Give your car a unique look with bumper tuning. Foam bumper

Bumper tuning is one of the most popular and sought after procedures among many motorists. It makes it possible to radically transform appearance machines that an ordinary production car turns into an exclusive vehicle. In the current economic situation, perform tuning at professional designers is not a cheap pleasure, so many car owners independently convert their own cars. In this article, we will consider in detail how to make a bumper on our own, and also share the main secrets of the successful implementation of such work.

Why do bumper tuning

Each of us met with tuned cars, while the most striking and indicative upgrades are subject exclusively to bumpers.

While this part of the car for many car owners becomes pride, for most ordinary pedestrians and motorists, it is the cause of many disputes about the waste of money. In fact, bumper refurbishment has a clearly defined goal.

Did you know?The world's first automobile was created in 1672 in China by the Flemish scientist Ferdinand Verbiest. The unit was powered by a steam engine, but could only carry its own weight, so it was used by the Chinese emperorZheng Jing is only like a toy.

Most often tuning is performed for:

  • giving the car a personality- The automotive industry is a conveyor production that produces thousands of identical cars. In turn, re-equipment makes it possible to create an individual image of the car, as well as to show their artistic tastes;
  • obtaining status- beautiful and bright cars always bring great popularity to their owners. Such vehicles never go unnoticed, which often helps car owners to increase their authority and significance in society;
  • improve the aerodynamic abilities of the car - unusual shape the bumper quite often gives the car not only aggressiveness, but also helps to reduce air resistance during acceleration, so for many motorists tuning becomes a way to improve the speed characteristics of a car, which is quite important for all lovers of high-speed traffic;
  • repair- bumpers are the most vulnerable point of any motor vehicle. In addition to mechanical damage, they are affected by constant temperature fluctuations, as well as water and other aggressive substances. Over time, all this leads to the destruction of materials, which is most often compensated by tuning.


The main advantages of a tuned bumper include:

  • individual design;
  • improved aerodynamic abilities;
  • increased strength (relative to the factory ones).


There are few drawbacks to such modifications, but they still exist:

  • re-equipment of a car requires a lot of time and considerable costs;
  • modified body shape requires compulsory registration in law enforcement agencies;
  • when damaged, such structures are difficult to repair.

Did you know?The Liebherr T 282B dump truck made in Germany is considered the largest car in the world. The total weight of an empty truck is about 220 tons, while the body can carry goods with a total weight of up to 360 tons.

Making a bumper with your own hands

A custom-designed bumper is a common requirement for many motorists, so the question of how to make it and from what is quite discussed in many forums.
Thanks to modern technologies you can create it from the most common building materials from the nearest hardware store. At the same time, it should be remembered that the solution of such problems does not tolerate mistakes, therefore, work must be started with all rigor.

Materials and tools

For tuning you will need the following materials:

  • foam sheets of brand PSB-35 - 1-2 sheets;
  • polyurethane foam - 2–3 cylinders;
  • fiberglass - 2 packs;
  • epoxy resin - 1 kg;
  • epoxy resin glue - 100 ml;
  • masking tape - 2–5 pcs.;
  • sandpaper P80 - 1 m;
  • mounting rail 50x50 mm - 1 pc.;
  • a set of replaceable blades for a clerical knife - 1 pack.;
  • automotive putty - 1–2 kg;
  • automobile primer - 1 l;
  • solvent or gasoline - 1l.
Also in the work can not do without the following tools:
  • gun for polyurethane foam- 1 PC.;
  • wood saw - 1 pc.;
  • stationery knife - 1 pc.;
  • brush for painting 30 mm - 3 pcs.;
  • spatula 50 mm - 1 pc.;
  • clean containers (1–3 l) - 2 pcs.

Step-by-step instruction

Making a bumper from scratch is not only time-consuming, but also quite a complicated process. In the factory, such parts are produced using special equipment, which is practically never found on free sale.

Therefore, most often a new bumper at home is made on the basis of the old one. The resulting design is distinguished not only by its spectacular appearance, but also by its lightness.

Important!Before starting work, you must definitely decide on the shape and size of the future product, this will help to avoid possible additional costs on materials during the workflow.

