Sunshet Agrosuccess - protecting plants from sunburn and drought. When and how to plant flower seedlings When to make flower seedlings at home from seeds

In the month of February, many flower growers “itch their hands” - they really want to plant something, sow. Sowing flower seeds good way to take this time with some work to decorate the garden. When to plant flowers for seedlings? How to do it right, without errors? Before you go to the store, the garden center, firstly, decide in advance which flowers you want to see on your site, and secondly, look for information in advance which flowers for seedlings can be sown in winter - in February or early March .

Shoots of pansies

The instructions on the seed package do not always have such information. But some seeds can be sown even in January for seedlings, for example, pansies.

When you have already decided on the assortment, go to the store and buy. Otherwise, judging by my experience, you can buy not exactly what is suitable for winter sowing- your eyes will run wide and it will be much more difficult to choose than you would have done in advance.

What flowers can be planted in February for seedlings? These are petunias, begonias, pelargonium, salvia, balsam, ceneraria. These flowers are just the best for winter sowing seedlings.

Carnation Shabo can be sown even in January, since it should take 5 or even 6 months before the flowers appear. That is, the sooner you sow, the sooner it will bloom. At the end of January, you can sow pansies for seedlings.

How to determine good seeds or bad ones? Very simple! First, check the integrity of the packaging - for ruptures or damage. Secondly, pay attention to the date of packaging, the date of the deadline for implementation.

To make it easier to sow small flower seeds, pour them out of the bag onto a clean white sheet of paper. It is very convenient to take seeds from a leaf wooden stick, toothpick. Wet the tip of the stick with water and bring it to one of the seeds scattered on paper - it sticks very well to the stick. It is convenient to put such a seed in Right place- container for seedlings.

I advise you to pre-prepare some kind of tags or stickers in order to notice the place (pot) where certain flowers were planted.

One of the basic rules for planting small seeds is that the smaller the seeds, the thinner the soil should be.

But balsam seeds have one feature: they germinate in the light, so they practically do not need to be sprinkled, but for better contact with the soil, they should be slightly pressed to the surface of the earth.

Next milestone growing flower seedlings - moisturizing freshly sown seeds. In no case do not water from a cup, bottle, watering can and other containers. All your painstaking work on sowing can go down the drain - the seeds can move, stray into a pile, you just wash them off their places. Use only a fine mist sprayer for watering.

And last The final stage sowing flower seeds - they need to be covered, since the seeds must be in a humid environment before germination, at constant humidity.

How to do it? If you sowed in containers, then many of them are sold with a transparent lid - you just have to cover the container with it.

If you plant seeds in other containers, then it is enough to place them in large transparent plastic bags or cover with cling film.

Temperature for comfortable germination of these flower crops should not go beyond 18-25°C. If the temperature in the room in which you will germinate the seeds is below 18 ° C, then they will germinate for a long time and germination will be low. And at temperatures above 25 ° C, the seeds may die.

As a rule, you will have the first sprouts in 7-10 days, some species a little later - up to two weeks.

As soon as the first sprouts hatch, place the containers with seedlings in a bright place. In case of insufficient lighting, illuminate with lamps, since the light for seedlings is important condition cultivation.

Yes, the lid or film covering the dishes with seedlings must be removed as soon as you see the first sprouts.

Don't forget to water the seedlings. It is best to spray them with a spray bottle.

Pansies you can dive

Seedlings are grown in this form until the first two true leaves appear. Then it must be dived.

