Open a small barbershop. What equipment to choose for a beauty salon

A person in any situation wants to look good. And you can create a flawless image simply by making a good haircut. And this is equally true for men and women. If you have the talent and desire to make people beautiful, then this activity should be properly organized. Don't know how to open a barbershop from scratch? We offer professional advice to create such a business.

Reference! Today, the hairdressing salon, responding to the needs of the consumer audience, must offer an expanded list of services. That is, in addition to the hairdresser, it is desirable to organize workplace for beautician and manicurist. Practice shows that 3 types of services is the minimum offer for a profitable enterprise of this kind. And it is better if this list includes 5 positions.

Tip #1 Location depends on the scale of the salon

Before you open a hairdressing salon, you need to realistically assess your financial and physical abilities. With this in mind, a place for a hairdresser is chosen, namely:

  • It makes sense to open an institution for VIP clients in the city center with a large flow of people. It employs masters of the highest class, offers exclusive procedures, which explains the high cost of services.
  • Economy class hairdresser will be in demand in a residential area. Correct solution- the location of such an institution in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bresidence of a hairdresser, right there, as a rule, “stuffed” clients also live. It is worth paying attention to the number of storeys of houses, the more nearby multi-apartment skyscrapers, the greater the profit.

Reference! An economy class hairdressing salon (beauty salon) can be opened on the ground floor of a residential building if there is a room with a separate entrance, removed from the housing stock. However, please note that it is not possible to use basement, although as an auxiliary room for storing various things (except flammable ones) it will do.

This point, in principle, is considered simultaneously with the determination of the location of the cabin. The format of the institution depends on the list of services offered:

  • Haircut - female / male.
  • Laying.
  • Performing hairstyles.
  • Coloring of hair, eyebrows, beards.

In this case we are talking about an economy class hairdressing salon, but with an increase in demand for additional services, the offer can be expanded. For example, for a small surcharge, you can offer a visit of the master to the house, to serve the client before the anniversary or wedding.

Quantity necessary documentation depends on the chosen system of taxation, and is also determined by the form of ownership of the service enterprise. Usually, a hairdresser is an IP. The explanation is simple: register faster, fees are lower, taxation is more profitable. You can find out what documents an IP hairdresser will need on our website, in the articles-instructions for starting a business in the field of individual entrepreneurship.

Reference! You do not need a license to open a barbershop. This also applies to the provision of manicure / pedicure services. But you still have to get permission from Rospotrebnadzor and "firefighters".

Any undertaking requires thorough calculations. In the case of a hairdresser, the expense item will consist of the following items:

  • Acquisition/rent of premises.
  • Adaptation of halls to provide quality services to customers, including the purchase of equipment and consumables.
  • Required .
  • Institution advertising.

Reference! The legislator determined that 1 hairdresser's chair should have 7 sq. m. area. Plus, you will need a place to store inventory, as well as a corner for the administrator. With this in mind, the rented premises will have to be spent in the first month: rent - 30,000 rubles, hall decoration - from 40,000 rubles, equipment - from 250,000 rubles.

Tip #5 Be Very Careful When Purchasing Equipment

It is not possible to say unequivocally how much money is needed to create the necessary material and technical base. In this situation, it would be correct to consult a specialized specialist in this field. After all, at first, a start-up enterprise can purchase most of the equipment in the secondary market. And there prices vary. But experienced master offhand can tell the estimated amount. So, it is absolutely clear that cash register in good working condition, you can buy a bu. As for new items, for example, a chair for equipping a hairdresser's workplace can be bought for both $200 and 2,000 greenbacks.

From the very beginning, you need to create such an environment in the salon that the client is comfortable and pleasant to be in it. Interior decoration should dispose the client so that he decides to wait for the master, if he came in by chance and does not know whether to stop here or go to another hairdresser.

Tip #7 The lion's share of success depends on the staff

Usually, a practicing master working for hire thinks about the problem of where to start a business in the field of beauty salons. Having embarked on the path of independence, he will in any case have to seek additional staff Otherwise, profitability will not be achieved. At this stage, you need to show restraint and thoughtfulness in the decisions made, because, as you know, personnel decide everything. So to take on the team good specialists you can go in several ways:

  • entice from competitors;
  • advertise in specialized media and on the Internet;
  • use the services of a recruitment agency.

