What should be the dimensions of the computer desk? How to choose a desk for a student Standard table height.

The choice of a suitable desk is, of course, an important process, because not only the performance of the person sitting, but also health will depend on the correct decision. This is especially true when we are talking about the child and his developing organism.

What standards are accepted

The health of a person working at a computer requires special attention. When choosing, you should consider all factors, from the size of the monitor to the height of the desk. Incorrect calculations can lead to problems with the spine and visual impairment. In addition, if a person working at a computer feels discomfort, he will quickly get tired and, as a result, his performance will drop.

Exist "Modulor"- a system according to which standard proportions are revealed for all modern furniture, including the height of tables. This parameter is very important, because it determines the position of a seated person. The one sitting at a low table stoops and leans forward, while the one sitting at a high table is forced to raise his head up, which, of course, is erroneous.

Remember that the correct position human body implies a straight back, freely lying forearms and the absence of tension in the shoulder girdle. In addition, the legs should be on the floor and bent at a 90-degree angle.

How many centimeters high?

Taking as a basis the average height of an ordinary person, which is 175 cm, the creator of the Modulor system, Le Corbusier, came to the conclusion that the height of the desk should be between 70 and 80 centimeters. Thus, the standard value is 75 cm in the case of a male height of 175 cm and a female of 162 cm. This formula is correct for the bulk of people with typical height. Naturally, there are exceptions if a person is significantly below or above the standard.

If your height is beyond the standards, then, firstly, you can change the height of the seat (usually modern models are adjustable). Don't forget to add a kickstand to keep your knees bent at a 90 degree angle. Secondly, you can make a table by individual order. Thirdly, it is possible to choose a table with an adjustable table top height.

Are other sizes important?

Comfortable work is impossible without the correct determination of the width of the tabletop, that is, the distance between its left and right edges. Minimum size is 60 cm, but it is recommended to choose models with large indicators. The correct depth of the table for an adult is from 35 to 60 cm. The space where your legs are (the length between the legs or pedestals) should be at least 52 cm. It is also important to determine such parameters as the width and height of the chair. According to Le Corbusier's calculations, for comfortable work The width of the seat must exceed 40 cm, and the height must be between 42 and 48 cm.

Why is an adjustable table good?

Adjustable models are usually bought for children. Such tables can be used for a long time, despite the fact that the growth of the child will change. The essence of such furniture is as follows: it is possible to raise or lower the tabletop due to retractable legs, as well as change its slope. These tables can be wooden, plastic or with a metal frame. Very often, the design is combined with a chair, the height of which can also be adjusted. In fact, the design is a school desk.

The adjustable table for adults will become great solution for families in which people of different heights are forced to use the same workplace.

How to choose the right desk?

Deciding to buy desk, you must first decide which sample you need - a regular written or computer one. In the second case, make sure that the item has special places for the system unit, speakers, keyboard and wires. Next, the cost issue needs to be addressed. The price of a future purchase depends on the following factors:

  • Where the furniture is made and whether it is under the "cap" of the brand. Tables made in Russia are usually cheaper than foreign ones. Also keep in mind that sometimes little-known companies can surprise you with high quality coupled with low prices.
  • Material. Products made of plastic, chipboard or MDF cost much less than solid wood models.
  • Dimensions. The smaller the table, the lower its price.
  • Decor. The presence of fittings significantly affects the final cost of furniture. The higher the quality, the more fittings and the more intricate the design, the more more money you will have to pay.

For a child

The main thing to remember when choosing a table for a child is the requirements of his health. Adhere to the following rules:

  • The width of the countertop should be at least 100 cm, and the depth should be between 60 and 80 cm.
  • For the legs, the child should have a space of approximately 50 * 45 cm.
  • Take into account the difference between the height of the table and the chair: this parameter should be 20-24 cm.

When buying a table, take the baby with you to the store and ask him to sit down at the selected model. Look at the elbows and legs: the first should be loose, and the second should be bent at a right angle and stand firmly on the floor. Try to leave a gap of 10-15 cm between the table top and your knees.

Also, from the countertop to the eyes of your child, you must maintain a distance equal to the distance between his elbow and fingertips. In addition, there are several more recommendations for choosing a workplace for a student. Consider the interests of the child and make sure that the table is roomy: while doing homework, the student must calmly place textbooks, notebooks, stationery and other necessary items.

Models of children's tables are different, you can choose a design with a design that meets the interests of your child:

  • Standard rectangular design with multiple drawers. The price depends on the material, but as a rule, these are the cheapest designs.
  • A computer desk with the necessary details for a computer: keyboard panels, space for a monitor, holes for wires and others. Such models are made of glass, wood and furniture panels.
  • An L-shaped table that allows you to combine space for a computer and space for doing homework.
  • Transformer (adjustable), which makes it possible to change the height of the table when the child grows. Sometimes such models are orthopedic or folding.

Do not buy an expensive table for a student, children are unlikely to be able to leave it in its original state and not stain it with paints or pens. Also watch out for security: certain types plastic can be toxic and have a strong odor, allergic besides, they quickly become unusable. Never skimp on quality.

For an adult

About how to correctly calculate the dimensions of the desk, it was said above, however the choice of a workplace for an adult largely depends on its purpose, which determines both the material, and the functionality, and the size of the structure:

  • Large tables are the most expensive models. Usually made from valuable breeds tree High Quality, they are decorated with leather, carvings and designer fittings and complemented by numerous drawers and coasters.
  • Medium tables can be made from solid wood or furniture boards. Their price depends on this. Such tables perform the same functions as large ones, but due to the smaller size and different material, they win in cost.
  • Small tables, as a rule, are bought for small rooms in which it is important to save space. They are cheap, quick to assemble, but don't have drawers or shelves.

When choosing a desk, also pay attention to the material of manufacture, spaciousness, your needs (for example, if you poor eyesight, then it is not recommended to purchase a table closed design) and the place where the furniture will be placed. Main materials for tables: MDF, chipboard, wood, glass or plastic. Determine the number of shelves and drawers depending on your needs: the more there are, the higher the functionality of your design will be.

