Equipment for a dry cleaning reception point. Open a collection point

Enough for this business issue an IP with codes OKVED: 93.01– “Washing, dry cleaning and dyeing of textile and fur products”, 93.05 – Provision of other personal services. No licenses required, but the list of permissions is quite impressive. Required documents:

  • Building design and feasibility study required to obtain permits from Rospotrebnadzor. Need BTI plan, address and brief information on the premises, technical data sheets of equipment and hygiene certificates. The work plan should be detailed down to the equipment layout drawings. Also describe in detail the process of cleaning clothes;
  • Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor. To comply with all the rules, read SanPiN 2.2.2506-09 " Hygiene requirements to organizations of dry cleaning of products”;
  • The program of sanitary and production control drawn up by you and agreed with Rospotrebnadzor;
  • Permission from Rospozharnadzor.

Before dry cleaning from scratch, you will need a lot of agreements and contracts, without which you will not be able to start working.

Most needed:

  1. Usage agreement fluorescent lamps and their disposal;
  2. Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion and certificates for used chemical substances and reagents;
  3. Agreement on the disposal of chemicals;
  4. Agreements on regular disinfection and disinfestation of the enterprise, maintenance of the ventilation system;


The best places in the city to locate a business- hotels, large shops and shopping and entertainment centers, well-populated residential areas. Good traffic and accessibility of the institution itself are important.

Choice and organization of space

Opening a mini dry cleaners will require space from 80 square meters. Of these, 60 sq. m occupies production room, 15 sq. m - clothing collection point, 5 sq. m - bathroom.

Important condition– you can not place the company at a distance closer than 50 meters from residential buildings, near catering establishments and grocery stores. This makes it difficult to find a place. There are two exits.

First– organize an enterprise in the basement or basement public building transferred to the non-residential fund. At the same time, you can open a dry cleaning reception point on the upper floors.

Second– place the collection point in the center, and the production in an inexpensive building on the outskirts of the city. In the second case, the rent will be cheaper, but the expense item includes the cost of transporting linen.

In our calculations, we focus on the entire business in one place in a busy area of ​​the city. Renting will cost $1200-1300 monthly. Repair, installation of ventilation and fire alarm will cost $1500.


Mandatory conditions:

  • Ceiling height from 3 m;
  • Electrical network 380 V;
  • Water supply, heating, ventilation, sewerage;
  • The presence of an emergency exit;
  • The walls are tiled or painted;
  • Ideally flat and rigid floor, able to withstand the weight of industrial machines, resistant to vibration.

Without compliance with these requirements, it will not be possible to obtain permission from the SES.

Dry cleaning equipment

For such a business, you will need:

  1. Dry cleaning machine with a capacity of about 10-15 kg per hour - from $ 13,000. Top Producers— Victory, RENZACCI, Union, Bowe, ReinMaster;
  2. Industrial washing machine- 2600-2700 $. RENZACCI, Miele, Alliance;
  3. Table for removing various stains - $ 2,700. Trevil, Sidi;
  4. steam generator power from 30 kW - $ 350-400. CAMPTEL, PONY, Lelit;
  5. Ironing table with heating of the working surface and vacuum suction - $ 1000. PONY, Battistella;
  6. Steam pneumatic dummies for trousers and outerwear (1 pc.) - $ 6,000. Ghidini, BARBANTI.

The equipment will cost at least 25-26 thousand dollars. In addition to it, you should purchase four clothes hangers, four trolleys for dirty laundry, packaging film, brushes, labels, a counter for the collection point, cash register. Costs - approximately $ 350.

Expendable materials

Before you open a dry-cleaner, calculate required amount consumables. In one shift, about 80 kg of laundry is processed, 50 grams of powder for each kilogram. A month for 4800-5000 kg of laundry (when working in two shifts) you will need about $ 150 for washing powder.

Other consumables: bleaches, solvents, stain removers, wet and dry cleaners, precleaners, fragrances, car enhancers, car care products. It takes $150-170 per month to buy them.


If the cleaning service is provided almost around the clock (two shifts), you need to hire 9 people: a technologist, two ironers, four workers, a cleaner, a cashier collection point. It is cheaper to invite an accountant to prepare monthly and annual reports than to include them in the staff. Salary Fund - $ 3,000 monthly.

Costs and profits

In order to determine in advance whether a given enterprise is profitable, write a business plan how to open a dry cleaner. In addition to manufacturing and organizational plan, registration, add advertising to the costs. This includes an attractive sign and. This is an additional $150-200 cost.

Capital investment in the business - $34,000. Monthly expenses (including utilities) - approximately $4,500.

How much can you earn from this? Average check- 8-10 $. With a minimum workload (15-20 items per day), the revenue is $ 6,000 per month, and the net profit is about $ 1,500. With the growth of the company's fame, this figure rises to 2-3 thousand. Large companies over time, they build a network of enterprises and bring income to the mark of 8-10 thousand dollars.

Even a small dry-cleaner, how it becomes profitable investment. Competition in this area is not very high due to significant costs, so you can pay off in a year and a half and get a stable profit.

Dry cleaning services have been and will continue to be relevant, as more and more expensive clothes, carpets, leather and fur products appear on our market. All these things require a certain type of care, which is often not possible to provide at the domestic household level. In this regard, people apply for this service to the nearest dry cleaners. We will try to consider how to open a dry cleaner, namely where to start and what you will need for this.


In any case, before starting in this business, you will have two options to choose from in order to start working.

Buying a franchise. The easiest and least expensive way to open a mini dry cleaner. Since the equipment and staff training is taken over by the company that provides the franchise. minus this method, is that you will need to share a certain % of your profits.

Start your own cleaning business various products from textiles and leather. This format is more preferable, since you will not need to share profits, but at the same time, the level of investment will need to be completely different.

In this article, we will look at two various options business ideas for opening this business: this is a reception point and a full-fledged mini dry cleaner. There is also a third option - this is a large line, which has a high throughput for cleaning clothes, carpets and other things, but you will need to invest in such a business from $0.5 to $1.5 million.

Dry cleaning point

This is the first option for starting a business. In fact, the investments here are very small, it will be about $ 2000 - $ 3000, and you can get to work. What is the essence of this approach? Everything is simple. You conclude an agreement with a large network of dry cleaners, which has good equipment and trained staff, and you start working on favorable terms for both parties. As a rule, the earnings will not be large, and you will need to give about 50% - 60% of the earnings directly to the company that will carry out the cleaning, but at the same time, the risks are minimal, since all responsibility for the quality of work, damaged items and compliance deadlines are assumed by the performer of the work. And you are the link in this technological process.

What will be needed to start? This room is located in a densely populated residential area, or near universities, or near metro stations with an area of ​​​​about 20 sq.m. This will be enough to take orders. Of the furniture, you will need a table, a chair, computer equipment for keeping records and printing receipts for customers, as well as racks for storing things that will come in for cleaning or already cleaned wardrobe items, carpets and other things.

From the staff, you will need to hire two administrators who will process orders, as well as a driver who will deliver and bring cleaned things. Sometimes large dry cleaners themselves deliver. Before you open collection point dry cleaners, you will need to make sure that there is no high competition in the area, but even if the business does not work, you can easily rent a room in another area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe city.

What start-up capital is needed:

  • rent of premises about 20 sq.m. — $500
  • wage employees — $450
  • payment utilities – $150
  • tax payment — $200
  • purchase of furniture — $200
  • buying a computer - about $300
  • transport costs - $150

As you can see, about $ 3,000 at the start of opening a dry cleaning collection point will be quite enough, given that the rent is immediately given for 2 months.

The average earnings of an entrepreneur from one such point is about $ 700 - $ 900 per month. You can set up a network of such reception points and get a good profit.

The average payback of a business is 1 year.

Mini dry cleaning

This is the second most popular format for opening this business. To start in this form, you will need to invest about $ 80,000 and calculate for large volumes of orders. Let's take a quick look at what you'll need for all of this.

I must say that basically such small dry cleaners can open even in small town and they work great there. They are engaged in cleaning: clothes, carpets, fur and leather products.

You will need to open an IP and obtain all permits, including from the SES and the fire department.

Interested in a business idea? Then read ready business dry cleaning plan. It has all the information a beginner needs to start from business planning to financial calculations. You can read about all this on our website -.

Location and premises

Location plays a very important role in this business. As a rule, it is very difficult to find good premises for this business in a crowded place, and entrepreneurs came to ideal scheme, which helps to save on rent and increases the rate of return on investment in this business. Its essence is as follows, that the premises for the cleaning shop itself are rented on the outskirts of the city, and the order acceptance points are in several crowded areas of the city, which allows you to get the maximum profit from this business.

There are a number of requirements for the premises under the cleaning workshop:

- the room should be divided into zones: working, warehouse, washing, bathroom, staff room and others.

- the area of ​​​​the premises is needed from 100 sq.m.

- it should be located at a distance of 50 meters from residential buildings.

- in addition to having all communications: heating, electrics and sewerage, you must have a good forced ventilation. This will primarily protect the health of the staff who will work for you.

Equipment and consumables

Now let's discuss what you will need to open a dry cleaner in your city. In addition to choosing a room and carrying out repairs there, you will need to purchase everything necessary equipment, namely, it "eats" the lion's share start-up capital in this business.

Here is what you will need:

  • dry cleaning machine
  • stain remover
  • paromanikins: for outerwear and trousers
  • ironing table
  • washing machine
  • drying
  • shirt press
  • packaging equipment
  • grinding and dyeing machine for leather goods

The choice of dry cleaning equipment for your small business should be based on the type of service you will be providing. You can start with just cleaning textiles, and then add care for carpets, leather products and more.


Another important part of the journey of starting a business. In fact, if the staff is not trained, then you will spoil the things of customers and lose not only money, but also your reputation, and this will undoubtedly lead to the closure of the business. The best solution will hire already people with experience, but if there are none, this moment, then you can teach beginners on your own for a period of 2 to 3 months.

From the staff will be needed:

  • technologist
  • order processing manager
  • technical staff
  • driver with car
  • accountant

It is necessary to stimulate employees for quality work, thank them with bonuses or % of the volume of work done.


You need to think about advertising even at the launch stage. Of course, the best advertising will be a good location. A bright signboard, leaflets, a system of bonuses, for example, every fifth dry cleaner has a 50% discount. It will also not be superfluous to create a website on the Internet so that people can find you, you need to place contact details on it, and most importantly, a specific street and area where you are located.

How much does it all cost?

Opening a dry cleaning business is not a cheap type of business, primarily due to the purchase of very expensive equipment and the lease of a large area for a workshop.

Let's highlight the main cost items for this business:

Starting investments:

  • renovation of the premises - from $ 20,000
  • purchase of equipment - $55,000
  • paperwork - $300
  • promotional items – $400
  • initial purchase chemicals, for cleaning - from $1000

Monthly investment:

  • room rental - $1000
  • utility bills - $1500 - $2000
  • taxes - $200
  • salary - from $1500
  • advertising - $150
  • purchase of consumables – $500
  • transportation costs - $200

As you can see, the investment will be large.

The owner of a dry cleaner earns $1,000-$7,000 per month, depending on locality, location, and other factors.

Profitability is about 20% - 30%.

The average payback of a business is 2.5 - 3 years.

Findings. We have considered two options on how to open a dry cleaner in your city. Yes, this is a complex business that requires huge investments and worries with paperwork, but if you manage to launch it, then you will get a stable working enterprise for many years.

Do you have experience in this business area? Looking forward to your feedback on this article below.


Sample business plan for starting a dry cleaning business small town with a population of 120 thousand inhabitants.

Business Outlook

The crisis phenomena of the 1990s led to the fact that dry-cleaning enterprises under state care fell into disrepair: the equipment became outdated, there was an outflow of qualified personnel, and the quality of the services provided sharply decreased. Ultimately, the provision of dry cleaning services for products was practically discontinued. However, the demand for such services remains high. It is much cheaper for the consumer to restore the original appearance of the product with the help of dry cleaning than to buy new thing. Therefore, opening a dry cleaning company in modern conditions considered to be a very promising project.

How much money do you need to open a dry cleaners

According to the business plan, the opening of a small dry cleaner will require at least 3,220,000 rubles:

  • Minor repairs of the premises - 200,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of turnkey professional equipment - 2,500,000 rubles.
  • Installation of security systems and fire safety- 70,000 rubles.
  • Business registration, approvals and permits - 50,000 rubles.
  • Advertising budget - 100,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses (consumables, overalls, fuel and lubricants, etc.) - 100,000 rubles.
  • Reserve fund - 200,000 rubles.

What taxation system to choose for the enterprise

The organizational form of the enterprise will be individual entrepreneurship. It is planned to use a single tax on imputed income (UTII) as a taxation system. Under such a system, the tax would be fixed and would be paid quarterly. A license for such activities is not required. Our dry cleaners will provide cleaning services for clothes from different materials and groups: suits, coats, dresses, textiles, leather goods, fur, dry cleaning of carpets, as well as manual cleaning of shoes, bags and suede. For the urgency of the order (within 24 hours), an additional payment will be charged - 50% of the price list.

Technology of dry cleaning services

  1. Reception of products
  2. Sorting products by type and degree of contamination
  3. Removal of specific contaminants, stain removal
  4. Cleaning products
  5. Treatment with organic solvents
  6. Impregnation of products
  7. Wet heat treatment
  8. Checking the quality of work

Marketing and Advertising

The first point of the marketing business plan is to determine the capacity of the dry cleaning services market. According to some data, the average resident of Russia uses dry cleaning services on average once every 2 years. The size of the population of our city is 120 thousand inhabitants. Of these, the number of economically active people (potential customers) is 60 thousand people. By simple calculations we get: 60,000 people. / 730 days = 82. It turns out that about 82 people need dry cleaning services every day. There are two organizations that provide dry cleaning services in our city. These are quite well-known and well-established organizations that have been operating in the market for such services for more than a year. However, the speed of customer service and the quality of their services is not so great. We believe that the opening of our enterprise with modern high-class equipment and trained personnel will attract the lion's share of customers. The average check of the service according to preliminary calculations will be 1050 rubles. According to the most conservative estimates, an average of 12 clients will visit the dry-cleaner daily (excluding time for business promotion). On weekdays, the flow will be slightly higher than on weekends. This will allow you to receive an average daily income of 12,600 rubles, respectively, a monthly income of 378,000 rubles.

Download dry cleaning business plan, from our partners, with a quality guarantee.

Production plan

When choosing a room for dry cleaning, all SES requirements, including the distance from residential buildings which must be at least 50 meters. The size of the leased premises will be 85 sq. m. with a monthly rent equal to 42,500 rubles (500 rubles / m2).

The issue of acceptance of products for cleaning will also be resolved. The city will operate two clothing collection points in the most densely populated areas. One will be located in the same building as the equipment, the second will be a separate room (15 sq. m.) in a residential area of ​​the city.

What equipment to choose for dry cleaning

At least 2,500,000 rubles will be spent on the purchase of professional equipment. The line will include:

  • Dry cleaning machine Suprema LC 24
  • Universal steam mannequin with built-in boiler
  • stain table
  • Professional ironing table
  • Packing machine vertical


The following will be employed as personnel: a technologist, ironers (2 people), workers (2 people), an administrator and a driver. Accounting services are planned to be outsourced. The permanent staff of the organization will include 6 people. The monthly wage fund will be 96,000 rubles.

Calendar plan

Starting a project involves the following sequential steps:

  1. Search for sources of project financing
  2. Registration of a business with the tax authority
  3. Search for premises and conclusion of a lease agreement
  4. Repair and design of the premises
  5. Purchase and installation of professional equipment
  6. Certification, approval of the project with the state. authorities
  7. Staff employment
  8. Enterprise launch

Business risks

Opening a dry cleaner is associated with the following risks:

  • High level of competition in the market
  • High dependence on the successful location of the enterprise
  • Lack of highly qualified personnel in this area
  • Long payback period

Financial plan

Let's proceed to the calculation of the main indicators economic efficiency business. Fixed monthly expenses:

  • Rent - 42,500 rubles.
  • Salary - 96,000 rubles.
  • Insurance deductions - 28,800 rubles.
  • Utility payments - 30,000 rubles.
  • Consumables (powders, solvents, etc.) - 25,000 rubles.
  • Taxes (UTII) - 6,000 rubles.
  • Accounting - 8,000 rubles.
  • Transportation costs - 10,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses - 15,000 rubles.

Total - 261,300 rubles.

How much can you earn on dry cleaning services

The net profit of the organization according to the business plan will be 116,700 rubles per month. The profitability of dry cleaning is 44%. With such indicators, the project pays off in 30 - 35 months of work (taking into account the period for business promotion).

This is a complete finished project which you will not find in the public domain. The content of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of the project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

Clothing care is always required, so dry cleaning will never be left without customers. You will learn how to open a dry cleaning franchise, which cooperation option to choose, as well as the main advantages of a business, from our article.

Which business model to choose?

A cleaning and care business can be run in a number of ways.

Opening of a collection point

This is the most inexpensive option. People will only donate clothes, and all the work on processing things will be carried out at a large partner enterprise. Opening costs average 240 thousand rubles. To open you will need:
In this business format, the profitability can be up to 100 thousand rubles per month, and the payback is up to 2 years.

Dry cleaning with a full cycle of clothing processing

The size of production can vary from a small mini-dry cleaner with basic equipment to large-scale factories with huge turnover. Whether sizing is appropriate depends on demand and availability. Money. A medium-sized factory will cost about 1.2 million rubles, a large-scale dry cleaner will cost about 80 million rubles. To organize production, you will need:

Buying a franchise

Considered the most simple option, because the difficulties and concerns for business development and organization of the production process in this case will partially fall on the franchisor. The entrepreneur can only use the ready-made business model and engage in direct work. The average cost of investing in a dry cleaning franchise is 450 thousand rubles.

A clothing collection point franchise has a number of advantages:

  • Brand recognition.
  • Marketing assistance from the franchisor.
  • Free staff training (not always provided).
  • Assistance in setting prices and decorating the premises.
  • Providing a ready-made business model.
In the absence of competition and with a sufficient flow of customers, this business can pay off in a year. The main risks are the loss of reputation and customers due to damage to clothes, violation of safety rules and consistency. technological process(you can get sanctions from the controlling state bodies).

Required documents

You don't need a license to open a dry cleaning business. But since production can pose a threat environment, you will have to collect a lot of documents:

  • Certificate from the sanitary and epidemiological station on the compliance of the enterprise with the requirements of environmental safety.
  • The program of sanitary and industrial control. This is a collection of rules and regulations of the PPK.
  • Permission to place a dry cleaner on the premises.
  • Contracts for disinfection and disinfestation.
  • Contract for the processing of fluorescent lamps.
  • Agreement with housing and communal services for garbage collection.

Popular franchises

Before purchasing a dry cleaning franchise, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with different proposals in this area. They differ in the size of the entrance fee, monthly deductions to the partner and terms of cooperation.

Dry cleaning "Diana"

One of the most promoted brands in Russia is the Diana dry cleaners network. This is a large network of enterprises providing cleaning, fur, restoration, cleaning services, was founded in 2002. Network known high quality services. At the moment, the network of dry cleaners includes 20 enterprises in the Russian Federation and more than 600 collection points.

Reception point of dry cleaning "Diana"

The cost of the franchise is 150 thousand rubles. There is no royalty.

What does the franchisor offer?

  • Marketing materials.
  • Consulting support.
  • Providing discounts on consumables.
  • Staff training in own training center.
Requirements for the franchisee:
  • Availability of funds required to open a dry cleaners.
  • Initiative, entrepreneurial spirit and the desire to develop business.
  • Following production process standards.
Room requirements:
  • Dry cleaning should be on the ground floor.
  • The entrance must be on the front side of the building.
  • A rear entrance to the workroom should be organized.
  • The total area is not less than 6 sq.m.
  • Having a phone.
  • Well-known trade mark and untwisted brand.
  • A standardized business process that does not require constant monitoring.
  • Advising on the ways of doing business and advertising campaigns from the franchisor.
  • Available The educational center to improve the skills of employees.
  • No royalty.
  • Advertising campaigns are carried out at the expense of the franchisor. Promotional materials are provided.

Table: start-up costs

Table: monthly expenses

The level of income of the enterprise will directly depend on the city in which dry cleaning is open, as well as on the correct choice of location. With a competent and thoughtful system of work, the level of monthly profit can reach 100-150 thousand rubles. AT major cities with large quantity of the population, it is possible to increase the level of income up to 200–250 thousand rubles per month. The predicted payback is 10 months.

"Clean Fast"

The network of dry cleaners was founded in 2005 and now has more than 30 branches throughout Russia. The company provides profitable terms cooperation and full business support. This is especially important for those entrepreneurs who do not yet have practical experience in this type of business. The cost of the franchise is 190 thousand rubles.What does the franchisor offer?
  • Equipment selection.
  • Training.
  • Assistance in paperwork.
  • Marketing materials.
Room requirements:
  • Area from 100 sq. m.
Requirements for the franchisee:
  • Responsibility, entrepreneurial spirit, desire to develop business.
  • Availability of financial resources.

Table: initial investment

Table: monthly expenses

The ChistoBystro franchise involves the creation of a separate production, and therefore the cost of equipment is high. total amount initial investment is 8 million 460 thousand rubles. Nevertheless, income from such production can be up to 400 thousand rubles per month. Taking into account all investments and costs, the estimated payback period is 1.5–2 years.

Profitability will depend on the demand for the services of the enterprise in a particular city. For Russia, this is a fairly new and popular service. While in the USA there is 1 dry cleaner for every 10 thousand people, in our country this proportion is 1:160 thousand people. Typically, the profitability of an enterprise is 40%, but during a crisis period it can drop to 10-15%.

"Dry Cleaner No. 1"

This company is engaged in dry-cleaning of any clothes (winter and summer), fur and leather, as well as repairing and cleaning shoes. Basically, reception points are located in Moscow and the Moscow region. The company offers the following conditions:
  • Minimum requirements for a partner to work.
  • Staff training, free training.
  • Provides consumables.
  • Guarantees an established logistics network.
The cost of the franchise must be checked with the official representatives of the company.


The company was founded in 1997. Chanterelle is a well-known dry-cleaner's shop that works only with high-quality equipment from Italian manufacturers. The following technologies are used for cleaning: Wet&Dry, Alpen Clean, Winter Shine and others.
Dry cleaning "Chanterelle" offers an eco-cleaning option, for this you will have to buy special equipment What does the franchisee offer?
  • Work under a recognizable brand.
  • Marketing support.
  • Ready-made cleaning technologies.
The predicted payback is 12 months.

Dry cleaning-laundry Unisec

As a dry-cleaning-laundry company, it has existed for over 30 years, and the franchisor has 25 years of experience. Unisec offers several business models: mini dry cleaning, dry cleaning in the neighborhood (a full range of cleaning services for textile, fur and leather products) and a factory (the ability to provide services not only to individuals, but also legal entities).
Equipment used by Unisec What does the franchisor offer?
  • Ready business plan.
  • Marketing help.
  • Supply of equipment.
  • Consulting.
  • Communication with partners in other cities.
The cost of the franchise must be checked with official representatives.

Self-service laundry "Chistoff"

This business option is still considered a novelty on Russian market, however, according to many experts, it has a fairly high potential. Due to the fact that modern washing machines not always able to withdraw persistent stains, as well as the inability to dry clothes in small apartments self-service laundromats are becoming more and more popular.
Prices in a self-service laundry are undoubtedly lower than in ordinary ones. A lump-sum fee is 150 thousand rubles. The royalty is 8 thousand rubles a month, for owners of a master franchise - 6 thousand rubles. What does the franchisee get?
  • Ready business model.
  • Marketing support.
  • Fully automated cleaning technology.
  • Work under a well-known brand.
  • Staff training program.
Room requirements:
  • Ground or ground floor.
  • Area from 25 to 40 sq. m.
  • Supply and exhaust ventilation.
  • The ideal location is a sleeping area or not far from student dormitories.
To open a laundry, it will take from 800 thousand rubles to 1 million 500 thousand rubles. The predicted payback is 1–1.5 years.

What to look for when choosing a franchise?

Opening a franchise business makes it possible to take advantage of an already proven idea, while minimizing the risk of ruin. But not all franchisors have the same favorable terms of cooperation. Therefore, before concluding a contract, you should learn more about the nuances of working on a franchise, namely:

  • You need to find out how stable the company is, how long it has been on the market.
  • Find out the number of partners: how many there are and how many have left the business. Find feedback about working with the franchisor.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the cost of the franchise and the necessary investments.
  • Clarify contractual relationship. Opportunity to sell the business and extend the contract.
  • Discover possible ways resolving conflicts and disputes.
  • Familiarize yourself with the franchisor's requirements for potential partners.
  • Monitor competitors and study the market.
  • Find out about the level of training provided to staff and the training materials offered.
  • Understand the company's supply chain. The purchase takes place only from the franchisor or you can independently form a network of suppliers.
  • Learn about the experience of franchising a future partner.

Features for different cities

When opening a dry cleaning franchise in a small town, a significant plus will be a little competition. In order to assess the feasibility of opening a franchise in a particular city, you should find out how many dry cleaners are already open, how many of them operate under a franchise. If the competition is low, then you can safely proceed to the choice of a company that provides a franchising service. If there are only local companies in the city, then opening a dry-cleaning franchise will provide an opportunity to implement new products that have been operating in large cities for a long time, but have not yet reached the regions.
  1. Reception points are best placed closer to densely populated parts of the city, where there is a large number of potential clients.
  2. It is advisable to combine the activities of dry cleaning with additional services: a laundry, a workshop for repairing and painting things.
  3. It is necessary to distinguish the enterprise from the rest, for example, to arrange exit points for receiving clothes, with subsequent delivery to your home.

According to statistics, three recent years the sphere of personal services grew by 25%. And, although this figure is relevant for the Moscow market, there is also a trend of rapid growth in the regions.
Many experts point out that the dry cleaning business idea is profitable right now. Crisis phenomena do not affect the sphere of consumer services, the market is developing (and your enterprise will begin to grow along with it), some competitors are closing, and state funds for supporting entrepreneurship have already begun to receive money for the development of small and medium businesses. The only negative is that banks have increased the requirements for issuing loans, but you can still get a loan to develop your business.

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Business development options

You can open dry cleaning in several formats:

  • Opening own dry cleaning with high power (small collection points are located around the city, and the washing process is carried out in a separate room located in a remote area). The entry threshold is 80-100 thousand dollars.
  • Opening of a mini-dry-cleaner (the reception point and the necessary equipment are located in the same room). Investments - 12-40 thousand dollars.
  • Dry cleaning reception point (employees receive and sort clothes, as well as give them to customers). The cleaning process is taken over by a large network of dry cleaners, which receives 50-60% of the income. The level of capital investments is 1.8 - 3 thousand dollars.
    It is also possible to organize dry cleaning at home, which operates in a narrow segment.
    A dry cleaning business plan should be based on analysis competitive environment region and the level of purchasing power, the requirements of potential customers, novelties and advances in technology.

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Requirements for the premises

How to start a business? If you have made the decision to open a dry cleaner from scratch, start looking for a place.

This is one of the most complex and time-consuming processes, since a number of mandatory requirements are put forward for it:

  • Location on the ground floor, in the basement or basement;
  • accommodation in separate buildings or in public premises;
  • the distance to the residential sector must be at least 80 m;
  • ceiling height - from 3 m.

Also note that the chosen place must be equipped with an uninterrupted supply of water and electricity, have its own drain, ventilation system, heating.

Do not forget that regardless of the chosen format, the reception points should be located in densely populated areas, in places with high level patency.

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Dry cleaning requires high-quality equipment, human factor here is secondary.

Therefore, you do not need a large number of workers:

  • Technologist;
  • receiver;
  • worker;
  • accountant.

If you plan to open a mini-dry cleaner, accounting can be transferred to an outsourcing company. If you are going to organize an enterprise with large capacities, you will need a manager, a driver, an ironer, a cleaner, several workers and receivers working in shifts.


Without a competent promotion policy, it is difficult to acquire a stable customer base.

  • Distribution of booklets in the area of ​​the opening of the organization;
  • posting ads online and on special boards;
  • a short report on radio or local television about the opening;
  • outdoor advertising in the city.

Depending on the format, choose the most appropriate methods for your business. Profitable marketing ploy - cooperation with manufacturing enterprises who regularly use dry cleaning.

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As already noted, uninterrupted operation depends on the quality of the equipment. Therefore, purchase only professional laundry equipment. Established in the domestic market trade marks Hanghai Hunduo Machinery Co Ltd (China), Girbau (Spain), Meron (Czech Republic), GMP, Sidi Mondial, IMESA, LELIT and ITALCLAEN (Italy), ASTRA (Lithuania).

Clothes dry cleaning equipment:

  • Washing machines;
  • drying equipment;
  • stain-removing cabin;
  • compressor;
  • fur polishing machine;
  • perchlorethylene dry cleaning machine;
  • finishing equipment;
  • installations for packing and storing clothes;
  • related equipment - hangers, carts, containers.

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Financial plan

To the question "How much does it cost to open a dry cleaner?" it is difficult to give an unambiguous answer, since the amount of investment depends on the chosen format and regional characteristics.

Consider, for example, the costs of organizing your own mini-dry cleaning:

  • Purchase of professional equipment - 10 thousand dollars;
  • commissioning (3-7% of the total cost) - $ 400;
  • consumables - $ 1,000;
  • renovation of the premises - $ 600.

To current expenses belongs to the payment of utility bills, marketing costs, wages of employees. For mini-dry cleaning, this figure varies within 2500 dollars.
Alternatively, equipment can be purchased on lease at 20-35% per annum.

Profit calculation

Is it profitable to open a dry cleaners? Let's say 50 kg were processed in one shift at a cost of $4.5/kg.
Total profit will be: 50 kg x 30 days x $4.5 = $6,750 per month. This example relevant for promoted dry cleaning in Moscow. In the regions, the cost of services and the level of workload are reduced by 25-40%.
As practice shows, profit in the regions in the first months of operation does not exceed 1-2 thousand dollars, but after a year of active actions, the introduction of a promotion policy and an increase in the range of services, income can grow to 5-7 thousand dollars.

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Franchise work

When starting any business, there is a risk of financial loss. A dry cleaning franchise makes it possible to minimize this risk. You open a business under a well-known well-known brand that is popular with the population, and the franchise seller provides you with comprehensive support (conditions depend on the specific franchisor).

home business

Dry cleaning at home as a business does not require large expenses and makes it possible to organize a business with minimum investment. Work is recommended to start with a narrow area, for example, cleaning carpets.
You can take orders from home or work on the go. The minimum set of equipment for dry-cleaning carpets and consumable costs 120 thousand rubles. Equipment can be rented, with further promotion, you can purchase more professional options and expand the range of services provided. At first, all functions can be performed by one person, with an increase in orders, a dispatcher will be needed to process applications and several workers. An important role even in a small home business belongs to advertising, since the number of orders depends on it.

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Commercial offers

If you are a manufacturer or supplier of equipment, an expert or a franchiser in this area, then write to us through the Contacts page. Below we will place information about your offer and your contacts.
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