Hygienic requirements for teaching. Basic hygiene requirements for organizing and conducting a lesson

Fulfillment of sanitary and hygienic requirements for the lesson ensures optimal conditions for the life of the student during the lesson. These requirements are due to…

  • providing classroom conditions for the proper functioning of the body is an important factor in the health of students;
  • the normal course of physiological processes is a prerequisite for successful mental activity personality, the effectiveness of cognitive processes: perception, memory, imagination, thinking.
Consider the main of these requirements.

1. Optimal air mode. This requirement is realized through ventilation of the room. Any classroom-office must be equipped with ventilation system, in addition, it is recommended to air the class at breaks. Even stricter requirements for the air regime in such classrooms, where experiments and laboratory work are carried out during the lesson, where students work physically or experience other intense physical exertion. So, in the chemistry classroom there must be a fume hood, and in the training workshop or in the gym after each lesson, not only airing is necessary, but also wet cleaning to reduce air dust.

2. Sufficient illumination. Fulfillment of this requirement consists of the following components: natural and artificial lighting.

For quality natural light the location of the classroom, the number and size of windows have a decisive influence. The windows should be large, and the curtains on the windows should not interfere with the flow of light. It is important that the light is not obscured by trees growing on the street, as well as buildings located nearby. The ideal option is windows facing the sunny side. Classrooms with this arrangement are recommended to be provided for students elementary schools s and for educational subjects, the occupation of which requires constant eye strain for reading, writing, drawing, drawing (accordingly, the classrooms of the Russian language, mathematics, and fine arts require the best lighting).

The quality of artificial lighting depends on the quantity and location in the classroom lighting fixtures, as well as the type and power of the lamps. Artificial lighting in the classroom should provide good illumination of the surfaces of the blackboard and students' workplaces.

Illumination is measured in suites(reduction: OK), which are taken to denote the intensity luminous flux falling on one square meter surfaces. Luminous flux is measured in lumens(reduction: lm).
Example. An ordinary 40 W incandescent lamp gives a luminous flux of 415 lm. According to SanPiN 2.2.1 /, the illumination of the blackboard surface should be 500 lux. If the area of ​​the board is 2 sq. meter, then the directional light flux of two such lamps for its artificial lighting will not be enough.

3. Proper thermal conditions. The air temperature in the classroom should also be comfortable for the body. For different classrooms optimal mode temperature varies from +15 to +22 degrees Celsius. Most low temperatures recommended for rooms where stay is associated with high physical activity. So, in gyms and training workshops optimum temperature+15 ... +17 degrees is considered, and in ordinary classrooms - +18…+21.

4. Alternation of various types of educational activities. The meaning of this requirement is that when alternating activities, the fatigue of students is significantly reduced, which has a positive effect on their health and performance. Organizing the educational and cognitive activity of schoolchildren in the classroom, the teacher must avoid tiresome monotony. In elementary school, physical education classes are mandatory.

5. Furniture matching individual characteristics students. This requirement is especially important for the formation in children correct posture. The height of the chairs in the classroom should be appropriate for the height of the students. BUT modern tables for schoolchildren have adjustments in height and inclination of the surface. The task of the teacher is to make sure that students feel comfortable sitting at the tables during the lesson, if necessary, remind them that they need to adjust the surface of the table, and if necessary, help them do it.

6. Use of special educational and laboratory equipment. Equipment for educational organizations passes mandatory certification, in which its safety and compliance with the psychophysiological characteristics of students are especially taken into account. For example, laboratory furniture for schools has significant differences from "adult" counterparts, and machines and fixtures for training workshops are much more compact and safer than industrial equipment.

Table 4.4.

Hygiene criteria rational organization lesson

Lesson Factors

Levels of hygienic rationality of the lesson



Lesson Density

Not less than 60%

and not more than 75-80%

Number of types of learning activities

Average duration of various types of learning activities

For grades 1-4:

no more than 7-10 minutes;

For grades 5-11:

10-15 minutes

more than 15 minutes

Frequency of alternation of different types of learning activities

Change no later than:

7-10 minutes (grades 1-4);

10-15 minutes (grades 5-11)

change in 15-20 minutes

Number of types of teaching

at least 3

Alternation of types of teaching


types of teaching

does not alternate

The presence of emotional discharges (number of

Place and duration of application of TCO

In accordance with hygiene standards

in free form

Pose alternation

poses alternate in accordance with the type of work; teacher supervises students

frequent inconsistencies in posture type of work; posture is not controlled by the teacher

Table 4.5.

Duration of continuous use technical means

learning in the classroom

Continuous duration (min.), no more

Viewing static images on whiteboards and reflection screens

TV viewing

Viewing dynamic images on whiteboards and reflection screens

Working with an image on an individual computer monitor and keyboard

Listening to an audio recording

Listening to audio with headphones

Requirements for computer training aids (TUT):

    The brightness characteristics of electronic pages must comply with the following parameters

- brightness - not less than 35 cd / m 2 and not more than 120 cd / m 2;

– negative and positive uneven distribution of brightness - no more than ±20%.

    The ratio of the brightness of signs and background should be at least 1:3 for a positive image and 3:1 for a negative image (reversal).

    In the design of CSR electronic pages, a negative image (light bold characters on a dark background) should be used. The most favorable color combinations are white or yellow signs on a blue background. When using a liquid crystal display, a positive image should be used (dark characters on a light background). The most favorable color combinations are blue signs on a yellow background and black signs on a green background. Color combination red marks and green background is favorable for any type of displays.

    The font design parameters of text and/or sign information on the electronic pages of CSR for students in grades 1-4, depending on the volume of the text of a one-time reading, must comply with the requirements set forth in Table 4.6.

Table 4.6.

The volume of the text of a one-time reading, the number of characters, no more

Font size, points, not less than

Height capital letter, mm not less than

Font group (examples of typefaces)*

chopped (Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, etc.)


or with serifs (Georgia, Times New Roman, etc.)



chopped or serifed



*Typefaces designed or adapted should be used

to be used for presentation of information on the display screen

    The length of a line in textual information on an electronic page should not be less than 100 mm.

    The font size of auxiliary elements of alphabetic and numerical formulas must be at least 9 points, while the height of the capital letter is at least 2.3 mm.

    The font size in the tables must be at least 10 points, while the height of the capital letter is at least 2.5 mm, with the possibility of displaying one or more cells of the table on separate electronic pages. On individual electronic pages, the font size in the cells must be at least 12 points, while the height of the capital letter must be at least 3 mm. The distance between columns of text in the table must be at least 12 mm.

    The font design of the vocabulary part of the CSR must comply with the parameters set out in the table.

    For textual and/or sign information in CSR, the following should not be used:

    narrow and/or italic typeface;

    more than four different colors on one e-page;

    red background;

    "moving" lines horizontally and vertically.

    Within the framework of CSR, only one typeface of various styles, except for narrow and italic, should be used. Font design of headings is not regulated.

    The volume of electronic pages with textual and/or sign information of the total volume of CSR electronic pages (excluding dynamic video materials) should not exceed 20%.

    The optimal time to start preparing homework for students on the first shift is 16:00, for students on the second shift - 9:00. Education in the first classes is carried out without homework. It is physiologically optimal if students start homework after 1.5–2 hours of study. fresh air. The following duration of homework is hygienically acceptable: for students in grades 2-3 up to 1.5 hours, in grades 4-5 - up to 2 hours, in grades 6-8 - up to 2.5 hours, in grades 9-11 - up to 3.5 hours. The teacher should give individual tasks in such a way that the student can cope with it within the allotted (recommended) time. To create conditions for a good rest of children, the amount of homework for holidays and weekends should be minimized.

Physical education lessons that provide the bulk of the need for motor activity students, should also be organized hygienically competently. The lesson should provide a real load to the child's body and restore the functional state by the beginning of the next lesson.

The motor density of the lesson (the ratio of the time spent by the child to perform movements and the total duration of classes, in percent) should be at least 70% in the classroom, and at least 80% in the air. positive effect from exercise is ensured by the achievement of an average level of heart rate (HR) in the range of 140-160 beats / min.

In the structure of the lesson, there are 3 parts - introductory, main, final. The duration of the introductory part is 5-10 minutes, the increase in heart rate after the introductory part is 25-30%. The main part of the lesson lasts 25-30 minutes, the increase in heart rate is up to 80-100%. The duration of the final part is 3-5 minutes. Heart rate returns to baseline after the end of the lesson or at 3-4 minutes recovery period during the change.

Depending on the state of health (or on the basis of health certificates), students are divided into 3 medical groups - basic, preparatory and special.

Students of the main physical culture group are allowed to participate in all sports and recreation activities in accordance with their age.

With students of preparatory and special groups, physical culture and health work should be carried out taking into account the conclusion of a doctor.

Students assigned to the preparatory and special groups for health reasons are engaged in physical culture with a decrease physical activity.

An additional medical examination should be carried out for all students of the main and preparatory group before sports competitions, as well as for students after illness or injury, overtraining and at the request of a physical education teacher or the student himself.

Students assigned to a special medical group are not allowed to take part in sports competitions and pass sports standards.

The educational process at the school is built in accordance with hygienic standards and recommendations. The main document regulating the hygienic requirements for the organization of the educational process is SanPiN 14-46 - 96 "Sanitary rules and norms for the arrangement, content and organization of the educational process of institutions providing general secondary education."

In the preparatory and first grades, the duration of the lesson is 35 minutes. In educational institutions located in areas contaminated with radionuclides, it is recommended to reduce the duration of the lesson in these classes to 30 minutes, in 2-3 classes - up to 35 minutes, in 4-9 classes - up to 40 minutes. By agreement with the sanitary and epidemiological surveillance authorities, lessons in lyceums, gymnasiums, specialized schools can be reduced to 40 minutes. Lesson duration should not exceed 45 minutes.

The structure of the lesson is the same in all classes. Conventionally, the lesson is divided into three parts: introductory, main, final. The teaching load should increase gradually, reaching a maximum by the middle of the lesson, after which it decreases towards the end of the lesson. At the beginning of the lesson (10 - 15 minutes) there is a practice. This time is allotted for organizational issues and a survey of students. During the main part of the lesson, during the peak performance period, the teacher explains new material, making the most of this time. The duration of a continuous explanation should be limited to a period of active attention to the unstable performance of students. For 6-7-year-old children, this is no more than 15 minutes, in the middle classes - approximately 25 - 30 minutes, in the older ones - 30 - 35 minutes. The teacher should be aware that the nature of the explanation affects the timing of the onset of fatigue. So, the explanation of new material in the form of lectures is more tiring compared to the explanation, which is carried out in the form of a conversation, which makes the lesson more lively, emotional, interesting, students learn and remember new material more easily. Interest in the material presented for a long time maintains performance at the proper level. And vice versa, lack of interest, inexpressive, monotonous speech or hostility of the teacher contribute to the rapid development of transcendental inhibition.

10-15 minutes before the end of the lesson, the students begin to get tired. The final part of the lesson is reserved for training reproduction. It is characteristic that younger schoolchildren "do not know how to really get tired." With prolonged work, they develop transcendental, or protective, inhibition, which protects the cells of the cerebral cortex from overexcitation and overwork. Older students can continue to work when tired, which leads to overwork.

The school practices double lessons. Sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities allow combining two lessons for laboratory and control work, lessons of computer science, labor, fine arts, for subjects with an increased and in-depth level of their study, as well as when performing a program but ski training. In the process of conducting a double lesson, it is necessary to alternate the practical and theoretical parts, tasks for self-study. At both lessons, a physical culture break is obligatory, a change between lessons is at least 10 minutes. In advance, before the lesson, the class should be aired.

The correct mode of the day is a rational alternation of various types of activity and rest, which is of great health and educational value.

A properly organized daily regimen favors the preservation of a relatively high working capacity of the body for a long time. The regularity of individual regime moments and their alternation ensure the development of a certain rhythm in the activity of the body.

Violation of the daily routine, as well as improper upbringing conditions, an unfavorable climate in the family, leads to serious deviations in the health of the child, primarily to neuroses. Symptoms: anxiety, poor sleep, lagging behind in physical development. At an older age - irritability, inadequate reactions, nervous tics, intestinal colic, temperature lability. The course is determined by the influence of the environment, proper upbringing and training. Prevention: a strictly conducted regimen from an early age, the correct pedagogical approach to the child. Widespread use of health-improving measures of influence: air and sun baths, bathing, coniferous and salty baths, wiping, dousing, physical education, maximum exposure to fresh air, sufficient hygienically complete night sleep, daytime sleep. It is advisable, especially in adolescence, the influence of adults (parents, educators) with their personal authority, the constant emphasis on the absence of a child (teenager) of any serious illness.

Extracurricular and extracurricular activities. Extracurricular and extracurricular activities with students are carried out in school days with fewer training sessions, as well as on Sundays and during holidays. The work of schoolchildren in various circles of out-of-school institutions should be under the direct supervision and guidance of experienced educators and pioneer leaders who reasonably guide the activities of children and adolescents in accordance with their development, age capabilities and correct alternation work and rest.

When planning extracurricular and extracurricular activities, it is necessary to take into account the age characteristics of students.

Organization of students' free time. In the daily routine, time should be provided that is used by students in accordance with their individual inclinations and interests: for students lower grades 1-1.5 hours, and middle and high school - 1.5-2.5 hours. Students can use this time to read fiction, design, draw, watch television programs, listen to radio programs.

In their free time, schoolchildren should help the family by doing this or that work on their own initiative or at the direction of their parents. Able to work not only contributes to the correct upbringing of children, but also contributes to their best physical development and health promotion.

Special time is provided for staying on outdoors. Every hour spent by schoolchildren in the open air in outdoor games and sports entertainment has a positive effect on health. Studies have shown that a 1-1.5-hour rest, accompanied by outdoor games that give moderate physical activity, increases the performance of students.

In cases where active rest of students exceeds 1.5 hours or is carried out with an intense load, performance drops sharply, the number of errors increases, the amount of work performed decreases, and it takes more time to prepare lessons after such a rest than after a rationally organized one.

Sports games such as volleyball, basketball, football are not recommended for students between school hours and homework. Associated with high mobility and, consequently, intense load, they can have a negative impact on performance.

MBOU "Krasnoslobodskaya secondary school No. 1"

Requirements to the psychological, pedagogical and hygienic conditions of the lesson.

Prepared by: Meshcheryakova E.M.

Educational psychologist

The lesson remains the main organizational form educational process which directly depends on the teacher. building a lesson on a health-saving basis is the most important condition for overcoming the health-expenditure nature of school education.

Crisis phenomena in society contributed to a change in motivation educational activities students, reduced their creative activity, slowed down their physical and mental development, caused deviations in their social behavior. For these reasons, the problems of preserving the health of students have become especially relevant. In the circumstances, it became natural active use pedagogical technologies aimed at protecting the health of schoolchildren.

When building a lesson from the position of health-saving technology the teacher needs stick to the ground rules

Rule one 1. Proper organization lesson

Rational organization of the lesson is important component health-saving work of the school. The observance of the hygienic and psychological and pedagogical conditions of the lesson mainly determines the functional state of schoolchildren in the process of learning activities, the ability to maintain mental performance for a long time on high level and prevent premature fatigue. We must not forget that hygienic conditions affect the condition of the teacher, his health, which in turn affects the condition and health of students.

= 60% and not enough 85-90% rational Average duration of different types 4 non-rational 4-7 learning activities 5 Frequency of alternation of different types 2-3 90% of learning activities Number of teaching types 10 min 11-15 min 1- 2 Shift not later than 6 min. Alternate types of teaching Shift after Not less than 3 15 min 2 11-15 min Shift after 7-10 min Not later than 15-20 min 1 than after 15-20 min 10-15 min Do not alternate " width="640"

Factors lesson

Lesson Density

Levels of hygienic rationality of the lesson


Number of types of learning activities

not enough


Average duration of different types

not rational

learning activities

Alternation frequency of different species

learning activities

Number of types of teaching

Change no later

than through

Rotation of types of teaching

change through

At least 3

change through

than through


Basic hygiene criteria rational organization of the lesson (according to N.K. Smironov)

Lesson Factors

Levels of hygienic rationality of the lesson


not enough


not rational

Presence of emotional discharges (number)

Place and duration of application of TCO

Pose alternation


with hygienic

With partial compliance

Physical education minutes

Posture alternates according to

Psychological climate

There are inconsistencies

type of work.


In the free


2 per lesson

poses kind of work.

The teacher watches the boarding

The moment of onset of student fatigue

Positive emotions prevail

consisting of 3 easy exercises,

1 physical education minute

Frequent inconsistencies

poses kind of work.

(to reduce learning activity)

The teacher sometimes controls

There are cases of negative emotions. Lesson, emotionally indifferent

per lesson, with insufficient duration



3-5 repetitions of each

Not earlier than 40 minutes

student boarding

Negative emotions prevail

Posture is out of control

Not earlier than


after 35-37 minutes

Less than

after 30 minutes

Rule 2. Use of channels of perception

Features of perception are determined by one of the most important properties individuality - functional asymmetry of the brain: the distribution of mental functions between the hemispheres. stand out Various types functional organization of the two hemispheres of the brain: - left brain people with the dominance of the left hemisphere, they are characterized by a verbal-logical style of cognitive processes, a tendency to abstract and generalize; - right brain people dominance of the right hemisphere of this type concrete-figurative thinking and imagination are developed; - isohemispheric people - they lack pronounced dominance of one of the hemispheres.

Based on the preferred channels for perceiving information, there are: - auditory perception; - visual perception; - kinesthetic perception.


1st row

Left hemispheric

2nd row

3rd row



Approximate arrangement of students in the classroom

Rule 3. Distribution of the intensity of mental activity

The effectiveness of mastering the knowledge of students during the lesson is as follows: - 5-25th minute - 80%; - 25-35th minute - 60-40%; - 35-40th minute - 10%.

The duration of active attention junior schoolchildren limited in most cases to 15-25 minutes (15-20), which requires switching to another activity.

Monotonous work is especially tiring for children, as well as work associated with prolonged psychophysical stress, visual load, and maintaining a static posture.

The duration of continuous reading in primary schools is from 8-10 minutes (grades 1-2) to 15 minutes (grade 3), it is advisable to carry out independent reading at the beginning of the lesson or in the middle and alternate with retelling, listening to records, talking with the teacher of written work, the optimal duration 3-5 minutes.

Rule 4. Relieve emotional stress

Usage gaming technologies, gaming tutorials, original assignments and tasks, the introduction of historical digressions and digressions into the lesson allow you to remove emotional stress. This technique also allows you to solve several different tasks at the same time: provide students with psychological relief, give them information on a developmental and educational plan, encourage them to activate their independent cognitive activity etc.

Rule 5. Creating a favorable psychological climate in the classroom

A friendly atmosphere in the classroom, calm conversation, attention to every statement, a positive reaction of the teacher to the student’s desire to express his point of view, tactful correction of mistakes made, encouragement for independent mental activity, appropriate humor or a small historical digression - this is not the whole arsenal that can be have a teacher who strives to reveal the abilities of each child.

Rule 6. Health protection and promotion of a healthy lifestyle

Teach a person from school years to be responsible for their health. Introduce health issues into the framework of academic subjects, and this will allow the student to show how the studied material correlates with everyday life teach him to constantly take care of his health.

To conduct self-analysis of the lesson in terms of maintaining the health of schoolchildren, it is advisable to pay attention to the following aspects of the lesson:

1. Hygienic conditions in the classroom (office): cleanliness, temperature and freshness of the air, the rationality of classroom and board lighting, the presence / absence of monotonous, unpleasant stimuli.

The fatigue of schoolchildren and the risk of allergic disorders depend to a large extent on the observance of these simple conditions.

2. Number of learning activities used by the teacher : student survey, writing, reading, listening, storytelling, looking visual aids, answers to questions, practical exercises.

The norm is 4-7 species per lesson.

The monotony of the lesson contributes to the fatigue of students. However, you need to remember that the frequent change from one activity to another requires additional adaptation efforts from students. It also contributes to increased fatigue.

3. The average duration of various types of learning activities.

Approximate rate: 7-10 minutes.

Rule 7

Number of types of teaching used by the teacher : verbal, visual, audiovisual, independent work and others. Norma - at least three per lesson. Alternating types of teaching - no later than in 10-15 minutes.

The use of methods that contribute to the activation of the initiative and creative self-expression of students that allow them to become agents of activity. These are methods of free choice (free conversation, choice of action, its method, choice of methods of interaction, freedom of creativity, etc.); active methods (students as teachers, action reading, group discussion, role-playing game, discussion, seminar, etc.); methods aimed at self-knowledge and development (intelligence, emotions, communication, imagination, self-esteem and mutual evaluation), etc.

Rule 7

d for staging a discussion, discussion, instilling interest in educational programs, i.e. for an interconnected solution of both educational and educational tasks.

The effectiveness of lessons with the use of TCO also depends on the frequency of lessons of this type.

The appropriate number of lessons with the use of TCO is no more than 3-4 per week.

at the lessons of various TCO, min (according to N.T. Lebedeva)






video films


TV shows


The ability of the teacher to use the possibilities of displaying video materials

The following fact is dangerous: children's interest in working with a computer masks fatigue so much, schoolchildren are so carried away that they do not notice signs of fatigue, continue classes (games) and, as a result, cause significant harm to their health. As a result, we get the appearance of psychosomatic disorders, neurotic reactions and the prevalence of manifestations of stress in schoolchildren.

The most important indicator of the effectiveness of classes using information technologies- training mode. The duration of work with a computer depends on the individual age characteristics of those involved.

For children 6 years old, the norm should not exceed 10 minutes and for children 7-10 years old 15 minutes.

Study mode using

computer facilities (according to N.T. Lebedeva)

Duration of work

with computers, min

25, with double lessons 30 and 15

Rule 7

Student poses and their alternation depending on the nature of the work being done. The degree of naturalness of the posture of schoolchildren in the lesson can serve as a good indicator psychological impact teacher, the degree of his authoritarianism: the mechanism of the health-destroying impact of an authoritarian teacher consists, in particular, in the fact that children in his lessons are excessively stressed. This exhausting situation not only sharply increases the level of schoolchildren's neuroticism, but also has a detrimental effect on their character.

Rule 7

Physical education minutes and physical education breaks ,

which are mandatory integral part lesson. It is necessary to pay attention to their content and duration (the norm is for 15–20 minutes of a lesson, 1 minute of 3 easy exercises with 3–4 repetitions of each), as well as the emotional climate during the exercises and the students' desire to perform them.

Gymnastics for the eyes

3-5 exercises 5 or more times each

Physical education minute

during the course

7-8 exercises 4-6 times each

at work

5-7 exercises 8-10 times each

8-9 exercises 6-8 times each

Rule 7

Deserves a positive rating inclusion in the content of the lesson of issues related to health and in a healthy way life . The ability of a teacher to highlight and emphasize issues related to health is one of the criteria for his pedagogical professionalism.

Rule 7

The presence of students' motivation for learning activities in the classroom: interest in classes, the desire to learn more, the joy of being active, interest in the material being studied, etc. The level of this motivation and the methods of increasing it used by the teacher are assessed.

Favorable psychological climate in the classroom , which also serves as one of the indicators of the success of its implementation: the charge of positive emotions received by schoolchildren and the teacher himself determines the positive impact of the school on health.

Rule 7

The dominant expression on the teacher's face. The lesson is incomplete if there were no emotional and semantic discharges: smiles, appropriate witty jokes, the use of sayings, aphorisms with comments, musical minutes, etc.

The moment of onset of fatigue of students and a decrease in their learning activity. It is determined in the course of monitoring the increase in motor and passive distractions of schoolchildren in the process of educational work. Norm - not earlier than 5-10 minutes before the end of the lesson.

Rule 7

The pace and features of the end of the lesson. It is desirable that the end of the lesson be calm: the students had the opportunity to ask the teacher questions, the teacher could comment on the homework, say goodbye to the students.

An integral indicator of the effectiveness of the lesson can be considered the state and type of students leaving the lesson. It is worth paying attention to the state of the teacher.

Prevention of all kinds of psychotraumatic situations.

Requirements for students should correspond to the level of their development, but not exceed or underestimate their capabilities. Teaching students should be carried out with a focus on the zone of proximal development. Considering that “what the student can do today in collaboration with the teacher, he will be able to do on his own tomorrow” (L. S. Vygotsky). An important psychological and didactic assimilation of the organization of schoolchildren's educational activities, which makes it possible to ensure its therapeutic and corrective effect, is a change in the approach to assessment. In pedagogy, negative evaluations should be finally abandoned and everyone should be given the opportunity to make an unlimited number of attempts to obtain a positive evaluation. This form of communication "teacher - student" is based on individualization in learning.

Properly organized training contributes not only to the acquisition of solid knowledge, but also favorable growth and development of students, strengthening their health.

Industrial training for high school students secondary school is carried out in the form of labor production workshops, which are organized in interschool educational and production complexes. These plants include various workshops: locksmith, sewing, radio assembly, electrical assembly, etc.

The mode of work of students should be different from the mode of work of adult workers. The optimal length of the working day for a teenager under 16 is 4 hours, and for 16-18-year-olds - 6 hours. Students are allowed to work only in the morning or afternoon shift with a not very early start (8.00-8.30) and not too late ending (no later than 21 hours), so that adolescents do not violate the usual daily routine developed over the years.

The working regime of adolescents should be different from the working regime of adult workers. In the first year of industrial training, after every 45-50 minutes of work, it is recommended to take 10-minute breaks; in the second year, three breaks are arranged for the entire working day, and in the third year, two. In the middle of the working day, a long break of 30-60 minutes is introduced for rest and lunch. During this break, it is useful to carry out production gymnastics, which is necessary to maintain high performance.

Monotonous work causes more fatigue in adolescents than work accompanied by a change of operations. The mode of work based on the change of operations is less tiring and should be provided for in production tasks. Monotonous work has an adverse effect on higher nervous activity, causes excessive tension in individual muscle groups, and limits respiratory movements. It is necessary to develop in teenagers the skills of the correct position in the workplace. The correct posture facilitates the performance of the work operation, the assimilation of labor skills and creates conditions for more economical use of energy, normal work internal organs forms the correct posture.

In the hygienic characteristics of the work regime of students, an important role belongs to the density of working time, which is understood as the ratio of the time actually used for work to the total duration of working time. The study of the organization of work of adolescents in metalworking and textile industries allows us to consider the density of working time in the range of 65-80% as optimal for students aged 16-18. Low (10-40%) work time density, caused by the lack of raw materials, a permanent place of work, or other reasons, is no less tiring for teenagers than busy work.

A rational regime of work and rest cannot be provided without organization favorable conditions external production environment that meets current standards and requirements (illumination, microclimate, noise factor, etc.).

Soviet legislation forbids the work of adolescents in a number of so-called harmful workshops. So, for example, it is not allowed to use the labor of adolescents under the age of 18 in work related to the preparation of paints and bleach solution, sorting rags, paper, unwashed wool, primary processing of flax, hair, wool, leather, bristles, production artificial fibers. Persons under the age of 18 are strictly prohibited from working with toxic substances. All underground work, work on the extraction and processing of stone, chemical processing of metal, manual typesetting in a printing house, work in hot shops, work related to electric shock voltage over 500 V, etc.

During the period of production practice when working in factories and factories, adolescents are negatively affected by a number of production factors. Thus, elevated air temperature, humidity, intense thermal radiation, dustiness cause more pronounced physiological changes in adolescents compared to adult workers (increase in heart rate, increase in body temperature and decrease in its weight). Long work under conditions of high temperature leads to persistent changes in the nervous and cardiovascular systems, gastrointestinal tract. Working in conditions low temperature causes adverse changes in the body associated with cooling and disruption of thermoregulation processes.

Noise and vibration have a particularly adverse effect on the body of adolescents. When exposed to noise, functional hearing and autonomic disorders most often occur. nervous system. With a pronounced impact of industrial noise in adolescents more often than in adults, neuritis of the auditory nerve may occur. Noise reduces the overall performance and resistance of the organism.

In industrial conditions, noise is often combined with vibration caused by the operation of engines, electrical machines, pneumatic tools. Disorders caused by the action of industrial vibration are called vibrational disease; with it, changes in the central nervous system and blood vessels are observed. Patients with vibration disease have headaches, insomnia, and neurotic phenomena. Work in conditions of exposure to vibration is prohibited by existing legislation for adolescents. However, during industrial training in vocational schools during the development of certain professions in the metalworking industry, they can be exposed to vibration, so teachers should be familiar with its effect on the body of adolescents, at least in general terms.

In many industries, there is a significant amount of dust in the air of working areas and premises. The pathological effect of dust on the body depends on its physical and chemical properties and concentration in the air. The so-called dust occupations include most of the professions in the extraction and processing of mining rocks, in processing plants, textile industries, etc. When organizing industrial practice students of schools and vocational schools in industries characterized by a high content of dust, it is necessary to take measures to reduce this impact (use of respirators, dust goggles, etc.).

The structure of the labor lesson is of great importance. A favorable effect on the functional state of the body is exerted only by such lessons in which students perform a variety of work and are not burdened with too lengthy explanations from the teacher. It is desirable to perform work that involves a variety of labor operations, and their rational alternation. So, when processing metal, the duration of each labor operation should not exceed 20 minutes.

Training in all types of labor operations (molding, cutting, filing, cutting, etc.) must be built taking into account the age-related anatomical and physiological characteristics of children and adolescents. So, in the lower grades, where the ossification of the phalanges has not yet ended in children and the small muscles of the hand are not sufficiently developed, one should take care not only of correct selection tool of the appropriate size and weight, but also in the choice of material, the processing of which does not require significant effort from children. Small movements of the muscles of the hand are inaccessible to children of 7 years of age, their coordination of movements is not sufficiently developed. They need exercises for the muscles of the hands, which is facilitated by properly organized labor lessons. For the development of the muscles of the hand, it is important to work with plasticine, cardboard, paper. When children acquire certain skills in simple jobs you can move on to more complex work, including small movements of the muscles of the hand.

Schoolchildren working in locksmith, carpentry and other school workshops should be familiar with the rules for handling tools, rules internal regulations and safety technology. To work in school workshops, schoolchildren must have special clothes that would not restrict their movements, but would not be too loose and did not have fluttering ends. When working at the machine, girls should remove their hair under a scarf. Each workshop must have a first aid kit.