When choosing fittings, give preference to steel alloys.

Overview of popular models

Model "Mikke", Ikea

The writing desk is made of chipboard, MDF and fibreboard, available in white and dark brown. The model has a laconic neutral design, which allows it to fit into any interior. To increase the working space, you can add a table with cabinets and a variety of modules for things. There is a hole for wires at the back, that is, the table also acts as a computer one, and the drawer is equipped with a special design that prevents it from falling out. The surface is covered with acrylic paint.

Hemnes model, Ikea

The surface of the standard table is finished in white stain, but the furniture is also available in light brown and dark brown. The table is made of solid pine, which increases its ecological properties. Computer wires and extension cords can be hidden on a special shelf under the tabletop. There are two drawers and two closed shelves. Classic design.

Properly selected furniture provides users with comfort and health benefits. If we are talking about tables, then take when choosing correct solution, can be guided by their purpose and accepted standards.

What are the desk height standards?

The recommended value is 75 cm. Focusing on GOST, manufacturers produce furniture with a height of 70 to 80 cm. Theoretically, such a run would have to satisfy the requirements of all users, but this is not so. Those whom nature endowed with a height of 160 or 180 cm feel uncomfortable at a standard table, because it is either too high or, conversely, too low.

A separate category that does not fit the standards - children. Dining, writing or computer - they need a table before their physical development is completed. Consequently, parents have only 2 options - to adjust the length of the legs of the chair, or, which is preferable, to attend to the purchase of children's furniture.

How to choose the right table height

The basis for calculating the standard is the average height of a person. When choosing furniture “for yourself”, it is also important to take this parameter into account, because the formula for a comfortable countertop height is unchanged: height (cm) * coefficient. But the variable itself depends on the destination.


This type of table means the entire work surface, which is not entirely correct, but most practical. After all, it would be much more difficult to take care of a truly correct and convenient multi-level option.

The finished dish is the result of many preparatory processes, most of which are easier to do standing up. Accordingly, the height of the kitchen table should be such that the person behind it can work with relaxed shoulders and a straight back. Choosing from ready-made kitchen surfaces, the optimal distance from the countertop to the floor is easy to determine visually: it should be at a level below the waist.

But what to do if members of the same family have a big difference in height? In no case do not determine the arithmetic mean, as recommended by some "experts".

ATTENTION! When choosing a kitchen table, you should focus on the one who cooks more often - it is this person who “brightestly” feels the consequences of the wrong choice.

If you need to determine the height of the kitchen table if it is made to order, you can use the formula: height * 0.51. By rounding the result to the nearest integer, it will be possible to obtain the optimal distance from the floor to the countertop, taking into account individual characteristics.


This version of furniture has slightly different tasks: it is supposed to work behind it while sitting. The forearms should remain relaxed during work, the back should be straight, and the shoulders should be in a natural position. Let's allow a slight tilt of the head, but the lower leg and thigh must be at a right angle, and the foot must be firmly pressed to the floor.

ATTENTION! When choosing such furniture, there can be no question of any averaging. It is worth focusing on the tallest household. And the rest of the set to the table simply buys individual chairs and footrests.

The formula for calculating the optimal height of the desk: height * 0.46.


It is important to understand that this is the direct successor of the written counterpart. The requirements are the same.

ATTENTION! When typing on the keyboard, it is important to keep correct posture and hand position. And the distance from the eyes to the monitor is easy to adjust by moving it to the opposite edge of the tabletop.

For greater compactness while maintaining convenience for users, computer tables are often equipped with a retractable shelf for the keyboard and a monitor stand. In this case:

  • the shelf should be at the optimum height to maintain the natural position of the hands;
  • a chair with comfortable armrests is selected for the table, which will serve as an additional point of support for the forearms;
  • The stand should provide an optimal viewing angle without having to slouch or lean back.

The general recommendation for choosing the height that is optimal for all family members remains: a guideline for the tallest. Fortunately, it is not difficult to purchase a footrest, and high-quality computer chair easy to adjust to the needs of users.


Not too much time is spent behind such furniture, but this does not mean at all that any option will do. Behind dining table the family gathers in full force, so it should be comfortable for everyone at the same time. Too high or low table will not allow you to sit comfortably and get the most out of culinary delights. And all kinds of footrests and chairs with adjustable height are simply out of place. But that doesn't mean that right choice too hard to do.

ATTENTION! The calculated value is determined by the formula: height * 0.43. True, there is one clarification: in this case, it is worth focusing on the average growth of adult family members.

If dad, mom, grandparents "grew" to 175, 155, 180 and 160 cm, respectively, then you need to determine the average value:
(175+155+180+160)/4 = 167.5 cm.
And already it is substituted into the formula. And it does not matter that the father has to stretch his legs slightly in order to comfortably sit at the table - this is permissible near the dining room.

How to choose the right desk for your child

It is desirable that the working surface of the furniture for the student be tilted, and there are several reasons for this:

  • the overview is improved, which makes it easier to read;
  • teaches you to order, because little things scattered on the table tend to roll down if they are not placed in the places allotted for them;
  • stimulates to occupy the only correct position, since it is inconvenient to slouch at such a table.

REFERENCE! The height of the near edge is calculated using the same formula as for the "adult" version: height * 0.46. But the child is growing rapidly, so it is worth buying furniture with a small margin "for growth" or, preferably, with the ability to adjust the height and angle of the table top.

The latter option is somewhat more expensive than unregulated ones. But it will cost less than 2-3 simple ones - and this is the minimum number of replacements for a children's desktop, if you care about maintaining the posture of the younger generation.

Are other parameters important?

Properly chosen height will not make convenient work behind a narrow desk. Conversely, a wide canvas with an unsuccessful height can be quite comfortable. Therefore, when choosing, it is important to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • the width of the tabletop is at least 60 cm for a child and 80 for adults (more is better);
  • depth - from 35 cm for a child, from 50 for an adult (the principle is the same);
  • legroom - to the depth of the tabletop and at least 50 cm wide.

