What are the standard sizes of window openings according to GOST; how it is installed and what determines the height and width of the doorway. What are the standard window sizes for various buildings and living quarters

Bright room always seems more habitable and comfortable than the one into which the sun's rays do not look. The function of windows is precisely to provide the desired level natural light. A standard window opening has dimensions that best meet this task and do not jeopardize the integrity of the entire house.

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What is GOST?

In order not to endanger the health and life of a person, not to endanger environment, plants and animals, as well as to protect public and private property, special standards have been developed for goods and products. The abbreviation GOST is the abbreviation for state standards. The compositions, methods and production technologies recommended by them until 2011 were mandatory requirements.

Since September 2011, compliance with GOSTs has been made a voluntary procedure. Technical regulations began to form the basis new system standardization. But when it comes to the life and health of people or the preservation of the environment and property, then GOSTs must still be strictly observed. Standard sizes window openings also fall under the category of mandatory and unchanging values.

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If we are talking about construction work, then, in addition to GOST, when building residential buildings, it is customary to focus on another type of document. SNiPs are building norms and rules that regulate urban planning activities.

Why know the standards?

Replacement wooden windows on PVC structures - a large-scale process launched throughout the country. Advertising booklets of various companies often contain a schematic image of a window or a balcony block with a price indication. And it’s not at all a fact that the width or height shown in the diagram will at least approximately resemble the dimensions of the openings in your house. That is why the departure of the measurer is a prerequisite when ordering plastic windows. The fact is that for brick and panel houses built in different time, there is a significant variation within a single standard window opening.

Knowledge of GOSTs will also be required during the construction of a private house. Height and width of window and doorways may differ slightly from state standards, but following these recommendations is the key to the safety and comfort of future housing.

Stalinka, Khrushchev, Brezhnevka: how did the standards change?

The renovation of the housing stock, unfortunately, is not being carried out at the speed with which the inhabitants of old houses of pre-revolutionary construction would like it. But at the beginning of the 20th century, they built thoroughly, so many objects with high ceilings, thick walls and large rooms will stand for a long time. Those who decide to install plastic structures in such houses should be aware that the standard window opening in them has following sizes:

  • window with 1 sash - 85 × 115 cm or 115 × 190 cm;
  • construction with 2 wings - 130 × 220 cm, 115 × 190 cm, 150 × 190 cm;
  • openings for a window with three sashes were made in one version - height 240 cm, width 210 cm.

The construction period from 1930 to 1960 was marked by the erection of beautiful brick houses. The bas-reliefs and stucco on the granite or plastered facades looked monumental, corresponding to the rooms with large footage and high ceilings.

Typical building 1950-1985 - the complete opposite of the "stalin". Three-five-story panel or brick buildings were distinguished by small rooms. The low ceiling height completed the feeling narrow space. The standard window opening in them changed its size depending on the building material (brick or panel blocks).

Improved in layout, the Brezhnevka was supplied with convenience elements in the form of elevators and garbage chutes. Nine-story houses depending on belonging to one of the three series, they could have different window openings.

Table 1. Standard sizes of window openings in houses of the Stalin, Brezhnev and Khrushchev eras

house name Window with 2 sashes (cm) Window with 3 sashes (cm) Note
Stalinki 115×195 170×190
Khrushchev Panel house Brick house Panel house Brick house The width of the window sills is also different. AT brick houses they are wider, so more material will be needed to finish the slopes when installing plastic windows.
130×135 145×150 204×135 204×150
Brezhnevka Series 602 Series 606 Series 602 Series 606 The 600th series is distinguished by large window openings. The standard size for a three-leaf window could be one of three: 269 × 142, 238 × 113, 238 × 142.
145×121 141×145 210×145 141×170

Dimensions of window openings in typical new buildings

Modern developers are building houses in more than 40 series. Naturally, the width and height of window and door openings will be different. Sometimes the difference is 1-2 cm, but in some cases it reaches more than 20 centimeters. The dimensions are regulated by one general GOST 11214-86, and the discrepancies in the height and width of doorways, as well as windows, depend on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. It is clear that in a spacious room with high ceilings and in a small bedroom, the required level of illumination will be obtained through different openings.

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Returning to GOST 11214-86, it should be noted that the recommended window dimensions are 87-267 cm wide and 116-206 cm high. According to him, in modern new buildings the parameters of the doorways fit into two standard widths: 72 and 87 cm.