So, you already have an idea of ​​what stages you will have to go through in order to organize your own, maybe for a start a small hairdressing salon. But in order for this enterprise to be successful, efforts must be made to promote it. In this case, all means are good: "word of mouth", distribution of leaflets, advertising booklets in various institutions, announcements on boards - "in real life" and on Internet sites. It is necessary to convey to potential customers the location of the facility, work schedule, special promotional offers and bonuses, contacts.

The service market, like any other segment of it, is a competition. To understand all the risks and benefits, not only from the point of view of the master, but also from the point of view of the business owner, it is necessary to assess the situation with demand, prices, the presence of highly qualified professionals in the area, it is supposed to open a salon. Only armed with such information, you can join the fight for your part of the consumer audience.

Tip #10 The customer always prioritizes quality

Even for a barbershop minimum investment located in a modest room in a residential area or in countryside, the quality of service provision should be put at the forefront. The administrator must always be on top, if necessary, the list of services must be expanded, the skills of hairdressers and other salon employees must be constantly improved.

In fact, everything is not so difficult! Try, the road will be mastered by the walking one!

A guide to opening an economy class hairdresser, where to start, the required equipment, indicating the cost of the 1st workplace, necessary staff and much more.


A hairdressing salon as a type of business has a number of undeniable advantages: it does not require large investments, is not afraid of competition, is not subject to sharp fluctuations, does not require licensing and the collection of a large number of permits, and is quite profitable.

How to start opening a barbershop?

First of all, it is necessary to determine the scale and format of the future enterprise:

  • small establishment economy class providing low-cost hairdressing services to the population. Such institutions are designed for 1-2 working chairs and are usually located in residential areas of cities.
  • Salon, in which the range of services provided is much wider, as well as cosmetic procedures and services are additionally offered nail service. Working at a higher price category.
  • Elite, different high level service, individual approach to the client, the presence of highly qualified craftsmen, incl. stylists and image makers. Such establishments are usually located on the central streets of the city, providing visits to customers with incomes above average.

It is worth noting that despite the fact that the potential income of prestigious hairdressing salons is quite high, they do not always have the opportunity to remain profitable (including due to expensive rent), and under certain economic conditions and market conditions and may not be in demand at all.

According to experienced specialists, it is the creation of an economy class hairdressing salon that is the most viable business project and the most reliable object for investment.

Define the concept

A business project begins with setting a goal, which is to open an economy class establishment for 2-3 places, providing the following services:

  • haircuts - simple, model;
  • creation of styling and hairstyles;
  • implementation of hair care procedures;
  • hair coloring;
  • hair curling;
  • shaving.

At the beginning of the activity, such a basic range of services will be enough. Gradually, as it develops, it can be significantly expanded.

Registering a business

In the general case, when opening a hairdressing salon, you can register it as an individual entrepreneur or as legal entity in the form of a limited liability company.

For a number of reasons, most the best option legal form in this case is individual entrepreneur. Why?

  • First, potential consumers of services - individuals.
  • Secondly, with approximately the same level of capabilities for LLCs and individual entrepreneurs, the degree of responsibility for the actions of an LLC is significantly higher.
  • Thirdly, the registration of an LLC is impossible without a minimum authorized capital, drafting constituent documents, the presence of the necessary attributes - a legal address, a current account, a round seal, etc.
  • And, finally, the IP has a fairly easy accounting and does not tall sizes taxes.

In the event that several people decided to combine their efforts and finances to open a hairdressing salon, then the most suitable form would be an LLC.

As for OKVED codes, the following will suit you:

  • 93.02 - “Provision of services by hairdressers and beauty salons” - this group includes: washing hair, cutting and trimming, styling, touching up and coloring, straightening and curling hair, trimming beards, shaving, cosmetic facial massage, make-up, pedicure, manicure, etc. .
  • 52.33 - "Retail sale of cosmetics and perfumery products" and 52.13 - "Other retail in non-specialized stores”, if the hairdresser plans to sell cosmetic products, skin and hair care products.
  • 85.14 - “Other health protection activities” and 93.04 - “Physical and recreational activities” - are suitable for business expansion and include activities to improve the physical condition of a person and ensure comfort (tanning salons, baths, saunas, weight loss and weight loss procedures , massage rooms etc.)