Lunar calendar of sowing (planting) for 2019 - when to plant flowers

Pansies 19, 20 15-17, 23-25 15, 16, 23, 24 11-13, 17-20 14-16, 17, 18 5, 6, 11-15 10-12, 20-22 6-8, 16-18 12-14, 17-19 10, 11, 15, 16 6-8, 11, 12 8-10, 13, 14 Verbena 15-20 11-14 10, 11 6-12 14-18 11-15 8-10, 25-27 4-8, 11, 12 12-14, 17-19 15, 16, 19-23 11, 12, 28, 29 3-5, 8-10 hyacinths 25-29 23-25 23, 24 19-21 17-19 23, 24 29-31 16-18 22, 23 19-21 16, 17 13, 14 Dahlias, gladiolus, daffodil 25-29 13-17, 23-25 19-21, 23, 24 19-21, 29, 30 14-19 9-12, 18, 19 8-10, 20, 21 11-12, 21-23 7-9, 12-14, 17-19 10, 11, 24-28 6-8, 11, 20-23 8-12 Crocus, peony 17-20 16-20 19-21 15-18 12-18 9, 10 15-17 11, 12 7-12 10, 11, 24-26 11, 12 8-12 Calendula 15-20 11-17 10-12, 21-23 6-12, 17-19 8-10, 17-19 5, 6, 11-15 2-12 4-8, 11, 12 1-4, 12-14 10, 11, 15-21 1, 2, 6-8, 11, 12, 28, 29 3-5, 8-14 Liliaceae, irises 23-29 15-20 19-21 11, 12, 15, 16 12-18 2, 6, 9, 10 15-16 11, 12 7-9, 12-14 10, 11, 24-28 6-8, 11, 12 8-10 Daisies, marigolds, asters, zinnias, coreopsis, kosmeya, annual dahlias 15-20 11-17 15, 16, 21, 22 6-12, 17-21 6-19 5-12 2-8, 10-15 4-8, 11, 12 1-9 5, 6, 15-21 1, 2, 6-8, 28, 29 3-5, 8-10 fragrant tobacco, Datura" data-order="Petunia, Allspice, Datura"> Petunia, Alloy Tobacco, Datura 19, 20, 21 15, 16, 17 15, 16, 17 11, 12, 13 8, 9, 10 4, 5, 6 6, 7, 8 6, 7, 8 3, 4, 5, 30 1, 2, 9-12 15-17 3-5 chamomile 17-20 13-17 12-18 13-20 10-12 7-12 4-10 4-12 1-9 12-19 8-15, 28, 29 18-14 Roses 19, 20 17-19 15, 16 11, 12 17-19 13-15 10-12 9, 10, 16-18 12-14 10, 11 6-8, 11, 12 13, 14 Tulips, grouse 25-29 11-17 10-12, 21, 22 6-12, 17-20 10-16 11-15 2, 3, 25-27 11, 12, 16-18, 21-23 12-19, 22-26 10-19 15-25 13-21 violets 15-20 11-17 10-16 6-12, 17-19 14-19 11-17 4-10 2-8, 11, 12 12-14 12-14 11, 12, 18, 19 8-14 Chrysanthemums, oaks 20-22 19, 20 19-21 15-17 12-16 15-17 10-17 11, 12 7-9 14-19 11, 12 10-14 Prohibited days for landing and transfer 6-9 3-5 3, 4, 6, 7, 30, 31 5, 26-28 5, 23-25 3, 20-22 2, 17-19 1, 13-15, 30 10, 11, 28 7-9, 28 3, 5, 26, 27, 30 1, 2, 26, 28-30 bad days for planting and transplanting" data-order="Unfavorable days for planting and transplanting"> Unfavorable days for planting and transplanting 12, 13, 14, 21-23 8-10, 18, 19, 20, 27 8, 9, 17, 18 9, 10, 13, 14 1-3, 10, 11, 29, 30 7, 8, 25-27 4, 5, 13-15, 22-24, 31 9, 10, 18, 19, 28, 29 5, 6, 20, 21, 24, 25 12-14, 17, 18, 21-23, 30 8-10, 13, 14, 18, 19 6, 7, 15, 16, 23-25

For you, a dacha is, first of all, a place of rest and you want it to look like a real paradise? Then let there be a flower paradise in your dacha from the very first days of summer!

And so that the flowering process in the flower beds starts early, now is the time to think about preparing seedlings. flowering plants. They should be sown in January or February. What to plant in the first month of the beginning of the year, and what plants can you take your time with? Let's figure it out together.

The process of sowing seeds to obtain seedlings in flowering plants is almost the same. Flower seeds can be sown on seedlings, observing the following nuances.

