How to open your own dry cleaners from scratch. Business plan for opening your own dry cleaners

What is dry cleaning? Why is this direction of the service sector the most promising business even in today's difficult economic conditions and so many people in this industry? How to properly organize dry cleaning business, spending exactly as much as you need and consistently receive a decent profit? You will find answers to these and many other questions below.

About own profitable business many dream. But aspiring entrepreneurs face the question of how to effectively invest money in a business. The most beaten track is trade.

However, buying something is not a problem now, but selling it ... Perhaps someone will be interested alternative solution: production, but even here there are pitfalls, and the main one is the initial capital, which in best case measured in hundreds of thousands of dollars.

And here is the time to recall a special field of activity located at the intersection of production and trade - about, which are one of the most promising industries and are characterized by growing demand.

One of the options is a dry cleaning service.

When we talk about dry cleaning, we traditionally mean cleaning clothes. In fact, they rent out carpets, curtains, and Stuffed Toys and even blankets and pillows. The technology of their processing includes irradiation with special germicidal lamps, which, coupled with mechanical influences and the actual cleaning with chemicals, allows you to get rid of various microorganisms and their metabolic products that cause allergies.

This business can change under the influence of a crisis, a change of government and other things, but it will never completely fade away! Still, each of us prefers clean clothes, fresh tablecloths and bed linen. “And besides a freshly washed shirt, I can honestly say that I don’t need anything,” wrote Vladimir Mayakovsky.

AT Soviet years the opening of dry cleaners was a planned event. According to master plan construction, it had to function in each microdistrict with a certain number of inhabitants. For obvious reasons, the industry was subsidized, but the employees and chief leaders of the "strongholds of purity" did not complain - the state did not spare money on the sphere of domestic services.

With the transition to the market rails of steel dry cleaning commercial enterprises, and now the owners of this business began to have a headache about how to make the company make a profit. In parallel, newcomers began to enter the business, creating additional tension and increasing competition in the industry.

Currently, in Europe there is one dry cleaner per 5,000 inhabitants, in the USA - per 10,000, and in Russia one collection point serves over 160,000 people. These figures are pre-crisis. Experts estimate the market capacity of dry cleaners in Moscow at about 110-130 million dollars a year. At the same time, there is a clear prospect for the growth of this type of business.

In Milan, there are 4,000 dry cleaners for 4,000,000 inhabitants, and, for example, in Novosibirsk, for approximately the same number of inhabitants, there are only 10. How many dry cleaners should there be in one city? There is no point in arguing on this topic, but it is obvious that in Russia, for more widespread dry cleaners have good prospects. it profitable view business but, of course, in normal economic conditions.

According to various estimates, 20-30% of companies in the field of personal services did not reach the bottom of the crisis, having gone bankrupt last year. The increase in electricity tariffs and the freezing of business lending programs also played their role. Although demand - perhaps the most important business stimulus - remains high. People in times of crisis also need dry cleaners and laundries. And if in Moscow large networks covered almost all sleeping areas, in the regions the market for personal services sank significantly.

Now is the time to start

Right now, when conditions are generally most favorable! The shock wave of the crisis will not hurt you, the market is slowly growing (and you will grow with it), some competitors have gone bankrupt, and the departments of entrepreneurship development have finally begun to receive the money promised by the state for a long time. Unless the banks are being cautious, but now getting a loan is still easier than six months ago.

The profitability of a business, even in the worst of times, rarely falls below 10-15%, and in some enterprises it reaches 40%.

Of course, this business has many nuances, ranging from strict requirements for the premises to the peculiarities of choosing a reliable supplier who will offer high-quality equipment for laundries and dry cleaners, and organizing an effective advertising campaign.

The cost of opening a dry cleaner depends on the size of the business. When opening a “full cycle” dry cleaning, be patient: the costs pay off in 1.5-2 years, and you will need to invest at least 100,000 Euros.

Where to begin? As in any business, from planning

There are three things to understand before entering the clothes cleaning business. The first is how much investment you are capable of. The second is whether you want independence, or are you ready to work under someone else's guidance, in a team. Third - will this business be the only and main one for you, or a side one.

First of all, decide what kind of business you need, whether it will be a franchise or an independent enterprise, whether you plan to expand.

The advantage of self-employment is endless opportunities for business expansion. It all depends on the owner. First, one mini-workshop and one or two receiving points, and then, you see, large enterprise cleaning clothes and dozens of collection points. By promoting your brand, you can eventually sell the franchise on your own. Franchise buyers have no such prospects. To some extent, they work "for their uncle." But the risks and expenses are much lower.

