What does coaching mean. What is coaching and what is it used for

05/05/2018 8 694 0 Igor

Psychology and society

In the modern world, the use of such a word as “coaching” has become quite popular and fashionable not only in professional activities, but also in everyday life. What does it mean in simple terms and what tasks does it solve?


Coaching - what is it?

Nice cute word "coaching" derived from a foreign word "coach", which has a completely ordinary, everyday meaning ( from English coach- bus, carriage, carriage, stagecoach, trolley). In the sense in which we use it today, it was first used by English students as a slang term for a private tutor. There is a theory, an assumption, that the word "coach" has become used in a figurative sense, since the tutor, like carriages and stagecoaches in ancient times, helps students and students quickly move from one point to another. Since then, the word "coach" in the sense of a coach, teacher, tutor, mentor, instructor has quickly taken root and firmly rooted in the expanses of the post-Soviet space, because it is more solid to present yourself as a "coach of success" than an ordinary tutor or just a teacher.

In simple words, coaching is a technique for creating a special state, with the help of a relaxed confidential conversation and the provision of comfortable conditions, which contributes to an easier movement of a person towards the goals set in a way that brings him satisfaction. This is an approach to learning that reveals the inner potential of a person and sets the main goal of maximizing his efficiency and productivity. An important feature of coaching is that it does not teach, but helps to learn, directs a person in the right direction so that he himself can find and receive the knowledge he needs.

Coaching vs Training: What's the Difference?

Comparison criteria




Awareness, assistance in learning, the lack of an expert position of the coach



Mentorship, the transfer of personal experience from a more experienced specialist to a less experienced one

Active learning and transfer of knowledge, development of necessary skills and abilities

goal, result

Increase the efficiency of the self-education process

Develop and reinforce the necessary skills and abilities


Creating comfortable conditions for a confidential, relaxed conversation, getting rid of internal fears

Application of standard forms of active learning: case studies, business and role-playing games, brainstorming, etc.


As a rule, classes are held on an individual basis.

Group lessons

What tasks does coaching solve?

Tasks solved with the help of coaching:

  • consideration of the problem from different angles, overcoming one-sidedness, narrowness of thinking;
  • development of different points of view, their discussion, verification of truth;
  • independent search for the necessary information and its structuring;
  • the formation of the right goals, their clarification and justification;
  • development of an adequate attitude to the current situation or the formed belief;
  • making an effective decision;
  • search for the necessary resources and motivation to solve the problem (with the help of a coach, many solutions suddenly emerge from the deep subconscious, there is confidence in the correctness of the decision made, since it is the result of one’s own efforts and conclusions, the desire to perform an action is accompanied by a process of filling with energy and strength.

Coaching is used in business, in the process of personal growth and development when it occurs:

  1. A problem that is difficult to deal with.
  2. A question to be answered.
  3. Difficulty, a problem to be solved.
  4. Opportunity that can be used.

It contributes to the creation of an effective business project, a program of development prospects, and the management of individual efficiency and effectiveness.

The main task of coaching- focus on solving future problems, and not on getting rid of those that were caused by any events in the past. And this task is the reason why most coaches in Russia and the countries of the former CIS use in their work not pure coaching, but the relationship of coaching with psychoanalysis, counseling in order to first help the student, the client solve past problems, inspire, identify the ability to cope with the accumulated negative , and only then they move on to true, technological coaching.

How does coaching work?

There are two options: "from below" and "above".

The first is also called learning what you don’t know how, the second is learning with a mentor.

How coaching works from the bottom up: the coach creates conditions for revealing the inner potential of the client, his detachment from the burden of past problems and looking at him from the side, asks questions and gives advice. Questions are suggestive in nature, so that a person has the opportunity to come to a solution to the problem himself and develop the correct algorithm for his actions. In this case, the coach himself may not be a professional who has achieved high results in the area, field of activity in which he "directs" his client. And this is absolutely not evidence of his low qualification or the inability to coach, because the ability to do something well and the ability to explain how it is good to do it to another are two fundamentally different things. And for one, and for another skill, different abilities, qualities, knowledge and skills are needed.

Example: have a deep command of a foreign language and be able to teach this language to another person, drive a car and be able to explain the principle of driving to another.