Applied to various types furniture looks like this:

  • for the kitchen table, depth and width criteria are taken;
  • for written and computer - all three parameters;
  • for dinner, the first pair of values ​​is doubled, resulting in the required minimum.

Benefits of an adjustable table

The main advantage of such furniture is the ability to adapt to current needs, eliminating the need to purchase several oversized models. Adjustable options are compact, which is especially useful in urban apartments. The only negative is that they are not designed for serious loads. Their limit is 45–50 kg.

REFERENCE! The table can be equipped with a mechanical or electronic transformation mechanism. Often the manufacturer provides not only a change in the level of height, but also an increase in area.

Consequences of the wrong choice

The first item in the lists of criteria is convenience. If the table does not meet this requirement, then there can be no question of full-fledged work behind it. Incorrect posture primarily interferes with normal blood circulation. Result: congestion, swelling, pain. And for a child whose body changes every minute, the wrong position at the desk contributes to an increased risk of abnormal development of the muscular corset.

Today a large number of people spend a lot of time at the computer. Unfortunately, few people know that many factors affect the health of a person in a sitting position. Chief among which is the height of the computer desk. If you choose the wrong furniture height, then this can lead to poor health, especially for diseases of the spine and visual impairment. It is also worth noting that it is inconvenient to work at such a table, which leads to the loss of a large amount of energy and rapid fatigue.

The choice of table must be approached very carefully. Of course, if there is a desire, then you can make such furniture with your own hands. You can create various add-ons that will decorate this element of the interior and increase its functionality. In order to make such furniture with do-it-yourself add-ons, you need to take into account some advice from professionals and make the drawing correctly.

computer desk model

What should be the height of the table

Desktop height is very important. The fact is that when working behind such a surface, the main thing is the correct position of the body. It is the height that can satisfy such a requirement. If the table is not high enough, then the person in the process of working behind it will lean forward and stoop. If it is large, then the person will have to lift his head up, which will cause discomfort.

Table dimensions

When working at a computer, a person must sit in the correct position. The back should be straight, and the forearms should lie freely on the table. In this case, the shoulder girdle should not be raised. The best option is to place the countertop at the level of the solar plexus. It is also worth noting that when working at a table, the legs should be bent at right angles and placed on the floor. Compliance with these rules will protect the human spine from deformities, which often cause various diseases.

How to correctly calculate the height

Today, the store offers a wide range of computer tables with superstructure and shelves, which have various design features and sizes. So, you can find a model with an extension or a simple product, with a simple nightstand and drawer. The only thing that doesn't change is the height of the table. On average, it is about 75 cm. standard size was calculated based on the average height of a person, which is 175 cm. Unfortunately, not everyone has such parameters. As a result, not everyone will be comfortable working behind standard furniture.

How to determine the height

The best option would be to make furniture with a superstructure and shelves with your own hands or by individual sizes. Thanks to this, it will be possible to make a table that will be comfortable and convenient to work with. But, how to calculate the height of the working surface?

You can calculate this parameter using the usual formula. Here, the height of a person is taken and multiplied by the standard value of the height of the working surface. The resulting value is divided by the average height of a person, which as a result will lead to optimal value computer desk height. If all family members will work at the computer desk, then it makes no sense to make it to fit your parameters. For others, this can cause discomfort during work. That is why many professionals recommend using tables with a standard height of 75 cm.

How to solve unusual situations

When it comes to furniture with a superstructure that will be used by all family members, you should seriously think about its height. To date, there are several ways to solve this non-standard situation:

Table dimensions

With the help of such methods, you can make furniture that will be convenient to use for all family members. The best option here would be to make a computer desk with your own hands. The main advantage of this method is the saving family budget and the ability to create comfortable furniture for work. The main thing is to draw up a drawing correctly.

Computer desk with an add-on: how to make

Before you start creating a project or manufacturing parts, you need to decide on design features furniture. First of all, this concerns the choice of the type of construction. To date, there are several types of construction of such furniture:

  • Direct design. The classic version of such furniture, which is especially popular. Unfortunately, not everyone may have the opportunity to install such a product along the wall. The peculiarity of the straight table is that it can have different sizes and functionality. Often it is combined with extensions, which are used to store various items.
  • Angle design. Compared to the first option, such furniture can take up quite a lot of space. Therefore, corner tables are often used in spacious rooms. With their help, you can use the corner space as efficiently as possible.

Each of these structures, both straight and angular, can be easily built with your own hands. The main thing is to draw up a drawing correctly and make parts with high quality.

Making a computer desk with your own hands

The computer desk is important element interior. Since it is often used for work, its manufacture must be approached very carefully. The sequence of manufacturing such furniture looks something like this:

  • The choice of design and location of the table with the superstructure. As for the design, the tables can be rectangular or angular. There should be a separate socket near the table.
  • Design and drawing up drawings. At this stage, a detailed analysis of future furniture is carried out. Here it is worth determining the material and dimensions of the product. For the production of such a design with your own hands, it is best to use chipboard. To create original furniture, you can use metal and glass elements. These features must be taken into account when drawing up a drawing.
  • Production of elements of the future table with a superstructure. Cutting material is best done in special workshops. This will allow you to make a quality cut, without any deviations. The ends of the finished parts are finished with a special tape, which has an adhesive coating. To fix it on the surface, you can use the usual household iron. You just need to heat the tape and press it to the end for a few minutes.
  • Furniture assembly. When doing this work with your own hands, you should use the prepared drawings. Confirmants are used to fasten parts. With their help, you can securely fasten the parts into one design.

With these tips and a little effort, you can make a unique computer desk with your own hands. The main thing is to accurately determine the needs and correctly draw up a drawing.