Table 2. Standard window openings in houses of modern construction

Series double sash window (cm) Tri-leaf window (cm)
137 115×142 170×142
504 D 142×110 142×203
504 145×141 170×141
505 141×145 141×203
600. 11 141×145 141×205

Is there a standard for PVC windows?

The technology for the production of plastic windows does not limit the manufacturer in size and shape. Non-standard window openings are successfully glazed with PVC structures. Certain nuances exist, but they are associated with the design features of the window, the profile capabilities and the weight of the double-glazed window.

For example, even blind doors with an area of ​​​​more than 1 m² are not recommended to be made without an impost. The profile of such glass will withstand, but under its own weight it will sag and collapse.

For hinged sashes, it is necessary to observe the proportion according to which the height must be significantly greater than the width. Otherwise, even the most durable fittings will not work.

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With all the many possibilities that manufacturers of PVC structures declare, it should be remembered that any deviation from the standard sizes or shapes of window openings inevitably leads to an increase in the cost of the product. Therefore, typical window models for both private and apartment buildings will always be much cheaper.

"Windows are the eyes of the house." So once said a wise man hinting to the young hostess that the windows should be clean. But this article will go far beyond detergents for windows, but about their size.

What are standard dimensions for a private house and for an apartment? And what mistakes to avoid when measuring windows?

Standard window size for living quarters

The window is one of the most important things that affect the appearance of the building. Because of this, they are chosen in such a way that they look natural on the facade. Working with windows: manufacturing, installation, adjustment, we recommend that the specialists of the company Windows Expert (https://okna.expert/)

In a private house

window opening standards exist to regulate light in private homes and beyond.

The characteristics of window openings are based on what the room is intended for, but also provides for:

Based on building codes, we calculate window standards. In addition, they are designed for cleaning twice a year, and for areas with poor ecology - 4 times a year.

Now they also provide the number of glasses in the package and the distance between them - for each customer, the refractive index of the beam will not be calculated, and the illumination will decrease.

If we take single-leaf windows, then their usual width and height vary from 470X470 mm to 1470X870 mm. Naturally, it all depends on the dimensions of the opening.

Let's deal with two- and three-leaf windows. Windows with two sashes vary from 570X1170 mm to 1470X1470 mm. Window opening with three sections vary from 1170X1770 mm to 1470X2070.

In the apartment

Now let's deal with the standards of windows in an apartment building. Everybody is here depends on the type of house:

How to choose?

Don't rely on standard sizes because they don't exist- the thickness of the walls and the height of the openings in all houses are different, respectively, and the standards are different.

It is necessary to invite a measurer who will correctly measure the measurements, that is, the height and width. However, preliminary measurements calculate approximate cost finished construction, you can make yourself.

In rooms where residents and their guests will be staying for a long period of time, the ratio of windows to room area should be 1:8.

If the window is the only one in the room - place it in the center of a long wall and above- in this case, the light will fall evenly throughout the room and flow evenly. The upper slope should not be created too far from the ceiling.

The search for the optimal size and shape for the window must be approached wisely and take into account several features. One of these is the degree of illumination. In order to be good, and most importantly, to correctly plan the size of the openings, the following rules must be observed:

  1. The most comfortable for a person is such lighting, in which the width of the windows is at least 55% of the width of the entire room.
  2. According to the rules, the smallest illumination is achieved on the condition that the glazing area is at least 10-12.5% ​​of the total room area.

by the most perfect proportions a rectangle with a width with a ratio of width and height of 80X130 cm is considered. Such windows are easy to use, and do not create an unnecessary load on the fittings.

Norms according to GOST

For standards of window openings there is a regulation State standard under the number 11214-86. This standard also defines the dimensions for balcony doors. According to this GOST, the width of the windows varies 870 - 2670 mm, height 1160 - 2060.

The table below will acquaint you with typical window sizes according to GOST.

normal window width calculated according to the purpose of the building, for each room and room, its location and dimensions, since the level of natural sunlight, which depends on the geographic location, determines the degree of illumination.

Standard frames are made according to GOST, since it is important for windows to provide the necessary amount of daylight in the house.

Thus, the dimensions for a two- and three-leaf window made in accordance with GOST should be 1300X1400 mm and 2050X1400 mm.

On the value of these characteristics influenced by the following factors:

  • area of ​​the premises;
  • the required degree of illumination;
  • architectural features of the building and the premises itself.

