How to grind walls for wiring with a grinder. Tips from professional craftsmen on the rules for chasing walls for wiring with your own hands

Today you will learn how to properly ditch the walls in the house for wiring.

You ask: why is this necessary? Everything is simple.

Imagine you are doing a major overhaul in the apartment and want to demolish part of the wall or make an arch, or even just, let's say, move the outlet.

Yes, of course, you can not ditch the walls, but take the wiring out and put the wires in special tubes. But the question is, is it safe? Of course not.

Much more convenient and safe when hidden and protected by walls.

Do not be afraid of this type of repair, we will show and tell you how to do wall chasing for wiring with your own hands, using a video. And you will see for yourself that it is not as difficult and time-consuming as it might seem.

Some rules and restrictions when laying wiring

Before you start chasing the walls with your own hands, you need to think carefully and analyze absolutely everything, down to the smallest detail: the process, the plan, the tool that you will use, which method is suitable specifically for the walls of your apartment, what materials or tools you may additionally need during the repair process etc.

First of all, determine what kind of walls you have in your house.

In a panel house, one approach to the walls is needed, and in a house with brickwork, another. We will talk about these approaches a little later.

Second, make a plan. Draw it on paper, mark all outlets there (sockets, switches, connections to lamps, etc.).

Treat this work with all responsibility and seriousness. Write where and how many meters of wiring will be hidden, mark the height from the floor and from the ceiling.

You can learn about how such a plan should look like from the diagram below.

Thirdly, wall chasing for wiring requires the use of special tools.

And you need to choose one tool that is more convenient for you. You can also learn about which tool to choose from our article and the video attached to it.

In addition to all this, you should know in advance what constitutes wall chasing.

In principle, it is difficult to imagine incorrect gating, but there is a high probability that incorrect actions may entail unforeseen additional costs, waste of precious time and nerves.

But we really don’t want this, so here are a few rules that are better to follow when you do wiring chasing:

  • Chasing for wiring is always done only parallel to the main structural elements of the building, that is, vertically or horizontally. Maximum - it is allowed to tilt the wiring when laying it in the attic due to its initially inclined walls;
  • It is not allowed to create horizontal furrows in load-bearing walls. This rule must be observed especially strictly in a panel house. Because all the walls in a panel house, as a rule, are load-bearing;
  • It is imperative to make horizontal furrows at a distance of no more than 140 - 150 mm from the ceiling;
  • The width and depth of the strobe (the furrow is also called differently) should be no more than 20–25 mm. As for the length, there are also limitations here. It is correct to make one furrow no longer than 3 meters, otherwise the wiring will not be well fixed in it and may sag;
  • The vertical furrow should be at a sufficient distance from door and window openings (approximately 100–150 mm), as well as from gas pipes (more than 400 mm), since it is not safe to conduct wiring too close to the listed elements, especially for gas pipes.

And it will be very difficult to use the tool next to them.

Gating methods and tools

We have already told you that wall chasing can be done in different ways (each of which, by the way, determines the tool).

We will tell you about the main ones, as well as show everything in the video that you can find below.

So, the following tools can be used to create furrows for wiring.

wall chaser

This tool is specially designed for chasing walls, floors and ceilings. The tool is used by professional workers at the construction sites of monolithic houses.

The wall chaser, as a rule, has two discs for a concrete wall and allows its user to independently determine and adjust the depth and width of the furrow.

In addition, a special vacuum cleaner can be connected to this device, which completely eliminates dust. They cut perfectly straight lines. Convenient, isn't it?

But such a device is very expensive.

Ordinary people usually do not buy it on purpose, but no one prevents you from renting such an instrument.

And then you do not have to suffer and manually drill, cut or cut furrows. And after gating, you will get smooth and beautiful grooves.

A smart tool will do everything for you according to the specified parameters without dust and unnecessary hassle.


It is also not very troublesome to punch with a puncher, especially if you know a few tricks.

