How to decorate the walls in the living room - modern design. Wall decoration in the living room: choice of colors, finishes, accent wall in the interior Beautiful decor on the wall in the living room

In this article, I will talk about the design features of a modern style in living room decor, make it cozy, consider popular materials for decoration, and pay attention to ways to decorate walls. I’ll tell you about the basic rules for choosing lighting and color palettes, as well as give some interesting decoration options.

Art Nouveau decor

If you try to characterize the modern interior style in a few words, they will certainly be: minimalism, comfort, restraint, sophistication and manufacturability.

Design features

The individuality of the owner, which modern people so much want to emphasize, is expressed more in minor details (for example, in bright extravagant accessories) than in the main idea of ​​​​the room, dominated by a neutral, restrained background.

  • The strict universalism of the Art Nouveau style is combined with a free choice of finishing materials, up to the most non-standard - cork, laminate, chipboard, glass, stone or drywall.
  • Flashy saturated colors, congestion of space with things and an incomprehensible blurry general composition of the room are categorically not welcome.
  • Functionality - the emphasis is on comfortable, convenient and expedient use of all interior items.
  • Accent wall (example: a panel of mirrored metal surfaces is a characteristic feature of the avant-garde style).

Factors that affect the decor of the living room

Depending on the quadrature of the living room, certain tricks are used to increase or decrease the space.

In this case, a light palette is used for the walls, and light flowing curtains are selected to match the main color of the room. The central chandelier is complemented by spot lighting.

Two more important factors that must be taken into account when choosing finishing materials are the practical functionality of the space and the location of technical communications.

The loft style, which is not particularly scrupulous in disguising communications, for a full-fledged decor, plaster of the right shade is enough.

Tiles, wallpaper, chipboard panels with patterns imitating natural stone or wood will help to recreate the country style with its calmness and comfort.

Walls lined with steel panels with functional inserts and hanging elements are characteristic of a modern style with a hi-tech twist.

Finishing materials

Democracy of combinations of finishing materials drives a simple man in the street crazy: drywall is combined with glass, and graffiti on a brick wall is skillfully combined with natural stone.


Their peak of popularity is long over. Do not give preference to wallpaper with floral ornaments. Fabric texture and texture imitating wood or natural stone are welcome.


A wall decorated with drywall can have built-in niches designed to accommodate household appliances, books, and an aquarium. GPK panels make it possible to mask communications well. The advantage of a false wall is that it can be modeled at will: create bends, arched transitions, mount suspended structures.

Decorative rock

One of the most expensive materials. It is used if the owners want to add notes of antique style to the interior of the living room.


Laminate is one of the most non-standard options for wall cladding, which allows you to zone the space.

The direction of laying sets the mood for the entire room - it can be horizontal, vertical or herringbone. Horizontal laying visually expands the space, vertical, on the contrary, increases the height of the ceilings.


Pastel colors (light brown, olive, golden, milky) with areas of stucco or artistic painting remain relevant. Artistic painting is done with acrylic or water-based paints.

Ways to decorate the walls of the living room

wall paintings

For example: a branch of sakura painted on a light gray background will refresh and brighten the room due to splashes of pink.

Bright, invigorating elements against a cold plain wall background enliven the space.


The main direction of photography for decorating the walls in the living room is family portraits and photos that capture important moments in the life of the household (graduation from school, awarding a prize, wedding, childbirth, first steps).

The naïve wall paintings and abstract paintings are intended to create a certain mood or emotional background rather than to show the artistic preferences of the inhabitants.

One of the empty walls of the hall for receiving guests can and should be decorated in an extraordinary way - let your visitors pay attention to it: a bright panel, bizarre mirrors or metal surfaces in the form of huge drops are selected in such a way that they unobtrusively set off the general background, but do not fall out of general intention.


A variant of the original panel is assembled from correctly outlined mirrors, tiles, metal or wooden plates.

A living room-studio, decorated in an urban loft style, is appropriate to decorate with celebrity posters, posters or rare art-pop posters placed in frames so that the place is not empty.

Ceramic tile

You can decorate the walls of the hall and guest rooms using porcelain stoneware. This durable material imitates the large surfaces of natural stones that are used for finishing work. Refers to expensive decorative materials.