Based on generally accepted norms, the window area comes from the area of ​​the room, and the size of the house. What affects the size of the opening? First of all, on the glazing of the window, how many sashes and the shape itself.

As you can see, the choice of window sizes is a rather laborious task. It is necessary to prevent damage to the frame and materials. The best way out is to hire a measurer, to do everything professionally. It is better to overpay, but then enjoy well-placed and not crooked windows than to suffer with sizes.

Watch this video about optimal sizes window opening:

Sunlight affects our mood. Most likely, you noticed that, waking up on a cloudy day, you didn’t really want to do anything. Often it depends on the side on which the windows face, as well as on their number. But the size of the windows in a private house also play a huge role. If you are just planning construction or large repair work with replacement window frames, then it would be good to analyze what can be changed in better side by expanding the openings or moving them to another location. What are the standard window sizes provided by the manufacturer and standards? What material is best for them? This will be discussed in this article.

What to be guided by

The choice of specific window parameters is due to several factors. Before ordering a particular product, you should pay attention to three main points:

  • the location of the wall relative to the cardinal points;
  • what is the room used for?
  • geometric parameters of the room.

If your house has several rooms and the bedroom is separate from other rooms, then usually the west or northwest side is chosen for it. This is done so that less light penetrates through the windows and sleep is stronger. If this room is used as an ordinary living room, then it is worth considering installing several windows. For the living room, as much light as possible is always provided, and, accordingly, windows, and it is located on the south or southwest side. Rooms with rectangular geometry have multiple windows along the length of the larger wall. If the room is square and small, then one will be enough. On the north side are the windows of the kitchen, storage rooms and sometimes the bathroom. The size of the window may also depend on climatic conditions. If the weather is cold for most of the year, and in winter the temperature drops far below minus, then they try to make the size of the windows minimal so that the heat does not escape through them.

Note! General rule for all areas, from which it is worth starting when choosing the size of windows and their number is 10: 1. It implies the presence of one window of 1 m 2 for every 10 m 2 of wall area.

Design features of windows

According to their characteristics, windows can be:

  • deaf;
  • windows with one sash;
  • windows with two sashes;
  • with three doors.

The choice of window configuration can affect its size. The standard sizes of windows for a private house with one sash according to GOST in height range from 80 cm to 147 cm. In width, the dimensions of such windows range from 40 to 87 cm. For windows with two sashes, the height ranges from 57 cm to 147 cm, width from 87 cm to 147 cm. Three-leaf windows are the largest in size, their height can be from 117 cm to 147 cm, and the width from 177 cm to 207 cm. There are exceptions to each standard. Therefore, windows can be made according to individual parameters. But at the same time, it is worth remembering that the profile should be thicker and a double-glazed window with thick glass. Otherwise, the window structure may not withstand the load due to its windage and simply burst. The above figures are calculated to a greater extent for products that are used in apartments and houses of standard areas.

plastic or wooden

This is one of the most difficult questions, which can stand up when choosing windows for country house or cottages. Each of them has its pros and cons that are worth analyzing. If we talk about wooden windows, then everything in them is excellent. Wood is an environmentally friendly material that does not harm health. She is also able to breathe, so there will always be Fresh air. Right now in wooden crafts double-glazed windows with a different number of glasses are also mounted, which made it possible to increase their efficiency. Especially if we are talking about triples. Their disadvantages can be distinguished by a high price for manufacturing, since a type of wood is required that can withstand various weather conditions. Wooden frames require periodic maintenance, which consists in replacing paintwork, which takes energy and additional resources. It is also quite difficult to find an intelligent master who will put them in accordance with all the requirements.

Plastic products from the profile are becoming more common today. Most families prefer to replace their old wooden ones with new plastic profiles. There are several reasons for this. For example, at a cost they are lower than wooden ones. Production times are lower, and the choice of profile configuration is larger. The more profile chambers, the less heat transfer and the greater the protection against heat transfer to the street. They are quite tight, so the likelihood of drafts is less. Installation is simpler and the manufacturer usually handles this. But there are also disadvantages. Due to the excessive tightness of the profile, poor vapor exchange with outdoor air occurs. This can lead to the development of fungus and rot in a house or apartment. Therefore, it is important to take care of the exhaust and supply ventilation. They also require maintenance, but it is cheaper. It is also worth keeping an eye on what the stabilization bars are made of so that they do not contain lead. Well, the biggest drawback for products that are under constant sun exposure is harmful secretions, so owners often protect them with visors.