Features of taxation

It is worth noting the changes in tax legislation that entered into force on January 1, 2013 and related to the provision of hairdressing services to the population by individual entrepreneurs. From this date, they can voluntarily apply one of the following taxation systems: UTII, simplified tax system, and also switch to the PSN patent system (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 01.25.13 No. 03-11-11 / 31).

In general, hairdressing salons benefit from taxation in UTII form. However, if the estimated annual income is more than 900,000 rubles per year, it is more expedient to purchase a patent, the cost of which is calculated by the formula: Estimated annual income from a hairdresser * 6%.

Thus, for Moscow, the cost of an annual patent for hairdressing services will be equal to 54,000 rubles (Law of the City of Moscow of October 31, 2012 N 53 “On the Patent Taxation System”).

It should be noted that the PSN can be used exclusively by individual entrepreneurs, while the average number of employees in tax period should not exceed 15 people.

Required Permissions

A hairdressing license is not required to operate. However, you will need a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for public utilities.

  • According to the current legislation (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 16, 2009 N 584), before the start of the hairdressing activity, it is necessary to submit a notification of the beginning entrepreneurial activity in Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Equipment, premises, conditions of the hairdressing salon must comply with the requirements of SanPiN This is also monitored by Rospotrebnadzor.
  • The premises of the hairdresser must meet all established standards fire supervision.
  • Hairdressers must have medical books.

It is also worth noting that it is advisable for the owners of a new hairdresser to undergo a procedure voluntary certification which will confirm the safety of the services provided, their compliance with all norms and standards.

Requirements for a barbershop

The choice of the location of the institution must be approached very thoroughly, because it directly depends on how much income the hairdresser brings. The best place to open an economy class establishment is sleeping areas. When choosing a room, you should pay attention to the availability of utilities and electrical networks, for its compliance with the requirements of fire supervision and SES.

The footage of the room is selected at the rate of 6-7 m2 per workplace. In addition, it is worth providing a waiting area, a bathroom and a small area for staff. Thus, 40 sq.m. will be enough to accommodate an economy class hairdresser. - an area comparable to the size one-room apartment. However, it should be taken into account that in residential apartments it is impossible to place a hairdressing salon, except in cases of transferring them to a non-residential fund.

By creating technological project it is worth calculating and planning all the necessary zones. Based on it, a project is formed engineering communications(electricity, water, sewerage, ventilation). And, in conclusion, they draw up a design project.

As a rule, the selected premises will have to be renovated. However, care must be taken in choosing construction company and pay close attention to the clauses of the contract for the implementation of repair work.

Required equipment

Equipment for a small hairdressing salon does not require very much, but do not forget - it must be of high quality. You should choose professional equipment designed for salons: household equipment will fail, because it is not designed for significant loads.

For work you will need:

  • Equipment and appliances: hair dryers, dryers, clippers, chairs with hydraulic mechanism (according to the number of jobs), one sink equipped with a chair.
  • Tools: combs, scissors, clips, curlers, razors.
  • Interior items and furniture: cabinets, bedside tables, mirrors, sofa, Coffee table, armchairs or several chairs for the waiting area, a hanger, a table for a computer.
  • Textile products - towels, capes, napkins, uniforms or overalls.
  • Cosmetics and consumables.
  • A computer.

We can help you choose hairdressing equipment specialized companies providing services of a complete set of salons. In addition, there are quite a few online stores where you can independently choose everything you need for your hairdressing salon - from equipment and furniture to professional cosmetics.

Check out the suppliers of equipment for beauty salons and hairdressing salons.

How much does the organization of one workplace cost?

