How to open a school of nail service and hairdressers. School of Hairdressing: Detailed Implementation Plan

You will need

  • - documents on registration as a legal entity;
  • - license for educational activities;
  • - premises and equipment;
  • - employees;
  • - educational programs;
  • - forms of diplomas or certificates;
  • - advertising.


Next, you need to find a room. You should have desks and chairs for lectures, as well as a hall for practical exercises. On the base in this hall, you can organize an economy hairdressing salon, in which your student interns will work.

The premises need to be renovated, furniture purchased and hairdressing equipment. Wouldn't hurt to get a projector and personal computer.

When the halls of your school are ready for use, teachers should be selected. At first, you can train future students on your own, but with an influx, it may turn out that you will have too much work, because all organizational issues will still hang on you.

Make sure that at the end of the training you can issue the appropriate diplomas or certificates.

Helpful advice

When you become the owner of a hairdressing school, do not forget to also improve your skills, because new techniques and technologies are constantly appearing in this business.

Take care of the employment of your graduates. Your barbershop is unlikely to have enough for everyone, so make connections with other salons in your city. Also include in the educational program a lecture on how to open own business.


  • what documents are needed at the barbershop

Hair stylist is a highly demanded profession that guarantees stable income. But learning hairdressers is an even more promising, albeit highly competitive business. When opening your own school, consider an interesting offer that is not yet on the market - namely non-standard ideas will bring you income.


Study the market. Perhaps an already working Russian or foreign school will suit you. By choosing a brand that is popular in hairdressing circles, you will ensure an influx of interested clients. Companies of interest to you can be found on the Internet by asking the appropriate query in the search bar.

Look for suitable premises. You will need a spacious hall for classes, two or three hairdressing places equipped with work tables, armchairs and mirrors. You can choose a room in an office or residential building. The location area is not important, but make sure that the place of future courses is conveniently accessible by both public and private transport.

Buy equipment and expendable materials. The choice of the brand of products you will work with may depend on your partner. If you work on your own, sign a contract with a professional cosmetics and salon equipment store.

Expand the circle of potential customers. Offer a course for those who want to master the basics of art. Teach your students how to do their own hair, tell them about the intricacies professional care behind the hair. Think of an effective program for non-specialists - it can unique offer.

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Operating model schools throughout Russia attract the attention of potential entrepreneurs with the seeming simplicity and profitability of the business. Russia has already experienced a wave of enthusiasm for this direction, and many schools closed before they had even worked for a year. In fact, like any other business, opening your own school models, requires careful preparation and careful study of the features of the case.


To get started, collect as much information as possible about the organization of work in existing schools. models. Determine the disciplines that will be taught in your school. Keep in mind that you will need a lot of highly qualified specialists in a variety of areas. It's choreography, acting, photo training, basics proper nutrition and care. Work with a hairdresser, stylist and makeup artist. Compose an approximate academic plan for your future school.

Now decide on the form of ownership (IP, LLC, etc.). Without state registration of your enterprise, its activities in the territory Russian Federation illegal and impossible. Choose the most preferred one according to the given criteria. This may be a taxation system, reporting, etc. Find out how much this process will cost you (lawyers, state fees, etc.).

Determine the number of staff that will be required at the time of opening the school (principal, accountant, teachers, etc.). List the cost per employee. Make an estimate of wages for the first month of the school, and preferably immediately for a year on a monthly basis. You will need this information when drawing up a business plan.

Choose a room that meets the needs of the school. These can be halls for choreography, classes for makeup lessons, acting classes, a photo studio. Calculate your costs of maintaining this property. They consist of the amount of the calculation for the rental of premises, their maintenance, payment of expenses for housing and communal services.

Summarize your calculations and decide on resources. Does everything fit? Do you have a great desire to discover school models and all the possibilities for this. Then write down the points of your actions in the direction of your plan and proceed to implement the plan.


Visit other hair salons and identify their business practices. Define your target audience and then start designing your salon to meet the needs of your clients. The services offered can vary significantly depending on the income level of potential clients.

Determine how many barbers and stylists your salon needs. Look for services that may include cutting, curling, coloring, electrolysis, and extensions. Visit stylist schools to find talented students to join your team. Create suitable working conditions for each employee. They must be professionally versed in fashion so that customers trust their taste.

