Apartment renovation 33 sq. Design of a small one-room apartment

A small studio apartment is a cozy space that is easy to make functional. This requires the right layout, the choice of a suitable design and careful arrangement.

Pros and cons of a small studio apartment

A one-room apartment of a small area allows you to create comfortable conditions and a stylish interior. Proper arrangement of a small space allows you to organize all the necessary zones. For this, various design solutions are used. An effective method is transforming furniture. It is also important to take into account all the features of the space, because the method of planning the apartment depends on it.

The advantages of a one-room apartment of a small area are as follows:

  • in a small room it is quite easy to clean up, and the cleaning process does not take much time;
  • decoration of space in the style of minimalism - a relevant and practical solution;
  • there is no need to think over the layout of several rooms depending on their purpose.

A small one-room apartment has such disadvantages as:

  • a small area of ​​​​space that does not allow creating separate functional areas, for example, a bedroom and an office;
  • a careful selection of furniture is necessary, which does not take up much space and is practical;
  • in the interior it is impossible to use complex and voluminous types of decor, massive objects;
  • careful organization of the storage system is necessary to maintain order.

Layout options for small-sized housing (including for Khrushchev)

A studio apartment or a small studio apartment requires careful planning. At the same time, it is not necessary to create partitions and complex structures to separate zones. The best option would be the absence of unnecessary details, which will make the room more spacious. To determine the appropriate layout, a complex of factors is taken into account.

The layout in a small one-room apartment or studio involves the arrangement of only the main areas. This takes into account the number of people living in the room. For a couple without children or a single person, the layout is optimal, in which there is a sleeping area, a workplace, and a TV. The kitchen is separated by a solid wall and serves as a kitchen-dining room. An effective solution to increase space is to combine the kitchen and the room. This solution is optimal for an apartment of 18, 14 or less square meters. m.

A spacious room is easy to make cozy and functional. In a one-room apartment of 33 sq. m. At the same time, a small dressing room is often equipped in a room or hallway, which is much more practical than a classic closet. A partition is installed in the room separating the bedroom and the living room. A simple option is to combine the living room and bedroom, but the furniture must be transformable.

Zoning with partitions

Partitions are an effective method of dividing space. Elements of various types allow you to zone a one-room apartment and create comfortable conditions. The space is often subdivided with drywall partitions, mobile screens, drapes, and other options. The details are optimal for a one-room apartment with an area of ​​​​more than 18 square meters. m. This is due to the fact that the apartment in Khrushchev is very small in size, and the partitions will make the space less free and comfortable.

The most voluminous plasterboard partitions, since when they are created, part of the usable area is lost. This option is optimal for a spacious room. In a small apartment, movable screens and curtains are often used. The elements are compact and allow you to separate the necessary areas. Partitions are often used, arranged according to the type of compartment doors. The design is arranged clearly around the bed and separates the living room from the recreation area.

In a one-room apartment with an area of ​​​​less than 18 square meters. m. It is best to avoid various partitions. The presence of a loggia or balcony allows you to expand the space by warming and arranging these additional square meters. As an exception, it is worth separating the sleeping area, but often a transforming sofa is a sleeping place and furniture for the living room. In a small one-room apartment of 14 sq. m. it is very difficult to separate the functional areas and therefore, in this case, partitions are not used.

The most difficult option for a partition is a plasterboard construction. The construction is practical, convenient, but requires proper installation. This is due to the fact that the material is sensitive to various factors. At the same time, drywall structures are best suited for a spacious one-room apartment.

Choice of style for interior design

When arranging a small one-room apartment, the style of the interior is of particular importance. Premises with an area of ​​33 or 18 or less square meters. m. requires careful development of a design project. At the same time, the main requirement for the design of a small space is to use a minimum number of details. Massive elements and pieces of furniture do not allow organizing comfortable zones.

High tech

This direction of design is in great demand and is characterized by discreet decor, maximum functionality of every detail. Making a one-room apartment of any size in high-tech style is quite simple. At the same time, light shades are appropriate, as well as contrasting combinations. It is worth avoiding a lot of dark tones that visually make the room less spacious.

High-tech style involves the use of modern lighting options. It must be saturated. The division of space is often carried out by contrasting the design of zones in the apartment. For example, in one room, the sleeping area is decorated in dark colors, and the living room is lighter. Bright shades are appropriate in the kitchen, but in any room you need a minimum of decor.

Eco style

Natural shades and materials, natural surface structures, simple elegance and comfort are the hallmarks of eco-style apartment design. The interior in this style assumes the correct forms of all objects and the maximum naturalness of colors. Furniture, decoration, textiles are harmoniously combined with each other. At the same time, there are no unnecessary elements that make the interior complex and the atmosphere heavy.

