House plan - house plan. Ideal home: house layout

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The design of a house is based on the application of building and planning standards. Each of the family members in the house at the same time should be able to do their own thing and not interfere with anyone. This means that each tenant needs his own corner - a separate room. That is why the layout of the house is so important at the design stage, it is necessary to allocate personal space for each family member in advance.

With the right layout of the house, the guests who come immediately get into the living room, and then they do not wander around the house in search of a toilet.

Features of planning during design

To new house has become cozy, comfortable and economical, it is necessary to properly plan its layout, taking into account both the overall dimensions and the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach room. When planning a house, it is necessary to adhere to standard rules, the first of which is the zoning of the total area into two parts: economic and residential.

In turn, the residential area is divided into evening and day areas, and then they are divided into rooms for guests, children and adults.

The daily zone should include:

  • hallway;

    living room;

    dining room;

    veranda or terrace;

Dressing rooms, bedrooms and extended bathrooms are evening rooms.

The economic zone includes a kitchen, a garage, a pantry, a workshop, a boiler room, a laundry.

The photo below shows the correct zoning of the space in the house: on the right is the living room, kitchen and dining room, while the rooms are not separated by partitions. To the left are three bedrooms and a bathroom.

When designing and planning a house, they also think about:

    size and shape of housing;

    the number and location of entrance doors;

    number of storeys;

    the material from which the dwelling will be built;

    the presence of a boiler room attached to the house of a garage;

    arrangement of bathrooms: in a multi-storey cottage, they are sometimes located on each floor;

    number and size of windows;

    combination of kitchen, dining room, living room;

    the presence of walk-through rooms.

If you want to build a large house so that all the rooms in it are useful and constantly used, you can consider having a winter garden, sports hall, billiard room, swimming pool.

The plan of the house is checked for compliance with the construction and hygiene standards. Each person should have 25m³ of air. Otherwise, normal health cannot be ensured.

When planning the number and location of windows, light is taken into account. Depending on the position of the sun, living rooms and a living room are designed.

The project for building a house should take into account the view from the windows. Beautiful landscape, preferable for living rooms. Economic, non-residential zones are equipped in places where the view from the window is not important.

A fashionable trend is the arrangement of an attic, an open or closed terrace, a veranda. If a decision is made to make the latter open, then they should be on the sunny side, in a sector protected from the wind. The location of the outdoor terrace, taking into account these requirements, will ensure a comfortable stay.

An important point is the porch of the house, so the layout should take into account maximum convenience. The entrance is made from the south side, given the wind rose. Depending on this, they decide which side the handle and hinges of the front door will be on.

Wind rose - compiled on the basis of observations of the weather. Graphically, it looks like a polygon, along the length of the faces of which the directions of the prevailing or prevailing winds are visible - from which side air flows most often come to a given area.

The path to the porch should be flat and provide a convenient passage in any weather.

Linking the project to the area

When planning the location of the house, take into account the wind rose, soil conditions, and the local landscape. There should be free access to housing, a convenient location of access communications for your car, the supply of fuel, building materials, and loading and unloading operations.

On sandy and clay soil a foundation with enhanced protection against moisture is installed. If this is neglected, the walls will become damp in the house, fungus and mold will appear. Depending on the structure of the soil, it is calculated permissible load on the foundation and walls, the possibility of building housing on several floors is being evaluated.

The project provides for the optimal route for communications - water supply, gas, sewerage.

When studying the area, it should be clarified whether it is possible to drill a well to create autonomous water supply Houses.

Optimal house size

When planning a house, they think in advance the number of rooms and their placement. The dimensions depend on the functionality. Children, for example, do not make big ones - this cozy rooms in which the child needs to ensure a restful sleep and sufficient illumination.

The dining room should accommodate all family members at the same time - this room in the house should be the second largest after the living room.

It is undesirable to make rooms long and narrow, it is very inconvenient both in terms of accommodation and when placing furniture.

When planning rooms, it is worth considering the location of the furniture in advance. This will allow you to choose the optimal area for each room and ensure the rational use of space.

Don't skimp on the kitchen. This room is the most actively used. Cooking requires enough space for the work to be done quietly.

Combining rooms saves space. Living rooms are fashionable to combine with the kitchen and dining room. This solution will make the room large and comfortable. In addition, there will be significant savings on materials, because you do not have to spend money on the construction of partitions. Combine also a toilet and a bathroom.

Walk-through rooms should be used rationally, these include living rooms, dining rooms. The fewer corridors and halls in the house, the more convenient it will be to move around in it. In addition, building a house with a minimum number of halls and corridors reduces the cost of living space.

Based on the number of planned rooms in the house and their area, choose the overall dimensions of the building. At the same time, you should definitely take into account that if you have a small family of two or three people, you do not need to build a house that is too big, no matter how much you would like it. Let it be spacious, and each room is used for its intended purpose.

Premises that are not used by residents do not interfere with them, but take away financial resources. Firstly, every winter they need to be heated, and this is extra spending on utility bills. Secondly, when building a house, you are investing in spaces that you will not use.

It would be more rational to use free cash resources for more expensive facade decoration or to equip a summer recreation area on the site.

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Which house project to choose: one or two floors

Possibilities of modern design residential buildings do conditional name « cottage". The plan for building a house may provide for the equipment of the basement floor, the construction of an attic. A cottage with such extensions will turn out to be three-level in the project one-story house. The attic and the basement cannot be called floors, but such rooms will make housing more comfortable and increase the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house.

On the basement floor, the economic sector is usually equipped, sports equipment is installed, and communications are brought out. Here you can equip a boiler room, make a garage. The attic can be equipped with bedrooms and children's rooms.

If you are not attracted to a house with additional levels, you should plan the rooms taking into account effective use area. In the house it is necessary to provide premises for all family members, and combine the kitchen and dining room. Also come with toilet and bath. The construction of low partitions and columns will help to delimit the zones.

A two-story house is being built for big family. Living rooms for households are planned on the second floor. On the first - equip the living room, kitchen, bedroom for guests. When several generations live together, the older members of the family are given rooms downstairs. Bathrooms on the floors are placed one above the other. This facilitates the supply of communications.

If there is a desire to equip autonomous heating, a boiler room is arranged near the kitchen, in the basement or garage.

Choosing which house to build, two-story or one-story, should be based on the size of the site. If you have a large family, and the plot is small, it is better to give preference to a two-story structure. In such a house, you can allocate a personal room to each family member and at the same time save space on the site.

