The basics of creating a profitable business for the production of jam. Jam making

Jam is a product whose production and consumption are absolutely polar. So, it is profitable to produce jam in the summer, when the prices for raw materials (berries and some fruits) are the lowest. At the same time, you want to eat a sweet treat more in winter than in summer. Therefore, many domestic producers make jam in summer mainly from local fruits and berries, and in winter - from fruits purchased from foreign suppliers. The profitability of this business, according to various sources, is 25 - 30%.

According to research by marketing experts, the Russian market for preserves and jams is growing at a rapid pace. More and more diverse and high-quality products appear on the shelves of stores. Unlike the West, the Russian jam market is still too small, but the traditions of consumption of this delicacy have been known for a long time.

To organize your own production of jam, you do not need large investments and complex technological solutions. Equipment can be purchased from domestic suppliers, and the production workshop itself can be opened in the conditions of an ordinary farm.

One of the key tasks for the newly minted manufacturer is to create a good assortment, including with the addition of exotic solutions. At the same time, the "exotic" itself is not something incredible and expensive. Most of the recipes for making unusual jam are culinary classics. So, an orange with the addition of lavender is a well-known French confiture.

In creating jam, the head chef is given full scope for imagination. A lot depends on his qualifications and invention. Often even the strangest combinations of flavors are the most popular with buyers.

You can earn more by beautifully packaged goods. Jars of delicious jam can be presented as a good gift. This will allow you to set the price above the average market.

Raw material issue

Competent supply of raw materials is the most important topic in the production of this product. The final price of jam can be very high if you miscalculate the recipe and ingredients. So, from one kilogram of oranges, only 200 grams of jam are obtained, and the cost of raw materials alone is 40 rubles. And you also need to include the costs of electricity, wages, packaging, rental of premises, advertising, and so on.

It is not difficult to establish the supply of raw materials for the production of jam and jam. It is enough to go to the well-known resource, where you can find hundreds of offers for the supply of frozen berries: strawberries, raspberries and cherries.

Another issue is the price of raw materials. Everything is much more complicated here, since the cost of berries varies depending on the season. Berries are much cheaper in summer than in winter. Therefore, the main production capacity should be turned on in summer and autumn. But in winter, production will be low profitable, due to rising prices for raw materials.

Making stocks of berries for the winter is not a good idea. The fact is that this will require additional costs for the purchase of freezers. And the product obtained from frozen berries will be of a completely different quality. A slightly different situation with citrus and kiwi. It is better to buy such fruits in advance at a better price.

Premises and equipment

You can start a business by renting a small workshop, the space of which is enough for the manual production of several varieties of jam. With the growth of orders, there is a need for additional space. The most convenient option is to rent a room at a dining room or restaurant. This is beneficial in that the dining room has already been decorated in accordance with all the rules of the SES and fire safety and will save the entrepreneur from many problems and unnecessary "running around" through the authorities. In addition, you can negotiate with the management of the dining room and get at your disposal not only square meters, but also some equipment: washing baths, vegetable cutters, freezers, tables, etc. But such a “service” will cost at least 1000 rubles. per square meter.

The complexity of the production of jam lies in the fact that this process cannot be fully automated. There are still no such machines that can qualitatively separate the zest from citrus fruits. Therefore, most of the operations have to be done manually. Only some operations can be automated.

For example, washing baths are used to clean berries and fruits. Receiving bins are used to prepare raw materials. For sterilization of water and lids - UV sterilizer, for jars - a device for rinsing. The line is complemented by a device for filling products into cans, a device for attaching a lid, a machine for sticking labels. You can not do without auxiliary equipment: scales, trays, containers, containers. It is also necessary to have refrigerators and freezers for storing raw materials (frozen berries and fruits).

The cost of purchasing the above equipment will amount to at least 1 million rubles. Such investments are justified with production volumes of at least 1000 kg of jam per day. A small shop does not need such expenses. Beginning enterprises should limit themselves to the purchase of auxiliary equipment, and allocate most of their efforts and resources to finding premises, a good technologist and product distribution channels.


The technology may differ depending on the scale of production. This is what the production process looks like in a large enterprise. The berries that are purchased for the production of jam first go to the cold store. Here they are frozen - it will be easier to process them later: discard bad berries and discard leaves with garbage. Part of the batch is sent to a laboratory for quality and compliance analysis.

