Living room design in warm colors. Wall color in the living room - what shade is better to choose? Living room interior in lilac tones

IN main room, where the whole family rests, guests gather, parties take place, everything should be arranged very beautifully and conveniently. The subsequent design of the room, its mood, style, perception of the interior will depend on the choice of the color of the walls in the living room.

What wall color to choose for the living room?

The color design of the interior sets the visual size of the room, the degree of coziness and comfort while being here. Depending on the goals pursued, you can choose tones from a warm or cold range. The former are a little exciting and energizing, while the latter are soothing. Keep in mind that each color scheme has shades that are colder and warmer. For instance, yellow walls in the living room and its shades: hot bright yellow, cool yellowish green and neutral - peach colour walls in the living room.

If you want to visually raise the ceilings, paint them a couple of tones lighter than vertical surfaces. You can expand the room with colder tones. The texture of the material also plays an important role in perception. For example, if used embossed wallpaper or decorative plaster, then they will be slightly muted. Whereas glossy surfaces are always more saturated.

Blue walls in the living room

If you are faced with the acute question of what color to paint the walls in the living room, you can first pay attention to unexpected and not very common options. So you can surprise others, and please yourself with a stunning unbanal environment. Just look how noble the blue hall looks. Freshness and coolness will reign here at any time of the year. At the same time, it is desirable that the windows do not face north, otherwise the room will resemble the palace of the Snow Queen.

The most expected style in this case is Mediterranean. Classicism will also look good in bluish shades. In a youth apartment, you can apply the color of the walls in the living room, close to indigo, reminiscent of jeans. Try to decorate the room itself in style, pop art, etc. It is desirable in this case to combine blue with white, yellow, orange, red.

Gray walls in the living room

The gray color of the walls in the interior of the living room can be called completely universal. Against their background, absolutely any interior styles are embodied - from classics to hi-tech. Any of them will look strictly, restrained, as refined and concise as possible. Gray contributes to the combination of incongruous shades, increases their expressiveness and emphasizes depth, allows the use of bright furniture.

Not living up to expectations, the gray color of the walls in the living room does not at all make the interior boring and ordinary. On the contrary, it opens up a lot of amazing opportunities for creativity and experimentation. By adding this or that tone to gray, you can achieve a wide variety of effects - tonic and exciting (warm range) or, on the contrary, relaxing (cold range).

Beige walls in the living room

Beige is good because it is a neutral tone that has both warmth and coolness in equal measure. Under it, just pick up furniture and other furnishings. For any room, it is a win-win option. Unlike white, the beige color of the walls in the living room is softer, it smooths out various color combinations and does not require the mandatory presence of contrasting "spots".

The beige color of the walls in the living room will be a great help to embody any classic style. Against its background, natural wooden furniture looks very good. The best color combinations are achieved with chocolate brown, terracotta. You can try to implement a modern interior using brighter and more contrasting combinations.

White walls in the living room

White walls in the interior of the living room automatically make this color dominant. This means that the interior will be very bright, clean, spacious, light. ABOUT visual expansion space and erased edges is not worth mentioning - everyone is already aware of these magical properties of white. If you don’t want anything extravagant, you can keep the rest of the situation in light colors.

If you want to make some accent, you can on the background white color walls in the living room to successfully fit a few bright details into the interior. The combination of white and orange looks very refreshing. In general, absolutely any tone can be chosen for white. Its neutrality and "sterility" makes it very versatile in terms of compatibility. Choosing a cold or warm spectrum will help create a soothing or invigorating atmosphere.

Blue walls in the living room

Temperamental natures, whose element is fire, need a calm atmosphere that would smooth out their emotional storms a little. Room in blue tones will become just such a room that will contribute to peace and relaxation. The advantage of blue over blue is that this wall color in the living room can be used both in a sunny room and in a shaded one.

Multiple wall color options in the living room, as well as the ability to complement the interior with bright accents, make blue very versatile. With proper design development, the interior will not look dull or boring. If you plan to use blue or blue furniture, it is advisable to choose a slightly more saturated tone of the wallpaper so that the room looks even more expressive.

