5 m to the surface. During the spring snowmelt, the area should not be flooded with water - prolonged waterlogging leads to decay and death of hazelnuts.

However, do not be upset by those whose soil composition on the site is far from ideal. Hazelnuts are successfully grown on almost any type of soil characteristic of the middle zone, except for very heavy clayey, swampy, saline and dry sandy ones. When planting a seedling, chernozems are facilitated by the introduction of sand and compost humus - this will improve the air and moisture permeability of the soil. Compound acidic soils improve by adding slaked lime, ground chalk or wood ash.

Hazelnut grows equally well on flat areas and mountain slopes. Due to the developed fibrous root system, the plant is planted specifically in places where it is necessary to prevent soil erosion. When planting on a site for hazelnuts, you can take any place that is not suitable for other garden crops.

Experienced gardeners practice in the first few years to plant various garden crops between the bushes of young hazelnuts, which improve the composition of the soil, yield crops and do not allow empty space on the site.

An important requirement that must be observed when choosing a landing site is good lighting. Hazelnuts can grow in shady places, but then you should not rely on good harvest . Only presence a large number natural light contributes to abundant fruiting.

When landing on the slopes for "cultivated hazel" you can determine the place on any side except the south. It would seem that the south side is better lit and suitable for a plant that loves light. In fact, in early spring in bright sunlight flower buds bloom ahead of time, and then die during spring frosts.

The culture is sensitive to through winds, therefore when determining a landing site, choose areas that are most protected from drafts. Building walls or hedges are used as wind protection.

When planting several seedlings, the distance between them and to the nearest trees with a voluminous crown is maintained at least 4-5 m, depending on the size of the future plant in adulthood.

Landing technology

According to the information in gardening guides, "cultivated hazel" seedlings can be planted in early spring (March-April) or autumn. The hazelnut has a short dormant period, its buds come out before other trees, and most of the plants planted in the spring do not take root.

Gardeners with experience are more inclined to autumn planting- in October-November. The timing for each region is determined individually depending on weather conditions . In any case, autumn planting is carried out a month before the onset of frost.

To get a generous harvest of nuts, at least three bushes of different mutually pollinated varieties of hazelnuts are planted on the site.

During autumn planting, a hazelnut planting pit has been prepared since spring if planting a seedling is planned for spring, then preparation is carried out in the fall. This technique allows the land freed from weeds to rest and accumulate a sufficient amount of moisture. Often life makes adjustments to our plans, and if the decision to plant hazelnuts came spontaneously, the planting hole can be prepared at least two weeks before planting or immediately before it.

A landing pit is dug out with a size of 0.6 x 0.6 x 0.6 m. Organic and mineral fertilizers and mix well with the ground:

  • humus - 2-3 buckets;
  • double superphosphate - 150-200 g;
  • potassium sulfate - 50-70 g.

It is more convenient to plant hazelnuts with an assistant: one holds the plant and straightens the root system, the other carries out all the necessary manipulations. Landing technology is simple:

  • If the roots of the seedling were processed in clay mash, wash the clay from the roots. Dipping in a talker is only necessary to maintain moisture in the roots until planting.
  • If the roots of the plant are a little dry, first soak them in water for 1-2 days. The wrinkled bark of the shoots testifies to the drying of the roots.
  • If the roots are too dry, then not only them, but also the entire seedling, lower into the water for 1-2 days until the bark becomes smooth.
  • Form a landing mound in the center of the hole, stick a peg into it.
  • Put the seedling next to the peg, carefully spread the roots of the plant throughout the pit. The root neck of the seedling during planting should be slightly above the soil level. After watering, the earth will settle, and root neck level with the ground. This is very important - when the root neck is deepened into the ground, hazelnuts will develop poorly, and may not produce fruits at all.
  • Fill the hole in two passes. First, half of the hole is covered with soil, the earth is slightly tamped and generously watered. Then they fill up the rest of the pit, ram it again and water it again. The total amount of water for each seedling is at least 25 liters, optimally depending on weather conditions - 30-40 liters.
  • Check the level of the root collar - maximum permissible excess above ground level is 1-3 cm.
  • The seedling is tied to a peg and cut over 5-6 kidney . The height of the aerial part should be 20-25 cm. Pruning contributes to the development of growing season several fruitful shoots.

Young seedling care

The trunk circle with a radius of 0.5 m is mulched with peat, humus, manure or sawdust, leaving a free space of 5 cm near the stem. Mulch layer is usually 7-10cm.

Hazelnut does not tolerate stagnant water, but at the same time is moisture-loving plant. Therefore, the first time after landing great importance for the growth of the seedling has regular and abundant watering. The first time the plant is watered a week after planting, take a 7-10-day break and water again. After that, you can be sure that the planting ball forms a single whole with the rest of the soil and will be able to retain the necessary moisture.

In the first 2-3 winters, hazelnut seedlings are covered with lutrasil or spunbond. This protects the plant from freezing and breaking out of unripened shoots.