Ergonomics deals with the optimization of workplaces in order to ensure maximum work efficiency. If you take it wider, it is responsible for convenience and comfort. Ergonomic kitchen should allow owners to cook food minimal cost time without being physically tired. And, of course, without the risk of injury. We have to take into account the technology of cooking, understand the features of human physiology and psychology. The universal ergonomics of the kitchen and the creation of an individual comfortable environment for a particular person or the whole family is the topic of our article.

There are generally accepted rules for designing furniture, with their help you can create an environment in which any person will feel more or less comfortable. But people are different, they lead their lives in different ways, they have their own physical data and habits. The standard solution, which is considered convenient, will not always be the best for a particular person. When setting up your own kitchen, you should think about how you cook food. And how could they improve and facilitate this process if the situation was organized differently. Individual ergonomic design is not a luxury, but a way to reduce cooking time, save health and create Have a good mood.

Ergonomic kitchen is convenient, allows you to cook food faster and not get tired

Everything in mind: a rational layout of the kitchen

The basis of an ergonomic kitchen is a convenient layout and arrangement of furniture that takes into account the technology of cooking. We cook mainly like this: we take a piece of meat (fish, vegetables) out of the refrigerator, wash (clean), cut (crush), put it in a pan (in a saucepan, on baking sheet). The path of most products: refrigerator - sink - cutting board - stove. It is only necessary to arrange kitchen equipment and furniture without confusing their sequence. If you put a stove between the refrigerator and the sink in a linear kitchen, the hostess is forever doomed to unnecessary manipulations, which will certainly cause inconvenience and irritation.

It does not matter in what configuration the furniture will be placed. In one line, L-shaped or with the letter P. The main thing is to observe the technologically determined sequence in the location of the equipment

As for the size of the zones: the larger, the better. A large refrigerator, a two-compartment sink with a “wing”, a 90-120 cm food preparation (cutting) area and a full-size cooker are the ideal solution. Alas, in domestic conditions, the size of the room limits the flight of fancy. The inhabitants of "Khrushchev" have no choice: the refrigerator, subject to the placement of the table, often has to be taken out into the corridor or hallway, because in the kitchen of 6 m2 there is simply no place for it.

Functional layout kitchen furniture must comply with the technology of cooking

Options for arranging furniture and appliances in a standard kitchen of 12 m2

When planning a kitchen, it is necessary to take into account recommendations both for the height of individual furniture elements and for the width of the aisles.

Optimal working area length

Let's calculate what, in our opinion, the convenient length of the kitchen front should be. It will consist of the following elements:

  • Standard refrigerator - 60 cm.
  • Sink - 80 cm. A smaller one (60 cm) will not be so convenient. The "trough" will take about 35-40 cm, and the remaining 20-25 cm for the "wing" will be too small. The sink wing is used not only for storing unwashed dishes, but also for pre-training products. Do not place the sink close to the refrigerator, it is advisable to step back at least 10 cm.
  • Food preparation (cutting) zone - from 90 cm.
  • Plate of standard sizes - 60 cm.

As a result, we scored 300 cm. This is almost within the capabilities modern apartments or "brezhnevok" of increased comfort, if the furniture is arranged in an L-shape. You can “squeeze” by reducing the width of the cutting zone, the distance from the stove to the refrigerator. You can get by with a 50-centimeter stove.

One of options distribution of elements working area kitchens. For those who cook a lot at home, we recommend making the food preparation area much wider than in the diagram. It's better to give up separate zone for additional household appliances by placing a kettle and coffee maker between the sink and stove. If necessary, the equipment can be rearranged, freeing up space for "large" cooking

The role of an additional or main place for cooking can be played by an “island”, if, of course, there is a place for it. The island should be the same height as the main work area. With sufficient dimensions, it is extremely convenient to cook on it, but when transferring food from the island to the sink or stove, something will definitely fall or spill on the floor.

The kitchen island can simultaneously serve as a work surface, a dining table and a bar counter. Its height should be the same as that of the countertop.

If there is not enough space

What should hosts do small apartments, where there is a catastrophic lack of space for full-fledged kitchen furniture and appliances, and it is impossible to make an improving redevelopment? We offer the following solutions:

  • Place the refrigerator outside the kitchen: in the hallway or corridor. If there, of course, there is a place for him. This will allow you to install a full-sized stove and sink, there will be enough space for preparation and cutting and a kitchen table for two or three people. True, in big family a hostess who is actively involved in cooking may eventually regret her choice, making her way with pots along narrow corridor past her husband, children and dog to the refrigerator.

Arranging furniture in a tiny apartment is always a compromise. In this case, when planning the kitchen, they “sacrificed” the wardrobe in the hallway by placing a refrigerator there. This made it possible to at least slightly expand the working surface of the kitchen and put a dining table not for two, but for three people.

  • Use kitchen table for large cooking. A small area of ​​​​30-40 cm on the working front is enough to prepare breakfast. If at this time no one is sitting at the dining table, it is a convenient and large place for cutting and slicing food, kneading dough, which acts as a kitchen "island". However, it should be noted that the height of a standard table for breakfast and lunch is 70-72 cm and it will be extremely inconvenient to work at it while standing. Not everyone will like to cook while sitting, but it is more comfortable to work while standing when the height of the table is identical to the level of the kitchen worktop (90-95 cm). Chairs of standard height for such a table will not work, models of medium height are needed.

The place is small, there was not enough space for a full dining table. Instead, a semi-bar table was installed, which is a continuation of the countertop.

For a table that is identical in height to the tabletop, neither the usual low nor too high bar stools will fit. You will have to pick up a chair of intermediate height - they are on sale, but in a smaller assortment. Suitable for bar stools with adjustable seat

  • "Bachelor's kitchen" involves more free planning and distribution of elements of the working area. Usually one or two people are in the room at the same time. person, in the process cooking around do not scurry numerous household members. In the "bachelor kitchen" you can generally sacrifice a standard dining table in favor of a stylish bar counter, which will serve as an additional working area. A table or table-rack can be installed under the window, this will free up the center of a small kitchen.