It cannot be said about aluminum structures. These windows look very solid. Aluminum profile superior to plastic in terms of resistance to stress. It makes sense to choose these windows in cases where a large budget is planned for construction. The profile also requires the right installation approach. If this is not done, then the heat from the house will quickly disappear. The profile itself will turn into a bridge of cold. Such solutions are the right choice for a mild climate. The polymer insert that is inside does not provide the required insulation.

Note! For plastic and other profile products, there is a separate GOST 30673-99, 22233-2001, 30973-2002. There are also regulations that govern the use of fittings and standards for their production.

Plastic window for a private house

The choice of a plastic product implies not only its dimensions, but also the profile used. The choice of the latter is influenced by the size of the opening, weather, as well as the desired double-glazed window. According to the wall thickness, the profile is divided into classes. The first class has the most stringent and highest requirements. Those profile walls facing the street have a minimum thickness of 2.8 mm. Those that are located indoors are 2.5 mm. The second class implies for the outer walls the same thickness as for the inner ones in the previous version, and for the inner ones - 2 mm. The third class or class C includes everything that is not included in the first two. The latter are often used for installation in openings. storage facilities, sheds and other buildings where there are no strict requirements.

Inside the frame or profile, which is attached to the opening, there are special air chambers. Their purpose is to reduce heat transfer by creating an air cushion. This solution turned out to be very effective. The minimum number of them can be 3, and the maximum can reach 8. The minimum number of cameras is suitable for those cases when winters are very mild and the climate is warm. The optimal middle is considered to be a five-chamber profile, which will protect against frost down to -30 ° and more. For harsh winters, you will need a profile for 8 cameras. Soundproofing properties also depend on the thickness of the air gap, so if the window openings face a busy highway, then you should think about 5 and 8 cameras.

Selection of a double-glazed window for a window - also not an easy task. At its core, this is a block consisting of several glasses, which are located at some distance from each other. Holds their seal and metal stabilizer. An inert gas can be pumped into the space, which impairs heat transfer, or air is pumped out for a vacuum. The glass unit itself also has cameras, their number is from 2 to 4. The sound insulation of the window and its protective properties depend on them. For additional protection, glass can be coated with a shockproof film or be fireproof.

Note! When choosing a window, also pay attention to the overall width of the profile. Since there may be a lot of cameras, but they will be small. The number of seals in the window also plays a big role. Don't skimp on good fittings, it will last quite a long time and will not require replacement in the process.

Plastic windows can optionally be used only in brick or concrete houses. They fit perfectly into the structure. wooden houses. For these purposes, developed color solutions, which in their structure repeat wood and are perfectly fixed in the opening. Immediately they are very difficult to distinguish from wood. Only with more detailed consideration when opening the sashes, this becomes obvious. You can see more about choosing windows in the video:

We measure

In order to place an order for a window, you will need to correctly measure the size of window openings. If the house is just being built, then it is important to know the rules for location in relation to other planes. Most people like windows that run from the floor to the ceiling, so they also serve as a door to the terrace. Yes, it's really great if your heating is provided by renewable sources. It is important to remember that the maximum size of one structure cannot exceed 6 m 2. By standards, the window should be at a height of 80 or 90 cm from the floor. This will be quite comfortable for someone who sits near it or stands. In the first case, you do not have to lift your head, and in the second, bend it so that it does not rest against upper part window opening, because it is at a height of 230 cm or less.

Usually the window opening and the window itself are not located close to the adjacent wall. The indent should be 50 cm. If the width of the room is 2 meters, then the width of the window can be selected at 1 meter and placed in the middle. It will be ideal. There is also a distance to the ceiling. Depending on the height, it can be 20-30 cm. Different rules apply for bathrooms and closets. For them, you can choose minimum dimensions and large indents, since the main purpose of the window in these rooms is ventilation, and not the influx of a sufficient amount of light.

Before replacing old windows with new ones, it is important to adhere to the following rules when taking measurements:

  • measurements of the window opening are made both from the outside and from the inside;
  • for greater accuracy, a level or laser tape measure is used;
  • mounting clearances must be left.