A one-room apartment of any size is easy to decorate in an eco-style using light shades. Bright elements of natural green, moderate yellow, brown tones emphasize the harmony of combinations.


Lack of pretentiousness and luxury, slightly worn surfaces, faded fabrics and uneven wall decoration are the main characteristics of the Provence style interior. The atmosphere does not imply luxury, brilliant decor, glossy surfaces and perfect renovation. This direction of design is appropriate in a country house, but you can create a Provence-style setting in a one-room apartment of any size.

When decorating a room, it is important to consider that worn, aged details should be present in moderation. In a harmonious interior, there is enough uneven wall decoration or a shabby tabletop. Provence suggests a light shade of simplicity, discreetness.

Art Deco

The art deco interior is distinguished by sophisticated luxury, original color combinations and unusual decor. This design option is suitable for a spacious one-room apartment. In the design, it is appropriate to use ceramic figurines, wooden furniture with chrome fittings, elements made of exotic materials.

Abstract paintings, contrasting combinations, glossy surfaces are appropriate in the art deco interior. To visually increase the space, light shades and rich lighting are often used. The high ceiling allows you to create multi-level structures that give the room style and luxury.


The main distinguishing characteristic of Art Nouveau style is the combination of simple elements with elegant details. Furniture made of natural wood is decorated with frosted glass, carved facades, and shiny fittings. At the same time, all the details of the situation are functional and compact, which is optimal for a small one-room apartment.

In the interior, you can use mirror surfaces, light partitions. Such details allow you to visually increase the space. An effective solution is wallpaper with patterns in the form of large flowers or leaves. Optimal and monophonic coloring of the walls.

Scandinavian style

In a Scandinavian-style room, there are laconic and elegant elements. In the design, elements from natural materials are used. Light shades are best suited for a small apartment, visually increasing the space.

When decorating, furniture made of light natural wood is appropriate. Finishing, textiles can be milky, pale yellow, peach tones. Beige or light brown details complete the decor.

Room decoration

When arranging an apartment, finishing requires special attention. Various materials are used for this, but complex structures that occupy usable space and do not differ in functionality should not be used. Finishing is carried out after careful planning, development of a design project. The color scheme of the interior, the type of surfaces used, and furniture are preliminarily selected.


Floor covering in any apartment should be comfortable, practical and durable. Popular options are laminate and linoleum, and ceramic tiles are often used in the kitchen. The color of the material is selected depending on the style of the interior. For furnishings in light colors, you should not use a very dark floor covering. At the same time, space can be zoned using a coating of contrasting shades.


It is easy to carry out wall decoration with the help of various materials. Decorative plaster is suitable for a Provence-style interior, and the wallpaper is universal. Wall murals or a combination of contrasting coatings help to zone the space. For example, the wall behind the sofa should be pasted over with dark wallpaper, and the rest of the space should be decorated with light ones.

The working area in the kitchen is best decorated with ceramic tiles. In the hallway or room, you should not use panels, plasterboard structures. This is due to the fact that such structures occupy usable space.


The high ceiling in the apartment allows you to create original multi-level structures. This finish is appropriate in any style of interior. A stretch ceiling is also suitable, and a glossy finish is especially effective. And also the colored background of light color, on which the light sources are placed, looks original.

Light patterns may be present on the ceiling. This type of decoration allows you not to use complex elements in the interior.

How to furnish an apartment

The main requirement for furniture for a one-room apartment is compactness, functionality and the possibility of transformation. The living room, combined with the sleeping area, work area, suggests the presence of a universal sofa. You also need a TV, small and narrow cabinets, a table. With a large area in the hallway, it is worth placing a narrow closet or replacing one of the walls with built-in furniture. An effective solution is a small dressing room, but it is very difficult to create such a zone in a one-room apartment in Khrushchev.

Arrangement ideas

In a one-room apartment of a small area, compact furniture is used. In this case, its location is of particular importance. The window often has a desktop. This piece of furniture is more functional on an insulated loggia, if there is such a space in the apartment.

The sofa is installed against the wall, and opposite it is best to place the area with the TV. A practical solution is a bed, which is separated from the rest of the space by a partition.

Shelves for decor items, books, flowers are best placed in the corners of the room. At the same time, useful space is saved, and the atmosphere acquires a special comfort. Shelves, paintings, tapestry and other similar decor options are appropriate above the sofa or bed.

If the apartment does not have a wall between the room or the kitchen, then a partition is needed. A design that imitates a bar counter is a common design solution.

