Indoor ivy: is it possible to keep at home, signs. Growing ivy at home, photo

Growing flowers or plants can be a real hobby, but first you need to decide and choose a plant for growing.

Experts offer a whole palette of plants for growing at home. For example, indoor ivy, which has its own characteristics, differences and needs some care.

flower description

Home ivy, or indoor ivy, is a plant that belongs to a number of the Aralev family. In appearance, these are creeping and climbing shrubs with aerial roots. standard color houseplant dark green. On the stems of the shrub are dense leathery leaves. The leaves have an angular-lobed shape.

Such an interesting and evergreen plant usually grows well in those countries where there is a mild climate, that is, in the northern hemisphere. On the territory of Russia, ivy is used as a houseplant.

plant varieties

According to existing data, there are up to 15 types of heder flower. All of them are distributed in different parts of the world: in America, Europe, Asia and Africa. Some popular and well-known species of ivy houseplant are:

  • Pastukhov's plant. This kind of header is very rare. It can be considered a rarity - at the moment it is listed in the Red Book. Such ivy is usually found in Eastern Transcaucasia. Pastukhov's plant prefers to grow both in lowlands and in mountainous areas. The shrub creeps along the ground, while clinging to the trunk of a tree.
  • Colchis. This type of heder successfully exists and grows in countries such as Asia Minor, Iran and the Caucasus. Differs in fast growth. At the same time, the Colchis plant lacks good resistance to frosty weather. The shrub itself consists of large leathery leaves. The leaves are attached to the stem with special suction cups. The shrub can climb to a height of up to 30 meters. In this plant, the plates can have a different shape.
  • Canarian the species is most often used for breeding at home. When caring for him, you should remember about good lighting, warmth and fertile soil. Compliance with all these conditions will help to grow better and feel good. Canarian evergreen shrubs do not tolerate frost well, but they look very impressive. They have rather bright and variegated leaves. English ivy is also found.
  • Ordinary. The species has a high degree of decorativeness, so it is actively used in landscaping the garden. He acts as climbing plant but can be used for other purposes as well. Thanks to the efforts of specialists, whole types of shrub hybrids were bred. All of them differ from each other both in color and in relation to the shape of the sheets. When growing ordinary ivy, certain rules and conditions must be observed. It is imperative to choose fertile soil, you need a warm, but at the same time shady place. The leaves of the shrub are medium in shape. Their location is alternate.

What would we like from a houseplant? Juicy elegant greenery all year round and not too much complex care. These requirements are met indoor ivy, represented by various original views. Even a novice florist can cope with this plant.

General information

Common ivy is curly evergreen shrub Araliaceae family.

Its natural habitat is the humid subtropical regions of Asia, Africa and Europe.

There, the plant can reach a length of 30 meters, sometimes in gardens too. The dimensions of indoor ivy, of course, are more modest, but in the variety of species, the flower will not yield to its natural “brother” - there are more than a hundred forms that differ in color, leaf shape, and size.

At all times, human attention has been riveted to ivy: sometimes he was extolled, as in Ancient Greece, considering it a symbol of love, or feared that, according to signs, ivy could harm a person, attracting troubles and troubles.

The plant has also been used in medicine, it is used to prepare medicinal tinctures and other drugs.

Indoor ivy: is it possible to keep at home, signs and superstitions

There is a fairly strong belief that the ivy in the house is an energy vampire that can bring misfortune to all its inhabitants, and doom women to loneliness.

This houseplant is even sometimes called the "husband" allegedly because it can destroy the relationship of loved ones, so some believe that it should not be kept in the house.

The nature of these superstitions is not entirely clear, because the ancient Romans and Greeks, on the contrary, were convinced that ivy is the guarantor of a happy marriage and male fidelity.

The problem interested psychoanalysts, who made the following conclusion: ivy is able to absorb (like many of our other green helpers) tobacco smoke, substances poisonous to humans emitted by varnished furniture, any “chemistry”, for example, fumes from aerosols, household preparations, but in addition to all this, it can absorb bursts of aggressive energy.