How to decorate the wall behind the sofa

Decorate the head of the bed or the space of the wall behind the sofa with photo wallpapers. This solution adds expressiveness to the space. Fabric drawings are applied to the wall in one piece, other varieties are glued in parts.

The second of the most common options is to put a massive round or rectangular mirror built into an expensive decorative frame. To soften the severity of the mirror plate, floor lamps with openwork shades of warm colors or family photos in beautiful frames are placed on both sides of it, at an equal distance.

Contemporary color scheme

Great importance is given to natural light.

Wide windows or openings from floor to ceiling create a feeling of light air space, which is important for small living rooms.

In the decoration, preference is given to natural light shades: cream, light mustard, pale lilac, ash white.

Gently purple walls

The ceiling is painted in light tones of warm shades, and the floor is lined with parquet or linoleum, which is several tones darker than the walls. On the ceiling, artistic modeling with floral motifs is performed. Similar minimalist ornaments are also acceptable for parquet.


As the main lighting, choose a crystal chandelier, the dimensions of which are commensurate with the room itself, for additional illumination, plain floor lamps and floor lamps of an interesting design with high legs are suitable.

Muted light is one of the hallmarks of Art Nouveau, along with a variety of sizes and shapes of lighting fixtures.

Crystal chandeliers and ceramic shades, candelabra and spotlights can coexist here. Multi-level lighting is practiced.

If the living room is poorly lit during the day, add a few wall lights with soft light bulbs.

Decor options

  1. The energetic and temperamental atmosphere of the room will be set by glossy canvases of paintings with abstract images.
  2. For an atmosphere of comfort, a panel is suitable.
  3. Great idea: decorate a plain wall with art photos or black and white family shots in the same frame.

In conclusion, let us remind you that the main feature of the modern style in the decor of the living room is restrained coldness, and only an accent wall or small heterogeneous inclusions of accessories can enliven the homely atmosphere.

You can always break this rule by choosing finishing materials in warm pastel colors or preferring natural wood and its imitation.

Do you want to keep up with the times? Of course, it is not necessary to follow all the latest fashion. Moreover, they often reach the point of absurdity. It is enough to have an idea about modern styles, color combinations, and have a little aesthetic taste. With this knowledge, it will not be difficult for you to living room wall design according to the laws of modern trends, while maintaining a share of rationalism, and bringing the design to an excellent look. Let's start replenishing the piggy bank of knowledge?

The living room is the heart of the house.

Factors affecting the choice

Not all decor is free to use. For each room, you need to select the appropriate one in a separate case. After all, the wrong design can ruin the whole look. rooms . Conversely, a well-made choice will emphasize the advantages and hide some of the shortcomings. Therefore, the right choice- that's half the battle.

It is necessary to be guided not only by fashion trends in the field of finishing materials, but also take into account the wishes of those people who will live in the house.

Of the important criteria that affect the possibility of creating a particular design can be attributed to the following.

  • Quadrature

Naturally, it is worth measuring whether the square of the living room allows you to create a decor. If the room is small enough, bulky structures should be discarded. Consider painting or wallpaper options. A complex design will take up valuable space, and significantly weigh down room . However, in some cases, intricate systems will only benefit. It is necessary to consider this factor in a particular case.

In most cases, you should not clutter up the walls if the space in the room is already small.

  • Functional purpose

Check out the features here living room, wall and decor. If we are talking about a one-room apartment, living room can simultaneously perform several functions, and some types of decor will be out of place. When the decor performs a practical function (lighting, space zoning), its location and appearance will depend on the role it plays.

To make the living room look harmonious, you need to choose the color of the walls, depending on how the room is located.

Ironically, the role walls is also important. It could be a carrier wall on which some types of decor cannot be performed; also in this zone there may be certain communications that prevent decoration.

Consider the functionality of all the details of the wall decor in the living room, then proceed to create a sketch.

  • Technical communications

Electrical wiring, connected lighting, air conditioning and other communications in wall should harmoniously coexist with the chosen decor.

When choosing the color of the walls for the living room, you need to take into account the color of the furniture with which it will subsequently be filled.

  • Style direction

We have a certain style living room. Of course wall decor should match it. The design of individual areas is subject to the general rules of arrangement rooms . So you get a harmonious and semantically complete combination.