And the whole process looks something like this:

  • you pre-draw lines on the wall with a pencil or even a marker in the place where the wiring should be;
  • drill holes along this line (it is correct to make each hole at a distance of about 10-15 mm from each other);
  • after that, change the drill to a pike and start the chiseling mode in the puncher;
  • gouge furrows between these holes in the wall.

The main disadvantage of gating with a puncher is noise. And this work is not for 5 minutes. Neighbors are unlikely to thank you later, but the method, in general, is very effective.

The video below shows how to ditch the walls with a puncher.

Alternatively, you can agree in advance with your neighbors that you will carry out this kind of work and use this tool. Warn them to avoid conflicts and complaints.

In monolithic apartment buildings of this kind, work is always associated with inconvenience, be polite and accurate.


Getting started with a grinder is the same as with a puncher: draw lines on the wall. Yes, and the process itself is similar, except that we do not drill holes and use a grinder with a diamond disk tip for this.

Instead of holes, we make two recesses parallel to each other (the distance between them can be made about 2 cm), and then we change our tip to another with a hammer and get rid of the concrete remaining between the recesses.

So we get a full-fledged and fairly even groove, in which you can easily lay the wires, and then also easily cover them up.

Among the disadvantages of this method can be called noise and the presence of dust.

During operation, you should wear special goggles or even a mask to protect your eyes from dust and pieces of concrete that can fly out from under the grinder disk.

Work gloves must be worn on hands.

Hammer and chisel

The classic, old-fashioned way, in which wall chasing for wiring will be a long, but safe type of work compared to all the previous ones.

Usually they are used when you need to make small grooves. But using this method on walls with brickwork or concrete walls (for example, in a panel house) is very, very difficult and unprofitable.

After such chasing, you will get uneven furrows, and you will spend a lot of time on them.

Installation of wires in strobes

There are two main ways of laying strobe wires. The first is laying cable channels.

That is, first, special pipes for wires are laid in the strobe, and only then the wires themselves are laid in them (in the tubes). The method is quite complicated and laborious.

To tighten the wires into such a tube, you must use a special wire. You can, of course, lay the wires in a strobe without a pipe. This is the second way.

Then the grooves are then (after laying the wires) fixed and covered with plaster or putty. The socket is recommended to be installed in a special box.

Tricky ways to get rid of dust

First, you need to use a wall chaser, not a puncher. Remember, we already said: he has a special vacuum cleaner.

One of the most common ways to install electrical wiring is hidden. This is when wires and cables are laid in grooves made in the wall, floor. The process of making grooves is called chasing, and these grooves are called "strobe" or "shrub". How to do wall chasing for wiring, according to what rules, what tool to use, and we'll talk further.

Gating rules

Laying wiring in a strobe refers to a closed installation method. The remaining hole is then sealed flush with the wall, after which finishing materials are applied. That is, then it is difficult to determine exactly where the wiring goes. From an aesthetic point of view, this is good, but from a practical point of view, it brings obvious inconveniences: when working on drilling holes in the walls, you have to take into account that there is wiring somewhere. You can find it with the help of special ones, but the gasket itself must be predictable. To do this, we have developed a number of rules that must be followed in apartments and houses:

These are the general rules that relate to wall chasing for wiring.

Chasing tool and technique

There is an old-fashioned method - a chisel and a hammer, which does not require electricity, but takes a lot of time and effort. By hitting the chisel, its tip is driven into the wall, picking off some of the material. The process is then repeated many times. The speed of laying the strobe in this way is very low. It can be more or less successfully used for shaving plaster. With any other materials there will be big problems.

Work faster with power tools:

These are all the methods that are used for chasing walls for wiring in concrete or brick walls. If it is necessary to make grooves in wood or foam concrete, there are certain differences.