This amazing ability distinguishes ivy from many other representatives of the domestic flora and gives rise to various superstitions. This quality, according to experts, can be used for "peaceful purposes" by placing a flower in a room where there are hyperactive children - house ivy will act as a sedative, or keep in a room where not the most pleasant guests often drop in to level the negative that they bring with them.

Most popular varieties

Ivy looks especially interesting in the interior if it is presented different varieties. Among the popular species are Canary ivy, Colchis, English, hedera.


In the Hedera variety, the color of dense, leathery leaves can be either light or dark green. After flowering, small berries are formed (not edible, but decorative!) Of black or golden color. The stems of the plant are equipped with hook roots that cling to any support, as in the photo.

Hedera ivy variety is ideal on the balcony and looks especially good in hanging pot. The only thing the plant needs is protection from direct sunlight, which can lead to leaf burns.

canary ivy

The leaves of this species are quite large, their width is 15 cm, length is 12 cm. The color is dark green. Light veins form, as can be seen from the photo, a triangle on the surface of the sheet.

A distinctive feature of this variety of ivy is the absence of aerial roots, so the owner must take care of a reliable support for the vine and regularly provide “hairdressing services” to the pet.

Among the "Canaries" varieties are distinguished:

    • 'Gloire de Marengo' (with reddish stems);

    • "Golden Leaf" (golden hues are added to the main color);

  • "Brigitta" (this variety has the smallest star-shaped leaves, and the stems are graceful).

Colchis ivy

The leaves of the Colchian ivy are even larger than those of the Canarian, their average parameters are 25x17 cm. The leaves, as a rule, are whole, very rarely three-lobed.

Unlike other varieties of ivy, Colchian ivy smells pleasantly of nutmeg. Here are the varieties offered for home breeding:

    • "Dentata Variegata" (oval leaves, pale yellow at the edges);

    • "Sulphur Heart" (leaves curl slightly inward);

  • "Arborescens" (produces the effect of "drooping" shoots).


This plant, thanks to the variety of green and yellow shades, brings a sense of celebration, freshness to the interior, see photo:

It is placed in the living room or in the kitchen (in a cache-pot).

Unlike its counterparts, undemanding to light, this species needs the sun, otherwise it loses its colors, fades and even ceases to correspond to its own name.

ADVICE: do not overdo it with top dressing - if you overfeed your green pet, the leaves will become large, while losing grace and decorativeness.

English ivy

This species can be formed as a columnar tree or as an ampelous culture. Not only the color, but also the shape of the leaves is striking in variety - they can be elongated, lobed and even heart-shaped. The plant has aerial roots.

Flowers appear only on a sunny windowsill (the "Englishman" will not bloom in the shade), they are small, yellow, grouped in "umbrellas", but, alas, unpleasantly smelling.

The resulting berries are thick, close to black purple they won’t please either - they are poisonous, which means that English ivy cannot be grown in a house where there are small children who are used to trying everything “by the tooth”. Among the varieties used in indoor floriculture are:

    • "Harald" (with round leaves);

    • "Sagittaefolia" (with star-shaped leaves);

    • "Ivalace" (with corrugated edges);

    • "Mona Lisa" (in yellow).

FOR HOME USE: types of ivy are almost the same in care, but their growth rate is different. This should be taken into account when creating general compositions from plants.

Wax ivy hoya

This variety is distinguished by fleshy glossy leaves. Aerial roots are formed on stems, which are soft in young plants and can be set in any desired direction. However, over time, the stems become woody, so it becomes more and more difficult to give them any shape.

In nature, hoya finds shelter in the shade tall trees, at home, the plant is also not very demanding on lighting - only in winter the ivy will need a south window that gives more light. Therefore, home care for wax ivy is not difficult.

At other times of the year, windows facing west and east will be the most suitable. This does not prevent the plant from delighting its owners with flowering: fragrant star-flowers are collected in baskets and look very elegant. For more information on caring for hoya wax ivy, see here.

IMPORTANT: flowering plant you can’t move it to another place and even turn it over - the hoya will drop the buds.

Indoor ivy: home care

Proper care of indoor ivy is a guarantee that the plant will delight you and delight your guests for many years.

Location selection

The choice of location is not only light (especially since most species of this vine prefer shade and can be grown even in the depths of the room), it is also a support for the stems, the ability to grow and develop.

