Brick wall in the interior - application ideas. Brick wall in the interior: spectacular, original, stylish

More recently, brick was used only as a building material. Over time, designers are increasingly offering it for cladding wall surfaces in rooms. Brick wall in the interior or brick wallpaper have a peculiar charm. Here and history, and eclecticism, and a touch of some mystery. How to harmoniously fit a fresh trend into interior design?

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Brick wall in the interior of the apartment on the example of ready-made solutions

Wall of decorative brick found in old industrial buildings, in former factories rebuilt under trendy interiors, in the style of a loft. This direction came to us from industrial America. The minimalist style is gaining popularity these days. The rapid course of life does not have to clutter up the interior.

Unpainted, rough surfaces are typical of industrial design. But neat and even surfaces in red shades are well combined with the traditional direction. Brickwork in the interior, painted in white, close in spirit to the Scandinavian design.

Take note:

In the event that natural brick walls cannot be distinguished, design techniques will come to the rescue.

With the help of artificial bricks, accents are highlighted in the interior or space is zoned. For example, fragments are organized in niches or a fireplace area, a working or dining area is allocated in the kitchen.

You can beat the interior with wallpaper, clinker tiles, brick veneer, or simply made in a special way.

The use of brick in the interior has a number of advantages.

  • the material does not need additional lining;
  • clear forms of zoning;
  • brick emphasizes the elegance of other finishing materials in the interior.

As an addition, wall surfaces can be decorated with plaster.

What styles go with brick?

Interior with brick wall used not only in loft designs. It is successfully used for architectural design of modern interiors.

  • country music- a great combination of brick wall surface and noble wood;

  • Gothic- creation of a medieval setting. Modern decoration in the form of chandeliers made of crystal and glass surfaces, it somewhat softens the style direction;

  • minimalism- a magnificent decoration of the interior with a brick wall, in addition, a small decor can be used in this direction;

  • art deco direction perfectly complements the brick, both ultra-modern technology and original accessories will perfectly fit into such an interior;

  • colonial style interior English style - luxurious noble wood and brick will add coziness to a comfortable environment;

  • Mediterranean- brick of a natural shade will emphasize the natural luxury of the interior, which can be supplemented with bright decorative elements;

  • for scandinavian interior brick forms a visual sense of additional space. An additional decor will be textile products in bright colors. color scheme;

  • for ethnic interior the combination will be harmonious various shades brick that can be combined with. For such a solution, antique decor for individual accents would be appropriate.

Brickwork in interior design

Interiors with brickwork are easily combined with both fashion options finishes, and without it. A simply cleaned brick surface without painting fits quite creatively.

  • variety of materials, color solutions and textures allows you to create real masterpieces in the interior. The creation of columns in the living room and corridor, partitions in the rooms, a fireplace in the recreation area, a working area in the kitchen will great solution. artificial brick it is quite possible to replace the real one. It has sufficient strength, durability and practicality, in addition, it can be painted in any color scheme;

This is interesting! A completely new solution is glass brick, it can be tinted with the desired color or leave the texture natural. This technique will fill the room additional light and volume.

  • can be done a budget option similar to brickwork. Manufacturers offer wide choose wallpaper and photo wallpaper with brick imitation;
  • imitation can be done with your own hands using decorative plaster and masking tape. seams finished surfaces painted in the color of cement mortar.

Brick wall in the kitchen in different interior styles

Often the kitchen is limited in area. Not everyone has enough large spaces, in which you can easily enter any design idea. That is why you need to think through all the details well before you fit the brick into the interior of the kitchen.

In addition to the area, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of the finish. A brick wall in the interior of the kitchen can divide the room into a working and dining area. With the help of masonry, the bar counter also stands out.

The workplace of the hostess is a zone of increased pollution, splashes of oil when frying, pieces of food when using a mixer or blender are sure to get on the walls. Therefore, it is better to varnish the wall surface or use panels that imitate brick.