The window sill table allows you to have a normal breakfast, but practically does not take up space

  • Transformable furniture will help you get more functionality in a small area. In addition to sliding tables, there are retractable and folding.

On this small and very narrow kitchen only a retractable dining table is placed, which, after eating, is completely hidden under the countertop

Inside the transforming table (length varies from 20 to 150 cm) is placed full set folding chairs

Folding table in the folded state does not take up any space in the room

Many kitchen furniture manufacturers offer retractable cutting boards.

Not enough space for large cooking - increase the working surface of the kitchen by pulling out an additional cutting board

  • Drawers can also be built into the plinth, putting infrequently used things there.

Usually an unused reserve for storing utensils is the plinth, where drawers can also be built in. They should be recessed relative to the main facade of the kitchen by 6-10 cm

How high should the table top be?

The wrong choice of tabletop height is fraught with overstrain of the back muscles and, as a result, excessive fatigue and constant pain in the lower back. The height of the working surface of the kitchen should be determined individually, in accordance with the growth of the owners of the apartment or house.

In accordance with domestic standards, according to which standard furniture is still being produced, the height of the countertop in the kitchen should be 85 cm. But GOST was developed in the 60s of the last century, when the average height of Soviet women was 157 cm. Today's ladies "grew up" almost by 10 cm, and the younger generation continues to stretch even higher. Nowadays, men do not disdain cooking, whose average height is 175 cm. The low "grandmother's" kitchen is no longer suitable for most contemporaries.

When determining the comfortable height of the working surface of the kitchen, it is necessary to take into account the differences in people's height

Fortunately, the architecture of the modern kitchen modular furniture makes it possible to install the working surface of the kitchen at a height convenient for a particular family. Most European manufacturers produce cabinets of the lower tier with a height of 72 cm. The thickness of the tabletop is 3-4 cm. The height of the working area is set due to the correct selection of supports, the height of which ranges from 10 to 18 cm. At the same time, the supports have an adjustable design that allows you to increase its height further by 2 cm. We get a minimum height of 85 and a maximum of 96 cm with the ability to set any value within these parameters.

Standard legs for kitchen furniture have an adjustment range of 2 cm

How to choose the right kitchen countertop height for a particular person? We recommend making a simple anthropometric measurement. Standing, bend your arm at the elbow at a right angle. The shoulder is vertical, the forearm is strictly horizontal. Open the palm and point down. Measure the distance from the floor to the palm. Subtract 10-15 cm from the obtained value. This will be the height range of the kitchen countertop, on which it will be convenient for this person to cook.

The ergonomic height of the working surface is best determined not so much by growth as by the distance from the floor to the elbow. The optimum lies in the range of 10-15 cm below the elbow

Higher countertop - more space for utensils

Not enough storage space kitchen utensils? At high table top additional space can be found by making the lower cabinets higher than the standard size. For example, with a work area height of 94 cm and a worktop of 4 cm, low 10 cm legs can be installed. It remains 80 cm, which is 8 cm more than the standard value. If the furniture is not typical, but made to order, it is not difficult to make cabinets of increased height and this will slightly affect their cost. The only limitation is that it will not be possible to use typical paneled doors with non-standard cabinets. It must be remembered that the plinth should sink about 8 cm relative to the front so as not to rest against it with your feet.

Variable work surface

When determining the height of the work surface, you may encounter two problems:

  1. The working surface, the height of which is best suited for cutting and washing dishes, will be inconvenient for manipulating the pan on the built-in stove. Especially if the hob is gas. Given the height of the pan and the grate above the burner (6-10 cm in total), the home cook will have to raise their elbow too high to stir and turn the contents. If you cook in this way often, you may experience pain in the arm and spine. The way out is to lower the level of the countertop by about 8 cm in the area where the hob is located. Or install a stand-alone cooker at an appropriate height. Unfortunately, such a solution is possible only if the kitchen is sufficiently spacious.

From the point of view of ergonomics, it is correct when the section of the countertop with built-in hob located below the main working area. Such a solution can only be implemented in a large kitchen with an extended front.

  1. It will not be possible to find a perfectly comfortable countertop height suitable for all members of the family who are fond of cooking if they are noticeably different in height. You will have to compromise, as a result of which it will be a little high for short people, and a little low for tall people. Installing kitchen cabinets on transformable (adjustable using electric motors or pneumatic mechanisms) supports solves this problem. He pressed a button - and the countertop, and with it the sink and stove, lowered or rose to a level convenient for the “kitchen attendant”. Fantastically convenient, but so far very expensive. However, "advanced" technologies are getting cheaper. Transforming office tables have already moved from the category of exclusive exotics to the standard equipment of a modern workplace. We hope that in a few years the prices for automatic height-adjustable kitchens will also drop to an acceptable level.

It is difficult (possible, but, again, expensive) to seal the junction of a height-adjustable countertop to the wall, so kitchen islands are often installed on supports with lifting mechanisms. For embedded gas stoves and sinks produce special flexible connections.

A height-adjustable working surface with the help of servo drives is no longer a curiosity, such mechanisms are sold in Russia

The tabletop that is transformable in height is also good because it is equally convenient to study baking recipes on it (you need to raise the table higher), knead the dough (set it to the middle position) and roll it out with a rolling pin (lower it down)

Ergonomics of base cabinets

  • For storing relatively small things, it is more convenient to use not shelves, but drawers - you don’t have to lower yourself on all fours to take things out of the far corners. On the shelves it makes sense to store large kitchen appliances, like an air grill, and possibly heavy stacks of plates. The more often items are used, the higher they should be placed.

It is more convenient to store medium-sized things in drawers. Bulk products placed in transparent containers will take up less space and be easily accessible

Pots and pans are also more practical to place in drawers

  • Bottles and similar-sized items are most conveniently stored in a narrow pull-out basket closer to the stove.