How to make strobes in wood

In principle, you can work with all the tools described above, except for a puncher. The main difference is that chisels are used instead of chisels, but the very essence of the work remains the same. First, two parallel cuts are made, and the wood between them is removed with a chisel. But besides these tools, there are a few more specific ones:

So there are more opportunities for chasing in wood. In this case, if there is one of these tools, it is better to work with it - they are designed for wood and are most convenient.

How to make grooves for wiring in aerated concrete

When laying walls made of aerated concrete or foam concrete, they have to be reinforced. The reinforcement is placed in cut grooves - strobes. To do this, there is a special shtrobroez for aerated concrete. This is a metal pipe with a handle and a protrusion at the other end.

The process is very simple - you need to pull the tool, pressing it to the surface. Foam aerated concrete is easy to process, so there are no difficulties. You can, of course, use a circular or angle grinder, but at the same time there will be many times more dust, which is not pleasing in the room.

Chasing brick walls

If we are talking about laying wiring in a house where finishing work has not yet been carried out, then usually a strobe is not made on brick walls. A flat cable with conductors of the desired section is fixed over the wall, which is then covered with plaster. Usually it has a thickness of at least 3 cm, which is more than enough for laying 3 * 2.5 or 3 * 4 cables. The big ones are rarely used anyway.

If, for some reason, this option does not suit you, or you want to lay cables in a corrugated hose, the wall chasing for wiring occurs in exactly the same way and with the same tools as for concrete. The only difference is that the brick is cut easier and faster.

Is it possible to ditch load-bearing walls

In theory, when repairing electrical wiring in an apartment, it is necessary to order a project. When developing it, the presence and location of load-bearing walls, and the possibility of laying shtrabs in them, are taken into account. As a result, a plan is issued, which indicates exactly where and what needs to be laid, how wide and how deep each groove should be. It remains only to do everything exactly.

If you are concerned about damaging the load-bearing walls during work, apply for a permit with the CC. They should pick up the paperwork and see how big the margin of safety is in your home. Most likely, permission will be given.

But so few people do. Basically, they draw a plan (if they draw), then they transfer it to the walls, and work begins. If the chasing of the walls for wiring is carried out in this order, grooves of more than 20 mm in depth and width are not made in the load-bearing walls and they simply hope that nothing will be damaged.

Chasing walls for wiring: order and safety

Since the wiring must be carried out according to certain rules (described above), it is first worth drawing a plan, considering the placement of all sockets and switches. It is advisable to draw a plan on a scale, you can do it in special ones, or you can do it on paper. Then points are transferred to the walls where sockets, switches, chandeliers, sconces, junction boxes are installed. After that, they are connected into a single system by a system of lines, along which strobes are then laid. After that, using the help, check whether there is already existing wiring under the laid routes (if you are doing repairs), make adjustments if necessary. Only after this, the wall chasing for wiring actually begins.

First, you can use a drill and a special nozzle - crowns of a suitable diameter - to drill holes for the installation of sub-sockets and mounting boxes. Then you can start shredding.

But it is worth remembering that making grooves for wiring in walls made of brick, concrete, wood is a dusty and noisy business. Therefore, it is necessary to work during the hours allotted for noisy work - during the day, on weekdays, with a break for lunch - small children can rest.

Before starting work in a particular room, it is advisable to hang the entrance with a wet cloth - dust will fly less. You need to work in a respirator and goggles, or better, put on a protective shield that will cover your entire face (but do not refuse a respirator). It is also worth putting on tight clothes that cover your arms and legs - when working, particles of the material of the walls fly off, and the smallest ones quite noticeably cut the skin, and the eyes can be seriously damaged.

These are the basic safety rules when chasing walls for wiring, but do not forget about the rules for working with power tools, especially such as angle grinders and hand-held circular saws.

Another tip: after you have wired, carefully measure all the distances and plot them on the plan. It will come in handy during repairs or if you need to nail / hang something in places where wiring can pass.

For those who started repairs and want to quickly tie up with repair work and dust, it is better to resort to the help of specialists. It is they who will quickly and efficiently make wall chasing for wiring.