After that, the berry falls into a special container, where it is mixed with sugar, ground and boiled. When the jam is ready, the stage of pouring the product into jars begins. The container for jam, like the product itself, is pre-treated. With the help of a flaw detector, cracks and chips are checked, defective cans are removed. All bacteria and microbes die in the sterilization chamber.

Jam is poured into jars, lids are twisted. Lids are screwed on automatic equipment, but how tightly the lid is screwed to each jar is checked manually. At the final stage, a label is affixed to the cans, the finished products are packed into boxes and sent to the store shelves.

Search for distribution channels

The basis of the foundations of any production is a well-functioning sales of products. This task may not be as easy as many beginners see it.

It is much more profitable to sell jam through retail chains, but the entrance to large stores for small workshops is closed. If you are not a large manufacturer with a large turnover, then no network will want to work with you. You just can't cover her need.

Most often, novice jam producers sell their products through specialized outlets: organic food stores or gift shops. Willingly go for cooperation and small shops within walking distance. Such points often take products with a deferred payment or for sale.

You can get new contracts through exhibitions, after tastings. Jars of jam also sell well in weekend markets and fairs.

With the growth of sales volumes, you can think about expanding production facilities and producing not only jam, but also jams, marmalade, fruit drinks and ice cream.

To be honest, various sweet goodies - cakes, ice cream, cakes, etc. - everyone loves it without exception. Even those who are on the strictest diet and sweat in the gym, or do not eat sweets due to some kind of illness. The assortment of the "sweet" market has grown so much that the eyes literally run up the windows of the shops. However, jams, jams, syrups, marmalades, etc., prepared from natural ingredients, confidently occupy the leading positions in demand among sweets. - everything that any good hostess can do.

Most people's best memories come from childhood. Maybe that's why almost all of us remember well the taste of berry or fruit jam cooked by our mother or grandmother, and carry this preference through our lives. However, some enterprising people associate not only their taste preferences with jam, but also their work. Jam production as a business is now very popular in Russia, and it is this business idea that we will talk about today.

Brief business analysis:
Business setup costs:from 20,000 rubles (at home) to 3.5 million rubles (mini-production plant)
Relevant for cities with a population: from 20 000 people
Situation in the industry:supply market is saturated
The complexity of organizing a business: 3/5
Payback: from 1 month to 3 years

Does it mean that if there are so many manufacturers of sweet preservatives, then a novice businessman simply cannot push his way into this market and find a market for his products? After all, the market is not rubber! No. In any sector of the market, even if it is overcrowded, there is always a place for one more entrepreneur. And you can always get around competitors - with the help of a marketing strategy, improving product quality, dumping, or other methods.

Market situation today

The economic sanctions imposed by Western countries, it turns out, also affect the dynamics of the production of canned sweets from natural products. At present, the market for preserves, jams, and other similar products, to be honest, is somewhat worse than, say, 3-4 years ago. Let's try to understand the situation. People have not given up on sweets. It's just that against the backdrop of a general decline in well-being, it has become preferable to cook jams, jams, marmalade, etc. on your own.

But this circumstance affects only the sale of products from store shelves. But jams and jams are also used as a sweet filling in pancakes, dumplings, the same cakes, and other confectionery, so the situation is not as terrible as they try to imagine. Moreover, now the government is providing real assistance to small and medium-sized businesses, and it would be simply unreasonable not to take advantage of this.

However, it is not at all necessary to try to "climb" with your product to the export market, or set a goal to be "first" throughout the country (although that would be just great!). Be satisfied at first with sales in your region, or even locality. If you are "noted" and make a profitable offer - good. If not, you will always earn money for bread and butter (and you already have jam!).

Well, and, of course, it should be noted that the production of jam as a business is more suitable for women. You can find out about other business ideas for women.

This is interesting: jam is a primordially Slavic product (among Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians), not typical for Western countries. In many languages ​​​​of the world, the word "preserve" is borrowed from Russian. And it sounds exactly the same as we pronounce it.

What can jam be made from and what taste do Russian consumers prefer

Preserves and jams can be cooked from almost any fruit and berries, and even some vegetables and flowers:

  • Traditional for Russian cultivated and wild vegetation - raspberries, currants, gooseberries, strawberries, wild strawberries, cherries, plums, apples, mountain ash, etc.
  • Exotic, not typical for most of the country - grapes, apricots, peaches, melons, watermelons, figs, oranges, lemons, etc. Moreover, for many fruits, even the peel is used - for example, they make jam from watermelon peels, skins orange or lemon, etc.
  • From rose petals, green pine cones, young walnuts and other types of nuts, zucchini, etc.