General rules

1. For flowers for seedlings, first of all, we cook soil mix. For seed germination, the soil needs light soil with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction. Most often it is a mixture of sand and peat with sheet (or sod) soil. Before use, the soil should be disinfected. To do this, it is poured with boiling water or put at full power in the microwave for several minutes. Sand - roasted.

2. In flowers, in most cases, the seeds are very small, so for better distribution they are mixed with sand. For the same reason, they are not buried, but simply pressed a little to the ground. In some cases, sprinkle with a very thin (up to 5 mm) layer of soil mixture or sand.

3. Water the crops, in order to avoid washing out or deepening the seeds, by spraying from a spray bottle.

4. After planting and watering, the container is covered with a transparent film or glass. Defined in warm place. In most cases, the germination temperature is about 18-20 degrees.

5. It is important that the soil does not dry out, as well as regularly ventilate the crops and wipe off the condensate. Constant dampness causes black leg disease in seedlings.

6. When shoots appear, we lower the temperature a little to about 15 degrees and, since the daylight hours are still very short, be sure to add additional lighting (best with a phytolamp).

7. The appearance of two true leaves is a signal for the first pick.

We have reviewed general rules growing seedlings, now we will analyze individual characteristics flowering plants. After all, the question - what flowers can be sown in January and February - is always relevant.

Sowing in January

In January, you need to sow the seeds of those flowering plants that have a fairly long growing season and only a few months after sowing begin to bloom. As well as perennial tuberous plants, which need more time to form a good tuber that can normally survive the next year.


To form good tuber, seeds should be planted in January. A feature of begonia is a fairly high temperature (about 25 degrees), which is necessary for seed germination.

Seeds should be sown in a mixture of leafy soil, sand and peat in a ratio of 2:1:1. It is preferable to keep crops under glass.

Shoots should appear in about 10-14 days. After that, we add backlighting with a phytolamp and put them in a cool (15 degrees), bright place.

Periodically spend two or three picks. After the second pick, you should slightly feed the seedlings with liquid mineral fertilizers. In May, seedlings are hardened outdoors, and planted in the garden in June.

Advice. Begonia loves light partial shade, frequent, but not very plentiful watering right under the root, mulching. The tubers are dug up in early October, the green part is cut off, dried, transferred to a dry, cool room and stored in sand or peat.

Carnation Shabo and Turkish carnation

Gvlzdiku Shabo and Turkish cloves should be planted in fertile soil, sprinkled with sand on top to avoid such trouble as the "black leg". Sowing seeds is normal.

At the end of March, the seedlings dive a second time at a distance of 8x8 cm. During the second dive, you can immediately plant them in pots. It is advisable to harden the seedlings by placing them in a greenhouse or on a glazed balcony.

Planted in flower beds in May. Blooms from June to October.

Carnation Shabo is a fairly frost-resistant plant (can withstand temperatures down to -1). Prefers slightly alkaline soil, well-lit places, moderate moisture. Needs top dressing during the budding period (nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus), responds well to spraying with a solution ammonium nitrate (0,1%).

Advice. As soon as the threat of the first frosts comes, transplant the carnation bushes into boxes or pots, bring them into a bright room. And you can enjoy its flowering until December. Then the carnation will have a short dormant period, and in the spring you can plant it again in the garden.


Since lobelia is a slow growing flower that blooms after planting in about 3 months, it is best to sow seeds for seedlings in January.

The process of planting seeds is normal, but you don’t need to apply fertilizers, lobelia sprouts do not like them.

An important feature of lobelia seedling care is watering. Since her shoots are very tender and tiny, she needs to be watered through a syringe with a needle.

In April, seedlings are hardened, exposing them to a glazed veranda or balcony.

Planted in the garden in May. For planting, choose sunny or slightly shaded places. Watering is necessary regular moderate, do not flood, but also prevent drying out.

We make top dressing during the budding period.

Advice. To achieve re-blooming, in August you need to cut the bush to the ground, then carefully loosen the ground between the rows, fertilize and water well. In order not to injure tender sprouts when picking, it is better to grow bush lobelia seeds on peat tablets.


Petunia seeds are best planted in peat tablet. The container with tablets should be closed with glass, because. important for petunia seedlings stable humidity. Germination is long - from 3 to 4 weeks.

