Investing in yourself is the best investment you can make. Invest in yourself - what does it mean?

Investing in yourself and your development is the best way to increase your personal capital, everyone is writing and talking about this today. Why should you invest in yourself first? And what does it mean - "investing in yourself"?

Invest in yourself

Investment is the investment of funds in a certain project with the aim of making a profit, and although the term was originally used exclusively for financial transactions, today it has a broader meaning. You can invest not only money, but also any other resources: time, energy, effort, etc.

However main point term - investment with the goal of getting a return - remained unchanged. And investing in yourself is essentially no different from other investments: you invest money, time and effort in your own development in order to get a result.

The result may be an increase in your status, an improvement in the quality of life or career achievements - what exactly you want to achieve is up to you. But there are also universal "self-investments" - ones that will help you achieve your goals faster, whatever those goals are.

Investment in planning

The best way Achieve goals - know what those goals are. No matter how strange it may sound, despite the fact that we all know how important it is to set goals for ourselves, few people really approach setting life goals systematically and generally seriously bother about this.

Most often, we have a vague idea of ​​what we want - for example, "make enough money so that we can put it in the bank and live on interest" - but things don’t go beyond a vague wording. Years go by, but the goal is not approaching ...

An investment in planning is the time and possibly money spent on a coach or mentor to help you: and b) help develop a detailed plan to achieve them.

With steps, stages, timing, intermediate results and so on. If you are a highly organized person, you can easily manage this on your own, but it's easier to find someone to help you develop a coordinate system for the near future.

Investment in health

This item includes not only regular visits to the doctor and good insurance, but also everything that has a direct impact on your health:

  • investment in shoes that do not cripple the feet;
  • investment in office chair on which the back is not injured during work;
  • investing time in finding and collecting contacts of the best doctors in your city;
  • investment in good quality food;
  • investment in recreation;
  • etc.

In other words, investing in health is a philosophy of anti-saving what affects the well-being and condition of the body, both in the short and long term.

An investment in self-esteem

It is worth investing time and possibly money to learn how to say “no” and learn to appreciate your point of view, as well as learn how to weed out unconstructive criticism, not allowing yourself to be destroyed by those who want to assert themselves at your expense.

This is a complex process that may require the help of specialists, but there is hardly an investment more valuable than that which increases self-esteem.

Investment in talent

No wonder talents are called "God's gifts" - our talents are what we are strong in. Even if you haven't found a way to make your talent your life's work yet, it's definitely worth cultivating. Talent does not have to be creative or applied at all - the ability to listen to people and support them, or the ability to see the positive side in everything - these are also talents that deserve to be used.

Investment in education

Anything that develops your professional or personal skills is worth spending time, money and resources on. Investments in education usually pay off faster than others, as they are directly related to an increase in professional and social status.

Investing in Mentors

Self-education is great, but sometimes it's better to find a specialist with a system that will greatly reduce the time spent on mastering a new skill. The money spent on a mentor will be repaid by the fact that you will begin to apply a new skill much faster than if you search for information and create a system from scratch.

There are not so many unique situations in this world, almost all the tasks and difficulties that we face have already been solved and passed by someone. And you can always find someone who will not only share experience, but also guide you along the difficult path.

Investment in a foreign language

Knowledge foreign language not only useful in terms of career or communication with people in different countries, there are many studies that prove that the second and third languages ​​protect our brain from premature extinction. It's not just about new neural connections, but also about the information and cultural exchange that we have access to when we master a new language - all together is a great cocktail for a clear mind for a long time.

investment in looks

“You can be a smart person and think about the beauty of your nails” - the words of a classic can answer all statements that appearance does not play a role. A personal style is worth the time to create it, as long as this style is a reflection of your personality, and one of its facets. Understanding your basic wardrobe, learning the basics of makeup, creating your own personal care routine - these investments in your own appearance will be repaid to the penny.

An investment in happiness

Happiness is a relative and very subjective concept, but it is not for nothing that they say that happiness is a choice. you can choose to be happy man and consciously move towards filling your life with happy moments and experiences. Quit a job that makes you money but makes you unhappy, remove toxic people from your environment, and so on.

Why is this an investment? because happy life is a process, not a goal. This is a road that consists of small daily steps and choices, making which every time you ask yourself the question “will this make me happier? ..”

And if the answer is “yes”, then a world of opportunities opens up before you, each of which is a return that you get by spending time, money and effort on self-development and self-care.

Investing money in yourself

Where to invest 10,000 rubles? Or a million, or I have 300 thousand. Where to invest them - to get income? Many forums are full of such messages. One type of investment is financial instruments. Forex, stocks, bonds, pyramid schemes and deposits - this is far from complete list financial instruments for profit. However, there is one non-financial instrument that deserves attention in the first place − it's an investment in yourself. Of course, we do not take the purchase of large things such as a cottage, land plot. Although they can act as an investment object, they serve mainly for the sake of saving money, and not for increasing capital.

Invest in yourself - invest in your skills

In the traditional sense, investing in yourself is investing in your skills that will help you get more money.
For example: for a person without higher education low-wage investment in higher education. It will allow not only to increase wages, but also to climb the social ladder. A new profession and position allows you to increase self-esteem in a person and give an incentive to life. With a new job and salary, it is already possible to think about acquiring real estate and improving living conditions. New job may help improve well-being. Agree, for example, working underground where there is little air and working in a bright office have different effects on human health.

Summarize: investing in yourself is an investment in your education, in various courses, trainings. This helps to increase your salary, find a part-time job - as a result, your income will increase.

There is one but: not always a new education helps to increase income and change professions. You have to choose individually. Not all professions are tough for you and can quickly bring high income. In the case of moving from a janitor to secretaries or managers, it is really worth learning. But learning a new language as a programmer may not give a significant increase in income.

Raise by career ladder not necessarily a way to increase income.
If, for example, you take financial literacy courses, you will learn how to spend money correctly, which means there will be more of them.

What can be improved in your life?

The second investment in yourself is not so obvious. It is an investment in the conditions of your life. For example - you get to your work 2 hours there and back. As a result, 2 hours of life go nowhere. It may be worth considering and changing your accommodation to a closer one. For example, you can take a loan from a bank for this.

2 extra hours at work in the end will allow you to work more productively and bring in more money. Or 2 extra hours of rest will allow you to perform your tasks more productively, because. you will be less tired. The result is an increase in income and an increase in free time.
Similarly, you can invest in the purchase of a car if it will save time on the trip to work. Improving the good things of life at a one-time expense can greatly increase your income.

Investing in health is the most profitable investment

Unfortunately, a person is arranged in such a way that over time he gets old. The body starts to work worse and worse. We begin to see worse, we get tired faster. Therefore, if you have an extra 100 thousand, do not put them in the bank, but spend them on your health. It's simple - if you save on your health, then it saves on you. If you get sick, no one will just pay you money. Here are some tips to help you improve your health

  • If you get sick, take sick leave. There are no irreplaceable ones - not taking a sick leave for fear that you will be fired is the height of stupidity
  • Buy yourself good health insurance
  • Eat right - eat natural and do not save on products. Proper nutrition- the key to the energy and performance of the body.
  • go in for sports
  • Go once a year to Essentuki or another city, restore your health. Breathe fresh air especially if you live in a big city
  • Arrange your workplace. Buy yourself an orthopedic chair, if the work is connected with a computer, a large monitor. Place the table correctly, ensure the correct distance from the monitor. Spinal diseases are the most intractable. It is easier to prevent them than to treat them.
  • Laugh more and don't be discouraged. Good mood eat well.

The basic rule is that health is more valuable than any money. Remember this. If you have an extra 100 thousand rubles, invest them in your health. Believe me, this is the most profitable investment.

Investing in children is investing in the future

Many people looking at all those economic problems, which one way or another arise in Russia, involuntarily ask themselves the question - what to live on in old age. Of course, you can save bucks and think that they will last forever and will not depreciate. However, it would be more reasonable to invest in your own children.
In old age, children will be a reliable support with proper upbringing. Think - a good education, good health, lack of housing problems will allow your son or daughter to easily earn bread and more.

In any case, you will be in the black. Children, as they say, are our future. Naturally, with the right upbringing. Education requires the most effort and money compared to other options for investing in yourself. But how much you invest in a child now depends on how much you will receive in the future.


To become a successful and comprehensively literate person, you need to constantly develop. This postulate is both a hackneyed cliché and the wisdom of life. If you, my friends, have read this phrase now, then you are striving for self-development and craving success. Otherwise, why would you go to a blog dedicated to making money on the Internet?

Do you want to know as much as possible about passive income, on investments in various funds and investment instruments. By reading my blog, you are investing in yourself.

What can you invest in yourself and why?

Experience, wisdom and understanding of what you are doing do not come by themselves. Knowledge must be invested in the head. What exactly do you need to invest in yourself to be successful? These are “three whales”, three most important resources:

  1. Time.
  2. Forces.
  3. Money.

The process of investing in yourself is about continuous learning: constantly using existing skills and gaining new ones. It takes a lot of time, physical and mental strength, as well as Money. With time and effort, it’s understandable, but where does the money go?

Spending money is not a waste, but an investment

If you are not a full-time student of the budget department, then you will have to pay for your education. There are offers on the network about numerous seminars, webinars, courses, trainings and conferences. You choose the direction you need, pay money and sign up for training. These activities, especially those that are really useful (you need to find out about this on thematic forums), will greatly increase your professionalism.

Reading relevant literature can also be called an investment in yourself. Much can be downloaded for free, but something valuable is worth buying.

Implement what you have learned right away. Otherwise, you will quickly forget what you have learned.

Read more!

In general, reading specialized literature is a powerful tool for self-development. You will learn everything about the subject from the basics to the secrets of craftsmanship. Develop the habit of reading a little each day. Psychologists say that people perceive the printed text better and assimilate it more firmly. This is the so-called visual perception of information. While some are more audible, they are in the minority. If you are more of a listener than a reader, Skype webinars are the way to go.

Allow me one spicy advice). If you don't have time to read (in fact, you do, you just don't know the art of time management), but you need to read a book, put it in the closet. There you will begin to read, and if it seems interesting to you, then you will choose the time further.

21 days of training

Business coach Brian Tracy (America) says in his seminars that it takes 21 days to develop a stable habit for something (no more, no less!). Then the "autopilot" will turn on. That is, for three weeks you must force yourself to read useful literature every day, write down and plan, set small goals. This is all part of the concept of effective time management. You accustom yourself and rebuild your brain for productive activities. And after 21 days, a new most useful habit is ready! And it's not a joke.

Don't go overboard

However, I want to warn you against going too far. You must be able to distinguish between a reasonable investment in your self-development and a thoughtless waste of money on everything. It is clear that you dream of becoming a super professional in the investment business. You may want to participate in all the trainings you come across and give in to calls to buy the most effective course for making money on the Internet. Or even cooler - do not listen to the webinar on Skype, but go to distant lands to participate in the event personally. However, make reasonable purchases, do not rush to extremes.

Thematically paper books are quite expensive. Buy only those in which you find answers to practical matters, rather than reasoning for general development. In general, buying useful books and participating in seminars are the most effective investments in yourself, the future successful investor. Do not treat these expense items as expenses. This is an investment in your future.

“The most valuable asset you have is yourself. Anything that improves your talents and skills is worth doing.” — Warren Buffett.

Investing in yourself - this seemed like a commonplace topic, until it comes to amounts, terms of investment and payback.

We need to immediately decide what we want to get by investing in ourselves? Basically we want money, but only to satisfy our needs. true desires- to have fun, and to have it constantly.

Investing in yourself is the most reliable investment of all.

Of course, the investment process is not limited to money alone, it is based on the "three pillars" that provide a solid foundation for future development:

  • time or labor hours spent;
  • strength;
  • financial resources.

- the most difficult and not everyone can do it, despite seemingly simple things. They demand a large number time, money and strength - both physically and morally, mentally. And while this kind of investment should not be limited to any single aspect, investment in yourself - it is an integrated approach to a change in the quality of life, which must necessarily include:

  • strengthening physical and mental health;
  • education, obtaining new skills and abilities;
  • maintaining physical fitness and appearance;
  • improvement of living conditions;
  • getting new impressions, satisfaction from life.

If you want to be the best financial indicators from yourself, then you need to focus not only on new skills, but also on health and appearance. Similarly, if your main goal is to become leaner, then you need to invest not only in time for sports, but also in time management skills in order to manage to earn money, play sports, relax and spend on new clothes which will emphasize you, as well as interesting places where you show up.

Consider where to start and how to achieve results, how much it costs and what is the payback period.

physical health

This is an important part of investing in yourself, regardless of the goal. As I said, investing in yourself is like a cloud that includes a complex. No platitudes about nutrition and the fact that being healthy is good ... this is already clear to everyone. But the truth of life is that there are people who cannot work 14 hours a day due to health reasons. It can be, though, rapid fatigue, which usually does not seem like a disease. Nevertheless, a person can no longer work at 100% return and cannot achieve success 10 years earlier, or even at all.

How much does it cost to invest in a body?

Sports can be done at home or at the stadium to save 3-5 thousand rubles a month (the average price of a monthly subscription to a normal fitness club).

For example, when I worked at the computer for 8-9 hours a day, it was inconvenient for me to go to the pool every day, despite the fact that it is not far away, and in general it would not help much, since sitting for several hours in a row is already a terrible harm to the body. To do this, I set an alarm clock for every hour, made a training program with my weight and spent 5-7 minutes every hour on this. 6-7 such classes per day, 5 days a week. This is already better than nothing, moreover, I gained a tone and did not worsen my state of health, I began to do push-ups a lot more, to perform complex exercises. The workout was broken down by day and muscle group:

  • chest, triceps
  • Legs, shoulders
  • back biceps
  • Press, joints
  • Whole body

Before each five-minute session, I did a warm-up, stretching, splits.

This is of course an economy class, since the most effective method- These are classes with a personal trainer 4 times a week. It costs us about $350 a month. Therefore, it all depends on your financial capabilities. In any case, it pays off and pretty quickly.

By investing in your physical health, in half a year you will be able to acquire the ability to work more, relax better, look more attractive, which often affects earnings.

According to statistics, people with an attractive appearance are hired, and not with three formations, but with glasses, with a mole and a belly. We'll talk more about this below.

If we talk about health, then the teeth should be white, the muscles should be strong, the skin should be clean, the organs should be like a Ferrari engine. In this condition you yourself want do more, better, more.

Investment in the body

Price: 0-300 dollars per month

Payback period: 3-6 months

Profit: an increase in productivity by 1.5-3 times, an increase in business activity, communication, finances may affect in 6-9 months.

Psychological state and habits

Mental health is closely related to physical health, since the complexes and constraints of your body lead to stress, low self-esteem and depression. And this is in no way combined with a feeling of happiness and a desire to earn more.

A strong, self-confident personality is the ideal to strive for. So, first of all, you need to protect yourself from stress and get rid of the root causes that can provoke such a state. To do this, you should dig deeper and understand what internal complexes and fears are based on. It is not always possible to do this on your own, sometimes it is better to entrust yourself to an experienced specialist - a psychologist.

Note that: If you can’t solve the problem yourself, don’t be afraid to get professional help.

According to statistics, a psychologist does not pay off in money, although one lawyer said that thanks to him he has Good work because he did not fall into depression and inactivity. However, by removing personal barriers in front of you, your path will be easier and more open. If you stop being angry and gloomy, but smile and enjoy life, people and money will be drawn to you with great pleasure and speed.

A striking example is the story of the famous physicist Stephen Hawking, who, despite a serious illness that has chained him to a wheelchair for almost half a century, has achieved significant success and world recognition, married twice, has children. Just at one point, he ceased to be ashamed of his illness. But over time, he even lost the ability to speak.

In a word - if you have problems - solve them. If it is difficult for you to live with neighbors or a roommate - change your place of residence, if you have complexes - get rid of them, if you often get angry, grumble, get nervous - change, solve internal problems, find the cause and solve it.

An important component of mental health are habits. It is worth taking a little time and thinking about what human qualities and habits seem not only the most attractive, but also necessary and useful. Should you eat bread with everything? Should I be on my phone before bed?

Psychologist and speaker Jim Rohn wrote the following in one of his books: “Success is nothing more than a few simple rules observed daily."

Somehow I sat down and for several days, for the sake of the experiment, wrote down everything I did in time. I thought that in general I manage to do everything and everything is fine with me, but after recording these days, I saw that I can freely carve out 2 hours a day! 2 HOURS PER DAY! Plus 14 hours a week, like the eighth day!

Think about your habits, because you do a lot just mechanically, but is it necessary to continue doing this?

Investment in psychology

Price: $0-20 per week

Payback period: 7-180 days

Profit: Usually, certain solutions involve only costs and there is no direct payback in money. But liberation from problems gives you the opportunity to focus on development, so indirectly profit is individual.

Education, new skills and abilities

One of the main and most common investments. Only now it's not about the university or sewing courses. Everyone has it healthy person there must be a dream and a goal, and the longer we do not take them on, the farther they go from us, as with time all technologies become more complex.

For example, earlier it was enough to sew a dress and go to the market with it and sell it on the same day. A friend of mine used to do this 20 years ago. This was the beginning of her big shop. But with the advent of marketing, shopping centers, competition, the development of doing business in general, management, the development of sewing equipment technology ... everything began to change, except for my friend. She just didn't develop, so she had to slowly fire 24 people and close the business for 5 years. Although there were all the opportunities to develop, well done that I managed to buy 3 apartments. The second acquaintance at the same time decided to develop and still has a thriving business, also in the field of sewing and fabrics.

Training is important. Every skill can become a profession. If you have a small business, invest in your education, learn not only the basics of management, but also deeper knowledge in this, because even little things can double sales, and modern knowledge can extend the life of your business for years. forward.

  • I liked the advertising company of the company that produced ordinary pillows. They said that bacteria, spiders, worms, bedbugs settle in pillows over time ... and showed them under a microscope. Sales increased by 4 times.

Such a move was not an accident, but a planned company. Development and learning can make you a millionaire.

Investment in knowledge

Price: $10-300 per month

Payback period: 1-5 years

Profit: As Robert Kiyosaki, an American entrepreneur, said, “ Every dollar spent on financial education will come back to you tenfold ". Basically, having spent time and money on training once, people live by this for the rest of their lives, or multiply their capital at times.


Appearance is a few characteristics:

  • skin condition;
  • hairstyle and make-up;
  • quality wardrobe.

Oily sheen, acne and inflammation are a repulsive sight. And the first step on the way to success is the solution of skin problems. You should not even try to do it yourself with the help of inexpensive creams and scrubs bought on the market, here you definitely need a consultation with a cosmetologist. Only with the right approach, taking into account all the features of the skin and the body, you can achieve positive results.

Clothing for a man on the way to success is very important. It is necessary right now to turn over your wardrobe and abandon old, worn, albeit beloved, things. And you should not leave them for home wear, because even in your own walls you need to match the level, the desired bar. The same goes for underwear. A faded or darned fabric will not give confidence, and others react to this.

Read the literature on style, ditch flip-flops, sneakers outside of sports, sandals and other clothes that will not give you a $1,000,000,000 worth of appearance.

Items can be bought under the one-thirds rule. Instead of three shirts, buy one, but from natural fabric, good brand, expensive cut. AT good shops menswear there must be a tailor who can fit any clothes just for you, do not neglect the services of a tailor in these cases.

Price: 900-20000 dollars per season

Payback period: 0 - 60 days

Profit: Classical, serious, strict, courageous, expensive appearance can pay off immediately, but everyone is individual. After all, you can meet a girl and not lose face, or you can have a positive opinion on the employer, in combination with your new skills and physical form, you can be chosen as a new director or performer. Clothing does not bring direct income, but it can influence them in many situations, attract the right and interesting people.

How not to go overboard

An important rule to remember for successful investment in yourself is not to go too far. No need to rush into all serious troubles with the search for suitable clothes, spend the last money on training new profession, buy a bunch of drugs to solve health problems.

  • All investments in yourself are based on rationality, refusing unnecessary and low-quality conditions.
  • You don't have to buy 3 expensive shirts - buy one instead of three.
  • You don't have to go to an expensive psychologist, you can just talk to your friends and ask why you might be having a problem.
  • You do not need to go to expensive advertised trainings - it is better to buy one or two books by foreign authors.
  • You don't have to go to the most expensive fitness club - you can start by jogging in the morning.

Journalist and writer John Westenberg details his time management system.

This is not another noodle about success and how to believe in yourself and everything will work out. This is good enough. I want to talk about something else.

This post is about how to invest in yourself and get tangible dividends from it.

What steps to take today to become better, to create, implement ideas, manage more effectively than yesterday. How to make your life amazing.

The approach includes 4 simple steps.

This is my scheme for investing in myself. I follow it every day and tell everyone who asks me for advice that they should follow it too.

It's not complicated at all system but it can have a huge impact on you.

I created it because I know too many people who live without direction. They graduate from high school, get a job, and the next 60 or 70 years gracefully sink.

They acquire new skills as they go.

They learn what they have to, and become those whom life molds from them.

Of course, to live as one lives is actually great. Slender schemes and achievements are not the most important thing in life.

For many people, trying to follow a guide like this is like death. Nothing will work and that's okay.

However, there are others like me. We need slender schemes, otherwise we will freeze in place.

We are losing. We are struggling. We are losing direction. If this is close to you, this post is for you.

You will need:

  • Note application or notebook
  • Spreadsheet application
  • Browser
  • Calendar or calendar app

1. Make a list of 100 items

Formulate what you want to achieve - it can be anything.

I have a list of 100 things I'm going to do in my life. This is not a wish list, this is not a list of things I would like to do - this is what I seriously plan to do.

The list took me 3 hours to put together and it includes everything I would like to achieve, everything I wanted to try to do from a very young age.

Once you've made a list that suits you, you can move on to the next step.

This list motivates me and gives me strength throughout the day. I reread it so I don't forget a single point.

2. Create a table of your skills.

Thanks to this, you will be able to raise your level and track experience.

If you want to complete all 100 items on your list, you have to grow up.

With the help of the basic list, you need to work out the category "Skills". Go through all the points and write down what skills are needed to achieve them.

Be realistic, don't be fooled. You must honestly write down what skills you lack and what skills are underdeveloped.

These are the skills that you need to master in order to complete the corresponding items from the list.

Build a table based on these skills. The look of the table doesn't matter, so don't waste time designing and move forward.

You need 4 columns:

  • Skills you must master
  • Research
  • Actions
  • Progress

In the “Actions” column, write down each step that can help you learn the desired skill. Consider it necessary condition.

Find courses, enroll in them, take part in small projects, read books - do your best. Explore the possibilities. Finding ways is not difficult.

Whatever you want to learn - most likely, the Internet already has a detailed step by step guide.

In the Progress column, rate how close you are to completing each of these steps. And again: be honest. Others are unlikely to understand where you pretended to be, but after a while, you will feel it yourself.

Now this table is your guide to getting the right skills. Read it every week. Decide what to work on next week. Work. Record your progress. Repeat again. Everything is simple.

3. Act now

The sooner you mark some points, the more strength you will have for the further path.

Nothing prevents you from doing them, but for some reason you never took it up.

You need to make a plan. The table is not needed here.

Just grab a piece of paper, or open a text file, or use Evernote - and write down which of these urgent things you will do over the next month.

Remember, they can be small. They may not require any effort at all.

I have things on my list like "start reading Foster's Infinite Jest" or "get a tattoo." Absolutely doable, extremely doable.

Why do you need such simple items? Because they will motivate you.

This will allow you to check the boxes next to some things, and the list will immediately seem much friendlier. This will do you good.

After you have outlined your "quick" tasks, set deadlines. Mark them on your calendar. Follow the required steps. You can cross them off the calendar and free up space on the main list to add other cases from other categories.

Over time, your calendar and list " quick cases» will become a tool for forecasting and planning.

4. Sometimes it takes time

Think about what you want to do. It's worth all the hours, minutes, seconds spent.

I want to finish writing a book and do my podcast. I have all the skills and resources to do it, but I just never get around to it.

If you do nothing on your list and look around it, these are the items that will upset you the most.

Because they were so possible! So close!

And then you watched a couple more cat videos.

Making time for things is not an easy task. We are so mired in our own affairs that it seems impossible to find even a little more free time.

But I guarantee it's possible. If you are ruthless, you will find something to exclude from your pastime in favor of the real thing.

A few weeks ago, I found myself spending 30-45 minutes on my phone every morning until I took a shower. I just read all the bullshit on the internet.

I decided to dedicate this time to books. Now, before the start of the working day, I spend about half an hour working on my texts.

This is amazing.

The best way to understand how your time is wasted on useless things that are not even fun is to keep detailed records of what you did during the day. Write everything in a notebook or keep notes in the application throughout the week. Notice which items stand out from the others and analyze what time could be better spent.

Do this regularly, once a month. Keep a record of your habits and how you spend your time. Notice if something changes and why. This is the logbook of your development.

Please note - I'm not saying you have to be productive 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I watch Netflix and read comics and play Fallout 4 just like everyone else.

I just want to say that each of us has a tendency to engage in useless nonsense that does not bring pleasure, but is done out of habit.

We regularly spend time on such habits. And if you get rid of them, then you can find time for what we really care about.

So you have a master list, 100 things you are going to do. You have four categories. You have a spreadsheet that lists all the skills you need and how to develop them. You have detailed guidance on how to use your time. And you have a calendar full of urgent tasks.

Now we move on to my favorite part of the circuit.

Integrate all this into your rhythm of life. Start your morning by reading the list. Check the skill table and mark your progress. Mark the completion of urgent tasks on the calendar. Keep a progress report.

I reread my list every morning at breakfast. It helps me to achieve my goals.

Once your list becomes part of your daily routine, you won't miss anything again. Your base list isn't going anywhere in passing.