The main stages of the conversion of the factory bumper:

  1. Thoroughly clean the surface of the bumper from contaminants and degrease with a solvent.
  2. Cut the mounting rail into even lengths of 10–15 cm.
  3. Put the resulting sticks on the floor directly under the bumper. At the same time, they should repeat the lower part of the future product as accurately as possible.
  4. Tape the surface of the bumper and mounting rail with masking tape.
  5. Place pieces of Styrofoam between the bumper and the mounting rail.
  6. Apply several layers of mounting foam to the bumper over masking tape. In this case, the resulting workpiece should resemble the desired shape of the future product to the maximum. If excessive application is required thick layer foam, such areas can be filled with pieces of foam.
  7. After the mounting foam has dried, use a clerical knife to give the rough workpiece the desired shape and carefully sand it with sandpaper. If the processing of the workpiece has caused its excessive deformation, such areas must be refilled with mounting foam and processed.
  8. Carefully cover the resulting product with masking tape.
  9. On the received black new form apply epoxy, and lay fiberglass on top. In addition, each cut should overlap by at least 1-2 cm.
  10. Apply a few more layers of fiberglass, and coat the final layer thoroughly with epoxy.
  11. Leave the workpiece to harden for several hours.
  12. After the epoxy is completely dry, carefully separate the fiberglass with the hardened foam, and then completely clean the resulting mold from the mounting foam and foam.
  13. Apply a primer to the fiberglass blank and allow it to dry.
  14. Align the shape with putty, while the number of layers of this material can be unlimited.
  15. When the putty dries, sand the shape with sandpaper.
  16. Glue the blank to the bumper with epoxy glue. Now you can start painting.

Video: the main stages of converting a factory bumper

How to accurately paint a part

After the old bumper has taken on a new shape, you can proceed to at least milestone than its creation - to painting. To do this, the product must be removed from the car and fixed on some kind of stable stand.

Important! To avoid dust settling on the painted bumper, the floor and nearby objects in the painting area must be carefully treated with a weakly concentrated soapy solution.

Paint the details in special room, but if you do not have it, you can carry out the procedure on outdoors. The most favorable weather for this is considered a warm sunny day, since excessive humidity and low temperatures detrimental effect on the final result of painting.

In addition, a prerequisite for a qualitative result is the absence of painting in the area:

  • insects;
  • pets;
  • little children;
  • small trash.

The paint is applied in several layers, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve a uniform shade. The basis for the paint is an automotive primer, which is applied to the part 1-2 days before painting, and the final one is a special varnish that strengthens the surface. For such work, a spray gun equipped with an electric compressor is most often used. Do not paint with a brush, as this will lead to uneven application of paint.

If you need to apply a drawing on a part or make a protective line, use masking tape for this. But sometimes there are situations when painting is carried out without removing the bumper from the car, in which case masking tape will not be enough. To avoid paint getting on other parts of the body, the car is covered with a thin polyethylene film or old newspapers in 1-2 layers.

Video: do-it-yourself bumper painting

Additional tuning elements

Quite often, changing the shape of a car's bumper is only the first step in refurbishing this area of ​​the car. In order to increase the individuality of the car and improve its appearance, all kinds of additional accessories are often mounted in it, which play both an aesthetic and functional role. You can make them yourself, but it is best to use inexpensive factory parts.

The most popular of these elements are:

  • additional headlights or marker lights;
  • neon lighting;
  • fog lights;
  • side decorative grilles;
  • front decorative grilles;
  • reflectors of position lamps;
  • towing eye pads;
  • all kinds of decorative inserts made of foam or plastic;
  • air intakes;
  • decorative jumpers.
Tuning is one of the most important and common procedures among motorists of any generation. It makes it possible to improve the appearance of the car, as well as give it new aerodynamic capabilities. Today, you can create a new bumper using inexpensive materials and improvised tools.

However, such work requires not only a sense of taste and high artistic abilities, but also attention to detail, as well as patience. Otherwise, the final costs may not justify the desired results.

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If you want to radically change the look of your car, then you should think about tuning the front bumper - this is an easy way that gives you many opportunities for a flight of fancy. Moreover, the modernization of this part can be completely done at home, and at the same time, do-it-yourself bumper tuning will cost much cheaper than the same services performed by professionals. So, what do you need for a full tuning of the front bumper?