Orange walls in the living room

Festive, bright, cheerful orange gives a lot of positive emotions to the inhabitants of the house. Being the result of the union of two very sunny tones - yellow and red, orange has such characteristics as cheerfulness, activity, optimism, passion. With all this, unlike aggressive red, orange still does not have such an exciting and activating effect. He just creates positive attitude, gives a subconscious feeling of happiness.

If you do not know how to choose the color of the walls in the living room so that it does not become too intrusive, use different shades orange, including for furniture and decor. So you get an interesting and memorable interior. Dilute it with other natural colors - green, sand, brick, so that your room looks warm, cozy and attractive.

Green walls in the living room

Green is very pleasant for perception and, besides, it is useful for sight. in large and bright rooms he looks especially good. The green colors of the walls in the interior of the living room, which has more modest dimensions, can be entered very successfully. Just in this case, it is preferable to use light shades. For example, a living room with mint-colored walls can look very spacious and bright.

If the room is large, you can try to use dark green, up to emerald green. Furniture, decor, textiles in this case should be light, creating a contrast. To prevent the room from turning gloomy, you can apply multi-level lighting and use different sources Sveta. Although, on the contrary, everything can be done to ensure that the hall is slightly darkened, mysterious and charming.

Brown wall in the living room

Decorating a room in brown shades brings to it notes of charm, respectability. Brown is generally considered a symbol of success, prosperity, stability, solidity. Also dark wall in the living room will help to calm, relieve fatigue and irritation. The main thing is to use brown and its combinations correctly and not decorate the entire interior in it.

Since brown is a natural color, various natural patterns, such as animal skin patterns, look very good with it. Their imitation can lie on the floor in the form of a carpet or serve as upholstery for upholstered furniture. At the same time, it is important to adhere to the theme of naturalness to the end and use wooden interior items, as well as wood as a floor finish.

Colored walls in the living room

There are four color combination schemes in the design world:

Monochromatic is based on a combination of several shades of the same color, its halftones, with the involvement different patterns and invoices. Contrasting involves the use of antagonistic colors, such as lilac and orange. The neutral scheme is a combination of the most muted colors (gray, beige). Harmonious is built on the connection in one room of tones from one half of the spectrum. For example, green and blue.

To the living room with different walls didn’t turn out to be too colorful and tasteless, you need to adhere to the rule of five shades, which says that you can’t use more than five colors within the same room. In this case, it is allowed to use different shades of each color. If you want to furnish different colors, it is better to choose a harmonious type of combination.

The whole family often gathers in the hall, so there should be an atmosphere of comfort. It is necessary to transform the room in such a way, to choose colors for the living room, so that even a small area can be visually expanded. You should also think about the design of the room in advance. The combination of colors in the interior of the living room depends on which project will be chosen.

Modern tendencies

Pick up interesting option, which will suit all family members, is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Before making a decision, you should get to know the modern fashion trends, use feng shui.

It is necessary not only to paint the walls, use different wallpaper textures, install modular structures, but also choose these colors for the living room to make the stay as comfortable as possible:

  • The simplest solution is a monochrome gamma. when the walls are painted in shades of the same color. By combining light colors of wallpaper and paint, it is possible to visually enlarge the small space of the room. The same plum or olive color can have cold and warm tones. Feng Shui will help you find the necessary modular, decorative elements and accessories.

  • The polychrome version is convenient because the color of the walls in the living room can be more varied., if they are painted using two basic paints.

  • The use of three colors of paint and wallpaper is the most optimal, since it is possible to find the most acceptable solution, to create zones for a good rest, study or work.

  • Create a design of five or six colors should only be in a large living room or in rooms that have modular structures.

Interior design is created taking into account the size of the room, as well as your own preferences.

TIP: There are 12 primary colors on the color wheel. It is easy to identify antipodes. To pick up 3 basic tones, you should use an equilateral triangle.


The design is designed primarily to help you choose exactly the color of the living room that will create positive emotions and improve your mood.

Classic tones are still very popular, as they are neutral and blend well with other shades:

  • White always visually expands the boundaries, symbolizes purity and freshness. It goes well with pink, yellow, black, sand and green. They can decorate the ceiling and walls. Olive, brown, plum - the color range is unlimited. Furniture will stand out noticeably if dark tones are involved.