Let's calculate the cost of a hairdresser's workplace using the example of a popular equipment supplier Image Inventor LLC:

Name Qty. Price
Sink "LENA" Frame: metal. Overall dimensions (LxWxH, mm): 1200x730x940 1 11895 rub.
Trolley 07-VIP67 Overall dimensions (LxWxH, mm): 370x310x860. 1 3100 rub.
Hairdressing chair "Alex" pneumatic Overall dimensions (LxW, mm): 600x580. lifting mechanism: pneumatic. Base: five-arm chrome. 1 5700 rub.
Dressing table "Sapphire" Overall dimensions (HxWxD): 1740x660x300 mm. 1 3050 rub.
hairdressing tools 1 8000 rub.
Total: 31745 rubles

If we add related hairdressing products to this list, such as bowls, brushes, gloves, curlers, clips, brushes, rubber bands, etc., it turns out that the minimum cost of equipment for one hairdressing place is about 40,000 rubles.

Consumables (paints, shampoos, balms, etc.) are bought, as a rule, for 3 months of use. These costs are estimated at about 20,000 rubles.

In total, investments of about 60,000 rubles are required for the equipment of one workplace.

Personnel Requirements

For an economy class hairdresser you will need:

  1. administrator,
  2. 3-4 masters working on a floating schedule,
  3. accountant (part-time or outsourced).

A universal way to find good master does not exist. You can prefer young professionals or opt for more experienced ones, while it should be borne in mind that the latter will most likely cost more. You can search for employees by ads, via the Internet and by recommendations. Of course, a good choice of specialists is an important component in deciding how to attract clients.

The salary of a master hairdresser is usually set at the rate of 20-40% of the proceeds. Must be formalized with employees labor Relations and remember that all those working in the hairdresser must have sanitary books.

It is also worth considering next feature business: regular customers, as a rule, want to be served by a certain master, therefore, in the event of a specialist being fired, the salon is likely to lose its clients as well.

Franchise on the subject:"The strands are in order" public hairdressing salon, investment 0.5 million rubles, payback 7 months.


Today, most people are firmly convinced that opening their own hairdressing salon is a complex and time-consuming task, which is almost impossible to complete.

However, this is not at all the case, you just need to competently approach the solution of this problem. Any business assumes that for proper organization words: “I want to open my own hairdresser” are very few, you definitely need to have at least small plan actions with an end result.

To do this, you need to draw up a business plan, which will become the most important assistant during the opening. Such a project includes several basic steps, the implementation of which is necessary for work. The step-by-step instructions in this article will help you properly organize the entire process of work.

Choosing a business format

IN modern world There are several main categories in which it is worth carrying out activities:

  1. Economy class hairdressing salon;
  2. Hairdressing salon for children;
  3. Large beauty salon.

In addition to these, there are other types of hairdressing establishments, for example, a salon for men, or a mini-hairdresser, to open which you do not need to have a lot of capital, but their level of profitability is lower.

Small Economy Barbershop

Such institutions are the most common, as they offer the most popular and sought-after services at affordable prices.

Arranging them is not a big deal. Space for this is provided not large sizes, and the services offered do not require special equipment and devices.

For children

The hairdresser for children will be able to bring good profit, but for this you need to properly treat its organization. This place will require a large room, equipped with all the requirements and standards. Much attention should be paid even to the interior design, as this will also play a big role.

The list of services here is also not extensive, and is limited to those that are in demand and popular. A children's hairdresser may be located near schools or kindergartens. Even the sleeping areas of the city are quite suitable for this.

Beauty saloon

The beauty salon is a completely different level, with the right approach to which you can bring the institution to significant level. The list of its services will be expanded, since in addition to haircuts and coloring, there will be a solarium, massage and SPA.

The exterior and interior design is also different from previous places. However, this option is better to use only in some cases. Firstly, if you are one hundred percent sure that you will be able to immediately open a salon. Secondly, if you have a successful network of hairdressers and you want to rise to a new, higher level.

Room search

The performance of the institution will be largely determined by its location.

In the mall

The most popular place to open today is a shopping center.

It has several benefits:

  • He is visited a large number of a person with different incomes, so you can open hairdressers of any type in it;
  • Shopping centers are located near bus stops, metro stations, etc., so getting to them will not be difficult;
  • It is much better and more interesting to carry out promotions and marketing moves in the shopping center, as this instantly attracts a huge number of people;

In a private house

Another great option would be private house or big flat. This place is most suitable for opening a beauty salon, as it will require a large area.