If the family is small, then a one-story house, even on small plot it will be quite enough, because a two-story structure will cost much more.

When designing a house, provide for the possibility of further expansion of housing.

Layout of a house with an attic

A house with an attic floor is a budget option for creating additional usable space. As a rule, bedrooms and offices, as well as children's rooms, are equipped in the attic. relative privacy and beautiful view from the window are advantages over other rooms.

To maintain a comfortable temperature in winter time walls and ceiling must be additionally insulated. Good lighting will provide a large window. When the presence of an attic is planned in advance, all communications are brought there during the construction of the house.

If there is an attic, but there is no need to use it as a living area, you can arrange a workshop there or use it as a storage room.

An example of a two-room house layout

If you decide to build a small house, consisting of only two living rooms and suitable for one or two people, the project provides for a maximum profitable option, taking into account the small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house. Kitchen and dining room can be combined, as well as a bathroom with a toilet. Maximum use of built-in modules: cabinets, appliances, niches and pantries. One bedroom in the house must be required. In addition, in the living room you need to equip a sleeping place.

The width of the hallway should not be less than 1.5 m. If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is large, they will equip built-in wardrobes and racks with shoes and outerwear.

In a two-story house, living rooms are located on the 2nd floor, on the first floor there is an economic sector - a kitchen, a dining room, a boiler room, a pantry.

The plan for the construction of a house of two living rooms should provide for:


    common room;

  • pantry.

In the project, you can consider a separate exit from the kitchen to the terrace.

Layout of a three-room house

Such housing can easily accommodate a family of three. Be sure to equip two bedrooms and a living room.

Three exits can be provided from the hallway at once: to the kitchen, to the bathroom and to the living room. Thus, the living room will be a walk-through room and from it you can get into two bedrooms.

In 3 room house must be:

  • two bedrooms;

On request, they build a veranda, an additional porch with access from the kitchen.

If the house has four rooms

Housing with four rooms is easier to zone, and it is suitable for a large family. The right side of the building is reserved for recreation, the left side for activity, or vice versa. In such a house they plan:

    entrance hall with vestibule;

    3 bedrooms;

    corridor between separate rooms;

    living room;

If the area allows, they arrange a laundry room, a veranda with access from the bedroom, a second porch with access from the kitchen.

In the process of designing interior spaces, one should take into account the location of sources of natural, natural lighting. It is desirable to design rooms in certain proportions, so that they are not too elongated along, and their depth does not exceed 6 meters.

Important things to consider when planning a house

There are several planning nuances when designing a house, for example, the number and location of windows and doors, the presence of a balcony, and the height of the ceilings.

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See the video for the nuances of planning a 10x10 house:

We plan the location of windows

Living rooms are located on the sunny side. The illumination should be sufficient to preserve vision, but at the same time not lead to fading of furniture and wallpaper. If the layout of the rooms in the house provides for the construction of a glass wall, it is necessary to equip it with protective blinds or blackout curtains.

You can build a standard house - in small bedrooms they make one window each, in the living rooms there must be two. If the dining room is shared with the kitchen, then it is better to make three window openings.

You can let your imagination run wild and plan special windows: long, round, tall windows with an arch above.

A large number of windows provide plenty of light and fresh air. Do not be afraid that they will cause cold in the house. Modern multi-chamber windows have excellent thermal protection properties.

We plan the height of the ceilings

Too high ceilings in the house will cause excessive consumption of building materials during the construction of the house, and after finishing. In addition, furniture in a high room will not look as beautiful, it will be “lost”.

Too low a ceiling causes discomfort, creates a “pressing” feeling. The height of the ceilings in the house is determined based on the area of ​​​​the rooms. That is why it is highly desirable to make rooms on each floor of the house that do not differ too much from each other in area, with the exception of bathrooms and pantries, of course.

A small room with a very high ceiling can look like a deep well. When planning the height of ceilings, it is important to find a middle ground.

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About how the house should be, look at the video:

Balcony in a private house

Some owners of private houses with balconies hardly use these extensions. According to people, it is easier to go out into the yard or onto the terrace. That is why the need for a balcony must be considered in advance.

If there is a desire to make it, then you should not build a small balcony similar to those that are equipped apartment buildings. A large balcony is turned into a work of art using wrought iron or other equally beautiful railings.

There should be enough space on the balcony for comfortable rest- so that you can put there a few sunbeds or a rocking chair, a table with chairs for tea drinking.

Large balcony in a private house, equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable stay

Balcony railings should have a height of one meter, in order to ensure safety. In the absence of a canopy, in winter snow can sweep onto the balcony. If the floor does not have a slope, then after the rain, water will stagnate there.

Some examples of successful house plans


The plan of houses for construction should be thought out by professionals. Tell them about your desires and preferences so that the layout of the house is the way you want it. Well, if there are no special requirements for the distribution of space in the house, you can choose a ready-made, standard project with the layout you like.

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component project documentation, where the location of the main structures, partitions, doors and windows is fixed. Such a document also displays the area and size of all rooms, the material used for construction, the location of plumbing and other technological marks.

Determine the size of the house and the number of its floors

Many decide to build as much as possible spacious house. But such an option may not be rational. Often a standard cottage 10x10 m is the best solution. Having studied the corresponding photos, this is easy to verify.

If the house is high, then moving around it takes a lot of time, heating costs increase. You should also think about the property tax, the amount of which depends on the size of the house.

A two-story house is necessary for a family with several children, and a small one-story house is a universal solution that will suit most. Also, do not forget that when the children grow up, the spacious second floor will become unnecessary.

But a two-story house still has certain advantages over a one-story building. With the same area, the construction of such a cottage will be cheaper by reducing the cost of arranging the foundation and roof. In a high house, it is easier to place the necessary rooms, and heat loss is also reduced. But the layout of a one-story house eliminates the need to build stairs.

How to plan a house?

To make a private house comfortable, you need to correctly arrange the rooms on the building plan. Second floor - appropriate place for the bedroom, and the first - for the living room, kitchen. But if there are elderly people in the family, then one bedroom should be located below.

Estimate which side the sun will be on. Standard option: the bedroom is oriented to the east, the living room to the west, the kitchen to the east or south. If the window faces south, then air conditioning is required. The staircase is located on the north side. You also need to consider whether the windows overlook the noisy side of the street. The best solution is for the bedroom window to be oriented to a quiet area.