  • If you paint everything black, it will soon cause depression. However, by combining it with white and adding shades such as orange, blue, plum, red, yellow, olive, you can create harmonious option, suitable for hi-tech, safari, minimalism or African style.

  • IN last years gray has become a real trend. It fits perfectly into the loft, modern, baroque and art deco. Feng Shui, accessories, furniture of light and dark shades will help to highlight it. You can use such bright colors of wallpaper as lilac, blue, burgundy, plum, green, yellow, purple, olive or pink.

Neutral colors, whichever option is chosen, will always be fashionable. They have a calming effect on the psyche.

TIP: when decorating the interior, it does not hurt to find a combination that is close to natural tones. Black and white alternation, for example, resembles a birch grove.

pastel shades

A positive mood is always created by bright pastel shades. in the interior of the living room are successfully combined with each other. Feng Shui and competent design will allow you to emphasize with the help of a bright detail and a decorative item.

The design of the room will change if you add golden, blue, milky, beige, olive and other shades to make it functional and comfortable:

  • Peach color in the interior of the living room soothes, gives strength, creates a sense of celebration. This is what feng shui is about. You can dilute it with pink, brown or bright colors such as plum, red, olive, yellow, blue. It can be modular items, a carpet, a bedspread. Peach goes well with beige, white, orange.

  • Feng Shui recommends using turquoise into the interior of the living room as the dominant one. They should highlight rich details and decorative elements, including jewelry boxes and posters, vases and sconces, pillows and curtains. "Heat" appears if you use textured types of wallpaper, as well as paint the walls in beige, peach, light green, olive, blue tones.

  • A light atmosphere can be created by a light shade of lilac, the predominance of red in blue. Various elements of furniture and decor, painted in bright olive or deep black, fit well into the design.

Feng Shui advises to use pastel colors when the windows of the room face south. For the living room, located in the northern part of the house, should be decorated in blue.

Popular colors

Except beautiful bright wallpaper you can also paint the walls in bright and rich colors:

  • Red color, advises feng shui, helps fight depression, you only need to dilute it and use white, yellow, olive, orange, blue, plum or black. It can be modular items, photographs, carpets, lamps.

  • Yellow is also applied with care, however, this does not prevent the use of cold and warm shades to expand the space. The combination uses plum, black, orange, blue, gray, red tones.

  • Green color in the interior of the living room will help to focus, relieve fatigue and relax. Especially if it is used together with light shades, yellow, white and pistachio tones. Modular structures can be painted in this color, different types wallpaper, decorative elements.

  • To furnish a room classical style paint the walls brown. If desired, it can be diluted with blue, plum, yellow tones. A combination of brown and white, Feng Shui accessories also look good.

  • If desired, you can paint the walls in purple. In the interior of the living room, he should not dominate. It will visually narrow the room. It is worth diluting this color with shades of yellow, green, black, brown, gray and orange.

  • As feng shui advises, in order not to apply cold blue, you can use a warm blue tone. It has a calming effect and is well suited for the living room. It is used as a primary or secondary color along with white and yellow.

TIP: orange colors will create a festive mood, only they should be supplemented with milky, beige, pistachio or chocolate shades.


  • The design of this room will require compliance certain rules. To a greater extent, it is intended for recreation and receiving guests. Therefore, first of all, you should choose the main color for paint and wallpaper, and then choose the appropriate shades.
  • It is advisable to paint the walls in muted colors, adding a few bright touches.
  • Design, feng shui accessories, modular items and spot lighting will help to highlight the colors that fit well into the interior and create positive emotions and good mood.

Color combination - cheat sheet for artists (2 videos)

Options for combining colors in the interior (38 photos)

If the renovation is at the interior design planning stage, it is worth asking how to combine shades to get the best effect, because the chosen effect will be used for many years. It is worth starting planning with the choice of paint, wallpaper, then choosing furniture, finishing with additives.

How to choose a combination of colors in the interior of the living room, a photo of the interior, how to decorate the room beautifully, elegantly, uniquely - this will be discussed below.