Lighting, decoration, textiles

When arranging a living space of a small area, it is important to pay attention to lighting. Massive chandeliers, a lot of wall lamps and floor lamps are out of place, as they take up useful space. Therefore, spotlights are the best solution. It is very easy to place a complex of such elements on the ceiling of any type, providing bright lighting.

Volumetric and massive decor in a small apartment is inappropriate. Pictures, corner shelves, photo wallpapers, ceiling decoration, mirrors - such elements decorate the space and do not take up much space. At the same time, the decor should be of the optimal color, which will ensure a harmonious combination and comfort.

Many textile elements make cleaning difficult and lengthy. Therefore, in a one-room apartment, it is best to hang blinds, roller blinds, and light curtains on the windows. Textiles of this type will provide protection from sunlight, emphasize the style of the interior and comfort.

Photo gallery

Fantasy-shaped furniture is appropriate in a high-tech interior. Light shades visually increase the space. Functional furniture is appropriate in a small apartment for a family with children. In an apartment of 33 sq. m. easy to create unusual partitions The absence of partitions makes the room more spacious

Many interior decorators consider a one-room apartment of 33 sq. m quite interesting in terms of design. Undoubtedly, this footage provides a little more arrangement options. All details below.

Advantages and disadvantages of an apartment of 33 sq. m

Usually such housing is located in new houses. It meets all standards and requirements. The layout of the apartment is 33 sq. m most often includes a balcony or loggia. They can be equipped with various functional areas - for recreation, work, sports.

Other advantages of a small area are:

  • Relatively low cost.
  • Opportunity to choose an original design solution regarding interior design.
  • Ease of cleaning, since the main concept of the arrangement is minimalism.

The disadvantages include:

  • Bad soundproofing.
  • Lack of personal space.
  • The inconvenience of the close location of rooms with different climates.


Quite often, when purchasing a home, we remain dissatisfied with its layout. Therefore, immediately after the completion of the purchase and sale transaction, the question of repair arises.

Redevelopment of the apartment 33 sq. m can go through one of two scenarios:

  • Studio conversion.
  • Allocation of a separate area for the bedroom and kitchen.

The process of making changes is quite time-consuming and requires obtaining permission from the relevant authorities. If you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to seek the help of a professional designer.

The easiest way to increase living space is to combine a balcony or loggia with a living space. Such work can be completely done by yourself.

Subtleties of zoning

When renovating a small apartment, you need to think in advance how best to divide the space into functional zones. The main guideline is its shape.

If the studio is square, then segmentation into 3-4 sites is used. Most often it is divided into two equal halves, having the form of a regular quadrangle. One of them is assigned to the bedroom, and the second is divided into the kitchen and living room.

In a rectangular apartment, functional areas are arranged in series. Transverse zoning is used for such housing, dividing the space into 2-3 squares.

As you can see in the photo of the apartment 33 sq. m, for the allocation of zones it is appropriate to use the following techniques:

  • games with color, texture;
  • the use of indoor plants;
  • lighting;
  • furniture.

Which one to choose is up to you. The choice will depend on what you want to achieve in the end result, as well as on your financial capabilities.

Choice of style and color

According to experts, it is preferable to choose when drawing up a design project for an apartment of 33 sq. m modern styles.

Take a closer look at minimalism, hi-tech, loft, modern. Scandinavian style is appropriate in the design of cramped rooms. A good choice would be Provence.

The style directions listed above are characterized by the use of light, natural shades in the interior of the apartment.

The most popular colors are white and grey. But depending on the chosen style, other colors are also appropriate - for example, black, blue, blue, green, lilac, brown.

Organization of lighting and decor selection

Furnishing an apartment of 33 sq. m, it is permissible to completely abandon the central lighting in favor of local light sources. Luminaires must be placed above each of the functional areas. The kitchen area should be given special attention. Here you can use the backlight. It is also appropriate to use LED strips.

It is worth taking a closer look at such undeservedly forgotten elements as floor lamps. You can hang intricate sconces on the walls. The main thing is that all selected lighting fixtures are in harmony with the environment in terms of style.

Textiles, or rather curtains, tablecloths, bedspreads, napkins, are considered to be the fundamental decor. Here again, everything should match the chosen design. In addition, vases, figurines, caskets, paintings, panels can be used as interior decorations.

It is important not to overdo it by cluttering up all the vertical and horizontal surfaces with all sorts of accessories. Regardless of the chosen style, the amount of decor should be minimal.

Apartment design 33 sq. m will always be non-standard. This is his plus. Follow the recommendations of experienced professionals, and you will turn a tiny apartment into a trendy apartment.

Photos of apartments 33 sq. m.

