Print minecraft from paper all the blocks are large. Paper origami minecraft: diagrams, how to make blocks with photos and videos

The art of origami is famous for the fact that you can create all kinds of shapes from paper. But every day there are new ideas that I would like to recreate with the help of paper. So, for example, fans of the popular game "MineCraft" came up with schemes for its characters using paper origami technique.

Minecraft is a computer game created in the sandbox genre. In her story, she has elements of survival and an open world, which consists entirely of blocks. The game was released in 2009 in Sweden and today is wildly popular around the world.

In the photo of the game, you can see that all the characters and the landscape are like cubes, due to the use of low resolution - only 16x16 pixels:

In this regard, fans of the game had no problem recreating their favorite characters from paper. I picked up a few visual master classes on origami minecraft, video tutorials will not cause difficulties even for novice origami masters:

Minecraft Origami: Papercraft

By the way, another interesting origami technique is to create a figure using prepared blocks. The name of this technique is Papercraft. This type of origami has little in common with traditional art forms, since glue is used in this case. The essence of this subspecies of origami lies in the fact that on a sheet of paper it is necessary to print the layout of the future figure. Then, using scissors, carefully cut out the contours and then fold all the details along the marked lines. Connection points must be glued. The figure folded in this way turns out to be quite stable, and, most importantly, realistic due to the volume.

In the case of the Minecraft game, where all the characters are made of cubes, this technique is the best suited for creativity.

Now we are ready to move on to the question of how to make origami minecraft: the diagrams below must be printed on a color printer in order to convey the atmosphere of the game as accurately as possible. It is best to start with simple blocks, such as stone, sand, dynamite. The addition of these figures will not cause difficulties:

Diamond block:

But in addition to simple blocks, there are models for the addition of which you will have to make an effort and allocate more time.

So, here are some of the characters from the game:

When all the blanks are printed and cut out, you can proceed to folding the figures. Please note that it is best to use thick paper to create a template. In this case, the model will retain its shape, and the details for connecting the elements of the figure will hold firmly. And in order to carefully make folds on thick paper, on the reverse side at the fold, you can draw a line several times with a pencil or pen, while slightly pressing. After that, small connecting parts will be easier to bend without creating unnecessary creases.

Well, for ardent fans of the Minecraft game, life-size game elements will appeal to you. For example, a pickaxe:

This model turns out to be voluminous and very realistic, like a sword made in a slightly different technique, but very easy to repeat:

Do you like the fascinating world of minecraft? Then do it yourself! You will have your own world paper minecraft!

Surround yourself with your favorite items or mobs from the world of minecraft!

Minecraft from paper, all you need for this: paper and the ability to glue!

Just save, print and glue!

This time our selection minecraft from paper"has 10 A4 sheets with paper minecraft blocks. There will be more collections of all sorts of blocks and mobs, in order not to miss them, subscribe to the news of our site!

In principle, everything is simple, downloaded-> printed-> glued and ready, but there are a couple of tips. Carefully study the printout, and in order for the figure to be bright and stronger, it is better to use photographic paper instead of plain paper.

Previous selection

Print layouts minecraft from paper

The first layout for printout is dynamite and stove. Keep full image size paper minecraft so that the quality does not deteriorate.

The next blocks of cobblestone and cobblestone with liana.

As you can see for yourself, here we have a brick and an infernal cobblestone, that's all paper minecraft

Coal and iron block

Glowing stone and pumpkin. Just save and print paper minecraft

Sand and iron

Yes, you can rivet the whole world paper minecraft. Here we have lapis lazuli and gold

Where without land and land with grass

First, let's understand what Minecraft is. Minecraft is such a building-style computer game. It was created by Markus Persson. This is a kind of horror game that allows you to build, as well as destroy different blocks, use objects in a three-dimensional environment. Therefore, we propose to make paper origami minecraft with your child. And those who are closely interested in this game will like to make them. Moreover, with the help of origami, you can make almost all the characters.