Warm and cool wall colors in the living room

Everyone can name several colors warm and cold. Not everyone knows that different shades can become warm and cold. This fact allows you to create multiple color combinations. Combinations are based on the principles of contrast or harmony, you can choose the main color, and the rest of the places will fill it various shades.

The interior design of the living room in one color looks too monotonous. Playing with contrasts without appropriate experience can give the effect of chaos. If there is no experience in the color design of the premises or the novice designer does not have enough confidence in his own aesthetic sense, you can look for inspiration in nature:

  • green looks harmonious with brown,
  • natural shades are in harmony with each other.

Natural shades are:

  • green,
  • Gray,
  • Brown,
  • sand,
  • blue.

To get a pleasant, harmonious effect, it is enough to cover the walls with warm olive paint, pick up brown furniture, suitable accessories.

You can do the opposite: cover the walls with brown or beige paint, pick up green furniture, accessories.

Different levels in a room can represent separate zone colors for floor, furniture, walls, ceiling. Together they should form a single whole.

Returning to the method of arranging using the main color and complementary shades: in the main colors you can imagine furniture, walls, accessories should complement them. Colors interact in two ways:

  1. as an addition
  2. like a contrast.

Optical effects, tricks

Choosing the right tones will make the room brighter, visually larger, more spacious.

The end result is significantly dependent on the light:

  • If the windows face north side, it is desirable to use light colors.
  • In a room with southern windows, you can use intense tones.

Properly selected shades look beautiful when sunlight and with artificial. Light colors reflect a lot of light, visually create an impression more space perfect for decorating small spaces. Intense color palette perfectly decorates large rooms, makes rooms cozy, does not overload the space.

If the walls are high, you need to get the impression of a lower ceiling, the ceiling should be darker than the walls.

Choice of wall color

Properly selected colors will give the interior a unique character. The range of paint colors, wallpapers is endless, so it's worth knowing a few tips to make optimal choice. Consider how to choose combinations of shades and colors if the walls are decorated with a certain shade.

The nature of the interior

The choice of color design of the room depends on the chosen nature of the room:

  • for a relaxing interior, creating an oasis of calm and relaxation, they use pastels, bleached shades, a calm, harmonious color combination;
  • concentration of attention will improve cold shades;
  • Contrasting intense tones will help to give the atmosphere energy.

Relaxing nature will give, stronger color accents can be presented in the form of accessories, additions. Combining different shades of the same color, we get an elegant, warm interior.

It will not seem boring if you complement the interior with bright, dark accents.

Natural light and wall colors

One color is represented differently in a room with big amount natural light and indoors, where artificial lighting is mainly used.

Color combination options

Depending on the effect to be achieved, choose different combinations of shades. Consider the most popular options for color combinations.

Harmonious combination

By choosing colors that are nearby on the color wheel, we get harmonious interior. There are no flashy expressive accents. The combination is quite safe.

This combination is suitable for people who do not like sharp tones, intense, aggressive color transitions.

Harmonious combination of shades, photo

For example, the combination of green and blue is harmonious, beautiful. You need to be careful! It will take additional ingredient, the green-blue combination needs to be supplemented with a warm color.

Monochrome combinations

The monochrome system includes various shades of the same color. The combination allows you to achieve different effects:

  • lightness - using clear, subtle shades;
  • expressiveness - using strong combinations with dark, bright colors.

Complementary shades

This combination includes 2 colors that are opposite on the color wheel and a third color, chosen arbitrarily.

This combination provides an attractive visual effect. Combination examples:

  • blue + orange,
  • green + pink.

Three color rule

"Triad" can be obtained by choosing any 3 colors from color wheel located at the same distance. They are used in the interior in various proportions depending on preferences and tastes.

The final choice of the appropriate set of colors is a compromise between the character of the interior and the size.

Saturated tones

Bright, saturated shades beautifully combined with white, beige. For example, turquoise color, combined with white, will give the space freshness and lightness.

Pink tones soothe the nerves, but intense, overpowering shades are overpowering. bright colors need to use:

  • on fragments of walls,
  • furniture,
  • accessories,
  • textiles,
  • in details.