In the case of a rational layout of an area of ​​​​33 sq.m. may be quite enough for 1-2 people. Such a space will fit a small kitchen, a bathroom, a guest and sleeping area, a work desk. The stylish and thoughtful design of a one-room apartment of 33 sq.m., examples of which you will find on this page, will help ensure maximum comfort in every corner.

Space Saving Ideas

The distribution of free space is a very important step in creating a comfortable interior in a small apartment. It is necessary to carefully plan where certain things will be stored, in which direction the doors will open, how easy it will be to access shelves and drawers.

The ergonomics of furniture arrangement has a great influence on the comfort of life processes, so care should be taken that large objects do not interfere with moving around the room and are arranged in a logical sequence: a living room next to the kitchen, a bedroom away from the hallway, etc. It is recommended to pay special attention to vertical and corner space - so the center will remain free, and the design will look neater.

Built-in wardrobes

Cabinets that occupy the wall around the door, TV or headboard are one of the most successful solutions for an apartment of 33 sq.m. They can also be used instead of a partition, for example, separating the hallway and the bedroom.

Another find for compact spaces is the smooth snow-white facades of the suites. Light gloss is able to highlight the "dark corners", that is, the areas most distant from the windows. This is a great option for the kitchen, wall in the living room, as well as wardrobe wardrobes.

Corner furniture

In case of lack of space in volume (for example, for wide shelves or hangers), triangular-shaped cabinets that fill the joint between two walls can be the best way out. Further, nothing will prevent them from continuing with narrower structures. This format of furniture will fit especially well in the hallway and will be very useful in the kitchen.


Folding sofas and soft armchairs do not surprise anyone for a long time and quite cope with the function of a spare bed. But modern designers offer many other creative ways to get rid of bulky items at least during the daytime: mobile tables, cabinets in which the workplace is hidden, folding beds that are mounted vertically to the wall, all kinds of collapsible structures, inflatable seats and the like. But such things are more suitable for young and dynamic people, while representatives of the older generation will prefer sustainable classics.

Bed with a box instead of legs

This is the most practical and economical choice for a small apartment, where there are hardly any extra meters for storing bedding. In addition, the drawer will almost completely cover the floor, so that during cleaning from under the bed you will not have to get rolled-up little things and wipe the accumulated dust.

Loft bed

Suitable only for apartments with high ceilings. As a rule, a sleeping place is placed above the hallway or on top of the sofa in the living room, partially covering it with a fence. Additionally, you will need to install a ladder, and even better - steps-boxes in which you can store the necessary things.

Window sill instead of a table

It will become a convenient option in the kitchen, where it is easy to adapt it to both the dining and work areas. In the room, the extended surface near the window makes it possible to equip a place for cosmetic procedures and applying flawless makeup in bright daylight. Covering the glass with a light curtain, at such a mini-table you can read books, do needlework or just relax.

hallway decoration

To equip a full-fledged corridor in an apartment of 33 sq.m. - an unaffordable luxury, so the hallway in this case takes up a minimum of space and is often combined with a residential area. From the point of view of saving space, it is better if the partition function is performed not by a brick or plasterboard wall, but simply by a closet. By the way, on the one hand, you can place a standard hanger with a mirror and several closed modules, and on the other, a spacious wardrobe.

Kitchen design in the apartment

A separate kitchen area is rarely found in small-sized housing options. As a rule, this is a single-row or L-shaped set, installed between the hallway and the living room. It can be separated from the space of the room by a bar counter or just a high tabletop-chest of drawers - this interior detail simultaneously plays the role of a dining table and a cutting surface, and also serves as a place for temporary storage of drinks and dishes before serving.

Decoration of the bathroom (bathroom)

For a small apartment of 33 sq.m. it makes no sense to make a separate bathroom - anyway, for one person or a couple, this is not critical. The combined bathroom and toilet are decorated in a minimalist style - compact plumbing is used with a predominance of rectangular shapes, a narrow mirror.

If there is an area for a washing machine under the sink, then it should be very modest in size, with side loading and vibration suppression. Many place the boiler in a niche above the toilet.

Bedroom-living room interior

In the design of a small studio, the parameters of which are approximately 5x6 m, it is important to observe the principles of artistic balance and harmony. The background should be neutral light surfaces, which in a small proportion can be framed with darker lines, and bright colors of furniture, textiles and decor that echo in color are suitable for accents.

As for the division of the room into a guest and sleeping part, there are several options: place the bed in a niche between the walls and the closet; arrange for her a kind of elevation - a podium; just separate it with some kind of partition, curtain or piece of furniture.

If the place of night rest is located next to the window, you can not make deaf partitions, otherwise the living room will be left without sunlight. In this case, it is more convenient to use a glass partition, a rack, or simply sliding curtains. A good alternative to draped fabric will be textile compartment panels, which are also called Japanese curtains.