The most popular types of preserves and jams among domestic consumers are with apricot and strawberry. Strawberry, lingonberry flavors (marketing research data of PKR LLC). Berry mixes - mixtures of different flavors - are also in great demand.

Methods for making jam

Any housewife can cook jam at home, but the taste of the prepared preservative from the same fruit can be completely different. The fact is that everyone has their own cooking technology:

  1. Cooking berries with sugar for 30-40 minutes.
  2. Cooking berries with sugar for no more than 5 minutes (five-minute jam).
  3. Grinding berries with sugar ("raw" jam, or "vitamins").

Production consists of the following main stages:

  1. Preparatory - on which fruits, berries, or other raw materials are moved, peeled, twigs, leaves, and thoroughly washed.
  2. Cooking raw materials with the addition of 65-70% sugar. Or, in case grated jam is made - 100% sugar. It is sugar that prevents spoilage of the product.
  3. Container sterilization.
  4. Packaging of the finished product.

Special control should be over the quality of the source material. For jam, mainly large, intact, ripe berries and sifted sugar of the highest quality are selected. Everything else will go to the preparation of jams and marmalade, in which the raw materials will be ground. The quality of raw materials depends on which class the product will be assigned to. In total, such classes, evaluated according to GOST R 53118-2008 “Jam. General technical conditions”, three:

  1. Extra.
  2. Top class.
  3. First grade.

If a few years ago jams, jams, marmalades, and other sweet preservatives were packed in metal, varnished, or aluminum cans, now such products are packaged mainly in glass containers, plastic containers, or laminated dock-packs. ".

Whatever container is used for packing jam, it must contain the following information:

  • Manufacturer's trademark
  • Its name and production address
  • Product Certification Data
  • The product's name
  • Ingredient composition
  • Net and gross weight
  • Shelf life and date of manufacture
  • Product nutrition information

Where to get raw materials for production

The purchase of fruits and berries in unlimited quantities can be organized from farms and individuals. By agreeing on constant purchases, you can reduce the price for a retail purchase to a wholesale one. Surplus raw materials can be frozen and processed as needed. However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the demand for jams and jams is seasonal, as in the summer, consumers prefer to buy fresh fruits and berries.

Various seasonings and spices, such as cardamom, saffron, etc., are also often added to jams, jams, and jams to add flavor. Detailed recipes with these additives can be found on the Internet. And at this link - you can find information on how to open a spice and seasoning store.

Equipment for the production of jam

If a gas stove, plumbing and glass containers are enough for home-made jam, then production for sale requires much more special equipment:

  • Sorting table on which the selection of berries and fruits will be carried out.
  • Washing bath for washing raw materials.
  • Can sterilizer.
  • Boiler.
  • Automatic line for packing and packaging of the product in containers.
  • Apparatus for sticking labels (by the way, label printing must be ordered at a printing house).
  • Electronic balance.
  • Sugar sifter.
  • Consumables - cans, containers, trays, etc.
  • Industrial refrigerator and freezer for storage of excess raw materials.

All equipment needs to be installed somewhere, so you will have to rent a small room and equip it in accordance with the standards of Rospotrebnadzor for food production. As the practice of existing enterprises shows, 70 square meters are enough to make jam. meters of production area and 30 sq. meters - storage space for finished products. The number of personnel to manage the entire production line will be enough 8-9 people. Of course, it all depends on the volumes produced.

In addition, it does not hurt to purchase a small truck, such as the Gazelle, to transport orders to retail outlets.

Sale of jams and jams: retail or wholesale?

If you have quality certificates for your products, there will be no problems with the sale of jams and jams - you can offer the goods to any supermarket chain or retail stores.

Today, jam, jam and other sweets are the most favorite treats of the sweet tooth. Modern equipment for the production of jam and other "delicacies" will make their preparation easy and fast.

The main purpose of the lines for the production of jam and jam

Equipment for the production of jam, preserves and marmalade is designed to perform an important task - to preserve the maximum amount of trace elements and vitamins in berries and vegetables.
Therefore, modern methods of processing are mainly used with the use of special equipment of complex lines.

