Living vitamins are a small miracle of nature. "Live vitamins" - sources of health! life under the microscope

Did the ancient Egyptians know about vitamins?

Of course, the ancient Egyptians could not know about. But the fact that certain foods can treat and prevent diseases has been known since antiquity. For example, the ancient Egyptians knew that it helps prevent night blindness, and they were right, because the liver contains vitamin A, the lack of which can cause this disease. And in 1330, the Mongol Hu Sihui published the three-volume "Important Principles of Food and Drink" in Beijing. It collected and systematized knowledge about the therapeutic role of nutrition, and also argued that it is very important to combine a variety of products. A few centuries later, the Scottish physician James Lind published The Treatment of Scurvy, in which he claimed that citrus fruits successfully prevented this disease. And soon lemons appeared in the diet of British sailors. True, they did not immediately accept this addition to their usual food and even tried to rebel by throwing barrels of lemon juice overboard. James Cook took on voyages barrels with a more common product - sauerkraut and as a result (an unheard of achievement for that time) did not lose a single sailor from scurvy!

In 1881, the Russian biochemist and physician Nikolai Lunin from the University of Tartu tried to invent the perfect food cocktail: he mixed proteins, carbohydrates and fats in certain proportions. The experimental group of mice received this cocktail, and the control group received natural milk. The experiment with universal food failed: the control group of mice successfully grew up, got offspring, but the experimental mice died ... “From this it follows that milk ... contains other substances that are indispensable for nutrition,” Lunin wrote then.

Several decades later, Frederick Hopkins came to the same conclusion, suggesting that food contains accessory factors - some substances necessary for the human body.

And finally, such a substance was isolated in 1912 by the Polish scientist Casimir Funk. He fed the pigeons with peeled rice, the birds fell ill, and when Funk began to add rice bran to the feed, they recovered. By chemical analysis, a crystalline preparation was isolated from bran - vitamin B1? or thiamine. Funk named it "vitamine", from the Latin vita meaning "life" and the English amine meaning "amine, a nitrogen-containing compound".

With "vitality" Funk hit the bull's-eye: life without vitamins is impossible. Compared to the same proteins or fats, vitamins need very little: for example, thiamine, discovered by Funk, a person needs only about 30 g in his entire life, but he participates in the metabolism of carbohydrates, helps the nerves transmit impulses to the muscles. Then other vitamins were discovered - by this time they were so renamed from "vitamines" due to the fact that not all of them contain an amine component.

Vitamins are not "firewood" at all, the combustion of which provides the necessary vital energy. And you can’t compare them with the “bricks” from which the body is built either - they are not synthesized in the body (with the exception of B1, B6, B12 and D). Why are they needed then? At their core, these are small gears or nuts in a huge machine, without which this colossus simply cannot move. And speaking from the point of view of chemistry, vitamins in microscopic quantities are built into the molecules of enzymes - substances that regulate the speed and direction of biochemical processes in the body. There is no vitamin, and the enzyme molecule gets stuck, biochemical processes stop. This discovery was made by the Russian chemist Nikolai Zelinsky.

Thanks to the achievements of science, not only dozens of vitamins were discovered, but also their chemical structure was deciphered.

Vitamin research continues to surprise us with new discoveries: until recently, it was believed that there were only 13 vitamins (A, C, D, E, K, and eight varieties of vitamin B). Now, for example, up to six varieties of vitamin B12 are known, which manifest themselves differently in the metabolic process, 13 B vitamins, there are many varieties of vitamins C and D, dozens of vitamin E variants are known! Recently, quasi-vitamins have also been discovered - protein molecules that behave like vitamins. These include carnitine, coenzyme Q, coenzyme A, bioflavins and some other substances.

Vitamins are water-soluble: vitamin C and B vitamins - thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, B6, B12, niacin, folate and biotin. But vitamins A, E, D are fat-soluble. Most of the known vitamins are represented by not one, but several compounds (vitamers) that have similar biological activity.

The human body is not able to store vitamins for the future, so our cells constantly need them. Vitamins should be supplied regularly and comprehensively.