In rooms located on the south side, flowers grow well. But they can get hot in the summer. Therefore, on south side garden plot planted tall trees blocking the path of the sun's rays.

A comfortable residential building is a building where the layout corresponds to the advice of experts tested in practice. What are the common points to consider?

  • When creating a project on your own, the thickness of the walls is taken into account. The total thickness of the outer and inner walls can be 0.5 meters.
  • The optimal shape for any room, whether it is a bathroom or a kitchen, is close to square. Convenient width - at least 3 meters.
  • The fewer corridors in the cottage, the better. If you can’t refuse them, then the corridor must be made at least 1.5 meters wide.
  • Before you determine the size of your future home, make a list of all the necessary premises. For example, a nursery for the first child, for the second child, a balcony, a terrace, a basement. Calculating the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach is an important step. How to do it? Draw the room on a scale and arrange the furniture inside it, also taking into account its dimensions. It often turns out that ready plan needs adjustment. For example, there is not enough space in the hall to put a spacious sofa, and there is too much on the balcony.
  • The windows of places where the owners of the house spend a lot of time should be oriented towards the courtyard. It is so convenient to watch the child play in the fresh air, the arrival of guests, etc.
  • A bathroom, a kitchen - places on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich you should not save. Otherwise, being in them will cause discomfort. Each floor should have its own bathroom.
  • The basement is also convenient because, if it is available, thermal insulation of the floor is not required. But building a basement is far from a cheap pleasure, because in this case the foundation is built in a special way.
  • Terrace and porch should be included in the project initially. Otherwise, the risk of erecting incomprehensible structures later increases significantly.
  • A common solution is to equip the attic floor. This is cheap option compared to the construction of the second floor with a roof, but less comfortable. Many owners of houses complain that the attic tier is inconvenient to use.
  • The layout of the house should include a separate room for the boiler, the size and area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich should correspond to established requirements. Some boilers are allowed to hang in the kitchen, but the boiler room is a more modern and safer option.

Ceiling height

A common question is how to determine the height of the ceilings? Excessively low ceilings, like high ones, will be an irrational solution. Ceilings that are higher than average height increase the cost of heating the house, building walls, stairs, and decoration.

If the floor area is more than 20 sq. m, then the comfortable ceiling height is above 3 m. For an area of ​​16-20 sq. m, the optimal ceiling height is from 2.7 to 3 m. Therefore, the layout should take into account that within the same floor it is better to make rooms of approximately the same size. If the layout does not allow doing this, then the height of the ceilings is made different. For example, the level is significantly reduced by plasterboarding. After all, a small room with high ceilings looks disharmonious.

An interesting and modern option, thanks to which the layout will become unique - double or one and a half height ceilings relative to the minimum in the house. For example, this is how the living room is set up. Such a modern plan is a frequent solution in the photo of foreign interiors. But such a decision is associated with certain difficulties.

House layout- part of the project documentation, which displays the location of the main structures of the house, partitions, bathrooms, windows and doors. Among the additional information that is used to display house plan, you can highlight the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises, the dimensions, the material of the walls, the arrangement of plumbing devices, the binding of the axis, as well as marks, for example, on the stairwell. In this article, we will look at how a house plan layout is created, as well as its most common variations.

Catalog of house plans

Architects carefully study the needs of people so that the layout of the house is the most comfortable for them. In this regard, there are two types: first create a volume and then fill it with the necessary premises, or first arrange the premises correctly, and then create a three-dimensional model of the house from them - preparation for developing a house layout. House plans are developed at the design stage - see how a house layout is developed in a specialized program. Quite often, a house needs several house plans:

  • ground floor;
  • typical;
  • attic.

They differ due to the peculiarities of the location of the living area. For example, on the attic floor there is no need to install all the main walls. In addition, part of the useful area will be lost due to the low height of the ceiling near the enclosing walls of the house. So we will consider the plans and layouts of a 6x6 house; 6x8; 6x9; 7x7; 8x8; 8x10; 10x10; 10x12; 12x12.

The drawing up of this drawing is also carried out taking into account the standard sizes of prefabricated elements. Such a calculation will help reduce the number of places where there is a shortage of foundation blocks, floor elements, etc. The process begins with drawing the axes of the house and linking the walls to them. After that, partitions, windows and doors are applied - see the drawing lesson additional elements on the plan of the house. final stage become the signatures of the premises, their area, as well as the application of dimensions - a designation on the drawings of the layout of the house. After the house is built, BTI draws up floor plans for the premises to take into account the changes that the owners will make.

House plan, popular layouts

Incorrect design leads to the need to carry out redevelopment - work related to changing the space-planning decision of the house. The building may have several large rooms or only 2. Their number and area are determined by the overall dimensions of the house: 6x6; 6x8; 6x9; 7x7; 8x8; 8x10; 10x10; 10x12; 12x12.

It is important to correctly arrange the usable area of ​​the building. In the process of this work, attention is paid to two coefficients that help to estimate the area occupied by corridors and utility rooms and compare it with a residential area.

House layout 6x6

House layout

Ground floor plan

Second floor plan

Comfortable enough house layout 6x6, which is often used for the construction of cottages. As you can see, on the plan of the house there is one living room, a kitchen, a steam room, as well as a terrace that can be used as summer kitchen. This is a great vacation spot for small company. The plan of the 6x6 house in this case is not as large as many citizens are used to, the total area is only 15.6 m2.

This house has the same dimensions in plan as the previous one, but involves the construction of a second floor. The layout of the 6x6 house on the second floor is significantly different from the layout of the first floor. However, this project can be called a country house, as it involves two bedrooms and one living room, which can easily fit a family for a long stay. The plan of the 6x6 house also provides for a kitchen, a veranda, small corridors and a bathroom. The total area, according to the project, is 43.5 m2, and the living area is 25.5 m2.

This 6x6 house layout is more designed for relaxing with friends or family. A large veranda is conducive to communication. The house also has a sauna and a shower room, which will make your stay in a country house more comfortable. The total area is less than in the previous version due to the fact that the house is one-story, it is 29.5 m2, and residential - 15.2 m2.

House layout 6x8

Practical house layout 6x8, in which a kitchen, a large dining room and a bedroom fit in a small area. On the second floor there is a dressing room, two large bedrooms, as well as a balcony and a fireplace. This is a really cozy house that will make your stay very cozy. On the plan of the house, a bathroom is indicated, located under the stairs, it has an area slightly smaller than the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen - 2.8 m2. Total area - 48.5 m2 residential - 30.5 m2.