Jam production technology

This equipment performs a full production cycle. So, at the initial stage, fruits and berries undergo preliminary preparation. Further, the direct production of jam, marmalade, marmalade, jam and confiture is carried out. For this, unique and original recipes are used.

The last stage of this production is packaging in tin, glass and plastic jars. Then the filled containers are rolled up, sterilized, labeled and packed in cardboard boxes.

So, quite simply, the manufacture of jam and preserves is carried out.

Structural elements of the line

Equipment for the production of jam, marmalade, marmalade and confiture consists of the following structural elements:

  • fruit pretreatment line;
  • installation for boiling (in the manufacture of jam and jam);
  • installation for the preparation of mashed fruits, mashed potatoes with the addition of gelling components (in the production of marmalade and jams);
  • packaging machine.

Modern methods of raw material processing

Boiling in a vacuum allows you to ensure a product of good quality, it retains its natural color, and the aroma is also not lost during evaporation. This process takes place on the principle of a pressure cooker.

Equipment varies in power and performance. Thus, with characteristics up to 300 kg/cycle, the lines can be quite successfully used in the research of recipes at large enterprises or for the production of jam and preserves at small and medium-sized business entities.

There are larger plants, their productivity is about 5000 kg / cycle.

Based on the type of berries and fruits, either single or multiple cooking is used. Also, the equipment is mainly used single-stage, involving the cooking and cooling of the finished product with a vertical or horizontal version.

There is an optimal mixing of the product, it is heated with steam using the "double jacket" technology. Cooking is carried out under pressure using sterile air with the possibility of steam condensation. Cooling takes place using the same "double jacket", as well as a pressure-controlled condenser. There is such an important point as the opportunity to take samples.

This equipment is controlled by a computer.

Alternative proposal for the use of vegetables as a raw material

A rather interesting area of ​​activity for start-up entrepreneurs who have a desire to make money on the manufacture of sweets is the use of vegetable raw materials for the production of jams and marmalades, such as pumpkin.

Its main advantages are delicate fibers, consisting of pectin and fiber, low acidity and beta-carotene.

This vegetable can be classified as a dietary product. Of no small importance for the finished product is a beautiful color: from yellow to bright orange.

However, there are some disadvantages of this vegetable. It has no gelling ability. Therefore, for the production of pumpkin jam, combinatorics is used, which makes it possible to improve the taste of the finished product.

Canned preparations from fruit and berry crops are in great demand among consumers. Previously, most people were engaged in the preparation of jam, marmalade, jam, marmalade, syrups and jellies at home, preparing them for the future for the winter. However, although such canned food has not lost its popularity, most people prefer to purchase it in stores rather than spend their time and energy on home canning. Thus, the production of natural canned preparations from berries and fruits seems to be a promising and profitable business, the organization of which, moreover, requires not so much money.

One of the most popular canned foods since ancient times is jam, which is made from whole or sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfruits or berries, boiled in sugar syrup or with the addition of sugar. The possibilities for long-term preservation of all consumer qualities of such products are explained by the fact that with a high sugar content (over 65%) in solution, microorganisms that cause ordinary spoilage of berries and fruits practically do not develop. Unlike jam, jam is cooked in one go. At the same time, the syrup from which it is made has a jelly-like consistency. Most often, jams are made from currants, quince, gooseberries and various varieties of apples. Jam is obtained by boiling various fruit purees with sugar, and jelly is obtained by boiling fruit and berry juices with sugar. In most cases, juicy berries are used to make jams and preserves - cranberries, blueberries, blueberries, cloudberries, lingonberries, strawberries, etc.

Jam is made from various fruits, berries, rose petals, melons, walnuts and even watermelon peels, boiled in sugar or sugar syrup. In this case, you can use both fresh fruits and berries, as well as frozen or sulphated (processed). Jam differs from other similar canned preparations in that the fruits and their parts in it retain their integrity, which is achieved as a result of two or three boils. It is believed that the highest quality jam is obtained from berries and fruits with a high content of sugar, acids and aromatic substances. Particular attention is paid to the quality of raw materials - only ripe and intact fruits are selected for jam, and only refined sugar of the highest grade is used to prepare sugar syrup. The content of the latter in jam should not be less than 65-70%, otherwise the product will quickly deteriorate.