Set up a salon. You will need a large number of electrical sockets, a chair for each hairdresser, a laundry room, a bathroom and a relaxation room, dryers, and a reception area with 10-20 chairs or several sofas. This requires approximately 800 square meters. Consider accommodation coffee machines and background music. Your location should be convenient for customers, for example, in a shopping center.

Hairdressing art originated in ancient times. Today, the profession of a hairdresser is one of the most sought after, and the number of people who want to learn it is constantly growing.

No wonder so many people want to learn the craft of hairdressing. After all, this profession not only allows you to realize yourself as a creative person, but also brings a good income. Therefore, if you want to open a hairdressing school, there will undoubtedly be a demand for its services. Let's take a closer look at how this can be implemented.

Stages of opening a hairdressing school

You can implement the idea of ​​​​opening a school for future hairdressers as follows:

  1. Decide who exactly you will teach hairdressing.
  2. Explore the hairdressing market in your city.
  3. Checkout Required documents.
  4. Find a room.
  5. Purchase equipment and supplies.
  6. Hire employees.
  7. Develop a curriculum.
  8. Consider an advertising campaign.

Let's consider each stage in more detail.

A hairdressing school may include several areas of activity: teaching this craft from scratch, improving the skills of salon masters, training in special programs in the form of separate courses for experienced hairdressers (for example, on the topics "Wedding Hairstyles", "Coloring", "Lamination" ), as well as conducting one-day trainings in various areas of hairdressing. If you want to receive as much as possible high income, it is best to cover all of the above areas. This approach will provide you with not only larger size income, but also expand the circle of clients who intend to receive training.

Having decided on the list of services provided, you need to move on to market research. First, if you live in small town, the presence of even one school for training hairdressers in it will significantly increase competition. If you are a resident of a metropolis, you should find information about a similar institution in nearby areas. Secondly, there is an option for your school to operate under the franchise of an already operating Russian or foreign hairdressing school. By choosing a brand popular in hairdressing circles for work, you are sure to attract a stream of interested customers.

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Paperwork for opening a hairdressing school

To open this institution, you will need to register as a legal entity and obtain a license for educational activities.

To form a society with limited liability(LLC) in the tax office you need to collect the following package of documents.

  1. Application for state registration.
  2. Charter of the organization in two copies.
  3. Establishment agreement - 2 copies.
  4. Protocol (decision) on establishment - 1 copy.
  5. Receipt or payment order payment of state duty.
  6. A letter of guarantee from the owner of the premises, according to which registration is made and a notarized copy of the certificate of ownership.
  7. Application for the transition to the simplified taxation system (STS) in two copies (if it is planned to use the simplified taxation system).

The term for registering an LLC in Moscow takes 7 working days. After this time, the following documents will be issued to you:

  • certificate of state registration;
  • registered charter;
  • certificate of tax registration;
  • extract from the United state register legal entities (USRLE).

In addition to registration legal entity you will need to obtain a license to educational activities. To do this, contact the administration of your city. License to provide educational services issued indefinitely. The term for its receipt is 65 days.

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Search for premises and purchase of equipment

Having received the necessary documents for opening a hairdressing school, you need to find a suitable room for it. It is important to note that you will need two of them to work. The first is for the office, with an approximate area of ​​10 m². There will be a customer service manager in the office. Another room is needed for classes. It should be spacious and bright, with an area of ​​approximately 100 m². This space is enough to accommodate a group of students from 8 to 10 people. When choosing a room for classes, pay attention to its location. Best if there is a bus stop nearby. public transport and a small parking lot for several cars. In this case, it will be convenient for your students to get to class.

Equipment for the hairdressing school will need the following:

  1. For office: table, chair, computer, printer. All this is necessary for the work of the manager. For clients, purchase some armchairs or a sofa.
  2. In the classroom at each workplace should be:
  • large mirror;
  • washing;
  • rack;
  • armchair.

In addition, for each student it is necessary to purchase a training mannequin to practice the practical skills of hairdressing.

Of the consumables will be needed different colors, mousses, varnishes. Required Tools for classes, each student purchases independently. Often to get additional source income, hairdressing schools open their own store where students can purchase everything they need for classes. At the same time, discounts are provided to their students.