It should be borne in mind that people should get to these places quickly and easily. A house located on the outskirts of the city will not work in any way; the premises for the salon should be located in the city center or near areas with high business activity.

In a small town or village

With megacities, everything is clear, but how, then, to be in small town or village? Here it is necessary to act differently. It is clear that it is worth opening only an economy class hairdressing salon here, which does not require a large space.

When looking for a location, in any case, it should be borne in mind that the hairdresser should be located on the ground floor of any building. There must be showcases or large windows, a central entrance.

How to start opening a barbershop?

Before opening a hairdressing salon on your own and dealing with its equipment, you should think about the legal side of this issue.

Legal requirements

Following the requirements of the law, you will need to present title documents, namely:

  • Papers evidencing registration (for example, a charter or document of ownership);
  • Lease or purchase agreement.


Permits should include the conclusion of the SES, for which you will need to present:

  • Range of services and goods;
  • documentation for the premises;
  • paper for sterilizers and laundry;
  • agreement on the ventilation system;
  • health passport.

hairdressing business besides SES permits requires the following documents:

  • conclusion issued by the fire inspection;
  • free activity permit;
  • trade permit;
  • conclusion from the JU, indicating that there is Maintenance premises;
  • personnel documentation;
  • certificates;
  • business registration.

The procedure for the certification process, as well as the main provisions regarding this, are indicated in a special document called "Rules for the certification of hairdressing services." Following all the principles specified in it, it is necessary to certify only those services that are related to hair care, any cosmetology services, massage work, pedicure and manicure.

Certification will be obtained by adding together several points:

  1. Personnel qualification assessment.
  2. Commission of the place intended for work.
  3. Checking the tools and devices necessary for the provision of the service.

The procedure is carried out by a certification body specially accredited for issuing certificates to hairdressers. The role of the Central Authority of the Certification System (CSO) is performed by the Moscow State University service (MGUS).

Business registration

Business registration deserves special attention. When choosing it, it is worth considering many nuances, since each form of registration has its pros and cons. The fate of the entire enterprise will depend on this choice in the future.


An individual entrepreneur or individual entrepreneur is one of the most common forms of registration own business. Under this option, the owner is usually registered as a natural person.

The main advantages of this form are simplified accounting, as well as a simple taxation system.

Hairdressing salon for two: LLC and PE

The situation is quite different with such forms as LLC and PE. They practically do not differ from each other. They have the same management financial statements and the method of taxation.

At the same time, the enterprise, that is, the hairdresser, will be registered as a legal entity, and have all the powers of this status. It is worth noting that in this case there may be several owners who jointly manage the business, but the profits are divided accordingly.

First steps


Many are concerned about the question of what needs to be done after registering a business? The first steps in opening a hairdressing salon is the selection of personnel. This important aspect, since the success of the institution will largely depend on it.

As a rule, a beauty salon will require at least 20 people workers, for economy class about 10 people, and for a children's institution approximately 15 people.

The following vacancies must be filled:

  • barbershop manager who can combine this position with the work of an accountant. It should be the purchase of equipment, materials, inventory, necessary items, etc. In another way, it is an organizer, one of whose tasks is to maintain financial records;
  • universal hairdresser– 3-4 people;
  • cosmetologist, make-up artist-1 person;
  • manicure and pedicure master
  • massage therapist, spa therapist(if necessary) - 1 person;
  • cleaning woman(its functions can be transferred to hairdressers for an additional fee).

There are several options for finding employees for work. The first is to apply to specialized schools or courses for the training of hairdressers. Surely, most students will agree to get a job with you, and you will know for sure that you have hired a capable person.

But for beginners, it would be wise to set a trial period.

The second option is to "poach" workers from competitive establishments. However, this will require offering them a salary significantly higher than what they received before.

Approximate wages in this area are as follows:

  • The hairdresser - 30% from the amount of services rendered.
  • Mani Pedi - 50% from revenue.

Purchase of equipment

Another important issue is the purchase of equipment. It is difficult to calculate what and how much will be required, but at the time of opening the salon, everything must be fully prepared.