For more information on how to select and plant seeds and care for petunias, see HERE!


Verbena seeds for seedlings can be sown in February-March, but often due to lack of light, the growth of seedlings slows down. Therefore, in order to get good strong seedlings at the end of April, it is worth sowing the seeds at the end of January.

As a substrate for planting, you can take perlite or sand (sometimes mixed with peat).

About a month later, when picking, plant the plants already in more nutritious soil, add soddy soil or humus and a little wood ash, you can immediately seat them in separate cups.

It will be possible to plant on flower beds in May, when the threat of the slightest freezing has passed.

Verbena care is simple. Watering is moderate, top dressing two or three times, pruning dried inflorescences. She loves sunny places. It is afraid of frost, but there are already more frost-resistant varieties.

Advice. In October, before the first frosts, it is advisable to transplant the verbena into a pot or container and store it in a cool room. In spring, the bush can be divided and planted in the garden. Creeping shoots of verbena can be rooted by sprinkling them with earth.


Eustoma resembles a rose and is very beautiful flower, which is able to bloom not only in the garden, but also at home on the window. She is insanely beautiful and has won the hearts of many flower growers, but she is developing too slowly. Professionals advise planting seedlings in January, and dive this flower twice during growth.

Blooms in June-July.

Advice. Cultivation is too laborious for eustoma, therefore this plant is not suitable for everyone, but only for lovers of everything complicated.

Meconopsis Sheldon (Meconopsis sheldonii)

This flower has nothing to do with the hero of the modern series Sheldon, except for some self-confidence and impressiveness. The pure blue color of the petals of this plant will appeal to many. Mekonopsis does not tolerate laziness and slowness, it must be planted in late January - early February in order to enjoy its first flowers in summer. It germinates at a fairly low temperature - 12 ⁰С. After the emergence of seedlings, the plant dives and continues its usual care.

Advice. He does not mind sitting in the shade, but prefers constantly moist soil.

Sowing in February

It is very difficult to determine the exact timing of sowing seeds for seedlings in February. The earlier warm days come in your area, the earlier you should take care of this. Sowing seeds for flower seedlings in February is the best solution.

Pansies, Wittrock violet or tricolor (Viola wittrokiana)

This well-known flower can be grown as a biennial plant (sowing seeds in the summer in open ground) or as an annual (growing seedlings in winter).

The first option will ensure violets bloom in spring, and sown seeds for seedlings in February will decorate your flower bed in summer and autumn. Sowing seeds is normal.

As soon as the first leaves appear, the seedlings are rearranged to a brighter and cooler place (about 10 degrees). And after another two weeks, the seedlings dive into pots.

Planted in flower beds in early May.

Advice. Violets grow in the sun and in partial shade. But with a very active sun, the buds cease to be tied, and in the shade the flowers become smaller and become paler. The ideal solution there will be an openwork light shadow. For beautiful flowering requires regular top dressing twice a season.

Heliotrope (Heliotropium)

This perennial captivates gardeners with its wonderful vanilla aroma, unpretentious care and deep blue-violet tint of small flowers that form a large corymbose inflorescence. Although it can have a white or pale lilac color.

Sowing seeds is traditional. After the appearance of the second pair of leaves, the plant is pinched and dived a second time into separate pots (preferably peat).

Transplanted to a flower bed at the end of May.

An ideal place would be a light openwork penumbra. The soil should be loose with a neutral reaction. Water moderately, but do not allow the soil to dry out. Regular feeding. To form a lush bush, the plant should sometimes be pinched.

Advice. At the end of flowering in October, the heliotrope can be transplanted into a pot or container and stored in a cool room until spring.

Delphinium (Delphinium)

Beautiful large spike-shaped inflorescences of graceful-shaped flowers leave almost no one indifferent. A fairly large color palette and undemanding nature have made it very popular with gardeners.

seeds annual delphiniums can be sown directly into the ground.

We will look at how to propagate perennial species by seeds. Having distributed the seeds over the surface of the soil, they are lightly sprinkled with a very thin layer (3-5 mm) of the soil sifted through a sieve. Cover the container with paper and refrigerate for two weeks for stratification (temperature about 4 degrees).

