Artificial brick in the living room. Brick wall decoration in the interior of the living room

If you are thinking of radically transforming your interior, making it stylish, modern and cozy at the same time, using decorative brick for interior decoration is the best way to make your plans come true. There is probably nothing more beautiful and refined than the presence in the house of natural material that pleases the eye.

Wall decoration with decorative bricks

Today, brickwork is used almost everywhere. It can be used for interior decoration of private houses, apartments, hotels, office and other premises.

The relatively inexpensive price of this material, with incredible natural beauty, allows it to adequately compete with natural stone.

Facing bricks are made only from natural materials, so it is absolutely safe for humans. The appearance of the brick has many different textures and color shades, which allows it to be used in interior design of various styles.

Brick wall in various styles

Very often, a brick wall is used as a decor in the pop art style, which is characterized by the use of various bright colors.

Orange color - a great combination with a brick wall

Modern design styles: high-tech and art deco, country and others also often use brickwork in the design. Brickwork brings a peculiar zest to the interior, which is in perfect harmony with other materials, such as steel and glass.

By decorating a wall with bricks, you can make it a wonderful backdrop for your favorite paintings or family photos dear to your heart. Proper lighting, well-chosen furniture and decor elements will make the interior even more attractive and elegant.

Brick in the interior can be combined with other finishing materials, for example, which can imitate natural stone. This neighborhood will balance the overall look of the room, giving the design sophistication and a peaceful atmosphere.

Gorgeous design solution (from Meritage Homes) - a seating area arranged against a brick wall

A brick wall should not have a cold and austere look. Dilute it with various decorations or change the colors, and you will achieve an amazing result.

Recently, the fashion trend is the decoration of the walls with white brick, which is diluted with bright colors. This color is suitable for Scandinavian interior design, which implies calmness and expressiveness.

Brick in the interior - in what places is it better to use

Designers do not have an unambiguous answer to this question, since their opinions on this matter are divided. Some argue that the best place to use bricks is in the kitchen and living room, while others believe the opposite and insist on the appropriateness of its use in living rooms.

However, I would like to note the following. If we take into account the characteristics of decorative bricks, then its scope is much wider than the kitchen, living room and bedroom. It can just as well be used for wall cladding in the corridor, hallway, bathroom.

The artistic and aesthetic possibilities of brick in the interior are almost limitless. They can betray the surface of any shade and texture.

One of the brightest examples, which is probably the flagship of this type of material, is artificially aged brick. Its main feature can be considered the absence of the need for finishing the wall after its application.

The facing brick itself is a rather fragile material, so it is required to work with it with extreme caution, observing the technology. The versatility of the product makes it possible to clad walls with almost any surface from drywall to silicate blocks.

Properties of bricks for interior decoration

This material has excellent performance such as:

  • Durability - the service life of the material is at least 50 years, while the external attractiveness remains unchanged;
  • Good thermal insulation - significantly reduces heat loss in the house;
  • Abrasion resistance - small mechanical impacts will not affect the appearance of the brick in any way;
  • Waterproof - an additional material that will protect the brick from moisture. In this state, the wall can be periodically cleaned with soapy water;
  • Environmental friendliness - the composition of such a brick includes natural components that are absolutely harmless to humans.

Finishing brick is a finishing material that has to compete with other products, such as or. Therefore, every year its physical and external characteristics are getting better and better.

Decorative brick in the kitchen

Brick wall cladding is very common in the kitchen. She decorates either the entire wall entirely, or partially above the working area, having previously covered the material with moisture-proof impregnation. Such a design decision almost always justifies itself, since there are a huge number of positive reviews from people who have tried this experiment.

The color tones of the dining room furniture can be duplicated by various wall decor elements, so you will achieve the effect of smoothing the picture, in which there will be no clear boundaries.

Decorative brick in the living room

Another favorite place where designers love to exercise their talents is the living room. This room is the hallmark of any house or apartment, so you can’t make a mistake here, everything should look perfect and aesthetically pleasing.

Do not be afraid to experiment, add bright colors to the interior so that the holiday atmosphere never leaves you. Use all possible ways for this: fabrics, chandeliers, paintings, furniture and other decorative elements.