The natural color is great for a country kitchen design with a brick wall. A photo unusual interior presented in the gallery. Light colors are used for Scandinavian interiors. In addition, they will add volume to small rooms.

Using a brick veneer will greatly facilitate the finishing work. Such processes are easy to perform on your own, which will require ceramic or clinker tiles to imitate brick, a special adhesive composition, crosses and a fugue for grouting. All surfaces must be well leveled before starting work.

Thus, any kitchen wall surface can be clad. Usage bright colors bricks as accents will give a special mood to the hostess and her guests.

Brick variations in the interior of the living room

There are a lot of alternatives for creative experiments in the living room.

  • you can decorate the entire wall of brickwork. Natural shades and strict furniture will be characteristic of minimalism;
  • the addition of bright elements is inherent in the ethnic direction;
  • the combination of brick and wood in the interior will create additional comfort classic design. A special luxury will be filling the living room with rare furniture and additional decor;
  • the fireplace area will be in harmony with the brick. This is a trend of the past, echoes of the English classics. Combination with modern technology soften harsh industrial trends, bring additional comfort to the living room.

The brick wall in the interior of the living room can be left in its original form; over the years, it acquires its own individuality and character. Diversity in the design can be made by making partitions or niches with bricks.

Wall surface design options

If the construction of the house was made of brick, one surface should be left in its original form.

If a decision is made to paint the masonry, for this it is necessary to perform a number of certain works.

  • to begin with, all surfaces are treated with a special compound to reveal the texture and further protect against dirt. In addition, this will increase the strength of the material to mechanical stress;
  • at the second stage, the wall is covered with a special coloring coating with aging styling;
  • tinting is carried out in the color of the remaining wall surfaces, which will remove the emphasis from the masonry and dissolve it in the general style;
  • you can focus on the brick surface by contrast.

It is not always appropriate to use natural bricks on the entire wall surface in the interior. But that doesn't mean you have to give up on your dream.

You can arrange a small zoning of the TV, niches or accents on wall surfaces using masonry imitation. Elements in the interior will look no worse than the real material. There is always a choice. Brick will help create an original and memorable solution.

Decorating a bedroom with brick decor

In the sleeping area, finishing with brickwork is most often done at the head. At the same time, it emphasizes special place in room design. Alternatively, you can accent the wall surface at the window opening.

For small rooms, not the entire surface is tiled, but a small area. This does not complicate the volumetric perception of the room.

A bedroom with a brick wall made in neutral colors and decorated in a Scandinavian direction will create a cozy interior, filling it with warmth and comfort. Additionally, you can place beautiful bras, mirrors or photos from the family archive.

For a loft-style bedroom, a brick wall can be decorated with options from forged metal or a tree.

For an ethno-direction, it is appropriate to complement the natural color of the masonry with objects hand made, bright textiles.

In the bedroom, it is important not to overload the space, but to correctly distribute color accents and fill it with decorative elements. After all, this is a place of relaxation and comfortable sleep.

Various solutions for the hallway

In the corridor, with the help of a brick, the entrance area or the outer clothing area is primarily allocated. These are the most wear-resistant places. Finishing materials will help protect the walls from abrasion.

If the area allows, you can divide the corridor by arranging a brick wall in the interior of the hallway. Photos of separation options are posted in the albums of ready-made solutions.

You can arrange an imitation of masonry on the entire surface by arranging nearby as a separate decoration a console table for umbrellas with a mirror and a lounge chair.

Instead of brick, brick imitation plaster is used; visually, it practically does not differ from decorative brick in the interior. Photos of hallways allow you to apply an unusual idea.

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The composition and types of coatings, manufacturers, examples of the use of decorative mixtures, how to prepare it yourself, application instructions are in this material.

White shades in the hallway will expand the boundaries. Zoning with color will help create your own unique design.

Design Tricks

Brickwork in the corridor is combined with decorative plaster. For this technique, you can create an artificial aging of the brick. It will be interesting and unusual to allocate open spaces for storage with bricks.