There are two main ways to improve the appearance of a bumper. It all depends on how you imagine it - either strengthening an existing element, or completely new rear parts from improvised materials. Both the one and the other method are quite often practiced by motorists, the difference is only in the tools and materials that we need.

So, if you are going to go the first way and improve the front or rear bumper, then you will have to purchase special pads that you can install yourself. For their installation, stock up on marking tools, an electric drill, fasteners (bolts and self-tapping screws), as well as sealant for a better fit. The only problem is that such an overlay will be relatively expensive. But to make such an overlay with your own hands can be very cheap, not to mention the invaluable experience that you will gain by making tuning for the front bumper with your own hands.

Creating a new bumper requires certain tools that are very easy to find in almost any garage or purchase at a hardware store:

  • Sandpaper of different grits.
  • Fiberglass, which is also called fiberglass.
  • Mounting foam.
  • Putty.
  • Primer composition.
  • Epoxy resin.
  • adhesive composition.
  • Putty.
  • Dye.
  • aluminum powder.
  • Sharp utility knife.

In addition, you will need to find at least an approximate layout of the future product in order to simplify your work and better imagine how the bumper will look like in ready-made. After all of the above is available, you can start creating the part.

Tuning instruction

As you already understood, the basis for creating tuning for the bumper will be such simple and available materials like polyurethane foam and polystyrene. However, the point is not only in their cheapness, but also in the simplicity of work, since it is very easy for both foam and foam to give the desired shape with your own hands. Another reason for using just such a framework is its a light weight- the new lining will not make it heavier, which means it will not affect the power of the car in any way.

In general, the instructions for tuning the front bumper look something like this:

  1. To begin with, using the selected material, it is created desired shape. This is where sharp tools come in handy.
  2. Then you need to properly prepare the resulting surface for processing with resin.
  3. Resin and fiberglass are applied to the future overlay in several layers.
  4. Now the turn of putty has come - with its help we give a more perfect shape and smooth out all the corners.
  5. Before applying paint, it is imperative to prepare the surface with a primer, otherwise it may be partially absorbed or lie unevenly. Therefore, the next step is to apply a primer.
  6. Finished painting in the appropriate color. The shade can completely repeat the factory one or be different. Now you should wait until the bumper dries and you can install it in place.

Many are interested in exactly how polystyrene and polyurethane foam differ in the process of using them as the basis for a bumper cover. And the main difference is that the foam does not need to be dissolved with resin, since it can be sculpted directly.. And the foam must first be sealed with special technical plasticine. The plan is outlined and you can start creating a bumper tuning with your own hands. For greater clarity, we will talk about each of the methods - and which one to choose is up to you.

foam bumper

You will need about eight large sheets of Styrofoam to create the overlay. If you're already smitten necessary quantity material, so you can get to work.

  • To begin with, the bumper must be dismantled and thoroughly cleaned of accumulated contaminants. Then the surface is degreased and wiped to dryness.
  • Styrofoam sheets must be fastened together with glue. It is best to use liquid nails, since this composition is able to tightly glue any materials. At the same time, you need to act carefully so that the layers do not dry out in the wrong position.
  • While the foam is drying, you need to sketch the future product and transfer the contours to the material. Styrofoam is much more difficult to cut than foam, so it can take a long time to create the correct symmetrical shape. It is important that the knife is sharp enough.
  • Now you need to apply technical plasticine to the workpiece, and on top - a couple of even layers of putty.
  • In order for the surface to be even, it must be properly sanded. Here you need sandpaper with fine grit.
  • Several dense layers of resin are applied on top, as well as fiberglass. The resulting structure should be left to dry completely.
  • Now you need to execute finishing work and apply a primer to the bumper.

At the final stage, the bumper is painted and varnished. When the decorative layer dries, the part can be installed in its rightful place and admire the result.

Foam bumpers

The stages of creation are very similar to working with foam. But during the process, it should be borne in mind that mounting foam acts quite aggressively on any metal, which means that it cannot come into contact with metal parts until it dries completely. In total, you will need about four cylinders of material.