The player simply controls a character that performs the above actions. These blocks are made up of players, landscapes, mobs, and items. In this game, you can act in four modes ─ this is a creative, which is considered the most democratic, a survival mode in which the player is forced to independently search for resources. The third mode is adventure, where players get the opportunity to create their own map, and in this mode, the ability to play in a team is available. And the last mode is "Hardcore", in which the hero has one life, and losing it means the end of the game. Very important for fans of this game is the ability to choose one or another type of world. They come in regular, super flat, large biomes, and stretched world types. This game is very popular among children and youth. They can sit at the computer not only for hours, but for days and create their favorite characters, and kill the unloved ones. But such games are very harmful not only to the psyche of the child, but also to vision.

These crafts will distract the child from the computer and allow him to play his favorite game in reality. Firstly, it will be of great interest to him and finally distract him from the computer, which will save his eyesight, and secondly, it will develop hand motor skills, imagination and attentiveness, and you will also have a lot of fun together. To do this, you just need to download the diagrams on how to make your favorite characters in the game, print them out and make voluminous characters with your own hands.

Making Steve's Head

Surely every fan of the Minecraft game wanted to feel like the main character Steve. Today we will make the head of this hero together, which is well suited as a mask for the New Year or Halloween. This is very convenient, since you only have to make a head, and you can pick up clothes yourself. In order to make Steve's head, you need to print pictures.

Preferably on thick paper, and best of all on cardboard, so the mask will not wrinkle, it will be dense and hold well.

Carefully cut, fold and glue where necessary.

1) Steve's face. Don't forget to cut holes for the eyes.

2) Side. Don't forget to fold our template along the dotted lines.

3) The second side. You also need to remember that we will glue all parts of the head together using black stripes.

4) The back of the head.

5) The top or "cover" of the head. We will glue all the other parts to it.

DIY pickaxe

The pickaxe is one of the most useful tools in the minecraft game. We suggest you make a diamond pick, shown in the photo, which will serve as a good souvenir or gift for fans of this game.

In order to make such a craft, you just need to download these diagrams, print on a color printer or decorate it yourself, and use scissors and sleight of hand to make this item.

Schemes of the most popular heroes

We suggest you print out the diagrams below of the most popular heroes of your favorite game, carefully cut them out, bend them along the fold lines and glue them together.

2) Steve in leather armor with a wooden sword.

3) Steve with a diamond sword.

4) Bender.

5) Villager.

8) Squid.

9) Cow.

11) Chicken.

12) Pig.

13) Snowman.

16) Creeper.

17) Skeleton.

18) Slug.

19) Zombie Hulk.

Block diagrams

1) Boards ─ one of the basic blocks that serves as a building material used to create various structures and structures.

2) Foliage ─ a block for creating plants.

3) Diamond block ─ serves to create decorations for buildings and structures.

4) Stone - used for building purposes.

5) Sand - just like the previous block, it is used for construction.

6) Pumpkin - a block that is used very rarely, only for Halloween celebrations.

7) Obsidian - used to build dark things.

8) Hellstone ─ a block that is used in the "lower world".

9) Mossy Cobblestone - used to build structures in the form of old ruins.

10) Grass is a block that looks like a block of earth.

11) Gold ore is a block that is very rare deep underground.

12) Glowing stone ─ the block is used to illuminate the "lower world".

13) Furnace - a block used for cooking and smelting minerals.

Above are some of the most common blocks that are used in this game. They will help you transfer the atmosphere from the virtual world to the real one.

Video on the topic of the article

And now we offer you to watch a selection of videos on this topic.

How to make Minecraft from paper - a block of gold ore

  • All you need: scissors or a stationery knife, color printer, glue, reamer. For this experiment, we take a scan in good quality, now it will be a block of gold ore.
  • Print out the spreadsheet.
  • Free up your work surface.

  • Carefully cut out the model along the black outline.
  • If in the process you accidentally tear the edge of the part, you can always print a new sheet or carefully glue the damaged one.

  • At the resulting scan, bend all the black corners, for convenience, help yourself with a thin ruler.