Then the paper is removed, covered with a transparent film and the container is exposed to a warm (about 20 degrees) and bright place. When three leaves appear, the plants dive.

And in early May, the seedlings are ready for transplanting to the street. The soil for planting delphiniums should be dug up with two bayonets of a shovel, as it develops a powerful root system.

Seating from each other at a distance of about 40-60 cm. Add fertilizer. Watering is infrequent, but plentiful at the root. Mulching. Three times a season top dressing. Thinning pruning is needed, sometimes tying up tall specimens.

Advice. To increase the germination of seeds, before stratification, you can soak them for a day in a solution of any growth stimulant. In order for perennials to bloom in the first year, and not in the second or third, they are grown in seedlings.

This is how flower seedlings are being prepared for sowing in February for g Aillardia spinosa(Gaillardia aristata), helenium autumn(Helenium autumnale), bluebell carpathian(Campanula carpatica). The seeding principle is the same. We plant in the garden when the time for return frosts has passed.


Gelenium grows well in light areas, the soil should be moist with a neutral reaction. Seasonal top dressing is the usual two or three times a day. Sometimes needs a tie. For the winter, the upper part of the plant is completely cut off.

Advice. To prolong flowering, most of the stems should be shortened in June.

Carpathian bell

The Carpathian bell is very unpretentious, but it can die from waterlogging. Watering should be regular and moderate, do not flood. Top dressing in spring and during flowering. Do not forget to cut dry inflorescences.


Gaillardia - likes to grow in bright areas, the soil should be light (we add a little sand or wood ash). Watering is moderate. Fertilizer per season three times. Before winter upper part cut off completely.

Pelargonium zonale (Pelargonium zonale)

She is unpretentious, beautiful and very diverse. A small flowering bush (15-50 cm) with pretty rounded leaves. In addition to cuttings, it can be propagated by seeds. Planting seeds is normal.

When the first two true leaves appear, the seedlings dive into individual cups.

If the seedling is very stretched out, it can be planted a little deeper, new roots will grow over time. And after two weeks, you can already start feeding.

At the end of April, hardening of seedlings is carried out.

And planted in flower beds in the second half of May. Blooms all summer until frost. Pelargonium feels great in the sun and in partial shade. Drought-resistant and does not like excess moisture. Top dressing at planting and at the beginning of flowering.

They are transplanted into pots for the winter, and pelargonium winters beautifully on the windowsill in the house.

Snapdragon, or Antirrinum (Antirrhinum)

Snapdragon is a wonderful perennial plant, we grow it as an annual. Its cute flowers of exotic shape and variety of colors, and besides, modest care requirements make it a favorite of many gardeners.

When preparing the soil for sowing seeds, it should be taken into account that Snapdragon does not like peat, so leafy earth and sand will suffice. The rest of the growing process is normal.

After the appearance of the first true leaves, it is advisable to feed the sprouts with calcium nitrate.

To form a more lush bush, after the formation of 4 pairs of leaves, the central shoot must be pinched.

Snapdragons planted in full sun or partial shade will grow fairly well.

The soil should be permeable, loamy, well dug up. It does not tolerate waterlogging, abundant watering is necessary only in extreme heat. Top dressing is regular two or three times a day.

Dried inflorescences must be cut. high grades require garters.

lavender angustifolia

Lavender angustifolia ( Lavandula angustifolia) - it is not so often planted, but in vain, as this fragrant plant will not only soothe after a long day in the garden, but also looks beautiful with other plants, such as a rose. Fragrant lavender will easily survive the winter even on a balcony or loggia.

Seeds need stratification in the refrigerator for 1.5-2 months.

The seeds of this plant are planted shallowly: it is enough to bury half a centimeter in the ground and, having covered the container with glass or film, wait for shoots. Only a month and a half and lavender can be planted in separate pots, and in May or early June it is completely “evicted” to the street.

Advice. It is worth paying attention to the fact that young lavenders survive the cold worse than adults, so you need to make sure that the weather is stable before transplanting it into the ground.