To determine the width of the future window, you will need to measure three sizes of the window opening: from below, from above and in the middle. After that, you need to find smallest value and focus on it. This will be the width of the window. To determine the height of the window, the same procedure is performed, but in the vertical plane. From the results obtained, you will also need to subtract 4-5 cm, which will be the mounting gap and the thermal seam. For windows with a quarter, more scrupulous and complex measurements will be required. In general, they repeat the previous ones, but there are several nuances:

  • the window frame should go beyond the side ledge by 2-4 cm;
  • for the upper wall, it should be recessed by 2 cm;
  • the mounting plate should rise 2 cm above the bottom.

The last step is very important, because if it is not followed, then it will not be possible to properly mount the ebb. And it is very important that moisture does not accumulate under the window and the window fittings serve for a long time.


We hope that the tips listed above will help you decide not only on the choice of a replacement window in a private house, but also on the selection of the required dimensions of window openings. Never skimp on your profile and cameras. So you end up reducing the budget for repairs.

Before building a house (this applies not only to private houses, but also to apartment buildings), it is imperative to calculate the size of the windows. A window is not just a part of a home. It fills the premises with light, solar heat, enriches with oxygen through the open window. In addition, the size of the window opening determines technical specifications building boxes. This is important both for paperwork (in the case of new construction), and for the subsequent operation of the dwelling. Therefore, you should take this issue very seriously and perform preliminary calculations.

The size of the windows should be optimal, matched to a specific room and not go beyond the norms established by law. All calculations are performed in accordance with the requirements of GOST. Violation of these standards entails the imposition of an administrative fine, and the obligation to bring the window opening in accordance with the regulations. It is better to entrust such calculations to experts in order to avoid unnecessary expenses later.

Often on the Internet they do not indicate the size of the plastic window and simply write “standard”. This means that the window will be 1200 x 1200 in size. This does not always fit under the opening, so you should immediately specify what type and series the future window will be in order to avoid subsequent installation problems. It should also be taken into account that in different regions manufacturers may have their own idea of ​​a "standard size". To clarify, consider the generally accepted classification.

Types of apartments, depending on the window opening:

  • "Khrushchev";
  • "Stalinka";
  • series 600.11;
  • series 600;
  • series 505;
  • series 504;
  • series 137;
  • private house;
  • panel house.

Types of plastic windows depending on the number of wings:

  • bivalve;
  • tricuspid;
  • non-standard.

Each type and species exists with its own prescribed standards that are followed construction firms. Windows manufacturing companies are well aware of these standard varieties, so it will be enough just to name the type of your home and they will pick you up correct window. However, even with such detailed instructions, careful measurements cannot be neglected. Relying on standards and not measuring the opening, you can get a window that either does not fit into the allotted space at all, or will form cracks where cold and moisture will immediately penetrate.

Rice. 1. Standards for double-leaf windows.

Standardization of window blocks and openings

During the drafting of the project for any type of building, window openings are required. Their sizes are standardized and depend, first of all, on the area of ​​the room, its purpose and position. The windows in the northern part of the building can be larger than in the southern part, because the sun looks there less often and less light enters the room. In addition, given the climatic features of the region, the windows on the north side of the building must comply with a certain temperature regime. If the technological points are not observed, the windows will leak in winter.

Rules for calculating standard window sizes specified in state regulations. According to special formulas, the illumination coefficient of premises for any purpose is considered (for residential and public, different standards are provided), located south of 60 and north of 45 degrees latitude. When calculating indicators, the need to clean double-glazed windows is taken into account at least twice a year. But this is provided only for buildings that are not exposed to heavy pollution. Otherwise, you will have to clean a little more often.

When the building is located south of 45 degrees latitude, in this case, the illumination level is multiplied by a factor of 0.75, and if north of the above limit, then the factor is increased by 1.2 times. The physical and emotional state depends on the accuracy of the calculation. It is a proven fact that with insufficient lighting, a person becomes more irritable, quickly becomes depressed.

Rice. 2. Each type of building has its own standards for window openings.

Windows in Khrushchev

During socialism, apartments were built - Khrushchevs in order to provide each citizen with personal housing. Of course, the size of such apartments is small, so window companies took action and started selling special windows for this type of housing. Most Khrushchev houses are built from blocks, which has reduced the number of seams to a minimum. For such premises, double-glazed windows are best suited.

For these buildings, a double-glazed window of the following sizes is considered the best option:

  • frame thickness 5.8 - 7 cm;
  • width and height: 145-220 cm.