Having decided on the premises and equipment, it is necessary to start looking for staff for the school. You will need to hire competent and experienced teachers, as well as an account manager. You should approach the search for teachers very responsibly, since the prestige and reputation of your institution depend on the qualifications of the teacher. Finding experienced and competent specialists is not an easy task. You can find teachers for a hairdressing school in the elite salons of your city. The main quality of a teacher is to be able to convey his knowledge and skills to students in an understandable and accessible form. It is good if the teacher is the winner of various hairdressing competitions, has titles and awards - this will provide the school with additional competitive advantages before other institutions.

After recruiting staff, start developing a training program. Suggest basic course for those who want to learn hairdressing skills from scratch, as well as several programs for experienced hairdressers: "Wedding Hairstyles", "Lamination". Think about the form of documents that will be issued after graduation. These can be diplomas or certificates. In advance, you should take care of preparing the necessary forms for them.

Having finished everything preparations to open a hairdressing school, do not forget about advertising your institution. You can create your own website on the Internet, participate in hairdressing exhibitions, advertise in specialized magazines, distribute leaflets.


Look for best school hairdressers in Moscow Then MCPO is at your service. Our center is designed for both beginners and practicing masters who want to improve their skills.

The work of a hairdresser is to massage the head, wash, style, cut, dye, perm hair, etc. A true professional perceives his client as a whole, taking into account his face shape, figure structure and general appearance. Sitting in a chair, a person trusts the master and hopes for positive result so you can't be disappointed. The image, the number of clients and the income of a specialist depend on the quality of work. Considering all of the above, it can be argued that good master is someone who is constantly learning new things and gaining experience.

We offer to learn the profession in an interesting way, conducting classes in active practice. Training of hairdressers takes place in small groups - 8-10 people each. Thanks to this, the teacher can devote maximum time to each student. Special place given to a wide and varied practice. At the same time, skills are developed not only on blanks, but also on models.

How much does it take to be a hairdresser? It all depends on the chosen course. For example, the training of hairdressers from scratch (the first stage) is carried out within 60 academic hours. At the end of the seminar, a test is held, and listeners receive certificates of "Hairdresser-universal".

Benefits of studying at a hairdressing school for beginners at MCPE

  • you will be given a hand professional craftsmen, we have organized a two-stage mentoring (two teachers work in the group, so none of the students will be left without attention);
  • we provide practical skills training on models (volunteer volunteers);
  • we have maximum practice, 70% educational process;
  • we will provide free of charge - primary working tools (combs, hair dryers, cars, etc.) and consumables (shampoos, balms, solutions, oxides, disposable gloves, etc.).

What do novice masters study at the hairdressing school?

The training program for hairdressers from scratch includes the study of:

  • salon classifications;
  • sanitary and hygienic requirements for hairdressing salons;
  • fire safety, electrical safety, labor protection;
  • tools used by hairdressers;
  • methods of application and disinfection of the instruments used;
  • fundamentals of skin and hair physiology;
  • the procedure for washing the head;
  • indications and contraindications for head massage;
  • characteristics of the head zones;
  • basic haircuts and techniques for their implementation;
  • types of styling, taking into account the length of the hair;
  • basics of color;
  • dyeing technologies;
  • highlighting by darning;
  • perming hair, etc.

We also offer educational programs to improve the skills of hairdressers. In these courses, students learn typical schemes work, and modern techniques, learn to combine them, turning into reality the most unexpected wishes of customers.

Why is it best to study as a hairdresser at the courses at the MCPO?

  • Our hairdressing school is registered by the Ministry of Justice and has a license for educational activities.
  • The center has been operating for more than 20 years and unites a team of experienced and highly qualified specialists.
  • Here they received training new profession, improved their qualifications and retrained more than 350,000 students.
  • "MTsPO" issues documents of the state standard.
  • The school provides students with all the necessary consumables and teaching materials, as well as practice on models.
  • Students get the opportunity to practice in well-known beauty salons.
  • Registration for hairdressing courses is carried out all year round.
  • We have several offices located within walking distance from the metro in the center of Moscow.
  • Each student can save money by participating in one of the promotions.
  • Pupils are offered convenient systems payment (installments and credit).

Do you want to study as a hairdresser at MCPE? Call one of the indicated numbers or leave a request on the site. We will advise, enroll you in hairdressing courses (for beginners or advanced training) or organize individual process learning. You can also attend a free trial lesson where you can chat with the teacher, ask questions, see the audience and participate in interesting master classes.

The beauty industry is constantly evolving and developing, so the services of a hairdresser continue to be relevant. But practice shows that only certified and well-trained specialists can officially get a job in the field of the beauty industry. Only one document can confirm the fact of existing knowledge - the certificate of a hairdresser.

We bring to your attention our resource, with the help of which it is possible to purchase a certificate of completion of hairdressing courses on acceptable terms.

Why it makes sense to purchase a certificate of a master hairdresser on the site:

  • it is possible to get a certificate of a hairdresser without interruption from work in 1 working day;
  • it is possible to buy a document on the successful completion of stylist courses from us or buy a universal diploma at a reasonable price;
  • we provide an opportunity to buy a hairdresser's certificate remotely;
  • we allow you to receive a document on the completion of the course with the help of a courier (he will deliver the official document to any address).

Obtain a hairdressing course completion certificate

Price 5 000 rub. / Free delivery

It is not difficult to master the course and receive a certificate of completion of hairdresser courses, so everyone can successfully complete it. In the process of studying the basic program, a brief theoretical material and extensive practice material.

Upon completion of the course, the student will know how to make fashionable haircuts and hairstyles, learn the basics of working with professional tool. At the end of the training course, the student of the lessons will be familiar with all the professional concepts of his work area.

Our express courses will also help you learn about household chemicals, hair accessories used to create evening and wedding hairstyles.

The study will be accompanied by constant communication with specialists. They will help you master the courses and gain basic knowledge.

Distance learning, which we offer, will allow the student to independently choose the pace of learning.

Are you interested distance learning? Would you like to purchase a barber certificate? You can order a diploma, without which a stylist cannot work, through our website at any time. Fill out an application on our resource. You can receive the document at any time convenient for you. We work with all regions of the Russian Federation!

School of hairdressing: 7 stages on the way to the implementation of a business idea + analysis of the target audience + nuances of registration entrepreneurial activity+ equipment list + detailed overview all organizational moments+ calculation of expenses and incomes of the enterprise.

The profession of a hairdresser is not only one of the oldest crafts, but also one of the most profitable species activities. As a result, many men and women prefer to get an education in this field.

The first schools that trained hairdressers appeared in Europe as early as 16-17 centuries. Then such a business arose thanks to the fashion of that time - intricate, high hairstyles were recognized as the standard of beauty in those days.

Today, the school of hairdressing is a promising business idea that can bring a solid income to its owner. In this article, we will discuss how the opening of such an educational institution takes place, how much it will cost, and how to make it popular.

School of Hairdressing as a Business: Prospects and Stages of Opening

Hairdressing art is highly valued all over the world today. It is easy to explain this: every person wants to look stylish and neat. This is especially important for the beautiful half of humanity.

The demand for has led to a demand for educational institutions that teach this profession. That is why hairdressing schools have become an indispensable type of business that you can do too.

Ideally, a future businessman in this area would not interfere with professional knowledge. But if they don't, no big deal. Your desire to learn to understand all the subtleties and persevere towards the goal will be enough.

The hairdressing business has many positives that make it so promising:

  1. Consistently high demand - many people want to learn such skills: those who plan to become great hairdressers in the future, and those who want to learn something “for themselves”.
  2. Relatively low start-up capital - when implementing a business idea, you will need funds to purchase equipment and wages, which will be a substantial amount. But the high demand for such schools will help to recoup the investment as soon as possible.
  3. A large number of ways to earn extra - for example, by organizing paid seminars and short thematic courses.

Unfortunately, the ease of registration and establishment of a business cannot be attributed to the advantages, since in order to open a hairdressing school, you will have to prepare a lot of documents, carefully consider the educational process and find the best specialists.

But, if you put everything on the shelves and sort out the details, everything can turn out to be very simple.

Using the example of a schematic image, let's look at the 7 main steps that you have to overcome on the way to opening a hairdressing school:

To maximize the topic and help you organize this business Let's analyze each step.

No. 1. Market analysis: we determine the target audience and form a list of services.

In most cases, the opening of the actual business begins precisely with an analysis of the market that the new enterprise wants to “enter”.

What you should pay attention to when monitoring the market:

  • Dimensions locality where the school is to be opened.
  • The presence of competitors.
  • Demand in the region for hairdressing schools.
  • Age of those wishing to study.
  • List of services that are already provided in the city.

All of the above indicators will help to more accurately determine who your school is focused on. This is necessary in order to correctly create an offer of an institution - a list of courses that residents of the region need.

Your target audience may be:

  • Young people who have decided to dedicate their lives to hairdressing, in other words, beginner hairdressers.
  • Professionals in their field, that is, hairdressers who want to learn something new.
  • people of different age groups who plan to attend school in order to learn how to take care of themselves.

As a rule, in every city and in every school of hairdressing, the target audience is simultaneously all of the listed categories of people.

This is understandable, since people with different needs live in any city. Also, the wider your the target audience the more profit you can get. Therefore, you do not have to focus on one of the categories of people; recruit several groups in parallel at once.

Due to the fact that your audience has different goals, it is desirable that your school provides a wide range of educational services:

  • Basic hairdressing courses for beginner hairdressers.
  • Refresher courses for already practicing masters.
  • Thematic short courses related to a specific direction: creating evening hairstyles, laminating or coloring hair.

It is quite easy to organize such different educational processes in one school, since classes can be held in different time. For example, beginners will study in the morning, hairdressers in the evening, and training in new techniques will take place on weekends.

Thus, you can quickly recoup the start-up capital and attract more customers.

No. 2. Registration of a hairdressing school: sole proprietorship or LLC?

Due to the fact that opening a hairdressing school involves educational activities, it will not work to go through the registration procedure in a simple way (by registering an individual entrepreneur).

To be able to legally provide training services, you will need to register as a legal entity (LLC). This procedure is somewhat more complicated and expensive.

Such entrepreneurs are registered with the Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service (IFTS), which is assigned to the place of registration of your future institution. You can choose the address that suits your situation using the service:

To complete the procedure, you will need the following documents:

  • Passport of a citizen of Russia.
  • TIN code.
  • The decision to create an enterprise (if the founder is one person) or the minutes of the meeting (when there are several founders).
  • Statutory agreement.
  • Application in form No. P11001 (on state registration of a legal entity).
  • Receipt of payment of state duty.

Today, the cost of registering a legal entity is 4,000 rubles. If all documents are in order, the registration procedure will be carried out within 3 working days.

But to open a hairdressing school, one registration will not be enough. Since the activity will be carried out in contact with people, you will need to obtain permits from the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire department. You will also need a license to carry out educational activities. You can get it from the administration of your city.

It is noteworthy that the period for consideration of the application lasts up to 65 days, and the license issued is unlimited.

No. 3. Preparing premises for the opening of a hairdressing school.

When you formally become an entrepreneur, you should start organizing a school. And the first thing to start with is finding and renting a room.

In order to open a hairdressing school, you need to find a room that:

  • It will be spacious and bright (an excellent option is a room on the ground floor of a residential building).
  • Will have nearby parking or public transport.
  • It will be located in a passable, crowded place.

As for the area of ​​the rented premises, it should be large enough so that you can recruit groups of students of 7-8 people.

Thus, the school needs following sizes premises:

  • Office - 10 sq. m., for reporting and records.
  • Lobby - 5 sq. m., waiting for customers.
  • Training hall - 100 sq. m. (at least 10 sq. m. per student), for classes.

In a word, the area of ​​the chosen premises should be sufficient so that it is possible to comfortable conditions conduct practical exercises.

Now let's discuss the equipment of the school. To teach hairdressing, you need to take care of buying equipment: for the office, lobby, and classroom.

Here is an approximate list of equipment items and their cost using the table.

Equipment for the hairdressing school

Total: 27 000 rub.
Sofa1 22 000 rub.
Coffee table1 5 000 rub.
Total: 40 500 rub.
Office table1 5 000 rub.
Office chair1 3 500 rub.
A computer1 25 000 rub.
Printer1 7 000 rub.
Total: RUB 352,000
training hall
Mirror8 5 000 rub.
Washing8 18 000 rub.
barber trolley8 5 000 rub.
Armchair8 11 000 rub.
hair dryer8 4 000 rub.
Mannequin simulator8 1 000 rub.

note that this list and its cost are indicative indicators, which may differ depending on the region.

In addition to the main types of equipment, a hairdressing school will have to purchase various consumables:

  • Combs.
  • Shampoos and balms.
  • Mousses and foams.
  • Paints.
  • Lucky.

If necessary, teachers will also need to purchase a tool - various hairdressing scissors. As for the instrument for the students themselves, they will have to purchase it themselves.

Tip: To increase your business profits, open a hairdressing accessories and tool store on the basis of the school, where your students can purchase everything you need. Give them a special discount.

No. 4. Organization of the educational process: selection of personnel and preparation of the program.

Immediately after you finish preparing the premises, start looking for specialists. Although you can start looking for teachers much earlier, as it will not be easy to find professionals in their field. The fact is that teachers of hairdressing art are the face of the institution, which most directly affect the prestige of the organization.

Where should teachers be found for the school? The best place to start your search is because good teachers- These are, first of all, highly qualified hairdressers.

It will be good if your potential teachers are winners international competitions hairdressing art. It is important that they have extensive work experience and be able to accessible language explain all the subtleties of the profession.

As a rule, such specialists already have good earnings and a lot of work, so in order to lure them away, you will need to offer high pay.

Don't skimp on this! The better the reputation of your school, the more profitable the business will become.

So, to start the school you will need the following frames:

  1. Manager or administrator - 1-2 people.
  2. Teachers - 3-5 people.
  3. Cleaning lady - 1-2 people.

When you select specialists, you will need to draw up a curriculum and work out training programs. As already mentioned above, for the school it is necessary to prepare several areas: basic, advanced training, thematic.

For each direction, together with the teacher, draw up a course program.

It must include the following data:

  • Course name.
  • Number of lecture and practical hours.
  • Main topics.

This is important to ensure that your potential students are convinced that they will attend a vocational school and could choose for themselves best option learning.

What else is needed to organize the educational process at school?

Since the school of hairdressing is, first of all, educational institution, you should think about what papers your students will receive at the end of the course. This refers to certificates or diplomas. Design them in advance and prepare samples.

Now that all the main organizational issues have been resolved, you can open the school and recruit the first groups.

No. 5. Advertising school of hairdressing: how to attract customers?

Schools that train hairdressers is a business area in which there are many competitors. Therefore, for its successful functioning, it is simply necessary to take care of advertising.

Get the public's attention first:

  1. Create a unique school design.
  2. Take care of bright outdoor advertising.
  3. Order or create your own website that will contain information about your school and through which future students can sign up for classes.
  4. Create social media accounts.
  5. Keep a blog.
  6. Place ads in specialized magazines.
  7. Distribute discount coupon flyers.

Such simple ways will help you achieve that you will be known in all corners of the city.

To further increase interest in your hairdressing school, take the following steps:

  • Agree on cooperation with small beauty salons that can employ graduates of your school.
  • Regularly hold various seminars - about new cosmetics or new cutting and coloring techniques.
  • Collaborate with cosmetics suppliers - let their specialists conduct small master classes at your school from time to time.

In short, to make your institution competitive, provide students with the advantages that other similar schools do not have.

How to become a hairdresser? Education
hairdressing skills.

Which barbers are most in demand?
Salary for hairdressers.

No. 6. Starting capital and payback of the hairdressing school: a detailed calculation.

The total will be more than 600 thousand rubles. It cannot be said that the amount is insignificant, but compared to many other types of business, it is quite acceptable for a novice businessman.

Now for the payback.

Based on the fact that the cost of training at a hairdressing school is about 35 thousand rubles. for a course of 3 months, and a group of students - about 7-8 people, it can be roughly calculated that each group will bring about 90 thousand rubles per month. income. If you recruit 3 groups of students at the same time, then the monthly income will be about 270 thousand rubles.

note, what we are talking about income (from which you still have to pay wages, rent and a communal apartment), and not about net profit.

Also, additional earnings will be brought by seminars, attending which costs from 3 to 5 thousand rubles. from a person.

Thus, the payback period of the school on average will last 10 to 12 months, which is a very good indicator.

In this review, we looked at what constitutes a hairdressing school as a business idea. Taking into account the detailed analysis of the stages of creating such a business, you can easily start promising business. And given all the simple recommendations, you can easily create a competitive educational institution.

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