The accent of the living room can be an original carpet on the floor. In this case, it is better to avoid the contrast of walls and furniture, keep them in the same color, even if in different colors.

Decide on the main style

To decorate the wall in the living room it is necessary to have a basis from which we will start. Such a basis is the stylistic direction of design. rooms generally. So, determine what the general mood will be, decor ceiling, flooring, furniture, how the lighting will be located, and only after that you can start planning wall decor . All of the above criteria depend on the chosen style.

In order to make it comfortable for all family members to be in the living room, when choosing a color, you need to take into account the wishes of each of them.

After conducting our own mini-investigation, we have identified several of the most used styles.

  • Minimalism

This trend has become more and more popular in recent years. People tend to free up more free space around them. They don't want to clutter it up with unnecessary details. interior (as it was done during the baroque), so they choose a style that meets these criteria - minimalism.

Recently, more and more people prefer the style of minimalism in the design of their homes.

The wall for him will have to be dressed in white or another light color. A monochromatic coating of paint, wallpaper or the use of wooden wall panels is welcome.

Minimalism is the absence of everything superfluous. The living room in this style is easy to perceive.

  • Provence

The hostess who wants to make her own living room warm and cozy, which gladly welcomes guests, and willingly takes care of the kitchen, in order to surprise them with culinary delights, she will definitely choose Provence for decoration living room . A feature of the style is copying natural motifs.

The Provence style for the living room is very cozy, eco-friendly, homely and warm, reminiscent of a carefree childhood.

This is reflected in the choice of scenery, colors and materials. Provence accepts only natural materials for finishes , so wood, stone, plaster, paint will take root well here.

The style includes plank floors, light floral fabrics, elegant furniture, ceramic vases and lots of flowers.

  • Modern

A modern trend that is not afraid of bold decisions. Contrasting combinations combined with smooth lines and clear shapes make it truly unique. Here you will find bold solutions such as coloring everything walls , for example, in yellow, and the next one in black.

The interior of the living room in Art Nouveau style is one of the most common styles that allows for free planning and a large selection of finishing materials.

Such and many other sharp details you will find when creating in your living room modern atmosphere. However, light and elongated lines, smooth transitions between the outlines of details smooth out all the sharpness of the style, allowing you to reach the golden mean between softness and hardness.

Modern is a modern trend in design, which is characterized by functionality and practicality.

  • High tech

Also one of the modern trends. It differs from Art Nouveau in sharper lines and less bold combinations. This style is quite practical, it does not accept pretentiousness, everything is simple and concise in it.

The external coldness of high-tech style is deceptive - it provides almost unlimited opportunities for home improvement with maximum comfort.

For wall covering dark tones and a textured monochromatic coating predominate. You can also experiment with combining wallpapers of different colors and textures.

High-tech style "loves" spacious rooms.

  • Loft

The increasingly popular loft is becoming an icon of the style of the current century. This is a street style in which urban trends clearly emerge.

The main accents in the interior of the living room are large windows, wooden floors, rough walls and a massive stylish sofa made of dense textiles.

He, just like minimalism, does not like unnecessary decorations, and welcomes a lot of free space and simplicity. For clearance walls in the living room suitable brickwork, photo wallpaper, plain paint coating.

Everyone will like the modern loft style in the design of the living room, if you correctly beat all its advantages.

These are the most common modern styles, suitable for any living room.

Advice! Pay attention to the exotic orientation and ethnic styles. Techno, cubism, eclecticism are also distinguished by originality. And, of course, the classics. It will always remain in fashion, and will be modern at any stage of design development. interior.

We select the material

Having dealt with the style, we will determine what we need for further actions. It is desirable that the selected material and decor corresponded to the laws of the general style of the room.

A good solution for the implementation of a compromise color scheme may be the option of combining colors in the interior.

Of course, this is a general table, and talking about suitable materials and colors for each style, you can offer many options. However, we have given the most common, obeying the laws of the style itself. Now more about the materials. We propose to do wall decor in the living room the following materials.

  • Wallpaper . The most common option. It pleases with low cost availability, and a large number of offered assortment. Here everyone will definitely find what he likes, and fit wallpaper for almost every style, you just need to decide on the choice of their style

Under textured wallpaper or wallpaper with a print, you will need to select the appropriate interior items.

  • Dye . In modern design, a well-known method. Most often it can be found in new and fresh styles. Also paint allows you to decorate wall with any kind of painting.

In most cases, paint is preferred.

  • Drywall . This material makes excellent decorations, which also make it possible to make hidden lighting. Come up with any silhouette composition, cut out the drywall components, paint, and the original and fresh decor is ready.

Drywall is suitable for creating amazing design solutions from it.

  • Wood . There are also several options here. You can completely cover wall tree. Wall panels or wooden panels are suitable for this. wallpaper . Combined compositions interspersed with wood also look great. The material is suitable for Provence, eco-style, Scandinavian.

An interior with such an element will create a feeling of primitiveness and unity with nature.

  • Decorative stone or brick. Surprisingly, this material got along well with modern styles. wall decor . From it you can make brickwork, which will perfectly emphasize the loft style; build a composition of decorative stone or even stylize wall under medieval canons, and make living room real castle.

The energy of stone, even decorative, brings a sense of stability, peace and tranquility to the house.

Also check out the original living room wall decorating ideas. Use whatever materials are available. So, for example, using napkins or toilet paper, you can create an original composition on wall in papier-mâché technique. Quilling, origami, kusudama - remember all the techniques that you own, and you will be able to create a unique decor walls . And he, in turn, will become an expression of his own "I" of the owner. You can also use natural materials such as tree bark, branches, leaves, etc.

Combine different materials and techniques known to you. So you will be able to find something original and new.

Do not keep fantasy in fetters, and, meanwhile, remember the rule of the golden mean.

VIDEO: Photo examples of wall decoration in the living room.

There are times when, after the repair in the living room, there is a feeling that something is missing. Sometimes the lack of any detail makes the living room look like a hotel room, a little uncomfortable.

In order for the sensations of discomfort to disappear, you should dilute the interior with various accessories that will give the room comfort and warmth.

As accessories it is meant to use:

  • a variety of soft, shaggy rugs;
  • blankets;
  • various pillows and more.

Decorations in the form of flowers will help to revive the interior of the living room. It is best to use live plants. But artificial colors are allowed. A dry bouquet placed in a large outdoor vase will also give the room more comfort.

You can decorate the living room with candlesticks, various figurines and other pleasant little things. The presence of these accessories will significantly improve the atmosphere of the living room, but to complete it you will need to decorate the walls.

Those people who are independently engaged in repairs are always faced with the problem associated with the design of the walls.

But they have the opportunity to show their creativity and imagination and create a unique design of the room, giving it a sense of the desired atmosphere.

To make the interior of the living room look complete, it is recommended to take care of filling the space on the wall where the TV is located, as well as above the sofa. But at the same time, it should be noted that wall accessories must fit into the overall interior of the room.

How to decorate the walls to match the classic interior?

Many people have an idea of ​​what a classic style means, which means they know what should be placed on the walls in such a room. As a rule, the classic implies a placement on the walls:

  • mirrors;
  • paintings painted in watercolor or oil;
  • carpets;
  • tapestries;
  • candlesticks.

To date, there are practically no lovers of pure classics. And those who own a small apartment are unlikely to be interested in pure classics.

Urban style in the decoration of the walls of the living room

A small apartment is perfect for an urban style living room. This style is characterized by the presence of modern furniture. Furniture in urban style is not pretentious, without stucco and rounded corners.

The room has light colors. The use of straight curtains that do not have any drapery is encouraged. Instead of curtains, peculiar blinds to the floor will look good.

As for lighting devices in the presence of an urban style, it is possible to use various decorative elements.

Urban style can provide an opportunity to create an atmosphere of romance or an oriental direction. Also, with such an interior, it is possible to focus on the love of travel or wildlife.

In the urban style, the use of narrow shelves designed for photographs, as well as various small things, is allowed. Large mirrors are allowed. Mirrors create the impression of a large living room space.

As a rule, the selection of items that will decorate the walls of the living room is based on the overall interior of the room, as well as on the color scheme of the living room design.

Walls in the living room, for Country and Provence styles

Provence is a French style, as well as one of the varieties of country style. Currently, this style is gaining more and more fans. And it is not for nothing that people prefer to use the Provence style in creating the interior of their apartment.

It is filled with romance, sophistication, sophistication. In the style of "Provence" there is exclusively light shades of furniture, as well as wickerwork.

The presence of lavender is one of the important criteria for this style. Wallpaper in the interior, designed in this style, pastel colors.

To fill the empty space on the walls, use decorative plates. As an addition to the style, the installation of dried flowers, as well as botanical images, is provided.

To give the room, the interior of which is designed in the Provence style, freshness, a textile drapery is placed on an empty wall.

Retro style as a living room design option

The living room, made in retro style, looks unusual and at the same time bewitching. Unfortunately, it is impossible to thoroughly recreate this style in an ordinary city apartment.

But you can use some pieces of furniture, as well as decor, to make the living room look like an "echo from the past." For this, furniture from the seventies is used, if possible.

It is allowed to use only one piece of furniture - a floor lamp or an armchair. Also, it is advisable to use such interior accessories as a typewriter, a gramophone, and purchase vinyl records. And the walls in such a living room should be decorated with black and white photographs.

If you have imagination and desire, renovating the living room on your own can turn into a little pleasant adventure.

And the result will please for many years not only the owners, but also the welcome guests.

Photo of beautiful wall decoration in the living room

Looks very impressive in the interior accent wall, with which you can visually make the room larger, zoom in or remove the selected wall. When choosing a paint color for walls, it is important to consider not only the style of the living room, but also its size, as well as orientation relative to the cardinal points.

No. 3. Decorative plaster

Plaster, like paint, is easy to apply to any architectural form in the living room, and does not have to suffer, as with wallpaper or panels. The cost of such a coating is not the lowest, but it is fully justified by durability. Among all types of decorative plasters, it looks especially interesting Venetian, which forms a smooth glossy surface resembling marble. This finish will fit perfectly into the living rooms in a classic style. Textured or structural plaster looks harmoniously in interiors in a modern minimalist style.

No. 4. Drywall

Drywall can be used for leveling the walls in the living room, if the putty work seems too tedious and lengthy. In addition, it is drywall that allows you to quickly and inexpensively create interesting interior solutions in the living room: , partitions and other elements that can then be additionally highlighted.

No. 5. Wooden lining

If the budget allows, the living room can be made as environmentally friendly as possible by using natural wood in the decoration. Different types of wood are used for manufacturing. For residential premises where there is no high humidity and strong temperature changes, it is advised to choose pine wood: this is one of the most inexpensive options, which has a pleasant warm tint. Benefits this method of finishing can be distinguished:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • chic appearance, which brings a special comfort to the living room;
  • heat and sound insulation properties;
  • durability with proper care;
  • ease of installation.

But there are also some downsides:

  • high price;
  • the need for careful care to protect the wood from the effects of moisture and pests;
  • reduction in the size of the room.

No. 6. MDF panels

The main advantages of MDF panels:

  • a huge assortment, so choosing the right option for a living room in any style is not difficult;
  • acceptable price;
  • environmental friendliness, since epoxy resins are not used in the manufacture of MDF panels;
  • ease of installation and maintenance;
  • durability.

For a living room, this method of wall decoration can be called virtually ideal, especially since with its help you can create a very interesting interior. True, before choosing such a finish option, it is worth considering and several material flaws: this is the high weight of the panels and their low fire resistance. In addition, when using accessories and hanging furniture, you will have to use special fasteners.

No. 7. Laminate

Instead of MDF panels for wall decoration, you can use a conventional laminate, and you can choose the simplest one, since its high strength or wear resistance is not needed. With the help of laminate, you can create an interesting finish for walls or parts of them, since this material perfectly imitates the texture of any wood, as well as stone and some other materials.

No. 8. A rock

A natural stone- it is beautiful, durable, but very expensive and heavy, so this option is quite rare. When they talk about the use of stone for wall decoration, they most often mean exactly fake diamond: it is similar to natural, has a lighter weight and a more affordable price. Conscientious manufacturers use a lot of blanks in the manufacture of artificial stone, so the same elements in the finish will be very rare, which brings the material closer to its natural counterpart.

To the benefits artificial stone should be attributed to its strength and durability, ease of maintenance, excellent appearance. Of course, in some performance qualities it is inferior to natural, but in the conditions of the living room the difference will be practically insignificant. If the stone fits into the interior of the room, then you can safely use it and not worry about the durability of the repair. The only thing to consider is the need combine stone with other material otherwise the living room may turn out rough and cold. Part of the wall, the area near the fireplace, TV, arches are usually trimmed with stone, and the dining area can also be distinguished in this way.