Bottles and tall cans are always at hand in the narrow pull-out basket

  • It is desirable that the width of the door swing cabinet, especially located under the sink, was at least 40 cm. Otherwise, it will be inconvenient to get something out, the more difficult it is to service the sink drain. The width of the cabinet (and door) under the sink with the filter located under it should not be less than 60 cm.

The wider the door in the cabinet under the sink, the easier it is to service the equipment installed in it.

  • Fashionable minimalistic furniture handles protruding forward look spectacular, but they are not very convenient on the lower cabinets, especially in the cutting and washing area. An adult, while cooking, will rest his hips on their edges, and a naughty child can get a bump on his forehead.

The railing handles are extraordinarily beautiful, but they will rest against the hostess's stomach and hips while washing dishes. A child who has been playing can hit his head on the edge of such a handle.

Hidden kitchen handles, which are horizontal slots in the doors, safety

Modern solutions for upper cabinets

The standard distance at which upper cabinets were previously recommended to be placed above the level of the countertop is 50 cm. However, today, half a meter clearance seems insufficient to many and cabinets are hung higher, 60-65 cm from the work surface. Undoubtedly, it is more convenient, especially when appliances are located on the countertop: an electric kettle, a food processor, etc. However, it should be borne in mind that due to the too high hanging of the lockers, the access area in them without a stepladder is reduced.

Hinged doors for upper cabinets with standard hinges that open at an angle of 90º or slightly more are potentially dangerous. Being carried away by the process of cooking, it is easy to miss open door and knock on her corner, getting a bump or, even worse, a black eye. Safe, if used correctly, swing doors, equipped with full opening hinges that allow you to open the door to an angle of up to 180º. The fully open door does not stick out forward, it is parallel to the front. True, it overlaps adjacent cabinets, so it is impossible to open adjacent doors. However, this is rarely needed. Our advice: if the upper cabinets provide for opening doors to the side, at least it is worth equipping the drying rack with special hinges - it is used most often.

A special hinge allows you to open the door to an angle of 180º, so that it is parallel to the cabinets, and does not stick out perpendicular to the furniture front

Another safe way to open the doors is up. They can swing open or move. Sliding ones almost do not protrude relative to the plane of the facades, it is impossible to knock on them. Swing should be positioned so that they are above the head of the home cook.

Upper cabinets equipped with hinged doors (1) are potentially dangerous. You can also stuff a bump on the swing door that opens up (2), if it is located below the top of the head. Safe sliding (3), folding (4) and folding (5) doors opening up

If the height of the upper cabinets exceeds 60 cm, it is better to make the door opening up folding. The disadvantage of the door opening up: to close it, you have to reach high for the handle, which is inconvenient for a short person.

Folding up cabinet doors are the most practical and safest type of opening. If you do not spare money and order a mechanism with an electric drive, the cabinet can be made arbitrarily high, because we close and open it by simply pressing a button

Height of upper cabinets

Top cabinets are available in three sizes:

  • Low cabinet - 60 cm.
  • Standard - 72 cm, which is equal to the height of the lower cabinets.
  • High - 92 cm.

Many manufacturers offer cabinets and other dimensions. When making custom-made furniture in a house with high ceilings, you can make the upper cabinets even higher. However, if heavy dishes are stored in them, it is more rational to hang two rows of cabinets. So more reliable. The bottom row of cabinets with upward opening doors should be of such a height that a person can easily reach the handle.

The nomenclature of common standard doors for cabinets. If there is space, it makes sense to use the upper cabinets with a height of 92 cm

Happy owners of apartments with high ceilings can hang the upper cabinets in two rows

Open shelves against cabinets

From the point of view of ergonomics, the cook should have everything necessary at hand during cooking. List the right tools, utensils and ingredients for cooking can be great. Some spices, packaged in small jars, can be filled with a dozen. Salt, pepper, a cutting board, all kinds of scraper blades, tea and coffee are needed at almost every cooking and meal, if the owners do not eat frozen fast food heated in the microwave. Take it out several times a day closed cabinet and hiding back is a dubious pleasure. In our opinion, it is much more convenient to keep frequently used utensils on open shelves. Everything is before your eyes, and even if the thing is not put in its place, it is easy to find.

Open shelves, rails and hooks provide quick and easy access to frequently used items

Adherents of a refined minimalist style in the interior will prefer to wipe the sink dry after each dishwashing and hide it in the closet. detergent, sponge and napkins, not to mention other things. But for most people it will be more comfortable to use open shelves and racks for small items. There are two reasons for the wider spread of the "open top". First: the contents of the shelves will have to be kept in order and periodically wiped. However, infrequently, provided that the room is installed good hood. The second reason: the lack of traditions, "Soviet" kitchens were equipped with blank cabinets.

In the kitchen of the famous designer Artemy Lebedev, there are no closed cabinets on top, only open shelves

Sink and trash can: a practical upgrade

The size of the sink bowl should allow you to wash the largest dishes in your home.

The side “wing” and the second, small, bowl are very convenient. If there is room for them.

The side wing will serve as an additional cutting surface. Additional bowl - optional, but convenient equipment

If you have a water filtration system, you should make sure that the sink allows you to install a second faucet for purified water if you do not want to purchase an expensive faucet with a switch. Under the tap with a low-lying spout, it is inconvenient to wash dishes big size, and splashes fly from the tall mixer when washing small dishes. The best, but not cheap option is a faucet with a pull-out spout.

The pull-out spout on the kitchen faucet not only makes washing dishes more comfortable, but also reduces water consumption.

We recommend purchasing a sink with a bottom valve that allows you to close the drain by turning the handle. The valve is more convenient than a plug, and due to the rise in the cost of housing and communal services, it is more economical to wash dishes by pre-soaking them. Yes, and faster.

It is customary to store a trash can under our sink. They opened the door of the lower cabinet, took out a bucket, threw out the garbage, closed it. It will be easier if you hang the bucket on the door - less movement.