Design of a one-room apartment 33 m2 - photo

Do you want to make sure that the design of a one-room apartment of 33 sq.m. can be truly comfortable and beautiful? Then see a selection of photos in the gallery on this page. Among the presented design options for compact housing, anyone who is interested will be able to find, if not a ready-made solution, then at least a few ideas for inspiration and creating their own creative project!

July 6, 2016
You can talk about the canons in design for a long time, but every day the existing canons become less and less stable. Aesthetics and harmony, balance, colors, materials, brought together in order to get such a long-awaited result are the essence of your knowledge, practice and self-development. My motto is to learn, see, touch something new every day, and I am sure that this is the only way to keep the right course in “high design”.

Small apartments in the understanding of the average resident of our country are considered extremely small and non-functional. Today I will try to prove to you that the interior design of a one-room apartment of 33 sq m can be quite cozy, comfortable and unique.

Your 33 "cows"

The possibility of redevelopment, combining the main room with the kitchen, creating additional openings depends on the location of the load-bearing walls and the type of house. Therefore, I propose to start by considering houses in which one-room apartments of 33 m² were equipped at one time or another.

Type S kitchens Ceiling height bathroom Location of load-bearing walls disadvantages
PD-3 8.5 m² 2,64 divided The walls of the loggias, all inter-apartment are transverse, in the corner sections are longitudinal interior. The main part of the interior walls are load-bearing, which limits redevelopment.
PD-4 11 m² 2,7 divided The walls of the loggias, all inter-apartment ones are transverse. High price.
1MG-601 7 m² 2,64 divided Inter-apartment internal transverse and longitudinal, frame (two-story columns). No balconies, small kitchens.
1MG-601Zh 7-10 m² 2,60 divided Internal inter-apartment transverse and longitudinal, frame. Small kitchens.
II-68-02/12К 7.1-10.5 m² 2,48 divided Lack of a balcony in one-room apartments, freezing of the ends.
II-68-01/16 8-9.6 m² 2,48 combined External, some transverse inter-apartment and inter-room.
II-68-02/16M 8-10 m² 2,48 combined The windows of apartments of 2 joined sections are too close.
II-68-04 8-9.5 m² 2,48 combined External, part of the transverse inter-apartment. Difficulties in mechanical processing of expanded clay concrete walls.

Interior Design Examples

White at base

The layout was supposed to be a one-room apartment, one at the request of the owner, it had to be transformed into a two-room apartment and acquire a full-fledged bedroom with a window. For such a transformation, I decided to swap the bedroom and kitchen, as well as allocate a separate area for the wardrobe.

In most cases, moving a kitchen with gas supply is not possible, but in our situation, this was done due to the lack of gas supply and the non-residential ground floor.

I placed the new kitchen on the site of the former corridor, as close as possible to the risers.

Having dealt with redevelopment, we turn to design. The classic solution for a one-room apartment is zoning with a bar counter. In our case, it also performs a practical function, replacing the dining area with.

The tabletop is made in black, in contrast with it, light chairs from Kare. I divided the kitchen set into two opposite walls, this allowed me to increase the number of storage spaces and work surfaces.

A small area is quite demanding on the choice of color in the decoration of walls and floors, so the choice was made in favor of light beige and white in furniture decoration.

When arranging a small kitchen, choose light glossy facades, which, due to reflectivity, visually increase the space.

The lighting system is organized by overhead lights in the kitchen niche, a large chandelier above the sofa and a bar with several lights above the bar.

The bedroom is made in light colors, which are diversified by the accent wall. Comfort and optimal temperature are provided by radiators hidden behind glass and air conditioning.

A warm parquet oak board is laid on the floor. Lighting in the bedroom - side lights. Due to the large window on the south side, the central chandelier was abandoned. Storage places are organized in bedside tables and a closet, which is located in a niche.

Loft that settled on 33 m²

Is it possible to fit a loft, which is called industrial romance, in a small space? Yes, you can!

The following interior of a one-room apartment of 33 sq m is an example of a classic one with stone, old brick, wood, concrete and metal decoration.

Let's start with the kitchen. In the working part there is a hob, modest in size, which is quite enough for a bachelor's monastery.

To prevent extraneous odors from spreading in the studio, an unusual hood with a black glass facade was installed. On both sides there are hanging cabinets for dishes and tea / coffee.

In the photo - a kitchen set and a dining area

The dining area is organized by a high table with a brutal marble top, which emphasized the masculine character of the apartment. In the block with a coffee maker and a double boiler there is a box for storing dishes, below is a washing machine.