In the following articles, we will dwell on the role of each vitamin, its participation in various chemical transformations and its effect on metabolism. But if we talk about a brief "portrait" of the most common vitamins, then vitamin A is necessary for normal vision, is responsible for the condition of the skin and mucous membranes, is needed for the growth of the body, the functioning of the immune system. Vitamin B1 is important for brain activity, recreating blood, it helps break down pyruvic and lactic acids harmful to the body. Vitamin P monitors the strength and at the same time the permeability of the walls of blood vessels and capillaries. Vitamin D is responsible for calcium metabolism and ensures normal growth and development of bone tissue. Vitamin E protects cells from damage, is essential for tissue regeneration and the reproductive system…

As you can see, each vitamin has its own important job that another vitamin cannot do, and it is far from exhausted by the functions we have listed. For example, a powerful antioxidant vitamin C is a regulator of redox processes. But the state of the psyche, nerves and just a good mood also depend on this vitamin! That is why nature made sure that many vitamins enter our body as quickly as possible, therefore the same vitamin C is absorbed from food as soon as it enters our mouth, its mucous membrane.

life under the microscope

The watch is made from dozens of parts. The car is already out of several hundred. A computer - and even more, out of several tens of thousands. And a person is made up of more than a hundred trillion “details”. Only these “details” are unusual, created by Nature itself, these are cells, the basic and elementary units of the structure and development of all living organisms.

Scientists have calculated that the total area of ​​​​all our cells is 200 hectares - this despite the fact that the largest is considered to be the female germ cell, 0.2 mm in diameter, and many others can only be seen under powerful electron microscopes.

Let's take a look at this microscope! Here are myocytes, muscle tissue cells, elongated and similar to threads. Special proteins give myocytes a unique ability to change length, contract and relax. And these are epithelial cells on the inner wall of the intestine - look, they are “pubescent” with microscopic villi that facilitate the absorption of nutrients! And these are red blood cells, blood cells, they definitely need to get to every nook and cranny of our body in order to deliver oxygen ...

Scientists call the cell the elementary unit of living organisms. But the term "elementary" in no way means "simple". If we use an even more powerful microscope, we will take a closer look at the cell itself, which can be called without exaggeration a unique creation of Nature: the nucleus, which contains the chromosomes, the genetic material of the cell, the cytoplasm, ribosomes, atoms of many metals and other elements.

Please note: these atoms “idle” idle until the molecules of vitamins, another miracle of Nature, appear. For example, a zinc atom immediately “comes to life” as soon as it combines with a vitamin molecule. But there are many such atoms on the surface and inside the cell!

Metabolism in cells, and therefore in the whole human body, is simply impossible without vitamins.

The body can adequately receive the necessary nutrients, not lack vital trace elements, but their use in the metabolic process will fail. The reason for this is the reduced content of vitamins.

The absence or lack of vitamins can lead to serious diseases, because vitamins are involved in the work of almost all organs and systems of the body!

Vitamins activate metabolism: as soon as they stop being supplied (and most vitamins are not synthesized in the body), biochemical (mainly enzymatic) processes and physiological functions of the body are disrupted. And this, in turn, leads to serious metabolic disorders.

Unfortunately, the achievements of modern molecular biology have not yet found wide application in general medical practice: in most cases, the importance of a patient's vitamin deficiency in making a diagnosis is still not attached. This explains the often incorrect treatment of health disorders, iron, hormone or protein deficiencies, and their cause is a lack of vitamins.

Good nutrition is determined not only by the energy value of food, a balanced diet for proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but also by the availability of vitamins, trace elements and minerals. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the state of human health is 15% dependent on genetic characteristics, and the same - on the state of the medical service. But the lion's share, 70%, depends on lifestyle and nutrition!

Balanced nutrition and the presence of vitamins and microelements in it were devoted to population studies conducted by the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. The results of these studies are alarming: a significant part of the population of our country has an extremely insufficient intake and an increasingly growing deficiency of vitamins (A, B, C, E) and a number of trace elements (iron, zinc, iodine). Lack of B vitamins in 30-40% of Russians, beta-carotene - in more than 40%, and vitamin C deficiency - in 70-90%!

Experts note that vitamin deficiency is observed not only in winter and spring, but also in summer and autumn.

The general situation with a deficiency of vitamins and microelements can be considered as a massive year-round polyhypovitaminosis.