  • Now pay attention to the letters in white.
  • Glue the model so that the letter W is glued to the letter W, U to U, and so on.
  • Let your paper block dry.
  • The model is ready. By this principle, you can make any character, any block or skin from the Minecraft game using paper or thin cardboard.

How to make a character skin out of paper Minecraft

  • The unwrapping of a regular skin looks like this:

  • The head and torso of the character will be voluminous, as well as the stand in the form of a cobblestone slab. The sword, pickaxe, as in the game, will turn out flat.
  • Glue the resulting sweep like a block of ore, and let it dry well.

How to make Minecraft out of paper - the secret of finding reamers

Any skin from the game can be obtained in the root folder of the game or on servers with Minecraft forums, and from it you can already make your own scan for the model. Fortunately, many players took care of this a long time ago and shared their sweeps on the Internet. To see them, enter the search query: minecraft papercraft, and you will see almost all the blocks and structures from the game on paper. Do not forget that for a beautiful model you need a good quality scan and bright colors. For greater effect, increase the saturation and contrast of the image in any image editor.

Minecraft is famous among the younger generation, but you do not need to sit at the computer all day to look at the world of your favorite heroes. Every adult has the opportunity to spend his free time with his child, making paper minecraft.

Minecraft is famous among the younger generation, but you do not need to sit at the computer all day to look at the world of your favorite heroes. Every adult has the opportunity to spend his free time with his child, making paper minecraft with his own hands. How to make minecraft out of paper is easy to answer. All you have to do is print out the details below for the various items and objects you desire. Having such crafts, you can make not only a virtual world, but also a paper one, which will be on the table. If you make paper minecraft, you can easily create natural, cute 3D models. Such characters will look very realistic. A game made of paper will not impair the eyesight of children, it can also be played outside with friends.

Now you can tell your parents that the game is not only exciting and interesting, but also good for your health. Today, most children spend their time at the computer, distracted from outdoor walks, various games, various creative activities, from communication with friends and family. Sitting at the computer, children stop paying attention to the environment. Minecraft paper crafts provide children with the opportunity to take their minds off the computer and play their favorite game in reality, by downloading the schemes, you can make voluminous paper toys with your own hands.

The kids love making stuff like this. Making paper crafts is a very interesting and exciting process that greatly contributes to the mental development of children. When a child does something with his own hands, his fingers are well developed, he learns creative thinking, is able to connect his imagination, learns to concentrate, working according to the assigned plan. At making paper crafts wakes up in a child love for the art of origami.

You will be presented with vivid schemes of various characters, individual items and objects of this game. Making paper animal figurines is interesting and fun. With the help of this kind of activity, fine motor skills of the fingers and thinking in children develop. Making figurines is fun and easy. Together with your children, you can compose and glue a lot of funny animals. Make a whole forest in which your origami animals will live.

Many children love to make interesting crafts. For such a thing, you can spend your free time with benefit, developing imaginative thinking, perseverance. To make such a work, you need to print the template schemes on a color printer. Next, using scissors, cut out all the attached parts, and, in accordance with the instructions, assemble and glue any figure.

With the help of schemes, you can create large compositions with which you will decorate the children's room with unusual animals. We wish that the time spent on joint creativity with the child will benefit everyone.

Instructions for use
Print the diagrams on a color printer.
Cut out the pictures, taking into account the indentation.
Gently fold along the dotted lines and glue them together.
It will take a little time to make paper crafts for minecraft!


bunny jumper


In addition to wild animals, birds also live in the forest. Let's try to make an owl craft.

Squirrel chants

Another character - the squirrel turns out to be very wonderful. The child will like to play with animals in such a forest. And in the future, he will be able to expand his collection of paper toys.

Creating characters for a popular computer game is an interesting activity that develops spatial thinking. By playing with characters, children get an idea of ​​the animation schemes of toys and will be able to develop spatial thinking quite well. A distinctive feature of the game is that several people can play it, and only one can sit at the computer. Minecraft lovers can exchange schemes for various items. The process of creating a game will captivate children for a long time.

If you like to play minecraft, then paper crafts are just right for you! There are a lot of figurines, so that anyone can choose everything they need.