The highlight of the kitchen space was the built-in metal screen separating it on the control panel. Minimalistic facades are made of teak, do not have handles and open by pressing the door.

Lighting of the bar counter is provided by hand-chiseled copper ceiling lamps (copy of Tom Dixon lamps). As a duet, a lamp on a metal frame was purchased for them, which found its place on the kitchen window sill.

Opposite the kitchen in the room is a large gray sofa. It has become a kind of auditorium for guests, and if necessary, can be transformed into an extra bed.

The style of the apartment is set by the brick wall, which was sandblasted to highlight the color and texture of the masonry. Complementing the rough surface are black metal shelving and white shelves above the sofa, which have become a haven for unusual souvenirs, such as three painted wooden spinning tops that arrived from Bali.

Two wooden saw cuts of black color, which are almost 1200 years old, became a bright accent of the brick wall. Another rarity found its permanent residence here - Whitney Houston's autograph. All these things fit perfectly into the chosen style and concept, implemented in a small area.

A very interesting solution was the iron doors in the bedroom, which were made to order. Deliberately harsh metal frame creates an excellent duet with the edges of the glass, treated with facet.

A bed 1.6 m wide fit on the bedroom area. The wall at the head was sheathed with wood, which was previously tinted black. What else did you manage to arrange in the bedroom? Three shelves in a small niche and fresh air ventilation.

Let's take a look at the bathroom. The heavy iron door and doors for niches around the sink were made to order. Behind the wall from the entrance hall there is a heated towel rail and a wardrobe equipped with sliding doors.

The plumbing hatch is hidden behind a massive designer mirror. The floor in the bathroom is lined with teak wood, the walls - with tadelakt (Moroccan plaster).

The bath fits right behind a deep closet, on the left - the bedroom wall, separated into a separate room and having a glass door. A wide strip of slate tiles leads from the corridor to the center of the apartment, which is marked by a rather high table and soft comfortable bar stools.

In the center, “loft” lamps descend from the ceiling, the same black ceiling rails with spotlights symmetrically illuminate the working part of the kitchen, as well as a relaxation area with a sofa next to the old brick wall.

war for space

It is not easy to win back usable space, but it is possible if you connect a little imagination. To prove this, I offer you a project in which beds come down from the ceiling, and the kitchen and living room turn into bedrooms for the night.

Such transformations require serious technical knowledge, and the owner of the apartment himself had them, who developed with his own hands and patented the system of a lifting hanging bed. So, two beds appeared in the apartment, on chains and on cables.

The location of the apartment made it possible to completely move the storage systems into a common corridor for 6 apartments.

Lighting for a small apartment is one of the most important aspects. In our case, it is provided by ceiling spotlights and LED strips laid along the perimeter of the floor and ceiling and changing color, as well as a chandelier, which has become a separate art object.

The design of the bedroom is dominated by industrial harsh motives. To understand this, just look at the steel wall, behind which a wardrobe is hidden, and a metal panel created by the hands of the owner of the apartment. A makeshift office is located along the window.

Outlandish beds deserve special attention. In just a few minutes, the bed, along with the bedding, rises to the very ceiling. The lower part of the structure is covered with a mirror. The ascent and descent is carried out by a mechanism installed at the entrance to the apartment.

The balcony adjoining the room has been turned into a small exhibition space. The main place in the exhibition is given to the Chopper Building monument, created from metal artifacts and the skeleton of a motorcycle.

The apartment has a patriotic composition for the Victory Day.
To create it, they used the connecting rod of the KV-1 tank.

Even on 33 m² there was a laundry room, which was hidden between the bathroom and the kitchen. To speed up the drying process, we installed special fans.

On a visit to Vilnius

It is generally accepted that minimalism is optimal and most advantageous for small apartments. However, this is far from the case, with a competent choice of colors and an emphasis on transformable furniture, you can realize any style. As an example, let me present an apartment in Vilnius, the design of which is aimed at classics and country music, played out in contrasts.

At the request of the owners, the apartment was supposed to fit a spacious and bright living room, an entrance hall with a small dressing room, a bedroom with a double bed, as well as a lot of books, records and necessary household appliances.

In its original layout, it was an apartment with two tiny rooms, a dark corridor and a similar kitchen. In the development of the project, I did not completely abandon the blank partitions, this made it possible to create semi-autonomous and autonomous zones. The dining room, living room and kitchen are a single space, although the kitchen came out a little isolated in the "pocket".

The bedroom turned out to be separated, but if desired, an open opening can be left between the studio, and the entrance area has also increased. So that in cold weather the drafts do not upset the owners, I left the door between the studio and the hallway.