Most vitamins are not synthesized in the human body. Therefore, they must be regularly and in sufficient quantities to enter the body with food or in the form of vitamin-mineral complexes and nutritional supplements.

The concentration of vitamins in the body and the need for them are small, but if they are insufficiently supplied to the body, hypovitaminosis occurs, a lack of vitamins, and in their absence - beriberi. Harmful to the body and an excess of vitamin - hypervitaminosis.

The daily human need for vitamins is measured in milligrams, micrograms, it all depends on what kind of vitamin it is. For example, it has been established that a person needs a little more than 1 g of vitamin B12. But the precious molecules of this vitamin must be ingested throughout life!

Even these, completely microscopic, in our opinion, doses are enough to provide the necessary for each of the hundred trillion cells in our body. Scientists explain this by the high biological activity that vitamins have. This should take into account the individual physiological needs of each person, depending on gender, age, nature and intensity of his work, seasonal factors.

When does an increased need for vitamins occur?

  • With neuropsychic stress, intense physical activity.
  • Under the influence of adverse environmental factors, under the influence of climatic and weather conditions that contribute to prolonged hypothermia or overheating of the body, with sudden changes in atmospheric air temperature.
  • With special physiological conditions of the body: women during pregnancy and lactation, children and adolescents during a period of intensive growth.
  • Vitamin deficiency is experienced by people with recent acute bacterial and viral infections, with chronic diseases.
  • In old age, an increased need for vitamins is due to a deterioration in the absorption and utilization of vitamins, as well as various dietary restrictions.
  • In violation of the process of absorption of vitamins into the blood, in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys.
  • With some endocrine diseases, for example, functional insufficiency of the adrenal cortex.
  • When working in hazardous industries.
  • With a strict diet and smoking.

But if you are not at risk, you should not calm down - vitamin deficiency is widespread among relatively healthy populations. Its main reasons are the use of refined products, devoid of vitamins in the process of their production, the loss of vitamins during long-term and irrational storage and culinary processing of products. Yes, and those fruits and vegetables that are offered to us in supermarkets are mostly grown in an intensive way, so they can hardly be called full-fledged storehouses of vitamins. We will tell you useful and little-known facts about the role of each vitamin, its "direction" in the biochemical processes in the body and truly miraculous properties. We hope that this information will help to understand the causes of certain ailments, ways of their treatment and prevention. How to identify signs of vitamin deficiency? What ailments are caused by a lack of vitamins? What diseases can be overcome with vitamins? What foods are rich in vitamins?

We will begin our story about vitamins not alphabetically, but we will talk about the largest group of vitamins - B vitamins.

All B vitamins have a lot in common. They are part of enzymes or activate them, affecting life processes even in the smallest doses. They not only exist together in products (they are rich in liver, wholemeal bread with bran, brewer's yeast, sprouts and shells of cereal seeds, brown rice, molasses), but also "work" together. The vitamins of this group have many tasks that they perform jointly: participation in tissue respiration, energy production, strengthening the nervous and endocrine systems, etc. All B vitamins (with the exception of inositol) contain nitrogen, which means they provide the construction of protein in body. And one more very important point - these vitamins are soluble in water, and therefore our body constantly needs to replenish them.

There are many B vitamins, but B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3, or PP (nicotinic acid in various forms), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 ​​(pyridoxine), B9 (folic acid), B12 ( cyanocobalamin), Hx (biotin). This group also includes choline, inositol, para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA), etc.

Unfortunately, most of the foods rich in B vitamins are becoming less and less common in the diet of modern people who prefer refined foods. Therefore, the deficiency of these vitamins in the body is a common phenomenon.

The lack of B vitamins depletes the cells of the body, adversely affects the functioning of the digestive tract, the state of the nervous system, liver, muscles, skin, and hair. They are especially needed during high physical, mental and emotional stress, stress conditions, experts believe that there is a close relationship between depression and deficiency of the B vitamin complex in the body. Many scientists believe that B vitamins can even slow down the aging process - of course, if your diet will regularly be food rich in these vitamins!

On a note

  • The B vitamins are water soluble, which means they are quickly flushed out in the blood and urine. Therefore, the human body needs a daily replenishment of these vitamins.
  • Vitamins will be absorbed faster if you chew your food thoroughly.
  • Abuse of alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, refined sugar “washes out” B vitamins from the body.
  • During long-term transportation, industrial cleaning and heat treatment of food, a significant part of the B vitamins is lost.
  • Vitamin preparations of group B are best taken in combination.