Optimal arrangement of bright, juicy shades- the wall behind the sofa, not always in front of your eyes, but giving the living room character.

Bright interior will calm the additive gray color.

Color selection depending on the purpose of the living room?

There are many possibilities for decorating a living room. Sometimes it's hard to figure out how to make a room representative. The living room serves:

  • canteen,
  • cinema,
  • game room,
  • video room,
  • office,
  • library.

Each function requires a certain design, the color of the walls, emphasizing the character of the room. How to arrange a living room that simultaneously performs different roles?

Living room in bright colors

Light shades are recommended in rooms of small footage. Bright living rooms seem larger. Furniture, furniture fittings, pieces of equipment, do not dominate so much. White color is practical, easy to combine with others, universal.

warm tones

Warm tones provide well-being. The living room, devoid of brightness, loudness, will allow you to relax and unwind. When choosing shades, you need to rely on neutrality. A monochrome design option with light warm, beige, light brown tones will give a feeling of security, stability, warmth.

For lovers of contrasts

Using neutral tones (white, gray), you can introduce strong accents, for example:

  • Red,
  • yellow,
  • blue,
  • green.

Proper color planning is important:

  • light colors will provide peace, tranquility, relaxation;
  • bright, intense - will fill the interior with energy; it is worth adding a bright accent, for example, behind the sofa.

A bright accent will create a more inviting space. It is important to choose the right additives for the style of the interior:

  • eclectic loft living room ideally decorate strong, intense tones (red, yellow, orange);
  • Scandinavian living room complement rich blue, green accessories.

Summing up

What shades to choose for the living room, how to combine colors in the interior? There is no clear answer, the shades must be chosen, taking into account a number of points:

  • individual preferences;
  • the nature of the interior;
  • room functions;
  • interior design, style;
  • proportions, the size of the room.

It's important to keep a balance. The above tips will help you choose the right colors for the walls that serve as the basis, the background for further arrangement.

What color to make the living room? In this room, it is customary to relax in the evenings with the whole family, receive guests, arrange noisy parties and joint tea parties. Family members gather in this room different ages, interests and taste preferences. When planning the interior of the room, it is worth considering the fact that all people should be comfortable here. Colors must be chosen carefully so that they do not tire and irritate, but contribute to relaxation and concentration. Let's talk about the most important thing in the interior - color scheme.

The living room in rich burgundy colors looks stylish and unusual.

Designer living room interior: how to professionally choose colors for decoration

To create for us an original and soulful living room design, designers carefully consider colors and shades. Here are some useful tips that professionals use:

  1. The overall color palette of the hall should have smooth transition from a dark floor to a light ceiling. For example, flooring may have a wenge color, then it is better to make the ceiling white, milky or cream. And the walls should have a transitional shade between dark and light color. It is this option that is considered the most eye-friendly and win-win, since such a palette fits into any style.
  2. If you want to make the living room as comfortable and cozy as possible, use natural shades for wall decoration.
  3. To renovate a living room, use only the colors that you really like. Don't force yourself to use any shades because they are trendy but you don't like them at all. In this case, you need to be guided by one rule: "Use the color that you would like to put on yourself in the decoration of the living room."
  4. Try to use neutral colors such as white and beige in the design of the room. And ideally, try to choose three colors that are close to each other. If it seems to you that the room will be boring, then bright accessories can be placed against the background of neutral walls and in this case the room will sparkle with colors. At the same time, if you don’t like something or get tired of the decor, you can always replace it.

Bright green walls in the living room with dark floors and white furniture

How does the color of the walls depend on the direction of the world

To choose the color of the walls in the living room, you need to consider one important factor- which side do the windows in the hall face. Here you need to be guided by the rule of opposites. It consists in the following: if the window of the hall faces the north side, then the color of the walls should be warm. Here are ideal shades such as:

  • peach;
  • beige;
  • pale green;
  • light yellow.

Pale orange walls with light furniture and beige floors

If the windows face south, then it is better to give preference to cold shades, for example:

  • lilac;
  • Gray;
  • saturated green.