  • First you need to pour the entire composition on a flat surface and wait until this mass dries. This usually takes at least 48 hours, so be prepared to wait a bit.
  • You will have enough time to think through and implement your ideas in the form of a sketch. Then you need to transfer all the lines to the dried mounting foam and you can start cutting.
  • Try to make the gaps as symmetrical as possible so as not to spoil the product. After you can proceed to the application of resin, as well as glass wool.
  • Wait until new material dry, after which we carry out all the above procedures - sanding, priming, painting and varnishing.

Among other things, there is another combined option when the foam is combined with the foam. Using this method, you can make an additional overlay on an existing bumper.

Also, do not forget about installing a mesh for tuning the bumper - you need to purchase it in advance. We can conclude that do-it-yourself bumper tuning is not so difficult task. However, experts advise first to practice on unnecessary material, so that the tuning of the front bumper comes out of high quality the first time.

Video "Do-it-yourself bumper tuning"

In this video you can see how the tuning procedure takes place on the example of a Lada Priora car.

The bumper is one of the most visible parts of a car and defines its appearance. Tuning enthusiasts can make or modify this design detail on their own, making their “swallow” individual and eye-catching. Almost everyone can do such tuning, only skillful hands, knowledge, time and great desire. Brief information how to make a bumper with your own hands are given in this article.


Making a bumper from scratch requires skills in working with various materials, tools, experience. It is difficult to achieve absolute symmetry, minimum uniform gaps with other parts, compliance with dimensions. The stumbling block can be the provision of fastening to regular places: high accuracy and laying of fasteners are required.

With the existing bumper from this car model, everything is greatly simplified. You can use factory mounts and standard joints with the body, and change the shape, guided by your imagination.

We remove broken and unnecessary parts, add new parts and holes - everything is limited only by your desires and skills.

In the factory, the materials most often used are inexpensive, technologically advanced ABS plastic. Higher quality, but also expensive carbon and polyurethane are used on premium cars. You can independently make an excellent quality power bumper with your own hands at home using fiberglass.

The manufacturing technology of such a bumper is as follows:

  1. A sketch is drawn on paper.
  2. A bumper is being made.
  3. The model is covered with fiberglass.
  4. The workpiece is processed and installed on the car.

Materials for the layout

Styrofoam and mounting foam, individually and together, are a simple, inexpensive material for making a model.

Thick sheets of foam are glued together liquid nails” into a rectangular block slightly larger than the intended bumper. A sharp knife, a marker, skillful hands and a few hours or days of work will lead to a life-size layout of your future tuning.

Mounting foam is convenient to use when modifying an existing bumper. Must be protected prior to application. metal surfaces masking tape or penofol. 3-4 cylinders are needed for initial use, 2 more will be needed during operation. After application, while curing, press the foam with gloved hands for greater density. To prevent the foam from dripping, use cardboard and tape. Work with the layout can be started after curing in two days. We remove everything superfluous with a knife, if necessary, add foam, work, as in the previous version, will last you for several days.

These two materials can be combined: bounding surfaces, vertical narrow ribs, cut out small parts from foam, and fill the volume with mounting foam.

After gluing the model with fiberglass, you get a finished bumper, but if you need to replicate it, then you need to make a matrix - a mold for making any number of parts. For the matrix, the layout is optimally made from technical plasticine: it is malleable, easily accepts the most complex shape, it is more convenient and faster to work with it, volumes in right places easy to remove and easy to add.

fiberglass wrapping

To give strength to the product, it is necessary to cover it with fiberglass - fragments of fiberglass impregnated with polyester resin. To protect against the action of the resin that destroys the foam, the material must be carefully processed with technical plasticine. It is recommended to glue foam and foam models in several layers with masking tape and apply aluminum foil, so that later it is easy to separate the model and the fiberglass blank.

For gluing, you need fiberglass sheets (glass mat), resin, hardener, scissors and a brush. You can work at temperatures from plus 15 to plus 30 degrees in a well-ventilated area. For the first layer, a thinner and more flexible #300 glass mat is used. Gently moisten the surface with a brush, apply pieces of fiberglass cut in place, additionally coat until completely impregnated. In places of folds and mates, use a thicker resin, cook portions of 200-300 grams, do not allow air bubbles. The next layer can be applied after partial curing after 1-4 hours, depending on the temperature and the amount of hardener used. In total, from 3 to 5 layers are made, in the middle a thicker glass mat is used for strength (for example, No. 600), but this increases the weight.

In the manufacture of a matrix according to the model, plasticine must be treated three times with Teflon polish, before applying the first layer of fiberglass, apply resin with aluminum powder, and additionally make technological bends of 5 centimeters along the edges. To avoid geometry violations during solidification, it is desirable to use a metal or wooden frame. After removing the matrix, the remains of plasticine are removed with a hairdryer and a rag.

To make the actual bumper, the matrix is ​​smeared with wax, the most important layer of polyester resin with aluminum powder is applied (without bubbles, this is the outer part of the future bumper that determines the appearance), then a layer of fiberglass No. 300 and two layers No. 600.

Final processing

The workpiece is processed edges. Be careful not to allow crumbs and fiberglass dust to come into contact with skin or inhalation. If you modified the “native” bumper, then fix the workpiece on it with glue, screws, bolts, self-tapping screws, additional fiberglass fragments overlapping the base.

After trying on a car and mechanical fitting, you can proceed to standard cosmetic operations: puttying, sanding, priming, selecting paint in desired color, painting with intermediate drying, applying a protective layer of varnish, final polishing.

Independent production of a bumper, although it requires experience and time, is quite realistic. This is a good way to spend time in the garage, increase your self-esteem, give the car an original look.

Not really

The hands of men always strive to improve their beloved "steel horse", they want to make it the most beautiful and presentable. In this case, the usual way is straight to the auto repair shop. But why not personalize your car? You can start upgrading a car, for example, from the bumper, especially if it was damaged in an unequal battle with our off-roads. We will learn how to make a fiberglass bumper with your own hands and give your "favorite" a unique look.

Bumper Materials

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Whole technological process making a do-it-yourself bumper from fiberglass can be divided into three stages:

  • first you need to make a matrix;
  • then the bumper itself is made according to the matrix;
  • at the final stage, the finished product is painted.

To implement the above steps, you will need the following tools and materials:

Matrix: the first step towards a new bumper

The entire technological process of manufacturing a bumper begins with the creation of a matrix. It is necessary in order to construct another bumper on its basis, so everything must be done very high quality.

Otherwise, there is a high probability that seats will be unfinished. After all, the fiberglass of the future design will differ significantly from the factory bumper, both in size and configuration. Ultimately, the new bumper will not be able to get into place, and the hopes of the car owner will not be justified. There are two ways to make a matrix:

  1. Cast from the old bumper.
  2. Foam matrix.

The method of forming a matrix from a mold from an old bumper

This option is suitable for those car owners who decide to make a bumper with their own hands without the help of professionals.

  1. First you need to remove the factory bumper from the car, as it will act as a good basis for subsequent modernization. Then, with the help of a grinder, it is necessary to cut off all the damaged openings for fog lights, as well as the lower edge of the bumper, if it has also become unusable.

    Dismantled bumper, prepared to create a matrix

  2. The most optimal material for constructing a bumper matrix is ​​technical plasticine, since when polyesters are heated, it will not float and will not react to polyester resin. The surface of the resulting structure is carefully pasted over with repair tape, into which warm technical plasticine must be rubbed before that.

    The first stage of applying technical plasticine

    Further, a cold mass of plasticine is applied to the adhesive tape, which is subsequently firmly pressed to the base with hands or a construction spatula, and then carefully leveled. The area that will be subjected to changes in the future is covered with technical plasticine.

    Matrix formation

    The upper part of the car bumper must also be pasted over with repair tape. Lines are marked on it, along which the shape of the structure is verified. It will be necessary to turn the bumper upside down and sculpt the lower part of the shape. That is, the purpose of this stage is to restore original form and upgrades, adding some changes that I would like to see when the new fiberglass bumper is finished.

    Forming the bottom flange

  3. With the help of masking tape, we make a template of this shape of a car bumper and transfer it to the other side of the structure.

    Formed from technical plasticine, the second half of the matrix

    After all the manipulations done, you can proceed to the final refinement of the front side of the bumper: adjust all the proportions, connectors, lines and holes of the bumper; to refine the curvature and bends of the surface, as well as its contour; align the mating angles, as they must be sharp and clear.

  4. Note on the tape special lines, located at a distance of no more than 10 cm from each other so that the layout of the resulting side of the car bumper is absolutely identical to its other side. The configuration of the sections can be carried out using a special ruler with movable knitting needles, but if one is not available, then it can be replaced with a regular cardboard template.

    Corrective markup

  5. The resulting profile must be transferred to the opposite part of the bumper and aligned in accordance with its configuration.

    Corrective markup marked on the matrix

    The image shows that straightening grooves appeared on the structure, adjusted to the dimensions of the other side of the car bumper. According to them, the design of a new conceived structure will be carried out. To carry out this process, you need to be patient and be as careful as possible.

  6. The next step is to remove the template from the bottom of the car bumper with duct tape and then mate it to the bottom edge of the opposite side of the bumper. Following the template, connectors for fog lights are molded.
  7. Next, the bumper must be placed in the correct position, thanks to which it is possible to assess how accurately the holes are located and the overall symmetry of the two sides of the bumper.
  8. On the final stage the formation of the matrix, the sharp corners of the resulting structure are rounded off, which were previously used when mating two bumper surfaces. The resulting matrix model is ready for the manufacture of a new fiberglass bumper for a car with your own hands.

    The final stage of matrix formation

It is desirable to make the matrix detachable (from several parts) in order to avoid deformation when removing the finished form from the base.
In a similar way, a matrix is ​​made from a gelcoat and a reinforcing composition.

Method for forming a matrix from polyurethane foam

Often, in the manufacture of the matrix, car owners resort to the use of mounting foam. First, it must be applied to a damaged car bumper, and then processed, cutting off the excess. Such manipulations are quite difficult to do: experts do not recommend using foam for “newly minted” craftsmen, so you need to cut it off very quickly. And at such an operational pace, you can also remove the excess, but, unlike technical plasticine, it will not work to build it back up. The advantage of such a matrix is ​​that it can be given absolutely any shape.

Making a car bumper using a ready-made matrix

After the manufacture of the matrix for the bumper is completed, you can begin to manufacture the bumper itself. This process itself resembles the previous stages of the formation of a new design:

  1. First you need to carefully lubricate the finished matrix with release wax, and then paint over with gel primer (before taking the next step, you need to wait until the gel primer is completely dry) or paste over the matrix with masking tape.

    Tape-covered matrix

  2. Next, a resin is applied to the resulting base (polyester dries faster than epoxy). It is better to mix the resin with the hardener in small portions, for economical consumption. Next, layers of fiberglass are laid (it will be enough to apply 2-3 layers with a density of 150 grams per 0.5 meters).

    Resin coated first layer of fiberglass

  3. We are waiting for the resin to harden, and remove the finished bumper from the matrix.

    Blank for the bumper, removed from the matrix

  4. To give greater rigidity, we build up layers of denser fiberglass from the inside.

    Building layers on the bumper blank

  5. At the final stage, all excess fiberglass is cut off, and the resulting bumper is polished with emery plates.

    Finished bumper sanding

We install the bumper directly on the car. It is worth carefully monitoring how he sits down, and whether distortions are formed. If the updated bumper suits you in in full, then you can proceed to its final refinement, carefully cleaning with the help of a zero emery plate all the irregularities and roughness of the structure. Then the entire surface must be applied with a primer before painting and wait until it dries. After it dries, the bumper can be safely painted in the desired color.
It is also possible to manufacture a fiberglass bumper on a matrix already installed on the car.

Most motorists sooner or later think about how to improve the appearance of their iron friend. Tuning cars today is very popular, and it is used for modernization specifications engine or vehicle exterior upgrades. Today we will make a bumper with our own hands together, since only a few can order such tuning in the studio.

Foundation preparation

First of all, you need to choose the right frame. In most cases the best option will use a regular car bumper. Even a bumper from another car will do. Take a closer look at cheap bumpers with various damages, because they differ more affordable price. It is very rare for tuners to make a car bumper from scratch, as this is impractical.

Regardless of which bumper was chosen, it must fit the car perfectly. On the initial stage it is necessary to make a basic repair of the element (if necessary). Then a variety of overlays are mounted on it, the choice and shape of which depend on your imagination.

Minor repairs and modernization of the regular bumper

As we mentioned above, in order to save money, you can buy a bumper far from perfect condition. Minor damage is not serious problem. To repair the bumper, metal patches are used, which are mounted using small self-tapping screws. Installation of bumper elements must be carried out from its outer side.