Salvia (Salvia)

Many will probably think that this is some kind of overseas plant that was recently bred, but no, this is ordinary sage, or rather, sparkling sage. This plant is quite popular, but in its homeland (America) it is cultivated as a perennial, and in Russia, with its variable climate, salvia lives only one year.

This plant can also be sown in early March. When the sage has four of its leaves, you can plant it in a pot, and plant it in the ground in May-June.

Advice. Salvia does not look in a single planting, which is why they plant it in groups, because the plant attracts with its rich color from afar. The most popular among gardeners is the red color of the "American friend", but there are also other varieties of it.

We examined the seeds of which flowers should be planted now and some features of their planting. Now you should make a choice and get down to business. After all, sown seedlings of flowers in February will give you their early and abundant flowering.

At first glance, it may seem that floriculture is a simple process, because for germination beautiful flower from ordinary seed, the most simple conditions created by nature. This fertile soil, irrigation by rain and heat from the sun. However, in reality, growing different varieties eustoma, pelargonium, asters, cochia, lavender, kobei, mirabilis and other crops seems to be a laborious task that requires the grower not only enthusiasm, but also knowledge of the technology of competent seed sowing and practical skills in caring for grown seedlings.

But summer residents who do not own this knowledge should not be upset. They can try their hand at floriculture, armed with practical advice and advice from this review. It will disclose information about what pitfalls are present in growing from the seed of specific varieties of popular flower crops.

So that the grown seedlings of perennial flowers are different high quality, during production planting material need to create ideal conditions. perennial crops, planted from seeds, optimally germinate in nutrient soil, so the gardener needs to prepare the appropriate soil mixture in advance and take care of the choice of containers or trays. It is also important to solve the issue of heating and lighting. Most plants thrive best with a constant source of daylight and temperature. environment from 24 to 26 degrees Celsius. How to choose a llama for better lighting seedlings, you can read.

The technology for sowing seeds varies depending on the flower variety, however, some common features. IN general view sowing seeds into the soil is carried out as follows - planting material is laid out in a moistened and compacted soil mixture. Then it is embedded in the ground and covered with a lid or plastic wrap in order to maintain an optimal level of soil moisture during seed germination. In order for flower seedlings to give the first shoots, it takes time, so the summer resident should be patient.

So, the average period of germination of perennial flowers is from three to five weeks.

It is important to take into account the fact that some seeds germinate faster than others, so seedlings may be uneven. It is worth highlighting one more point - the level of seed germination. In perennials, it is about fifty percent. Compared with the almost one hundred percent level of germination of seeds of annual flowers, this indicator is critical.

To increase the chances of success in growing seedlings from seeds, the grower can use the following tricks:

  • soak seeds before sowing;
  • use seeds from healthy plants;
  • observe the rules for storing seeds in the offseason.

It is important to know when to plant flowers for seedlings in a particular region. Perennial flowers grow more slowly than their annual counterparts, so it is recommended to sow seeds 10-12 weeks before the planned date for transplanting seedlings into open ground. During this period, the seedlings will get stronger and will be ready for new conditions. In order for the survival rate of the planting material to be good, it is recommended to harden the seedlings before planting in the soil.

As you can see, flower seedlings can be grown independently by a summer resident with any skill level. However, for the best result, he will need to take into account the specifics of the growth of specific crops. It will be revealed in the following sections.

Osteospermum - the perfect flower for flower beds, grown by hand

Independent sowing of osteospermum for seedlings is simple and effective. This plant quickly gives the first shoots and will not cause the grower the hassle associated with preparing the soil or buying special trays. The seeds of this crop are large, with good level germination. The summer resident can see the first results after sowing in a couple of weeks. As for the specifics of sowing, experts recommend planting osteosperm seeds in light peat soil to a depth of 5 millimeters.

Concerns about when to sow osteospermum for seedlings can also haunt the gardener. It is necessary to look for an answer to this question, based on the approximate timing of planting seedlings in the ground. So, in order to see the flowering of this perennial at the beginning of summer, sowing seeds in peat must be done in March.