Due to the fact that the apartment is located on the first floor, I have the freedom to choose a place for the bathroom. The heating radiators were dismantled and replaced with a floor heating system.

Natural lighting in the hallway is provided by a transom window installed in addition to the thermal window in the door leaf. Similar transformations also affected swing doors.

The lion's share of the surfaces in the apartment is given over to the power of white. I think this solution is optimal for small rooms with a minimum amount of natural light.

The studio is separated from the hallway by a transparent door with bindings. A similar structure with frosted glass is installed in the company to it, separating the bathroom.

The huge library was divided into two parts, the first was placed above the front door, the second - near.

The all-white interior would seem featureless if not for the red-painted wall accents and the large blue chest of drawers by the window. The furniture looks quite original, although it was purchased from IKEA. This is another proof that it is not necessary to give a fortune for interesting interior things.

I decided to expand the window sills to 80 cm, this allowed me to put shelves for books, records and medium-sized things under them.

Roman blinds are used in the window decor, this is another way not to clutter up the modest area of ​​​​the apartment.

The bedroom and living room are separated by a sliding door, which, when moving, enters the shelving. To decorate the walls next to the mirror, panels are hung, which have become a kind of “exhibition” of the hostess’s accessories and jewelry.

The dining area is quite modest, consists of a small table and a couple of chairs, illuminated by an original wall lamp.

Throughout the apartment, the floor is lined with one material - a massive board. This technique allows you to make the room more solid and not emphasize its modest size.

Storage spaces in the kitchen are hidden in tall wall cabinets that almost reach ceiling level.

Now let's look into the bedroom. The head of the bed frames a functional "portal" of cabinets. A cozy quilted rug lurks on the ledge behind the headboard.

There was no space for bedside tables, so hanging “pockets” were hung to store useful little things. The bed turned out to be quite high, so deep drawers for bedding successfully fit under it.

In the spacious bathroom opposite the entrance there is a shower compartment, a little to the left there is a built-in wardrobe, which hides a dryer and a washing machine behind the louvered doors.

When flowers rule

The emphasis in the design of this apartment is made on a bold combination of colors, it is cozy and very friendly coexisting yellow, purple and bronze. Another "highlight" or even the soul of the interior was a lot of hand-made accessories.

  • The apartment has a standard Stalinist layout: a square kitchen, two windows in the main room and high ceilings. The redevelopment touched on the partition between the corridor and the kitchen, as well as the wall separating the bathroom.

  • I set the doorways to the living room and the bathroom along one axis, shifting it so that the bathtub was placed in the bathroom, and wardrobe cabinets were placed in the hall. This technique not only made the room more functional, but also created the illusion of a single space, which is enhanced by a huge mirror on the wall.
  • The apartment does not have a single style, classical elements and modern ones are used. From the classics, the division of the wall with thin moldings, painted in the same color as the surface, and floral ornaments in the finish are taken.

  • Lighting is provided by an ensemble of sconces, a chandelier with crystal pendants and bronze lamps above the bed, which are modern interpretations of 20th century lamps used in American weaving mills.

  • Chairs of a classical silhouette coexist with a modern kitchen set. The classical direction is supported by a chandelier above the dining table and wall lamps in the hallway, which have a wire frame.
  • The lightness of the interior is added by white furniture with “scuffs”. A light touch of antiquity and modern design elements are united by a color scheme and a warm palette, which is diluted with splashes of purple.

  • Instead of a partition, a filament curtain is hung between the corridor and the kitchen. But for two windows, thick Roman blinds of a deep purple hue were chosen, as well as a light tulle that gives airiness to the room.
  • The figured high headboard was cut out of plywood according to an individual sketch and covered with textiles of the same color and texture as for the bedspread.

  • At the request of the owner, the bedroom had to have a sofa, so I divided the room into two zones - a living room and a private one. What else did you manage to fit into a modest bedroom? Symmetrically standing white cabinets, a low TV table and a coffee table with a silver top in the shape of a cylinder. A large mirror found company in the "face" of two elegant sconces.
  • Bright plain walls have become an excellent backdrop for the photo gallery and the work of the hostess. The apartment is filled with special comfort thanks to hand-embroidered pillows and pictures.

  • Built-in wardrobes, located along the corridor wall and above the door, form a single unit with the suite in the kitchen. In addition to the main storage function, they hide a structural reinforced concrete beam.
  • The kitchen set, smoothly passing from one wall to the second, deserves special attention.

You can increase the functionality of the kitchen part by combining one worktop with a window sill.

  • Another secret for a small area is the use of a mirror instead of tiles on the backsplash. At your choice, it can be a small mosaic or a solid mirror with an ornament.
  • The kitchen is dominated by retro, to understand this, just look at the wicker bronze furniture handles, oven and wall engravings.