For ampelous varieties, for example, a house near the wall is suitable - young shoots will be provided with sufficient space.

ATTENTION: this culture does not like moving, so you should try to choose right away permanent place for a green pet, where he will be comfortable.

soil, pots

The soil is required slightly acidic. Compound - different types land (turf, humus, leaf), sand and peat. All components must be taken equally, and treated with a solution of potassium permanganate before use.

The composition can not only be prepared independently, but also purchased in a specialized store - suitable for ivy flower mix"Universal".

A drainage layer is poured at the bottom of the pot (from expanded clay, crushed brick or pebbles), its height is from 3 to 5 cm.

The soil covering it should be loose, pass both moisture and air.

The root system of this indoor flower is of a superficial type, so a very deep ivy pot is not needed.

A medium-sized container is best suited, stable enough and made of quality material to last for several years. When the transplant time comes, you will need a pot 2-3 times larger than the first, not very deep, but of large diameter.

Watering and feeding

Watering is especially needed for this indoor flower in the summer - the soil must always remain moist. In winter, watering is reduced to a minimum, and sometimes they are completely abandoned. However, you still can’t forget about the green pet, otherwise a brown edging will appear on the edges of the leaves, they will begin to dry and fall off.

Irrigation requires soft water.

You can take tap water that has been settled for several days.

In hot weather, ivy will benefit from a shower and wiping with a damp cloth.

Top dressing is carried out twice a month, best of all - complex fertilizers which are quickly digested. In the cold season, the number of dressings is halved.

Landing and transplant

If you first decided to get ivy, it is best to plant with a cutting, asking your friends for it. Each shoot node has the beginnings of roots, so planting and rooting of the future plant will be quick, without problems.

The need for a transplant arises when the roots begin to crawl out of the hole in the bottom of the pot. If you do not wait for this moment, then it is advisable to adhere to the following schedule: transplant young plants into a new pot every year, older flowers - once every two years, adult specimens can not be disturbed, but only carefully change the topsoil to a fresh substrate.

ATTENTION: ivy transplantation is best done in the spring by transshipment. The neck of the plant must be left at the same level.

Ivy propagation at home

If you have ivy at home, consider that you have provided yourself with planting material. It remains only to choose the best way to do this - with the help of cuttings, layering or shoots.

from seed

Propagating ivy from seeds at home is quite difficult, and all because your own seeds simply do not have time to ripen.

Purchased on the side, unfortunately, very rarely have varietal characteristics, especially of that particular species that you may be interested in. In addition, the germination process itself is difficult (in natural environment seeds are pre-treated in the stomachs of birds, which activates their germination).

Seeds sprout, as a rule, two weeks after they hit the ground. When the first true leaf appears, the plant needs to dive.


Apical shoots 10 cm long are used as cuttings. It is desirable that they have aerial roots. Cuttings are planted in pots with nutritious soil (you can have 3 pieces in one). After rooting, they are seated in separate containers. You can also germinate cuttings in water.


Propagating ivy in this way, cut off the shoot, on which 8-10 leaves are located. An incision is made along the shoot, put on the ground and pressed into it, deepening two centimeters. After a couple of weeks, roots usually form along the entire length of the shoot. By cutting the lash into several pieces (each should have at least 1 sheet), several pieces of high-quality planting material are obtained.


This method is almost the same as propagation by shoots. The difference is that the shoot is not deepened into the soil, but only pressed against it, pinned with staples.

In this video own experience and tips on caring for indoor ivy:

Ivy on the balcony

This plant perfectly decorates the balcony.

It is most convenient to place it in a hanging basket.

So that the water does not flow down after watering, the bottom of the basket is covered with a reliable film, I pour a layer of drainage on it, and only then - nutrient soil.

Place the basket on the balcony so that the plant is not "under the gun" of direct sunlight.

For the winter, such structures are usually brought into the house so that the plant does not die, because even a glazed balcony will not protect the “subtropical guest” from sub-zero temperatures. Ivy lashes are pre-wound and laid on the ground so that in such a compact form the plant is waiting for warm spring days.