Equipment Quantity Price
Cash register 1 PC. 6.000 rub.
Washing 2 pcs. 12.000 rub.
Sushuar 2 pcs. 10.000 rub.
Workplace for a hairdresser 3 pcs. 10.0000 rub.
Trolleys for items and inventory in the hairdresser's office 3 pcs. 5.000 rub.
Chairs in the hall 6 pcs. 7.000 rub.
Stand for nail work (pedicure) 1 PC. 1.000 rub.
Stand for working with nails (manicure) 1 PC. 1.000 rub.
Clothes hangers and racks 1 PC. 2.000 rub.
Small bathtub 1 PC. 4.000 rub.
Inventory sterilizer 1 PC. 5.000 rub.
Electric tongs 2 pcs. 7.000 rub.
hair dryer 4 things. 15.000 rub.
Small consumables and tools 15.0000 rub.
Small tools for manicure and pedicure 12.000 rub.
Inventory for cleaning the premises 15.000 rub.
microcide 1 PC. 7.000 rub.
Administrator's place 1 PC. 5.000 rub.
Haircut tools 3 pcs. 9.000 rub.

Business plan

A business plan will help in deciding how to open your own hairdresser. It contains and considers all the main aspects of this topic and suggests ways to solve them.

Price list for services

The approximate price list of a budget barbershop is as follows:

  • haircut and coloring 700 rub.;
  • manicure or pedicure - 400 rub.;
  • makeup artist services (depending on the complexity of the work) – 1000 rub.;
  • massage, spa services (subject to availability) – from 2000 rub.

The cost of the services of a newly opened barbershop should be lower. This will help not only attract customers, but also stand out from competitors. It is worth carefully studying the prices of rivals, and then set them in your own institution. You will need to lower prices a little, and then you can expect the first visitors to come to you.

A large underpricing is fraught with financial problems.

How much does it cost to open?

It is impossible to say exactly how much the opening will cost.

However, you will have to spend money on:

  • equipment and inventory;
  • rental of premises;
  • signboard;
  • staff salaries;
  • taxes;
  • garbage collection and maintenance.

To open a medium-level barbershop and maintain its stable condition for two years, an amount of funds of 2,000,000 rubles will be required. These costs will pay off in a short time.

Profit calculation

The profit calculation is based on the fact that each master should bring about 500 USD per month. All of them are paid current expenses and as a result, the owner of a hairdressing salon from the third month can fully count on 1000 USD net income.

Video about the opening of a barbershop

Development of your business

Customer acquisition

Attracting customers is a mandatory item in the preparation of any business plan. This can be done in several ways. For example, a bright and memorable sign. It should indicate not only the name of the institution, but also briefly reflect the main advantages.

Secondly, you can attract customers and interior design halls. Much attention should be paid to advertising in in social networks, on television and banners.

An excellent option would be to distribute leaflets on the streets of the city or in shopping centers. It won't hurt your pocket too much about 3000 rub. for 1000 pieces), but it attracts customers well. It is worth constantly organizing promotions and discounts, then people will definitely visit your beauty salon.


A small barbershop has excellent prospects for its development. It is recommended to start with a small institution, and then move to a higher level. A beginner in this business has many problems that he must solve competently and skillfully. Only after solving all the troubles with small hairdressers, you can proceed to the opening of a network or a beauty salon.

For example, the presence or absence of a suitable area for expansion can be a serious obstacle. Great if there is an opportunity to expand the premises due to adjacent objects, or to complete a new one. It is not worth moving your business to another place - these are new costs for attracting a client. Since the funds allow, it is better to open another one of the same institution.

So you become a “networker” and can count on significant concessions from all sorts of inspections, as well as suppliers of equipment and materials.

Those who have managed to open and develop their own business advise newcomers to have additional financial resources for special occasions. Each of them says that they had to say goodbye to something: an apartment, a car or a dacha, but with the money they received, they managed to solve all the problems that arose along the way.

Experienced hairdresser owners say that the competition has always been high, and it is very difficult to maintain one's position. You need to constantly engage in attracting customers, and do it in a variety of ways. The one who shows more ingenuity and zeal wins.