This is real Vacation home for a big company. The project provides for two bedrooms on the second floor, and on the first floor there is only a spacious kitchen-living room, a sauna, a swimming pool and a bathroom. Building a house on such a project is beneficial for small families. The given plan of the house 6x8 assumes a total area of ​​49.5 m2 and a residential area of ​​31.4 m2.

The smaller layout of the house is 6x8. However, it is very cozy, as it allows you to accommodate a minimum of 4 people with comfortable conditions residence. The house has two bedrooms, a huge kitchen-living room, equipped with three windows that perfectly illuminate the room. The hall on the second floor can be used for a good time in the company, it can accommodate billiards, tennis or other. Total 51.8 m2 living 32.7 m2.

House layout 6x9

Small clubhouse. House layout 6x9 designed for fans of billiards and poker. On the 1st floor there is a large living room-dining room-kitchen, after the exchange in which guests will certainly want to go up to the 2nd floor. The presented house plan 6x9, most likely, involves an attic floor. The total area is 51.8 m2, living area - 32.7 m2.

Small clubhouse. The layout of the house 6x9 is designed for fans of billiards and poker. On the 1st floor there is a large living room-dining room-kitchen, after the exchange in which guests will certainly want to go up to the 2nd floor. The presented plan of the house, most likely, involves an attic floor. The total area is 51.8 m2, living area - 32.7 m2.

The house is designed very rationally and has everything you need for life. These are three large bedrooms, and a large veranda, and a loggia. Area: total 53.8 m2 living 38.8 m2

House layout 7x7

It is this organization of the space of the house that they are trying to achieve during the redevelopment of apartments. The house has two spacious bedrooms, a large kitchen-dining room overlooking the veranda, a hall and a real sauna. Such layouts of 7x7 houses are really convenient. Total area 57.1 m2, living area 34.0 m2.

This house plan 7x7 Suitable for people who love space. The layout of the house involves the arrangement of large rooms that will allow you to have a good rest. A veranda stretches along the main facade of the house, and on the second floor there is a spacious loggia. As seen, house layout 7x7 involves the arrangement of two bedrooms, one of them is equipped with access to the street. Total area 53.8 m2 living area 38.8 m2

A small house with a laconic layout. It perfectly takes into account the conditions necessary for a full stay. It has a large bedroom, kitchen and bathroom. According to the plan of the house, the total area is 50.8 m2, and the living area is 22.0 m2

Layout of the house 8x10

The distribution of usable space below is remarkable in that the first floor is designed according to the classical scheme: the place is reserved for a garage, a workshop, a kitchen, a toilet, a living room and an entrance hall. Living quarters and a recreation room are located on the attic floor.

This layout of the 8x10 house made of profiled timber fits everything you need for life on the ground floor: two spacious bedrooms, a large kitchen-dining room, and a living room. The house has a convenient shared bathroom.

The house below can be called a dream. The first floor is designed quite well, in addition, its front part is skillfully decorated with a terrace and a balcony above it. Large living and common rooms are all a sign correct use usable area.

House layout 8x8

The layout of the cottage is notable for the fact that the house is suitable for a family of four. The ground floor plan of the 8x8 house shows two large bedrooms, a kitchen combined with a living room. The plan of the second floor consists of two bedrooms, a large corridor leading to a balcony. It should be noted that the corridor has a railing on one side, since there are no ceilings above the living room with the kitchen. Total area 69.7 m2 living area 36.9 m2

Dimensions of this country house - layout 8x8 intended for recreation. Auxiliary premises are located on the ground floor: a hall, a steam room, a veranda, recreation rooms and a kitchen-living room. On the second floor there is a large comfortable bedroom. Total area 62.3 m2, living area 34.0 m2

This house layout 8x8 also suitable for a joint holiday. The plan of the first floor of the house has a sauna, a dressing room, showers, a swimming pool, a relaxation room, a terrace, and a small storage room. On the second floor there is a bedroom with an area of ​​15m2. The layout of the house has a total area of ​​63.1m2 and a living area of ​​28.3m2.

House layout 9x9

Unusual housing. In the central room fit the hall and the kitchen. To their right is a large living room. Windows are located in bay windows, there are no partitions, all this corresponds to the creation of air space. The house has two bathrooms, three exits to the street, in addition, the plan of the house includes a laundry room, a sauna, a terrace and bathrooms. For relax house layout 9x9 provides two bedrooms located on the second floor.

it's the same non-standard layout country house, which is ideal for a large family. The building has as many as three bedrooms, as seen on the second floor plan of the house, one of which is "L" shaped. Enough comfortable layout at home 9x9 also fits a sauna located near the bathroom, as well as a utility room. The total area is 96.5 m2, living area - 47.3 m2.

This is a comfortable house, designed for permanent residence. compact layout, separate bathroom, a spacious bedroom, a nursery and an office on the second floor of the house - all these are signs of urban construction. The kitchen is combined with a large living room, on the ground floor there are small utility rooms.

House layout 10x10

It's also compact house layout 10x10, different increased comfort. The house has a large terrace accessed by two stairs. The first floor includes a large living room, a lounge, separate kitchen in addition, the entrance hall is indicated on the plan of the house. The second floor has a huge hall - 30 m2 and two small sleeping areas of 11.3 m2. Total 121.8 m2, and residential 57.1 m2

Great house for a family with children. In the 10x10 planning solution, there is space for small children: a large playroom. On the ground floor, most of the space is occupied by the kitchen and living room. Total area 123.2 m2, living area 78.0 m.

Spacious house with large rooms and original internal zoning. The living room, dining room and kitchen are a single room with an unusual geometry. The kitchen area is placed in a small niche, and only a large one is left in sight. The hall has been replaced by a vestibule and a corridor. On the 1st floor there is also a bedroom and a separate bathroom. Upstairs there are large bedrooms, one of which has access to the upper terrace. This house layout 10x10 even implies the presence of a library. Total area 137.8 m2 and living area - 74.7 m2

House layout 10x12

The options for using usable space and volume below are notable for the efficient use of usable space. In the second illustration, the house is characterized by architectural expressiveness and the presence of a garage that fits well into the surroundings.