Possible diseases

In some indoor ivy diseases, a person must seek his guilt. The leaves turn yellow - it means that watering is too plentiful; dry out - the air in the room is too dry; become too small - the ivy lacks light.

Sometimes you have to deal with aphids, one of the alarming signs is curling leaves. The spider mite can be recognized by the characteristic punctures on the leaf blade and the web that entangles it from below.

A whitened leaf on top and brown spots on the bottom warn of the presence of such a pest as yellow thrips.

Danger for the plant are also scale insects and mealybugs.

Most people know hedera as indoor ivy. This is a decorative and deciduous, unpretentious plant. It is grown as an ampelous culture. It grows rapidly, does not require the creation of any special conditions. Suitable for beginners and busy people. Caring for a hedera at home takes a minimum of time.

Belongs to the Araliaceae family. One of the most common indoor plants. It grows rapidly, braiding the proposed supports. Can be formed in the form ampelous plant. There are many varieties of ivy. They differ mainly in color, size and shape of the leaves.

The flowers of the hedera are small, inexpressive, and do not carry any special decorative value. Rarely blooms at home. As indoor plants, small-leaved, variegated forms are used. The most common hedera helix (common ivy). There are a lot of sorts. Depending on the variety, the shape of the leaves can be round, oval, star-shaped. The edges are smooth or corrugated. Color - green, yellow, spotted. The totality of all varieties is usually sold in stores under common name Hedera helix mix.

Helpful information! Hedera possesses medicinal properties, is actively used in alternative medicine. It is credited with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antifungal properties. Alcohol tincture fruit is used for high blood pressure, externally - to remove wen and warts. Ivy remedies improve vascular tone, treat rheumatism, arthritis, burns, scabies, and more. Hedera ivy, due to its large deciduous mass, purifies the air in the apartment from harmful impurities and toxic substances, saturates it with oxygen.

Favorable conditions, care

Among flower growers it is considered completely unpretentious plant. In practice, some difficulties are encountered. As a houseplant, hedera is very hardy - it rarely dies. But the real decorative effect acquires only with proper care.

TemperatureTolerates heat, but does not like it. Prefers moderate temperatures around 18-20°C. In winter, you can lower the temperature slightly, but it is not recommended to allow it to drop to 12°C or below. Responds well to Fresh air. Not too large plants are recommended to be taken out to the balcony or garden.
LightingTolerates partial shade and even shade. Optimal conditions of detention - moderate diffused lighting. In the bright sun it gets burned, the edges of the leaves dry. It is not recommended to grow variegated varieties in the shade - the characteristic color will become less pronounced.
WateringMaintain constant soil moisture. Do not allow stagnant water. It is useful to add soaked hydrogel granules to the soil to hold stable humidity soil, reducing the amount of irrigation. The top layer of the soil is allowed to dry out, the problem of stagnant water at the root level is solved by ensuring good drainage. The frequency of watering depends on the temperature of the content. Some flower growers practice growing homemade ivy using the hydroponic method.
HumidityGrows better in high humidity. Responds well to regular spraying. In winter, in heated rooms they are sprayed every day, hot batteries are hung with a wet cloth. It is useful to bathe young, small plants in the shower to remove dust from the leaves and prevent spider mites.
top dressingFeed infrequently - at intervals of 15-20 days. Use complex mineral fertilizers high in potassium and nitrogen. In winter, top dressing is limited, but not completely stopped. In the cold season, it is enough to apply a half dose of fertilizer once a month.
The soilUse light, loose soil mixtures. A good composition is equal amounts of hardwood, turf and sand. Sand can be replaced with vermiculite. As a useful additive, crushed natural birch charcoal without chemical impregnation is used.
TransferThe intervals between transplants are 2-3 years. Each time the diameter of the pot is increased by a few centimeters. Large, mature plants can be transplanted less frequently. Upper layer soils are replaced annually.
pruningDuring the period of intensive growth, shoots are cut to give ivy bushiness. In the spring, a major pruning is carried out - long stems are cut by 1/3. Cut branches can be used as cuttings. It is not recommended to neglect pruning - the plant will lose its decorative effect, it will be shapeless.

Reproduction methods

Hedera is mainly propagated by cuttings. Growing from seeds is possible, but seedlings grow for a long time - full-fledged ornamental plant formed only after a few years.

