Why dream of fur products. How to interpret the dream "Furs"

The probability of the fulfillment of dreams

Since some people are more influenced by the Moon and others by the Sun, you can choose which system suits you best.

Today is the 25th day of the month. The dreams that occurred on the night of today are full of lies and deceit.

Today is the 19th lunar day. The dreams that occurred on the night of today are fair and open after 8 days.

Today is Monday. Monday is considered a difficult day because it is ruled by the planet - the Moon. Monday dreams, whatever you see, reflect your emotional and psychological state and can be associated with everyday life and everyday chores, with family, relatives, especially with your mother and other women, with small children.

If Monday's sleep is long and rich, if there was water in it, then you have to redo a lot of everyday homework. It is better when the dream is mean, "short". It means that there will be little fuss, you will be able to be collected and restrained, you will be able to maintain a good mood.

found: 3

FUR - Miller's Dream Book

In general, fur in a dream is a sign of wealth and solidity.

If you trade in furs in a dream, prosperity and some new interesting business proposals await you.

If you see yourself dressed in furs, such a dream promises you a strong position and wealth. To see beautiful fur is to honor and respect.

For a young woman to see that she wears expensive furs means that she will marry wise man and a good host.

FUR - Modern Dream Interpretation

You see furs in a dream - good luck will accompany you in business and travel, no one will dispute your influence on society.

It is as if you are wearing luxurious furs - a dream portends you wealth and happiness in your personal life.

A young woman sees herself in furs - this woman will soon get married, her husband will be a highly experienced and economic person, you can rely on this in difficult times.

You seem to be trading in furs - you have good business prospects.

Presenting fur to someone as a gift means that you will have big expenses for pleasure.

To receive fur as a gift is a sign that you have been appreciated accordingly. How expensive the fur presented to you is, so you will be appreciated.

Soft, fluffy, expensive fur in a dream is a sign of tenderness, affection, sincerity. To see hard, prickly, unpleasant fur in a dream is a sign of hostility, betrayal, deceit. The dream in which you see the fur dirty, torn, worn, worn, etc. has the same meaning.

Putting fur on yourself yourself is a disease.

Seeing a furrier in a dream at work portends you a hope that can come true.

FUR - Slavic Dream Interpretation

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Look into the depths of the subconscious and find out what your dream is about. What does what you see mean, tell you. And it will help to understand the dream even more precisely.

Why Fur Dreams: Interpretation by 100 Authors

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

What does fur mean in a dream

Fur - Dressing him up is a quarrel, a slander. Fur - Klyauza. Fur - Wearing or seeing fur is a quarrel. Fur - Seeing fur in a dream - to a quarrel due to arrogance, lack of courage. Big furs dream of wealth, fox fur - to deceit, beaver fur - to well-being.

Fur - Deception; prosperity. Fur – Cozy and Rich life. Fur - Get - a high position; to buy is a disease; give - the cost of a mistress. Fur - Pleasure, bliss, regardless of quality and belonging. Tattered, bad fulfillment of desires, prosperity. Furs - Seeing in a dream portends success in enterprises and a happy ending, in the next interpreter you can find out what this dream is about.

Miller's dream book

Why dream Fur in a dream

Furs - If a woman dreams of furs, then this dream portends a happy fate for her. If a young girl has a dream, then, on the contrary, many misfortunes await her. For a man, a dream about beautiful furs means an ordinary fate and inept attempts to get rich. Furs - Trading furs in a dream means prosperity and interesting offers in many matters. Seeing yourself dressed in furs predicts you a strong position and wealth.

Seeing beautiful fur promises honor. For a young woman to see that she is wearing expensive furs means that she will marry a wise man and a good owner. Bellows - Empty - crop failure, failure; full grains - wealth. Dreaming Fur products - Honor, respect. Furrier - You will find the lost thing.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Fur in a dream why dream

Furrier - Find the lost item

Fur - Monotonous boring life - get - high position - buy - illness - donate - expense for a mistress. Blacksmith fur - Squabbles and disputes; blowing into the fire with fur is imprudence. Blacksmith fur - Squabbles, disputes - blowing into the fire with fur - imprudence. Furs - Seeing yourself dressed in furs in a dream - to a strong and secure position in life. For a young woman to see expensive furs on herself - for an early marriage with a wise and economic person.

Fur in a dream - to wear - to a prosperous life. Fur - comfort; material wealth. Trade in furs - prosperity; to wear furs - a strong position and wealth; beautiful fur is an honor.

Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Meet Mech in a dream

I dreamed of Fur - Putting on a sable coat - against my will, be in the center of attention of unfamiliar people. Lying on a bearskin - to be disgusted by the hustle and bustle. Fur - To wealth. Imagine luxurious, soft, very expensive fur. Try it on or lay it under your feet.

Fur - to wealth, luxury. Imagine a store that sells furs. You see fur coats, hats, other products and just well-dressed skins. Imagine taking a long time to choose fur, examine them, touch the fur. Then make a purchase, bring it home. This is very expensive, good fur. Imagine that you are either putting on a fur thing, or decorating walls and floors in your house with fur.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does a dream with Fur mean, taking into account the date of birth

In the spring, why dream about fur in a dream - for a good deal.

In the summer, why did the fur dream - to a rich groom for a girl.

In the fall, why dream of rich fur - to buy gold things with diamonds.

In winter, why dream of trading furs in a dream means prosperity and interesting offers in the business field.

