Ideal home: house layout. House planning - a simple instruction for beginners

A room is the simplest structural unit of a house. The dimensions of the room - the length and width are determined according to the needs of the person (performing functional operations, unhindered movement).

As for the choice of the height of the room, here, in addition to the above points, one should take into account the psychological feeling of "pressure" of low ceilings. The minimum area is calculated for a family of 3-4 people. The height of the living rooms and the kitchen is made at least 2.7 m from floor to ceiling, for other rooms this parameter is at least 2.5 m, for the attic the height can be 2.3 m, for corridors - 2.1 m.

In our article, we will dwell in detail on the consideration of the standard dimensions of each of the rooms of a residential building or apartment.

living room dimensions

The amount of furniture and its location in this area is not regulated and depends on the taste and preferences of the owner of the home, so the main parameters that need to be considered when determining the size of the room are the distances in the aisles between the furniture and the TV screen. The width of the passage between permanently installed furniture must be at least 50 cm.

Serial furniture for living rooms has the following standard sizes:

  • at the sofa - depth 74 (90) cm and width 200 cm;
  • at the armchairs - the depth is 60 (74) cm, and the length is 60 (74) cm;
  • cabinets for books and dishes have a depth of 30 cm and a length of 80 or 120 cm;
  • coffee tables are produced with a tabletop width of 40 to 80 cm, and the length is usually 60 - 140 cm.

The TV should be installed in accordance with standards that ensure hygienic comfort. It is recommended to maintain a distance from the screen to the eyes equal to the TV diagonal multiplied by 6-8 units. The installation height is approximately 7-10 degrees from the horizontal beam passing through the pupil.

According to the norms, the living room area should be at least 18 m². For a family of 3-5 people, it should be 25 m².


Dining room and kitchen dimensions

The width of the kitchen should be at least 1.7 m, but the optimal value of this parameter is around 2.4 m, and the total area separate kitchen- from 8 m². If the kitchen is combined with the living room, then the area may be smaller. It should be possible to conveniently position the equipment - the length of the front can be up to 7 m. Think about options for installing it - in one row, in two rows, L- or U-shaped arrangement.

If the kitchen is combined with the dining room, then its minimum area is 12 m². Although a more convenient option is a kitchen with an area of ​​​​15 m². The minimum area of ​​a separate dining room is 8 m². If you plan to gather 10 people at the table, then the area must be increased to 10-12 m².

Bedroom dimensions

Full conditions for sleep is one of the main functions of the home, so the size of the bedroom should be selected very carefully. Ideally, you should try to place each bed in a separate room.

Standard bedroom furniture has the following dimensions:

  • length bed- 2 m;
  • single bed width - 0.8 m (minimum - 0.7 m, maximum - 0.9 m);
  • the width of a one-and-a-half bed is 1.2 m;
  • the width of a double (double) bed is 1.40-1.60 m.

Additional furniture, which is usually located in the sleeping area, includes: a bedside cabinet or shelf, a nightstand, a chair, dressing table, cupboard.

The area of ​​the bedroom, in which only a single bed, a wardrobe and a table can fit, is approximately 8 m². But according to the norms, this is not enough - at a minimum, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bedroom should be 10 m². It can accommodate a double bed and a wardrobe, if you plan to place an additional dressing table or desk, then the bedroom area must be increased to 14 m² or more.

Bath and toilet dimensions

The width of the bathroom with a washbasin and a toilet must be at least 0.9 m or more, the total area should be from 1.3 m². To accommodate a shower cabin, you need at least 2.7 m², if you plan to install a bathtub, then you will need from 4.25 m², for a bidet you need another 0.75 m² and a total of 5 m². Installing a washing machine and another washbasin will increase the area to 7 m².


Dimensions of the hallway and hall

For the hallway, the minimum width is 1.4 m, and in area - 6-7 m². Although, in order not to feel discomfort, it is better to increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room to 10 m². At the entrance to the house a vestibule is arranged. Its depth must be at least 1.2 m and its area from 1.3 m².

Dressing room dimensions

For a two-row dressing room, the minimum width is 2 m, the area depends on your needs, usually 8-10 m² is enough.

Storerooms and other utility rooms

According to the norms, in a house with an area of ​​​​100 m² there should be a pantry with an area of ​​\u200b\u200b2 m², where inventory will be stored. Although, of course, you need to proceed from your needs: you may not need a large pantry.

Stair dimensions

The width of the stairs must be made at least 0.9 m, the area occupied by it should be an average of 6 m2 (4.4 m2 for marches, 1-1.6 m2 for an intermediate platform). A straight staircase arranged along the wall occupies a minimum of space, the same can be said about stairs with winder steps and spiral ones.