There are two types of jam - sterilized (with hermetic closure in jars) and unsterilized (packed in barrels). The product range is determined by the type of raw materials used (strawberry, raspberry, apricot jam, etc.). In addition, jam is divided into three grades, depending on the quality of the product: extra, premium and first grade. The extra variety includes jam made from fresh or frozen fruits and berries with the return of aromatic substances that volatilize during cooking. Jam made from certain types of raw materials (cherries, cherries with pits, from wild varieties of apples or sulphated fruits and berries), as well as jam that is packaged in barrels, is not rated higher than the first grade.

Contrary to popular belief, jam from natural products can contain not only the fruits and berries themselves, as well as sugar and water (components of the syrup), but also various aromatic additives. For example, vanillin is often added to jam from cherries, grapes, cranberries, gooseberries, melons, figs, apples and walnuts, cardamom to jam from walnuts, cinnamon to jam from cranberries, lingonberries and walnuts. However, all these supplements must be completely natural. Artificial colors and synthetic flavors are absent in quality canned preparations.

In general, the jam is quite simple to prepare. The technology of its production consists in rubbing peeled berries from sugars and / or boiling raw materials with sugar syrup, followed by packaging the finished product in special containers (cups, jars, buckets, kegs, etc.). The main stages of production include the preparation of berries (cleaning, washing), processing of berries (rubbing and / or boiling with sugar), sterilization of containers, packaging of finished products and their packaging. It is not necessary to create your own recipes. You can use ready-made ones. This is what most manufacturers of canned food do, positioning them as "made according to old and traditional recipes." In fact, they simply use recipes that have been preserved since Soviet times. However, despite all its simplicity, the process of making jam has its own nuances. According to the requirements for product quality, the fruits or their slices in the composition of the jam must be intact and retain their original shape. At the same time, the volume of fruit during cooking should not change much. So, for example, the volume retention coefficient for stone fruits is in the range of 70-80%, and for fruits of pome crops, this indicator should be at the level of 90% or more. The color, aroma and taste of products during jam cooking should not change, and the syrup should be transparent, have a color inherent in the fruits and berries used, and not have a jelly-like consistency inherent in jelly and jams. All these properties of the product are connected, first of all, with the quality of the raw materials used. For high-quality jam, only the strongest and whole fruits are selected. Fruits and years with various defects (stains, bruises, etc.) are used only for the preparation of compotes (it is possible at the same production). Depending on the type of raw material used, the requirements for it also change. So, for example, cherries and plums must be fully ripe, otherwise the jam will have an unpleasant sour taste, and peaches, strawberries, raspberries and pears, on the contrary, must be slightly unripe, otherwise they will quickly boil soft and not retain their shape. It is extremely important to find a good supplier of raw materials that you can trust. Experts know that berries and fruits that are used to make jam must be collected in sunny and dry weather. At the same time, immediately after collection, they should be sent to production. Berries that are picked in the rain or immediately after it contain too much moisture and quickly boil soft, losing their shape and changing the consistency of the finished canned blanks.

The quality of jam is evaluated according to GOST R 53118-2008 “Jam. General technical conditions". Control over the content of toxic elements and microbiological indicators is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the manufacturer of products in agreement with the bodies of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.

To increase the shelf life of the finished jam, it is packaged in a special container. Previously, various packaging was used, including metal lacquered and solid aluminum cylindrical cans. However, now natural jams and jams are packaged mainly in glass jars, in containers made of thermoplastic polymeric materials and stand-up doy-pack bags (mayonnaise, sauces, condensed milk and ketchups are packed in the same bags).

Regardless of which packaging is used, it must indicate the trademark, the name of the manufacturer and its postal address, the name of the product, its composition, net weight, production date, shelf life, information about the nutritional and energy value of 100 grams product. In addition, the packaging indicates the current certificate and certification information. Ready jam in an unsealed container is stored at a relative air humidity of not more than 75% and at a temperature of 2 to 20 degrees Celsius (sterilized jam) and 10-15 degrees Celsius (non-sterilized jam). Guaranteed shelf life of jam from the date of its production is 24 months for sterilized products and 12 months for non-sterilized and citrus jams with vitamin C content, six months for sterilized jam and packaged in thermoplastic polymer containers.