Numerological horoscope for day number - 25

Seeing a boa in a dream - a disease awaits you to wear around your neck - you should beware of a woman.

How to interpret the dream "Beaver, beaver fur"

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Seeing beavers in a dream portends that with your persistent efforts you will achieve very favorable results. To dream that you are going berserk portends you a serious fall or an accident, an accident. Beaver fur has always been considered a symbol of wealth and prosperity. To see him …

How to interpret the dream "Fur"

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Fur things In a dream, feel, touch the fur with your hands - means that in the near future you will have a big win, good luck in trading, a good deal or an offer of cooperation. Trading furs in a dream is a sign of prosperity, interesting offers in many cases. To be dressed …

Dream Meaning - Laughter

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Hearing - to a contradiction, aggravation of relations with life. Loss of friendship. The laughter of children is for money. Good news. Hear your laughter - to tears.

Dream Meaning - Fur

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

For sleeping. Slander.

Dream Interpretation: why dream of Laughter

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Laughter: this is getting rid of the accumulated tension, but not working with the internal cause that generated the tension. Laughter is born as a deliverance from a feeling of fear, but constant laughter is the absence of fear as a force that restrains, balances human behavior: a fearless person does not see anything ...

Dream Interpretation: why dream of Laughter

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Laughter If you hear someone laughing in a dream, it means that you are being discussed. If the laughter is kind, then this indicates that they feel sympathy for you, and an unpleasant and evil laugh means that they envy you and wish evil.

Dream Interpretation: what is Fur dreaming of

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

If a woman dreams of furs, then this dream portends a happy fate for her. If a young girl has such a dream, then, on the contrary, many misfortunes await her. For a man, a dream about beautiful furs means an ordinary fate and inept attempts to get rich.

Dream Interpretation: why dream of Laughter

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

A dream in which you laugh is a wonderful dream, as you wake up in a carefree and high spirits, unless, of course, they are laughing at you! First of all, determine how you feel about laughter in your sleep. Are you laughing or someone else is laughing at you...

Decoding and interpretation of sleep Fur

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Seeing portends success in enterprises and a happy ending.

How to interpret the dream "Furs"

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

In general, fur in a dream is a sign of wealth and solidity. If you trade in furs in a dream, prosperity and some new interesting business proposals await you. If you see yourself dressed in furs - such a dream promises you a strong position and ...

Dream Interpretation: why dream of Laughter

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

General value this dream is a harbinger of sorrows and sorrows. Loud laughter is a sign that your troubles, alas, will multiply. Quiet laughter - to reduce problems and troubles. In special cases this dream can also portend the birth of a child.

I had a dream "Laughter"

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Much trouble for the next two days. Laughing with your friends is a quarrel. Laugh uncontrollably - to sadness. They mock you - to conflict. You scoff - a dream warns you against committing an evil deed. Children's laughter is a sign of strong ...

I had a dream "Fur"

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

To a quarrel because of arrogance, lack of courage. Big furs dream of wealth. Fox fur - to deception. Beaver fur - to well-being ..

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations assess your emotional state? We suggest reading selected interpretations of dreams about Furs in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these interpretations of dreams, there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream of Fur

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do Furs dream in a dream?

Seen in a dream Furs means - Furs. Trade in furs - prosperity and interesting business offers. Seeing yourself dressed in furs - a strong position, wealth, just beautiful fur or clothes from it - to honor. For a young woman to see that she is wearing fur - to marry a wise man and a good owner. Furs can also predict a monotonous and boring life, so the dream book interprets the dream you had, read on if you want to know what Furs are dreaming of.

Modern dream book

Why dream of Furs in a dream book?

We saw Furs in a dream - If you sold furs in a dream - you have prosperity and interesting offers in many cases ahead of you. We saw ourselves dressed in furs - expect a strong position and wealth. Beautiful fur dreams of honor. A young woman who dreamed of herself in expensive furs, will marry a wise man and a good owner.

Dream Interpretation of Adaskin

Why do Furs dream, why is it:

See fine fur, buy fur clothes, to see yourself dressed in furs - to honor, wealth, a strong position in society. If someone takes off your furs, you may suffer from slander, slander, slander. Trade in furs in a dream - in reality you will receive excellent business offers. Stroking beautiful fur - to honor and respect. If you dreamed that you were wearing expensive furs, then such a dream means that you will marry a wise man and a good owner.

Wearing expensive furs in a dream is a sign of respect, honor, a profitable and important business.

Presenting fur to someone as a gift means that you will have big expenses for pleasure. To receive fur as a gift is a sign that you have been appreciated accordingly. How expensive the fur presented to you is, so you will be appreciated. Soft, fluffy, expensive fur in a dream is a sign of tenderness, affection, sincerity. To see hard, prickly, unpleasant fur in a dream is a sign of hostility, betrayal, deceit. The dream in which you see the fur dirty, torn, worn, frayed, etc. has the same meaning. Buying fur yourself or putting it on yourself is a disease. Selling furs in a dream means that the well-being of other people will depend on your will and you should not forget about it if you want to be respected and honored. See interpretation: cut, skin.

Seeing a furrier in a dream at work portends you a hope that can come true.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Furs

If you were selling furs in a dream, you will have prosperity and interesting offers in many cases ahead of you.

We saw ourselves dressed in furs - expect a strong position and wealth.

Beautiful fur dreams of honor.

A young woman who sees herself in expensive furs in a dream will marry a wise man and a good owner.

Interpretation of dreams from