Long squares can be supplemented with artificial columns. In this design, it is recommended to perform a “torn” cladding with imitation of brick. This will create a feeling of harmony and comfort.

You can perform the transition of the brick to the ceiling surface. It is desirable to choose light or aged shades of masonry for such a design.

Brick wallpaper - a great alternative to brickwork

It is not always possible to perform wall cladding with brickwork. Small spaces or a limited budget should not be an obstacle to the implementation of interesting ideas. An excellent alternative for such cases are wallpaper in the form of brickwork.

Their use has a number of positive aspects.

  • the technological process is much easier than masonry;
  • simple care;
  • wide offers of manufacturers allow you to find harmonious solution wallpaper under a brick for interiors of different directions;
  • a variety of textures allows their use on walls with small defects and on rounded surfaces;
  • affordable cost.

Wall decor with wallpaper for brickwork - features of choice

Manufacturers offer big choice according to the texture and color scheme of wallpaper with imitation of brick to fulfill the most daring design ideas. Finishing can be done with vintage elements, it is advantageous to set off the main compositional groups of the interior, to emphasize accent solutions on the ceiling surface or on the floor.

The main advantage of the canvases is their warmth, unlike wall surfaces with natural masonry.

For interior design, you can choose any wallpaper texture. A variety of shapes and sizes of the pattern allow you to implement the most daring decisions. You can choose material for any style direction.

Manufacturers offer paintable wallpaper, the brickwork on which you can independently paint in the desired color for a harmonious design of the room for a short time.

The advantages of using wallpaper in rooms compared to brickwork

  • good air exchange;
  • light weight;
  • quick design changes, the ability to easily arrange the most complex elements.

Using wallpaper in the kitchen

In the kitchen with wallpaper stand out work zone. Cloths are used washable with a high density, from which the consequences of cooking can be repeatedly removed.

For the rest of the wall surfaces, you can play with different textures and colors of the wallpaper to create the perfect decoration. comfortable rest

For the corridor, you must choose wallpaper with increased wear resistance. This is the most accessible place in the apartment. In combination with columns, shelving and internal shelves, you can create extraordinary combinations of stripes of different textures. Especially canvases are suitable for grunge design.

Practicality and beauty are the main requirements for wallpaper for the corridor.

Interesting ideas for the living room and bedroom

For the living room and bedroom, the design using brick is carried out in the interior of the loft direction. Additionally, spaces can be decorated with metal or glass elements of elegant shapes.

Can be implemented bold decision- a combination of several styles. Complementing the interior with a fireplace with a seating area near it will add comfort and coziness.

Types of brick wallpaper

Manufacturers offer various wallpapers with brick imitation. Before making a choice, it is necessary to know the main advantages and disadvantages of the proposed materials.

  • vinyl- relief texture and high density allow you to hide minor defects in wall surfaces. Service life is guaranteed by manufacturers up to 20 years. Thanks to resistance to high humidity they can be used in the kitchen. In addition, the surfaces can be washed with a soft sponge.

To disadvantages vinyl wallpaper brick includes formaldehyde in the composition, due to which it is not recommended to use it in sleeping areas and children's rooms;

  • non-woven- A wide selection of such textures is available on the market due to increased strength, wear resistance and the possibility of coloring. The advantages include good air exchange, the ability to hide small irregularities in wall surfaces, simple and convenient pasting.

Non-woven wallpaper for bricks have some negative properties - high cost, in addition, they are subject to mechanical stress and embossed textures accumulate dust;

  • paper- these are the most long-livers of brick wallpaper. Their low cost makes them the most sought after consumer market. The advantages include a wide range of colors, price, excellent air exchange, compliance with environmental safety.

The main disadvantage of paper sheets is their fragility. In addition, the wallpaper is afraid sunlight and respond to temperature changes

  • 3D Wallpaper- exactly this original solution, the natural perception of the pattern looks spectacular in any room. They have increased resistance to wear, are not afraid of sunlight.

The disadvantages include a fairly high price and complex pasting.

Brick-colored interiors in combination with other colors

Before starting work, it is necessary to think over all possible combinations so as not to be disappointed in the end result.

  • Red brick in the interior is not recommended to be shaded with other colors. This is a bright standalone solution. Furniture can be used in both light and dark shades.
  • Wallpaper under white brick create the illusion of space. IN this decision it is possible to use various bright decor on wall surfaces and in the interior. Various combinations are allowed.
  • For industrial interiors gray brick wallpaper is used, the texture of which can be slightly aged to give an echo of the past.
  • The black brick wall is perfectly complemented by the white contrast. This gives the room additional lightness and mystery.
  • You can also use a combination of shades. With brick wallpaper, simple textures of the same shade are in perfect harmony. Soft olive shades are suitable for red brick.
  • To create a visual volume, you can add gray shades to the white brick wallpaper.

Design techniques with brick wallpaper in the interior. Photo selection of interesting solutions

Interesting options for the use of bricks in the interior of the apartment. Photo gallery of ready solutions.

Brick in modern interior associated with centuries old traditions and gives solidity and weight to the living space. It can be applied in various styles, however, brickwork is most widely used in the loft, scandinavian style and all kinds of country music. Individual elements will be relevant in modern style directions e.g. minimalism, techno, modern, eclectic.

Brick in the interior: finishing methods

Brickwork can be used for decoration in various ways:

  • Fragment. Masonry is a small part of the wall, emphasizing the solidity of the walls of the house. This technique is used, for example, in the Scandinavian style.

  • Accent. Brickwork highlights the part of the wall that they want to draw Special attention. This may be the location of the TV panel, part of the wall behind the head of the bed, a fireplace area, or something else.

In the photo, a fireplace area is highlighted with brickwork. Project:"Interior of a 2-room apartment in beige tones"

  • Wall. An entire brick wall in the interior can also look very decorative. Usually, in this way, the part of the room that carries the main semantic load is singled out. In the living room, this can be the wall near which the sofa is located, in the bedroom - the wall behind the head of the bed, in the kitchen - the wall near the dining area.

The photo shows a white brick wall in the kitchen-living room. Project from BohoStudio“The interior of the apartment is 56 sq. m. »

  • Element. You can build individual architectural elements from bricks. This can be an arch or, for example, a section of a free-standing wall that can serve as the base of a bar counter, or a stand for an aquarium. Bricks are also used to make zoning partitions in studio apartments.

In the photo there is a bar drain made of bricks in scandinavian studio interior 42 sq. m.

The main disadvantage of brick as a finishing material is its significant weight and volume. In small rooms, the brick will "eat" a significant amount, which is undesirable. In such situations, you can use materials that mimic brickwork. A “brick-like” wall in the interior of a small room will create the necessary impression and at the same time will not reduce its area.

Brick color in interior design

The surface of brickwork, as a rule, is treated in order to remove excessive porosity, facilitate cleaning, and also fit it as harmoniously as possible into the style of the room. If it is necessary to leave natural masonry, it is covered with transparent compounds. But more often brick walls are painted, choosing in each case the most suitable color. Nothing prevents brickwork from being green, purple or pink, but traditional "brick" colors are most commonly used.

The photo shows a partially white-painted brick in design of a small studio 22 sq. m.

White brick in the interior

White is the color most commonly used in minimalist, Scandinavian styles. In both of these styles, brick surfaces are the element that allows you to enrich the interior. minimum means- your invoice. At the same time, they try to remove the color so as not to overload the visual perception. An excellent solution in such cases is painting the finished masonry white.

Pictured are white brick walls. Project by Aiya Lisova Design Loft design studio 42 sq. m. »

White additionally gives the effect of increasing space, which is important for those cases where the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is small. In addition, a white brick wall can serve as an excellent backdrop for demonstrating decorative elements of the situation on it. A white brick wall can be combined in the same room with "traditional" masonry.

Gray brick in the interior

Gray, like white, is considered neutral. It creates a calm backdrop for displaying furniture and decorative design elements. Depending on the saturation, gray can play a different role in the room.

Light gray will expand the space and slightly dim the brightness, it is appropriate to paint brickwork in this color in rooms lit too brightly. Dark gray will give intimacy and intimacy, create a calming atmosphere, although at the same time it will visually hide the volume.

As a rule, "red" refers to the shades of ordinary bricks made from clay. Although nothing prevents painting the masonry red, if the design idea requires it. Red brick walls are appropriate in almost all styles, including gothic and classic. As a rule, they immediately attract attention and become the main decorative element of the interior.

In the photo there is a red brick in the interior attic studio in loft style.

Red brick walls no longer need additional decorations. It should be borne in mind that some pieces of furniture may “get lost” against their background, for example, a simple-shaped table made of wood close in tone can be almost invisible.

Brick in the interior of the room: in which rooms is it appropriate

Elements of brickwork can be entered into a room for any purpose, from the entrance area to the bathroom or toilet. The main thing is to choose an option that will blend perfectly with the furniture and the rest of the decoration.


Here, brickwork will help to separate the entrance area from the rest, either with a rich brick texture on the walls, or with a free-standing brick partition, if the area allows. You can decorate with masonry a section of the wall in the hallway reserved for a clothes hanger, thereby highlighting it in separate zone. Console tables for gloves and other small things look spectacular near the brick wall, above which a large mirror is hung.

In the photo there is a brick wall in the hallway in studio interior 56 sq. m.


Most often in the kitchen, brickwork serves as an "apron" near the work surface. Here, as a rule, decorative bricks are used, which have special characteristics and a smooth surface, which facilitates cleaning.

Also in the kitchen you can highlight the masonry dining area, bar counter, table-island.

The photo shows a bar counter decorated with red brick. Project from Litvinov design"Loft style in the interior of a compact studio".

Living room

A brick partition can separate the living area from the rest in an open-plan apartment. In addition, false columns are lined with bricks, a wall is laid out near the fireplace. Masonry is also allocated a sofa or TV area.

The photo shows a white brick in the interior of the living room. Project:“Design of a two-room Khrushchev 45 sq. m. »


Here, brick is most often used to decorate the wall at the head of the bed, emphasizing its special significance in the interior with its texture. Another popular option is to accent a wall with a window with masonry. In small rooms, it is better to give under the brick not the entire wall, but only part of it, so as not to burden the perception of space.

The photo shows a red brick in the interior of the bedroom. Project:“The design of the apartment in white tones of 90 sq. m. »

The photo shows a white brick in the interior of the bedroom in modern style. Project:"Apartment design in bright colors from Hola Design"

Sanitary facilities

In bathrooms and toilets, brick can also be used - there are no restrictions, the material can withstand both high temperatures and humidity. Brickwork allocate various zones indoors, or separated by partitions.

The photo shows white brick tiles in the interior of the bathroom. Project:“Loft style in the interior of an apartment of 85 sq. m. »

In addition, large apartments and private houses can be successfully complemented brick arches, or lay out brick walls near flights of stairs and platforms.

Brick decoration in the interior of apartments: photo

Two-room apartment 57 sq. m.

In the design, the wall in the living room, kitchen, bedroom, as well as the bar that separates the living area from the kitchen area, are made of decorative "aged" brick.

Studio 25 sq. m.

In order to avoid the high cost of refurbishing the studio, the walls were painted with paint, and the furniture was purchased from IKEA. In order to reinforce decorative effect the wall near the sofa and bed was stripped down to brickwork and painted white.

Duplex apartment 82 sq. m.

The design is decorated in a loft style, instead of natural brick, a decorative, but natural color is used. In order not to overload the interior, the walls were partly painted.

Two-room apartment 40 sq. m.

After the restoration work, the walls of the old brick turned out to be in sight. This became the main interior in the loft style.

White brick walls serve as the perfect backdrop for cozy corner recreation.

Two-room apartment 114 sq. m.

Designers helped to create a brutal interior Decoration Materials- natural wooden boards on the floor, red brick walls and wooden furniture.

Three-room apartment 155 sq. m.

The original design of the apartment is made in bright colors. In the decoration of the walls, brickwork, painting, wallpaper, mosaics, and even the greenery of living plants are used. The combination of colors and textures is chosen so that all this diversity is perfectly combined and forms a harmonious and cozy interior.

Many interior designers try to come up with something unusual, some kind of zest that will help make the decor special. One such solution is a brick wall. We will tell you what it is, how to make it and in which interior it is better to apply.

The brick wall interior is a new trend in interior decor that can be used anywhere. The brick wall gives a certain charm of antiquity and creates an atmosphere of mystery and individuality.

Brick wall in the interior of the living room

It is believed that the fashion for brick walls in the interior came from New York, where a lot of apartments are decorated with ordinary stones without plaster, and then coated with a colorless agent or simply painted.

What does it take to make an interior with a brick wall?

The first method is the most natural, which consists in building or exposing a real brick wall. If you live in brick house, then for you it will not be special work. Just leave one wall unfinished, and voila - a unique interior element is ready.

However, such a wall must be processed. It is necessary to wash off stains, traces of cement and construction dust from it with the help of special solutions. Then the wall can be sanded and the seams can be rubbed. Cover the clean and treated surface with a colorless varnish. This will add zest to the entire interior. A picture framed from a wide baguette or a photograph with unusual frames will look especially original on such a wall.

Brick wall adds personality to the interior

Wallpaper "under the brick"

The second way is the simplest and not too expensive: brickwork wallpaper. You can choose a wallpaper where there will be an imitation of a brick wall in the interior, that is, they will only convey the texture, and you can paint them in any color. It is also possible to pick up ready-made colored wallpapers that will visually imitate the texture, all cracks and scuffs.

Wallpaper "under the brick" in the interior of the kitchen

But it can be hard to find suitable material. Many people think that brick wallpaper is yesterday. In fact, this is a fairly common solution, especially if you need to paste them over, for example, a recess in a niche.

Facing brick

An interior with a brick wall can be done in another way - using facing brick. It is also called thin-walled. Such a brick is much thinner than a building brick, and it is better to use it in the interior, since it occupies less volume of the room. In addition, its weight is also much less, which is very important when decorating. thin walls.

Facing bricks can be chosen in any color, glossy or matte, perfectly new or "antique". To attach such a brick to the wall, use glue for laying artificial or natural stone. For processing seams, tile grouts are used.

Brick tile

Another option would be brick tiles. Unlike facing bricks, it is thinner and is called "brick veneer". Such tiles can be ceramic or clinker. Laying it takes place in the same way as ordinary tiles - on a flat surface with the help of special glue and crosses.

Brick tiles in the kitchen

You can make a bare brick wall yourself, although this is quite troublesome. But if you like to make all the interior items with your own hands, check out this technology.


Initially, you need to make the bricks themselves. To do this, you need forms and paint of any color. Experts recommend taking brick gypsum and clear varnish. As a form, it is preferable to use a plastic container similar to the shape of a brick and its dimensions.

But bricks can be various sizes, most importantly - a rectangular shape. After preparing all the tools, you can directly engage in the manufacture of bricks. First you need to place the plaster in the mold, let it dry. Then remove the finished brick from it. The resulting parts are glued to the desired part of the wall with the adhesive used when laying the tiles. To make the wall seem more realistic, you can break the edges of the bricks. The size and thickness of the layer are chosen independently.

Once you have decided on how to create a brick wall, you need to choose a color. The most common is red, burgundy and white.

Particularly stylish and impressive will look brick white wall in the interior. Against its background, any bright object will look original. It is great as a background for decorative ornaments with contrasting colors.

White brick wall in the bedroom

Brick white wall in interior fit absolutely for any room - from the bathroom to the bedroom. The main thing is to put it in the right place. Such a non-standard approach will emphasize the individuality and exclusive view of the owners on the creation of the interior.

Brickwork in the fireplace area

Even if all the walls are decorated in white, the white brick wall in the interior will still stand out due to its texture. And if they are made in a different color scheme, then it will doubly attract the eye - in color and textured relief. White color it is very beneficial to use when decorating rooms - it visually enlarges the space and makes the atmosphere weightless.

Styles that combine a brick wall

The interior with a brick wall is not appropriate for every style. The main direction where it is applied is the loft. It was the conversion of old industrial buildings into living quarters that led to the popularity of brick walls in interior fashion.

Lofts are residential apartments in the buildings of abandoned factories and workshops. By purchasing such a dwelling, people tried to leave the original "industrial aesthetics" by retaining brick walls and beams in the design.

If you want to make an interior in a loft style, a brick wall must be present in it.

The second direction of style, where the interior with a brick wall is appropriate, is country. It does not have to be a house in the village, it is possible to create it and just in country cottage away from the hustle and bustle of the city. In such houses, fireplaces and stoves were built and the masonry was not processed. This was not necessary, since such a house was not intended for secular receptions, but only for a relaxing pastime with the family. Entire floors could be unfinished.

In the living room with a brick accent wall, a special atmosphere of comfort and style is felt.

Moreover, the color of the brick can be very different, the main thing is that it harmonizes with the general atmosphere of the interior.

The brick living room is very much in demand in Europe and the USA. A fireplace against a brick wall immediately takes you back to the times of towers and castles.

A screen plasma TV on the stylish wall gives the room the warmth of a home.

A brick wall in the living room interior, unlike painted or wallpapered walls, does not require additional decoration, as accent wall masonry itself is a decoration in the interior of the room.

Living Room Design Styles

A brick wall will not become superfluous, no matter what style the room is decorated in. Of course, the loft style is the first thing that comes to mind when you want to decorate your room with masonry.

After all, it is this design style that almost requires the presence of such a wall there.

A photo of a brick living room will show that this way of decorating looks great in the style of the Scandinavian direction, and country, and in minimalism.

Even in such a soft style as shabby chic and touching provence, a stone wall will not be a hindrance.

But still, masonry gives more preference to the loft. It is this style that is the progenitor of the stone wall in the interior, as it takes its roots from the time of the 20s, when attic space converted into living quarters.

Then brick walls were a natural phenomenon and were not subject to additional decoration.

Using brick as decoration

A living room with a brick wall is an alternative to using masonry as a decor in the interior. However, there are still plenty of options for using brick in its original form to accentuate any element in a room setting.

For example, brick wall, separating the kitchen from the dining room, will perfectly perform the function of zoning in the room. A brick fireplace or a niche in the wall will decorate the room and add zest to the interior.

Masonry processing

Carrying out interior decoration brick house, one of the walls that I would like to focus on can be left as is.

If, interior work already carried out, then the decorated side must be cleaned before laying. This option is suitable to save space, so that when building a new masonry, not to reduce precious centimeters.

And in big room it will be easier to overlay one of the walls with new brick. One way or another, you need to work hard in order to turn the masonry into an element of decor.

In order for the stone to have a neat and pretty look, the wall must be treated with impregnation for bricks. It will close the pores in the mortar and masonry material, which will protect against dust clogging there.

In addition to impregnation, there are also solutions to give the stone different effects. They can be used if you want to give the masonry the impression of antiquity or highlight the structure of the brick.

If the idea of ​​​​designing a living room with a brick wall was not to focus on it, but to create a background decor element, then the masonry is painted in the same tone with all the walls in the room.

In the Scandinavian style of room design, a prerequisite is the coloring of all textured elements, so the whole room, along with the masonry, acquires one tone, mostly white.

Masonry replacement option

It happens that you really like the idea of ​​​​design, but it is not always possible to bring it to life.

Do not be upset if it is not possible to lay masonry from real brick in your house. The stores present building materials that make it possible to implement the idea using substitute products.

It is worth noting that the living room with a brick wall made of artificial stone looks quite original and is an excellent option for accentuating part of the interior.

False masonry usually does not finish the entire wall, but only its details, such as an arch or corner. A fireplace lined with material imitating brick will take on an expressive and lively look.

Brick, as well as its imitation, in the design of the room looks original, fashionable and beautiful.

And most importantly, this idea can be used in almost any style you like with the possibility of repainting and updating the color of the wall in the future.

Brick living room design photo

A brick wall in the interior is rightfully considered a very expressive element that a huge number of designers recommend using in order to achieve the most impressive interior. Due to his warm color and man-made, the brick seems to be specially created for use in modern apartments or houses. Thanks to the brick wall, you can easily emphasize the luxury and elegance of the interior. It can be used in various rooms and in each is able to look really impressive and special.

The brick wall in the interior of the house is one of the fashion trends in Europe and America. Brick is a wonderful element of decor in an apartment, it is suitable for loft and country styles.

Often decorative wall bricks are faced with the use of various decorative materials: decorative bricks, tiles, stone, as well as various plastic panels and special wallpapers. Speaking about the last two materials, it is worth noting that they are rarely, but still used to decorate brick walls. If you choose from the point of view of practicality, then designers recommend paying attention to ceramic tiles And fake diamond, because they are very easy to care for and install, and also do not "eat up" space.

Painted brick wall

Today, people are looking for more and more new options with which you can make the interior of a house or apartment really original and special. Painted brick wall- that's the solution. Such a design move is really attractive and original, but without proper processing, there is no need to talk about beauty. That is why designers recommend painting the wall. Of course, this should be done according to a certain technology. You can choose different colors that are most suitable for the overall design concept of your house or apartment, which.

The living room is considered to be the most comfortable place in the house. All family members gather here, as well as receive guests. A brick wall will create a special atmosphere in your living room. Today there are a huge number of options for using this design solution in the living room. can be bright accent, and can also maximally fit into the integrity of the space. To do this, it can be decorated with various building materials, seeking different styles. The brick can be aged, varnished or painted, completely or partially covered with plaster. A fairly common option is to paint the wall white.

Only at first glance brick wall in the interior of the bedroom looks rough and unfinished. But if you look closely, you will notice a peculiar charm and zest in such a solution. The brick wall gives the bedroom warmth, materiality, especially if you turn to the country style. Due to its naturalness and natural naturalness, the interior of the bedroom looks harmonious and natural.

IN classic bedroom the brick wall creates a stunning contrast. Even a classic crystal chandelier against a brick wall acquires an extraordinary charm. In addition, a brick wall is the perfect decor element for a modern style bedroom.

The kitchen is one of the main rooms in the house and apartment. We all spend a lot of time here, which is why we want to create the maximum level of comfort in it. It seems that brick wall in the interior of the kitchen unable to cope with such a task. However, this only seems to be. The pleasant color of the brick will make the kitchen modern and stylish. It can be supplemented stylish furniture softer colors and pleasant lighting zones that can be easily created using modern chandeliers, spotlights and sconces.

The brick wall in the interior of the bathroom is a bold and unusual option space decoration. That is why it is used very rarely. But if you are not afraid of such experiments, then you will have to carefully consider every design detail, which should help a selection of options for using a brick wall in the bathroom.

Among the huge number of styles that are currently used in the interior, it is worth noting the loft style. The very word English origin, which implies an attic. The main idea of ​​the style is a combination of different architectural solutions within one room. So, brick wall in loft style can become a bright accent in your house or apartment. Brick ledges, plank floors, and partially plastered walls will all create unique image rooms.

Brick wall - modern version decoration. She only at first glance is rude. For those who are not afraid of experiments, and are also ready to take the time to correctly combine this bold decision with other decorative elements, nothing is impossible. Thanks to the brick wall in the room, you can achieve the very zest that many are looking for.
