Separation of a large room. Techniques for dividing living space into zones of various directions

Zoning a room into a bedroom and a living room is a way of dividing the space of a large room. Combining the functions of a bedroom and a living room in one room is a fairly common situation. It develops when arranging a small apartment or studio apartment. Creating a functional, as well as attractive interior is not an easy task, but it is quite feasible. Let's try together to find options that you will definitely like.

Single space - is it good or bad?

A room that combines several functions has disadvantages and advantages that need to be mentioned.

The advantages of a single space include the following points:

  • the possibility of creating an interesting original layout;
  • allocation of personal space even with a small quadrature;
  • adding practicality to the room.

There are also negative points:

  • there is no way to organize soundproofing of the sleeping area;
  • the bedroom does not provide intimacy.

Most often, a room with a combination of several functions is performed in a minimalist or modern style. Solid classicism requires more space than a modest room can provide. For her, laconic pieces of furniture are chosen, as well as discreet decor, so as not to overload the interior.

Zoning approaches - choosing the optimal

Combining several zones with different functionality is a fascinating process. It is necessary to proceed from the fact that the space should be not only comfortable, but also stylish. There are several approaches for this.

Two main groups of zoning options:

Irreversible, which include serious repair and construction work with the installation of partitions, podiums, and other structures.

Reversible, the use of which is less expensive. To implement design ideas, screens, curtains, separation by rearranging furniture are used.

Use of multifunctional furniture

The standard and familiar solution to the issue is the use of folding sofas. During the day, such furniture is folded, and before going to bed it unfolds into a bed. This is convenient for small apartments. In a small area, the place should be used rationally.

If quadrature allows, then the division into zones can be done using a rack or cabinet.

Zoning agent - finishing materials

Using wallpaper of different colors is a popular way of separating. Each zone should have its own color. To do this, contrasting shades are used to clearly highlight the border.

Another option is to use different textures of finishing materials. This can be wood trim in the sleeping area and decorative plaster in the living room.

In addition to walls, the design of the ceiling, floor coverings, and the organization of the lighting system can help divide the space. For the living area, a brighter light should be provided than for the bed.

We install light partitions: with or without repair?

The delimitation of space can be achieved using partitions:

  • sliding doors;
  • drywall;
  • screen.

In order for such a delimiter in the room not to look heavy, combinations of materials, glass inserts, as well as well-organized lighting can be used.

Textile is one of the budget options

Fabric is often used to separate the bedroom area. Curtains are able to create intimacy and will serve as a reliable protection from prying eyes. With the help of curtains, you can separate not only the bed from the living room, but also the bedside table, chest of drawers, wardrobe.

The system of curtains should be organized in such a way that, if necessary, they can be moved or completely removed.

Walls: a game of contrasts

If not a lot of money is allocated for the repair and division of the room into a bedroom and a living room, you can give preference to wallpaper of different colors. The selection with the help of photo wallpapers will look beautiful and original.

In order not to get into a mess, you need to consider some important points:

  • for small rooms it is better to prefer a small print to a large one;
  • an acceptable option is the general color scheme;
  • it is desirable to organize a smooth transition of shades;
  • a small drawing is preferable to a large one.

Ceiling that solves the problem of zoning

For a one-room apartment of a small area, zoning a room is not an easy problem. When planning a division, it is advisable to use techniques that allow you to visually expand the space. A tool for this can be the design of the ceiling.

Ways to highlight zones using the ceiling:

  1. Sectional painting.
  2. Drywall constructions.
  3. Manipulation of ceiling lights (chandelier, spot lighting).

Wardrobe as a delimiter: pros and cons

Using a closet as a space delimiter is an old trick that has been used for many years. It allows you not only to securely cover the bed, but also solve the problem of storage space.

For added convenience, you can mount the TV on the swivel mechanism at the border of the zones. By turning the TV, you can watch TV programs either lying on the bed or sitting on the sofa in the living room.

The rack between the zones also serves to divide the space. Suitable for this and a model with a back wall and a light bookcase. Separation is the same as in the case of a closet, functional.