Cuttings are cut in spring or early summer. It is easiest to root cuttings with aerial roots. Aerial roots on the stems appear in conditions of high humidity. You can root in soil or water. For quick rooting, a little root stimulant is added to the water. Water is changed every day, adding a tablet of crushed activated carbon. After the roots appear, they are transplanted into the soil mixture.

When rooted in the ground, the risk of rotting of the cutting is lower. A mixture of universal soil and vermiculite is used as a substrate. It is preheated in microwave oven 2-3 minutes. The soil is moistened, the cuttings are buried a few centimeters. Top with a jar or plastic bag. The cuttings are aired every day, if necessary, moisten the soil. After the roots appear, the duration of ventilation is gradually increased, then the shelter is completely removed.

Transplant into a separate pot after the start of active growth. It is recommended to carefully monitor young plants - to prevent waterlogging or drying out of the soil. Keep in moderate light, in a warm room. Do not put in the sun.

From personal experience! It is very convenient to use a long stem of a plant with 10-12 developed leaves for rooting. This method is more effective than rooting small segments. A shallow incision should be made along the entire stem. The stem is laid horizontally, cut down. It is pressed into the ground by about 2 cm. The leaves should remain on the surface of the soil. Rooting conditions - warm, high humidity regular soil moisture. Roots will appear along the entire length of the stem in 2-3 weeks. The appearance of signs of growth indicates successful rooting. The stem can be carefully removed from the ground, cut into pieces of 2-3 leaves and planted in individual pots.

Common Problems

Some superstitions are associated with every plant among the people. Is it possible to keep a hedera at home? There are different signs - good and bad. To believe in them or not is a personal matter for each person. From a scientific point of view, ivy is completely safe and even useful plant. It purifies the air, creates a favorable microclimate in the apartment.

In the arsenal of a modern landscaper and florist there is a large number of flowers with excellent decorative characteristics. A special place among them is occupied by a houseplant ivy, a photo and description of which you are offered on this page. Here you can find not only the characteristics of the most common species, but also the rules for caring for and propagating a flower at home.

The genus Ivy belongs to the Araliaceae family. In nature, plants grow in Europe, North Africa, Asia. The genus is represented by vines that form woody trunks.

Indoor flowers ivy

Indoor flowers ivy, perhaps the most common plant in rooms, is very shade-tolerant. Variegated forms love light and in low light can lose the original color of the leaves. Ivy blooms at the age of 10-12 years, but rarely indoors. The flowers are inconspicuous, small, collected in umbellate inflorescences, have bad smell. After flowering, they form poisonous berries, therefore, if the plant picks up buds, they are removed.

Types of indoor ivy

Most common in room culture ivy (Hedera helix) - evergreen with a climbing stem, on which dense brushes of short aerial roots are formed; with their help, the ivy is attached to the support.

The leaves are alternate, simple, three to seven lobed, leathery, shiny. Their coloration is dark green with a grid of lighter veins. The flowers are small, bisexual, greenish-yellow, collected in umbellate inflorescences. Does not bloom indoors. This is a very variable species - more than a hundred forms are known, differing in size, color and shape of the leaves. We bring to your attention other types of indoor ivy with detailed description their agrotechnical characteristics.

Popular varieties of ivy

Ivy "Elsie Kessler"- leaves are light green with many light strokes.

Ivy variety "Glacier"- leaves are gray-green with silver-gray spots and a thin white border around the edge.

Ivy variety "Ivalace"- young leaves are light green, with age - darkening, glossy, turned up, with beautiful waves along the edge

Ivy variety "Chester"- leaves are blue-green with a wide uneven white border around the edge.

Ivy "Colin"- leaves deeply dissected, strongly wavy along the edge, light green with white veins.

Ivy "Gold Child" The leaves are bright green with a yellow border that becomes whiter with age.

"Oak Leaf"- a miniature fast-growing variety with light green five-lobed leaves up to 2.5 cm long.

Ivy variety "Yellow Ripple"- leaves are three-five-lobed with pointed lobes directed in one direction, dark green with a golden yellow border around the edge.

"Golden Ingob"- the leaves are quite large, greenish-gray with uneven light spots.

"Halebob"- glossy leaves rich green coloring with a bright yellow border around the edge.

Amber Waves- leaves are large, very bright, yellowish-green.

Ivy Canary

Ivy Canary (Hedera canariensis), or common ivy Canary subspecies (Hedera helix subsp. canariensis), is a climbing plant, characterized by larger (12 cm long and up to 15 cm wide) triangular leaves of a dark green color with pale green veins.

The most popular are variegated variety "Variegata" with large, slightly lobed leaves with white margins.

And the variety "Striata" with light green or yellow spots in the center of the leaf.

Ivy Colchis

Ivy Colchis (Hedera colchica) has thin sterile shoots with short sucker roots, fruiting shoots are thicker and hairy. The leaves are large (up to 25 cm long), various in shape, shiny, leathery, mostly whole, rarely three-lobed, green, with a specific smell of nutmeg when rubbed.

Blooms in autumn. Inconspicuous flowers are collected in umbellate inflorescences. Berry-shaped spherical black fruits ripen in summer next year. Grows faster than common ivy.

The most famous are the following varieties:

"Dentata Variegata" with oval leaves with whitish-yellow margins.

Sulfur Heart with large light green leaves with yellow-green stripes along the veins and slightly curled down edges.

Growing conditions

Ivy prefer diffused light. They do not tolerate direct sunlight well, but (especially variegated forms) prefer a well-lit area and do not like changes in location in relation to the light source. Ivy with green leaves can be classified as shade-tolerant, but it is better to put them in a bright place. With a lack of illumination, variegated forms lose their original color.

In spring and summer, ivy prefers moderate air temperature - 18-25 ° C, night - not lower than 15 ° C. In summer, the plant can be taken out on open air but should be protected from direct sunlight. In winter, they are kept at a temperature of 10-15 ° C. Variegated forms are more thermophilic. AT winter period make sure that the leaves of ivy growing on the windowsill do not touch window glass: They can get cold.

Indoor ivy care

If you are planning to arrange proper care for indoor ivy at home or in the office, then pay attention to the rules for watering the plant. In summer, water regularly and plentifully. In winter, watering is reduced, allowing the topsoil to dry out. In winter, during the heating period, ivy is placed in a tray with wet gravel or expanded clay.

The plant responds well to daily spraying - the color of the leaves becomes brighter, the stem begins to branch and overgrow with adventitious roots. Spraying is carried out with soft, well-settled or filtered water. Periodically wash the plant or wipe the leaves with a damp sponge. The use of a special wax to give shine to the leaves is not desirable.

In summer, every ten days, the plant is fed alternately with complex mineral and organic fertilizers. In winter, top dressing is reduced to once a month.

Ivy is held on a support with the help of adventitious roots, therefore it is not able to catch on a thread, wire or a smooth frame made of wood. The most natural support for him is a piece of wood with bark covered with cracks and bumps. The support is occasionally sprayed (in dry air, the adventitious roots of ivy do not grow well) to help the plant gain a foothold. To all other supports, the shoots are tied up. Several times a year they are pinched or shortened with pruning.

Young plants are transplanted annually, then as needed in soil mix, composed of equal parts of leafy, soddy, humus soil, peat and sand. A large layer of drainage (3-4 cm) must be laid at the bottom of the pot.

During the period of intensive growth, ivy thickens greatly, therefore, in spring and autumn, dead parts of the plant are removed and excessively long lashes are cut by 1/3.

Reproduction of indoor ivy

Reproduction of indoor ivy is possible by apical or stem cuttings, layering throughout the year, best option- in the spring. Apical cuttings are cut 10 cm long and placed in the soil. To maintain high humidity, the cuttings are covered with a transparent cap ( glass jar or plastic bag). The temperature is maintained at least 15 ° C (for Canary ivy - 20 ° C). The cuttings root very quickly. After rooting, they are planted in pots of several pieces in a soil mixture consisting of equal parts of soddy and leafy soil, humus, peat and sand.