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The design of a house is based on the application of building and planning standards. Each of the family members in the house at the same time should be able to do their own thing and not interfere with anyone. This means that each tenant needs his own corner - a separate room. That is why the layout of the house is so important at the design stage, it is necessary to allocate personal space for each family member in advance.

With the right layout of the house, the guests who come immediately get into the living room, and then they do not wander around the house in search of a toilet.

Features of planning during design

To new house has become cozy, comfortable and economical, it is necessary to properly plan its layout, taking into account both the overall dimensions and the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach room. When planning a house, it is necessary to adhere to standard rules, the first of which is the zoning of the total area into two parts: economic and residential.

In turn, the residential area is divided into evening and day areas, and then they are divided into rooms for guests, children and adults.

The daily zone should include:

  • hallway;

    living room;

    dining room;

    veranda or terrace;

Dressing rooms, bedrooms and extended bathrooms are evening rooms.

The economic zone includes a kitchen, a garage, a pantry, a workshop, a boiler room, a laundry.

In the photo below correct zoning spaces in the house: on the right is the living room, kitchen and dining room, while the rooms are not separated by partitions. To the left are three bedrooms and a bathroom.

When designing and planning a house, they also think about:

    size and shape of housing;

    quantity and location entrance doors;

    number of storeys;

    the material from which the dwelling will be built;

    the presence of a boiler room attached to the house of a garage;

    arrangement of bathrooms: in a multi-storey cottage, they are sometimes located on each floor;

    number and size of windows;

    combination of kitchen, dining room, living room;

    the presence of walk-through rooms.

If you want to build big house so that all the rooms in it are useful and constantly used, you can consider having winter garden, sports hall, billiard room, swimming pool.

The plan of the house is checked for compliance with the construction and hygiene standards. Each person should have 25m³ of air. Otherwise, normal health cannot be ensured.

When planning the number and location of windows, light is taken into account. Depending on the position of the sun, living rooms and a living room are designed.

The project for building a house should take into account the view from the windows. Beautiful landscape, preferable for living rooms. Economic, non-residential zones are equipped in places where the view from the window is not important.

A fashionable trend is the arrangement of an attic, an open or closed terrace, a veranda. If a decision is made to make the latter open, then they should be on the sunny side, in a sector protected from the wind. The location of the outdoor terrace, taking into account these requirements, will ensure a comfortable stay.

An important point is the porch of the house, so the layout should take into account maximum convenience. The entrance is made from the south side, given the wind rose. Depending on this, they decide which side the handle and hinges of the front door will be on.

Wind rose - compiled on the basis of observations of the weather. Graphically, it looks like a polygon, along the length of the faces of which the directions of the prevailing or prevailing winds are visible - from which side air flows most often come to a given area.

The path to the porch should be flat and provide a convenient passage in any weather.

Linking the project to the area

When planning the location of the house, take into account the wind rose, soil conditions, and the local landscape. There should be free access to housing, a convenient location of access communications for your car, the supply of fuel, building materials, and loading and unloading operations.

On sandy and clay soil a foundation with enhanced protection against moisture is installed. If this is neglected, the walls will become damp in the house, fungus and mold will appear. Depending on the structure of the soil, it is calculated permissible load on the foundation and walls, the possibility of building housing on several floors is being evaluated.

The project provides for the optimal route for communications - water supply, gas, sewerage.

When studying the area, it should be clarified whether it is possible to drill a well to create an autonomous water supply for the house.

Optimal house area

When planning a house, they think in advance the number of rooms and their placement. The dimensions depend on the functionality. Children, for example, do not make big ones - this cozy rooms in which the child needs to ensure a restful sleep and sufficient illumination.

The dining room should accommodate all family members at the same time - this room in the house should be the second largest after the living room.

It is undesirable to make rooms long and narrow, it is very inconvenient both in terms of accommodation and when placing furniture.

When planning rooms, it is worth considering the location of the furniture in advance. This will allow you to choose the optimal area for each room and provide rational use space.

Don't skimp on the kitchen. This room is the most actively used. Cooking requires enough space for the work to be done quietly.

Combining rooms saves space. Living rooms are fashionable to combine with the kitchen and dining room. This solution will make the room large and comfortable. In addition, there will be significant savings on materials, because you do not have to spend money on the construction of partitions. Combine also a toilet and a bathroom.

Walk-through rooms should be used rationally, these include living rooms, dining rooms. The fewer corridors and halls in the house, the more convenient it will be to move around in it. In addition, building a house with a minimum number of halls and corridors reduces the cost of living space.

Based on the number of planned rooms in the house and their area, choose the overall dimensions of the building. At the same time, you should definitely take into account that if you have a small family of two or three people, you do not need to build a house that is too big, no matter how much you would like it. Let it be spacious, and each room is used for its intended purpose.

Premises that are not used by residents do not interfere with them, but take away financial resources. Firstly, every winter they need to be heated, and this is extra spending on utility bills. Secondly, when building a house, you are investing in spaces that you will not use.

It would be more rational to use free cash resources for more expensive facade decoration or to equip a summer recreation area on the site.

On our website you can find contacts construction companies who offer . You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Which house project to choose: one or two floors

Possibilities of modern design residential buildings do conditional name « cottage". The plan for building a house may provide for the equipment of the basement floor, the construction of an attic. A cottage with such extensions will turn out to be three-level in the project one-story house. The attic and the basement cannot be called floors, but such rooms will make housing more comfortable and increase the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house.

On the basement floor, the economic sector is usually equipped, sports equipment is installed, and communications are brought out. Here you can equip a boiler room, make a garage. The attic can be equipped with bedrooms and children's rooms.

If you are not attracted to a house with additional levels, you should plan the rooms taking into account effective use area. In the house it is necessary to provide premises for all family members, and combine the kitchen and dining room. Also come with toilet and bath. The construction of low partitions and columns will help to delimit the zones.

A two-story house is being built for big family. Living rooms for households are planned on the second floor. On the first - equip the living room, kitchen, bedroom for guests. When several generations live together, the older members of the family are given rooms downstairs. Bathrooms on the floors are placed one above the other. This facilitates the supply of communications.

If you wish to equip heating system, a boiler room is arranged near the kitchen, in the basement or garage.

Choosing which house to build, two-story or one-story, should be based on the size of the site. If you have a large family, and the plot is small, it is better to give preference to a two-story structure. In such a house, you can allocate a personal room to each family member and at the same time save space on the site.

If the family is small, then a one-story house, even on small plot it will be quite enough, because a two-story structure will cost much more.

When designing a house, provide for the possibility of further expansion of housing.

Layout of a house with an attic

A house with an attic floor is a budget option for creating an additional usable area. As a rule, bedrooms and offices, as well as children's rooms, are equipped in the attic. relative privacy and beautiful view from the window are advantages over other rooms.

To save comfortable temperature in winter time walls and ceiling must be additionally insulated. Good lighting will provide a large window. When the presence of an attic is planned in advance, all communications are brought there during the construction of the house.

If there is an attic, but there is no need to use it as a living area, you can arrange a workshop there or use it as a storage room.

An example of a two-room house layout

If you decide to build small house, consisting of only two living rooms and suitable for one or two people, the project provides for the most profitable option, taking into account not large area Houses. Kitchen and dining room can be combined, as well as a bathroom with a toilet. Maximum use of built-in modules: cabinets, appliances, niches and pantries. One bedroom in the house must be required. In addition, in the living room you need to equip a sleeping place.

The width of the hallway should not be less than 1.5 m. If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is large, they will equip built-in wardrobes and racks with shoes and outerwear.

IN two-story house living rooms are located on the 2nd floor, on the first floor there is an economic sector - a kitchen, a dining room, a boiler room, a pantry.

The plan for the construction of a house of two living rooms should provide for:

In the project, you can consider a separate exit from the kitchen to the terrace.

Layout of a three-room house

Such housing can easily accommodate a family of three. Be sure to equip two bedrooms and a living room.

Three exits can be provided from the hallway at once: to the kitchen, to the bathroom and to the living room. Thus, the living room will be a walk-through room and from it you can get into two bedrooms.

In 3 room house must be:

  • two bedrooms;

On request, they build a veranda, an additional porch with access from the kitchen.

If the house has four rooms

Housing with four rooms is easier to zone, and it is suitable for a large family. The right side of the building is reserved for recreation, the left side for activity, or vice versa. In such a house they plan:

    entrance hall with vestibule;

    3 bedrooms;

    corridor between separate rooms;

    living room;

If the area allows, they arrange a laundry room, a veranda with access from the bedroom, a second porch with access from the kitchen.

In the process of design interior spaces, you should take into account the location of sources of natural, natural lighting. It is desirable to design rooms in certain proportions, so that they are not too elongated along, and their depth does not exceed 6 meters.

Important things to consider when planning a house

There are several planning nuances when designing a house, for example, the number and location of windows and doors, the presence of a balcony, and the height of the ceilings.

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See the video for the nuances of planning a 10x10 house:

We plan the location of windows

Living rooms are located on the sunny side. The illumination should be sufficient to preserve vision, but at the same time not lead to fading of furniture and wallpaper. If the layout of the rooms in the house provides for the construction of a glass wall, it is necessary to equip it with protective blinds or blackout curtains.

You can build a standard house - in small bedrooms they make one window each, in the living rooms there must be two. If the dining room is shared with the kitchen, then it is better to make three window openings.

You can let your imagination run wild and plan special windows: long, round, tall windows with an arch above.

A large number of windows provides plenty of light and fresh air. Do not be afraid that they will cause cold in the house. Modern multi-chamber windows have excellent thermal protection properties.