Further care and cultivation

From planting a seedling to the start of fruiting, depending on the variety, you will have to wait 3-4 years. At first the harvest will be small, but in 1-3 years, the collection of nuts will please with its abundance, and in 10 years from each bush it will be possible to collect a bucket of nuts. Abundant fruiting can be hoped for if the necessary measures for the care of hazelnuts are carried out.


During the growing season, the plant is watered 1-2 times a month, the total number of waterings, starting from April, is 5-6 times. The last time the shrub is watered after leaf fall - this will create a charge of moisture necessary for the plant in the soil for the next spring. In June and July, the need for moisture increases due to the growth of fruits and the laying of the generative organs of the crop of the next season, so hazelnuts are watered twice in these months. For irrigation use 40-50 liters warm water for every bush.

Weeding and mulching

Weeding helps to destroy weeds and saturate the root system with air. When loosening the soil, it must be taken into account that most of the roots come close to the surface. Damaged hazelnut roots do not recover, so weeding depth is 8-10 cm. The soil of tree trunks is mulched with peat, sawdust, dry grass.


Hazelnut pruning scheme: on the left - before pruning, on the right - after pruning

Pruning is necessary to form a shrub. During each summer season, extra shoots are cut out, leaving 8-10 of the strongest. They try to remove shoots located inside the bush, as well as weak and damaged ones.

Hazel pest control

For hazelnuts from pests, the walnut weevil and hazelnut barbel are dangerous. A sign of their appearance is "worminess" and premature drying of the fruit. Systemic insecticides are used to control insects., carrying out processing in early May, when the beetles appear en masse, and in mid-June, when the nuts come out of the cup. Of the diseases, the most common powdery mildew, which can be eliminated by treatment with colloidal sulfur, lime-sulfur decoction or store-bought fungicides, as well as timely cleaning of infected fruits and fallen leaves.

The reader may get the misleading impression that planting and growing hazelnuts is a rather troublesome task. In this article, we tried to give maximum information useful to owners summer cottages and own estates. Hazelnuts do not need special temperature regime, can grow on almost any soil and endure the lack of top dressing. It is enough to make a minimum of effort, and the plant will thank bountiful harvest tasty and healthy nuts.

» Walnut

Usually it is a huge, by our standards, tree up to 25 meters it has a very indirect relation to Greece: the fruits were brought from the south, and "everything is in Greece." Surely, it also grows there, wild forms of this tree are common in Europe.

The tree looks impressive. A separately growing nut not only differs in height - its crown also reaches a diameter of 20 meters.

By European standards, it is a long-liver (second after oak)- specimens of 300-400-year-old trees are often found.

The development of a tree begins with the formation of a powerful tap root, which reaches 1.5 meters deep in the 5th year and 3.5 meters by the age of 20.

Horizontal ones do not grow immediately - they are formed after the rod, located in the surface layer of the soil at a depth of 20-50 centimeters.

The tree begins to bear fruit after 10 years of life., and from the age of 30-40, the time of full fruiting comes.

If the trees grow in groups, partially shading each other, they rarely produce more than 30 kg of yield, while a free-growing nut can produce up to 400 kg of nuts.

But such cases are rare, only a tree 150-170 years old is capable of such a harvest. Usually mature tree 25-40 years in Moldova gives 1500-2000 fruits or 2000-2500 in the Crimea.

Moscow region, central Russia - where else can you plant and grow walnuts

They are found in the European part from the foothills of the Caucasus to St. Petersburg where the northernmost nuts in Russia grow. But these are isolated cases, exceptions that only confirm the rule.

These trees do not freeze completely, but they do not grow to their full potential either.

The main factor determining the possibility of growing this southern tree is not winter at all. subzero temperature. The amount is taken into account average daily temperatures above 10 degrees. It cannot be less than 190 C.

If in winter the temperature does not drop below -36 degrees and for 130-140 days a year the temperature is above 0 C, the walnut can grow and bear fruit.

The best winter hardiness was shown by hybrids of Manchurian with walnut.

When planting even the best seed material brought from the south, adaptation to a cold climate does not occur - such trees regularly freeze slightly and practically do not bear fruit.

Completely unsuitable for growing varieties from places with a humid warm climate(west and south of Ukraine, the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus).

Only nuts from eastern Ukraine, mountains successfully adapt to the new conditions of central Russia. Central Asia or Caucasus.

Moreover, it is better to grow a nut from the stone yourself- An imported seedling (even from the indicated regions) will be significantly inferior in terms of endurance and adaptability to new conditions.

How and when to plant and grow a tree from a seedling: conditions

It must be immediately planted in a permanent place.. It is unrealistic to transplant a 5-year-old tree already. Therefore, you need to decide to take into account all the factors and calculate the consequences.

A vigorous tree can form a dense shade over an area of ​​approximately 100 sq.m. You will have to delete this area from circulation - there is little that can bear fruit under a walnut(affects the strong overwhelming effect of the biofield of a huge tree).