In the production of these drugs, Rodnik Zdorovya uses a patented innovative technology of cryogenic grinding. Vegetables, fruits and berries collected in ecologically clean places serve as raw materials.

Dry raw materials are immersed in liquid nitrogen, where it becomes brittle under the influence of ultra-low temperatures and is perfectly crushed into powder, while retaining up to 95% of useful substances. In addition, cryo fibers have a unique structure, due to which they can absorb a large amount of harmful substances and remove them from the body (for example, salts of heavy metals, cholesterol).

With the regular use of "Live Vitamins" toxins are removed, the intestines are cleansed, the immune defense of the body is increased.

Important! When taking vitamins, you need to drink plenty of fluids so that the fiber swells more and absorbs as many harmful substances as possible.

Live vitamins: types of products

Our resource presents the following products from the Live Vitamins series from the Rodnik Zdorovya company:

1. "Cowberry with cranberries". It is an excellent tool for the prevention of influenza and SARS, protects the body from the penetration of viruses.

2. "Beets with celery." Beetroot strengthens the walls of blood vessels, normalizes the functioning of the liver, helps to remove toxins from the body, and is a source of iodine. Celery promotes the synthesis of male sex hormones, prevents the development of prostate adenoma.

3. "Cowberry with calcium." An excellent tool for strengthening the body's immune defenses. Especially effective for sore throats.

4. "Carrots with zucchini." Carrot is a source of vitamin A, strengthens eyesight, improves immunity. Zucchini contains potassium, which effectively fights edema, helps to remove excess fluid from the body.

5. "Rosehip with cherries." Strengthens the immune system, relieves allergy symptoms, helps with teenage acne.

6. "Wheat sprouts with pumpkin." Sprouted wheat contains a large amount of amino acids that are actively involved in metabolic processes. Pumpkin helps to restore the gastric mucosa, cleanses the liver and bile ducts, helps with toxicosis of pregnant women.

7. "Beets with celery." Normalizes the structure of the large intestine, cleanses it, restores microflora, relieves constipation.

8. "Earth pear with hawthorn." Contains inulin, is an excellent natural prebiotic. Restores intestinal microflora, treats dysbacteriosis. In addition, hawthorn lowers blood cholesterol levels, improves heart function, and dilates brain vessels.

9. Cowberry with calcium, Rosehip with calcium, Blueberry with calcium. The calcium contained in these products is obtained from the shell of chicken eggs, the composition of which is as close as possible to the composition of human teeth and bones, which allows calcium to be perfectly absorbed by the body. The product can be used for the prevention of osteoporosis, with urolithiasis.

Live vitamins: who is this product for?

Live vitamins, the price of which is indicated next to the product image, are intended to improve health, increase immune protection, improve general condition, and increase vitality.

Live vitamins: price and sale

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Making an order is quite easy. You need to select the desired product, go to its page, put the product in the basket, choose a convenient method of payment and delivery.

Product selection advice

Live vitamins, reviews of which are positive on most resources, are very popular with consumers.

These products are available in a wide range, which can create some difficulties with the choice of an unprepared person. If you have such problems, then you can use the help of experienced consultants who work in the staff of our company and will be happy to help you make the right choice.

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In order to protect the child from infectious diseases, to help him learn better, become healthier, more energetic, more cheerful, laugh louder and run faster, children's dragees "Tayozhiki" were created.

The effectiveness of the action is due to the carefully selected composition of phyto dragees.