We plan the height of the ceilings

Too high ceilings in the house will cause excessive consumption of building materials during the construction of the house, and after finishing. In addition, furniture in a high room will not look as beautiful, it will be “lost”.

Too low a ceiling causes discomfort, creates a “pressing” feeling. The height of the ceilings in the house is determined based on the area of ​​​​the rooms. That is why it is highly desirable to make rooms on each floor of the house that do not differ too much from each other in area, with the exception of bathrooms and pantries, of course.

A small room with a very high ceiling can look like a deep well. When planning the height of ceilings, it is important to find a middle ground.

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About how the house should be, look at the video:

Balcony in a private house

Some owners of private houses with balconies hardly use these extensions. According to people, it is easier to go out into the yard or onto the terrace. That is why the need for a balcony must be considered in advance.

If there is a desire to make it, then you should not build a small balcony similar to those that are equipped apartment buildings. A large balcony is turned into a work of art using wrought iron or other equally beautiful railings.

There should be enough space on the balcony for a comfortable stay - so that you can put a few sunbeds or a rocking chair there, a table with chairs for tea parties.

Large balcony in a private house, equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable stay

Balcony railings should have a height of one meter, in order to ensure safety. In the absence of a canopy, in winter snow can sweep onto the balcony. If the floor does not have a slope, then after the rain, water will stagnate there.

Some examples of successful house plans


The plan of houses for construction should be thought out by professionals. Tell them about your desires and preferences so that the layout of the house is the way you want it. Well, if there are no special requirements for the distribution of space in the house, you can choose a ready-made one, standard project with your favorite layout.

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Starting to design their own housing, many homeowners think about its size and arrangement of rooms. And, if the area of ​​the building largely depends on the territory of the site and its landscape, you can choose the layout of the rooms yourself. Moreover, even for a small building it is possible various options- especially if you add a plan of a one-story house or a basement. Although, before starting the development of the project (on your own or with the help of specialists), you should familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of low-rise buildings.

Read in the article

Plan of a one-story house: the pros and cons of housing

Most often chosen for construction, it has many advantages over multi-storey cottages and summer cottages. These include:

  • minimum construction time- less time will be spent on a building with one floor compared to a similar one in terms of total and living area;
  • simple technology construction- for one-story buildings, too thick load-bearing walls are not required;
  • absence, which pose a danger primarily to children and the elderly. Buildings no longer have this advantage - but for them it is possible to provide for the placement of children's rooms for older family members on the ground floor;
  • relatively small load, thanks to which less time and money are spent on the construction of the foundation. For the same reason, such buildings - especially lighter one-story houses made of timber - can be built on any soil;
  • increased heating efficiency- both air and water;
  • simplified execution repair work - especially outside.

Among the shortcomings of such a building, it is worth noting its big size in terms of comparison with multi-storey housing. A house with one floor will be longer and wider than a two- or three-story version. As a result, the area of ​​​​the site will be seriously reduced. In addition, the size of a one-story building is often limited by the relief of the territory - for example, a ravine or a beam.

Photo projects of one-story houses and an increase in space

One of the main tasks of the owners of a one-story building is the layout of the premises on the available area. The large size of the building or a small number of residents makes it possible to simplify the design by placing rooms in much the same way as in a city apartment. However, the plan of a one-story house 6 x 6 or even 8 x 8 in the presence of 4-6 people in the family requires an expansion:

  • the basement floor, on which utility rooms are most often arranged;

  • the construction of an attic, which, in terms of time and money, is a cross between the second floor and an ordinary roof, but provides from 50 to 90% of additional space for bedrooms, an office or a nursery;

  • shed roof device, allowing you to use part of the attic for storage or working area. In fact, it will be the same attic, but with a smaller percentage of space increase and reduced construction costs;

  • flat roof, which, as the photos and plans show one-story houses, can become a place for games (naturally, with the installation of reliable fences around the perimeter) and summer holidays- right up to the location of the barbecue area there.

Another option for expanding the area are plans for one-story houses with a garage - although with their help it does not become more space for housing, however, space is saved for accommodating outbuildings. As a result, the building may big sizes for a similar area. At the same time, the garage can be made heated or simply equipped with an additional entrance directly from home, improving the comfort of using the car in the cold season.

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Plan of a one-story house 8 by 8 with a basement: extension down

The main feature that distinguishes the plan of a one-story house 8 by 8 m with a basement from the same buildings without a basement is the expansion of the area down towards the foundation. Because of this, the foundation construction process requires more time and expense. However, the result is additional space that can be used:

  • to increase the economic zone by placing a room on the basement floor, a boiler room or a sports hall;
  • to expand the living space - the bedrooms located in the basement are cool in the summer and elevated compared to the first floor.