  • In the box that adjoins the countertop with the sink, I hid communications, filters and a washing machine. In order not to limit the functionality and ease of operation, doors are mounted.

  • When designing a bathroom, I am guided by the words of Matteo Thun, who said that things should give joy. Therefore, a bright shell appeared here in a combination of orange and turquoise. A riot of colors was supported by window textiles.

  • All the small elements: hanging tassels on the wardrobe cabinets, towel hooks, doorknobs, tassels under the frames and vintage wall clocks are made in the same style and create the feeling that things are inherited in this house and nothing else.

Summing up

I hope my short article-instruction for arranging 33 m² was useful for you, but it remains for me to offer you a video in this article and invite you to a discussion in the comments. And how did you organize comfort in a small area?

For every designer, a small space (in this case only 33 m2) and colossal planning tasks is a challenge!

But everything is real, because, like 33 "squares", there is a living room, a full-fledged bedroom, a spacious bathroom, as well as such additions as an office, which is disguised as an ironing board.

What was the interior like after the renovation of the apartments in the Balashikha of a new building of 33 sq. m?

When, as such, there is no ergonomics in the room, and the needs of homeowners go off scale, designers understand the complexity of the task assigned to them.

The most difficult stage, but at the same time the most interesting, is the layout of an apartment of 33 sq. m., well, then everything is much simpler, because there is already an understanding of what we would like.

There is no doubt that a one-room apartment of 33 sq. m. is performed in the Scandinavian style - since the housing is very small, the finish should be light.

The interior is designed in the same range of colors, but not without accents.

Homeowners dreamed of sleeping in a full double bed.

Moreover, there were wishes to the designer about moving the washing machine from the kitchen to the bathroom, and instead of using a shower cabin, again, to save space in the bathroom.

Because there were no load-bearing partitions in the apartment, a redevelopment of an apartment of 33 sq. m.

At the entrance, a place has been allocated for a functional closet, a roomy niche has appeared in the room, and there is a bed in it, which the young couple so dreamed of.

The designer notes: “The guys and I kept our ideas about the budget of the upcoming small apartment project reasonable.” Within a month, the design was carried out, after which repair work was carried out for three months, and the rest of the time, about six months, was spent on the arrangement.

The key point of the whole project is ergonomics, and therefore all furniture was created individually.

After the passerby was expanded, a niche was formed, and a bed was located in the niche. “The head of the bed is attached to the wall, and therefore the place is not “eaten up,” says the designer.

The designer, when forming the living area, was based on the dimensions of the existing sofa - when the sofa is unfolded, another sleeping place appears. All the walls are to be painted, but still liquid wallpaper in Shymkent with a delicate ornament was used in the sleeping area.

The sofa is framed by cabinets. The facades of the cabinets are embossed, with MDF. “Initially, it was planned to equip the wardrobe with blinds, but after that the decision was changed, because they collect a lot of dust, and are difficult to manufacture, expensive.

As a result, the option without drawbacks was chosen,” Vera shares. Handles are not easy to mount, and therefore the opening mechanism is spring-loaded.

The young couple does not work at home, but at the same time, the guys wished that their housing would have a comfortable work area, in which there would be a PC. A table with a so-called continuation was created individually for the children.

“The owner of the apartment asked that in the interior of the apartment 33 sq. m., a place for an ironing board was somehow beaten.

“There used to be a board in the room, almost in the middle of it. It was decided to use a unique 2 in 1 system. The board is hidden behind a mirror – the interior needs both,” says the designer.

The kitchen has a balcony, and the guys did not touch it, insulate it, and do any work with it. Because the windows are oriented to the southeast, the small apartment is sunny.

The windows of the balcony are “decorated” with roller blinds, the window in the kitchen without textiles - the Scandinavian style accepts this option.

“In the kitchen, a set of the Swedish company IKEA has found its place. “The model of the kitchen is not new, far from the most recognizable, it is being discontinued, but it fits perfectly into our interior,” says the designer.

In the kitchen area, the accent spot is a white-red lamp, which can also be seen from the hallway.

The Italian white table, after it is laid out, will become noticeably larger, and therefore there will be a place to receive guests.

The apron is lined with mosaics, the tabletop is made of acrylic stone.

The bathroom in the bathroom has been replaced with a shower. The surfaces are tiled. Visually, the space seems much larger than it actually is, and all thanks to the thoughtful light finish and interesting design of the ceiling.

All photos of the interior design of the apartment 33 sq. m. are presented below. Scroll through them, look and appreciate the excellent design of the 33 sq. m., created and embodied in reality by a talented designer.

Photo design apartment 33 sq. m.