For the production of jam in a special berry processing workshop, as well as for the storage of raw materials and finished products, you will need special equipment. Thus, the preparation of raw materials for processing is carried out on a cutting table and in a washing bath. For the processing of berries and fruits, a special installation for production and containers for the finished product will be required. To sterilize jam, you need to purchase a UV water sterilizer, a jar and lid sterilizer, and a jar rinsing device. Packing and capping of finished canned blanks is carried out using a bottling plant for finished products, using a capping device and a labeling machine that sticks labels on cans. In addition, you will need to take care of auxiliary equipment, which includes scales, a sifter for granulated sugar, trays, containers, special containers, etc. The minimum cost of a set of equipment of low productivity (1200 kg of jam per shift) with everything you need is from 1 6-1.7 million rubles.

In addition to production equipment, you will need special equipment for the storage of raw materials and finished products, which includes freezers with a temperature regime of -20 degrees Celsius (for raw materials) and refrigerators with a temperature regime of 0 to 2 degrees Celsius (for finished fruits and vegetables). berry products). Wholesale companies will need at least one light-duty truck with an isothermal van to deliver your jam.

The area of ​​industrial premises is at least 70 square meters. meters.

The main buyers of canned fruit and berry preparations are consumers with an income above the average, who value their time and prefer natural and high-quality products. Jam producers supply their products directly to grocery stores, supermarkets and hypermarkets, markets, as well as wholesale companies that sell food products.

To organize our own production of jam with a volume of over 1000 kg for an eight-hour shift, a minimum of 3.5 million rubles will be required. This amount includes the purchase of equipment, the rent and repair of premises for the organization of food production, the purchase of the first batches of raw materials, the purchase or rental of vehicles for the distribution of finished products, the development of design and manufacture of packaging for packaging finished products, the payroll for the first two months of work (from calculation of 8-10 people per shift). The payback period for such a production enterprise is from two years. It is worth considering the fact that jam and other canned fruit and berry preparations are a seasonal product. They are in the greatest demand in the winter period of time and up to the middle of spring. During the summer, there is a significant decline in sales as consumers prefer to buy fresh fruits and vegetables at this time rather than canned ones. On the other hand, it is in summer that fruits are harvested and preparations are made. And they usually go on sale no earlier than autumn.

Sysoeva Lilia
- portal of business plans and guidelines

From early childhood, with a cold, mothers give children hot tea, to which they add natural jam, most often raspberry or currant. This delicious remedy has long been considered the first remedy for colds and flu.

Many types of jam contain natural salicylic acid, which is the main component of anti-inflammatory or antipyretic drugs. In addition, they are rich in vitamins and other beneficial substances.

Preservation of fruit and berry crops at home used to be quite common. Many women made jams, marmalade, jams, preparing them for the future for the winter, but over time, this tradition gradually began to fade away.

And although canned products have not lost their popularity today, however, most people prefer to buy them in the store without wasting their time and effort on labor-intensive manufacturing. That is why the production of jam and other types of natural canned preparations has become a very promising and profitable business today, which does not require a lot of money to organize.

Business plan

Processing of berries, which consists in making jam from environmentally friendly products without the addition of flavors, is in ever-growing demand. And this is not surprising. Today's buyer wants to purchase only healthy and natural products. Therefore, the production and sale of jam from berries and fruits have become one of the promising areas of business for some. Today, this can be used to build a profitable home business.

The market for canned food from environmentally friendly raw materials

The production of jam belongs to the segment of production and sale of ecological products, which has great prospects in agriculture around the world. However, in the Russian market, natural pure products occupy an insufficient share of the overall market, and most of them are of imported origin. It is assumed that in the coming years the picture will change, and the share of products of Russian manufacturers will reach sixty percent.

Potential buyers are mainly the urban population. At the same time, the main ways of selling jam are deliveries to grocery supermarkets, which, as a rule, are aimed at representatives of the middle class.

The production of jam is carried out from various berries, rose petals, melons, walnuts, etc., boiled in sugar syrup. You can use both fresh fruits, and frozen or already processed.

From other related canned preparations, jam differs in consistency: the berries and their parts in it retain their integrity as much as possible. This is achieved as a result of two, sometimes three, boiling processes.

According to the technology, much attention is paid to the quality of raw materials: for high-quality jam, only ripe and intact fruits should be selected, and for syrup, only premium sugar, the content of which in the finished product must be at least seventy percent, otherwise the canned jam will quickly deteriorate.

Main stages

The production of jam includes the following steps:

  • preparation of berries and fruits;
  • processing;
  • container sterilization;
  • packaging of finished jam;
  • packaging.

In this case, it is not at all necessary to create original recipes. For example, the production of raspberry jam can be carried out according to a recipe that came from Soviet times. Although some manufacturers position their product as “made according to old traditional recipes”, this is rarely the case.

At the same time, despite the apparent simplicity, the process of obtaining jam has certain nuances. Based on the requirements for product quality, berries and fruits or their segments in the composition of the received canned food must be whole, retaining their original shape. At the same time, the volume of fruit during cooking should not change much.

For high-quality jam, you need to select only strong and whole fruits. Depending on the type of raw material used, the requirements also change. For example, plums and cherries should be ripe so that the jam does not have an unpleasant sour taste, while strawberries, raspberries or pears, on the contrary, should be used a little unripe, as they can boil quickly and not retain their shape. Therefore, it is very useful to cooperate with such a raw material supplier who will be aware of all the necessary requirements.


In order to establish the production of jam, it is necessary, having decided on the premises, after preparing the documentation and obtaining a license and permits, proceed to the arrangement of the workshop.

To do this, you will need a cutting table, on which raw materials will be processed, and a washing bath. Berries are processed in a special production facility, after which the resulting product is poured into containers.

To sterilize jam, you will need to purchase an ultraviolet water sterilizer, and you will also need a similar device for jars with lids. It will be necessary to purchase a special unit that rinses the cans. Packing and capping of ready-made canned blanks should be carried out using a bottling plant for finished products. A special machine sticks labels on the jars.

In addition, you need to take care of auxiliary equipment - scales, a sifter for granulated sugar, trays, containers, special containers, etc. Freezers and refrigerators must be present in the workshop to ensure the safety of both raw materials and the finished product.

Production area and transport

The production of jam requires a premises with an area of ​​​​more than eighty square meters and staff (minimum ten employees). A properly organized enterprise will pay off in twenty to twenty-four months. To transport finished products, you need to buy or rent a small-tonnage freight transport with an isothermal van.

Cost calculation

The minimum cost of the entire set of equipment for a workshop with low productivity, for example, about one and a half thousand kilograms per shift, will be from two to two and a half million rubles. This also includes the rent or renovation of a food production facility, as well as the purchase of the first batch of raw materials, the purchase of transport, the design of containers and labels, and, finally, a two-month salary of up to ten workers per shift.

The payback period of a competent working business is a maximum of two years. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that jam, like other fruit and berry preparations, is a seasonal product that is in greatest demand in the winter period, until the end of spring. In summer, there is a decline in sales, since consumers prefer to buy only fresh fruits and vegetables at this time, rather than canned ones. But, on the other hand, summer is the season when you need to harvest berries and fruits and start harvesting in order to have finished products by autumn.


To increase the shelf life, the finished jam is packaged in special containers. If earlier metal lacquered or solid aluminum cans were used for this, today natural preserves and jams are packaged mainly in glass jars or containers made of thermoplastic polymer material.

Regardless of which packaging is used for the finished product, it must necessarily indicate the trademark, the name of the product and the manufacturer, as well as its postal address. The label should clearly show the composition of the jam, net weight, production date with a shelf life and information about the energy value of one hundred grams of the product. In addition, certification information must be indicated on the packaging.

Storage and quality control

Ready-made jam, according to the standards, can be stored in an unsealed container at an air humidity of not more than seventy-five percent and a temperature of up to twenty degrees for sterilized products and fifteen for unsterilized ones. Warranty periods are considered from the date of its development.

Sanitary and epidemiological station requirements

The quality of jam is evaluated according to GOST R 53118-2008. Control over the presence of various toxic elements in the food product and its microbiological indicators in accordance with the current procedure is carried out by the manufacturer himself in agreement with the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.

The quality of water in water supply systems in the production of jam must meet the requirements for water in centralized drinking supply systems. Workshops, washing, loading, a chamber for storing food waste must be equipped with drain ladders. The working conditions of workers should be organized based on the norms in the field of occupational health, approved by the SES.

Mini business at home

Even a housewife can set up a small production of jam. The individual mini-line consists of equipment that is affordable for everyone. A good microwave oven with a seaming key is all you need to equip a home factory. The main thing in this dessert production will be a microwave oven, which performs two functions at once: the cooking process and sterilization.