In this case, the shades must be light. If the living room is well lit, then these colors will bring coolness to the room. As for the east side, it is appropriate to use pastel shades for painting the walls. For west side cool colors can also be used in the design.

Among the soft peach walls and floor, red looks original cushioned furniture

Remember that in daylight, any shade will look much more natural. Consider how the walls will look in evening time under artificial light.

Gray-blue walls are in harmony with the rich turquoise sofa

How to combine the color of the walls with the color of the furniture in the interior of the living room

The color of the furniture depends on the color of the walls and vice versa. Therefore, if you have planned to replace furniture, then you should definitely take into account the shade of the walls. In order to harmoniously compose the interior of the room, use the rule of five colors. It follows from this that more than five colors cannot be combined in one room.

Pale pink walls combined with a fuchsia sofa and a snow-white ceiling

Walls should be several tones lighter than furniture, and it is lighter than the floor. This is a traditional combination that never goes out of fashion.

In a well-lit living room, you can make the walls bright Pink colour

The basics of color combinations on the walls in the design of the living room

You can combine colors in the hall according to one of the above schemes, observing the proportion 60/30/10. Where 60% is the main color. More about . Here are the recommended patterns:

  • monochromatic: use shades of the same color;
  • neutral: use muted and delicate flowers, for example, white, beige or gray;
  • contrast: the use of opposite colors, for example, combinations such as white and black, orange and purple are appropriate;
  • harmonious: use close shades from the same color spectrum.

And if you are afraid to make the walls pink, then hang the appropriate curtains and arrange upholstered furniture.

Fashionable and popular colors for decorating the living room

There are some trendy shades, the use of which will make the hall harmonious, tasty and natural. Let's consider them.

Chocolate shade in the interior of the living room

This wall decoration has a rather strict appearance yet original and luxurious. All family members will feel comfortable in such a room. From a psychological point of view chocolate shade is a symbol of financial stability and wealth. Here the main thing for such a background is to choose the right furniture and accessories and then the room will be filled with light. The following shades are ideally combined with the color of chocolate:

  • turquoise;
  • White;
  • pistachio;
  • Orange.

Pictures and paintings will look beautiful on such walls.

Neutral walls can be decorated with turquoise furniture, curtains and ceiling

Beige shade in the interior of the living room

This is the most win-win option for decorating the hall. Most often, this shade is suitable for decorating classic interiors. TO beige color you can easily find your companion. Especially well with it are combined colors such as:

  • Brown;
  • White;
  • terracotta.

Be sure to decorate such a living room with live indoor plants.

In the living room, you can skillfully accommodate several bright colors while the room looks stylish and comfortable

White color in the design of the living room

This classic color, which remains always in fashion and does not lose its popularity. This color fits perfectly into any interior of the hall. Bright accessories, contrasting furniture will help to revive the room and you will get the right mood and comfort. If you do not like white, then do not decorate all the walls with it. One of them can be made in a contrasting shade. Black furniture looks beautiful in a snow-white living room.

Living room interior in soft purple shades

Bright colors in the living room decor

It has become very popular to use such bright colors as:

  • Red;
  • Orange;
  • green;
  • purple.

They are able to make the living room fresh and unusual. Such contrasting colors should be used with care. One has only to make a mistake with a shade or oversaturate the room with it and the whole interior will be spoiled. The main bright color must be diluted with neutral shades. It is best to paint one of the walls in a bright color, and make all the others neutral.

Dilute white furniture and the floor will help a bright lemon wall

As you can see, select correct color for the living room - a responsible and important step in the repair. If you prefer conservatism, then choose beige, brown and gray shades. Such a room will not be original, but all your loved ones will surely like it.

A neutral living room can be decorated with a colorful sofa and a bright yellow ceiling border.

If you still decide to take a chance and get unusual room rest, feel free to choose bright colors for decoration and accessories. Don't be afraid to use unusual color combinations that are so rare in residential design. You might consider painting the wall in the living room. bright colors, maybe this is what will help decorate the room.

Saturated gray walls look appropriate with a fuchsia sofa

Photo gallery: different shades of colors in the interior design of the living room

Living room wall color great importance. After all, this is a rather large plane, which immediately catches the eye.