Rice. 3. Khrushchev windows are suitable for block-type apartments.

Windows in a panel house

Panel houses consist of special panel blocks. Window openings in such buildings often have diagonal distortions. Often there is a difference between the upper and lower width, forming an opening in the form of a trapezoid. Therefore, it is necessary to take measurements very carefully. When dismantling windows in panel houses there is less debris than brick.

The window opening in the type of house under consideration has the so-called quarters - protrusions in the shape of the letter “L”. When installing, you need to pay attention so that the frame goes beyond a quarter by 10-15 mm.

Rice. 4. Window openings in panel houses have their own characteristics.

Windows in the 606 series of houses

The buildings in this series have thick walls with excellent sound insulation. Window blocks in such houses can have 1-3 sashes, wide window sills, draft protection. Previously, wooden windows were inserted into them, but now it is possible to pick up excellent plastic models. They increase the protection against heat escaping from the room. Companies provide special standard window sizes for this series, so there is no need to adjust them to fit the opening. Their height is 141 cm, plus / minus 2-3 cm. The width depends on the number of wings.

Rice. 5. Double sash window for the house from the 600 series.

Windows in a series of houses 600.11

Such houses were built in the 80s and have changed somewhat since then. But all also remained attractive to buyers due to thick walls, spacious landings and large living spaces. Main Feature such houses - L-shaped windows installed in the kitchen. They were invented in order to accommodate massive air conditioners, especially popular in those days. However, now such units are not used, but the windows remain. Companies offer high quality windows of this type. Most of it opens with a handle, and a small window can be made fixed or also hinged.

Rice. 6. Dimensions for unusual windows houses of type 600.11.

Windows in the 600 series of houses (Ship)

The houses of this series got their name due to the similarity with the superstructures on the liners. The windows in such buildings have openings, the sills of which are raised to such a height that they are at the level of the chest of a medium-sized person. They can have 3 leaves, in which 2 moving parts can be installed. The window is designed in such a way that its parts are separated by lintels. You can only replace them with an expander.

When installing plastic windows in houses of this type, so-called flashings are used.

Rice. 7. Three-leaf window to the apartment-ship.

Windows in 505 series

Window openings in this type of houses are classic for panel buildings. Their height is 153 cm, but discrepancies of 1-3 cm are possible. They can be double or triple.

Rice. 8. Three-leaf window for the house from the 505 series.

Windows in 504 series

Windows in houses from this series can be of various sizes and proportions. The walls here are thick and are excellent insulation for heat, cold and sound. The openings have a depth of more than 20 cm. Thanks to this, you can save money on finishing slopes. The height of the sashes is usually 141 cm. The windows can be narrow two-leaf or three-leaf, and they also produce equipment for balcony openings.

Rice. nine. balcony windows for type 504 apartments.

Windows in series 137

Fitting the shackles to the 137 series is simple and hassle-free. The window sizes are standard here - three- or two-leaf, as well as balcony blocks. When installing windows, in this case, only one question can arise: what size will the sashes be and how will they divide the window. For old versions of windows, the side parts are 45-50 cm. In general, you can divide the window with sashes in any variation, taking into account that it will be problematic to wash blind windows from the outside.

The slopes in such windows are no more than 25 cm, and the window sill does not exceed 30 cm, the height is 138-142 cm.

Rice. 10. Windows of the 137 series can be divided by sashes as you like.

Windows in private houses

Private houses please with relative freedom in terms of choosing the size of window openings. Here you can install both several windows of equal dimensions, and make a whole transparent wall. Often used windows of different sizes for different rooms. For example, they choose wide and spacious in the living room, in a smaller bedroom with two wings. A window with one sash can be put in the bathroom. The sizes for them correspond to the general standards, are selected under openings.

Rice. 11. In a private house, you can put various windows.

Windows in "Stalinka"

Apartments of this type have spacious interior spaces, high ceilings and big windows. Some difficulties may arise during installation. Replacing old wooden frames is accompanied by a lot of garbage. Raising the windows to the apartment is often quite difficult in the absence of an elevator. When installing a window, you will need a lot of foam, as in brick walls there may be gaps, irregularities that need to be blown out with mounting foam so that the window does not let in moisture, heat or cold.

The height of the windows is approximately 173 cm, while the width depends on the specific model chosen.

Rice. 12. The dimensions of the window in Stalin.