The next step is to reinforce the bumper, for which a hardener and resin are used. The proportions depend on the air temperature, so carefully read the instructions for using the selected product. The resulting mixture must be applied to pieces of glass mat 450, prepared in advance. They are superimposed on the inside of the bumper. It is advisable to apply a couple of layers of this material. Then you should wait a few hours for the form to become solid and process it with sandpaper. Only then can the screws be removed.

Glass mat can be replaced with fiberglass.

After you have chosen the bumper with your own hands and restored it, you need to apply a small amount of putty. The bumper is then tried on on the car itself to make sure it fits.

Work on the bumper design

After completing the sample, you need to do various holes and grooves using a grinder. To create a variety of geometric correct forms plywood elements are often used, as well as wooden blocks. Holes for under can be made using laminate.

In order to prevent all these auxiliary elements from sticking to the fiberglass, it is necessary to use a special lubricant (or spray) Mold Release. It should be applied in a minimal layer. The tool dries for about an hour. After separating all the parts of the bumper, it is necessary to apply the required amount of automotive putty to the future matrix and wait until it dries.

After obtaining the desired shape of the bumper, it is necessary to putty it and cover it with a 1.5 mm layer of gravity spray. For its application, it is recommended to use a special primer gun.

After about two hours, we process the surface of the bumper with P100 sandpaper. Then we apply sandpaper of a smaller grain size (P240, P400, P600, P1500), having previously moistened the paper with water.

Then the future bumper must be pasted over with paper, which must first be moistened with PVA glue. This will insulate the styrene grains from the putty. Otherwise, a chemical reaction may occur. The next stage in the manufacture of a car bumper with your own hands is the creation of a matrix.

Forming a Matrix for a Fiberglass Bumper

To get a high-quality matrix, you need to think in advance about how you will get a ready-made bumper, made by yourself, from the mold. The more complex it is, the more hassle will be in the end.

To make the planes that will become the support and prevent the appearance of cracks at the edges of the bumper, it is necessary to make special bends that ensure the exit of the remaining fiberglass. It is desirable to arrange these limbs at right angles to the matrix mirror.

In order to avoid gluing the matrix with the bumper, it is necessary to use special separators. We apply this tool, wait 20-30 minutes, and polish the model using a flannel rag. The procedure should be repeated three times.

Next, you need to make the base of the matrix, for which a matrix gel is used, which is applied with a brush or gun. Before using this product, it must be mixed with a hardener. In most cases, two coats are applied to achieve a coating thickness of 0.6-0.8 mm.

After that, several layers of fiberglass are applied, and it is necessary to start with a coarser one. Experts note that the matrix should be twice as thick as a standard car bumper. And this means that this indicator should be approximately 6 mm.

Layers must be applied in the following order:

  • 1 layer - fiberglass No. 100;
  • 2 layer - No. 225;
  • 3-4 layers - No. 450;
  • 5-6 layers - No. 600.

It is advisable to roll each pair of layers with a roller to avoid air pockets. After applying each two layers, you need to wait about a day so that they have time to dry. After that, the surface of the model is cleaned with P40 sandpaper.

After applying the last two layers, we wait about a day and disassemble the form. It is recommended to tap the joints with a rubber mallet to make it easier to pull out the matrix. You can remove the remnants of fiberglass with a grinder. Acetone is used to remove the remaining sanding dust from the inside.

Next, do-it-yourself grinding and polishing of the fiberglass bumper is done using an emery cloth (P1000, P1500, P2000), which must be moistened with water in advance. On the final stage processing, it is necessary to polish the sample with a felt wheel.

You can make sure that the bumper is made correctly when checking the matrix. It should not have damage, scratches and various irregularities.

For the manufacture of the bumper itself, it is necessary to apply 5-7 layers of a separator to the surface of the matrix. Then two layers of #450 fiberglass and one layer of #600 material are applied.

After making a spatial model, we wait about a day for it to dry thoroughly. In the end, you need to try it on the car, apply a primer coat and paint the bumper after careful selection of the shade. At the final stage, the bumper is installed on the car. To do this, you can make metal fasteners U-shaped.

Now you know how to make a bumper with your own hands. We advise you not to sit still, but to start tuning your car!