Shelving and wardrobe adds a sense of bulkiness to the room, so this method of zoning is not suitable for small apartments.

Partitions: changing the perception of space

A drywall partition will be an easy way to separate without the need for complex repairs. The use of plastic creates a feeling of lightness.

Durable materials for partitions have their advantages. With proper design, they can be adapted to the organization of storage systems. To do this, provide for the creation of shelves and niches in which you can arrange books, trinkets, photographs.

The system of partitions should be combined with the interior. It should not block lighting or interfere with free passage.

For large apartments, a plasterboard partition can be a good solution. With its help, it is possible to organize a false wall up to the very ceiling or limit yourself to a low structure.

When installing a low plasterboard wall, good lighting is maintained and ventilation remains possible. If you cannot do without a high wall, you can organize the passage in the form of an arch or with the help of curtains.

For interior solutions, drywall is one of the most convenient materials for design. Design and color should be combined with the interior of both zones. It can not only be cut to the desired size, but also combined with various types of finishes:

  • wallpaper;
  • putty;
  • painting and so on.

Rectangular or arched plasterboard arches look beautiful and original.

Sliding doors - how convenient is it?

In order not to lose a single centimeter of space, you can use the division of the room using a sliding door system. In this case, two independent zones will be organized. With the door closed, the impression of separate rooms is created, and with the open door - a single space.

This approach has its drawbacks. If the room is narrow and long, with only one window, then there may be a serious drawback in the detachable part - a decrease in the level of natural light. You can use doors made of frosted or corrugated glass, which has a high light transmission, but allows you to hide the sleeping area.

High-quality sliding systems have a high cost.

With the help of screens, it is possible to isolate only a sleeping place or a fragment of a room with other pieces of furniture. This separation is highly mobile - the screen can be folded, rearranged, fully or partially opened. Partitions in a color corresponding to the overall design of the room will look original and non-standard.

For the loft style, this way of separating space is one of the most interesting. In addition to the oriental design, screens made from natural materials are selected. They can be mirrored, with painting and other additional decor.

Curtains - a budget option

A simple and not very expensive way to separate a bedroom is to use curtains. For this, both dense textiles and light weightless tulle can be used. You can organize both a smooth transition between the living room and the bedroom, as well as a sharp one.

One of the original and very aesthetic ways of zoning is with the help of filament curtains. Monochrome or playing with all colors, such curtains can completely transform the room, bringing novelty into it.

Curtains can be organized in a variety of ways. For this, a rack system, a rod cornice, or the method that fantasy tells will do.

How to make curtains not look boring and uninteresting? Much depends on the choice of material. Heavy tapestry fabric will serve as reliable protection, thin - will create a feeling of lightness.

The selected fabric must withstand cleaning - washing and ironing.

The combination of materials combined with each other looks beautiful. It can be satin and organza. It is necessary to take into account the correspondence of the curtains not only to the style of the room, but also to the curtains on the windows.

In addition to fabric curtains, the following materials may be involved in the design:

  • bamboo;
  • beads;
  • threads and other decorative elements.

Several zones in a small room: the impossible is possible

For those who live in a one-room apartment or do not have the opportunity to allocate a full-fledged bedroom and living room, zoning becomes the only way out. If a zoning option with a fixed partition is chosen, it must be taken into account that such a division will be oriented for many years of operation without the ability to make changes quickly.

The best privacy when used for furniture zoning is created by tall cabinets and shelving. Curtains as a demarcation - a budget and easy option, in which the curtains can be changed often, choosing according to the mood or depending on the time of year.

High ceilings: how to use this advantage?

Does your room have high ceilings? This is a huge plus. In addition to the feeling of a large space, the significant height of the walls allows you to arrange a sleeping place on the second, mezzanine, level. For this, a reliable foundation with a ladder is created.

This approach to design is creative. It is sometimes used by young people. But it is not widely popular. When dividing the space into two levels, highlighting the bed with a color or texture finish will not be very striking.