On the other hand, on this square you can equip a summer recreation area - essential oils nuts keep flies and mosquitoes close.

We choose a place for planting on the edge of the garden so as not to shade other trees. The walnut is very unpretentious to soils, although it prefers loose sandy-stony soil.

The landing hole is dug with the expectation that under the roots there is a layer of stones of at least 25 centimeters.

Bottom landing pit need to be half asleep construction waste (broken brick, pieces of cement, crushed stone) - this technique allows you to shift the flowering time of the tree by 1-2 weeks (the stones warm up slowly, the nut starts growing a little later, skipping the frost period).

Half a bucket of ash, compost or humus is brought into the pit. The soil should not be too fertile, the nut will grow intensively and will not have time to prepare for winter.

You need to take a seedling for planting only from a trusted seller, otherwise you won’t get anything except frostbitten branches of a southern tree, you probably won’t wait for the harvest.

A walnut tree is planted only in the spring, it enters a dormant period too early and will not have time to take root before winter.

It is believed that a walnut planted by hand from a bone will grow into a tree practically adapted to new conditions, which will develop successfully.

Seeds are planted in autumn directly into the ground to a depth of 7-10 cm.. It is advisable to lay sideways on the seam in the soil. spring planting requires 2-3 months of stratification in wet sand.

Special care for seedlings is not required - in middle lane even walnuts have no pests.

How to plant an annual walnut seedling:

Care after planting: spring, summer and autumn

How to care? Walnuts may only need watering in spring and early summer. when there is an intensive growth of green mass. Usually the tree has enough soil reserve of winter moisture.

Water only young trees up to 5-7 years old, if it is completely dry.

Rod root system the southern tree is adapted to find water in the lower horizons. After 10 years of age, watering the walnut should generally be forgotten.

For him, excess moisture threatens too active growth., to the detriment of maturation and preparation of wood for winter. Freezing after a wet summer is guaranteed.

In addition to stopping watering, care must be taken to prepare the root system for winter. So, trunk circles must be mulched with any organic matter or compost:

  • in summer - to preserve moisture;
  • in autumn - to protect the topsoil from freezing.

In particularly cold areas, the soil is mulched with a layer of at least 10 cm, especially in areas with little snow.

It is useful to cover the trunk up to a height of about 1 m with spruce branches or wrap it with newspapers in several layers (already after the first frosts). This will help to survive -40 degrees and below.

Such shelter is necessary only in the first years. The tree must be hardened naturally.

How to properly care during the growing process: before ripening and after

Like all fruit crops, walnuts need periodic feeding.

In the spring, nitrogen fertilizers are applied, in the second half of summer - only potash and phosphorus, which are responsible for preparing the tree for winter and laying the fruit buds of the next crop.

On cultivated soil, nitrogen can not be fed at all, and phosphorus and potash fertilizers can be applied (in terms of active substance) 10 g/sq.m.

Practice shows that the rule applies to all cases where the nut does not grow on obvious stones and clay.

What is especially pleasing - in the middle lane, the walnut has no natural enemies. It has already been said that flies and mosquitoes fly around it.

Moreover, walnut leaves can be cooked very effective remedy against aphids and various caterpillars, which is successfully used in Ukraine.

Completely harmless home remedy allows you to process trees and bushes with ovaries of fruits and berries.


Unfortunately, walnut cuttings do not take root - reproduction occurs only by seeds.

Vaccination is carried out in cases where:

  • there is a seedling of probably winter-hardy Manchurian walnut, for which -40 in winter is not a problem;
  • the planted variety did not live up to expectations - it became possible to re-graft it.

One-year-old seedlings are grafted into a split and, under control, grow in a greenhouse to a marketable appearance.

Young trees that have already produced their first few nuts can be re-grafted by the type of "eye budding"- only the bark is removed with a kidney in the form of a half-pipe (the method is called so) and combined with the same cutout on the rootstock.

Until complete healing, the vaccination site is tied with a film.

The result of grafting an adult walnut tree:

Reproduction in the country

The main method of obtaining seedlings is growing from seeds.. To simplify the process, nuts are planted without additional processing in the fall to a depth of about 10 centimeters. It is believed that it is better to lay them sideways on the seam.

Whoever did not have time to bury for the winter, put it in damp sand in the basement - the nut must pass the stratification, otherwise it will not hatch.

Walnut is renewed by stump shoots in just a year or two. These trees are able to bear fruit literally in the second year, and in 10 - already a significant harvest.

It turns out that a walnut can be successfully planted and grown in a country house in the middle lane, in the Moscow region. It is enough to follow simple rules:

  • the right choice of location;
  • seedling - only zoned;
  • mandatory mulching of the trunk circle;
  • shelter trunk from frost in the first years of life.

All this is within the power of most gardeners.. Select sunny place, protected from cold winds - the nut will thank you.