  • Sap- one of the most powerful natural antioxidants. It protects the child from the bad influence of the modern world. Of course, the best thing is clean air, spring water and fresh herbs, but if you cannot give this to your child, then take Tayozhiki. "Tayozhiki" - little friends of your children.
  • Rose hip.Its berries contain such a set of vitamins, micro- and macro-elements that even in dry form it surpasses fresh fruits and vegetables.Rosehip contains vitamins of group B, carotene, ascorbic acid, vitamins P, K, E, and most importantly - vitamin C in rosehip is 10 times more than in blackcurrant, 50 times more than in lemon, 100 times more, than in apples.
  • Rhodiola rosea.Careful studies have shown that Rhodiola rosea (golden root), like ginseng, has a stimulating effect. Preparations of Rhodiola rosea significantly improve well-being, performance.Rhodiola is advised to be used for overwork, anemia, stomach diseases, colds, insomnia, tonsillitis, headaches and nervous diseases.The golden root is especially useful during overloads, if necessary, it can quickly relieve fatigue and shorten the recovery period.Golden root extract increases focus and strength. A distinctive feature is the wide breadth of therapeutic use, the absence of negative consequences even with prolonged use.
  • Chamomileis an excellent prophylactic. It is an excellent natural restorer that will help the child feel better almost instantly.
  • Nettle- a valuable multivitamin plant, a kind of natural concentrate of vitamins. The content of carotene in it is higher than in sea buckthorn berries, carrots and sorrel. Nettle is used in folk medicine to treat many diseases. Especially important for the child's body are its hemostatic properties, the ability to remove and eliminate edema.
  • Honeyis one of the wonders of the world. Prolonged use of it hardens the will, gives lightness to the body, preserves youth, prolongs life. Under the influence of honey, an increase in the child's muscle mass and an increase in hemoglobin in the blood are observed, and a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora is noted.
  • Cedar protein- a storehouse of useful substances.In its composition, it is closest to the protein of the human body, therefore, it is absorbed by almost 100%. Cedar protein contains more than 10% arginine. This amino acid helps muscle growth, which is very important for children.
  • Pchelosan (chitosan from bees), due to antibacterial and antiviral properties, inhibits the activity of microorganisms, protecting the child from viral infections.

Combining the powerful natural forces of cedar, herbs, and honey will stand as a shield on the path of disease and miraculously help the child grow up healthy, smart, and energetic.

"Live" vitamins

In the midst of the season of vegetables and fruits, it is absolutely necessary to recharge yourself with “live” vitamins. Tomatoes and cucumbers, lettuce and cabbage, strawberries and raspberries should be firmly established on our tables. It is desirable to consume more local vegetables and fruits. In the vitamin season, everything that is ripe in the garden is useful, but there is a top ten vitamin that will give odds to everyone else.


The leader in popularity is cucumber. Due to its rapid ripening, this vegetable can be consumed from early spring in any form. It is especially indispensable for fasting days. The nutritional value of cucumber is low, because. 95-97% it consists of water, similar in composition to distilled water. Cucumber water helps dissolve harmful toxins, thereby helping to cleanse the body.

However, people suffering from peptic ulcer should not be especially fond of cucumbers. These vegetables are contraindicated in acute and chronic nephritis, exacerbation of renal failure, nephrolithiasis.

love apple

Tomatoes are regular guests of the summer table. The French called the tomato the apple of love, and the Italians called it the golden apple. At first, the tomato was considered just an ornamental plant, then poisonous - because of the content of corned beef, oxalic acid and its salts, which are deposited in the joints. It has now been proven that the antioxidant lycopene contained in tomatoes prevents cardiovascular disorders - heart attack and stroke, significantly reduces the risk of prostatitis and some forms of cancer of the esophagus and stomach.


Radishes are the earliest summer vegetable. It can be collected from the garden throughout the summer (as it matures) and eaten until autumn. Radish has been known for a long time, it was grown by the ancient Egyptians, and the Greeks, and the Chinese. This vegetable is rich in vitamins B and C, mineral salts, mustard oil, which has antiseptic properties.


Volumes have been written about the healing properties of cabbage. However, not everyone knows that this vegetable is more useful in pickled or pickled form, since then all the beneficial substances contained in white cabbage are activated and increase their effectiveness by several tens of times.

White cabbage contains a lot of choline, which regulates fat metabolism. Cabbage is extremely useful for diabetic patients due to the composition of carbohydrates that is favorable for them. Cabbage dietary fiber removes cholesterol from the body, binds bile acids, prevents the absorption of sugar and has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora. Cabbage is an excellent remedy for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, heart and blood vessels, hypovitaminosis, obesity, as well as bleeding, inflammatory and traumatic skin lesions.