The advantages of such an organization of space:

  • release of usable area;
  • the possibility of daytime rest without interference;
  • there is no need for additional partitions, screens and curtains.

The allocation of a sleeping place at the upper level needs thoughtful lighting and the ability to turn it on and off not only from the floor, but also from above.

Color separation - is it easy or difficult?

The style of the room imposes requirements on the harmonious combination of colors and shades in the interior. This applies to furniture, accessories and wall decoration. A good combination of materials for decoration will set the tone for the entire room.

Dividing one room into two parts means that each zone will be relatively small in size, so it is advisable to avoid very dark colors.

Simple methods of color zoning include the use of wallpaper of different shades or painting in different tones. If there is a desire to introduce rich colors when finishing, then you can select only one or two walls in gray, blue, burgundy or others.

At the same time, shades of pastel colors should prevail in the design:

  • soft mint;
  • beige;
  • white;
  • light blue and others.

How to make the junction of colors look attractive and not hurt the eyes? To do this, structures can be installed along the border: partitions, shelving or curtains.

If zoning is done with wallpaper of different colors, their style should be kept in the same direction. It could be:

  • classic with a similar print;
  • plain in combination with patterned;
  • classic ornament combined with a stripe, etc.

If preference is given to wallpaper with a pattern, then it is better to leave one of the walls without a print.

Too saturated, contrasting in combination, wallpaper may not occupy all the walls, but be located only on one. At the same time, a bright wall will become an accent of the room, attracting attention.

Color zoning can also be done with furniture of various shades. For example, the selection of bright furniture in rich colors for the sleeping area, and in pastel colors for the living room.

Bed or sofa?

Almost everyone who had to combine the bedroom area with the living room in the room faced the difficult problem of choosing a bed. It can be a full bed, sofa or sofa bed.

Zoning a room in order to create two full-fledged rooms is not an easy task, but it can be solved. Connecting the living room with the bedroom is a forced step, it is used when there are not enough free meters in the apartment. To combine two functional areas, you need to rely on the size of the room, the overall style of the apartment, the desires of the owners and the advice of experienced designers. Taking into account all these nuances, you can get a truly comfortable room.

Subtleties of separation

The living room and bedroom must perform certain functions that usually contradict each other. The living area is designed for gatherings with guests and daytime activities, and the bedroom should be as comfortable as possible for a good night's rest.

When the size of the apartment does not allow you to make a separate bedroom and hall, you need to know the intricacies of combining these two zones. It is important to make sure that the combined zones look harmonious and none of them stand out.

Subtleties of zoning:

  1. Before you start delimiting zones, you need to determine the primary zone. If this is a bedroom, then it should be larger and the main emphasis should be placed on it.
  2. The style of both zones should be in the same direction. You can use one color scheme, ornament, furniture design. The two zones must be somehow combined to emphasize each other. Their similarity will help create a cozy atmosphere.
  3. It is undesirable to have a bedroom near the entrance. Thus, the intimate atmosphere of the space will be violated, and for relaxation it is extremely necessary. It is better to hide the bed from prying eyes and put it in the background.
  4. A bed located near the window will look profitable and comfortable. After all, waking up in a bright room is much easier than in the dark. And to create semi-darkness in the daytime, you can use blackout curtains.
  5. The living area should have an abundance of artificial light, so that in the evening neither the hosts nor the guests are too dark. Several sconces will outline the line of the hall from the bedroom.
  6. In a small room it is better to stick to minimalism. The room should contain only the most ordinary pieces of furniture, without an abundance of accessories.

Having solved all the questions about the zoning of the room, it's time to decide how to distinguish between two zones in one room. For this purpose, a design with a partition, screen, shelving, aquarium, fireplace or canopy may be suitable.

It all depends on the size of the room and the financial capabilities of the owners. In any case, the fence should not interfere and create obstacles for movement.

Options for different areas

You can divide the space only taking into account the layout of the room and the apartment itself:

  • What can be allowed in a large area cannot be done in a studio.

  • In a one-room apartment, as a rule, there is only one room, but it has a size of 18-20 square meters. m, and therefore it is possible to show imagination in it. Using a plasterboard or glass partition, you can separate the hall from the bedroom. It will look beautiful and one zone will not interfere with the other.

  • A completely different situation develops in a small room of 14 squares. There is no way to use a material partition here. Only transforming furniture can solve the problem, which folds and unfolds at the request of the residents. For example, a sofa can be not only a place for sitting, but it can also replace a bed for a night's sleep.


  • An interesting solution for a small area of ​​​​16-17 meters is vertical zoning. To do this, the bed is located under the ceiling, which will become a comfortable and safe bed. Such a place of solitude allows you to relax from the outside world and immerse yourself in reading at any time. But this option is only suitable for a room with a high ceiling.

  • .For a studio apartment, designers came up with an elevator mechanism, which allows, if desired, to lower the bed from the ceiling to the floor. In the daytime, under the bed, you can place a workplace or a place to relax. You can control the mechanism using the remote control. This option is expensive, but it is he who is able to save space as much as possible.

  • In a square room the easiest way is to install a folding sofa, which will simultaneously play the role of a bed and storage space. In this case, it is best to complement the interior with a coffee table on wheels, which can be freely moved if necessary.

Various ways of furnishing will help furnish any room to create a cozy bedroom-living room that will be truly comfortable. For example, a built-in bed will save space during the day and become a sleeping place at night. It is quite easy to get and clean it, and most importantly, it is completely invisible in the daytime.

Separator Options

There are many ways to visually separate the bedroom and the hall, each of which is able to give the interior a uniqueness:

  • Installing a niche in the sleeping area will visually enclose it from the hall. In the niche itself, you can install a backlight that will illuminate the living room in the evening. A practical idea would be to install storage boxes in a niche.

In this case, all bedding will be hidden from prying eyes, but will be at hand.

  • The sleeping segment can be zoned with curtains. To do this, it is necessary to mount cornices to the ceiling, along which it will be convenient to move the curtain. Thus, a private sleeping corner will turn out, while the hall will retain its functionality.

  • You can fence one part of the room from the other with a rack. This is the cheapest and most effective method, which, in addition to visual fencing, will create additional storage space for small items. The rack itself can be completely deaf and not allow light to pass from one part of the room to another, or it can be made of through shelves to create a free image of the room.

  • The fireplace looks original to separate the two sectors. The apartment will not be able to install a real brick fireplace, so you can buy an electric option.

The advantage of this method is that the living room with a fireplace will become a place of peace and relaxation, while the bedroom will be very warm on cold nights.

  • A glass partition is installed when the size of the room allows it. To achieve absolute privacy, you can use curtains that can easily cover the glass. And pulling the curtain, an abundance of light from the living area will penetrate into the bedroom.

The sleeping place does not have to be large, the main thing is that it can be easily reached.

  • The best option for zoning space can be a plasterboard partition. This material is cost-effective and does not require much skill to install. In addition, its stylish design will transform the living room and divert attention from the bedroom hidden behind it.

  • Another zoning option is a two-level ceiling. It will visually divide the room into two parts, but it will not eat up precious space. It is good if one of the ceilings is slightly different in color or has LED lighting. So the room will look more comfortable.

  • A sliding partition is an alternative to curtains. With its help, you can hide one zone from another, without interfering with the layout of the apartment. With a sliding door, there should not be any difficulties and it will not spoil the overall look of the room.

  • You can select one part of the room from another by means of textiles. For example, if you use dark colors in the upholstery of the sofa and armchairs in the living room, and in the bedroom you can focus on pastel colors.
  • By the way, the color palette can also become a division of two functional areas. If you decorate the hall in dark colors with bright accents, and make the sleeping area very delicate and light, you can get the perfect zoning.

  • If you give preference to forged products, then you can add mystery to the space. For example, if you protect the bedroom from the hall with insidious flower stands. It will look profitable if you pick up bright and unusual plants.

You can protect an intimate sleeping place with the help of sliding doors. Moreover, they can be made of any material that the tenants want.