Chasing walls for wiring - how to cope with minimal costs

For your wallet, wall chasing for electrical wiring, of course, will not go unnoticed, but if you find out all the nuances now, you can save both on materials and on consultations of expensive specialists. Chasing under electrical wiring is a “dreary” process, but necessary. If you do not want to spoil the apartment with wires crawling through the entire wall (albeit through special channels with strict directions), then you will have to resort to the help of closed electrical wiring common in the repair business. It also helps to hide the wires under the plaster. Not everyone knows how to properly drill a wall for wiring. We will dwell in more detail on this not particularly entertaining, but necessary repair process.

As soon as the internal work on the house begins (which has just been built, having finished with the walls and roof), the need for electrical wiring is brewing.

How to ditch the walls for wiring - not every owner of a new apartment will give a sane answer to this question. And this means that you either need to stock up on literature and improve your level of education, or simply hire a specialist. Gating, whether you like it or not, will still become an integral part of your labor-intensive repair. Of course, you can put sockets on the surface (in an open way) - you will say, but you will agree that it will be much better and more beautiful if you still hide the wires out of sight altogether. So, you are ready to do the dusty work and lay new paths for a lot of wires. But first, decide where such electrical appliances will be installed and operated. Pay special attention to those that are powerful consumers of electricity - your favorite TV, a washing machine that works from morning to evening, the most important electrical appliance in the house - a refrigerator or a music center hated by neighbors. So that when you connect, everything does not burn out at once.

It is desirable to approach the elaboration of the scheme in a comprehensive manner, so that the electricians approve it, and the neighbors do not call the firefighters, and it would be safe and calm for oneself. The width and depth of the recesses for the cable are different - also discuss this issue with a specialist. It matters not only where powerful electrical equipment will be located, but also lamps, sockets and switches. Although, with regard to sockets and switches, they are usually installed in certain places (in the bathroom further from the shower and taps, in rooms near the doors, in the kitchen - at the level of the countertop. An experienced electrician will advise you at this stage to "visually" determine the places cable passage - draw lines with a pencil directly on the walls.

A strobe for wiring, or how to make grooves in the wall

Let's say right away - it's hard to ditch the walls for wiring. This time-consuming and rather dusty process will require you to make a lot of strobes (furrows) in your walls, which will be different both in depth and width. You will also need a tool that will not smash the walls to smithereens, but will carefully make special trenches. For this process, a puncher, a grinder can fit. So the puncher first helps to drill a hole along the entire length (furrows), then the drill itself (drill) must be changed to a special blade and hollow out the desired groove. But the grinder helps with the help of a diamond disc to cut small channels, and already to finish the work with a perforator.

But, as experts warn, prepare in advance for a large amount of dust that will invariably appear when using a grinder. For this period, it is advisable to remove the furniture from this room altogether, or at least cover it with a construction film. The method of working with a wall chaser is not particularly different from the chasing with a grinder. Although the price will be a little higher (diamond discs are still expensive, and vacuum cleaner bags will have to be changed often). If you already see that you can’t cope with such a painstaking task, it’s better to shift this laborious and rather hard work to specialists. After all, you will need both to make physical efforts and to find an expensive power tool for these works. Yes, and one more feature of this process - before strobing, it’s better to find a common language with your neighbors and make you believe that the noise in the apartment is a temporary phenomenon (so that later you don’t write an explanatory letter on the complaint in the law enforcement office why you violated the silence regime).

If you stopped working with a wall chaser, then your furrows for laying cables in the wall will turn out to be even and the right size. In addition, spend several times less time on such work (compared to a grinder). It is possible to carry out chasing both concrete and brick and gypsum walls (usually in a couple of days they manage to change the wiring and install switches, sockets and all wires). If you still decide to meet in one day, please note that such work cannot be carried out at night due to the lack of sound insulation. And this means that you run the risk of stumbling into misunderstanding even from previously patient neighbors. And do not forget, when carrying out complex electrical installation work, immediately mount the switchboard equipment, and only then carry out.

Although you are not a master, but still listen to smart advice. Do not try to do everything quickly and in a couple of hours. It is better to measure seven times and cut once than vice versa - this is what folk wisdom says.

  • With a hidden form of laying (when the wires pass under a layer of plaster or in partitions up to 80 mm), the wires are laid parallel to the architectural and construction lines.
  • The distance of wires (horizontally laid) from floor slabs cannot be more than 150 mm.
  • In walls whose thickness is more than 8 cm, furrows for wiring can be drawn along the shortest path, and when working with a thin-walled interior partition, it is allowed to ditch, as we have already indicated, parallel to the construction lines, having a distance between horizontal routes and floor slabs of no more than 15 cm .
  • The wall chaser can make lines on the walls with two diamond discs at once (located one next to the other). It's fast and reliable.
  • Using a special technique (wall chaser), do not forget about the vacuum cleaner, which is necessary to collect dust. It is better if it is an industrial and powerful household appliance (such a vacuum cleaner does not overheat quickly and endure heavy loads).
  • To work with walls, it is necessary to choose a tool based on the density of the material that will have to be ditched.
  • Recesses in the wall are used not only for laying electrical wiring, but also for piping systems (the width can reach 5–10 cm).
  • Before starting gating (if this is an old apartment), take appropriate measures (surface sounding) to make sure that hidden obsolete wiring is not already available at this place of work.
  • Do not carry out the work yourself if you have a long-standing allergy to dust - neither a mask nor medications will help you save your respiratory tract from it.
  • When running channels under pipes (for further hiding pipes under a layer of plaster), it is better to check the walls by ringing. This will help to make sure whether or not there are hidden electrical wiring in your walls.
  • Keep in mind that the entire wiring replacement procedure is quite a serious undertaking and you will need experience, and even better the appropriate qualifications (so consider how much it will cost you to have the complex work done by professionals in exchange for quality assurance and reliability).

Now you know how to drill a wall for wiring. So - good luck!

It is unlikely that a major overhaul in the house can do without upgrading or completely replacing the electrical wiring. Very often, additional sockets or switches are required to connect household appliances or light sources, as well as other electrical devices.

In this case, it is better to disguise all the wires in the wall. But for this you need to know how to ditch the walls for laying electrical wiring with your own hands, without resorting to the help of professional electricians. At the same time, the main thing is to take into account all the features of the wiring of the house electrical network and the nuances of gating concrete, brick and other surfaces.

The main nuances of chasing walls for wiring

No need to grab right away hammer and chisel. First of all, you need to draw a detailed wiring drawing on a paper sheet and provide for where all the sockets, switches and lighting fixtures will be placed. You should also take into account the material used for the construction of the building, on which the method and tools for chasing walls for wiring will depend.

I would like to note that today there are SNiP regulated by documents rules for the distribution of electrical wires in the walls of buildings. At the same time, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with them before starting the arrangement of the strobe for wiring, since their non-compliance affects the safety of electrical work.

Following these rules, the wiring layout will be completed in accordance with all regulations and it will be possible to proceed to the direct chasing of the walls.

How to ditch the walls for wiring?

To date, there are different ways of doing chasing, depending on the tools used:

  • the cheapest, but at the same time a long and inconvenient way of chasing is performed with a chisel and a hammer;
  • a faster and more convenient option for cutting grooves for wiring - a hammer drill or impact drill;
  • the smoothest groove can be made using an electric grinder, but the use of such a tool leads to the formation of dust clouds in the room;
  • a wall chaser is the most convenient tool for cutting down a strobe with your own hands, but because of its cost, it has not found wide application among the average layman.

But regardless of the chosen method and tool for wall chasing, such works have the same course of action.