Plastic window standards

The standard sizes of plastic windows are fixed in GOST and have well-defined standards. Companies involved in their manufacture use prescribed sizes, which differ in the number of wings, height, width. Each rule has a number of situations in which it should be applicable. For example, in a small room there is nowhere to put a large three-leaf window, therefore, in this case, there are standards for two- and one-leaf models.

Double sided plastic windows

They are versatile and very common. Such models are suitable both for an apartment or a private house, as well as for offices, small shops, cafes, kindergartens, schools and other buildings. The most common are the following dimensions of this type: 1150 x 1900 mm; 1300 x 2200 mm; 1500 x 1900 mm. The sashes can be both stationary and movable, and it is possible to install the window in such a way that both parts will open completely.

Rice. 13. Standard double-leaf window with one window leaf.

Three-leaf plastic windows

This design has enough big sizes and very popular. Three-leaf windows are placed in spacious rooms where a lot of light is required. They can have a variety of appearance and variations in the placement of the valves and their sizes.

The height of windows with three wings is: 120, 135, 150, 117, 132, 147 cm.

Accordingly, the width will be equal to: 180, 210, 207, 177 cm.

Rice. 14. Product with two opening doors.

Non-standard windows

These windows are very diverse in their external design and have decorative look. Basically, they are placed in private houses and are the decoration of mansards with attics, attic rooms, outbuildings, etc. They delight in a variety of forms:

  • a circle;
  • square;
  • hexagon;
  • oval;
  • triangle;
  • arch;
  • trapezoid, etc.

The dimensions of such products are selected individually for the opening and do not have clear standards, so they are made mainly to order.

The choice of the size of the window openings depends on the illumination and comfort of the residents. And if residents of standard high-rise buildings are deprived of the opportunity to choose desired windows, then residents of private houses easily experiment with increased window sizes. But at the same time, many building rules and properties must be taken into account so as not to reduce the thermal efficiency of the building and not pose a threat to the safety of residents.

Window blocks in the house

When choosing the final dimensions, one should clearly understand their dependence on the entire glazing area: when choosing large windows in wooden house it will be cold, when choosing small ones it will be dark, and this will lead to constant use additional sources Sveta. You should find a middle ground and focus on building laws and regulations.

The choice of window size in a wooden house will directly depend on their purpose and location.

When choosing the ratio of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwalls and glazing, the following patterns should be taken into account:

  • The shape and area of ​​the room. For elongated rooms, two or more windows are needed, but for small rooms, one window in the center will be enough.
  • The location of windows relative to the light sides. Place large windows on the western and southern sides - this will provide a large maximum. In such rooms, home plants will feel very comfortable.
  • Purpose of the premises. Large windows are installed in offices, offices and other rooms in which people are regularly present and where required a large number of natural daylight.

As a rule, when designing such rooms, they are located from the south- west side building. For a bedroom, high-quality lighting is not particularly required, so it is located on the north or west side, and only one window block will be enough for it.

Finnish style in Scandinavian houses

Also with northern sides It is customary to place the kitchen and other storerooms of economic properties. historical fact, before large windows were installed in or Scandinavian houses: because natural daylight improved mood and increased efficiency, which was important on short winter days. It was pleasant to be in these rooms all the time: bright natural daylight could additionally be enhanced by light and warm and a choice of white furniture.

Of course, it is ideal to copy the Finnish style in Russian houses not always possible, but some elements can still be borrowed.

Standard parameters and properties of window systems

For the manufacture of plastic window structures, you will have to contact a construction company, or if you want, directly to the manufacturer, and there you will be offered a standard range.

As a rule, the sizes of windows in a frame wooden house are as follows:

Choosing a larger sash size is not entirely safe: glass is a fragile material and requires special binding. If you are planning on the second floor, then the dimensions of the door will be standard (height 2100-2200 mm, width 700-900 mm).

All the listed window sizes are produced by most construction companies, and if you want to make an exclusive order, the window set will be much more expensive.

The standard parameters of window structures are designed for the same type of openings of multi-storey panel houses, and the demand for them is quite high, but orders for individual sizes construction companies perform much less often. Therefore, the cost is much higher. When designing, consider the future location of all furniture and its dimensions.

Distance from window to floor

Normal standard window should be located at a height of 80 to 90 cm from the floor: it provides good review both a sitting and a standing person, and under the windowsill you can put a desktop or other piece of furniture. The upper edge of the block is usually located at a height of 220 to 230 cm from the floor.