Another piece of advice pertains to specialization: don't chase after a wide range of services. In limited spaces, this is difficult, which means that the quality of service decreases. This, in turn, will turn customers away. As a result, profits are reduced, the image of the company deteriorates.

Is it profitable?

Opening a barbershop is considered profitable business. Firstly, its arrangement will not require a huge amount of funds, which may not even be given in the bank (if your plans do not include opening a whole network of beauty salons).

Secondly, payback in a short period of time. A hairdressing salon from the very first days of its existence, with proper marketing preparation, will be able to bring good income, and profit from the second month.

It is quite reasonable to conclude that opening a hairdressing salon is not an easy task, but it is quite possible to accomplish it. This will require strength, nerves and, of course, start-up capital. Own barbershop is profitable business, which will pay off in 1.5 years maximum. Now you know what it takes to open a private barbershop. Good luck!

Owning a barbershop is the kind of business that can survive the tide of any crisis. To open such a business does not require particularly impressive investment investments and he is not afraid of potential competitors. The hairdressing business does not need a license, as well as many permits. If you are thinking about investing money, then it's time to learn how to open a barbershop from scratch. And also about how much it costs to open your own small hairdressing business.

  • Institution format
  • How to start opening a barbershop?
  • Registering a business
  • Permits
  • Choose a place
  • What hairdressing equipment to choose?
  • Salaried workers
  • How much does it cost to open a barbershop?
  • How much can you earn
  • Which OKVED to indicate during registration
  • What documents are needed to open
  • Which taxation system to choose
  • Do I need permission to start a business
  • Economy class barbershop technology

An undeniable advantage of this type of business is that an economy class hairdresser can be located almost anywhere. But the client base will still grow inexorably. In addition, it quickly pays for itself.

Institution format

Before opening a business, it is worth deciding on the format of the future hairdressing salon. What will it be? A small establishment belonging to the economy class, where the population will be provided with hairdresser services at quite budget prices. A couple of masters work here, and such mini-hairdressers are located in sleeping areas.

The hairdressing salon provides for a wider range of services offered. As an additional service, cosmetic procedures are provided, as well as manicurist services. The price level in these establishments is already much higher, which means that opening such a business will be much more expensive.

An elite hairdressing salon stands out for its first-class service. The staff should be selected very carefully, the presence of masters with a high level of qualification is a must. The central streets of the city become the location of such hairdressing salons.

  • Project Description
  • Recruitment
  • Description of products and services
  • marketing plan
  • Financial plan
  • Where to begin
  • What documents are needed
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We bring to your attention a typical business plan (feasibility study) for opening a hairdressing salon. This business plan can serve as an example for obtaining a loan from a bank, state support or attracting private investment. aim this project is the opening of an economy class hairdressing salon in the city of N with a population of 400 thousand people. The main activity of the organization will be the provision of hairdressing services to the population of the city with an average and lower average income.

An example of drawing up a business plan for opening a hairdressing salon in order to attract credit funds.

Project Description

The purpose of this project is to open an economy class hairdressing salon in a city with a population of 400 thousand people. The main activity of the organization will be the provision of hairdressing services to the population of the city with an average and lower average income. In the future, it is planned to create a network of economy class hairdressing salons throughout the city.

How much money does it take to open a barbershop

To implement the project, it is planned to attract own funds in the amount of 92,000 rubles and borrowed funds(bank loan) in the amount of 300,000 rubles. The total cost of the project, according to the business plan, is 392,000 rubles.

Economic indicators of the project implementation:

  • Net profit per year = 436,845 rubles;
  • Profitability of a hairdressing salon = 14%;
  • Payback of the project = 11 months.

What OKVED code to indicate when registering a hairdresser

The organizational and legal form of a hairdressing salon will be individual entrepreneurship. OKVED code: "93.02 Provision of services by hairdressers and beauty salons." As tax systems a simplified taxation system will be applied, 6% of revenue.

The initiator of the project has more than 7 years of experience in this field (master of a hairdressing salon).