Chasing brick and concrete walls

With brick walls, usually there are no special problems with chasing. Bricklaying is carried out using a cement-sand mixture, which is easily knocked out with an ordinary hammer and chisel, after which an electric cable is laid in the groove formed. In this case, in the horizontal direction, everything will go like clockwork, since seam between bricks runs through the entire wall. In turn, in the vertical direction, you will have to break through bricks.

With a concrete wall, the situation is completely different. Such a surface is very durable, therefore, with the help of a chisel and a hammer, it will take a lot of time to lay even a short wire. Therefore, it is advisable to use other more efficient methods. Only a wall chaser will help to make strobes for electrical wiring in a short time and with virtually no dust. But due to the high price of such a device, only professional builders use it. Therefore, for domestic purposes, more common tools are used - a grinder or a puncher.

Wall preparation and marking

First you need to find out the presence or absence of hidden wires along the proposed route for laying the strobe. For this purpose, special devices are used, thanks to which it will not be difficult to determine the location of the electrical wire. This is done for safety reasons, so as not to get a power tool into a live wire.

Markings are applied to the wall surface along the strobe route, starting from the junction box towards the locations of sockets, switches and lamps. But before you start any work, you need to curtain the doorways with a damp cloth. This will prevent dust from scattering all over the back streets of the house.

Punching for wiring with a perforator

The perforator can be used to pierce both a brick and a concrete wall. To do this, you need special nozzles - wide drill and spatula. In turn, all work is reduced to the following actions:

Despite the fact that this method is very fast, the groove obtained in this case is not quite even and has torn edges.

We use a grinder for laying electrical wiring

With a grinder, you can easily perform gating for wiring both a brick and a concrete or plastered wall. But for this you need to purchase a special diamond coated disc. In this case, all work is performed in the following sequence:

  • grinder along the entire length of the strobes make two notches parallel to each other with the same depth and width parameters from 2 to 2.5 cm;
  • to remove the central part of the groove, use a perforator or a chisel with a hammer.

Thanks to this option, the groove is very even. However, the use of this power tool is accompanied by a large amount of dust. During operation, it appears so much that you have to use a vacuum cleaner. In this case, you will need an assistant holding the suction hose in the immediate vicinity of the cut.

Chasing walls with a wall chaser

A wall chaser can be compared with a grinder, only heavily modernized. Such a tool has two diamond-coated discs, the distance between which can be adjusted. cutting wheels closed with a special casing preventing direct contact with the wall.

Thanks to the adjustments provided for by the design of the wall chaser, it is possible to change not only the width of the intended gate, but also its depth. In addition, there is a special outlet on the casing for connecting a vacuum cleaner, which will suck up dust flying out from under the diamond discs.

It is with the help of a wall chaser that it is possible to lay electrical wiring in the wall as soon as possible, while all work will be carried out practically without dust. After the sides of the groove are cut, it remains to select the core of the strobe with a drill with a rebound function.

How to ditch walls for wiring with a chisel

The use of a chisel and a hammer is impractical if the wiring will be carried out in a concrete wall. If a brick wall is subject to gating, then all work come down to the following steps:

After the completion of the gating, the resulting grooves must be thoroughly cleaned of dust. Then the surface is opened with soil. After the primer dries, the wire is laid in the groove and sealed with plaster, gypsum or putty.

Only the right tool in accordance with the material of the wall in which it is necessary to make strobes for wiring, it will allow you to complete all work quickly and without dust. At the same time, modern tools allow you to carry out all the work on the wiring of house wiring with your own hands.

During the repair or during the construction of a new building, it is necessary to lay communications or change their location. Electrical wiring can be run along the walls from the outside, but this method is used very rarely. Unmasked wires spoil the overall look of the interior, and besides, they are very easy to hook or transfer. Needless to say, damaged wiring is not only unusable, but also creates a risk of fire.

That is why they often try to hide communications in the thickness of the walls, where they will not interfere and remain intact. To mask the wiring, the wall has to be ditched. And although this process is not so fast and easy, you can do the work yourself.