Gardeners who are interested unpretentious perennials, may attract another decorative culture- Ipomoea. It germinates in open ground and does not require special care. When growing this crop, summer residents are only interested in one question - when to plant morning glory for seedlings using seeds? On average, the planting time in temperate climatic zones falls on the end of April. Residents of warmer regions can close up the seeds as early as March, and by May they can get stronger and hardened seedlings of this beautiful, bright liana.

How to grow an elegant pelargonium?

Growing pelargonium is also not difficult. The gardener only needs to know when to plant pelargonium for seedlings and how to choose the best soil for this crop. Professional gardeners advise planting seeds in peat mixed with perlite. Seeds are planted in well-moistened and compacted soil to a depth of several millimeters. At good quality seeds from prolonged soaking in water can be abandoned, it is enough to irrigate them with water from a spray bottle immediately before planting. This flower will give the first shoots for 5-8 days, and then it will delight the summer resident with a quick set of vegetative mass.

Exotic eustoma and spectacular salvia - the secrets of growing seedlings

The question of when to plant eustoma for seedlings worries lovers of exotic flowers. This culture is recommended to be planted in containers at the end of February. Seedlings grown during this period will bloom in the garden quite late - at the end of July or at the beginning of August. For planting seeds, you need a sterilized substrate, a plastic container and a film. You can find out how to choose the right pot for planting seeds. Seeds do not need to be buried deep in the ground - just spread them over the surface and press down with your finger. Then they should be covered with a film until the first shoots appear.

In a similar way, salvia is planted on seedlings from seeds. The only difference is the need to deepen the seeds into pre-made holes by a few millimeters. The first shoots of salvia appear in 3-4 weeks. During this period, the substrate with plants must be regularly irrigated using a sprayer.

The subtleties of growing fresh and original asters

Only professional gardeners know how to plant asters for seedlings. In this section, recommendations for beginner summer residents will be given. They will be given advice on how to plant asters for seedlings with their own hands. First of all, the gardener must decide when to plant asters for seedlings, taking into account the climatic characteristics of his region. Based on the fact that seedlings should be planted in open ground at the age of one month, it is best for residents of temperate zones to sow seeds in early April. In the future, they will be able to transfer seedlings to open ground with the first warm May days. Sowing seeds is carried out in small containers filled with light soil.

It may contain the following components:

  1. peat;
  2. ash;
  3. humus;
  4. sand and other components that provide good drainage and aeration.

The planting depth should be about a centimeter, and the distance between the holes should be about 2-3 cm. If the planting technique is observed, the plant sprouts in a few days.

Rose - a royal flower for the garden, grown with your own hands

This flower is one of the first places in the ranking of popular ornamental plants. It is not surprising that gardeners are interested in the issue of self-cultivation of planting material, because having mastered it, they will be able to open a reserve for significant savings funds by refusing to buy expensive seedlings in nurseries.

So, rose seedlings are grown by cuttings from healthy adult bushes. The process of rooting cuttings is recommended to be done in small pots treated with potassium permanganate or steam. Ground for better process rooting should have a loose structure. It is also important to take care of its nutrition. Having planted the stalk in a container, the gardener can cover it plastic bottle to create a greenhouse effect. Subject to temperature regime at the level of 25-27 degrees, rooting of the cutting can be expected on the 30th day.

Primula, lobelia and verbena - unpretentious flowers for the garden

Primrose seeds must be awakened before planting. Experienced summer residents are advised to use one of the following methods for this - soaking in water, treating with a manganese solution, etc. Then the seeds should be planted in moist soil to a shallow depth. After planting the primrose seeds in the ground, the first sprouts peck on the tenth day. To decide when to plant a primrose for seedlings, the summer resident should individually. So, the average time for sowing seeds falls on the period from late February to mid-March.

Creeping flower lovers may also need knowledge on how to grow seedlings of lobelia and verbena with their own hands. Having received information on how to plant primrose seeds, gardeners will also understand how to plant lobelia seedlings and how to grow vervain in the garden, since the agricultural practices of these crops are similar. But to answer the question of when to plant verbena for seedlings for the best result, gardeners should independently, taking into account the climatic features of their region and based on the average planting dates for this crop in Russia, which fall in March.