Principles of coaching "from above": the coach just lives as he can and does what he can, and the client takes the position of an observer from the outside and tries to imitate him. This option is also called mentoring or mentoring. A mentor is the same teacher, but who himself has achieved certain results in the area in which he helps to learn. He looks at everything that happens to his client from above, from a higher level of personal experience and knowledge, thereby helping his student to reach a new level of development. The main postulate on which mentoring is based: "it is impossible to solve a problem at the same level at which it arose."

Important! Mentor:

  1. By personal example, he shows how to act correctly and effectively.
  2. Forces the client to find the reasons for their wrong actions and develop the correct algorithm for solving problems.


The types include:

  • life coaching (work with a client in order to resolve a range of his personal problems);
  • business coaching (work with employees of enterprises);
  • project coaching (support for large-scale projects);
  • executive coaching (work with business owners and top managers);
  • career coaching (contributes to the search for effective solutions in career advancement);
  • sports coaching (motivates to achieve results in sports).

The choice of coaching as a direction for the development of leaders

Reasons why leading companies choose coaching as an effective direction for the development of executive staff:

  • proven effectiveness (according to a survey of the world's leading companies conducted by Fortune 500, 50% of the respondents use coaching, which is their standard tool for personal and professional development);
  • high return on investment (according to the statistics of the international company Metrix Global, each dollar spent brings 8 dollars of net profit);
  • a unique technique that allows you to regularly make effective decisions in conditions of volatility and uncertainty;
  • it is possible to integrate coaching into the organizational culture of the company that has been formed over a long period of time without losing or changing its values ​​and principles;
  • coaching is effective where the influence of authority on the processes taking place in business is very significant;
  • business is always associated with the need for direct and constantly monitored introduction of new knowledge and acquisition of new skills;
  • in business, the professional development of managers and specialists is always at the forefront, so coaching of top officials is quite in demand among leading companies.

Important! Coaching is paid by the company, which uses it as part of the training of its staff, in contrast to trainings, consultations, psychotherapy, etc.

The effectiveness of coaching is due to the voluntary consent of the client, i.e. if he does not have an interest in this type of interaction, the required result from coaching will not be.

In this article, you will learn who a coach is in simple words and what is the meaning of the coach's activity.

What is the difference between a coach and a coach, consultant, mentor and friend.

You will understand why you need a coach, how to choose a coach for yourself and what 3 conditions must be met for successful work with a coach.

  • trainer
  • friend
  • mentor
  • consultant

Who is a coach - in simple terms and what is the meaning of the coach's activity

Another newfangled word that came from the bourgeois world. And many say that now without a coach anywhere:

  • if you want to succeed, you need a coach;
  • if you want to build a business, you need a coach;
  • if you want to achieve results in sports, you need a coach;

Yes, wherever you go, you need a coach everywhere, I don’t even know how people got results before, except perhaps with the help of Old Man Hotabych.

By the way, maybe this was the prototype of the first coach?

So, who is this very coach, without whom in today's world can not do.

Coach is a slang term. The literal translation from English “coach” is a carriage, carriage, trolley, and for the first time, students called their tutors that helped them in their studies. The sacred meaning is that the coach, like a crew and a tutor helping his clients, will move from one point to another. So this word came into use in the West, and later it took root with us.

That is, in simple words, without any pathetic expressions about special states and other crap - a coach is a person who helps you achieve any results faster, more comfortably and easier than if you did it all alone.

I’ll clarify if you wish, and without this no coach will help, you can achieve it yourself, but with the help of a coach you will do it easier, easier and faster.

But desire comes first. The purpose of a coach is to help you achieve this result, and you do all the work yourself.

Below you will understand how it works in practice.

My definition of how a coach works

Even as a child, I noticed one feature, when a person does not know something and you tell him, the probability that he will do it directly depends on how much this person trusts you as an expert. But on the other hand, even if he does not see you as an expert and with your help he finds a solution himself, the probability of implementing this solution is about 100%.

The difference between a coach and:


The coach gives direct instructions on what and how many times you need to do in order to achieve a certain result. And the coach gently leads to the fact that you yourself find the solution that you need to perform in order to get the desired result.

The most important thing is that the coach works individually, the coach works with the group. Of course, everything is relative, there are both coaches working with one person and coaches of the leading groups, but the main difference is still in this.

Another no less significant difference is the system for obtaining the result.

The coach knows how to get a certain result. Based on his own experience, as well as various methods, he shows and requires the implementation of certain actions that will lead to this result.