No. 9. Ceramic tile

If you are a fan of non-standard solutions, then the use of tiles in the living room should interest you. Of course, in this case, it is necessary to select not such material, or. Attention can be paid to tiles that do not have the highest resistance to chemicals and moisture, since there is no constantly high humidity in the living room, and drops of fat here are rather rare than normal.

For the living room, you can choose the most unusual tiles that will have an interesting pattern, imitate brickwork or something else. This material is best used in combination with other types of wall decoration. So, you can, for example, select a dining area.

Ceramic tiles are interesting for their excellent performance properties: it is easy to care for, is not afraid of moisture and fire, is hygienic and environmentally friendly, impresses with a wide choice of colors. However, this method of finishing will not fit into any type of interior, but it will look especially good in the Provence style. not the easiest, and this is its only significant drawback. Can be used instead of tiles mosaic, fit well into the living rooms in a classic style, but it is better to use them for part of the walls. The panel consists of three layers: plastic, sound insulation and outer decorative layer. The material has a soft surface with a pronounced relief. With such panels you can create a unique interior, raise

The living room is the heart of any home. It is in this place that it is customary to gather with a large family and receive dear guests. The question becomes: what should be the walls in the living room, finishes, photos of design projects that you saw on the Internet in the context of your home?

Types of wall decoration in the living room: tips from the masters

In order not to miscalculate with the choice of material for decorating the main room in the house, heed the advice of experienced designers:

  1. The color of the future room depends on the lighting: the less light from the window, the lighter the shade of the design;
  2. The design of the walls in the living room can be combined with furniture, or it can look contrasting;
  3. The photo of modern ideas for decorating the walls in the living room shows that simplicity and elegance are preferable, and the fashion for an overabundance of interior details is a thing of the past.

Painting the walls in the living room

Painting the walls is perhaps the most budgetary and labor-intensive way to update the interior of the walls in the living room. A new color can drastically change the guest's overall impression of the space. Using paints, you can visually expand the space, make the room warmer and more comfortable.

What to choose from:

1. Water-based look. The main advantage is that they are practically odorless. After painting, the color of the walls in the living room will even out, and they will acquire a perfectly smooth surface. A variety of palettes of coloring pigments will allow you to create your own, author's shades.

2. Oil coloring. These paints are not affected by ultraviolet or high humidity. Drying quickly, they create the most durable layer on the wall. One disadvantage is the pungent smell, which can harm the health of the painter.

3. Silicate. It is important to remember that you need to apply the silicate dye carefully so that the alkali does not harm your limbs. This type is suitable only for plaster, but is contraindicated for glass, stone and metal.

If desired, combine two types of painting: combine light walls with bright accents. The living room from the usual "soviet" will turn into a stylish and modern room.

Decorative plaster in the interior of the living room

The modern interior of the walls in the living room is easy to create with the help of decorative plaster. This material is so resistant to external influences and durable that it immediately becomes at the top of the rating. Use different fillers, thereby changing its properties and texture.

Types of plaster:

  1. textured- involves the addition of synthetic fillers to create volume on the surface;
  2. latex- easily resist mechanical damage;
  3. silicate- perfectly retains the appearance of a new coating, as it does not get dirty and keeps its shape;
  4. Venetian– looks like polished marble.

The main advantage of decorative plaster is that the walls in the living room may initially have defects. The thick consistency of the coating will hide small roughness. You can read more about decorative plaster in the article -

Wall panels for the living room

Decorating the walls in the living room with panels can significantly save your nerves: after all, this type of finish does not include dirt, dust and debris. At the same time, the choice of invoices is huge. By type they are divided into tiled, sheet and rack.

Main advantages:

  • fasten to any, even uneven, surface;
  • durable and give the room sophistication;
  • unpretentious in care;
  • insulation material can be laid under the panels.

The disadvantages are:

  • plastic panels are fragile, can break on impact;
  • woody species do not tolerate moisture well, so focus on the thermal regime of the room.

It should be remembered that if it is necessary to fasten to a wall sheathed with TV wall panels or any other decorative elements, the fastenings must be thought out in advance by scrolling the fastener holes in the draft concrete wall. All ugly holes can then be “hidden” behind the panels.

Ceramic tile

In the photo, modern ideas for decorating the living room walls with tiles look relevant and aesthetically pleasing. Ceramics in the design of surfaces is welcome, because it is environmentally friendly, fireproof, not afraid of chemical care products and humidity. To make your interior no worse than a designer one, combine the types of coverage.

Remember some important features of ceramic wall covering:

  • the larger the surface covered with ceramics, the less decor on the tiles themselves should be;
  • large areas of coverage give officialdom and deprive the room of comfort;
  • Ceramics is a strong but cold material.

When laying, pay special attention to the tile joints. In the guest room, they should be invisible, so the repair will look neat and finished. You can read about how to choose a tile.

Decorating the living room with decorative stone

A chic, expensive, but incredibly durable option for wall cladding is a decorative stone. It will become a faithful companion for many years, as it is practically not affected by the external environment.

Advantages of choosing:

  • artificial pebble is very light;
  • installation is available even to a novice master;
  • the cost of the material is much less than the price of natural stones;
  • the manufacturer offers a variety of forms of blanks.

Combine stone motifs with other decor formats, as monolithic stone interiors are akin to medieval motifs.

Living room wallpaper

Decorating the walls in the guest room with wallpaper is more difficult, but the end result will please both the owners and guests. It is important to remember that you can wallpaper any surface in the house, but it is advisable to do this in dry, well-ventilated areas.

Material types:

  1. Vinyl- Perfect for the living room. They create a beautiful three-dimensional relief due to beautiful embossing, they will last for more than one year, while maintaining the brightness of colors.
  2. Paper- are more difficult to glue. For these wallpapers, you need to perfectly level the surfaces, because even minor flaws will show through. The coating will not withstand either wet cleaning or bright light from the window.

Plasterboard wall in the living room

Applying a thick layer of plaster is not always the only right solution for poor sound insulation, uneven surfaces or low wall insulation. Drywall is the best way to deal with these problems. It is characterized by the optimal scheme "price - quality - physical activity." The material is able to absorb excess moisture in the room, and give it away when the room is excessively dry.

The wall covered with drywall can be painted or wallpapered. The living room will sparkle with new colors if you build various ledges or waves from drywall on the walls.

Let's name the main advantages:

  • lightness of the material with a large sheet area;
  • the ability to bend, creating a fancy decor;
  • the ability to create hollow (for wires and lighting) structures.

Even a beginner will be able to work with the material, it is enough just to decide on the zoning and forms of living room decor.

Tree in the interior of the living room

Wood is the most common building material. Wood is a durable and environmentally friendly product. Budget types - lining, board and bar.

A stylish interior using wood can sometimes be spoiled by the following disadvantages of this material:

  • infection by a fungus or insects;
  • corrosion due to changes in humidity;
  • high fire hazard.

Feel free to take cork material as a replacement for wood. It will create a safari style in the interior, insulate the room and contribute to normal air circulation.

Laminate isn't just for floors

Increasingly, designers are using laminate in wall decoration.

The advantages of this material:

  • ease of installation (you can put it yourself, without additional help);
  • variety of colors and textures;
  • surface hygiene.

The disadvantages of this type of cladding are:

  • in case of mounting directly on the wall, it should be leveled;
  • you should not completely cover the space of the room, use it only as an element of decor;
  • high humidity can warp the coating.

It is important that the manufacturers took into account the wishes of customers and released a specialized wall laminate that has a fastening system.

The use of leather in the interior of the living room

The most outrageous and original type of lining of the guest area. Covering with leather is the surface to which you would like to attract the general attention of guests.

To date, leather trim options are available for any wallet:

  • multi-colored leather tiles with a glossy surface;
  • embossed leather plates;
  • wall panels imitating the texture of the skin;
  • wallpaper "under the skin".

Try to use leather not as the main material, but as an original accent of your interior.

What is better to choose?

What type of finishing materials to choose for your own living room, you choose. It depends on the style in which the living room will be decorated. An important role is also played by the amount that you are willing to spend on repairs. Combine, experiment, create. Remember that the main thing in repair is to create a harmonious interior that creates a feeling of home comfort.