A selection of the best design projects

Especially for you, we have selected ready-made works that already decorate the home of their owners. After reviewing them, you can take something for yourself, or even repeat exactly what you saw, only at home.

Using decorative bricks is a sure step towards creating a beautiful, flawless and expressive design for your home. Play with contrast and décor until you feel like it's yours. The work you have done will not go unnoticed by your loved ones and guests.

Good luck in your endeavors and remember that only hard work will bring the desired result.

The use of brickwork in living room interior design became a popular trend a few years ago. The presence in the house or apartment of such decoration fills the entire room with a special atmosphere.

What living room will decorate?

At first glance, it may seem that the brick wall is the enemy of space, it visually reduces the size of the room, making it gloomy. This is a completely wrong reasoning, most famous designers can argue with it. The brick wall will fit into any interior. It is only necessary to correctly choose the design style, the size of the occupied area, the size and method of laying bricks.


There are several types of design.


Initially, this type of masonry, called rustication, was used only in outdoor architecture. Such a decoration was similar to the facing of external walls with square and correctly folded stones, which were tightly fitted to each other. The front side has always remained rough and uncouth. Rustovka has a decorative and functional purpose. It looks impressive in contrast with elegant furniture. It can be used for soundproofing walls.

flip wall

For interior design, this is an unusual type of masonry that makes you wonder whether you are outdoors or indoors. This technique looks very impressive when decorating the living room walls with windows. In this case, it is possible to simulate a street atmosphere.

We decorate the fireplace

The fireplace is often the main element of the living room and attracts attention. With the help of brickwork, it is possible to smooth out or increase the contrast between the fireplace and the walls, creating the desired mood. In any case, it will look chic regardless of whether the room has a real wood-burning fireplace or its imitation.

Give character to a smooth texture

The use of refined brickwork gives the living room wall a special character. The interior of the room creates a feeling of comfort, the textured objects chosen for its creation look brighter and stand out against a smooth surface. You can fantasize about this topic by placing a mirror on the wall, wrapping it with a decorative frame. The highlight of a smooth-textured wall is that, against its background, almost all interior items will look textured and original(all kinds of bedside tables, sofas, floor lamps, sconces, vases, relief paintings).

Purity of white

The snow-white brick wall is successfully combined with the interior of the hall in any style (modern, classical, ethnic). This color is perfect for dreamy boho, soulful Provence and loft fashion trends. The white color of the wall is associated with lightness and ease, causing positive emotions.

In such a living room, you can relax and unwind after a hard day at work. Colored pieces of furniture and interior should be used as accents.


The technique of mixing different styles has long been known. One of the advantages of a brick wall is its ability to blend perfectly with furniture, flooring and objects in different styles (in one or more). Everything is acceptable in such an interior: textiles, metal, wood, various ornaments and strict monotones.

industrial style

The loft style, which has become popular recently, is hard to imagine without a brick wall. It is characterized by the use of concrete, metal, natural wood, bright accents are pipes, beams and everything that in other styles is hidden behind decorative boxes. Loft interiors imply the absence of curtains on the windows, tablecloths on tables, light bulbs without lampshades, low-key carpeting or its absence at all.

An industrial-style brick wall looks like the most ancient element of the living room, reinforcing its primary right to exist. It matches with any furniture. It's hard to go wrong here, since this style was originally used by the poor, who could not afford expensive pieces of furniture. Creating a beautiful loft wall is quite simple. It is necessary to choose a brick with an antique effect.

It should be uneven in color, chips and cracks are welcome. The unevenness of the masonry and the different thickness of the seams, the clots of the mortar will only emphasize the industrial style.


To create a sophisticated living room interior, a brick wall is carefully puttied. At the same time, the relief of the surface disappears, but the original brickwork pattern remains. After that, the wall lends itself to light tinting in light shades (you can choose ivory, delicate beige and light gray). This is a great base for many styles, but this brick wall will fit most harmoniously into a vintage living room.

Color staining

A brick wall in the living room interior design will look stylish and modern if it is painted in a rich fashionable color. It is worth noting that juicy burgundy, dark blue, dark green or graphite shades give a special character to the room, they are better combined with laconic furniture and interior items. The technology of painting a brick wall has its own characteristics, since the surface of the brick is quite porous and requires preliminary preparation.

