The interior of a long corridor - planning a narrow space. Large hallway - how to design a hallway in a modern style? (115 photo ideas) Entrance corridors

We certainly could not get around the theme of decorating the hallways, because it is from this, sometimes rather small area, that the impression of a house or a city apartment begins. Sometimes it seems that the arrangement of the entrance area is not essential, but in the end, you will feel all the inconvenience if the entrance hall is not decorated correctly.

What mistakes are most often made when dealing with the interior of hallways, as well as how to fix them, we will tell in our article.

No shoe rack

A similar picture can be observed in many hallways of city apartments, where there is not much space, and shoes, ownerlessly scattered on the floor, occupy the entire free area at the front door. Agree This is inconvenient, not aesthetically pleasing, and not practical, because the shoes quickly acquire a shabby appearance.



The dimensions of the hallway do not matter much, because, in furniture stores, you will be able to offer different options for shelves of any size for storing everyday shoes, for example: narrow wall-mounted organizers of a closed type, benches with shelves, vertical shelves, drawers with a folding top and so on.

Install a shoe rack in the hallway, and it will become more functional and clean.


impractical floor

Another annoying oversight is the installation of obviously incorrect flooring in terms of wear resistance. For example, laminate, especially not expensive, is completely unsuitable for the floor near the front door to the apartment. Since the weather changes every day, if it is sunny today, it may rain tomorrow, as a result of which we come to the house in wet, dirty shoes, which in turn affects the state of poor-quality flooring.

Very soon, the joints of the laminate boards, into which moisture seeped in, will swell, and the appearance of the floor will change irrevocably.


If you do not intend to use expensive material for flooring throughout the hallway, you can lay it only at the entrance where the shoes are. At the same time, you can choose porcelain stoneware or tiles with an interesting geometric pattern, which, like a carpet, will become an additional decoration of the entrance area.


Little light

For many, the lack of high-quality lighting in the hallway is not critical, often because people simply get used to the fact that this area in the apartment is illuminated by only one source with a low-power lamp.



It is not at all necessary to mount a spot light around the entire perimeter of the ceiling in the hallway, but you can install a pendant lamp with two or three horns, and in addition attach a wall sconce to the mirror.


Things for show

We are all different, this is indisputable, as well as the presence of certain habits or an established lifestyle for everyone. But, we believe, the mess in the hallway can only be justified by the inability or ignorance of how to properly organize a small space.


If only once you finally order a built-in design of sections for placing shoes, outerwear, bags and other things, you can once and for all save yourself and the hallway from the chaotic storage of items by simply placing them behind closed doors.


No seat

Even the smallest hallway space can accommodate everything you need for comfortable gathering before leaving the house. And therefore, the absence of a bench or a compact pouffe is not appropriate here, and it is very inconvenient, especially for children and people of age.



At the exit from the apartment, be sure to put a chair, stool, pouffe or bench on which you can sit down to put on shoes. If you need to save too little space, use multifunctional furniture or folding items: benches with shelves for shoes, book stools, narrow chests of drawers with open and closed shelves, and so on.


Impractical wall cladding

We kindly ask you not to use paper wallpaper to decorate the walls in the entrance area, since, in case of contamination, they cannot even be wiped off so as not to damage the surface. Also, some types of interior paints are not practical.


If you decorate the walls in the hallway with wallpaper, then it must be washable, but it is better to combine them with wall panels made of lining, polyurethane elements or treated wood. The material for wall cladding here should be, first of all, easy to clean and retain its appearance after being cleaned from dirt (dust, splashes of moisture and dirt).

small mirror

Not only women, but also men can appreciate the disadvantage of a small wall mirror. You can see yourself in it only to the waist, but you definitely won’t be able to evaluate the appearance in full growth.



A mirror, as a rule, is a fairly compact piece of furniture, so even in the smallest hallway, if desired, you can install a fairly large copy on the floor. You just need to take care of reliable fastenings, and the entrance area will become much more comfortable.


boring look

Often, the decor of the hallway in an average apartment does not differ in an unusual design approach, but in vain, since an interesting design near the front doors can positively affect a person’s mood when he is going, for example, to an important or exciting meeting.


Do not be afraid that the hallway will not be the same as the neighbors are used to seeing it - create the atmosphere boldly, because you live here. Lay a small but original rug, choose a figured mirror, hang a couple of paintings with your favorite story, or paint a section of the wall in a beautiful unusual color.


Carpet at the entrance

To be carpeted in the hallway or not is up to you, but in any case, it should not occupy the entire floor area, as this is completely impractical. In the place where shoes are usually placed, trampled or dirty marks form, and near the door itself the carpet will wrap or bulge.


If you are used to the fact that the hallway is always complemented by a soft floor, but you want to keep the floor clean and attractive, we recommend using small compact rugs or narrow carpet paths that can be laid outside the shoe bench, for example, and only stand on them. bare feet.


Extra objects

Unless we are talking about special designs for placing a wardrobe in the hallway, it is better to abandon a massive chest of drawers or an ottoman that occupies most of the area in a small hallway.


In general, in the hallway there should not be extra, inappropriate objects in it. Only the most necessary, functional items that are difficult to do without: shoe bags, poufs, hangers and mirrors, a console for small items.

The corridor is the first thing guests see when entering the apartment. Its appearance completely determines the impression of housing. But the hallway in high-rise buildings rarely has a lot of space. The owners have to balance on such a line between style and functionality, which is why the design of a narrow corridor turns into a real art, not available to everyone.

Style for a narrow corridor

Owners of small premises live at the right time. There were years when fashion demanded to litter even relatively small rooms with an abundance of details and elements. It's good that this is in the past. Modern repair technologies, together with laconic fashion, are able to blind a perfect space from a narrow corridor, which is in no way inferior to a wide room in terms of functionality.

Corridor design in a three-room apartment

The first step in the design of the corridor will be the choice of its style. There are such options:

  • Minimalism. The simplest solution for a small space. It is preferable to use light colors and lighting as close to natural as possible. Characterized by the installation of a single accent.
  • Classic. Thanks to the classic design style, the effect of aristocracy and high cost is achieved. The interior uses natural materials: light wood, marble. Laconic decor only emphasizes the overall restraint.
  • Provence. The French style is distinguished by its romanticism and soft, pastel colors. The effect is achieved through floral motifs, artificial aging of surfaces, ruffles and graceful shapes.
  • Country. Simple natural materials, rustic décor and an abundance of warm colors create the most comfortable atmosphere, conducive to home relaxation.
  • . Expensive, but perfect for a narrow corridor style. Due to the figured legs of the furniture, the effect of lightness and airiness is created, which is so lacking in a small space.

Surface finishing

The right finish is half of a successful design. The specifics of the premises do not require moisture or heat-resistant materials, the owners are able to make a choice based only on their own preferences.

In no case should you align the walls in such a corridor with drywall. The frame method used for this will steal the hidden centimeters of width, thus doing a disservice.

For the walls of the corridor apply:

  • liquid wallpaper;
  • cullet;
  • textured wallpaper;
  • Venetian plaster;
  • vinyl wallpapers.

As for the pattern, it is categorically impossible to use either straight lines or a large symmetrical pattern in a narrow elongated corridor. Both options will only stretch and compress the room even more. But the chaotic abstraction is what you need for this place.

The ceiling is best to either just paint it white, or use a modern stretch version. The construction of a multi-level ceiling is completely inappropriate here.

Traditionally, ceramic tiles are laid on the floor of the corridor: they require minimal maintenance, are not afraid of erasure and will not become a “death sentence” for dishes like in the kitchen.

Color solution

With the help of color games, you can fix absolutely any room. A narrow corridor is not an exception, but one of the main confirmations of this rule. The best choice when creating a long corridor design will be light cold colors.

It is possible and necessary to combine different colors: wide walls are finished with a warm shade, and narrow ones with a cold light one - this approach will “shorten” the room.

Without words, it is clear that the excess of dark tones will make the corridor gloomy and negatively affect the perception of space. However, the appearance of a hospital ward due to the use of too light colors in the interior of a narrow corridor is also not practical: walls and furniture will often become dirty and require additional care. In this case, the feeling of comfort will suffer significantly.

Psychologists say that one of the best color schemes for the corridor will be green. To believe or not to believe their opinion is the business of the owners of the living space.

The main elements of the corridor

In conditions of space shortage, it is important to determine the main elements needed for the corridor. Every detail must be functional. In the corridor are installed:

  • closet;
  • whatnot;
  • cabinets;
  • hanger;
  • ottomans or other places to sit;
  • dresser
  • entrance and interior doors.

Tiles on the floor of the corridor of a two-room apartment

It is not worth cluttering up most of the corridor. Ideal use of hidden elements built into one of the walls. If its facade is covered, then the space is almost doubled.

Mezzanine is a good option for seasonal storage of things or shoes. The best set for a narrow corridor is made to order.

The shoe rack will help keep order in the corridor, especially in apartments where more than one person lives. A variety of available materials allows you to fit this detail into any interior.

Hanger is a mandatory attribute of the hallway. And although in a small corridor it is often combined with a closet, there are many successful options for using it in, for example, its corner design.

Parquet floor

Undeservedly little attention is paid to the doors in the design of the hallway. But in a small room, they can occupy up to 30% of the wall space. The basic rule is that doors should always be used if the latter are used. As with other surfaces, it is preferable to use non-dark colors. Well expand the space. If possible, interior doors can be removed, leaving arches in their place.

Furniture design

The most popular interior item in Khrushchev's hallway is a closet. This is due to the irregular shape of the room. Instead of piling up space with many interior details, a single wardrobe with a modular system is installed. Such a piece of furniture is made to order, which allows you to get the most efficient storage space and create an object that perfectly matches the design of the room.

The front of the cabinet can be finished with mirror panels, small photos, prints, or even completely covered with wallpaper in the style of the opposite wall, which allows you to hide the presence of furniture as such.

There are the following rules to successfully fit the wardrobe into the interior of a long corridor in the apartment:

  • the depth of the furniture wall should not exceed 50 centimeters;
  • storage systems are located along a wide wall, a narrower one is left empty. Thanks to this, it is possible to slightly correct the shape of the room to a square one;
  • furniture should not start immediately near the door. Cutting off the space on one side, the owners, inexperienced in planning, not only interfere with the normal operation of the cabinet, but also visually narrow the already small hallway.


The approach, when only one central light source is installed in a room, has long been outdated. Lighting will help emphasize decorative elements, visually correct the irregular shape of the room and expand its area.

If the interior uses mirrors or mirrored surfaces, highlighting them with light is a great solution. Near them, opposite or under them are often used. The reflection of light can give a stunning effect, make the hallway lighter.

But don't get carried away. Placing light sources along the entire wall can play a cruel joke: instead of expanding the space, it will attract too much attention and narrow the already long corridor.

Since there is no natural light here, one of the most successful solutions would be to use halogen lamps, the color rendering of which will bring the lighting as close to daylight as possible. Professionals recommend spotlights that can be mounted directly into pieces of furniture.

Corridor decor

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, but a narrow corridor, precisely because of its shape, can become a real art object in capable hands. Decor can be done even on a small budget.

Corridor in a panel house

Options for decorating the hallway can be:

  • Paintings are the most common. Doesn't the long narrow space look like a gallery in a museum? You can place both the art of famous artists and the extraordinary works of modern creators along the wall - it all depends on the style of the room and the preferences of the owners. Instead of purchased paintings, photos from the family archive look atmospheric. It is possible to use additional illumination under each frame.
  • Self-leveling floor can become not only a good finishing option, but also successfully play the role of decor. This type of flooring can be made in a variety of colors.
  • The use of stone to decorate individual sections of the room will help to further ennoble the interior of a narrow corridor in the apartment.
  • with spotlights - a classic option for the hallway. Such an object is able to emphasize the individuality of the owners: someone will place art objects here, someone will place books, and someone will place their own awards.

Techniques and ideas for increasing space

If all the above tips have been used, and there is still not enough visual space, an additional effect will help to create:

The perception of any room is highly dependent on color: it has already been verified that light shades slightly push the boundaries of even the smallest space, and dark deep shades can greatly reduce the room, as if shifting. That is why for a small hallway it is better to choose any light shade, but it is necessary to give preference to cold ones. If you either glue the wallpaper in white, pale blue, grayish or pale green, and also use the right lighting and mirrors, then you can get quite normal from a miniature hallway.

You also need to be careful when choosing pattern on the wallpaper: very large is inappropriate as it will reduce even the most spacious room. Therefore, the ideal option is plain wallpaper, or wallpaper in a small pattern. By the way, the stripes on the wallpaper can also be used to your advantage: horizontal stripes will help to slightly stretch the room in width, but such a pattern cannot be used in hallways, corridors, and vertical stripes can visually

With the traditional approach, the entrance hall and the corridor, due to their auxiliary purpose, play a secondary role in the interior of the apartment, disguised as a general concept for decorating living rooms. Meanwhile, ignoring this part of the house sometimes leads to uncomfortable and non-functional solutions. At best, these parts of the room are facelessly lost and hidden, at worst they introduce dissonance and spoil the overall impression.

The unique role of the entrance hall and the corridors emerging from it is that, on the one hand, these are the most public parts of the house, on the other hand, they serve as a kind of boudoir for residents who change shoes and clothes when entering and exiting.

These small areas are a kind of bridge not only between different rooms, but also styles, so their decoration, lighting and decor must be selected with great care.

Design Features

When choosing materials and colors for floors, walls and ceilings, two approaches can be applied. In the first, the design of the hallway and corridor completely coincides with the interior of the room into which they lead, in the second they are made out separately, in a harmonious combination. It is clear that transitional options are also possible, in which the differences can consist in one or two independent elements.

The choice of material for flooring is one of the most important tasks. Linoleum, tiles or heated wood, the use of carpets and rugs are determined by the layout and functions of the corridor.

Most often, this is the most trampled part of the apartment, and it is more expedient to focus on durable and washable materials for cladding.

When combined with the floors of other rooms in color and texture, you can apply:

  • different shades of the same color
  • the same color with a transition to two or more color combinations,
  • sharp color contrast.

The use of carpet paths and rugs for hallways can bring a pleasant zest, creating coziness and geometrically expanding the space.

The photo of the various segments of the apartments shows the design of the floors of the corridor in all of the listed options.

Another feature of the design solution is the erection of various types of rectangular and rounded arched structures.

Ceiling decoration is most often done in a single concept for the entire room, but here you can also take advantage of special opportunities for experimenting with mirror or reflective ceiling surfaces. Such extravagant decor will not get on your nerves, since people do not stay in these rooms for a long time.

Lighting can be made built into the ceiling and walls, or you can choose lamps and fixtures. Ceiling chandeliers are used very rarely.

Visual Expansion Techniques

The problem of cramped hallways and narrow corridors is relevant in our time, not only for the owners of Khrushchev. When planning any apartment and house, small utility spaces may arise, with proper design of which overall comfort will be ensured and functionality will be increased.

Small corridors and hallways are great places to apply visual expansion effects. The first thing that comes to mind is the use of mirrors. It is justified, but you need to be careful with ceiling mirrors: they can narrow the space.

In other cases, mirrored or reflective surfaces will be a stylish and useful addition to small spaces.

In narrow corridors and hallways, regardless of the overall design of the apartment, dark tones and patterns in the decoration of walls, floors and ceilings, bulky furniture and lamps should be avoided. In this case, you need to take care of the light, using built-in options or flat shades.

Spaces can be optically enlarged through the skillful use of directional light in combination with mirrors. In small and square segments, evenly diffused light can be used due to several spotlights.

Light blue, olive and beige tones will be a universal solution for wall painting. In low rooms, the ceilings should be a tone lighter; in the corridor, you can use wallpaper with vertical stripes.

To expand the space, one of the walls can be pasted over with photo wallpaper. Wallpaper with imitations of stone, brick and other textures will create the effect of a mysterious labyrinth.

The floor should be at least a tone darker. Sharp contrasts can also be applied using dark-colored tiles. Diagonal masonry or contrasting floor segmentation can also create the desired expansion effect.

Hallway zoning is another design technique in which wallpaper with textured imitations can be used. When applying this method, a separate entrance, near-door space is formed, which is contrasting, sometimes in all respects (floor, ceiling, walls), differs from the passage. The latter, as a rule, merges with the design of the room with which the corridor is associated.

The inner side of the front door and the design of other doors facing the corridor, with a lack of space, are of particular importance. They should either be disguised as walls, which will find their ideal embodiment in a minimalist style, or be a contrasting spot.

Abstract design lovers can pick up catchy geometric patterns or photographs for doors that change the configuration of space.

Furnishings and decor

Properly selected furniture and decorative details will complement the decoration of the room. They can also unrecognizably change the corridor and the hallway without a major overhaul of the apartment.

If there is enough space, they can be arranged, like any living space, taking into account the taste and needs of the residents, equipping them with wardrobes for shoes and clothes, upholstered furniture and coffee tables, decorative items, plants, an aquarium, etc.

Vintage or other mirrors with bulky frames will also require a certain area.

The presence of furniture in small spaces should be limited to open shelves and corner or built-in wardrobes. Closets with open shelves require a certain amount of space, in small spaces they look overly cluttered, giving the impression of tightness and disorder.

Narrow wardrobes of various sizes can become an alternative. Single and narrow open shelves along the entire wall are also a good solution, if they do not interfere with movement.

The use of frameless oval mirrors, mirror doors on cabinets, as well as decorating walls and open shelves with solid mirrors will visually expand the space. Decorative shelves and vases add coziness by softening unused corners and narrow niches.

Photo of the corridor in the apartment