House layout 12x12

This house is for a large number living, it has four bedrooms, the layout of the house is such that 3 of them are located on the second floor and have a large area. The house has a large hall, which has access to the bathroom and allows you to go downstairs. The living room is combined with the kitchen-dining room, one of its sides is fully glazed. As can be seen on the plan of the house 12x12, the living room is combined with a kitchen-dining room. The total area is 137.8 m2, and the living area is 74.7 m2

This option house plans 12x12 intended for permanent residence. It has a storage room, several utility rooms and a garage. A good addition is the veranda, which makes the house so cozy. Hall, living room and kitchen are located downstairs. The total area of ​​the house is 141.3 m2, living area is 55.9 m2.

Solid house with a good layout 12x12. It has a separate room for the location of the electrical unit, as well as an attic. As you can see, the plan of the house involves the arrangement of a large terrace and a loggia at the top. Each floor has 2 bedrooms. The total area is 152.0 m2 and the living area is 94.2 m2.

Do-it-yourself house planning

The essence of developing a house layout comes down to a compact layout of the premises, it is important to talk about the fact that there are two ways to create layouts in design. Both consist in a preliminary determination of the number of people and their gender, age in order to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe required premises. The difference is that when using the first method, you need to represent all areas of the premises as rooms, for example, 15 m2 is allocated for a bedroom, which means that this room can have dimensions of 5x3 meters. Arguing in this way, it is necessary to imagine all the premises and try to arrange them on the plan.

Agree that the first method misses one important detail: when you arrange the premises, one will go beyond the other, so the building will turn out to be of a complex shape. The way out of this situation may be to fit the premises to one line or use the second method of designing the location of the premises. It consists in drawing the contour of a building of a given area, which is also considered based on the number, gender and age of the future inhabitants of the house. For example, if you calculated that you need an area of ​​​​70 m2, then this is how much usable area your home should have. It should be emphasized that when using the second method of drawing up the layout of the house, it may turn out that you forget to add the space that the walls will occupy to the usable area, so you will mistakenly choose the smaller outline of the task. If everything is calculated correctly and the outline of the house is drawn in the drawing program or on a sheet of paper, then you can proceed to drawing the premises. Here, of course, one cannot do without adjusting the areas of the rooms, in addition, it is important to pay attention to the fact that the floor slabs or beams are of a certain length. According to the designers, a room without sharp corners looks much better, the outer corners look the worst, which are perceived as large deviations of a straight wall from the normal.

Above, we figured out how to draw up the layout of the house with our own hands, but we did not touch on what principle to place the premises in it. The fact is that the plan of the house has two sides: it is the front and rear facades, which may differ in design and architecture. The front door should face the main facade, so the entrance hall will be located in this part. main facade and the front door must be led out onto the road, you can’t build a house facing your land, the main architects of the city make sure that all the buildings are combined with each other. Just to say where the entrance should be located, and where it will lead? The most traditional solution is to arrange a small vestibule where guests can take off their shoes and outerwear before entering the house. But if everyone counts square meter, then the tambura can be abandoned, as is often done in Western countries, Entrance door will lead to a room where furniture and appliances can be installed. However, in this case, do not forget about the need to install a second door, to increase thermal insulation characteristics enclosing structure at the opening.

Residential building rooms

Below is a theory regarding the rooms of residential buildings. You have probably come across interiors or designs of rooms of certain sizes on the Internet, while you liked some options more and others less. As a rule, for rooms of medium and large sizes more design options.

Traditionally, the room is presented to everyone as a rectangular room. This stereotype arose due to the peculiarities of the construction apartment buildings. In them, the width of the building is chosen so that one part of the room faces the street. And no longer multi-storey building you can't build it, and it doesn't make sense. Making rooms wider is already expensive, and building a house according to such a layout is not profitable. But you, when building private housing, need the most comfortable layout of the house, so look for options with square-shaped rooms of medium or big size. When developing or looking for a finished version, make sure that the rooms have normal aspect ratios:

  • if the room is rectangular, then the length should not exceed the width by more than 2 times. Example: a 6x4 m room has a normal aspect ratio, and a 3x7 m room is already a designer's mistake;
  • corridors should occupy as little area as possible, if possible, then let the rooms be connected by rooms, it’s better than giving the usable area of ​​\u200b\u200byour house for passage and littering;
  • calculate the number of windows and their area in such a way that the rooms in the house are sufficiently illuminated, otherwise it will turn out that you tried in vain to arrange the living rooms in the layout of the house closer to the sunny side;
  • place the furniture at the planning stage so that it doesn’t turn out that the only place for the bed is the wall opposite the entrance and similar options.

If everything is clear with the proportions of the premises, now you should pay attention to their area, because you can make the room even bigger, for your loved one. However, rooms that are too large are more difficult to ventilate, cool and warm up, and overly succumb to such a desire.

if you love non-standard solutions and you don’t mind spending some free space on an interesting design solution, then take a closer look at a room two stories high. This technique is also called the second light, it looks great in large expensive houses. If your house plan is made using this option, then the most suitable view heating a room on two floors will become infrared heating, since the air at the top will not warm up, an air gap will not form near the ceiling.

The residential area is called sleeping, common, children's rooms, a veranda, a dining room, living rooms, as well as an office.

The utility area includes a front room with a dressing room, bathrooms, a garage, a kitchen, a pantry, a bathroom, and a boiler room. An example of the location of utility rooms is the layout of the house 10x10, the third option, on which the bathroom is conveniently located and the library on the second floor. Decide for yourself what living and utility rooms you need, this will allow you to roughly imagine the necessary usable area, and hence the number of storeys of the house.

The location of the rooms on the layout of the house

Pay attention to your construction site and find out where the sunniest side will be. Now look at the rough layout of the house and think: which part of it will be more illuminated by the sun. Finding the most illuminated area, place living quarters in it, since it is in them that people spend most of their time.

In addition to what we have listed, there are some more tips for planning a house: this is the division of plans into two parts: back and front. The front part on the first floor is located on the side of the doors, and on the second floor it is located on the side of the stairs. In the front part of the building plan there are such premises as a common room, a guest room, an office and similar premises, which are intended for the social life of a person.

Bedrooms and children's rooms

We said that living rooms should be well lit, but where will they be located? Many bedrooms are located on the second floor - see the plans two-storey houses, bedrooms there in the vast majority of cases are located on the second floor. One bedroom, and most often a nursery, finds its place on the first floor.

Bedrooms and children's rooms should be calculated based on the norm: one person 8m2, two same-sex children - 12-20 m2, a married couple - also 12-20 m2. Rates can be increased, but not reduced. On the layout of the house, bedrooms and children's rooms should be placed taking into account that they are not walkable, doors and windows are arranged in such a way that they do not interfere with the installation of furniture. It should be remembered that their location can only be on the above-ground floors. Below it will be written that the windows of residential premises should face south or east, for good lighting. According to existing building codes, one bedroom should be oriented to the east and south (sector 70-2000); if the house has more than 4-6 rooms, then it is better to orient at least two residential premises in this well-lit part of the house layout. Here house layout 6x8 has 4 bedrooms, two of which are located on the second floor. Please note that they are located in one part of the house, which must be oriented to the cardinal points, according to the standards given a little higher.

The height of residential premises should be more than 2.5 meters, which is comfortable for living, the only exception is the height of the inclined part of the ceiling of the attic floor, which does not exceed 50% of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises.


This is a room that is often larger than the rest, the area can be 16-40m2. The purpose of this room is the most diverse: it can be: a dining room, a living room, a fireplace or a front room. Take a closer look at house plans 6x6; 6x8; 6x9; 7x7; 8x8; 8x10; 10x10; 10x12; 12x12- almost all of them have this common room. Distinctive feature from residential is that it can be made passable, doorways can be made without door panels. Usually the connection common room with bedrooms it is recommended to use a corridor or stairs, but a direct connection using doors is also possible, but this is not very convenient. In a common room, it is better not to create unnecessary walking paths, and also to cross them in the middle.

On the layout of the house, the common room can be divided into functional areas, for example, a fireplace, a dining area, a zone for children's games, watching TV, etc. The living room is well located house layout 8x8, on the first option. As we can see, this is a rather noisy room, at least at times, so it is better not to connect the common room with the living room.

Boiler room

Do not forget about the arrangement of a boiler room or boiler room, it is advisable to place it on the basement floor, and if it is not there, on the first floor, but with a separate exit device (to be specified according to building codes). Do not combine the boiler room with a washing or drying room. Better use the free space for storing garden tools, but do not clutter it up unnecessarily. The area of ​​the room and its volume depend on the equipment that is installed in it.


Of course, in order to make it convenient to enter the house and things are not scattered, on the plan of the house you need to make a front. It can be 1.4 meters wide, and the area can be about 7m2. Since mezzanines can be arranged in the front, its height can also be reduced to 2.2 meters. The front room is referred to as utility rooms.

To reduce the penetration of cold into the house, it is possible to design a vestibule more than 1.2 meters long or double doors on the layout of the house. Through corridors, a living room, stairs and a hall, the front room is connected with other rooms.

Bathroom and toilet

The bathroom should be located on the first and second floor. The toilet can only be made on the first floor. It can be combined with a bathroom or be made as a separate room. It is better to place a bathroom near the bedroom, but do not make them adjacent rooms, but separate these rooms with others, for example, a dressing room.

If you have a little extra cash to spare, consider building a separate drying, washing, and ironing room. Agree that sometimes you just don’t want to see a washing machine in the bathroom, and the hostess is often interfered with when she is doing laundry. Needless to say, we iron clothes in the rooms reserved for rest, and use the spacious balconies for drying.

Other premises associated with the use of water are a bathhouse (sauna) and a swimming pool. They can be located in basement. House layout 7x7 shows that a sauna or a swimming pool can also be on the first floor. If you want to design a swimming pool on the floors on the plan of the house, you must remember that in this case they must be reinforced.


This room is usually associated with home comfort and seems bright and warm. Today, the space reserved for the kitchen area is often connected to an adjacent space, as the importance of the cooking zone is gradually decreasing. The kitchen area on the house plan should be approximately 10-12 m2, this is a standard parameter, but if the house is large and it is supposed to eat in the kitchen, then the kitchen can be more than 18m2. look house layout 6x9 meters on the ground floor has a kitchen of 16 m2, it is rather a country house, as it has only two bedrooms, on average, 8m2 each. We can say that this option can be used by a small family.

The kitchen room in the layout of the house is located, of course, on the ground floor, on the shady side of the plan. It will not be superfluous, and arrange small kitchen and on the second floor. It is good to install a small refrigerator, electric kettle and microwave in it.

In general, on the layout of the house, one should consider not only the placement of the kitchen, but also the technological sequence of placing kitchen equipment on it. It is represented by a sink, a cutting table, a stove for cooking and sometimes washing machine. The placement of such elements can be carried out along one wall, or maybe along two walls. Cabinets, a refrigerator and auxiliary equipment are placed in such a way that the hostess spends as little time as possible on cooking.

Staircase and pantry

The utility room on the layout of the house is best located in the most unpromising place. As it, many use the place under the stairs. The ladder is chosen in such a size that it is possible to carry large items along it. Spiral stairs, in fact, are inconvenient, the step located closer to the center of the circle is very narrow, which is inconvenient for a person when lifting. Well built staircase house layout 9x9, on the second option, where it is installed on the kitchen combined with the living room. Flights of stairs are best connected with platforms. You should not use trendy solutions, for example, steps fixed on the wall - this is hardly safe.

Probably the most convenient option would be not a two-flight, but a three-flight staircase. Three marches in this case are interconnected by platforms through special fasteners - stringers. On the layout of the house, the staircase will take up a lot of meta, but the loss of usable area can be reduced by using the space under and above the stairs.


Often the garage is included in the layout of the house. The most common solution is to build a garage on the ground floor. But, there are also projects in which the garage is arranged in the basement. The only drawback may be a steep climb - will the car climb it in winter?

In general, the construction of garages in residential buildings maybe even on the basement floor, but not on the second. Also, the garage can be made in the form of an extension. A visor is necessarily designed above the gate if windows are located above them. Using an unheated garage increases the heat loss of the house, as the wall between the garage and the house loses less heat. An example of a built-in garage illustrates house layout 8x10, on the first option, the garage has two doors. On the other hand, a garage built into the house is all so simple only on the layout of the house, but in reality, this is additional system ventilation, which should effectively remove gases from this room. The entrance from the garage to the house should be made not through one, but through two sealed doors. It’s good if he doesn’t go out into the corridor, but into the vestibule, it’s very convenient and you don’t have to take off your shoes and put on shoes several times. Gates should be designed so wide that they do not impede entry and exit from this room. Pay attention to the layout of the house and the dimensions of the garage, if possible, calculate the garage for two cars.


It is an important part of a country house, it is usually unheated room, which has a large glass area. It should be located on the east or north side. If the veranda is glazed, then it will prevent heat loss by enclosing structures. Placing a veranda on the layout of the house is advisable close to the kitchen and common room. In addition to windows, this room also has doors - they should be placed on the side so that the paths of movement do not intersect and the owners of the house can conveniently place furniture.

A convenient width of the veranda is 2.4 meters. The height of the veranda is taken the same as that used in other rooms - more than 2.5 meters. For an example of the arrangement of such a room, please note: house layout 6x6, the second - on it is a veranda of a fairly large size and with large windows.


Moving on: the layout of the house should have a porch that will allow you to conveniently enter and exit the house. The porch ennobles appearance at home, giving it solidity. It should be noted that the layouts with a porch look modern and show that they are well thought out. But do not forget about the visor, under which you can open or close the umbrella in the rain and which will protect your front door from more atmospheric precipitation. A good solution when constructing a porch may be to place it under the ceiling of the second floor, but, whatever you look at, this option will take about 2 m2 from the usable area, so its use in the layout of the house may not be appropriate.


If there is an opportunity to arrange a basement under the entire stain of the house, then it is better to use it. On the layout of the house, you can calculate the places for placing engineering equipment in the basement, workshop, garage, bathhouse, pool and other areas. For lighting, it is better to arrange pits with windows and a drainage system.

The height of the filed should be more than 1.8 meters. It should be noted that strip foundations often need to be buried exactly to this depth, so problems should not arise.

Instead of a basement, some owners arrange an underground that is less than 1.9 meters high. On the layout of the house, this is also shown with an indication of the heights, however, this option is only advisable to use when the height of the groundwater is too close to the surface.

Windows and doors on the layout of the house

Window and door openings should be thought out, for example, it is desirable that with the help of doors it would be possible to block the movement of air from the second floor to the first. The openings can be very wide, which, in principle, looks pretty good. Wide doors will allow furniture to be brought in without hindrance and it is convenient for two people to pass at the same time. The optimal door width is 90 cm.

Window openings are mainly arranged for lighting. The ratio of the area of ​​light openings should be more than 1:8 - for rooms of a full floor; for the attic floor, window openings can be slightly smaller - a ratio of 1:10.

It will not be unnecessary to install large windows. The use of double-glazed windows will allow you not to worry about large heat losses with an increased glazing area, and the layout of the house will only benefit from this. However, it must be remembered that windows that are larger than the standard area, when used in rooms facing west, can lead to overheating. Of course, you can’t bring all the windows to the main facade, and there’s no reason to, when the windows overlook the courtyard, this is also very useful, you can not only light and ventilate the premises well, but also provide good review into the yard, you will see what the children are doing, who walks there, etc.

Kitchens and bathrooms should be large enough, as the degree of convenience of cooking and taking a bath depends on this. You should not skimp on the bath, especially when the dimensions of the house are 250m2. During construction two-story house, it is better to make two bathrooms. On the second floor there can only be a shower.

Windows look good, up to the ceiling - this option must be considered on the plan of the house when outside the window Live nature. To improve the appearance of the window, you can remove the battery. Do not be greedy when distributing windows, there may be more than one window per room.

The size and layout of any dwelling must be rational. Sometimes it's worth considering if you really need huge house? And what is it like to clean it, and walking from one room to another is not so convenient. A huge house (if there are no special indications, for example, a large family) is not so convenient to use, as evidenced by the not too happy reviews of the owners of such buildings. Yes, and the cost of heating such a dwelling, for sure, is not small. It is worth remembering about the considerable property tax, directly related to its area.

We choose the best arrangement of rooms in two-story houses, you can choose a good one for any size, let it be: 6 by 6, 10 by 10, in wooden houses everything is possible!

A similar question concerns the number of storeys of housing: is a second floor really necessary? If the family is rather modest in size and does not need a large area, wouldn’t it be better for her to get by with a one-story dwelling?

Staircase and second floor house plan

Although, of course, a two-story building has its significant advantages. For arranging the same living area in terms of footage, it will come out cheaper. The amount of heat loss will also be smaller. In such a building, you can think of a more interesting and original layout. And for a house on one floor, you don’t need to be puzzled.

Private house: room layout

Which rooms in the house are required and which are desirable? It is desirable to have a room for washing, ironing and drying. For this, one utility room can be allocated and equipped - a laundry room. For its location it is not necessary to choose the best place, the northern part of the house is also suitable for her.

The boiler room can be a source of noise, so it is better not to locate it near the rest rooms. According to the rules, gas equipment(boiler) of a certain power (up to 60 kW), it is quite acceptable to place it in.

Many homeowners dream about planning their dream home. More often this applies to the inhabitants of urban apartments.

Leisure attic

In fact, a full-fledged floor is much more comfortable and more comfortable attic. But construction will be much cheaper. You also need to decide on, or rather, with its presence. It seems to some that it is impossible to do without it, while some believe that it closes the light to other rooms, and prefer it extra room along the perimeter of the walls - spacious, with large windows, heated and comfortable.

Any family will need a spacious pantry, at least one, and preferably more. If the house has two floors, then it is convenient to equip it under.

Often in advance, even at the stage of planning the rooms in the house, the issue of the need for a workshop for the owner (or a room for needlework for the hostess) is decided. If you do not think about it right away, then later you will have to sacrifice another room for her, redoing it.

Layout in a private house: vestibule or hallway

The entrance to the dwelling should not lead directly to the living room. The necessary entrance hall, or something like a vestibule, is required. Whether to equip a vestibule at home, everyone decides for himself. Many people think that it is much warmer with a vestibule. Others are sure that a double door perfectly copes with this role. In an unheated vestibule, it is not so pleasant to dress and undress. Often on the side of the vestibules there are those whose entrance hall is not heated, or is too small.

It is much more convenient to have a spacious, not walk-through and warm room as a hallway. With this, no additional vestibule is required. Supporters of the latter are considered lovers of gardening. In the "city" house without it, they do just fine. This room has a completely different meaning in areas with a harsh climate - where its presence is a necessity.

In a dwelling without a vestibule, the entrance hall must be equipped with doors to other rooms: otherwise, frosty air will enter the living quarters every time the front door is opened. If it is difficult to equip such a hallway, which is completely closed, then you cannot do without a vestibule.

Country house window layout

What can be said about windows in a private building?

Ceiling height planning in projects

Calculation of the ceiling in the house

Many do not even think about how high the ceiling in the house should be.. Those who long time lived in rooms with low ceilings, often prefer them higher than required. Meanwhile, ceilings that are too high can cause unnecessary spending. The cost of building large, and subsequent houses is growing.