First, it is pickled, then puttied and primed. Only after carrying out all these activities, proceed to painting.

To get a beautiful shade, you will need not one, but several layers of paint.

Ways to create a brick wall

Let's take a look at some of the basics.


Bricklaying is the most logical way to create a living room brick wall. If you live in a brick house, you only need to clean the real wall from putty and plaster. Then the brick must be sanded and the seams must be grouted. Grinding and grouting is also necessary for a brick wall laid out for the interior of the hall. Finally, you can cover the wall with varnish or paint.


An imitation of bricks can be created using a stencil and a special textured roller. You can imitate masonry using ordinary plaster, making grooves-seams in it until it hardens. Using the drawing, you can create bricks, cracks by adding a window overlooking the street and other decorative elements.


Pasting the walls with brick wallpaper is considered a fairly simple and inexpensive way to decorate the wall in the living room. Such wallpapers can be with a pattern and textured bricks for further painting. The first option is ordinary photo wallpaper, the second implies the possibility of choosing a color and further re-coloring.


Using decorative panels, you can create a trendy living room interior while minimizing costs. At the same time, in the assortment of stores there is a huge selection of panels in color and size of the bricks themselves. In this way, you can hide irregularities and additionally isolate the wall from noise. The advantage of this method is the high speed of installation of panels and the ability to quickly replace them if necessary.

A brick wall in the kitchen is a trend that never wants to leave the covers of fashion magazines for design. Many are accustomed to associate it with, but such an element can become an adornment for romantic or gothic styles.

A brick kitchen will appeal to creative, creative and simply open to unusual ideas for people.

Many are attracted by this design because it can be created by hand quickly and inexpensively, without experience.

Detailed instructions on how to make the most budget-friendly imitation option:

Advantages and disadvantages

This material has earned popularity not only for the aesthetic and creative component. Others pluses brick and masonry are:

  • relatively low cost;
  • moisture resistance, which is a significant property for a kitchen;
  • resistance to temperature changes and fire safety. Therefore, it is often used in the design of an apron;
  • durability and strength. It is difficult to damage such material, and even if this happens, then with such a finish an insignificant chip or scratch will not be noticeable and there will be no need to redo the repair;
  • ease of use. Even an inexperienced master can learn to work with him;
  • unusual decision;
  • combined with other items;
  • great option for zoning;
  • environmental friendliness.

It's fair to say minuses.

  • First, the material is heterogeneous. A rough surface is not so easy to clean from dust, dirt particles that accumulate in the kitchen more often.

Today, there are special impregnations for surface treatment and seams, which can significantly minimize this disadvantage.

  • Secondly, despite the fact that a brick is suitable for many interiors, it is difficult to dose it in so that it looks stylish and harmonious. You need to consult with professional designers, or make your own 3D project in the program.

Before starting repairs, you need to do a design to assess whether you like the end result. Otherwise, it will be a shame for the work done, if the result is disappointing.

Brick wall kitchen design
  • Thirdly, such material does not reflect light. And dark shades visually even absorb it.

Brickwork is good in a room with good natural light. It is good if the windows are large, not blocked by a balcony and facing south.

Artificial lighting will also need to be considered so that in the evening the interior remains attractive, not gloomy.

How to replace natural material?

If the house was originally with such a wall, then there will be even less hassle. You just need to clean it of putty, plaster and construction dust, varnish or paint to give additional protective properties and to comply with hygienic and sanitary standards.

In other cases, you can use decorative or brick-like facing tiles that imitate their real counterpart well. The most popular are brick tiles based on gypsum, cement mixtures.

By design, you can choose any color: from bright brown to white and intermediate options with many shades to suit any interior. The size of the tiles repeat the real brick. And according to the structure, you can pick up a chipped, artificially aged, with perfectly smooth edges.

Another material to imitate is ceramic tiles. Often found in the design of an apron. Will fit into Provence, Art Deco. Can be glossy or matte.

In stores you can find wallpaper that imitates masonry. There are even embossed, voluminous options.

Although wallpapering is easier and faster than laying out tiles, the end result will not have that noble effect compared to the same decorative tiles. In terms of money, the latter will come out cheaper. The advantage is that if the design gets bored, the wallpaper can be quickly removed. In the case of tiles, the wall will need to be re-prepared for another material: level, putty, etc.

General rules for registration

Before we look at examples of successful design, we need to immediately identify a few general points. In finishing it is important:

  1. choose the right brick color.

Light colors are for a small kitchen, dark colors are for a well-lit one.

The color is also very style dependent. In a Norman or Scandinavian interior, white and gray are more appropriate. But in a loft or pop art, a brown color scheme will look good;

  1. choose the right wall.

You need to make masonry or its imitation on the wall on which more light falls.

Since such an element is accentuating, it is necessary to highlight it favorably. In the shadows, such a design looks gloomy and will not have the desired effect;

  1. decorate only one wall.

Even two such walls in one room is too much. You may have come across an example of a successful interior, for example, with the design of two adjacent or opposite sides, but most likely it was a spacious room, well lit, with panoramic windows. In most apartments, the area does not allow this to be repeated. But you can focus on one wall even in a small kitchen in Khrushchev (6-7 sq.m.).

Kitchen in Khrushchev with brickwork. Light colors visually add space and, as it were, lighten the whole situation.

Color solution

light wall

For a small space, you can't imagine a better option. Despite the relief and volume, light masonry does not “eat up” square meters. But if the kitchen is up to 9 square meters. m, then this element should be the only, main focus.

White brick wall in the interior of the kitchen

Dark tones

There are several ways to arrange a masonry:

  • cover with a colorless matte or glossy varnish;
  • paint in any color. Today it is important to cover the brick wall to match the rest.

Dark brown design is a classic. In spacious rooms with good natural light, it looks outstanding and stylish.

In what style is brick trim appropriate?


It is difficult to imagine a more suitable material for decoration in this style. Rough finishes combined with accessories to create coziness create a "living" atmosphere.


In the Norman design, white, gray or light-colored ombre is often found.

Unlike the loft, here the brick in the kitchen looks less rough, not as industrial. On the one hand - naturalness, on the other - simplicity and accuracy. A Scandinavian-style wall will not be as accentuating and active.

Provence or country

Brick can also take place in such romantic styles as Provence or country (rustic). One important condition is that the finish must be natural or artificially aged.

A light range is welcome - white, milky, sandy, pale olive, because. it is she who meets the main features - fullness of light.


You can also feel like the owners of a medieval castle in the 21st century. Brick in the interior of a kitchen of this design should look as natural as possible, without additional finishing and decorative processing.

Often, different laying options are used to make it seem as if the wall has been shifted for centuries.

Pop Art

Bold, creative, unusual - these are the words that can characterize such a design. There may be a combination of different shades.

Works of art, graffiti, posters, bright accessories and textiles against a brick background seem to pose a challenge.


The interior is saturated with the atmosphere of a port or resort town. It seems that if you look out the window, you can see the sea. In decoration and furniture, white is more common in combination with blue or light blue.

Brick can be painted in "marine" tones or in the color of sand.

Decor with a brick wall

Accessories are selected depending on the style.

For example, in a romantic Provence, vintage things, forged flower stands, clay pots, and aged wood go well with bricks.

The pop art interior will be complemented by bright posters, paintings and textiles in rich colors.

In the loft style, in combination with this finish, candlesticks, interesting lamps, wooden photo frames, forged figurines, rough wooden shelves will look great.

Antique clocks, mirrors, artwork and posters also work well with brick-effect finishes.

The manifestation of their own individuality is characteristic of all people, and they try to do this in everything, including in the design of their homes. Everyone wants the interior design to reflect his character, hobbies, attitude to life - hence such a different choice of style, color and other solutions, the search for his "zest".

It can be a white brick wall in the interior of one of the rooms. Reception is quite common, but not hackneyed. In addition, it is able to emphasize the originality of a room for any purpose, from the living room to the bathroom.

Brick is one of the very first building and finishing materials used by man. And he, like wood, stone and metal, will never lose its relevance and will not go out of fashion. On the contrary, it will attract attention against the background of modern materials, cause a desire to touch and relax your eyes.

What interior styles are used

White color is universal, it goes well with any shades, any decor looks especially impressive against its background. But flat surfaces are boring and inexpressive, they are devoid of individuality and suggest a sterile operating room or laboratory. While the textured brick wall in an unusual white color, on the contrary, evokes a feeling of comfort.

This original finish is used in different interior styles. Brick can be not only a flat wall, but also the interior space of niches, arches, columns, fireplace portals and other decorative ledges.

  1. . Perhaps, in this style, brick is most common. But usually it is natural in color, since the whole principle of decoration is based on the "lack" of decoration. This word is in quotation marks, because the decoration, of course, is present, but the room should look like a lived-in warehouse, attic or factory floor. However, when it is settling in, nothing prevents whitewashing a brick wall in order to get rid of excessive gloom. This is the impression that a loft-style brick wall should make. Against its background, the original designer decor and furniture will look especially advantageous.
  2. Scandinavian style. Everything is appropriate in it: both white color and brick texture. A white brick wall in such a laconic and even somewhat harsh interior always looks organic and in its place. The style completely rejects any luxury and fancy decor, welcoming simplicity, natural materials and light colors.

  3. Country and. And also any other "rustic" style is a reason to use white brick. At least in the form of a bleached hearth, stove or their imitation, especially if they zone the room. But it is in country and Provence that brick walls can be made to emphasize the charm of these pastoral interiors. Such a background is ideal for wooden or wrought iron furniture, floral print textiles, homemade decor.
  4. . It would seem that natural textures and classic lines are alien to this modern trend, and it does not have to be cozy. But excessive brilliance, excessive correctness of forms and emphasized urbanism quickly tire. In such an interior, there must be some softening accents, and one of them can just be a white brick wall.

However, it can fit into any interior style - retro, vintage, modern, minimalism, shabby chic. The main thing is not to overdo it and not use this design for all walls. It is better to choose one accent or any noticeable structural element of the room.

Ways to create "brickwork" in the interior

When it comes not to the construction of walls and partitions, but only to their design, the material for it does not have to be a real building brick. More often used imitation of this material. The choice depends on the required texture and relief of the finish, its cost. A significant role is played by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, the desire of the owner to preserve its volume as much as possible.

Let's see how you can create a white brick wall in the interior.

natural brick

You should not invent anything if the brick wall is already there. For example, in a new house under construction, you can ask the contractor not to level one of the walls, and then it remains only to prime and paint it.

Another option is to clean the walls from plaster to expose the masonry. The work is hard and dirty, and if you hire people to do it, then it's expensive. After cleaning, the masonry will also have to be repaired, washed, and then dried before applying a decorative coating.

Advice. If the interior is designed in a loft style, thorough cleaning is not needed, as well as repairing cracks, chips and other defects. You can even save some of the plaster over a large area or in islands to create the effect of dilapidation and antiquity.

Finally, you can lay out a brick partition with your own hands or create a ledge, a fireplace portal, and other elements from it. An excellent solution would be a silicate brick, which has a white color. But it does not always fit the texture, as it is too smooth.

Note! It is impossible to lay fireplaces and stoves from silicate bricks if they are not decorative, since the material does not withstand high temperatures.

Facing tiles

It is much easier to tile the wall with tiles in the form of bricks. There are several types of such tiles in white:

  • plaster;
  • clinker;
  • ceramic;
  • from artificial stone.

They have different characteristics, so they select the facing material depending on the operating conditions. For example, gypsum tiles should not be used in damp or unheated areas, as they are afraid of moisture.

Clinker is a heat-resistant material suitable for wall cladding near the fireplace, and moisture-resistant ceramics will take root perfectly in the kitchen or in the bathroom.

Before facing, the walls are leveled if necessary, tile adhesive is used for installation, corresponding to the material, the seams are filled with white or contrasting grout.

Facing tiles can be made with your own hands, using lightweight and cheap foam plastic material. And in two ways. The first is to cut grooves on a large sheet of foam, imitating masonry joints. Then the wall is simply pasted over with these sheets and decorated.

The second method allows you to get a more believable imitation of masonry, while using a material of small thickness.

We prepare fine-grained dense foam, a clerical knife and a template made of thick cardboard the size of one brick.

We apply the template to the material and, using a clerical knife, cut out the required number of “bricks” from the foam.

Cutting "bricks"

We cut each workpiece along the thickness, not trying to make the cut very even. Creases, dents and other irregularities will imitate the relief of an old textured stone.

On the front side of each tile, we cut off a small chamfer at an angle around the entire perimeter. It will add extra volume.

We apply glue for ceiling tiles on the flat side of each part and glue it immediately to the wall or to sheets of fiberboard, plywood, which can then be used to cover a large area.

It is better to pre-line the surface to be glued so that the rows are even, and the seams are of the same thickness.

"Masonry" of foam

We paint the surface with acrylic paint.

Prices for various types of acrylic facade paint

Acrylic facade paint

Wall panels

It will be even faster to create a brick wall by lining it with wall panels, which are a block of several rows or a whole sheet decorated for masonry. Varieties of such panels:

Putty bricks

One of the most budgetary options for imitation of brickwork is from starting putty. Moreover, this material can be used in different ways, resulting in a similar result.

Advice. If you need a more durable and moisture-resistant finish, the mixture is prepared with the addition of tile adhesive to the putty. Materials are taken in equal proportions.

One way to imitate masonry is to draw seams immediately after applying putty, until it has set. But working on a fresh surface is quite difficult: all lines have to be done “by eye”, since marking is impossible.

Advice. The laser level will make the job much easier. Lines can be drawn along a beam that is clearly visible on the surface.

It's faster and easier to use a stencil. It is ready-made, made of plastic or metal. But you can also make your own from thin wooden slats. The stencil is simply applied to a section of the plastered wall, pressed lightly to leave an imprint, and carefully removed.

The next method allows you to get a more realistic relief. It consists in using masking tape of small width as a stencil. Preferably no more than one centimeter, otherwise the seams will turn out thick and unnatural. If you couldn’t find one, you can replace the tape with electrical tape.

Prices for popular types of putty


Let's describe this method in more detail.

step by step photosDescription

We prepare the surface for finishing by removing the old peeling coating from it. It should be strong and even enough so that tape sticks well to it. Therefore, the ideal option is plaster and primer.

We apply markings on the prepared surface, using a level and adhering to the dimensions of a standard brick. To do this, using a long level or rule, we draw horizontal lines, and for marking vertical lines, we use a template from a rail one brick long.
We stick adhesive tape on the markup. First long horizontal stripes, then short vertical pieces overlapping them. The mesh should stick well at the intersections.

We apply the prepared putty mixture to the wall. This can be done with a spatula or by hand. It is not necessary to achieve smoothness of the coating, but the layer must be uniform, of the same thickness. Leave the ends of the screen mesh free on one side.
When the mixture sets a little, carefully remove the masking tape along with the solution adhering to it by pulling on the free ends.

We refine the surface by removing excess putty on the edges of the bricks and forming the texture with a knife or a narrow spatula. When the solution dries, you can walk on the surface with a rough sandpaper and paint it.

A method available to absolutely everyone is the drawing of masonry joints on the surface of the wall. You can use both regular tools and stencils.

Wallpapers and photo wallpapers

They save space in the room better than all other materials, as they do not increase the thickness of the walls. On sale you can find different types of brick-like textured wallpaper, including washable ones that can withstand wet cleaning.

Prices for 3D wallpapers

3d wallpaper brick

Which option to choose

The choice of material for creating a white brick wall depends on many conditions: financial capabilities, aesthetic preferences, the purpose of the room and its size.

The sophistication and originality of the white brick wall decoration is undeniable. It can be expensive, but it can also help you save money. For example, if the walls in a new apartment in any case need to be leveled with plaster and putty, one of them can be made in the form of brickwork immediately during these works.

"Brick" cardboard wall

A couple of rolls of wallpaper, different from the rest, will also not really affect the budget, as well as a boar tile designed for a kitchen backsplash.

Brick goes well with many materials: wood, glass, metal, textiles, so you can harmoniously fit it into almost any interior.

Video - Imitation of brickwork using cardboard