Currently, practical activities have begun to implement the project:

  1. Registered individual entrepreneurship in the IFTS;
  2. A preliminary lease agreement for premises in a shopping center with an area of ​​54m2 was concluded, the cost of rent per month is 45,900 rubles (850 rubles / m2.);
  3. The interior design of the premises is being worked out. An experienced designer is working on the project;
  4. There is a preliminary agreement with the supplier of equipment for the hairdressing salon. A list has been worked out necessary equipment for organizing an economy class hairdressing salon.


The staff of the organization will consist of 6 people: the salon administrator and five professional masters.

Description of products and services

Our barbershop will be designed for people with an average and lower average income. Therefore, the prices of our salon will be significantly lower than the average price level of other hairdressing salons in our city.

The main focus will be on the number of visitors per day, with enough high quality client service. It is assumed that about 30 services will be provided per day.

The main services that the hairdresser will provide include:

  1. Hair cut, blow dry and shampoo. Average check - 150 rubles;
  2. Styling (everyday, wedding, solemn, etc.). Average check - 120 rubles;
  3. Highlighting. Average check - 400 rubles;
  4. Evening hairstyle. Average check - 500 rubles;
  5. Perm and hair straightening. Average check - 500 rubles;
  6. Hair coloring. The average check is 700 rubles.

Total average check for services will be 395 rubles.

In our salon, all conditions for the client will be created: a pleasant atmosphere, professional craftsmen and a wide range of services at affordable prices.

Planned working hours: from 10:00 to 19:00. Three masters will work in each shift (we recommend reading the article " How to hire an employee step-by-step instruction ”), the work schedule of the masters 2/2.

marketing plan

We will be located in a busy part of the city, in close proximity to large office buildings. patency shopping center, where it is planned to open a hairdressing salon, is about 3,500 people a day. The hairdressing salon will be located on the first floor in the line of sight for every visitor to the shopping center.

The main competitors of our organization are other salons that operate in our city. There are two main competitors that work in close proximity to our salon. Let us carry out a comparative analysis of the strengths and weaknesses competitor data:

The following activities are planned to attract regular customers:

  1. Advertising in media mass media(newspaper, magazines, TV, radio);
  2. Banners, banners, billboards;
  3. Distribution of leaflets, flyers, posting ads.

It is assumed that after carrying out all marketing activities to attract customers, the average attendance of the institution will be about 25 people per day, which in total will be provided with about 30 services.

How much can you earn by opening a barbershop

As indicated in the section describing the services of a hairdressing salon, the average revenue per day will be: 395 rubles. (average check) * 30 services = 11,850 rubles, respectively, the monthly revenue will be 355,500. It is assumed that 40% of the proceeds will be paid to the craftsmen.

Wherein the average size monthly income will decrease during the summer holidays and during new year holidays. Low revenue figures will be at the start of the business. The barbershop will reach the planned revenue indicators only on the 4th month of operation.

The total revenue for the year of work will be 3,643,900 rubles.

What equipment to choose for a beauty salon

For accessories and consumables can be attributed disposable tableware, cosmetic products, hairdressing carts, accessories (scissors, cars, hair dryers), etc. It is assumed that on optional equipment about 70 thousand rubles will be spent.

The salon premises will comply with all SES standards and fire safety. Yes, in line with sanitary standards the area of ​​the room for one hairdresser must be at least 8 m2.

The total wage fund per month will be 136,463 rubles.

The services of an accountant and a cleaner will be contracted paid provision services. Monthly expenses for these services will be about 11,000 rubles.

Financial plan

The monthly expenses of the organization are presented in the following table:

Total fixed costs will amount to 257,301 rubles per month.

The structure of annual costs is presented in the form of a diagram:

The main costs of the hairdressing salon will be the cost of paying wages employees - 53% of total expenses, rent - 18%, as well as for the payment of insurance contributions to off-budget funds for employees - 16% of total costs organizations.

Payment economic indicators presented in the table - the forecast of income and expenses of a hairdressing salon:

The net profit of the barbershop at the end of the year will be 436,845 rubles. The profitability of a hairdressing salon, according to business plan calculations, is 14%. With such indicators, the project will pay off in 11 months.

This is a complete finished project which you will not find in the public domain. The content of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of the project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions
