Mold control on slopes. How to get rid of mold on the slopes of plastic windows

In order not to have to look for means to get rid of mold on plastic windows, you need to know the rules for their safe and efficient operation. Compliance simple recommendations maintenance of structures will be the best measure to combat and prevent the appearance of a problem - a fungus on windows, walls and slopes. If it was not possible to prevent an unpleasant phenomenon in time, you need to find time for integrated struggle with microorganisms.

Causes of mold formation

Most often, mold plastic windows appears with the onset heating season. It is during this period that on the slopes and window sills the conditions for the formation and development of microorganisms become as favorable as possible. With the end of winter, when the windows are opened for ventilation, the air becomes dry and the heaters are turned off, the mold disappears without visible effort on the part of the person. This cycle continues year after year.

The main cause of mold is the dew point. The difference in air temperature outdoors and indoors on the surface of the double-glazed window, on the windowsill and slopes leads to the formation of condensate. In turn, it is converted into water, which becomes an acceptable environment for the development of the fungus.

In addition to the formation of condensation, there are other reasons for the appearance of mold on plastic windows. One of them is leaky interpanel seams. Usually, mold on slopes for this reason appears some time after installation, during which the insulation actively collects moisture.

On average, the heater holds up to 200 liters of water, depending on the type. Not being able to evaporate, the water finds a way out - it forms an environment for the development of the fungus on slopes, window sills and double-glazed windows.

It is possible that mold on the slopes of plastic windows is the result of poor-quality installation of structures. If, during the dismantling of the old window, the opening was not properly cleaned of dirt and treated with a special fungicidal agent, the installation was carried out in wet weather in winter or autumn, and the cracks were not considered necessary to be sealed, sooner or later the fungus will make itself known.

It is believed that the optimal level of humidity in the room is up to 60%. Exceeding this mark will invariably lead to the creation of conditions suitable for the formation of mold on windows. Therefore, before looking for tools and methods to remove mold from windows, you need to think about maintaining conditions that are unfavorable for its formation. These include:

  • removal additional sources moisture;
  • installation of ventilation systems;
  • hood installation;
  • replacement of dense curtains with lighter "breathable" materials;
  • constant ventilation to prevent the formation of condensate;
  • solving the problem of leaky seams.

About the danger of mold: obvious and hidden risks

The appearance of mold on windows, slopes and window sills of plastic structures cannot be ignored.

Microorganisms pose a serious threat to health and even life. Clearly realizing how dangerous mold is, you need to take measures to prevent the situation from aggravating.

Fungus on plastic windows can cause the development of the following diseases:

  • skin in the form of varieties of mycoses and dermatosis, difficult to diagnose and difficult to treat;
  • respiratory tract with transformation into chronic;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • articular-rheumatic nature;
  • migraine;
  • weaknesses;
  • exhaustion.

In addition, black mold can carry a hidden danger, being a serious allergen. Fungus spores, when inhaled, can cause an acute allergenic reaction and result in a serious problem, ranging from conjunctivitis to respiratory allergies. In especially advanced cases, mold in the house on the windows is the main cause of the development of bronchial asthma.

Fungus on windows - methods of struggle

You need to understand that it is not enough to wash the mold on the windowsill and windows, after thoroughly drying the structure. The solution to the problem should be an integrated approach with the elimination of the causes of its occurrence and the observance of preventive measures in the future.

The process of struggle begins with the diagnosis of the cause of mold formation on slopes, double-glazed windows and window sills. Most often, this is non-compliance with the temperature and humidity conditions in the room and poor-quality installation of the structure. If in the first case it will be enough to install ventilation grilles, adjust the operation of heating devices and ventilate the room from time to time, then in the second one cannot do without partial dismantling of the structure.

Start by removing the plastic trim of the slope and window sill to remove organic deposits. The next stage is drying the surfaces of the structure using special air heaters or building hair dryer. A clean and dry window is treated with a fungicidal agent or a chlorine-containing preparation to combat mold residues.

Existing gaps are carefully sealed with foam, using a sealant to remove minor defects. Mount the window sill and slopes in their original place and observe the effect for a certain time. If the measures taken for thermal insulation did not work, additional valves are installed in the upper part of the window to improve ventilation.

Too wide window sills that prevent the spread of warm air can also cause fungus to appear on the slopes of plastic windows, walls and double-glazed windows. In this case, the solution may be holes for additional ventilation directly in the window sill structure or special grilles with plastic shutters directing warm air from the heat source to the window.

Effective mold removers

You can defeat the fungus on the slopes only with a thoughtful complex impact on the problem. Eliminating the causes of mold formation, observing measures to prevent its subsequent formation, one should not write off the proven chemical and folk remedies capable of eliminating traces of existing microorganisms.

Traditionally, copper sulphate is used to remove mold. The drug is used, taking into account the degree of toxicity in compliance with safety measures, taking into account its corrosive properties that do not allow contact with metal.

Chlorine, as noted above, is also suitable for treating contaminated surfaces. The powder is mixed with water in a ratio of 1:5, in the same way as in the case of copper sulphate, using protective equipment.

For opponents folk methods special fungicides have been developed to solve the problem of fungus on plastic windows. These include:

  • Vincent Polyline;
  • "Tex";
  • "Domestos";
  • "Dufa".

For the treatment of plastics and double-glazed windows sensitive to aggressive preparations, sparing agents are used. It can be a vinegar-based solution and boric acid(200 mlx200 ml), as well as 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.

A suitable option is products designed for delicate disinfection of plastic and ceramic surfaces - Mellerud, Cillit Bang and Tilex, Neomid and Biocide. You can also treat the window with proven pharmacy antifungal agents: clotrimazole or Candide.

Adherents of natural remedies should try to remove mold residue with tea tree oil at the rate of a teaspoon per glass of water or grapefruit seed oil.

In conclusion, we note that only an integrated approach to solving the problem of mold on plastic windows will give a lasting result.

One of the main mistakes is the use of sealed windows without adequate ventilation required by building codes, which leads to the growth of mold and mildew in the apartment. Mold, covering window slopes and walls, provokes chronic diseases respiratory tract (asthma, cancer), and getting rid of it is an unpleasant, complicated and expensive procedure, according to the OKNA MEDIA portal.

The appearance of mold and fungus on slopes or walls in an apartment or house with plastic windows lies, first of all, in insufficient ventilation of the premises. As for the types of fungi that like to occupy slopes and walls, there are a great many of them, however, it grows the easiest, which means that it is the most common form of fungus that forms a black coating on the affected surface.

Fungus on slopes - the main reason for the appearance

Without understanding the reasons for the appearance of the fungus on the slopes, it is unrealistic to defeat this unpleasant and harmful phenomenon in the house, despite the wide range of drugs on the market. Particularly vulnerable in this sense are kitchens and bathrooms equipped with plastic windows, where high humidity is inevitably present. However, too little sailing fresh air can lead to the development of fungus in other rooms.

Cause high humidity the house may have:

  • Moisture left after the construction process
  • Emission of water vapor in humid climates (kitchen, bathroom)
  • The release of moisture by humans and animals, vegetation.

The optimum relative humidity at 20°C should be 50%. Therefore, do not forget about the need for systematic and proper ventilation of rooms and other premises of the property. Otherwise, insufficient air exchange, to which to add excessive humidity, can very quickly lead to the growth of fungus on the wall or window slopes.

It is worth noting that high humidity is not the only reason that can lead to the appearance of a harmful microorganism in a house with plastic windows.

Improper thermal insulation of the house = mold on the slopes and walls

Thermal insulation is designed to improve the condition of the building and the comfort of life and reduce heating and operating costs. And in order to achieve the desired effect, first of all, it is necessary to make wise decisions before installing plastic windows, especially in older apartments.

Wrong decisions related to planning the scope and method of implementing tasks in the thermal modernization of buildings often concern windows and ventilation. Mass replacement of old windows with new plastic windows by residents apartment buildings in some cases, it can contribute to the destruction of the building and the deterioration of living conditions in the apartment.

Warming external walls buildings without comprehensive window replacement can have the following consequences:

  • Increasing the influence of thermal bridges in the area where windows meet the wall (increasing heat loss), which increases the need for insulation of these elements,
  • Mold growth around windows.

Mold on window slopes and walls can also be caused by improper insulation, for example on the roof. Another option is inadequate wall insulation. In the latter case, so-called thermal bridges are formed, as a result of which water can condense on cold wall elements.

Also, the choice of plastic windows with unsatisfactory thermal insulation properties can provoke the appearance of mold on the slopes. Energy efficient windows are good method mold prevention on slopes.

Prevention of the appearance of the fungus on the slopes is important

Sometimes the removal of a fungus attacking windows, slopes and walls of an apartment is not so easy to do. The most important question, as in the case of human disease, is to get rid of the causes of the appearance of the fungus. Of course, first of all, it is necessary to take measures to improve air exchange, as well as reduce humidity in the room. For this, for example, a moisture absorber that has proven itself in practice can be used. By the way, kitchens, which in each apartment create the most high level moisture, almost always have to be equipped with this kind of desiccant.

How to eliminate the fungus on the slopes

The next step is to remove the fungus on the slopes. This can be done with mechanical means or chemicals, which we have on the market very big choice. It is very important to choose the appropriate remedy, which depends on the level of spread of the fungus and its type. As a rule, this type of product can be found in construction chemical stores.

Before using anti-fungal agents on slopes, one should not forget to observe proper safety, since all such preparations are harmful to health. Protect your skin and eyes before using them.

In addition, after completion of the processing of walls and slopes, regardless of the lesion, thorough ventilation of this room is recommended. This is all the more necessary because some of the preparations contain chlorine compounds. The latter combined with acids or detergents can create toxic gases.

The use of these products can be so unhealthy that some of them can only be used on outdoors. When it comes to the effectiveness of these drugs, most of them have a high percentage of the probability of destroying mold and fungi that destroy the structure. building materials such as concrete, cement and cement-lime mortars.

As a rule, anti-mold products on slopes and walls are also very easy and quick to use. In addition, this work, subject to safety, can be done independently. To combat mold and mildew around plastic windows, no special tools or equipment are needed.

However, if you do not carry out the prevention of the microclimate in the house, then mold and fungus will appear again and again, and the fight against them will turn into an endless and tedious process.

The neighborhood of the fungus on the slopes is harmful to buildings and people

The fungus found indoors on the window slopes and the wall carries many risks, both for the building itself and for the health of its inhabitants. An example is a tree, which can be destroyed up to 70% within a year.

However, the fungus is especially dangerous to human health. In humans, mold and mildew on windows, soffits, and walls can cause symptoms such as nausea, gastrointestinal upset, headaches, and dizziness. In addition, it can cause diseases such as allergies, asthma or pulmonary mycosis.

To avoid these troubles, it is enough to take a few right steps: install energy-saving plastic windows, ensure adequate air exchange in the premises and monitor the air quality in the house. Compared to the tedious process of fighting fungus and mold on the slopes, this is just child's play.

Mold on plastic windows is a fairly common occurrence. It looks extremely unpleasant, and it affects the health of the owners. Residents try to get rid of mold as quickly as possible by treating damaged surfaces with various chemicals, but the fungus reappears after a while. That is why care should be taken to eliminate main reason fungus formation.

The Teplo Doma company is not engaged in work to get rid of mold, however, we specialize in and are convinced that serviceable metal-plastic structures, properly prepared window openings and an appropriate indoor climate can put an end to this issue once and for all.

Mold on plastic windows: causes

Why does mold appear on the surface of plastic windows? As a rule, this is due to a combination of factors. The appearance of the fungus is affected by:

  • Temperature.
  • Humidity in the room.
  • Correct installation of plastic windows and insulation of slopes.
  • Serviceability of plastic windows.
  • Correct selection double-glazed window.

So, we intend to analyze each reason in detail.

Air temperature and humidity

In fact, the temperature itself is not a provocateur of the appearance of the fungus. But the temperature with humidity can create ideal conditions in which pathogens will develop without any obstacles. If mold appears on plastic windows, it means that the room is definitely damp. Moisture in the form of condensation accumulates on the coldest surface. And this surface, as you understand, is a plastic window.

Ways to reduce indoor humidity:

  • Put plastic windows, mold appeared? Improve ventilation.
  • Increase heating.
  • Reduce the window sill so that it does not block the radiator.
  • Put away houseplants from the windowsill.
  • When cooking, be sure to use a hood.
  • People themselves also emit moisture, so the fewer of them, the drier the room.
  • Do not leave open door to the bathroom.

Mold on plastic windows, how to get rid of it? Reduce humidity. Most likely, the mold will stop appearing on its own.

Correct installation of plastic windows

If everything is in order with the humidity in the room, but mold still forms, you should “dig” in the other direction. It is best to call a specialist from the Teplo Doma company. He will easily find the problem and fix it in the shortest possible time.

When inexperienced craftsmen are engaged in window installation, they can make a number of mistakes. As a result, the design will have many islands of cold, which in turn can provoke the appearance of condensate. For example, our company is often approached with the following question - “mold on the slopes of plastic windows: how to deal with it?”. You can answer this question only by examining the plastic window. There is a possibility that the structure was poorly foamed around the perimeter, or the foam was poorly protected from the sun. Also, the slopes may not be sufficiently insulated.

Why does mold appear on plastic windows? The dew point is to blame for everything, which, due to improper installation, shifts inside the room. You can read more about this at.

In general, if you make a mistake when installing a window, then it will eventually appear in the form of condensate, and it, in turn, will provoke mold and fungus.

Malfunction of plastic windows

Why is there mold on plastic windows, because they were installed by professionals? Even if the windows have been installed correctly, this does not guarantee that condensation will never appear on them. The fact is that plastic structures require regular maintenance. Only in this way can they serve faithfully long years.

Teplo Doma company is engaged in repair and maintenance plastic windows in Moscow and the region. Call experts to audit your window structures.

If there is condensation and mold on the plastic windows, then this may be due to the lack of adjustment. During operation, the window may warp, the sash may sag, and the sealing gum may deteriorate. As a result, cold will begin to pull out of the window. This will cause the dew point to shift. It is highly likely that it will stop on the surface of the window inside the room. As a result - mold on the slopes of plastic windows.

What to do? Call the master to adjust your windows, and, if necessary, carry out repair work.

Choosing the right glass pane

Modern construction market offers big variety double-glazed windows for plastic windows:

  • Single chamber.
  • Two-chamber.
  • Three-chamber.
  • Energy saving.
  • Multifunctional.
  • Noise-insulating.
  • Shockproof.
  • Tinted.
  • Decorative.
  • Ordinary.

If it is planned to stay in housing only in summer period, and it does not need to be heated, then it is quite possible to get by with ordinary double-glazed windows. If it is intended for year-round use, then the choice of double-glazed windows should be taken more seriously.

A conscientious plastic window installation company will do everything by itself necessary calculations and choose the best solution. If she does not do this, then there is a possibility that double-glazed windows will not fit. In winter, they will be very cool, which will result in condensation appearing on their surface. Fungus on plastic windows, black mold? Could the glass itself be the culprit?

Window repair in Moscow

The Teplo Doma company will not tell you how to remove mold from plastic windows, but it will help eliminate all the causes that provoke the appearance of fungus. Our specialists love their work and are well versed in it. Do not forget that mold is harmful to your health. Call the master right now.

Plastic windows are no longer a luxury, since almost everyone has already had the opportunity to appreciate their comfort and affordability.

They are ideal protection of the room from noise, cold and dust. Give housing a special comfort and make it bright.

A plastic window needs minimal attention: there is no painting, no need to wash the double-glazed window inside the frame.

But if at least one significant mistake was made during the installation process, then during operation you can find unpleasant consequences - stains of mold fungi.

Mold can form from something that has been installed very wide window sill, and it becomes an obstacle to warm air currents that tend to the window. Under such a window sill, air circulation is very difficult, this especially affects the condition of the windows during the spring and autumn period, when central heating disabled.

Poor circulation of warm streams leads to the creation ideal conditions for the formation of condensate and moisture stagnation, and this favors the growth of mold colonies.

In such situations, holes are made in the windowsill, on which plastic gratings equipped with blinds are installed. With their help, you can regulate the flow of warm air and direct it towards the window. You can usually buy these gratings at any hardware store.

If the condensate does not disappear, then you must either completely replace the window sill, or try to use ventilation valves hygro-controlled type.

The system will open them automatically as soon as it marks the excess acceptable level humidity. They are mounted in the upper part of the window and thanks to this valve timely air flow is ensured.

If such methods did not get rid of mold on the surface and around plastic windows, then it means that the room is very damp and needs to be mounted special system ventilation.

The market offers air conditioners that already have a special fungicidal filter built in, and it is very effective in eliminating mold spores.

How to remove mold around plastic windows

The wooden windows that previously stood in the apartments had many gaps. different size, which provided a natural fight against moisture, the excess of which left through these gaps.

Plastic windows are airtight, so it is simply impossible for fresh air to break through them. Humidity in the room gradually increases, awakening mold spores to life.

On the plastic slopes condensation appears and it creates favorable conditions for the growth of mold colonies on the finishing surfaces around the double-glazed window itself, including on the windowsill.

Mold is called colonies of microscopic fungi, and for their reproduction certain favorable conditions are needed: temperature environment at least 15C and high humidity.

Colonies destroy the surfaces of building and finishing materials, changing not only their appearance but also qualitative properties. But the most dangerous thing is that the mold that has grown around the windows has Negative influence on human health.

Mold spores are often the cause of allergies and fungal infections.

How to remove mold from plastic windows

All procedures can be carried out only if the primary source of dampness has been eliminated. Otherwise, mold control will not be effective. There are some physical ways mold removal:

  • Irradiation of fungal foci using a special professional apparatus;
  • Mechanical cleaning of windows with a sharp scraper;
  • Heat treatment of places affected by the fungus, a directed jet of hot air is used;

But there are also chemical methods:

  • Special fungicides with prolonged action are used, which are used to treat window openings. They kill already matured fungal spores, and prevent the development of mold in the area of ​​​​slopes and assembly joints for at least five years;
  • Certain types of fungicides can be added to detergents, so they are used as part of the monthly window cleaning. It is necessary to prepare a solution for treating a window surface strictly before the procedure itself;

How to clean plastic windows from mold

If you do not know how to wash mold from plastic, then check out correct sequence actions to get rid of mold foci on plastic windows:

  1. First you need to identify the source of high humidity and eliminate it. How to understand that the humidity is increased? By condensation on glass, which provides mold with excellent conditions for growth and reproduction;
  2. As soon as condensation has been noticed, the window must be carefully examined, usually the foci of fungi begin to grow from the lower corners, because that is where excess moisture flows;
  3. The black dots found are the same mold foci, and their appearance speaks of the need for urgent measures aimed at preventing the spread of fungal spores;
  4. Determine the degree of fungal infection. Wash off black spots with a strong solution of bleach or biocides. If the stains have spread to plastic or plasterboard slopes, then they are disassembled, processed and insulated with several layers of mounting foam;
  5. As soon as the foam hardens, all excess is cut off with a clerical knife. After that, all remaining cracks and chips are filled with sealant. And then, when all these manipulations are completed, the slopes are closed finishing materials or covered with paint;
  6. Now the window is treated with special anti-mold solutions. They are applied to the surface of the plastic for at least two days, and then the window is washed in the usual way, but no cleaning agents are used.

In order to be able to control the level of humidity in the future, hygrometers are installed in the room. Until the mold completely disappears, the humidity level should be at around 30%.

Wherein optimum temperature indoors is kept at 22C. What to do if the humidity level cannot be reduced? It is necessary to wipe the window dry daily and put it on airing. At least 2-3 hours a day, then check the hygrometer readings again.

How to deal with mold on slopes

Mold always lives with us, but to grow to visible to the eye volumes starts when the right conditions arise. The process of getting rid of mold from slopes begins with the fact that you need to peel them down to concrete, brick or plaster - depending on the slopes. Then treat the mold with a special antiseptic.

If, after removing the slopes, gaps are visible in the foam, foam. If there is mold on the foam, remove these pieces of foam and suds.

Check if the window is well processed from the outside around the perimeter. If there is a possibility that moisture penetrates from there, close the holes acrylic sealant or (make sure on the bank that you bought exactly street version). And now you can restore the slopes back.

When pointing the putty and diluting the water-based emulsion to the working viscosity, use the same "Anti-mold" (the instructions say in what proportions you can add to the putty). And be sure to check if the ventilation in the kitchen and bathroom is working. If the damp air has nowhere to go, then soon everything will happen again.

How to wash plastic windows from mold at home

Left: window with mold and condensation. Right: a window cleaned of condensation and mold.

What to do if there is a need to urgently wash off mold from plastic windows and slopes? In this situation, an antifungal agent can be created with your own hands. These preparations require a minimum of money and time. Sometimes such detergents are much more effective than those purchased in specialized stores.

Fungicidal formulations created at home:

  • Mix 200 ml of acetic acid (70%) with 200 ml of boronic acid and one liter of warm water;
  • 100 g blue vitriol mix with 100 g of bleach and one liter of water;
  • Dilute 100 ml of sodium fluoride and 100 g of copper sulfate in one liter of water.

Sodium fluoride and vitriol are always sold in hardware or gardening stores. Ready-made mixtures are applied to the entire area affected by mold using a synthetic fabric. Be sure to wear gloves and a protective mask. As soon as the mold is washed off, the room is ventilated for at least half an hour.

How to avoid further mold growth

To prevent the formation of mold foci, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Remove dust and dirt from windows in a timely manner;
  • Install an air conditioning system in the room to create good conditions ventilation;
  • All sources of high humidity must be eliminated in the room, for example, large tubs with ornamental plants, leaks in the roof or heating system, drying clothes after washing;
  • The optimum temperature for a room with plastic windows is + 22C, and the humidity level is not more than 60%.

The fight against mold begins even before the installation of windows with plastic frames. As soon as the old frames are dismantled, window openings are thoroughly cleaned of dust deposits and old organic materials. Entire colonies of mold fungi usually hide under the canvas of old window sills.

If nothing is done, then after installing the plastic window, at the first increase in humidity, fungal spores will move to growth. Therefore, before installing a new window, it is necessary to treat the opened window openings with fungicides.

From the foregoing, it follows that mold pockets on the surface and around plastic windows are an unpleasant, but easily eliminated phenomenon. You can and should get rid of it. The windows themselves are not the cause of mold, the growth of fungal spores provokes poor ventilation. In order not to have to deal with mold, it is enough to simply ventilate any room regularly.

Mold on windows or walls is a fairly common problem for both owners of private houses and apartment residents. In summer, you don’t have to worry about it, fresh dry air constantly appears in the room, and since fungus spores prefer moisture, they certainly won’t settle on window slopes. Another thing in winter, when the windows are tightly closed in order to save heat in the apartment. Then it is necessary to ensure the complete removal of mold.

The fungus, or rather its spores, are the constant "companions" of a person. They are invisible in space, but they can appear anywhere, always looking for a new place to create their colony. As long as your home has a good microclimate, with a fairly low level of humidity, microscopic fungi will not cause you any harm. But if moisture is constantly maintained (from 60% and above), the fungus quickly becomes active and begins to actively multiply, as well as settle on walls or windows.

Temperature is another factor influencing the presence of fungus in the apartment. In general, the mold actively functions in a wide temperature range: from +15 to +38 degrees. Average indicators (+22 - +28) are an ideal environment for their reproduction. If a consistently high temperature is maintained in the summer, the air is dry, and thanks to open windows the room constantly receives new portions of air currents, then in winter the situation is much more complicated in terms of combating mold. At first glance, it seems that there are problems with high humidity not in the house, as heated batteries literally dry it out. But take a closer look at the places where warm and cold air come into contact: it is quite possible that condensation has already formed on the window sills or window frames.

And this is the first sign that signals the imminent appearance of mold spores. In addition, it is impossible to constantly ventilate the room. Therefore, in this situation, even the high tightness of the windows will not play into your hands.

Video "Mold on plastic windows"

From the video you will learn how to deal with such an unpleasant phenomenon as mold on a plastic window.

Prevention measures

Mold on the slopes of plastic windows is not a pleasant sight. Besides, inaction here is dangerous. Spores of the fungus, entering the human body, can cause a variety of allergic reactions, but even worse - lead to serious diseases of the respiratory system.

Therefore, it is better to prevent the situation from aggravating and, at the first sign of a fungus in the apartment, get rid of it. Most best option- prevention. So you will be 100% sure that the mold problem will not affect you. What measures should be taken:

How to get rid

Before you start fighting mold spores, you need to find out why mold appears on plastic windows. It is possible that in order to achieve high results, it will be enough to apply general preventive measures. In cases that are much more serious, use one of the ways to clean the room from the fungus:

Sometimes a similar problem with a plastic window appears due to too much large sizes window sill. That is, the streams of warm air simply do not reach the window itself. In this case, small holes are drilled in the window sills for ventilation. Another way out of the situation is to purchase and fix plastic blinds on the windows.

Means that destroy the fungus

How to remove mold from windows or slopes? First of all, cleaning chemicals will help:

How to get rid of mold on plastic windows without endangering the material?

It is very important to take this factor into account, since aggressive substances can not only remove the fungus, but also significantly damage glass and plastic. It is necessary to decide on cardinal methods if other means cannot cope with the fungus that has grown on walls or windows.

In other cases, try to get started with sparing mixtures, such as:

not bad detergent It is also considered natural tea tree oil. 1 teaspoon of oil is added to a glass of water and the resulting solution is lubricated with window sills or window frames. This mixture effectively removes fungus spores and is absolutely safe for a variety of materials. In general, you will be best able to clean walls and windows from fungus if you apply comprehensive measures.

Video "Folk remedies"

From the video you will learn what folk remedies help fight mold and fungus.