Sometimes the basement plan of a one-story 8 by 8 house even includes a small pool, for which there would not be enough space even in a larger building. And the only serious disadvantage of such a design solution is the increased requirements for waterproofing. If the waterproofing of the basement floor is incorrect, it will not be possible to place living quarters on its territory.

One-storey house 10 by 10 meters with an attic: layout with upward expansion

For a relatively large one-story house 10x10, the layout of the rooms suggests a lot of options. The premises for which there is enough space in such a house include from 2 to 4 bedrooms, a spacious kitchen, most often combined with a living room, a bathroom and a pantry. But, even if such an area is not enough, the building can be expanded - this time upwards. The attic floor is ideal for a homeowner who cannot afford to build a two-story home.

The advantages of choosing an attic floor include:

  • rational use of the under-roof space, on which a residential or economic zone will now be located, and not an ordinary attic;
  • a small load, which is provided by the layout of a one-story house 10 by 10 m with an attic on the foundation and soil;
  • savings in building materials compared to a two-story building.

In this case, the expansion of space can be significant. Even a house with gable roof, under which the attic is equipped, increases the area by 50–67% compared to the first floor. For a broken roof, the increase will be from 80 to 90 percent, although it will also require high costs for the truss system and roofing materials.

A properly designed layout of a one-story 10x10 house will allow a family of 5-6 people to comfortably accommodate in it. In this case, the total area of ​​the building will be at least 140–150 sq. m. m, even taking into account the flight of stairs. And the maximum size can reach 170-180 square meters. m - enough even for two average families of 3-4 people.

Plan of a one-story house 8 by 10 meters with a garage: extension to the side

Even in a building with one floor, a small heated garage can be provided. The result will be the following benefits:

  • no need to build a separate building for the car;
  • additional convenience of using the car. Having made a project of a one-story house 8x10 with a garage and an entrance inside the building, it is not necessary to dress when getting into a car in the cold season;
  • improving vehicle safety;
  • an increase in the likelihood that vehicle will start in any weather.

If there is not enough space in the house even without a garage, this room can be taken outside - leaving it under the same roof, but located outside the territory of 8 x 10 meters. The result is savings compared to a free-standing building for a car. It is also worth having a garage separately if there are two or more cars in the family. In such small house there is not enough space for them, even if you make an attic.

Main Feature buildings with a built-in or adjacent garage is the ability to place a car under one roof with living quarters. This is easy to do for flat or gable roof. A certain problem is only a broken roof, the angles of the slopes of which do not allow them to be extended to the garage. And in order to figure out what a building with a garage will look like, it is worth considering first a 3D project of a one-story house 8 by 10 m, visualized using computer program.

Expanding the space in a one-story house of any size is not necessary using only one method. An excellent option would be to use several methods at once. For example, the construction of a building that will have a basement, an attic, and a garage attached to the main premises.

Rules for designing one-story houses

In order for the layout one-storey cottage was done correctly, and it was comfortable to live in such a building, you should be guided by certain recommendations for the location of premises and other elements. So, for example, it is desirable to divide the space into two parts - an economic zone and a residential one. The first consists of a pantry kitchen, a boiler room and, if there are such rooms in the house, a laundry room, a workshop and a garage. The living area includes an entrance hall, a living room, a dining room, a veranda and a bathroom - the so-called "day part". The "evening" rooms include bedrooms and a sanitary unit located in the attic.

To reduce the cost of the residential part of the building, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe corridors and should be reduced. To do this, they can be combined with a living room or even a kitchen. And the kitchen will be convenient to use if it is located next to the dining room and living room. Or, again, unites with them in one common room. The combined kitchen, dining room, living room and hallway are located in the same space, not divided, and save building space.

If several people live in the house couples(for example, three generations at once) each of them should have their own bedroom. And on the attic floor there should be a second bathroom, which makes it possible to simplify the implementation of hygiene procedures. In this case, it is recommended to make two or three separate entrances to the house, located closer to the part of the house that is intended for their part of the family.

For a flight of stairs, natural light should be used - for this they are placed next to the windows. When designing a structure for moving between the first floor and the attic, you should determine its location. Most often, the staircase is arranged in the hall or corridor. Less often, a separate part of the room is provided for it. And sometimes the passage to attic floor arranged from the living room or dining room.

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Conducting engineering networks and communications in the building

For supporting comfortable conditions for living in a private one-story house, communications must be carried out. First of all, water supply provided by a centralized water supply, own well or. For the latter option, a pump, filters and a reservoir for storing a supply of liquid are necessarily provided. And the pipes are cold and hot water(in the presence of centralized water supply) are placed one above the other - the first under the second. Thus, condensate from the cold water supply will not enter the DHW pipeline,

Sewerage for a country house assumes the presence of local treatment facilities – . Such systems are safe and do not require the constant call of vacuum trucks for cleaning. The location of the wastewater tank is no closer than 4–6 m from the residential building.

As heating system a private one-story building most often uses a boiler and a closed loop of pipelines with water or another. heating equipment can run on gas (if there is a centralized supply of this resource), on solid, liquid fuel or electricity. The first option is the most profitable, the last is the safest. And the use of fuel oil or coal, although it complicates the use of the heating system, it provides maximum energy independence - no communications are required for the operation of such equipment.

To provide a home with electricity, you must first perform a consumption calculation, conclude an energy supply contract, conduct wiring in the building and connect to the network. In this case, one of two types of connection can be used - air and underground. Running cables underground is a less profitable option, but safer. Overhead wires are carried to the house faster, but can ruin appearance buildings, and are practically not protected from a cliff.

Plan of a one-story house up to 100 sq. m - a solution for a small family

Projects of one-story buildings up to 100 sq. m are designed for small families of 3-4 people. They are also the best option and, if necessary, place housing in a limited area. In this case, the total area can be increased in the usual way - with the help of attic and basement floors. Such a one-story house with an attic area of ​​up to 100 sq m will provide comfortable accommodation for up to 6 people.

Despite its compact size, from 2 to 4 bedrooms can be located inside such a building (two on the ground floor, two on the attic). And as materials for building a house can be used and standard brick, and aerated concrete or foam concrete blocks and even a tree. Buildings made of glued laminated timber can serve their owners for several decades.

Plan of a one-story house 6 by 6: organization of space

Application lumber technologies construction - one of the most popular options for implementing the plan small house 6x6 m with one floor. A small building will practically not take up space on the site. And if there is an attic, it will provide accommodation or recreation for a medium-sized family.

The advantage of this option is:

  • minimal construction costs due to savings on materials;
  • fast construction of an object that can be put into operation in 30–50 days;
  • aesthetic characteristics of wood, allowing you to do without.

However, a 6x6 m house plan with an attic floor does not necessarily involve the use of wood. The building can be made from any other suitable materials. A good option are also providing high speed works and high thermal insulation characteristics walls.

Because of small sizes At home, almost the entire residential part is located in the attic. The first floor is designed for the kitchen, bathroom, dining room and living room. Sometimes downstairs there is enough space for a small bedroom. If the family consists of only two people, it is allowed not to make an attic - although the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bsuch a house will not exceed the size of an average one-room apartment.

Plan of a one-story house 9 by 9 and planning possibilities

The currently popular layout of a one-story house 9 by 9 m provides for the placement of rooms, also designed for a relatively small family. So, on the first floor of the building, normal living conditions are provided for no more than 4 people. If there is an attic, at least six people can be accommodated here.

The standard arrangement of rooms in such a building is approximately the following:

  • in the lower part there is a kitchen, a bathroom, a boiler room, an entrance hall and a dining room. If necessary, an office is also located here;
  • on top there are 2 large or 3 small bedrooms, a nursery and;
  • the second bathroom can also be located in the attic.

Due to the sufficiently large area of ​​​​the lower part, a compact bath and a pantry are easily accommodated here. Can be placed on the side covered veranda, further increasing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building. Although you can put it on the territory of the house, as well as a small garage for one car.

Layout of a one-story house 8 by 10: room placement features

Dimensions of 8 by 10 meters provide approximately the same planning opportunities as a 9 by 9 house. The only serious difference is that when placed inside the garage building, it will occupy a smaller area - not 3 x 9 m, but only 3 by 8 m. The territory of the house , like any other one-story building, is divided into two functional parts - residential and utility. At the same time, the first floor will be enough for 2-4 people. Although most often the building is performed with an attic. If there is no need to use it as a residential area, they simply do not conduct a heating system inside, using the attic floor only in the warm season.

Features of the layout largely depend on the number of residents. For four, it is enough to place two bedrooms in the attic. For six, it will take three. One of the bedrooms can be left on the ground floor, although there is enough space on the attic for the entire living area, except for the living room or dining room. The standard plan of a one-story 8x10 house with an attic may also include a children's room. And, if a building of this size is used as a summer residence, the attic floor may not be separated by partitions at all. Plan country house 10 x 8

Much attention when planning a house or a 10 by 10 cottage with an attic should be given to the living room. It is often combined with a dining room and kitchen. And the result is the ability to place in common room a significant number of relatives or friends.

Projects of one-story houses up to 150 m 2: photos and features

Almost any layout of a one-story house with an area of ​​​​150 sq m will accommodate the following types of premises:

  • at least 3 bedrooms (sometimes 4 or 5 if the house has an attic);
  • large living room, dining room and spacious kitchen area from 8 to 15 square meters. m. The same premises can be combined into one common;
  • two bathrooms - the first downstairs, the second in the attic.

The placement of other rooms is strictly individual. If there is a person working at home in the family, an office may be included in their composition. On the ground floor there is a bathhouse, a boiler room and, sometimes, a garage. Although the building with a total area of ​​120 to 150 sq. m in general there may not be an attic.

Plans for a one-story house 10 by 12 and 12 by 12: a good choice for large families

In most cases, on the plan of a one-story house with three bedrooms 10x12, there is a spacious living room, a bathroom, a dining room and an office. Some rooms can be combined. For example, the kitchen and dining room will provide more space if there are no partitions between them. And for an additional increase in space, it is worth considering the location of the living area in the attic. Here, it would also be appropriate to look at another sanitary block for storing things that are not suitable for the season.

When planning buildings of this size - while the parameters of the house may slightly change up or down (approximately the same planned buildings of 10 x 12 meters) are guided by the following factors:

  • the location of the rooms along the cardinal points. It is desirable that the walls of the nurseries and bedrooms looked south, and most of their windows - to the west, so that the morning sun would not wake up the residents too early;
  • rooms of the "day zone" (living room and dining room) can be located closer to the exit or to the veranda, if it is included in the plan;
  • the shape of the premises should be rectangular.

It is undesirable to make any of the bedrooms or the living room walk-through. And the calculation of the optimal area is carried out in accordance with the norm of 8 square meters. m per child. For married couples, a bedroom of about 15 square meters is sufficient. m. If the building is home to 2 families, you can provide for it a separate entrance.

Any layout of a one-story house 12x12 m chosen according to a typical or individually developed project is an excellent opportunity to arrange rooms in accordance with the requirements of residents and recommendations of specialists. Features of this building:

  • comfortable accommodation from 2 to 6 people even without an attic floor;
  • convenient location of the living area in the upper (mansard) part and utility rooms below;
  • the possibility of temporary use of the attic only in the summer, and, with an increase in the size of the family, the transfer of its premises to a fully residential area.

The dimensions of a one-story house 12x12 m allow you to place inside a veranda, a garage for one car, a workshop, and a boiler room. There can be two or even three bathrooms for such a building - if the number of married couples living here permanently is also three. At the same time, a separate entrance can be made for each family. After all, with a sloping roof, the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house can exceed 200 square meters. m, that is, to be approximately equal to three 2- or 3-room apartments.

Plan of a one-story house 11 by 11 and a variety of options

A spacious one-story house 11 by 11 m with an attic can easily replace at least two full-length city three-room apartments. If you add a basement floor to the attic, the building will allow a family of 6-8 people to comfortably live in it. At the same time, each couple will have their own bedroom, and the child will have a nursery. The average size of the living room of such a house is from 20 to 30 square meters. m, kitchens - at least 10 sq. m. Due to the fact that the presence of an attic allows you not to save on space, in the economic zone you can provide a small and even a garage built into the house. And the addition to the residential part will be an office and a spacious veranda.

Projects of this size are rarely used for suburban construction. But, if an 11 by 11 cottage is still being built, it is not necessary to provide for an attic in it. For a large private house, the attic floor is almost mandatory, as it allows you to more efficiently use the under-roof space. Most of the projects involve the creation of an attic, making the house almost two-story.


A task this material- to clarify what the layout should be in a private house, give you an idea of ​​what space should be allocated for one or another room, and which rooms are better not to use at all. All this will be done on the example of each individual room.

What should be the hallway

When a person enters the house, he sees the hallway. Here, the footage of this room plays an important role (this is clearly not a full-fledged room). If the hallway and the rest of the rooms are furnished with a corridor leading to the rest of the rooms, then an area of ​​​​4 - 6 m² is enough for the hallway.

In the event that the entrance hall and the corridor are combined next to the living room or bathroom, then more space will be required for clothes and shoes so that the guests (and the owners) can freely undress/undress and dress/shoe.

living room design

The best option - along the corridor from the hallway you can go straight to the living room. This contributes to the free orientation of guests in the house, and makes planning easier. The value of the living room area can range from 15 to 30 m², it all depends on how big the house is. This area can easily accommodate 5 guests, and even more.

The living room should be equipped on the side from which the sun shines, due to the fact that it is a day room for which it is important daylight. In addition, the living room and the bathroom should be located as close to each other as possible so that guests do not have to look for a toilet for a long time.

The optimal size of the bathroom

If there is enough space, then it is better to stop at the option of a separate bathroom. This will allow the person to go to the toilet without having to wait until the bathroom is free. In the case of a combined bathroom, the bathroom (or shower) should be fenced off, for which a sliding partition is used.

IN separate bathroom, for a toilet there is enough area of ​​\u200b\u200ba couple of m², a lot of space is not needed there. And the bath is planned according to the whims of the owner. If you want the bathroom itself to be large (approximately 2 - 4 m²), then the room should be 8-10 m², including the washbasin. For small house 6 m² is enough. The arrangement of the bathroom is carried out from the shady side of the building.

If it is planned to build a two-story house, and if there are funds, then a good option- arrangement of the second bathroom on the territory of the second floor. However, bathrooms should be located one above one, so as not to suffer with communication pipes.

Bedroom size

This room should be located on the side of the sun. Windows should be positioned so that the morning sun does not enter the room. The bedroom can be from 12 to 20 m², again, it's all about the size of the building.

In a two-story house, it is preferable to equip the bedroom at the top. After all, the bedroom is a personal space. However, if the bedroom is made for the elderly, it is better to place it on the ground floor.

Kitchen, dining room

The kitchen and dining room are perfectly combined, if a little more space is allocated for this. For example, a room from 12 to 16 m² is quite suitable for a kitchen - dining room. At separate layout of these premises, a spacious kitchen will occupy about 10 m², and a dining room will fit on 8 m².

In fact, the location of the kitchen and dining room on the territory of the house, subject to sufficient lighting, can be anything. However, there is one condition - the further the bedroom is from the kitchen, the better. The rooms of the kitchen and the bedroom are not well combined with each other.

In addition, it is better to place the kitchen closer to the bathroom and toilet, since this way it will be possible to save on the length of the water supply.

Simple free home planning software

With a simple program, you can easily design and layout the rooms of your house to your liking. The video about the lesson tells how to download a 3D planner from the official website, and how to use it (an example of planning and calculating the size of a house from scratch is considered).

Layout of rooms in a private house video

In this article I will try to consider a few points to find out what is it? I draw your attention to the fact that when planning a house you should not get carried away and you should remember the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe existing land plot and building conditions.

Area of ​​the main rooms

For a standard family of 4 optimal size private house within a hundred squares. This size will allow you to accommodate with sufficient comfort and avoid unnecessary operating costs. Indeed, with an increase in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, the expenditure of resources for heating and water supply increases in direct proportion, more time is spent on maintaining the cleanliness and normal condition of the home.

I can advise the following dimensions of the main premises, which will be the most optimal:

    living room - it is usually located in the most illuminated part of the house, usually on the south side. It will be enough to allocate 25-30 m2;

    we plan the kitchen in such a way that when all family members eat at the same time, no one will experience discomfort, especially the hostess. For 4 people lay 18-22 m2;

    children's - if the children are of different sexes, you should take care of separate bedrooms in advance. The room should have a place for a bed, a wardrobe with clothes, a work area for doing homework. As a rule, all this will require at least 12 squares;

    if the nursery is for two, due to the installation bunk bed you will win an additional 2-3 meters, but the room will take at least 16-18 m2 in any case;

    the bathroom should have a minimum space for comfortable use. Taking into account a small cabinet, a bathtub and access routes, 8-10 m2 is obtained;

    of course, the larger the dressing room, the later the time will come to build a new one, so it’s better not to plan less than 2.5-3 meters;

    place a closet for outerwear in the hallway, well, you should not push with guests at the entrance and exit, here we leave at least 6-8 m2;

    if you have one car, then you can get by with an area of ​​​​24-26 m2, and if there are two cars - at least 35-40 m2. Do not forget that it will be necessary to place tires, tools, bicycles and everything else that cannot be left on the street. Therefore, the garage will never be big, no matter how huge it is.

Moving on to utility rooms

An excellent solution would be if all the utility rooms are under the same roof as the house. In the future, you will appreciate all the advantages of such an arrangement more than once. One has only to take good care of the insulation of transitions from the back rooms to the house.

The main utility rooms are, of course, the boiler room and the pantry. The size of the pantry will be determined by the planned amount of food stored and how often you visit the stores. When arranging a sufficient number of racks in it, it will be quite possible to keep within 4-5 meters. The size of the boiler room is limited by the equipment used, the type of heating system and other conditions. Therefore, it will vary from 4 to 8-10 m2.

If an attic is planned in the house, this is a great option for placing a laundry room or the same dressing room there. Naturally, the size of the attic should allow placing washing machine, a place for drying and, ideally, for ironing clothes. Remember not to place the washing machine above your own bedroom. It is also worth taking care of sufficient ventilation.

Be sure to correlate the dimensions of the resulting house with the size of your site, in order to avoid problems with neighbors. Remember that from the wall of the house with windows it is necessary to withstand at least 4 meters to the neighboring area, and if the wall is deaf - at least 3 meters.

I think that guests will certainly come to your new house, they will be pleased if you take care of the site for their cars. Especially if it is equipped with at least a light canopy.

By the way, after the design is completed, I advise you to ask around your friends who have already built the house. Find out from them what they planned, what they abandoned, what they changed in the process, and what they did not have time to change, but would like to. Such information can be very useful and will allow you to correct errors at the design stage. Also remember - optimal size of a private house depends on your wishes and possibilities.