White cabbage juice is extremely rich in such important minerals as potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sulfur, copper, iodine; it provides the body with a vitamin balance: one glass of juice contains all the vitamins known today. Juice therapy (without salt) is effective for gastric and duodenal ulcers, chronic gastritis.

green onion

Green onions appear on the beds in early spring. It contains vitamins C, B 1 , B 2 , E, carotene, citric and malic acids, phytoncides, which have a detrimental effect on pathogens. It contains a lot of macro- and microelements: calcium, phosphorus, potassium.

Green onions are useful for patients with chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract and lungs due to the volatile phytoncides contained in it, essential oil and iodine. The beneficial effect of onion is enhanced if it is eaten with vegetable oil.

However, the bow must be treated with caution, because. it contains fiber and substances that irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. In diseases of the liver and gallbladder, green onions are also consumed in a limited way (2-3 feathers per day).


Dill is very popular on our summer table. Ancient poets even sang this plant in verse. We know that our favorite cucumber pickle is so tasty and healthy just because of the presence of dill essential oil in it. In addition, fresh stems of the plant contain vitamins C, B 1, B 6, nicotinic and folic acids, as well as rutin, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, and phytoncides.

Dill is useful for hypertension, angina pectoris, coronary insufficiency and neuroses. It increases the secretion of gastric juice, has an active choleretic effect.


It is well known that raspberries are indispensable for colds in dried form and as jam. The composition of fresh raspberries includes organic acids, vitamins B, C, PP, essential oil, pectins, tannins, carotene, copper, iron and potassium salts, folic acid, catechins, flavonoids and anthocyanins.

Fresh raspberries are very useful for atherosclerosis and hypertension, relieves intoxication after drugs and alcohol. It has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, tonic, hemostatic properties. It is recommended to use it for pain in the stomach, gastritis, colitis, gastrointestinal bleeding.


Strawberries are the very first and one of the most useful berries. For its medicinal properties, it was highly valued in antiquity. More than 300 years ago, the "strawberry treatment" was almost the main treatment for arthritis and gout. Strawberries are indispensable in the treatment of anemia, with a deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the human body. It is used to cleanse the body of toxins and in the treatment of obesity and cellulite, and one of the organic acids of strawberries helps to neutralize the cancerous effects of smoking.

Strawberries in many ways surpass the usual fruits in their qualities: it is 2 times more useful than plums, oranges and grapes, 3 times - kiwi and grapefruit, 6 times - apples and tomatoes, 15 times - pears and melons. 100 g of strawberries contain 5 mg of vitamin C, 15 mg of magnesium, 156 mg of potassium, 24 mg of calcium, 1 mg of iron, 25 mg of phosphorus.

However, strawberries are a known allergen, and allergy sufferers should be careful.

Black currant

Blackcurrant is not just a berry of July, it is a champion in terms of the amount of useful substances, and the more severe the climatic conditions for its cultivation, the more vitamins in its berries. According to the content of ascorbic acid, blackcurrant is second only to rose hips, and only half a glass of these berries covers the daily human need for vitamin C three times. In addition, blackcurrant fruits contain vitamins B, E, K, carotenoids, glucose and fructose, as well as citric and malic acid.

Other parts of the plant are also rich in useful substances - currant leaves and buds contain the same ascorbic acid and essential oils, and special phenolic compounds give them a unique aroma. It is no coincidence that traditional medicine and modern herbal medicine use almost all parts of the plant. The already mentioned cucumber pickle acquires subtle nuances thanks to blackcurrant leaves.

Herbalists note the positive effect of blackcurrant berries in anemia, arterial hypertension, cough, diarrhea, intestinal dysbacteriosis, rheumatism, urolithiasis.


Watermelon, in addition to taste, also has medicinal properties. Watermelon pulp contains highly digestible natural sugars, most of which are fructose and glucose, the smaller part is sucrose. Watermelon contains vitamins B 1, B 2, C, PP, folic acid, carotene, pectin polysaccharides, fiber and trace elements - potassium, magnesium, iron, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, etc.

Such a rich assortment of nutrients has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, endocrine glands, and helps to increase the activity of beneficial intestinal microflora. Watermelons are indicated for such urological diseases as cystitis, nephritis, pyelonephritis. It is very important that the fiber of watermelons contains potassium, which is washed out of the body when taking other diuretic drugs.

Summer in the middle lane is the most fertile time to improve health. Use it for the benefit of yourself and your loved ones.