The main advantages of franchising are known - it is an opportunity to organize a serious business, even as a completely unprepared beginner. All the hassle of opening a new business, training staff and management, selecting premises, setting up equipment is the responsibility of the franchisor. For this, he takes interest both at the start of the business and during its subsequent supervision. The owner will not have any headache either with paperwork, or with setting up equipment, or with the promotion of a new enterprise. After all, he becomes a cog of some large operator, who will issue documents along the knurled path and include a new point in advertising campaigns.

You can not look for easy ways, but organize your own mini-dry cleaning, and then a network of collection points on your own. The main thing is to get all the permissions to organize a mini-workshop. You can go through the bureaucratic corridors yourself, or you can negotiate with an intermediary law firm that will draw up all the documents promptly, but for money.

After that, come up with a name, write down all types of equipment, installation and maintenance costs, the type and cost of chemicals that will be used.

If you do not have a specialized education, you will have to study the materiel. There are specialized magazines and Internet sites (preferably Western), where there is enough information about modern technologies in the field of dry cleaning. A license to open such an enterprise is not needed, but permission from public services would need. In order not to waste time, in parallel with the preparation of a business plan, send letters to the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision and Gospozhnadzor. If you are on a budget, contact law firm and shift all the hassle of registration to her. You still have time to talk with officials: state commissions check dry cleaners regularly.

You can draw up a business plan yourself or entrust this matter to a specialist.

If you have firmly decided to open a dry cleaner, then the first thing you should start with is finding a room for it. It will not be possible to choose a room solely on the basis of price: according to the standards, a dry-cleaning shop cannot be located in residential buildings, grocery stores, cafes, restaurants, as well as on floors above the first (the main substances used in cleaning are heavier than air and therefore sink down). The production room, of course, does not have to be “tied” to the reception point (which, by the way, is more profitable to place on the first floors residential buildings and shopping malls). The main thing is that from point A (workshop) to point B (reception point) can be easily reached by car. The required area for a medium-sized dry cleaner is 100 sq. m. The height of the production room (from floor to ceiling) must be at least 3 m.

Dry cleaning can be located on the first, basement or basement floor public buildings, in separate buildings.

According to the SES standards, a mini-dry cleaner cannot be placed in the basement or basement of a residential building. Do not open a cleaning shop and in the immediate vicinity of grocery stores and enterprises Catering. A license, as already mentioned, is not needed for such a case, but you will have to run around with the issuance of permits for the opening of production.

Production sites necessary for the organization of work:

1. Acceptance of things and ordering.
2. Pre-treatment and sorting, where things are sorted by type of dirt, color, type of fabric, etc., stains are removed - the site is located in a common production room.
3. Cleaning (items grouped in batches are cleaned in a special dry-cleaning machine).
4. Finishing(at this site, the cleaned things are steamed, ironed, packed) - the site is located in a common production room.

In addition, uninterrupted supply of water and electricity, well-equipped drains and a well-functioning heating and ventilation system are very important for the premises in which it is planned to place dry cleaning. Add to that not the most small size required area(preferably from 100 sq.m.) and the importance of locating a dry cleaner in densely populated areas with no competitors in the vicinity, and you will understand why it is necessary to start with finding a room.

However, if you are going to open a high-capacity dry cleaner, then the problem of finding the perfect premises can be completely bypassed. Find a suitable dry cleaning building on the outskirts of the city (with an appropriate rental price), and open collection points in densely populated areas. In this case, you immediately increase your turnover and get access to places where competitors who combine a collection point with a production workshop are denied access. As Moscow practice shows, it is precisely such networks of dry cleaners that are the most viable. And yet, the proposed path has its own difficulties.

First of all, it is the need to rent a large number premises for reception points. Each such point should have staff who also do not work for free.

Accepted clothes will have to be taken to the workshop daily, which means that add transport costs here. All this greatly increases operating costs and is only justified if you are confident that you can significantly increase turnover.

According to the rules fire safety There must be two emergency exits.

So, the premises have been selected, you can begin to draw up documents and purchase equipment for dry cleaning, laundry equipment

You will need: staining booth or table, perchlorethylene dry cleaning machine, steam-air ironing dummies for outerwear and trousers, universal ironing table, ironing press, compressor, steam generator, equipment for packing and storing clothes.