Let's take sports as an example. The coach has a methodology on how to bring an athlete to the 1st category, CCM and Master of Sports, and so on. He will not move away from this technique, because ... it has been tested by time, other athletes, and so on. And he requires the athlete to perform these exercises.

The coach helps his student to understand what actions he needs to take to get the result. Each person is individual. If two people set the same task. They can solve it differently, but both get the result.

The coach helps you understand what solution is right for you, and the coach gives you the solution that will lead you to the result.


To solve the problem, the consultant gives several options in what ways it can be solved. The coach with his questions leads to the fact that you yourself find these solutions.

Wikipedia writes that coaching is similar to consulting, but this is only superficially. Indeed, the occupation of a coach can also be called consulting to some extent, but the task of the consultant is to give a ready-made solution to obtain a result and control its implementation. If the result is not obtained, the consultant proposes another solution.

The coach does not give ready-made solutions, he helps you find your own solution. While some coaches can't resist giving advice, it comes from the fact that everything is now intertwined, coaching and consulting and training and mentoring.

And yet, you get the greatest result in solving a problem when you yourself find a solution, and not when it is told to you from the outside.


A mentor is an older and more experienced friend who passes on his experience and knowledge to a younger one.

Coach - may have little to no knowledge of your field, but he can help you find answers and solutions to get results.


When you didn't know that there were such strange people as coaches, what did you do and do when you have a problem?

Correctly go to a friend, sit down at the table with a cup of tea or whatever be stronger. Tell us about your problem and ask for advice. A friend, based on his life experience, tries to give you advice on how to act in a given situation. Thus, he is trying to protect you from the rake that he has already stepped on.

In principle, it is also an effective tool, but the solution that helped your friend is not always suitable for you.

A coach, on the contrary, helps you find your own solution that is right for you. Based on your life experience and knowledge.

Some life situations, I quote:

— « The work does not bring satisfaction, there are no growth prospects, and I do not see myself in any other type of activity» — Vadim, 47, works as a delivery driver.

— « Life has faded and lost its colors, the goals that I would like to strive for have disappeared from it."- Zhanna, 37 years old, realized with alarm that her circle "home - work - kindergarten - school - home" was closed. But life does not stand still, and you want something like that.

— « I tried to open my own business - my favorite business, which I am ready to do 24 hours a day, but I did not receive income. And I would like to turn my hobby into a business. But don't know how» — Nikolai, 30, aspiring entrepreneur.

— « I tried myself in business, it went well, I began to earn money, but in a certain period everything came to naught. Got into debt, already paid off. In my gut I understand that I need to start over again, but fear is sitting, suddenly it won’t work again» — Andrey, 53, works as a teacher

These are not imaginary situations, they happen all the time. And often a person does not even realize that he already has problems and by leaps and bounds goes to his death. There are many more such examples.

When there is still time for means and strength, you say, here, do this and that, and in this place, like this, and everything will be fine».

But no, he doesn't need it. He comes in a year and a half, when he is already full ... and pockets full of debts.


And he himself no longer has the strength, nor the desire, nor the means to change anything.

This is where a coach comes in handy. A coach will help you find a solution that is right for you and no one else.

Most likely you are wondering: Am I really not able to solve these problems myself, without the help of a coach?»

And I will answer you - “of course you can, and be sure to decide. But first you need to get the necessary knowledge. To practice, most likely you will not succeed right away, you can go in the wrong direction, then in another, which may also turn out to be wrong. Having wandered through the labyrinth of the wrong sides, in the end you will get your result, but sometimes it turns out to be no longer needed, because on the road you are tired and exhausted. With the help of a coach, you will achieve results faster, easier and in more comfortable conditions, but this is not always the case.

There are many questions on which a coach can help you, I will give only those for which you can contact me:

  • Strategic business development from scratch to...
  • Starting a business from scratch...
  • Increasing profits in business at any stage of development ...
  • Finding hidden sources of income in your business that you do not know about;
  • Increasing sales;
  • Conduct of negotiations;
  • Strategy and tactics to attract customers to the business;
  • Business development;
  • Opening new sources of income;
  • Achieve maximum productivity at work and in business;

Coaching Methods

There are three methods of coaching.

For some reason, only two are mentioned everywhere - this is coaching from below and coaching from above, but there is also coaching on a par, so, in more detail:

coaching from below

In this technique, the coach looks at your situation from the outside and with his questions helps to find your individual solution. At the same time, the coach does not have to achieve significant results in the area in which he specializes. However, you get the result.