Inexpensive, but convenient trash can mounted on the cabinet door. We open the door - the lid of the bucket rises, close it - it falls. No smell

The best option for placing the "garbage bin" is built-in, under the work surface. A hole is made in the countertop, a container for garbage is placed under it. The hole and container are closed with a flat lid. You can buy a sink with a built-in trash can, it's even more convenient. The presence of a grinder on the sewer drain will significantly reduce the volume of waste and almost eliminate the "aroma" of waste. Alas, advanced garbage collection and disposal systems are not cheap.

The most convenient "garbage bin" is built into the countertop. Pulls out easily - upwards.

Convenient and safe placement of equipment

We talked about the arrangement of the main elements of equipment on the floor plan. Some tips for choosing and placing kitchen appliances:

  • If the kitchen front has an L-shaped configuration, it is more rational to put household appliances located on the countertop (microwave, electric kettle, coffee maker) in inner corner, which is problematic to use for cooking.
  • Very convenient solution- accommodation oven in a high column cabinet at a height of 65-80 cm from the floor. It is much more convenient to observe the cooking process, load and unload baking sheets without bending. Unfortunately, in a small room it is difficult to find a place for the "column".

It is much more convenient to use the oven installed in a tall cabinet at a height of 65-80 cm than under the countertop in the standard version.

  • A traditional fireplace-type hood does a good job of removing kitchen fumes, but protrudes dangerously forward. You can fill a bump by trying to look into the pan. The exhaust devices built into the furniture also suffer from the same drawback. But the inclined hood is absolutely safe, it does not stick out above the stove at head level. By the way, the minimum height of the hood suspension above the electric stove is 65 cm, above the gas stove - 75 cm.

Ergonomic inclined hood removes kitchen fumes as well as traditional "hoods", but almost does not protrude above the stove

  • The process of cooking or heating food in a microwave oven is easier to control when its transparent door is installed slightly (about 20 cm) below eye level. The best places for a microwave are in the “column” above the oven or on the bottom shelf of the top cabinet. And the owners of tight Khrushchev can find a place for the stove on the windowsill.

It is advisable to place the microwave so that, while standing, you can see the cooking process through the glass window.

The right tables and chairs for the dining area

AT Soviet times the dining table had to have a height of 70 cm, this corresponded physical characteristics man in the 60s. And today many enterprises produce furniture according to these standards. But for people taller than 160 cm, this height is already too small. To date, dining tables in the EU countries mainly have a height of 72-76 cm, and in the USA already 74-78 cm. On the domestic market, you can find furniture of various parameters. Not uncommon - tables on supports adjustable by several centimeters.

In a private kitchen, you can find two more types of tables: semi-bar and bar. We have already mentioned the first one, it is made to the level with the tabletop (85-95 cm) and is used both for eating and as an additional working area. A high bar counter (as in public bars) has a height of 120-125 cm, but at home it can be a little lower.

In width for one person sitting at the table, it is recommended to allocate a space of 60 cm. Accordingly, for two - 120 cm. It makes no sense to do less than 50 cm per person, it is too crowded. The recommended minimum depth of a table on both sides of which people sit is 80 cm.

Chairs must be chosen according to the table. Provided that the thickness of the tabletop, together with the stiffening rib, does not exceed 10 cm, the seat of the chair should be approximately 30-35 cm lower than the top of the table for a standard dining table, 28-33 cm for a semi-bar table and 23-27 cm for a bar table. A stool for a high bar counter must necessarily have a support bar for legs.

Height-adjustable dining and bar stools are easy to adjust to a position that is comfortable for a particular person and type of table

A look into a bright future: lighting and sockets

There is not much light. In addition to the general lighting of the kitchen, bright illumination of the working area is necessary and good lighting above the dining table.

Moderate general light and bright illumination of the working area is the key to comfortable work and the safety of the vision of the home cook

Sockets: no matter how many you make, you still don’t have enough. We recommend counting the number of electrical appliances that are planned to be installed in the kitchen and making a couple more outlets. You should also not forget about the TV and the handset of the telephone system, if any are planned in the kitchen. Putting the TV on the refrigerator, as is often done, is not worth it: you can turn your neck while looking at it from a chair. TVs are now flat, it is better to hang on the wall or place on the table.

Recommended layout of outlets in the kitchen. Sockets of appliances located on the countertop - above the cooking and cutting areas. It is better to make sockets for built-in appliances in the sink cabinet or in the basement, so access will be provided to them.

Once again about safety: how to protect children from injury

We have already mentioned safety, an integral part of ergonomics. If there are small children in the house, care should be taken that the babies do not get injured. If possible, sharp corners should be avoided when designing or choosing furniture. Special devices can be used to protect the child from hitting sharp objects.

A soft overlay on the corner of the table will save a frisky child from injury

We should not forget that children are curious and will definitely climb where they are not allowed:

The “children's” pad on the door (on the left) will not allow the child to enter the “secret” locker, and the stopper-brake (on the right) will not allow the finger to be pinched by the door

Electrical wires must not be left accessible; blocking plugs must be inserted into low-lying sockets

Special protective screens on the cookers that prevent the child from reaching hot pots are not sold in every store, but parents should look for this useful thing. Magnetic constipation on the refrigerator (on the right) is also useful

Many models of modern household appliances are equipped with a power-on lock function, in which children can press buttons and turn knobs - nothing will happen.

We hope our recommendations will be useful to you. Within the framework of the article, many questions on ergonomics and organization of the kitchen remained untouched. We recommend that you seek advice from specialists at the furniture design stage. An experienced furniture or interior designer will be able to suggest a lot of useful things and save you from mistakes. Good luck.

When choosing a comfortable desk, it is necessary to take into account not only its design and materials of manufacture, but also the height parameters. This characteristic is one of the most important, despite the fact that many consumers forget about it after finding the model they like. A desk of the wrong height can lead to health problems, so it’s simply impossible not to pay attention to such a characteristic of furniture.