Growing bright stockroses with your own hands

Stockrose is considered to be one of the most noble and beautiful flowers. It has luxurious buds that please the eye of gardeners for a rather long flowering period. Having mastered the intricacies of how a competent planting of a rose stem for seedlings is carried out, the summer resident will be able to grow the number of seedlings of this amazing flower necessary for landscaping the site.

The main advantage of this culture is unpretentiousness. Seeds can be planted immediately in open ground without worrying about them. pre-germination. Planting seeds is recommended to be carried out in the last days of May, when the weather is warm, but not yet hot.

Seeds should be planted in shallow holes dug at a distance of 20 to 30 centimeters from each other.

Next, you should pour the soil with water and wait for the emergence of seedlings, which usually occurs on the 14th day. So that the soil does not dry out and young seedlings do not die, you can organize. Similarly, you can grow lupine. This plant is more thermophilic (like kochia, lavender, kobeya) than stockrose, therefore, when deciding when to plant lupine seedlings, the farmer must take into account the climate. Tentatively, the plant can be planted in open ground in late April - early May.

The temptation to plant beautiful perennial flowers in the garden seizes many summer residents who strive to create a harmonious and aesthetic space on their site. Indeed, the decision to use perennial flowers has a lot of advantages, because the owner of the site does not have to re-ennoble flower beds every year, look for seeds in garden centers and fuss over seedling boxes. But in order to be able to appreciate these benefits, you need to go a long way and know everything about how to grow flower seedlings from seed. Growing perennials is more labor intensive, so the gardener needs to have a little patience and enthusiasm in order to see positive result his work.

For any gardener, a well-groomed flower bed on the site is a matter of special pride. After all, a huge amount of effort, time and of course love was spent on its creation. Seedlings are needed to create a beautiful flower bed. Flower seedlings can be purchased at ready-made, or you can sow the seeds yourself. To do this, you need to know when to start planting seedlings. This is not an easy and time-consuming task, but a flower bed made from flowers grown by one's own hands will bring great joy to its creator.

As a rule, the package with flower seeds indicates when and how to plant them. But we will look at some examples to make it easier for you to navigate.

January February

At this time, plants with a long growing season are sown for seedlings. Such as:

Carnation Shabo (seed germination up to 3 years; germination temperature 16-18°C; germination 4-5 days; from germination to flowering 5-6 months)

Salvia (sage) sparkling (seed germination up to 5 years; shoots on 8-13 days; from shoots to flowering 110 days)

Daisy perennial (seed germination 3-4 years; germination on 3-8 days; from germination to flowering 3-3.5 months)

February March

Most flowers are planted during this period, for example:

Petunia (seedlings 7-12 days; blooms from early May until frost)

Brachycoma (seedlings on 8-12 days; blooms from June to October)

Marigold (seedlings 4-8 days; blooms from June)

Antirrinum (snapdragon) de Rose(shoots 2-12 days; blooms from late June until late frost)

To grow seedlings you will need: pots or containers, soil for seedlings and fertilizers for seedlings (potassium (without chlorine), phosphorus, nitrogen). Remember that seeds, after germination, need a large number of Sveta. With a lack of ultraviolet radiation, the seedlings will stretch, which will lead to diseases and a decrease in decorative properties, namely in flowers, the beauty of the leaves is valuable for us, and of course the flower itself. Therefore, for early seedlings, special fluorescent lamps are used.

Before planting, it would be good to pickle the seeds. To do this, they are soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and then dried. This will increase seed germination and filter out seeds that are unable to sprout (they will float).

Small seeds are not subject to dressing. To increase germination, facilitate sowing and for more friendly shoots, small seeds are mixed with river sand.

After the seedlings have sprouted and the second true leaves have appeared, a pick is made.

Seedling picking is transplanting seedlings into separate pots for their further planting in open ground. For picking, we choose the strongest, strongest seedlings.

Very simple and useful for plants planting seedlings in peat pots. Each seed is planted in a separate pot with soil, and the pot is placed in a tray. Then it is enough to put a pot with seedlings in the ground. This will give the plant additional protection against pests and the pot itself, having dissolved, will become top dressing.