The walls immediately give a style to the board of the entire room and we will consider what color of the walls to choose for the living room in this article. Also on the video in this article and the photo you can see already ready-made options. So you always create your composition by choosing the most interesting moments.

Distinctive features of colors and textures can be divided into such primary colors.

Cold (these include blue and purple tones):

Some soothe, while others promote arousal. It is interesting that the same color can belong to both the first and the second group. This is determined by the predominant shade.

Not the last role in the creation stylish design plays the texture of the material. If the surface is uneven, then the color appears muted. Conversely, on a smooth lacquered surface, the color is very saturated.

Applying original color schemes, it is possible to visually adjust the size of the living room.

Walls decorated in warm colors seem closer than they really are, and in cold colors - further.

Pale shades, as opposed to saturated ones, increase the space. In order to make the ceiling seem higher, it is painted in colder or lighter colors than the walls. If the task is to visually lower the ceiling, then they do the opposite: the ceiling is covered dark color and the walls are light.

The dark floor gives lightness and weightlessness to the walls, and also makes the ceiling high.

Attention: long and narrow room arrange like this. Make the end walls darker or warmer, the side walls lighter. Furnish the room with darker furniture than the side walls.

A color scheme

Fashionable colors of the walls in the living room will give the room a uniqueness and make it comfortable and cozy. Designers have developed color compatibility and these recommendations are worth listening to. Let's see what color and what will be combined.


Walls in blue or gray tones perfectly harmonize with shades of furniture and ornaments on various accessories. An addition to such a living room is a multi-colored carpet, red or white furniture. A large number of elements in a room with such an interior is inappropriate.

Blue furniture in the interior of the living room

Orange color

Walls orange blossom perfectly refreshes the room. As an addition, a bright carpet and upholstered furniture, white style elements will look good.

If you make only one wall expressive, then the color will not be annoying. It is recommended to combine catchy shades and accessories in muted tones.

This will help prevent imbalance and make the design harmonious. Also in the photo you can find out some of the features of this color.

White color

It is irreplaceable and always relevant. It harmonizes with all colors and styles. Using it, you can visually enlarge the space, and by combining it with black, give elegance to the living room.

A few original accessories, and you get an excellent result. Green, orange or yellow - these are all possible combinations. Shades of white can be combined with each other. It will be optimal to cover a dark table with a tablecloth in the color of linen, champagne, milk.

chocolate color

This wall color for the living room looks stylish and sophisticated and does not require additional accessories. It is enough to choose the right furniture. Can be combined with yellow, white and orange flowers. A colorful reproduction will fit perfectly into the environment.

When choosing a color palette, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • We try to make the walls lighter than the furniture, and the floor darker. This contrast will enhance the visualization of the room.
  • Faded tones are not striking and the background is blurred.
  • Also for zoning, the contrast of colors is quite important.

When decorating one room, up to five colors are allowed, and the number of shades is not limited.

It is important to think through all the details in advance. It is necessary that furniture, carpet, accessories, lighting harmonized with each other in color. Before starting work on the design, you should check how the colors you like will be combined.

What matters is the right color solution. Simple, no-frills, non-attractive walls can be enlivened with a bright picture or photo wallpaper (see). If you want to make changes to such an interior, it will be very easy.

Choosing the color of furniture for the living room

The walls in the living room of the color of the furniture should also be matched. Here the material of manufacture will also matter.

It's better if they are natural materials, but the price of wooden furniture is high, so many prefer substitutes. Decor elements should also be used in the design, which are best chosen according to the tone of the walls.

If furniture is used different colors, then it is better to make the walls in light colors. Only the tone should be chosen darker, in relation to the furniture.

If you choose dear wooden furniture, then the colors of the drapery should be chosen darker in relation to the tree. It will emphasize good taste and determine the style of the room.

If you make the walls in the living room in different colors, then you can combine the styles of the room here. In this case, you need to do zoning correctly.

You can choose the trendy color of the walls in the living room without any problems. Having done everything with your own hands, you can achieve excellent quality for not a lot of money. The instructions will help you avoid mistakes.