When propagating by middle stem cuttings, a whole shoot with 8-10 leaves is cut off, placed horizontally in a groove in the sand to a depth of 1.5-2 cm, leaving the leaves outside. On the tenth day, underground roots form on the stem near the buds from the air roots. The tip of the shoot begins to grow, and dormant buds in the axils of the leaves do not germinate. After two weeks, the shoot is taken out of the sand, cut into cuttings with one leaf and roots, after which three cuttings are planted in pots with a diameter of 7 cm, where new shoots develop from sleeping buds.

When propagated by layering, long shoots are added dropwise, having previously made cuts on them from the underside, and fixed them in the ground with staples. After the shoots take root, they are separated from mother plant.

Look at the indoor ivy in the photo, which are in great variety presented on this page:

Diseases and pests

The plant is harmed by greenhouse thrips, spider mite, aphid.

With decorative leaves are widely used not only in gardening, but also in indoor floriculture for vertical gardening and creation original compositions. One of the brightest representatives is ivy. A spectacular plant with trifoliate leaves has an unpretentious disposition and beautiful leaves. However, in addition to this, it does not have a very good reputation, which is interesting, in our country.

It is human nature to associate the events happening to him with the environment and the objects that are part of it. It is much easier to write off the troubles that happened to him to a third person, or better, to an inanimate object. In particular on Can I keep at home? The signs say no. Let's deal with the notoriety of the plant, as well as the features of its cultivation.

What is this plant?

Under the name "ivy" the genus of plants of the Araliaceae family, numbering 15 species, is combined. C. Linnaeus borrowed the Latin name Hedera for these plants from the Romans. Ivy is a creeping shrub that, as it grows, clings to a support (trees, walls, etc.). On the stems are dense leathery leaves of an angular-lobed shape. Color - dark green, there are decorative forms with milky white stripes.

The natural habitat is the countries of the Northern Hemisphere with soft climatic conditions as well as Australia. In our country, ivy (see photo in text) is mainly a houseplant.

Common types of ivy

  • Colchis ivy is an evergreen liana-like shrub with large (up to 25 cm in length) leathery leaves attached to the stem, with suckers. The shape of the plate can be different; when rubbed, a characteristic musky smell appears. It climbs to a height of up to 30 m. It grows quickly, but is less frost-resistant than ordinary ivy. Under natural conditions, it grows in Iran, Transcaucasia, Asia Minor.
  • Common ivy (see photo below) is an evergreen liana, leathery leaves, medium in size (up to 10 cm in length), location is alternate. It grows slowly, shade-tolerant and thermophilic, demanding on soil fertility. It has a high decorative effect, in connection with which it has been used for a very long time in landscaping gardens as a ground cover and climbing plant. Many hybrid forms have been bred, differing in color and leaf shape. The photo shows the Calico variety.

  • Canarian ivy is an evergreen shrub that is extremely popular as a houseplant. Spectacular plant with variegated leaves does not tolerate frost, requires good lighting, warmth and fertile soil.
  • Pastukhov's ivy is a rare evergreen liana that grows in Eastern Transcaucasia and is listed in the Red Book of Russia. It is distributed both in mountainous regions and in lowlands, spreads along the ground and clings to tree trunks.

Indoor ivy: is it possible to keep at home? Signs

Signs and superstitions of various kinds have always been present in our lives. Some believe in them, others do not, and still others listen. Quite a lot of superstitions are associated with plants in the house, and people often find it difficult to say where they came from. Most of it doesn't make sense at all. For example, about a donated flower, which withered after a couple of months, and therefore, was not presented from the heart. Absolutely untenable argument. Shop flowers often have a weakened immune system and are hard to tolerate a change of scenery and microclimate.

Indoor ivy did not go unnoticed by lovers of signs. Is it possible to keep at home (signs are given in the text) given plant? Yes, and most Europeans do. They do not need to plant it indoors, a beautiful plant braids the house from the outside, covering all the walls with an even carpet of greenery. But is it such a significant difference?

The main superstition about ivy lies in its alleged ability to "drive" men out of the house, to survive them. Agree, the plant is endowed with a very impressive power. The ancient Greeks also treated ivy in a special way, but from a positive point of view. The plant was almost sacred, because according to legend, it was it that saved the life of the god of wine, Dionysus (Bacchus). Since then, his images have been decorated not only vine, but also curly ivy stems. The mythological properties of the plant, however, have a real basis. It is used along with rosemary in France to protect forests from natural fires.