>Equipment for a mini-dry cleaner costs approximately 65,000 Euros. It must be understood that approximately 45% of the total cost of the equipment kit is the price of the dry cleaning machine itself, so the final cost of the kit depends on the load of the machine you have chosen. Installation and debugging of equipment will cost 5-10% of the cost of equipment, and if you have never worked in this industry on installation, you should not save. Special attention you should pay attention to the choice of equipment supplier, since many unscrupulous organizations involved in the supply of similar equipment, in order to attract a client, indicate in their advertisements that they offer a set of equipment for mini-dry cleaning for only 40,000 Euros, in this case you run the risk of purchasing a set, to put it mildly, defective. Moreover: often the choice of a supplier is more important than the choice of the equipment manufacturer itself. Globalization is successfully doing its job, and the machines of the world's leading manufacturers do not differ much in quality and functionality. But the equipment supplier should become your reliable partner for the entire duration of your dry cleaning operation. It is he who will promptly and promptly support you with consumables and components, advise you in technical and technological terms. Without such support, no dry cleaner will be able to work.

Where to buy equipment? The easiest way is to purchase it from distributors of the world's leading manufacturers of specialized equipment (in particular, the Italian companies TeknoZen, Camptel - Anghinetti and many others).

Standard kit for mini dry cleaning:

1. Dry cleaning machine
* Nominal load - 15 - 17 kg
* 2 self-cleaning tanks
* 1 self-cleaning nylon filter
* drum volume - 241l

* pneumatic stretching of sleeves
* digital control panel (3 modes)

*pneumatic leg stretch
*digital control panel
4. Ironing table
* electrically heated work surface
* vacuum, pressurization, steaming (mandatory option)
* swivel heating sleeve
* electric steam iron with suspension
*table lighting

7. Wall Packing Machine
8. Hung in the amount of 4 pieces
9. Trolleys for dirty linen in the amount of 4 pcs.
10. Steam generator (30 kW)

You also need to purchase chemicals, brushes, hangers, films, labels, etc. Yes, and we also did not take into account the repair of the premises - but it will have to be done without fail: for industrial premises everything is clearly determined, down to the paint used and the tiles on the floor.

Let's take a closer look at production facilities. In the regions, while the consumer services market is not particularly developed, you should not buy cars with a large load. It is better to purchase more economical installations with a capacity of 15 kg per hour. For an eight-hour work shift, you can process up to 120 kg. What if you work two shifts?

However, today such workload in most peripheral cities is more of a fantasy, and if it resembles reality, then only in the fall, when dry cleaners are in season.


For one workshop and one reception point, 5-7 people are enough: a technologist, two ironers, two workshop workers, one accountant (if you do not plan to outsource accounting) and a driver. It is desirable to find a technologist with work experience. It is difficult: there are few professionals in this field, salaries are below average. When opening a dry cleaner, try to recruit employees who already have experience in similar work. At the initial stage, the technologist can act as an order taker.

In this case, you will significantly save on staff training and get confidence that the work will be done with high quality, and you will not have to return money to customers for a damaged item.

And the problem of dissatisfied customers is always there. You can insure yourself only by carefully filling out the receipt for the receipt of clothes and always warning the client about possible risks.

This is especially important when, for some reason, there is no labeling with care symbols (a label with icons that prescribe or prohibit cleaning, washing, drying and ironing operations) of this item. In this case, it is better to refuse to accept this thing for cleaning.

If the current state of affairs does not allow you to scatter orders, then be sure to demand that the client indicate on the receipt that he is aware of all possible risks and has no complaints about dry cleaning.


Dry cleaning refers to the so-called "related" institutions, such as a bakery or a pharmacy. They are part Everyday life person, so all residents of nearby houses are your potential customers. You can enhance the effect of presence with flyers, distributing them at the subway or at the entrance to the shopping center. Advertising on local television works well in the regions. The system of discounts on the loyalty card has also proven itself well - this marketing ploy is used by almost all major dry cleaning networks.

Unusual solutions are only welcome. Not so long ago, one of the major Moscow chains organized its show "Behind the Glass". The walls of the workshop where clothes are cleaned were made transparent, and everyone could see the impressive equipment, conveyors with clothes, and watch the work of technologists.

One of promising directions in the segment - ordering via the Internet and by phone. Delivery is practiced mainly by "elite" dry cleaners, who specialize in complex and expensive textiles. Clients choose them not according to the principle “the closer to home, the better”, but based on a set of services. And for their loyalty they receive a bonus in the form of home delivery of the order.

Who is responsible?

Not a single dry cleaner, even the most respected one, can do without conflicts with customers. The textile industry is developing rapidly, new fabrics appear, for which you need special care. The specialist needs time to conduct an examination and select cleaning products. Impatient customers give the dry cleaner a choice: either take the risk and process the item without prior evaluation, or lose the order. Most workers choose the former.

Another problem is the fakes that have flooded clothing market. Not only labels are fake on them, but also labels with information about care. At the same time, the law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" is entirely on the side of the client, so the owners of dry cleaners prefer not to bring the case to court.

♦ Initial investment: 4,355,000 rubles
♦ Payback period: 24 months
♦ Dry cleaning profitability: 35%

People want to look good all the time. And harmful stains appear on clothes here and there - you don’t even have time to blink an eye.

And it's one thing when it comes to an old home T-shirt, which is not so a pity to throw it away or fill it with vigorous stain remover (after which, most likely, the thing will have to be thrown away).

But what if spilled wine or a lipstick mark left a mark on an expensive snow-white blouse? Of course, you need to run to the dry cleaners!

And what for some people is a solution to a problem, others can turn into a profitable business.

Opening your own dry cleaners will require considerable return and investment from the owner. However, if you are ready to go for it, make a competent dry cleaning business plan and carefully follow it - the return will not be long in coming!

Dry Cleaning Business Plan: Planning

There are several options for implementing a dry cleaning plan:

  • Opening of the reception.
    If you have a desire to provide dry cleaning services, and the budget is limited, you can only open a point for receiving customer orders.
    This requires a small amount of capital and an established connection with a reliable network of dry cleaners, to whom you will pass things for cleaning.
  • Franchise.
    The biggest plus of this option is that you shift almost all the problems to " big brother».
    For representatives of the franchise network to give you the right to use the name, help with equipment, staff and premises, you will only have to regularly pay interest from the profits for this.
  • Organization of own dry cleaning.
    This option is the most traditional, so consider its business plan in more detail.

Project Summary

This dry cleaning business plan provides for the opening of a company in Moscow at the address: X street, 1. For the needs of the project, a room will be rented on the first floor of the shopping center.

Project goals:

  1. Provide the labor market with new vacancies.
  2. Satisfy the need of individuals and businesses to receive dry cleaning services at an affordable price and in a short time.
  3. Receiving a profit.

It is worth returning to the goals indicated in the business plan from time to time in order to control the course of the project.

Marketing plan for opening a dry cleaners

The analysis of the current state of affairs in the market, which is included in the dry cleaning business plan, shows high growth rates.

Since the beginning of the 1990s, there has been a decline in the field. However, over the past five years, the pace of development has increased. Demand for dry-cleaning services has grown and existing businesses cannot keep up with the volume of orders.

This led to the emergence of vacant places in the niche for the launch of new dry cleaners.

The standard of living of people is rising. What used to be considered an attribute of a luxurious life has now become an integral part of life.

Rising income and affordable prices services lead to the target audience dry cleaners is steadily growing and expanding.

The target audience

The collection and analysis of statistical data for a business plan showed that the main clients of dry cleaners are the following categories of people:

  1. Clients from high level wealthy, who can afford to buy expensive things and pay for their professional cleaning.
  2. Clients with an average level of income - apply less often, but with large volumes of orders or complex pollution (i.e. order more expensive services).
  3. Organizations providing services to the population (hotels, salons).
  4. Organizations engaged in the sale of clothing or products made of textiles, suede, fur.
  5. Organizations whose employees wear uniform uniforms.
  • by age: female - 59%, male - 41% of clients;
  • by type of activity: employees - 28%, entrepreneurs - 24%, managers - 22%, housewives - 17%, other types of employment - 9%.

Advertising campaign

Interesting fact:
The 39th President of the United States, Jimmy Carter (b. 1924), once sent his jacket to the dry cleaner, forgetting a cheat sheet with codes for launching nuclear weapons in his pocket.

Dry cleaning N is located in a place with high traffic.

To attract customers to the opening and transfer random visitors to the status of regular visitors, the following advertising methods listed in the business plan will be used:

  • Creation of a website, as well as placement of advertising banners of the project on third-party resources.
  • Distribution of flyers at the entrance to the shopping center and at the nearest intersections with data on promotions and average prices for services.
  • Loyalty program for regular customers.
  • Placing advertisements for dry cleaning services on billboards.

Dry cleaning staff

The planned schedule of dry cleaning, indicated in the business plan: 9.00-21.00 seven days a week. To ensure it, employees will work in two shifts.

The position of manager will be performed by the project initiator. Before launching the project, a training course will be held for the recruited staff.

Also, it is imperative to include a list of responsibilities for each position in the dry cleaning business plan, based on the Labor Code data.
  • Technologist - evaluates the things accepted from customers, assessing the type and degree of contamination, controls correct work equipment, appoints the method of removing stains and the deadline for delivery of the order, helps to decide conflict situations with clients, accepts comments and suggestions, performs other tasks from the manager.
  • Acceptor - accepts orders from customers, controls payment for services, informs about deadlines, availability of promotions and special offers, answers questions about the range and cost of services, maintains a report on the activities of the project, resolves questions and claims that arise from customers.
  • Dry cleaning technical staff - performs all the necessary organizational and technical measures to provide services to customers, monitors the correct operation of equipment, cleanliness in the workplace, and performs other instructions from the management.
  • Manager (project initiator) - coordinates the work of dry cleaning, monitors the proper operation of equipment, stock of consumables, purchases the necessary chemicals cleaning, solves emerging problems, assigns tasks to other employees, pays them wages supervises the cleanliness of the premises and compliance with technical standards work, responds to wishes for services and comments from customers.

Dry cleaning equipment

The second most important point, in addition to choosing the location of dry cleaning, is the purchase of high-quality equipment.

To get started, you need to purchase:

  • chemical cleaning machines (with a load of 10-12 kg);
  • table for ironing service;
  • installation for removing stains;
  • washing machine (for 8 kg);
  • dryer (15 kg);
  • steam mannequin;
  • steam generator;
  • packaging equipment;
  • additional small equipment.

1,900,000 rubles will be spent on the purchase and installation of equipment for the project.

Specifications should also be included in the dry cleaning business plan as an attachment.

It would be useful to know what is

professional cleaning process.

About it in the video:

Dry Cleaning Business Plan: Project Implementation

Calendar plan

In order for investors and the project managers themselves to be able to control its implementation on time, the business plan of the project must include calendar plan by opening.

AT ready-made it might look like this:

1. Registration of an enterprise, ordering a print, obtaining the necessary permits.
Implemented by the future owner of dry cleaning.

2. Concluding an investment agreement and obtaining the necessary start-up capital.

3. Search suitable premises for future dry cleaning and signing a lease agreement.

4. The advertising campaign of the project starts, which will continue to be implemented throughout the subsequent time.
Most often, the case is delegated to a specially hired employee from a third-party organization or an advertising agency.

5. Repair and Finishing work in the premises.
Usually the process takes several months and for its implementation a team of specialists is hired to perform the work on a turnkey basis.

6. Purchased equipment for fitness rooms, locker rooms, office, customer entry area.
The technical characteristics of the equipment are included in a separate application of the business plan.

7. The beginning of the search for employees in the state.
The process of selecting and training personnel can take several months in special cases, so it is not worth putting it off until later.
To make it easier for yourself, you can hire a personnel specialist who will complete it faster and better.

8. Installation of purchased equipment, furniture, decorative elements.

9. Final preparations and start of dry cleaning.

Calculation of the cost of opening a dry cleaner

The implementation of the N dry cleaning project requires an investment of 4,355,000 rubles.

The amount of 4,000,000 will be received from investors.

The rest of the amount - 355,000 rubles - will be covered by the personal funds of the project initiator.

In addition to the costs of starting a business, the initial expenses in the business plan include the amount that is necessary to maintain the functioning of the dry cleaner until it reaches the break-even point.

The largest costs are spent on the purchase of equipment for the project High Quality and financing the implementation of the dry cleaning business plan until the business breaks even.

The distribution of resources is clearly demonstrated by the diagram:

Dry Cleaning Business Plan: Financial Ratio Analysis

Current costs of the project

The most extensive expense items are the cost of renting the premises, the payment of wages to employees and various tax deductions noted in the business plan.

Thus, in addition to the start-up costs for launching the project, it will require monthly expenses in the amount of 565,000 rubles.

Project payback

To calculate the estimated revenue from the project, the data displayed in the business plan are used:

  1. Average sales figures in firms similar to dry cleaning N in terms of territory, price level and list of services.
  2. Prices for the most popular services that will be provided at N.

Most often, dry cleaning services are required by clients to put in order the products of the textile and knitwear group.

Approximately the same percentage is occupied by the categories “things made of leather and suede” and “fur products”.

In addition, dry cleaning often brings something that cannot be included in any of these categories: carpets, car seats, cases and more.

According to the average statistics from the business plan, dry cleaning will pay off in 24 months.

Download ready-made dry cleaning business plan with quality assurance.
The content of the business plan:
1. Privacy
2. Resume
3. Stages of project implementation
4. Characteristics of the object
5. Marketing plan
6. Technical and economic data of the equipment
7. Financial plan
8. Risk assessment
9. Financial and economic justification of investments
10. Conclusions

Owners of any business face problems, and dry cleaning is no exception.

Such a project requires large investments, and pays off only after a few years of work. At the same time, it is necessary to regularly pay considerable tax deductions.

Not every entrepreneur can afford such a luxury and not go to the bottom.

But if you put in all your time and energy, you will definitely succeed.

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Here we will consider an article on how to open a dry cleaner, what is needed for it, what equipment. You can also download a business plan for opening a dry cleaner.

Experts say that the household chemicals market, for example, in major cities, has recently been growing by 20-30% annually. And what is most surprising, in the regions there is also an increase and revival of the market.

In Soviet times, the opening of each dry cleaner was planned, and everyone knew about this event. Each microdistrict, where a certain number of residents lived, had to have at least one dry cleaner on its territory. It is not difficult to guess that the industry was clearly subsidized, but somehow it turned out that there were very few dissatisfied employees or managers. The sphere of personal services was well financed by the state.

Business plan

Here you can download finished example dry cleaning business plan to help you start your own business.

After the collapse of the USSR, the household services industry instantly moved into the "camp" of private commercial services. And now the owners themselves had to puzzle over how to make their business bring at least some adequate income without the help of the state. The more people, albeit “newcomers”, entered this business, the faster the competition increased.

However, let's leave nostalgic conversations and go straight to the point - to the discovery.

Information how to open

So, consider information on how to open a dry cleaner and what you need for this.

If you are sure to open this business, the first thing you should start with is finding a suitable room. According to safety rules, dry cleaning should be located on the first or basement floor, the distance from it to residential buildings should be from 80 m. Height - up to 3m.

It is necessary to take into account the need for an uninterrupted supply of water and electricity, as well as well-equipped ventilation and heating systems. The area should be about 100 sq.m. Dry cleaning should be located in densely populated areas, in a place where at least there are no competitors nearby. So, finding a room is the most important and far from the easiest thing in this matter.

You can get around these problems by opening, for example, a dry cleaner with large capacities. You can rent a suitable building (of course, for an adequate price) on the periphery of the city, and open your own branches or reception points in densely populated areas. Thus, you will get rid of competition and start getting good profit. In Moscow, for example, this method is the most viable. But nothing is ever perfect. This method will require a large initial capital to open a dry cleaner, because. you have to pay rent, and the staff will not work for free.

Since the clothes will have to be taken to the workshop, moreover, daily, you need to add to the last paragraph also additional expenses for transport. So this way of doing business can only be successful if you can really increase the turnover a lot!

Everything, the room is selected. It's time to draw up paperwork and purchase equipment, namely: a staining booth, a perchlorethylene dry-cleaning machine, steam-air ironing mannequins for outerwear and trousers, a universal ironing table, a compressor, a steam generator, equipment for packing and storing clothes. These things will cost about $ 70,000 plus 5-10% of this cost for debugging and installation. And we must not forget about the repair, but it will have to be done, since everything in dry cleaning, from the quality of the robots to the paint on the walls, must be at the highest level.

You can also add to the costs a solid monthly fee for water and electricity, the need to regularly purchase expendable materials. About the rent and salary to the staff was mentioned above.

By the way, the dry cleaning staff is not numerous - you will need 5-6 people. It is desirable that all dry cleaning employees have work experience. So you are more likely to reduce the cost of training, it also reduces the likelihood Bad quality work and customer complaints. The latter, by the way, is extremely important to warn about possible risks, especially if there is no label on the clothes describing the cleaning procedures for it. On the extreme case, the client must note in the receipt that he will not have claims to dry cleaning, because. was warned of the potential risks.

In areas where the market for household chemicals is modest, there is no need to buy high-capacity dry cleaning equipment. A productivity of 15 kg per hour will be sufficient, especially when working in two shifts. However, unfortunately, the use of such performance can fully justify itself only in the fall, and even then not always.

Summing up, we can say that with a competent marketing policy and even a little luck, dry cleaning should pay for itself in about 2 years, and the average profitability will be about 10% (although it can reach up to 40). Once you open a dry cleaning business, you can open a laundry or dyeing business, in short, a related line of business.

We hope that this article on how to open a dry cleaners and a sample business plan for it will help you get started.

Dry cleaning as a business is a pretty profitable business. Today, there are dry cleaners in every city, but, despite the competition, it is still possible to gain a foothold in this area.

In this article, we will talk about how much it costs to open a dry cleaner. This question is certainly of interest to novice entrepreneurs. Let's roughly calculate the costs of opening a dry cleaner, the payback period for the business, and the profit.

Before starting a business, it is worth compiling detailed business cleaning plan. This is necessary so that you can step by step develop in the chosen area. The correct distribution of capital will help to expediently spend the available funds on opening a dry cleaning collection point.

How to open a dry-cleaner and what is needed for this?

To begin with, it is worth choosing a direction. It is very important. You need to define the scope of your activities. After all, dry cleaning is common name the whole sphere, and it includes several niches.

  • Dry cleaning of clothes
  • Carpet and cushion cleaning
  • Furniture cleaning

These services can be provided at home, in the case of furniture cleaning or in a company (dry cleaning of clothes).

Business registration

To begin with, it is worth choosing a substantive form: LLC or IP. As for the rules and regulations, all this must be settled with the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service. She provides a list of requirements for opening a dry cleaners.

To receive you need to necessary permissions and issue this species contact an experienced lawyer. You can, of course, do everything yourself, but it will take a lot of time, it’s better to take care of organizational issues related to opening a dry cleaner.


Before renting a room, you should familiarize yourself with the norms of the sanitary and epidemiological service for dry cleaners.

It is forbidden to open dry cleaners:

  • On the first floors of high-rise buildings
  • In commercial premises
  • Close to food outlets

Premises for rent

The area of ​​the premises for dry cleaning can be from 30-20 sq. m. It will be quite enough and 50 square meters. m.

The room should include:

  • Production room
  • ventilation chamber
  • Toilet

Before renting a room, read the SES standards in order to avoid unpleasant nuances in the future. It is, of course, almost impossible to rent a finished room, equipped according to all the rules. Therefore, repairs will have to be made.

Rent price

It all depends on the location of the room. In the city center, it will be more expensive, and, as a rule, competitors are already firmly entrenched there. It is best to choose a place in a residential area, where there is less competition, the cost of rent is lower, and there are plenty of potential customers.

Dry cleaning equipment

How and what does it take to open a dry cleaner? Naturally, you need appropriate, professional equipment.

Necessary equipment:

  • Apparatus for dry cleaning;
  • Steam dummies, ironing board;
  • washing machines;
  • Means for removing stains and a table where you can do this work;
  • steam generator;
  • Apparatus for drying and packing.

it minimum set dry cleaning equipment. If you are cleaning leather items, you will need optional equipment(paint booth for leather clothes).

All this is not cheap. Of course, you can save money and buy used equipment, but it is best to purchase new and modern equipment if possible.

The cost of equipment from 50 thousand dollars.


It is very important to select a qualified staff. The profit from the business and the reputation of the dry cleaning salon will depend on this. Therefore, take this nuance very responsibly.

A minimum of five people is required to service a small dry cleaner.

  • Technology specialists - 2 people;
  • An employee in charge of ironing and packing clothes;
  • Administrator. Its functions include communication with customers, receiving and issuing clothes;
  • Cleaning woman.

On the initial stage, you can perform some functions yourself, thus reducing the cost of staff salaries.

How to attract clients?

The main way to attract customers is advertising. You should inform people about the opening of a new dry cleaners. To do this, you can place ads in the media or on the Internet, on forums, in in social networks. You can also create your own website, where all the information will be: contact numbers, address, as well as a price list with prices for services.

In addition, it is advisable to distribute leaflets in crowded places. They should be colorful and attract people's attention.

At the initial stage, cost a little lower prices, organize promotions. All this will attract attention, and you will have the first visitors who can later become your regular customers.

Business payback periods

Naturally, everything will depend on the clientele, the cost of services and other important factors. But the average payback of dry cleaning is from 2 years.

I hope you find this article helpful if you are considering starting a dry cleaning or laundry business.

In the West, dry cleaning services for home linen and clothes are quite popular. Many live in rented apartments and do not own their own washing machines or they do not want to spend time cleaning and washing, knowing that there are dry-cleaning stations that solve all current problems. Opening a dry cleaners may well be profitable business that brings real and stable income, and this should be taken into account.

Business Description

So, if we talk about how to open a dry cleaner, then it is worth considering two ways that are available for this. The first involves the ownership of the enterprise itself, and the second - the organization of a laundry collection point with its subsequent shipment to existing dry cleaners. If you are not quite sure that opening your own enterprise will be successful, then you should go the second way, that is, open collection point dry cleaners.

So you can study the legislation of your country, assess the general situation, understand what pitfalls exist in this matter, gain confidence and a clear understanding that the investment will pay off. Then it will be possible to look for a place and purchase equipment for your own dry cleaning.

Initial investment

It should be noted that investments in the amount of 100-120 thousand dollars will be enough to organize your own enterprise. Such a business has a number of advantages compared to all others, for example, opening a beauty salon or providing forwarding services. In Russia, this type of business has not yet found proper distribution, but it is starting to gain momentum, so it’s really worth drawing up a dry cleaning business plan and opening it.

As the income of the population gradually increases, people can afford to buy more clothes that need to be cleaned and laundered. And that is why it is quite natural for an entrepreneur to face the question of how to open a dry cleaner.

Of course, many such enterprises are now opening, but this is still not enough to cover the needs modern market. The income of owners of dry cleaners is 1000-1500 dollars per month, and this is an average figure for most cities, and in megacities it is much higher. That is why it is worth figuring out how to open a dry cleaner, and find out in more detail what is needed for this.

Important Points

For your business to be profitable, you need to draw up a clear and detailed business plan his discoveries. You can do it yourself, which will definitely take a lot of time and effort, or you can use the help of specialists. When compiling a dry cleaning business plan, you should consider whose dirty laundry will be cleaned in it.

Pricing depends entirely on the category of people for whom you will work, their position and social status. And over time, when you gain momentum, you can open a laundry or clothes repair shop, providing additional services to the population in the free space of your premises.

Room selection

The best option is to place the first or basement floor in a large business or shopping center, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is 100-200 square meters, if there is permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station, and in the absence of such, it will be necessary to find a room located at a distance of at least 50 meters from residential buildings.

Opening of a clothing collection point

You can open a dry cleaning collection point on your own, or you can buy a ready-made one for 7-10 thousand dollars. Self-organization of a business will cost much less. All that is required for this is the registration of an enterprise, a small room in which you will work, two or three employees, namely a receptionist and a driver with a car, a minimum furniture set consisting of several tables and chairs.

There is no exact recommendation as to exactly where to open such an item, since sometimes it is beneficial to do it close outlets, and sometimes in residential areas, that is, in close proximity to the bulk of customers. If we are not talking about how to open a dry cleaner, but consider the option of a clothes collection point, then it is worth mentioning the initial and running costs in rubles that are waiting for you.

Initial costs are associated with the following points:

Renting a room of 5-10 square meters costs 7,500-25,000 rubles per month, depending on the location;

Necessary equipment, consisting of a minimum set (table and two chairs) - 4500-7500 rubles;

The salary of the driver and two receptionists is 30000-42500.

That is, the initial costs you expect in the amount of 42-75 thousand rubles.

In addition, monthly expenses will be about 39,500-75,000 rubles.

The principle of operation of the collection point

Here it is important to sign an agreement with a large network of dry cleaners, which is popular among consumers, has its own workshops and enterprises, where customers' clothes will be brought into proper shape. And after that, the receptionists can begin their immediate duties: receiving dirty clothes, sorting it, preparing it for shipment to the cleaning factory, as well as receiving clean products and issuing them to customers.

Nearly 60% of your revenue will go to the enterprise. The rest is accounted for by salaries of employees, rent of premises, as well as profits. Have an agreement with a major and famous company there are a number of advantages:

Often they collect dirty clothes and deliver clean clothes on their own, which saves on driver and transport costs;

It is always easier to work under a well-known brand;

A large company is ready to bear responsibility for defects in its work, which implies mandatory compensation for material and moral losses of the client.

The initial investment will pay off in a maximum of 2 years, sometimes six months is enough for this, after which you can get a net profit. The profitability of dry cleaning is 10-40%. The owner of the reception point receives a monthly income of approximately 1000-1500 dollars.

Mini dry cleaning as an alternative

As in the reception center, the most important thing here is to choose the right room. Distance from residential buildings for mini-dry cleaning should be at least 50 meters. You can not open it near catering establishments or grocery stores. If we talk about how to open a dry cleaner, it should be noted that such a business does not require a license, but you will have to run around with the issuance of permits to open production.

Typically, such enterprises are equipped with the following types of equipment:

  • perchlorethylene dry cleaning machines;
  • a special cabin in which cleaning and stain removal is carried out;
  • steam-air mannequin designed for outerwear;
  • specialized ironing table with iron;
  • a device for packing clothes after processing;
  • conveyor installation designed for storing clothes;
  • laundry carts;
  • steam generator;
  • compressor.

You should also buy auxiliary equipment. On average, we can talk about the cost of dry cleaning equipment at 100 thousand dollars, and for mini-dry cleaning, the price of equipment will be from 25 thousand dollars.

The best option

Most simple option organizing such a business is to purchase a franchise. The advantages of this method are obvious - it is an opportunity for organizing a serious business even in the absence of any special training. All the worries associated with opening a new business, training management and staff, setting up equipment and selecting employees fall on the franchisor.

For this, he takes his interest not only at the stage of starting a business, but also under his supervision. You do not need to draw up paperwork and purchase dry cleaning equipment yourself, as it all falls on his shoulders. The franchise business pays off quickly enough, and the profit after that will be 7,000-10,000 dollars a month.

Understanding the question of how to open a clothes dry-cleaner, it is worth saying that you can do it yourself, and then organize several clothes collection points. It is important to understand here that you first need to obtain all permissions to organize a mini-workshop. A self-employed business has a lot of advantages, which consist in the presence of endless opportunities for its subsequent expansion.