Special requirements apply to the windows in the premises of a wooden sauna: a sauna room does not require good lighting, but the preservation and retention of heat is very important. Following these requirements, the standard bath window in the steam room is no larger than 600 × 600 mm, and in the rest room the window can be made larger, for example, 1000 × 1200 mm.

The maximum value of the plastic window structure

When choosing large individual window structures with an increased sash area, you need to know the existing requirements fixed by special building codes:

  • The area of ​​​​the entire structure should not be more than 6 square meters. meters. Otherwise, it may not withstand the wind load, and in adverse weather conditions, the double-glazed window may crack and crumble into fragments.
  • You should not ignore safety rules: weather conditions in different regions of Russia are changeable and unpredictable. big blocks must have partitions, and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wings should not exceed 2.8 square meters. m. The maximum allowable sash size is 110 × 240 cm. When designing window openings, keep in mind that a large structure can quickly fail. A metal-plastic profile with a two-chamber (three-chamber) double-glazed window will be very heavy, and due to the large weight, the fittings will soon begin to sag and sag. At the same time, the sash will be exhausted, and it will begin to creak, it will be inconvenient and even more unsafe to use such a design. If you decide to install an arched window, then its radius should not be less than 35 cm. The requirements for a large sash size will be the same as for conventional rotary systems.

View of windows with panoramic glazing of the house

If these requirements are not met, a threat to residents may arise, so you should not ignore them even if. If you want to provide your home with good lighting, you need to order modern designs panoramic glazing from a special tempered glass or the so-called triplex. Of course, their cost is much more expensive, but they are much safer and will provide all residents with a good overview. When choosing which window size to order for your home, you should take into account the climate and wind load in your area. If the winters are cold, then the heat will quickly leave through the double-glazed windows, which means an annual increase in heating costs.

The size of the hole for the window block

Gap for window frame house

The dimensions of wooden windows in a frame house will not match the dimensions of the opening. They will have a large value, this tolerance is needed for the subsequent installation of a casing and a window sill. From the planned height of the lower edge of the window, you need to retreat down about 5 cm: 4 cm is the thickness of the window sill and 1 cm is the layer of mounting foam. In its width, the hole exceeds the window by 14 cm: 5 cm on each side for the installation and installation of the casing and 2 cm on both sides for a layer of mounting foam for strong fastening.

From above, the opening is larger by about 10 cm: this gap is left, because it will fall over time. When calculating and planning, the lower edge of the frame should also be taken into account; it should not be located at a height of more than 1 m from the floor level. In this case, it is not very convenient to lean on the windowsill with your hands, and the lighting in the room will not be enough.

Requirements for the profile and double-glazed windows

When choosing a window block, it is also necessary to choose the right profile and double-glazed windows. It will be more difficult to choose if you install metal-plastic frames: since the number of offers on construction market is growing, and you need to know exactly which criteria will suit you to a greater extent.

Here are some basic and important requirements:

  • The number of chambers in double-glazed windows. For cottage-type houses or for rooms that will be used only in summer, you can put a single-chamber double-glazed window. However, in winter, such a package will not be enough. You will have to purchase double-glazed windows with air gaps, they will protect your house from freezing, although the cost will be much higher than single-layer packages.
  • Number of cameras in plastic profile. The more cameras, the better profile retains heat because air is the best heat insulator. For a capital object, it is customary to choose a 3- or 4-chamber double-glazed window.
  • Sealant selection. Choice this material pay very little attention, but thanks to the sealant, all cracks and drafts are eliminated. Cheap and rubber material will begin to "tan" ceasing to perform its main functions. Some of the manufacturers offer transparent type seals made of elastomer: its cost is higher, but the protection from the cold is much better and better.
  • Accessories. The main rule - do not save on it. Cheap locks, clamps, handles will quickly fail, and weakened hinges and a thin frame will certainly lead to distortion and sagging of all doors. As a result, you will have to spend money on expensive repairs, so the savings do not justify the investment.

Choice window systems for a frame house is a very difficult and responsible task, and it is better to discuss its solution with craftsmen and professionals. The cheapest and affordable option– metal-plastic windows, they can be ordered at any construction company. Plastic window structures significantly affect environmental friendliness, so when choosing them, you need to decide in advance the issue of quality