Ivy is a climbing evergreen shrub and, who would have thought, one of the symbols of Christmas. This showy plant Europeans, especially the British, decorate temples and houses. It is interpreted as a symbol of eternity and resurrection, affection and love. Ivy is used in tandem with holly, the former being considered a symbol of the feminine (requiring support and protection), and the latter of the masculine. In practice, the plant is really striking in its unpretentiousness and ability to survive even in the homes of the most negligent flower growers.

Ivy grows a very voluminous green mass, and therefore is considered one of the most effective air purifiers. Enough useful quality for city apartments.

These facts quite reasonably answer whether indoor ivy is harmful, whether it is possible to keep it at home. Signs are most often far-fetched and absurd. Do not blindly trust them, and even more so be guided.

Site selection, lighting and temperature

Indoor ivy is a unique plant. Choosing it for your home, you can fill even the darkest corner of the room with greenery. He is very shade tolerant. However, variegated forms need sun to maintain a beautiful contrast on the leaves, it is best if it is slightly muted, avoid direct rays on the plant.

Ivy belongs to evergreen, heat-loving plants. Most comfortable temperature for it will be 22-25 ° С in the spring-summer period and cooler (15-18 ° С) - in winter. You can take it out to the balcony or summer terrace.

Ivy soil

The plant prefers light, but nutrient soils. Can buy ready soil in a specialized store or cook it yourself. To do this, mix turf and leaf soil, humus, peat and sand in equal proportions. Lay a drainage layer, such as expanded clay, at the bottom of the pot.

Transplantation of adult plants is carried out every two years, and young plants - annually. The most optimal time for the procedure is March-April. Choose a pot 2-3 cm larger than the previous one.

Watering and fertilizing

For active growth, ivy requires regular and plentiful watering in the summer. But do not flood the plant. Low temperature air and excess moisture are a favorable environment for the development of fungal and bacterial diseases.

In winter, a mild dormant period begins. At this time, the plant is watered less frequently, but the complete drying of the substrate should not be allowed. Spraying and high humidity is what indoor ivy prefers. Leaves dry and fall very often due to dry air. If possible, periodically put the plant under the shower, covering the clod of earth with waterproof material. After such a procedure, it looks much more attractive and starts to grow with renewed vigor.

Top dressing should be carried out once every two weeks, from March to the end of August, alternating organic and mineral complex fertilizers.

Reproduction methods

Ivy can be propagated by vegetative or seed method. Moreover, the first is the simplest and can be carried out in three ways.

First, propagation by apical cuttings. Cut off the ends of the shoots 10 cm long and immediately plant them in a wet mixture of sand and leafy soil, covering them with a glass or plastic cap on top. Thus, greenhouse conditions are created, and it is important to maintain constant moisture in the soil. You can pre-put the cuttings in water and wait for the roots to appear. Then plant in ready-made soil mixture.

Secondly, propagation by shoots is practiced. Several plants can be obtained from one segment of the stem. To do this, take a shoot with 8-10 leaves and make a cut along it. Not too deep, it should be superficial. On the prepared moist soil, the shoot is placed cut down and pressed into the soil by 1.5-2 cm, leaving the leaves on the surface. Within two weeks, roots form along the entire length of the plant, a sign of this will be the growing top. Then the stem is taken out and cut into several parts, each planted in a separate pot.

Well, the third vegetative way- propagation by layering. The algorithm of action is the same as in the previous version, but with one amendment, the shoot is not separated from the mother plant, but is pressed down to the ground with staples.

Indoor ivy pruning

Pruning and shaping the bush require, as a rule, street specimens. if desired, you can also renew and rejuvenate, giving desired shape. The procedure is carried out in early spring before the plant enters the active vegetative phase. First of all, remove diseased and damaged shoots, you can simply pinch the young ones in order to stimulate the development of lateral stems. To rejuvenate a shrub, cut old branches at a distance of 1 m from the root in outdoor conditions and half as much in indoor conditions.

As a support for ivy, you can use a wall, specially stretched threads, but they must be strong (the green mass is quite heavy), a decorative trellis, etc.