Styling for different tenants

As soon as the tenants of the apartment started a major overhaul in their apartment, they must immediately decide on its future style. The purchase of materials and furniture, as well as color schemes, completely depends on this.

Not all styles are equally suitable for an adult and teenage room. To equip a children's area in the living room, you need to study the features of the styles and choose the most suitable one.

That is why, before combining the bedroom with the living room, it is necessary to study the style directions and their characteristics:

  • Classics is conservatism and luxury in one bottle. The abundance of calm tones allows you to use this style in any room and for any age. The advantage of this direction is the absence of colorful accessories and the accuracy of the lines. You can use only natural materials such as wood, stone, leather and linen, which will have a good effect on the health of residents. And to add luxury to the bedroom-living room, you can resort to expensive wallpaper and textiles with gold embroidery.

  • Modern is a warm and cozy trend, which implies a lot of free space and an abundance of interesting accessories. The room must have fresh flowers, natural carpets and picturesque paintings. Modern does not limit residents in the choice of furniture in the bedroom-living room, so it can have absolutely any shape and color.

  • Loft is a popular trend that allows you to combine things that seem incongruous at first glance. For example, against the background of concrete walls, it is quite possible to put classic furniture. The loft appreciates space, so there should not be a lot of furniture in the hall-bedroom. You can limit yourself to a bed, wardrobe, sofa, TV and coffee table. Of course, it all depends on the size of the room. As for the color, it should be natural shades with the addition of burgundy or orange accents.

  • Hi-tech is minimalism in its purest form. It can combine cold shades of iron and glass materials with mirror surfaces, unusual forms of furniture and appliances. In the sleeping part of the room you can put a comfortable compact bed and a wardrobe, and in the hall - a comfortable sofa, a plasma TV and an unusual coffee table. It is teenagers who will most appreciate this style.

  • Country is the embodiment of rustic comfort, which is sometimes so necessary for older people. Simple textiles, wooden photo frames, wooden furniture and ceramics should prevail here. A fireplace and a woolen carpet can complement the interior, which will create a truly rustic atmosphere.

How to divide a room into zones without building additional walls? We know of several ways that successfully accomplish this task without depriving the enclosed space of natural light, which is so important. The issue of space zoning is relevant both for small apartments and for large rooms, which serve simultaneously as a living room, a kitchen, and a bedroom, depending on the layout and desire of the owners. Mobile partitions that can be moved and rearranged give residents the opportunity to change the interior at any time. Let's look at what ways to divide space exist.


An easy and practical way is to set up a large shelving unit and fill it with books, vases, plants and other essentials that are always looking for a place in the house. The rack can be high and reach right up to the ceiling.

The bedroom is separated from the rest of the space by a bookcase with a conditional doorway. This solution is suitable if there are no children in the house: after all, the parent's bedroom should be fenced, if possible.

Another example with a rack to the ceiling, however, only half full. This method visually divides the room, but leaves a feeling of a single space. And a lot of light always penetrates.

Also, the rack can be low, only conditionally dividing the space. It is convenient to move such a piece of furniture to the wall, restoring the integrity of the room if desired.


Curtains, as a rule, separate the bedroom space in studio apartments. This method is not suitable for all interior styles. Scandinavian and eco-style, as well as eclecticism, most harmoniously make such a decision. They do not accept his minimalism, art deco, classics.

In a Swedish studio apartment of 46 m2 in Gothenburg, the bedroom area is also separated by curtains.

Bar counter.

This type of partition is very popular when separating the kitchen from the living area. From this bar you can safely watch TV, preferring it to the sofa.

Designer Elena Ostapova put up a partition that serves as a TV stand on one side and a bar counter on the other.


The look is classic and popular. Partitions are currently offered a great variety: sliding, textured, transparent, on wheels. A decent partition can be chosen perfectly for any style. The only negative is that it is not so easy to dismantle it if it is tired.

Sliding partitions are a great invention that saves precious meters. I wanted - I created an additional room, I wanted - I removed all the obstacles. Sliding partitions are, as you can see in the picture, folding like a fan, and there are single-rail or double-rail ones. Partition walls on rails are certainly more durable and stable, and they also provide better heat and sound insulation. Soundproofing is especially important when there are children in the house.

An interesting type of partitions is glass: it visually enlarges the space, leaves it visually open and bright, although it also performs the functions of sound and heat insulation. You should not be afraid of such partitions. The situation in which you stumble upon it and it will break into millions of pieces is almost impossible. Such partitions are made of special tempered, shock-resistant glass, its thickness can reach two centimeters. In any case, such a partition is not the best idea if there are small children in the house who may not notice it and suffer. If, nevertheless, you decide on it, then you can pay attention to frosted glass, or make only the upper part of the partition transparent. Of the minuses - the inability to hang a picture (although we know how to do it without nails!)


Screens, as a piece of furniture, appeared a very long time ago. They were invented in the east and were actively used there, and fashion came to Europe only in the seventeenth century. The screens in the bedrooms served as a partition for changing clothes. Now more and more often mobile partitions are moving from bedrooms to living rooms and serve not only as a practical, but also as a decorative element.

There are even screens with hooks and clothes hangers, which solves the ever-relevant storage issue.

Well, most of all we liked the mirror screen. This is what really visually expands the space.


Not every family has the opportunity to live in apartments with a large area. But even in a small space, you can arrange a cozy corner for yourself and guests. For example, it is often necessary to combine a living room and a bedroom in one room of 20 square meters. m, you can find many examples of photos of such premises. By choosing the right division of zones and competently designing the space, you can become the owner of a cozy nest in which it will be pleasant to be.

Light green living room-bedroom area of ​​20 sq.m

Zoning a room into two zones using a wide arch

Experienced designers recommend that when creating an interior in a room, clearly define the boundaries of zones, for example, a workplace and a place to sleep. In our version, in the design of one room with an area of ​​​​19-20 square meters. m two zones will be combined - a living room and a bedroom. See photo examples below.

Before starting planning, it is necessary to designate an area for guests and for sleeping. A clear separation will help you in the future to have fun and comfortably receive guests, but at the same time fully relax.

Zoning the living room-bedroom with a podium and a small plasterboard partition

Dividing the sleeping area with curtains

Attention! In the bedroom area, everything should be maximally focused on relaxation and intimacy of the situation, and in the living room area, it is necessary to create maximum comfort for a group of people.

Zoning the sleeping area with a low partition

  • The living room combined with the bedroom is one space. Therefore, the sleeping and guest areas should be made in the same interior style. A clear difference will create disharmony, and you will not be able to fully relax in such a room.
  • Decide which space you need to allocate a large area. Depending on this, you can choose the main design, for example, bedrooms, and the design of the living room will be correctly combined with the chosen style.
  • The bedroom area is better to choose away from the door. The rest space should exclude the passage of strangers.
  • It has been proven that many people are very comfortable waking up and falling asleep with a view of the street. If you are one of them, then place the bed close to the window.
  • Do not plan to put a lot of furniture in the room that combines the living room and bedroom. Excessive items will create a cluttered effect. A clearly defined minimum is a guarantee of comfort and relaxation.

Pull-out bed in the interior of the living room with an area of ​​20 sq.m

Separation of the sleeping area and living room with a high podium and a small screen

Zoning with different wall coverings

Ways to divide a room

To divide a room into two zones, you can use various methods. Each apartment is suitable for several options. Rely on your own intuition and sense of style, and you will get a unique design for your bedroom-living room.

Separation of the living room from the bedroom in one room of 20 sq.m using a rack


The first type of zone separation is partitions. Moreover, their choice is huge, and is often based on the imagination of the landlord or designer:

Partitions from various materials. Wooden, glass, plasterboard. There is an option to combine the partition with the head of the bed. Thus, you enclose the space of sleep from prying eyes.

Zoning with a glass partition in the living room-bedroom 20 sq.m

An original idea would be with an aquarium for fish inside a glass partition. See photo examples and create your own unique way to divide a room.


Curtains will allow you to delimit the zones, but at the same time give the room the effect of weightlessness. The advantage of this option is the ability to push the curtains during the day and combine the bedroom with the living room. And at night, drawn curtains will limit a separate intimate relaxation space.

Zoning with curtains in the living room-bedroom 20 sq.m

Curtains are used both light and transparent, and dense. By choosing an opaque fabric, you will create a separate, isolated space.

Screens from various materials

They are quite light and mobile, visually do not overload the room. They play not only the function of a partition, but are also an original element of decor.

Shelving for books and clothes

A great option to divide zones and save space. A lot of things fit on the shelves of the racks.

Zoning of the living room-bedroom 20 sq.m using a screen

Color separation

It is very interesting to divide the zones with the help of color play. Different colors can be used:

  • when decorating walls
  • when choosing furniture
  • when choosing decorative elements.

Zoning the living room-bedroom with color

Important! The colors of the bedroom and living room should not be contrasting, they should only differ in shades of the same color.

For example, you can choose light beige shades for the bedroom, and dense beige for the living room. The transitions between colors won't be as noticeable, but it's a great way to define both spaces.

An interesting solution is to highlight the bedroom or living room area with furniture and other items of original colors. For example, highlight everything related to the living room in bright burgundy colors. Burgundy carpet, reddish armchairs, a burgundy chandelier, a table with burgundy legs. Complete the space with similar color details.

The original color separation of the living room-bedroom area of ​​20 sq.m

And in the bedroom, use a nice pink, close in shade to the chosen color of the living room. The seating area will not be as bright, and will be separated from the guest area.

Height difference

Differences in floor height will give a special zest to the design of the living room, combined with a bedroom of 20 square meters. m. Photos will clearly show the implementation of this idea. A bed or a table with chairs for guests can be placed on the podium.

Zoning using a high podium in the interior of the living room-bedroom 20 sq.m

An option for lovers of unusual solutions is a retractable bed, which hides in the podium during the day and slides out at night.

Zoning with lighting

The design trick is the division of zones with the help of lighting. This option is considered the most simple and affordable. There is no need for complex repair work on the construction of partitions or painting the walls, you only need to correctly select and position the lamps.

Zoning of the living room-bedroom 20 sq.m using lighting

For each zone, different brightness, light directivity, and location of fixtures are used. Light can be either direct or reflected. They use pendant or floor lamps at the border of zones, light partitions, accents over certain interior objects. Photos of examples will help in this method of zoning space.

After determining the areas of the bedroom and living room, you need to choose the right design for the room.

Modern design in the interior of the living room-bedroom 20 sq.m

Choice of colors

When determining with color, base on your own preferences. Keep in mind that in the bedroom area, the color should be soothing. This function is performed by all pastel shades (beige, pink, milky), blue and purple, calm green will look good.

Blue color in the interior of the living room-bedroom 20 sq.m

Eliminate yellow and red colors. They excite the nervous system. Use them in decor elements to create interesting accents.

Modern lighting devices allow not only to illuminate the room, but also to create two separate spaces. Our recommendations:

  • Natural lighting is best directed to the bedroom area.
  • Place the maximum of artificial light in the living room.
  • In the bedroom area, use muted colors to create a relaxing space.
  • Bright lamps placed on the ceiling - perfect only for the living room.

Lighting in the interior of the living room-bedroom

Based on your own preferences and use various options for light sources (sconces, floor lamps, LED lights).

Proper selection of furniture

The furniture you choose for your bedroom/living room can go a long way in making the room look interesting.

The ideal option would be to use built-in and folding furniture. It is created to order and fits exactly into the layout and design of the room. A bed that hides in a wall niche during the day will save space for guests. A find is also a folding sofa - a place for receiving guests during the day and sleeping at night.

Bedroom-living room interior

When choosing furniture for the living room and bedroom, combined in one room of 20 square meters. m, focus on photos that are easy to find on the Internet or design magazines.

Design of a room of 20 sq. m, combining a living room and a bedroom with it - an interesting activity. Approach this process with pleasure, and you will get the room of your dreams.

Photo gallery (50 photos)