The simplest example is in sports, a coach who raised at least one Olympic champion himself could never get significant results. He knows how to teach, not to do. Rumor has it that the coach of the Russian synchronized swimming team does not even know how to swim, most likely this is nonsense, but nevertheless this did not prevent our team from winning gold medals.

coaching from above

This is what mentoring is, when a coach is a master who has achieved high results by his example shows how and what to do. You, as a client, observe and repeat after him. Once a week or a month, we meet and the coach points out mistakes and what was done wrong, and what needs to be continued on the contrary.

Coaching on par

This is, as you already understood, when the coach is, as it were, on an equal footing, but he knows how to look at the situation, so to speak, from a bird's eye view and helps you find the right solutions.

The option of working with you is chosen by the coach, depending on your individual qualities.

How coaching works

It's very simple - coaching consists of four main actions, which in turn can be divided into smaller ones:

  1. Reality - where and / or in what situation you are now, in other words - point A;
  2. Goal - where you want to be after a certain period of time - point B;
  3. Search for necessary actions and solutions, as well as what can interfere or delay;
  4. Where to start - what needs to be done first to move from point A, as a rule, this action needs to be done within 48 hours after the session, but this depends on the coach and his methodology.

Coaching session

For coaching, you attend a series of coaching sessions. How much depends on the methods of the coach and your agreement with him.

There are two options.

The first is coaching until a certain result is achieved within a certain period or without a period. In this case, the cost is negotiated for the entire coaching at once. Payment can be either in full or in part.

The second is timing coaching. In this case, the payment is either for each session or monthly.

As a rule, the session lasts from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours, but I can sometimes extend the session until we get the result planned for the session. Yes, it happens.

How to choose a coach

You have probably already understood that a competent coach, and you don’t need another, never gives advice on what to do in this or another situation. On the contrary, he will ask you such a "bunch" of questions until you yourself find a solution. Although this may not always be a lot, sometimes two or three questions are enough.

The most important thing when choosing a coach is his personal qualities and abilities, not certificates.

It can be:

  • openness to new people;
  • sociability;
  • charisma;
  • patience;
  • the ability to listen and hear the interlocutor;
  • savvy;
  • willingness to learn and master new knowledge.

Should a coach be a successful person?

- ideally - yes, only after all, the concept of success is different for everyone.

Unfortunately, even if the coach has certificates and the necessary skills, it is not certain that he will help you. You may simply not be able to approach each other. Therefore, there is only a practical way.

As a rule, most coaches conduct introductory sessions for free or at a fairly low cost.

When you decide in which area you need a coach, sign up and have a session with him. At the session, you will understand whether a coach is right for you or not.

Unfortunately there is no other way.

And one more feature, in order for the coach to help you, three conditions must be met:

  1. Your desire - it should be, if the coach will help, but the desire should be primary;
  2. Respect for the coach – if you do not respect and acknowledge the authority of the coach, nothing will work. You know, some coaches call themselves by their first names just to get more respect.
  3. Trust - should be limitless, if you have even a drop of distrust, then time and money are wasted. Ask questions, clarify, but trust must be 103%.


You have learned who a coach is, in simple words, and what is the meaning of the coach's activity. What is the difference between a coach and a coach, consultant, mentor and friend. Why do you need a coach, how to choose a coach for yourself and what 3 conditions you need to meet for the success of working with a coach.

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What is coaching? This is cooperation which helps a person to clearly define his goals and objectives and achieve results in professional and personal life. This is art contributing to human development. This is creating an environment facilitating the movement towards the cherished goals.

Word " coaching"derived from English." coach"- to instruct, train, inspire, since the roots of coaching lie in the field of sports and are based on the methodology of positive, cognitive and organizational psychology.

How to consciously manage your life, realize your potential, how to find inner balance, live and act effectively - this is where coaching comes in handy.

coaching is a system in which you can move from the zone of a problem to the zone of an effective solution, a system that allows you to feel new approaches and opportunities.

The coach does not give advice, does not teach. He asks you questions that lead to a deeper understanding of the situation, problem and solutions. For effective relaxation and engagement of both hemispheres, techniques are used NLP and yoga. Breathing and meditation yoga techniques can achieve amazing results.

By answering the coach's questions, a person can discover his hidden abilities and find completely unexpected solutions, go beyond his patterns and stereotypes that hold him back. The coach challenges the person.

Each person has all the necessary resources and abilities, and a coach helps a person to reach their potential. Clarify your intentions, develop an action plan to achieve your goals. At the heart of the method Timothy Galwey, the founder of coaching, is the idea that a person is not an empty vessel that needs to be filled, but is more like an acorn, which already contains everything that is needed to become a mighty oak. To do this, it must be nourished and illuminated. The ability to grow is already inherent in a person. " An opponent inside our own head is more difficult than an opponent in a real game."Galwey writes in his book " indoor tennis game". Timothy developed an effective technique for teaching the game of tennis, which he then transferred to the business sphere.

A person's potential has no limits and a coach helps to reveal this potential. A person knows about himself and his difficulties much better than any consultant and can help himself in the best and most effective way. A coach only helps a person to activate his abilities and abilities and develop awareness.

Openness is essential for effective coaching.

The difference between coaching and instruction, mentorship, counseling and psychoanalysis in that it is a direct impact with an immediate improvement in efficiency and results! Coaching works with the present and aims to build the future!

Coaching opens up a wide range of options for a person and focuses on where a person is at the moment and what he is ready to do to get to where he wants to be.

In the process of coaching, it is possible to realize which resources are constraints, and which constraints can be a resource at the same time. Having freed himself from internal contradictions and gained integrity, a person moves more consciously towards the intended goal and opens up new opportunities.

Coaching is an opportunity know yourself", grow as a person, act more efficiently and enjoy the process at the same time.

In this article, we will analyze in the simplest terms what coaching is, how it differs from training and mentoring. We will also look at how coaching actually works and how it can be learned.

And let's first understand what this strange word "coaching" means.

The meaning of the word coaching

As is often the case, such a beautiful foreign word as “coaching” has quite a prosaic meaning. It is derived from the word "coach" (coach). This slang word appeared in student circles in the UK and meant "private tutor". More precisely, the word "coach" existed before, and it meant, oddly enough, "trolley" or "carriage".

Researchers believe that "coach" began to be used in a figurative sense, because private tutors helped the student quickly get from "point A" to "point B". Just like carriages and teams in those distant times.

Since then, the word has stuck, and it has been used mainly to refer to sports coaches and what we would call school physical education teachers. Gradually, coaches began to be called those who help people achieve success not only in sports, but also in other areas of life. With us, the words “coach” and “coaching” took root instantly, because it is much more pleasant to present yourself as a “success coach” than just a “success tutor”.

What is the difference between coaching and training

By the way, if you touch on terminology, many people cannot understand how coaching differs from training. Even the coaches and trainers themselves cannot clearly explain this in simple words.

If you ask the coaches themselves for the definition of coaching, then most often they will tell you beautiful stories about the fact that “a coach does not teach, but helps a person find his own way”, and about the fact that a coach’s ward should “hear the answers to all his questions within yourself." This, from their point of view, distinguishes coaching from training.

I don’t know about you, but such explanations never gave me an understanding of what this very coaching is.

But in fact, everything is again much simpler than it might seem. A coach is a person who works with a group of people, while a coach works individually. It’s just that often coaches switch to an individual format (consultants with their consulting are also “mixed in”) and coaches agree to group classes, and thus completely confuse everyone.

Yes, everyone wants to eat, and the whole brethren of coaches/trainers/consultants work in the format that they currently bought from them. Remember the main thing - if a person works individually, then most likely you are dealing with coaching. And if he himself calls himself something else, then most likely he simply does not like the word "coaching".

I think we have figured out the terminology, and now let's talk about coaching and coaches in the classical sense of these words. That is, as about individual assistance to a person in solving certain problems in his life.

How Coaching Really Works

If you do not bother with the complex psychological tactics of coaching, schemes for developing relationships with a client, and so on, then all coaching can be divided into two large groups.

The first option is when the coach works “from below”, and the second is when the coach works “from above”. In the first case, the coach himself may not have any significant results in the area in which he "trains" his client.

And there is nothing strange and terrible in this, in fact. Knowing how to do something and being able to explain how to do something are completely different activities, and this requires different sets of qualities and skills. I can prove it to you right now.

Teach what you don't know

Tell me, do you speak Russian well? At least - well enough if you can master the text of this article. Now try to take some foreigner and teach him to speak as well as you. What's the problem? You yourself know how to speak Russian. But for some reason, another such foreigner, who, from your point of view, can barely connect two words in Russian, will be able to teach the language to a foreigner much better.

Another example - name me at least one great coach in football (hockey or somewhere else) who was a great player before. There simply aren't any. Great stars become very average coaches, and unknown players lead their teams to champions in the past.

And last but not least, can you ride a bike? Let's assume you can. Now try to explain how exactly you're doing it to a person who can't ride a bike. The most you can say is that you need to hold on to the steering wheel, press the pedals and try to keep your balance. Give your student such instructions - and he will hurt himself in half a meter.

Not only that - if you try to understand what exactly and in what order you do at that moment when you ride a bike, you yourself will hurt yourself (as in that joke about the hedgehog who forgot how to breathe).

Therefore, the well-known sarcastic expression “He who does not know how, he teaches” is, firstly, absolutely correct. And secondly, it has a very deep meaning. Therefore, "coaching from below" has the right to life.

How coaching works "from below" and "from above"

Such coaching works very simply - you look at the situation of a person from the side and begin to give him advice. Ideally, ask leading questions so that he himself understands what his problem is (because people really don’t like it when they are given advice). Agree, it's easy? We can almost always tell what the problem is with one or another of our acquaintances. But at the same time, for some reason, we cannot give such good advice to ourselves.

The second option is "coaching from above", when we have actually made significant progress in some area, and now we are helping others to achieve the same.

This coaching works very differently. Here we are not even trying to ask leading questions, and God forbid - to give advice. All our work comes down to the fact that we just do what we know how and live the way we know how, and a person from the outside is watching us and trying to imitate us.

Coaching and mentoring

This type of coaching is mainly common in the business environment, and it is already called mentoring or mentoring. Your mentor is always a person who has achieved a lot. He looks at your situation from above and knows how to reach a new level of development. Mentoring is based on the postulate that "it is impossible to solve a problem at the same level at which it arose."

That is, if you go in circles for years, and always get the same results, and you can’t “break through the ceiling” in any way, then somewhere in your algorithm there is an error due to which you “entered the cycle” (programmers will understand me ).

To "break out of the loop" you need someone from the outside to point out the error to you. Theoretically, you could probably find it yourself. But in practice this is very rarely possible. And absolutely independent searches will take you much more time.

Typically, working with a mentor-coach is as follows. About once a month, you meet with your mentor and begin to tell him exactly what and how you have done since your last meeting.

And then an interesting thing starts to happen. Firstly, in order not to blush for your “successes” in front of a big person, you will give all your best much more than if you didn’t have a mentor. And secondly, by structuring your actions to describe them in words, you yourself will soon stumble upon a repeating error.

Thus, the mentor, on the one hand, shows you by his example how to do it right. On the other hand, it makes you talk about what you are doing wrong. In short, these guys are doing very useful things. Can this be learned and earned on it?

How to learn coaching and earn

If you decide to become a coach, you will not see a lack of teachers. There are now hundreds of organizations around the world that train coaches. The names of these organizations alone speak of how cool everything is there - the International Coaching Federation, the Empire of Coaches, the American Academy of Professional Coaching, and so on and so forth.

After completing training in these organizations, you will be given a beautiful personalized certificate "with all relevant rights." But education there is very expensive. And for some reason it takes a lot of time.

As a general rule, you can't just show up and take some "full coaching course". Classes there are divided into several stages, and you need to go through them sequentially, and each next stage, of course, costs more than the previous one. What's the point of this? And there is a lot of meaning.

Coaching is like a pyramid scheme

Sadly, most of these organizations are ordinary financial pyramids. That is, they train coaches there, so that they, in turn, can also train coaches and make money on it. And the steps were introduced in order to make it clear who can teach whom and for what money.

That is, a coach with a “first stage” diploma has the right to recruit students and train them up to the first stage. He gives part of the proceeds from this training up the pyramid, and keeps part for himself. If he receives the “second step”, then, accordingly, he can teach more and more expensively.

Thus, the scheme of work of such a structure is very simple - at the head is the “most important coach”, who is paid by all subordinates for the right to issue diplomas on behalf of this organization. Actually, new students pay money for this diploma. See how any coach is trying to sell their services. The most honorable place on his website is always given to the list of diplomas and certificates that he received during his life.

What do coaching and karate federations have in common?

This scheme of work was not even invented by the coaches themselves. Remember the various schools of karate with their colored belts. Have you ever tried to test for high-ranking belts? Do you know how much it costs? And what do you think they give you there, except for the belt itself? That's right - a diploma that gives you "all relevant rights" (that is, the right to recruit your students, take money from them, and transfer some of this money to the head of your style federation).

So, pyramid training existed long before the advent of modern coaching. I personally do not see anything particularly vicious in such an organization of coaching training. She's just like that. It is only wrong if the coach remains forever inside the pyramid, and does not even try to earn money by applying his skills in practice.

But there are also practicing coaches, thank God. And it is not surprising that most of the smartest of them are not members of any coaching federation, and even coaching as such has never been trained. This activity is not subject to any licensing laws, and you too can start offering your coaching services tomorrow and charge for it.

How to offer them correctly, and how much money to take for it, is a topic for a separate discussion. And here, I hope I was able to explain in simple terms what coaching is, and how it differs from training and mentoring. And let's summarize all of the above in the form of an infographic.

What is coaching - infographic

I hope this article was helpful to you. Don't forget to download my book. There I show you the fastest way from zero to the first million on the Internet (squeezed from personal experience over 10 years =)

See you later!

Your Dmitry Novoselov

To be successful in any field, you need to revealing one's own potential and the ability to manage these opportunities.

Proper allocation of resources is simply called coaching. What does it mean?

The essence of the concept

What is it in psychology?

With the advent of the concept of "coaching" in modern life, a new era in the field of self-development.

Today, a lot of people call themselves coaches, but few can explain the essence of their work. In fact, everything is not so difficult.

Literally translated, the word "coach" means "cart". Such an ordinary designation of the concept came from English slang.

Exactly "stagecoaches" English students named people who prepared students for classes. Today, this term has been transformed into the word "tutor", and the concept of "coach" has acquired a deeper meaning.

Coaching is an activity aimed at facilitating learning. In simple words, this is the science of how to effectively learn, develop, and achieve what you want.

The coaching process itself is systematic trainings where students develop their skills, understand their goals and develop a step-by-step plan to achieve them.

Leading this seminar coach- does not plan activities instead of the trainee. It only provides a tool, knowledge and motivation.

Purpose of coaching- to achieve the manifestation of the internal potential of a person to such an extent that in order to achieve the goal, he will not need external motivation.

Who is a coach?

What is the meaning of this word?

As the old saying goes, the hungry should be given a fishing rod, not a fish.

So the coach presents to the students only information, which they in turn apply depending on the goal.

The consultant does not offer ready-made keys to success. It helps to find suitable methods for each person. Gradually the client comes to realize their own potential and looking for its application.

Answering your inner questions client chooses area, in which he will apply the discovered potential. It can be both professional activity and personal relationships.

The consultant is not a manager in the truest sense of the word. In everyday life, the teacher offers the student own store of knowledge, experience and skills in order to instill certain skills in the ward.

The coach, on the contrary, does not impose his own path, but leads to the development of a person who can solve his problems on his own.

The difference between a coach and a trainer is method of psychological influence. For example, a coach teaches you how to work with accounting, and a coach only awakens the desire to learn something new, be it accounting or another science.

Despite the clearly defined scope of influence, a competent coach contributes to unlocking the potential and encourages customers to develop.

Since coaching is not regulated at the academic level, it is quite difficult to track the quality of the services offered. A quality coach can only be called a person with certain skills.

What are the responsibilities of a coach:

  1. Stimulating the activity of the client by motivating him.
  2. Trust in the client, the ability to see him as a responsible character.
  3. Finding the essence of the goals that the student is striving for.
  4. Assisting the client in finding the most profitable growth strategy.

There is an official organization that has taken responsibility for the training of professional coaches. Throughout its history, the ICF has trained more than 24,000 qualified teachers.

The International Coaching Federation trains specialists for fifty countries of the world and is the largest system in this direction.

History of occurrence

Coaching is based on the so-called "internal struggle". The founder of this concept Timothy Golvey. In his book The Inner Game of Tennis, Galwey suggests that there is some hidden adversary within man.

The enemy in his own head hinders the development of personality, creating artificial obstacles to success.

A book published in 1974 made a real splash.

Golwey created a whole system to help eliminate that same internal rival.

Softening obstacles created by oneself, but not intentionally, a person is on the path to development.

Later, the concept of the inner game was picked up by John Whitmore. In 1992, he reformulated Galwey's game by comparing it to the process of achieving business success.

The founder of the first coaching system is considered to be Thomas J. Leonard, who registered the University of Coaches, as well as the international federation for training specialists.


Since there are many areas for coaching, the procedure itself is divided into several types.

Individual work

Training in this case occurs without the intervention of unauthorized persons. Learner and coach work one on one. At the same time, special attention is paid to the environment. The process does not include not only other people, but also sounds, smells and other distractions.

Due to the close interaction between the coach and the client, individual work is suitable to improve business in any field.

Personal classes are held with the aim of building a business, building personal relationships, and stimulating creative activity.

Coaching can be provided both in the form of a one-time meeting, and in the form of a series of sets.

Depending on the depth of the goal, the consultant meets with the student several times.

It may take only one hour to solve a simple issue. To form a certain behavior model, the coach conducts up to 8 seminars.

With systematic work, coaching is carried out twice a week. Often the number of sessions does not exceed 10, but it happens that global goals require a longer analysis.

A variation of individual training is called “coactive” coaching. In this case, the work is based not on the search for a goal, but on the formation of a trusting relationship between the client and the coach.

In such a close alliance, the questions come not from the learner, but from the coach. And the answers to them, on the contrary, are given by the client himself.

The effectiveness of the method is due "reversal" of the classical search for truth. Typically, the seeker asks questions and expects answers from some guide.

Group lessons

When a group of people united by a common goal, it makes sense to conduct collective coaching.

In this case, the consultant works simultaneously with several clients.

group work applied in a wide variety of fields.

A team can be a work team of one company, a sports team, and even a family. The only condition is a joint project that the entire group is working on.

The number of participants in such a coach unlimited. Involved can be as two people, and dozens.

organizational view

Such coaching is used when a team needs to achieve a goal, in which there are leader. Work in this case is carried out both with the commander and with subordinates.

Each link receives its own tasks. The mini-goals for each participant are also different, which as a result lead to joint success.

Particular attention in organizational coaching is paid to the manager, because the effectiveness of the enterprise largely depends on the competent work of the first person.

Job classification

Each of the areas of life is unique, so the work of a coach in different areas is radically different.

Classification depending on the field of application:

Coaching is applied not only in the business environment and personal relationships.

Parent coaching is becoming more and more popular - the work of a parent and a child as one team, designed to reveal the child's potential, talents and motivate him to win.

Interaction Techniques

There are several effective coaching tools. Each of them is presented in the form of techniques that are gradually applied in systematic trainings.

Interrogative technique

The basic and obligatory technique of interaction is asking questions, answering which, the student receives the keys to achieving goals.

Types of questions:

  1. Closed. This question can be answered in one word. "How old are you?" - "25". "Do you like your job?" - "Yes".
  2. Open. The client should answer this question extensively. “Tell me about your childhood”, “Describe your boss”.
  3. Clarifying. Aimed at clarifying the situation. The coach asks the question “I take it you…?”.
  4. Alternative. The questioner offers several possible answers, among which the client chooses the appropriate one. The technique is sometimes called "Chinese menu".

Application of the scale

The technique with which positive changes are being made in the state of the client. At the beginning of the meeting, the coach asks to evaluate the existing skills on a 10-point scale. After the training, they note how many “points” the listener’s position has shifted.

For example, the client is in search of motivation. At the beginning of the work, he was asked the question “How do you assess your current motivation?” The student marks five points on the scale. The coach may also ask what is the desired motivation after the upcoming lesson.

After the lesson, the client is again offered to mark his position, looking back at the acquired skills. The result will indicate whether the trainee is able to start achieving the goal now or if he needs a series of sessions.

Other techniques

There are many techniques used in coaching. Depending on the goal of the client, the coach selects the most appropriate methods.

Examples of effective techniques:

Nuances of innovation

As much as there are advantages to the innovation called "coaching", there are some disadvantages in this method of training.

Cons of coaching:

  • The need to overcome the habitual human resistance to innovations and innovative methods.
  • The direct dependence of the success of the project on the competence of the coach. There are very few qualified specialists in the domestic market.
  • The inability of the client to concentrate on long-term projects and frequent sessions. The desire to get "everything at once."

Coaching is a new word in the field. The technique allows you to achieve goals in any area, whether it is a professional idea or desire is correct .

What is coaching? Learn about it from the video:
