Opening of a dry cleaning service. Reception point for dry cleaning

An example of a business plan for opening a dry cleaners in a small town with a population of 120 thousand inhabitants.

Business Outlook

The crisis phenomena of the 1990s led to the fact that dry cleaning enterprises under state care fell into disrepair: the equipment became outdated, there was an outflow of qualified personnel, and the quality of the services provided sharply decreased. Ultimately, the provision of dry cleaning services for products was practically discontinued. However, the demand for such services remains high. It is much cheaper for the consumer to restore the original appearance of the product with the help of dry cleaning than to buy new thing. Therefore, opening a dry cleaning company in modern conditions considered to be a very promising project.

How much money do you need to open a dry cleaners

According to the business plan, the opening of a small dry cleaner will require at least 3,220,000 rubles:

  • Minor repairs of the premises - 200,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of turnkey professional equipment - 2,500,000 rubles.
  • Installation of security systems and fire safety- 70,000 rubles.
  • Business registration, approvals and permits - 50,000 rubles.
  • Advertising budget - 100,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses (consumables, overalls, fuel and lubricants, etc.) - 100,000 rubles.
  • Reserve fund - 200,000 rubles.

What taxation system to choose for the enterprise

The organizational form of the enterprise will be individual entrepreneurship. It is planned to use a single tax on imputed income (UTII) as a taxation system. Under such a system, the tax would be fixed and would be paid quarterly. A license for such activities is not required. Our dry cleaners will provide cleaning services for clothes from different materials and groups: suits, coats, dresses, textiles, Leather Products, fur, dry cleaning of carpets, as well as manual cleaning of shoes, bags and suede. For the urgency of the order (within 24 hours), an additional payment will be charged - 50% of the price list.

Technology of dry cleaning services

  1. Reception of products
  2. Sorting products by type and degree of contamination
  3. Removal of specific contaminants, stain removal
  4. Cleaning products
  5. Treatment with organic solvents
  6. Impregnation of products
  7. Wet heat treatment
  8. Checking the quality of work

Marketing and Advertising

The first point of the marketing business plan is to determine the capacity of the dry cleaning services market. According to some data, the average resident of Russia uses dry cleaning services on average once every 2 years. The size of the population of our city is 120 thousand inhabitants. Of these, the number of economically active people(potential customers) is 60 thousand people. By simple calculations we get: 60,000 people. / 730 days = 82. It turns out that about 82 people need dry cleaning services every day. There are two organizations that provide dry cleaning services in our city. These are quite well-known and well-established organizations that have been operating in the market for such services for more than a year. However, the speed of customer service and the quality of their services is not so great. We believe that the opening of our enterprise with modern high-class equipment and trained personnel will attract the lion's share of customers. Average check services for preliminary calculations will be 1050 rubles. According to the most conservative estimates, an average of 12 clients will visit the dry-cleaner daily (excluding time for business promotion). On weekdays, the flow will be slightly higher than on weekends. This will allow you to receive an average daily income of 12,600 rubles, respectively, a monthly income of 378,000 rubles.

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Production plan

When choosing a room for dry cleaning, all the requirements of the SES will be met, including the distance from residential buildings which must be at least 50 meters. The size of the leased premises will be 85 sq. m. with a monthly rent equal to 42,500 rubles (500 rubles / m2).

The issue of acceptance of products for cleaning will also be resolved. The city will operate two clothing collection points in the most densely populated areas. One will be located in the same building as the equipment, the second will be a separate room (15 sq. m.) in a residential area of ​​the city.

What equipment to choose for dry cleaning

At least 2,500,000 rubles will be spent on the purchase of professional equipment. The line will include:

  • Dry cleaning machine Suprema LC 24
  • Universal steam mannequin with built-in boiler
  • stain table
  • Professional ironing table
  • Packing machine vertical


The following will be employed as personnel: a technologist, ironers (2 people), workers (2 people), an administrator and a driver. Accounting services are planned to be outsourced. The permanent staff of the organization will include 6 people. The monthly wage fund will be 96,000 rubles.

Calendar plan

Starting a project involves the following sequential steps:

  1. Search for sources of project financing
  2. Registration of a business with the tax authority
  3. Search for premises and conclusion of a lease agreement
  4. Repair and design of the premises
  5. Purchase and installation of professional equipment
  6. Certification, approval of the project with the state. authorities
  7. Staff employment
  8. Enterprise launch

Business risks

Opening a dry cleaner is associated with the following risks:

  • High level of competition in the market
  • High dependence on the successful location of the enterprise
  • Lack of highly qualified personnel in this area
  • Long payback period

Financial plan

Let's proceed to the calculation of the main indicators economic efficiency business. Fixed monthly expenses:

  • Rent - 42,500 rubles.
  • Salary - 96,000 rubles.
  • Insurance deductions - 28,800 rubles.
  • Utility payments - 30,000 rubles.
  • Expendable materials(powders, solvents, etc.) - 25,000 rubles.
  • Taxes (UTII) - 6,000 rubles.
  • Accounting - 8,000 rubles.
  • Transportation costs - 10,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses - 15,000 rubles.

Total - 261,300 rubles.

How much can you earn on dry cleaning services

The net profit of the organization according to the business plan will be 116,700 rubles per month. The profitability of dry cleaning is 44%. With such indicators, the project pays off in 30 - 35 months of work (taking into account the period for business promotion).

This is a complete finished project which you will not find in the public domain. The content of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of the project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

To open a new business, you need to choose the right topic. There are services that society can easily refuse. Having opened a dry-cleaner or a laundry, you can be sure that there will always be customers.

Civilized humanity can no longer imagine life without clothes. Purity is part of her beauty. Washing a sheepskin coat with your hands is ruining the thing, so you should resort to dry cleaning services. Those who have not yet acquired washing machine regularly make their way to the laundry room. What you need to know to open a dry cleaning and laundry?

Dry cleaning and laundry can provide services not only individuals but also legal. Many companies need high-quality washing of work clothes in a short time. If the main customers are enterprises, recoup basic expenses Starting a business will be much easier. It is important to choose professional advertising managers. Having enlightened the right audience, the business will go up in a matter of days.


Before they spin washing machines and the room will smell of powder, you need to solve the case with the documents. First thing, you need to contact the CPS. The future laundry and dry cleaning will have to be visited by a trusted person two weeks after the application is submitted. In case of compliance with all norms in the room you have chosen, on the certain period you will be given a sanitary-epidemic conclusion. The next important document
is an program for sanitary production control. This type of program is also coordinated with Rospotrebnadzor, and private intermediary firms can provide assistance in its design.

The final touch for registration will be documents confirming the start of the business. This document is called - permission to place and is also issued by Rospotrebnadzor.

In addition to the main documents, there are still a lot of contracts and agreements that need to be concluded. For example, to use fluorescent lamps necessary for work at the enterprise, an appropriate contract is required.

Also, the owners must have agreements with companies for the processing of industrial waste and for systematic disinfection.

All stamps and papers are ready, now you can start organizing the work process.


When choosing a room for dry cleaning and laundry, you need to be extremely careful and careful. An inconvenient office location can provoke losses for the enterprise in the future. It is advisable to find a place on busy streets. At the same time, it should be taken into account that open dry cleaners nearby grocery stores or restaurants are prohibited. No need to rent an overly expensive building. The main thing is that it is roomy and comfortable.

One more interesting option– rent two buildings for dry cleaning. One can even be located in the area of ​​​​restaurants and shops, performing the function collection point. The other will deal exclusively with cleaning clothes already in a detached place. The positive side of this idea is that more customers will know about this dry cleaner. negative trait– high costs for rent and transport from the reception point to the worker.


The quality of the equipment depends on the efficiency of work, and hence the satisfaction of customers. You can buy used equipment, and then invest a lot of money on repairs every week. It is possible to purchase new working machines, but the main thing here is not to rush.

For the laundry, washing machines with an enhanced spin function will be an advantage. It is imperative to use various means to soften the water, otherwise the machines will quickly begin to fail. From the very beginning, you will need to purchase at wholesale bases washing powder. Usually on 1 kilogram of clothes consumes 50 grams of powder.

For dry-cleaning equipment, much more is needed. Professionals advise to use equipment mainly from manufacturers in Italy and Germany. The most important thing to ensure the smooth operation of dry cleaning are the stain removal booths, as well as the dry cleaning machines themselves. Their choice must be approached with great responsibility.

From auxiliary equipment you will need: ironing board, dryers, presses for men's shirts, steam mannequins, compressors, tables and chairs, cabinets and electronic equipment for staff.

Personnel and promotion

It is pleasant that a lot of human hands are not required to work in dry cleaning and laundry. . Director, accountant, technologist, several ordinary workers and a receptionist- that's the whole composition. The main thing is to choose a technologist - a professional in his field. Then the reputation of the enterprise will be at its best, which means that the clientele will be replenished every day.

IN modern world there is so much competition that it is almost impossible to get off the ground without promotion. You need to be able to prove to the consumer that your company is worthy of trust. How to do it?

  1. Order a report on the opening of the enterprise on television or radio
  2. Distribute brochures containing attractive information about the company to potential customers
  3. Organize small but pleasant promotions
  4. Post ads on special boards
  5. Outdoor advertising by districts of the respective city
  6. Collaborate with directors of clothing stores to advertise your services and more.


Every company can run into problems if it doesn’t think through the business plan in advance to the smallest detail. Everything is important, up to the choice of the area where the enterprise will be located.

Laundry and dry cleaning expenses are huge and pay off in in full only a few years later. In addition to the internal costs that the work process requires, taxes must be paid. If the company planned to receive more net profit and is unable to repay its debts to the state, the company will go bankrupt. To prevent such an outcome of events, a fine calculation of all financial indicators in advance is necessary.


It is no secret that when starting a business, there is a huge risk of financial loss. The laundry franchise is opportunity to reduce the risk significantly. You don't start a business from scratch without knowing where to start. You get a ready-made case, and throughout the entire process of work you will be happy to be assisted.

The only thing that is required of you is the choice of the right premises that meet the standards of the network. Further, everything will depend on diligence, perseverance and personal success.

Laundry-dry-cleaner "Diana", covering more than 600 locations throughout Russia, offers a franchise to those who are ready to take the reins of government into their own hands today. The peculiarity of this company lies in the fact that it has an on-site reception of orders, which is very convenient for customers. In addition, the company is well promoted.

Laundry Franchise "Chistoff" attractive to a potential businessman in that the company guarantees a quick return on investment. In just 18 months, you will start making a net profit. The firm promises that there will be no seasonal fluctuations in earnings. In addition, training sessions are constantly held within the company, which allow maintaining a consistently good state of affairs.

Laundry dry cleaning "Clean Fast" is organized. The cost of the franchise even includes the almost complete collection of documents, saving you from extra hassle. Like other companies, ChistoBystro is ready to provide you with marketing support throughout the development of the work process.

Brand "ZARACITY Service" for 20 years has established its name in the market, therefore it causes great trust and interest. This network of laundries will help you even with the choice of future premises for work.

Opening a laundry or dry cleaning, as you understand, is not a matter of minutes. You may have to face certain difficulties, go through small trials, but the result is worth the candle. With the successful development of business in a few years, you will receive a net profit on a large scale, while sunbathing on the beach. The main thing is to start the mechanism correctly, and then the main work of the director is to skim the cream.

How to open a laundry, whether it is a difficult business - this and much more is discussed in the video. We invite you to watch.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Opening own dry cleaning in Russia could prove to be a profitable undertaking. At the same time, you need to understand that there are two different areas of this business - a full-fledged laundry-dry-cleaner directly and a self-service laundry. In this article, we will take a closer look at the first line of business (how they differ, I think, there is no need to explain).

First you need to register as a business entity, and here you can register as just an individual entrepreneur, or register your legal entity. In general, to start your own business in this area, it will not be enough just to register; An entrepreneur must have contracts for the maintenance of his premises, but in general, almost every entrepreneur goes through all these procedures, and there are no special features here. Only special attention should be paid to utilities and the condition of the premises. In general, registration will require from 800 rubles (the amount of the state fee for registration individual entrepreneur) up to about 20 thousand rubles (registration legal entity with the formation of the authorized capital).

The next step in organizing a business is actually finding a place to work. And here it must be said that an entrepreneur has several options available, depending on what range of services he wants to offer his clients. In general, the size of the laundry room will be considerable, because you will have to have not only a washing area, but also ironing, dry cleaning, warehouses for consumables and ready-to-delivery clothes, and a linen sorting area. As a result, the size of the laundry room starts from 70 m 2 to 100 m 2. An entrepreneur should look for premises depending on the location of competitive enterprises, but still the most preferred places are sleeping quarters with a huge number of houses. It is usually not advisable to be located in the city center, because it is still more convenient for customers to drop off and receive clothes close to home. This significantly reduces the cost of renting a room, because in residential areas it is always lower than in the center. On average, the cost will be about 500-600 rubles per square meter of area (meaning the premises are not near the roads, but somewhere among residential areas, for example, on the first floors of residential buildings, the main thing is that such a room should be registered as a commercial property by the owner). IN small towns maybe a little cheaper, but in megacities even such a room will cost much more. Also, when choosing a room, attention should be paid to how it fits this type of business - that is, it must be connected to the water supply, technical equipment sewerage and water supply must correspond to the volume of water that will have to be used, that is, the calculations must be accurate, and it must be said that not every room may be suitable. Otherwise, you will have to deal with repairs, which will require additional investments, and here the amount may even exceed 100 thousand rubles.

When the issue with the premises is resolved, you can start searching necessary equipment. So, for the laundry, first of all, of course, washing machines are needed, moreover, professional ones, which have a huge number of settings and work with different types fabrics. Next - dryers, sometimes squeezers are additionally purchased, and you also need to buy separate equipment for the dry cleaning zone. Today, suppliers offer specialized machines, as well as so-called finishing equipment, which perform the functions of additional processing of soiled clothing. Dry cleaners must be well aware of how to work with the equipment (but about the selection of personnel - a little lower). The cost of equipment can vary greatly, for example, foreign cars will be an order of magnitude more expensive than Russian or Chinese ones. Moreover, it makes sense to consider Russian equipment - it is not always inferior in quality to foreign ones, but at the same time it is much cheaper, because transport costs are reduced and there are no customs. Chinese devices, in turn, are usually really inferior in quality, but they can be the cheapest solution even taking into account customs operations and transportation. However, the cost of machines differs in other parameters; so for washing, drying and wringing machines, the main parameter is productivity, that is, how much laundry the unit can process at a time; it is measured in kilograms, and here the most simple model has a maximum load usually no more than 8 kilograms. But for a professional laundry, this may not be enough; in general, manufacturers supply machines that can be loaded with up to 100 kilograms of laundry. Does it make sense to buy such expensive (and very large) equipment - the entrepreneur decides for himself. The cost of all these machines is approximately equal, it starts from 70-100 thousand rubles, but the most expensive cars are already up to half a million (and sometimes more). A separate category is technical complex units analogous to simple machines, for example, barrier-type wringers cost 700-1400 thousand rubles, and the most expensive items - up to 5 million. But this is rather equipment for a very large dry-cleaner, which works not just with individuals, but with enterprises. There are additional devices that improve the washing process, for example, dispensers detergents(allowing you to fully automate the washing process even for the whole working day), but their cost will not be small - from 100 thousand rubles for each washing machine. Next - ironing machines, their main parameter is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe working surface, so it does not always make sense to buy wide units, because the laundry does not expect to work with wide products. A good ironing press costs about half a million, but they need to be bought for a laundry much less than the same washing machines (a small laundry can even be served by one such machine). Here you also need to understand that at least 100 thousand rubles will have to be spent on small optional equipment boards, tables, shelving and the like. But the most expensive (of the necessary) will be dry cleaning machines. The cost of a normal machine starts from one million rubles, and although one machine may also be enough here, nevertheless, equipment for a dry cleaning zone usually costs more than a simple washing zone. At the same time, it usually makes no sense to open a laundry without the possibility of dry cleaning, because a significant part of customers are interested in this. From here it turns out that the cost of laundry equipment starts from 2-3 million rubles and can be several tens of millions, depending on how large the establishment is, that is, how many machines you have to buy. It is clear that even a small laundry will not manage with one washing machine, sometimes up to a dozen are bought (and in large enterprises, more than ten). If you buy used cars, you can save a lot. By the way, it should also be noted that all equipment must comply with noise standards, especially if the laundry is located near residential buildings.

When the equipment is delivered and installed (and the installation should ideally be handled by the supplier), you can start looking for staff for your laundry. To work in a laundry, you need to find people who have already worked in a laundry or at least understand how to use the equipment provided. A lot of people can work at such an enterprise, but a lot depends on the schedule of the laundry, as well as on its size. Moreover, sometimes in the laundry the equipment does not allow to fully automate the process, so people are hired to perform certain duties, for example, ironing. It should also be noted that many laundries operate daily, and the schedule can even be twelve hours. Under such conditions, it turns out that even a small laundry needs to hire at least 4 people. There must also be at least one receptionist, that is, a person who is engaged in the acceptance and distribution of linen, works directly with customers. Additionally, if the entrepreneur himself is not going to be the head of his institution, then he will need to hire a director, and this person already receives from 30 thousand rubles. The laundry workers themselves receive from 20 thousand rubles (persons at the reception) to 30 thousand (employees who are directly involved in the process of work). It is also worth noting that today some of the laundries offer their customers a good service, and the most common additional service is a home visit to the client and the delivery of washed laundry. Of course, the laundry may charge extra money for this, and a considerable number of people order this service. If an entrepreneur decides to engage in this direction, then he will have to hire a person who will deal with trips to the client. In other words, you just need a driver ( wage these people from 20 thousand rubles). But then you will have to buy a car for the enterprise, which is engaged in the collection and delivery of linen. In general, the minimum that will need to be spent on a car is 500 thousand rubles. Good car costs about a million rubles. Also, all business processes that are not related to the organization's profit should be outsourced. This includes bookkeeping, security services and maintenance of the premises.

The next step is to find suppliers of consumables. Depending on the services provided and the equipment used, consumables may be different, but this is almost always a huge number of different goods; however, in any relatively large city there is more than one company that supplies such products. At the same time, before buying equipment, you should familiarize yourself with what kind of consumables will be required in the work. In general, they are purchased with the expectation that their cost will be covered by the provision of services, and together with all costs, the cost of providing laundry and dry cleaning services will not exceed 25% of the final cost. That is, the margin in this business is quite high, but you need to understand that maintaining a laundry is a rather expensive undertaking, and therefore you always need to ensure a considerable flow of customers. A full-fledged advertising campaign can help here, that is, it makes sense to advertise in local media mass media and even create your own website. For the first time, you will have to allocate at least 100 thousand rubles, later, of course, this amount will be reduced, but some money will have to be invested constantly.

To open a laundry, you will need to allocate:

    Registration - 20 thousand rubles.

    Equipment - 2 million rubles.

  • Rent - 35 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising - 100 thousand rubles.
  • Salary - 110 thousand rubles.
  • Consumables for the first time - 20 thousand rubles.
  • Buying a car - 500 thousand rubles.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Total: 2 million 285 thousand rubles. Monthly expenses are 165 thousand rubles. The cost of laundry services, in general, should not be very high for the client, otherwise it will not be profitable for him to contact such establishments. In general, people go to the laundry or when they have accumulated a lot of dirty clothes(which means that large families will be the main consumers), or when clothes require dry cleaning. Dry cleaning is the most expensive service, and here you need to understand that sometimes it is cheaper for a client to buy a new thing than to use laundry services; only valuable things are carried there. The cost of washing starts at about 200 rubles per kilogram of clothes; at the same time, many laundries that cooperate with enterprises and wash a large number of things for them at a time make a good discount - sometimes even more than twice. Dry cleaning can cost more than 1 thousand rubles for one thing, but here much is already determined by the complexity of removing pollution and usually such prices are set for outerwear. To cover your expenses, you need to take about 30 kilograms of clothes for washing every day - but this is calculated only at the lowest rate. Already from here it becomes clear that this business cannot be called highly profitable, profit is formed only with very in large numbers orders - that is, with almost one hundred percent load of the laundry. For example, if a laundry takes 40 kilograms daily, then its income is 240 thousand rubles, operating profit is 75 thousand rubles, net profit is 63 thousand 750 rubles (profitability is about 25%). Such a business will not pay off in a couple of months (according to our calculations - almost 3 years if you do not buy a car), and it is recommended to have some reserve funds to ensure your work for the first time, at least for the first six months of work, until the number of clients becomes large enough .

Matthias Laudanum
(c) - portal of business plans and guides for starting a small business

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♦ Starting investment in business: 940,000 rubles
♦ Dry cleaning payback period: 24-48 months
♦ Business profitability: 15-35%

For a generation that grew up in times Soviet Union, the opening of a local dry cleaner was a familiar event.

At that time, it was not an attribute of luxury, but simply an obligatory component of each microdistrict.

In addition to the attitude to the availability of dry cleaning services, the scope of ownership in this industry has also changed in our time. Previously, it was completely subsidized and generously funded by the state.

And now how to open a dry cleaners decided mainly by private entrepreneurs.

In order for a commercial structure to exist and make a profit, you need to invest a lot of money and effort in business development. The cleaning service for the population is no exception.

In addition, entrepreneurs now have to contend with young competitors, which are becoming more and more every day.

Which is not surprising, because the existing formats of dry cleaners allow you to enter the business even with a small capital. And the potential profit is very attractive.

Let's figure out what you need to do to succeed by opening a dry cleaner.

Planning to open a dry cleaners

Dry Cleaning Project Summary

Depending on the budget that the entrepreneur is willing to invest in the business, the format of the future institution also varies.

Basically three options are common:

  1. Organization of the reception.
    This cannot be called a dry cleaning business in full, since the entrepreneur only makes a place where orders are taken from customers.
    And the cleaning process itself is delegated to another dry cleaner.
    This option does not require a solid financial investment, but you can not expect much profit either.
  2. Creation of a mini-dry-cleaner.
    In this case, the entrepreneur creates a small dry cleaner with a minimum standard set of equipment.
    Subsequently, the business can develop into a whole network of mini-dry cleaners.
  3. Big dry cleaner.
    If the budget for starting a business is not particularly limited, an entrepreneur can immediately start with a large dry cleaner, which will have high-quality equipment, have large capacities and offer a wide range of services.
    For expansion in the future, it will be enough to open points for receiving orders in other parts of the city.
    This option is the most profitable and has great potential. But the initial investment will also require an extremely serious one.

Dry cleaning advertising campaign

Dry cleaning is one of a number of establishments whose customers are usually all the people who live in the neighborhood.

Such an "associated" business (this number includes pharmacies, bakery shops) also needs advertising.

It just has some minor differences.

  1. Hire promoters to distribute leaflets with advertisements in nearby crowded places - at intersections, markets, crossings, metro stations.
  2. Order advertising on a local radio or TV channel.
  3. It is definitely worth introducing a system of cumulative discounts or other conditions into the business that encourage regular customers.

Carrying out promotions for cleaning clothes, original commercials, bright slogans - how many great options you can think of to attract customers!

Target audience of dry cleaning

Fact from history:
In the early dry cleaners, dirty, greasy clothes were simply rinsed in kerosene. Then, after dissolving all the dirt, the clothes were hung up so that the kerosene would dissolve. In this method, things did not deteriorate, were clean and did not shrink.

Basic target audience clothes cleaning businesses are solvent people of the category 20-55 years old. They have average level income, which allows them sometimes to buy expensive things for themselves.

Careful attitude to such purchases makes them go to dry cleaning several times a year.

It is these people who mostly visit the average dry cleaning order pick-up point.

Therefore, in the business of providing services, they value, first of all, such factors:

  • how much does it cost to provide basic dry cleaning services;
  • what range of services are provided;
  • whether the point has high-quality and modern equipment.

Choosing a cleaning room

Before you open a dry cleaner, you need to find the perfect location for it. It has a number of requirements:

  1. For such purposes, only a room that is located on the first or basement floor, in the basement or in a separate building is suitable.
  2. If an isolated room is chosen for the business, it should not be less than 80 meters from the nearest house with residents.
  3. For the full-fledged work of dry cleaning, the height of the building must be more than 3 meters.
  4. Sewerage, hot and cold water, wiring.
    Everything should work properly and without interruption.
  5. The building must have adequate ventilation and heating systems.
  6. Usually, for the needs of dry cleaning, a room with an area of ​​\u200b\u200b100 m 2 is chosen.

It is a well-known fact that in order to attract more customers are encouraged to open a business in crowded places.

It is prestigious and attractive to have a dry-cleaner in the center, but the cost of rent is extremely high. In addition, in residential areas, the demand for dry cleaning services is high, and many will not want to go to the center in order to donate clothes, but will look for something closer to home.

In fact, both of these options can be successfully combined!

The dry-cleaner itself can be opened on the outskirts of the city, but in each district an additional reception point can be placed.

This will reduce rental costs while maximizing audience coverage.

However, we must not forget about the business expenses for salaries for additional workers and for the delivery of accepted clothes to the workshop.

How does the dry cleaning process work?

shown in the video:

Dry cleaning staff

If an entrepreneur has settled on a business option that involves opening an independent dry cleaner, and not collection point, 3 positions need to be enrolled in the state.

The whole future success of the business rests on how professionally employees will perform their work!

Experienced employees will minimize the risk of claims, damage to clothing, and, therefore, business costs to compensate customers.

In addition, this will allow not to invest additionally in training people.

So how many people do you need? The staff for a small dry cleaner looks like this:

This list provides for the minimum staff, taking into account the shift work schedule.

A technologist can combine his job duties with the possibility of taking orders and advising clients.

But accounting, if the initiator of the business does not plan to keep it, can be entrusted to an outsourcing company or hire a person on a part-time basis with hourly pay.

If you are planning to open a collection point separate from the main workshop, or even just one point, then transferring orders to a partner cleaning company, the staff for these points must also be provided in advance.

Salary is included in financial section business plan.

Financial calculations for opening a dry cleaners

Dry cleaning costs

Monthly cleaning expenses

Potential business risks

Dry cleaners are enterprises whose activities are associated with a certain risk.

The entrepreneur must identify these dangers for the business in advance and provide for a course of action in case of their occurrence.

  • Breaking the rules and SES requirements, which will lead to the closure of dry cleaning.
  • Introduction of new requirements for business from the side of legislation.
  • Price change for chemicals necessary for dry cleaning.
  • Damage to customer products that will tarnish reputation and incur costs.
  • Decrease in the level of demand for this business due to economic crisis or season.