Users of all ages can spend most of the day at their desks. Such furniture can be used not only in home interiors, but also in offices. It is always convenient to work behind it, and, as a rule, a large number of different items fit on the tabletops of high-quality writing designs.

However, when choosing such products, it is necessary Special attention refer to their height. And it does not matter at all whether you are buying a table for an adult or a child.

In both cases, the furniture must be of high quality so that work behind it does not lead to problems with the spine.

One of the main parameters of these interior items is their height. If you purchase a model that is too low or too high, then it will be very uncomfortable to be behind it, and your posture can also deteriorate greatly. Often, working at such tables leads to annoying pain in the neck and lower back. If you sit at a desk of the wrong height for long enough, it can even lead to noticeable headaches that interfere with work.

This parameter is no less important if you are looking for a table for a child's room. A growing organism should not be located in uncomfortable conditions, even while doing homework or reading books.

As a rule, incorrectly selected tables lead to curvature of the spine of young users, which is very difficult to deal with.

Standard sizes

Few people know, but today there is a special standard system called "modulator", according to which the standard parameters of absolutely all furniture of today's production are revealed, including the height of desks. This parameter plays one of the most important roles, because it primarily affects the position of the user sitting behind it.

Being behind an excessively low design, a person will stoop and move the body forward, but if the user is working on a product that is too high, then he will have to constantly raise his head.

Do not forget that correct posture means a perfectly straight back, calmly lying forearms and the absence of unnecessary stiffness in the shoulder area. You also need to remember that the legs should be located on the floor and be bent at an angle of 90 degrees.

Height in centimeters

As a rule, in the manufacture of modern desks, the average height of a person, which is 175 cm, is taken as the main indicator.

Creator useful system The "modulator" Le Corbusier believed that the height of such furniture should vary in terms of 70-80 cm, so the standard size is most often 75 cm (in accordance with the average height of 175 cm, and women's - 162 cm).

Most users of standard build can rely on such parameters, however, in modern furniture stores can be found and non-standard options if the buyer has a more modest or, conversely, impressive growth.

In addition, the exact height of the structure can be found out and calculated using a special simple formula that looks like this: height x 75: 175. So, if a person’s height is 169 cm, then the height of suitable furniture will be 72 cm.

If the user's parameters are outside the standard limits, then You can choose a comfortable chair with height adjustment. However, in this case, we must not forget about the presence of a special stand for the feet. It is necessary so that the knees always remain bent at an angle of 90 degrees. However, it is also possible to order a table according to individual sizes. As a rule, such furniture is more expensive than standard display cases, but by purchasing it, you will get the most convenient and suitable model for you.

Other Options

If you want to choose a desk that will work comfortably and comfortably, then you need to consider not only its height, but also its ratio with the width of the table top. This parameter means the distance from its left to its right edge.

In the smallest designs, the countertop takes no more than 60 cm. Of course, such furniture will be a real "salvation" for a small room, but still experts recommend buying more spacious options.

Properly calculated product depth for an adult user is 25-60 cm.

The platform on which the legs should be located should not be less than 52 cm. It is considered quite important to identify indicators of the width and height of the chair.

According to calculations Le Corbusier the most convenient and optimal is the seat width, which does not exceed 40 cm. As for the height, it should vary 42-48 cm.

Adjustable model

Modern manufacturers produce not only standard stationary-type designs, but also more thoughtful specimens that can be adjusted at your discretion at any convenient time. Often these models are bought for children's rooms, since they can "grow" with the young user without harming his health.

The essence of such models of tables lies in their ability to raise and lower the tabletop, thanks to special moving legs (usually 4 of them).

In addition, adjustable options are good in that many of them have a tilt function.

Thanks to such useful qualities, several households can use such furniture, since each person will be able to adjust the design to his own parameters.

Such specimens today are represented by a rich assortment and are used in great demand. They are made from a variety of materials, from cheap plastic to natural wood. There are also interesting options combined with a chair, the height of which can also be changed at your discretion. Otherwise, such models are called desks.

How to choose?

Before you go to the store to buy a table, you should decide what kind of sample you need: a written one or a computer one. After that, the issue regarding the cost of furniture should be resolved. The price of the table will depend on the following important parameters:

  • product manufacturing. Of course, options released under well-known brands and large brands will have a higher cost. However, such expenses are quite justified, since similar products most often serves for a long time and does not lose its attractiveness even after many years;
  • material. Also, the cost of the desk is affected by the material from which it is made. The most inexpensive are models made of chipboard, MDF and plastic, and the most reliable and expensive are solid wood structures;
  • dimensions. As a rule, small desks are much cheaper. big options, since less raw materials are spent on them in the production process;
  • decorative elements. It affects the price of the finished product and the presence in it of one or another fitting. The higher the quality and more interesting design, the more expensive the table as a whole will cost.

How to choose for a child?

The choice of a writing table for a children's room should be approached especially seriously and carefully, so that improperly selected furniture does not have a negative effect on the growing spine. If you want to purchase a really high-quality and safe model, then try to follow some simple recommendations:

  • the recommended width of the countertop in the design for the child should be at least 100 cm;
  • as for the depth, it should vary from 60 to 80 cm;
  • for the legs of the young user, there should be a space of about 50x54 cm;
  • it is recommended to purchase designs with a small footrest located directly under the table top. If this is not provided by the manufacturer, then it should be purchased separately from the table;

  • An important role in the selection of designs for a child is played by the difference between the height of a chair and a desk. This parameter should be 20-24 cm;
  • going to the store for such furniture, experts recommend taking the child with you so that he can sit at the table for a while before buying. At this moment, you need to control his position: the elbows and legs should be relaxed and not in tension. As for the gap between the top of the table and the user's knees, it should be 10-15 cm;
  • the distance of the upper part from the user's eyes must also be taken into account. It should correspond to the gap between the elbow and the fingertips;
  • psychologists advise taking into account the taste preferences and desires of the child. At the same time, you need to make sure that the worktop of the product is roomy enough and not too cramped, otherwise it will not be very convenient to work with such a model;