Shtroblenie: the main methods, pros and cons

The wall chaser is a tool designed specifically for gating walls

The method of wall chasing directly depends on the tool that will be used in the work. Let us consider in more detail what devices can be used to make furrows in the thickness of the walls:

  1. The puncher is used for chasing walls quite often. It allows you to do the work quickly, but the furrows when using such a tool are uneven. The perforator also beats off excess parts of concrete or brick, so you will have to spend more mortar and time to seal the strobe. In addition, the tool is noisy and needs to be connected to the power supply. However, when using such a device, relatively little dust is generated, and the process itself does not take much time.
  2. You can also make furrows in the walls with the help of a grinder. It is good because it allows you to cut even grooves exactly in those places that were previously marked on the surface. Between these edge lines, it will be necessary to make a groove for the wires, which means that other tools will have to be used along with the grinder, for example, a chisel or the same puncher. The minus of the grinder is also that diamond saws are needed for gating, which cost a lot of money. But the final result will be quite accurate.
  3. A wall chaser is a device designed specifically for making strobes in walls. The tool is equipped with two saws, which, during use, make two even parallel grooves in the wall. The wall chaser works quickly and accurately, but it is quite expensive. However, if you need such a device for a short time, you can rent it and save money.
  4. Chisel with a hammer - tools for laying strobes manually. There are many downsides to this method. Firstly, working with a chisel and hammer is long, difficult and physically difficult. Secondly, the quality of the result does not always live up to expectations, since it is not easy to make an even strobe by hand. Among the advantages of this method are the availability and low cost. It is advisable to use manual chasing with a hammer and chisel when you need to make a small furrow in the wall.
  5. In some cases, wall chasing is carried out using an impact drill. This method is not very simple and labor-intensive, therefore it is rarely used. To make a groove with an impact drill, holes are first drilled in the wall, equidistant from each other, after which they work with a drill like a hammer, knocking out a strobe in the concrete along the intended recesses.

Nuances before starting work

It is advisable to lay the strobes in the wall only in a vertical or horizontal position.

When starting the wall chasing for electrical wiring, you need to consider some rules and recommendations:

  1. The strobe in the wall is laid only in a horizontal or vertical direction, without making oblique furrows.
  2. It is desirable that the strobe laid between two points has no more than 1 turn. A large number of kinks increases the risk of heating the electrical cable, and this can lead to damage and fire in the wall.
  3. The dimensions of the furrows have acceptable limits. Their width cannot exceed 30 mm, the depth must not exceed 25 mm, and the maximum length is 3 m.
  4. When laying strobes, you need to retreat at least 40 cm from radiators and gas pipes. It is desirable to lay a furrow at a distance of 10 cm from the ceiling, floor and doorways.
  5. It is impossible to lay wiring in reinforced concrete partitions in panel buildings - this is fraught with a decrease in structural strength and the appearance of cracks. If there is no other way out and reinforced concrete has to be ditched, the depth of the grooves should be minimal, and the reinforcing mesh should maintain integrity.

Tip: it is impossible to lay communications in floor slabs in panel houses, but if it becomes necessary to mount wires in the floor, it is better to make an additional screed there and provide furrows for electrical wiring in it in advance.

Let's consider some more subtleties of the process:

  1. When chasing interior partitions, it is advisable to carry out a furrow as close as possible to the level of the floor or ceiling - this will help reduce the load on the wall.
  2. For making recesses in concrete or brick structures, it is better not to use a grinder with low power. Such a tool will not allow you to achieve the desired result, but it can quickly become unusable..
  3. Before starting gating, it is imperative to check whether previously laid electrical wires remain in the walls. If you do not plan to change the wiring completely, the old wires must not be touched by a working tool..
  4. When laying a strobe under the ceiling, do not use a stepladder. Working with a heavy tool on such an unstable structure is inconvenient and dangerous.
  5. Do not start chasing without first checking the serviceability of the tool and all its parts.