Are there ideal ceiling heights? This is a complex parameter, for the calculation of which it is necessary to take into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises. It should not resemble a deep well, at the same time it is not too pleasant if the ceiling is crushing.

In other words, the larger a particular room, the higher the desired ceiling in it. This means that on the same floor it is better to make them approximately equal in area so that they all fit the ceiling height. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that top coat"eat" a few centimeters in height.

Ceilings that are not too high can limit the use of oversized and voluminous chandeliers, since tall people can hit their heads. And for too high ceilings

Building your own home has many nuances. Before starting construction, the location of the future cottage, its size and number of storeys are selected. A budget and practical option would be to opt for a one-story house, the plan of which is easier and faster to draw up than. Various sizes and variety design solutions will allow everyone to find a project.

There are a number of advantages small house with attic:

  • high speed of building construction and project preparation;
  • less material costs for the foundation and building materials;
  • it is easier to provide the entire room with the necessary communications;
  • you can order a ready-made project of economy or luxury class;
  • the building can be erected on almost any type of soil, without fear for the destruction or settlement of the house.

The disadvantages include the limited space and layout options, since only 3-4 full-fledged rooms can fit on the ground floor.

Advice! If you want to find the most affordable option, opt for a foam block house.

Among standard projects, allocate dimensions:

  • 8x10 m.

Each design has its own characteristics, and outwardly it can be made in any design, distinguishing your home from others.

Plan of a one-story house 6 by 6 m: interesting photo examples of finished works

For planning one-storey cottage it may take a lot of time, but the construction process itself, with a well-prepared plan, will go much faster. AT small house important to consider correct location rooms with the most rational use of the entire living space.

Among the plans of small houses 6x6 m with one floor, you can find very interesting options. Here are some photo examples of circuits and finished buildings:

The living area in such a modest room is only 36 m², but even on such an area you can equip a sleeping room and a living room, and move a nursery to the attic. It is better to make a bathroom combined, freeing up space for a kitchen or hallway. Such designs are often chosen by the elderly couples or small young families with one child.

Plan of a one-story house 9 by 9 m: photo examples with options for the distribution of rooms

There are quite a few layouts of a one-story house 9 by 9 m, despite the modest living space. You can make a plan yourself or order ready-made version at the masters. Here are a few interesting options room locations:

A one-story house 9 by 9 m can be built from, stone, timber, or energy-saving panels. The last option is the most affordable. You can add a garage or attic to any design to make the room larger and more functional.

On average, the total living area will be 109 m², and the facades can be very diverse. Here are some finished 9x9 m:

Corner option with stone clad porch

Neat option with an attic floor

Wooden house with a porch

Combination of wood and stone cladding

Layout of a one-story house 8 by 10 m with a photo

When planning the construction of a house and drawing up a project, it is worth considering many nuances, ranging from the number of people in the family to the location of the building on the site with the choice of the location of the windows.

Modern technologies make it possible to create 3D projects of one-story houses 8 by 10 m, taking into account their location on the site. To do this, use special ones, where it is even possible to distribute rooms and arrange furniture.

There are many layouts and options for the distribution of living rooms, you can choose a project for a one-story 8x10 house with an attic or an attached garage, as well as think over the basement. All this allows you to maximize the usable area in the building.

Here are a few interesting layouts:

Projects of one-story houses up to 150 m²: photo and description of layouts

Single-storey houses with a living area of ​​up to 150 m² are perfect for families of 4-5 people. They can accommodate three bedrooms, a living room and a kitchen, as well as attach a garage, make a basement, where to move all communication wiring. attic also good idea for small buildings.

According to European standards, a house up to 150 m² is classified as small, such constructions have a number of advantages:

  • variability of material for building a house (timber, stone, foam block and others);
  • compactness, which is important for small areas;
  • lower consumption of building materials and physical costs, which reduces the cost of construction;
  • small living area allows you to save on utility bills.

You can design a house yourself or order a ready-made plan with the construction of a turnkey building. There are several standard dimensions of cottages up to 150 m²:

  • 10 by 12 m;
  • 12x12 m;
  • 11 by 11 m.

As well as options with a basement, attic and garage.

Plans for a one-story house 10 by 12 and 12 by 12 m with photo examples

On average, the living area in a 10 by 12 house is 140 m² with an attic floor. The distribution of rooms, as well as appearance at home can be varied. When choosing a project, it is worth considering the number of family members who will live under one roof.

In this case, any version of a one-story building will have a number of advantages:

  • the ability to make an attic with gable roof by increasing the area;
  • there is an option to build a garage or an additional room to the side of the house, if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site allows.
  • easy operation and maintenance at home: great for children or the elderly, as there is no need to climb stairs;
  • you can implement almost any design idea in the facade by mounting arches or other decorations.

Among the finished projects, the layout of one-story houses 10x10 or 10x12 m is different. Here are some photo examples to make it easier for you to imagine your future home:

Plan of a one-story house 11 by 11 m from a bar with a photo

Among all options special place occupy one-story, which can be of any footage, including 11 by 11m. natural material always attracts the attention of consumers, looks beautiful on any site, and with proper construction, the service life of buildings is long.

Among all the advantages of timber buildings, there are several main advantages:

  • timber can be ordinary and profiled, so you can choose different ones;
  • the material is durable and environmentally friendly;
  • easy to mount wiring in the house: there is no difficulty in drilling walls;
  • the tree does not let the cold through: houses can be built even in climates with harsh winters.

The disadvantages include the ability of wood to absorb moisture, so an additional layer of wall waterproofing will be required, and it should also be applied special composition from the formation of rot and mold. Wood is classified as an expensive material, so even a one-story house can hardly be attributed to cheap buildings.

There are many layout options, for example, wooden one-story houses 11 by 11 m with an attic look beautiful. Here are some photo examples of different finished designs:

Plan of a one-story house 12 by 12: options for the distribution of rooms

It is easier to think over the layout of a one-story house of 12x12 m, because a large area allows you to place rooms in any order, to make several large or many small rooms. Attic floor they give it to offices and children's rooms or equip non-residential recreation areas, and additional openings can serve as a summer refuge from the heat and scorching sun.

Choosing a suitable arrangement of rooms, you can draw up your project by hand or in a special 3D editor, take a ready-made version as a basis or order a plan from specialists in construction company of your city.

Here are some options for planning houses 12 by 12 m, as well as prefabricated structures:

