Comparison of plastic windows from different manufacturers. What profile of a plastic window is better to choose? Selection tips and manufacturer rating Window plastic profiles

The profile is the basis for manufacturing window frames and sash. The appearance, durability and reliability of the entire window structure depend on its quality.

Material classification

For production modern windows ny blocks wood, aluminum, PVC is applied. Each type of material has its advantages and disadvantages, features and limitations in use.


The best and most expensive views wood for the production of window profiles - oak and larch, alder and pine are also used. The high cost of wooden structures is associated not only with the use of natural wood, but also with the features technological process. The material for window profiles needs careful processing (drying, impregnation with antiseptics, painting, varnishing), and high precision and craftsmanship play a key role in the manufacture of the product.

Advantages of wooden windows:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • good heat-shielding properties;
  • preservation of natural air exchange between the room and the street;
  • aesthetic natural appearance.


  • the possibility of warping and swelling in case of violation of the production and installation technology;
  • low resistance to fire;
  • high price.


Since metal is not able to retain heat, aluminum profiles are mainly used for or utility rooms when it is not possible or necessary to equip warm glazing.

Exist . A special thermal insert is laid in the profile, which provides high thermal insulation properties of such window structures.

The advantages of aluminum profiles include:

  • strength and durability;
  • ease;
  • resistance to external influences;
  • fire resistant.


  • low heat-shielding properties of the "cold" profile;
  • high price of the "warm" option.


Reinforcing U - shaped profile for structural rigidity

PVC profile has become the most common for the production of modern windows, due to its low cost compared to wood and aluminum and excellent heat-shielding and performance properties. Main competitive advantages PVC:

  • high level of thermal insulation;
  • ease of manufacture and installation of finished products;
  • high resistance to the influence of precipitation, chemical reagents;
  • the ability to produce products of various designs and shapes;
  • affordable cost.

Main disadvantage- combustibility, like all plastics. All other user complaints are in most cases related to the choice of poor quality products or installation errors.

Characteristics of PVC profile

The lion's share of all installed window blocks falls on plastic products. There are windows from the profile of dozens of manufacturers on the market, which at first glance look the same. Often a low level of quality appears only after some time of operation, when it becomes obvious that the profile does not cope with its functions and does not provide proper level thermal protection. When choosing a product, it is useful to know the main significant characteristics of a PVC window profile.

Wall thickness

According to this indicator, 3 product groups are distinguished:

  • Class A This includes products that have an outer wall thickness of 2.8 mm, an inner wall of 2.5 mm. Such indicators are considered optimal to ensure the best thermal insulation of the dwelling.
  • Class B. Products with outer wall thickness from 2.5 mm, inner wall from 2.0 mm. Such products less reliably protect against heat loss and are more prone to deformation during operation. The main purpose is installation in shops, public institutions.
  • Class C. Products with thinner walls than in previous classes. Windows from it are intended for a glazing of non-residential, warehouse, production rooms.

Profile width

The indicator determines which double-glazed window can be mounted in this profile. A double-glazed window consists of several glasses connected by a frame around the perimeter. The spaces formed between the glasses are filled with ordinary air or inert gases (in premium segment products) to improve thermal insulation performance.

A single-chamber package consists of two glasses and one air chamber between them. Two-chamber consists of 3 glasses, between which there are 2 chambers, respectively, etc. The more glasses, the warmer the finished product.

Also, the width of the profile determines the mounting dimensions for installing the window. With an increase in width, the total weight of the structure increases - this must be taken into account, for example, when glazing a balcony with weak base slabs.

Usually the default value is 58-80 mm, some brands offer products up to 120 mm wide for the production of products designed for operation in harsh climatic conditions and featuring improved sound and heat insulation characteristics.

Number of profile cameras

Not to be confused with double glazing air chambers!

The plastic profile is hollow inside and is divided by partitions. The heat-insulating properties of PVC profiles are due to the presence of hollow chambers between the jumpers - the more there are, the lower the thermal conductivity of the window frame and sash.

Each cavity performs a specific function (moisture removal, fastening of fittings, ensuring strength), and their number (usually 3-8) and location is determined technological calculation. The most in demand are 3-5-chamber types of plastic profile.

metal reinforcement

The plastic profile is additionally reinforced with a metal frame to make the structure rigid. This significantly reduces the likelihood of deformation and sagging of the window sash due to many opening-closing cycles, temperature changes and other influences during use.

The shape of the frame depends on the size of the window:

  • L-shaped– reinforcement is laid along 2 walls; enough for small windows;
  • U-shaped– reinforcement of 3 profile walls; suitable for windows up to 1.9 m in height;
  • closed– reinforcement is located along 4 planes and provides the greatest rigidity of the product; for glazing large areas of loggias and panoramic balconies, it is recommended to choose this type of profile.

What to look for when choosing

It is difficult for the buyer to determine the quality of the profile on exhibition samples. In most cases, one has to rely on the decency of the seller and the manufacturer of window structures. There are some features that will help you avoid buying a low-quality product:

Overview of PVC profile manufacturers

Traditionally, the ratings of brands offering PVC profiles for windows are headed by German companies. Their products stand out for their level of quality and unchanging appearance even after a long time of use. Windows are not subject to geometric changes, white plastic is not yellower, and colored plastic does not fade.

At the same time, most Western enterprises have production area on the territory of Russia, which allows us to offer products at an affordable price without sacrificing quality.

rehau . The company has 50 years of experience in the production of PVC structures and related fittings. He is an innovator in his field, the company's specialists regularly develop and implement Hi-tech in branded products. For the Russian market, 6 types of 3-6-chamber profiles with a mounting width of 60-86 mm are offered. The company's products belong to the middle price segment.

Veka . Offers white and colored profiles painted according to RAL scale. Rubber is used for seals, which is not affected by the damaging effects of low temperatures. Brand products are suitable for use in all Russian climatic conditions. The line is represented by products with a width of 58-90 mm.

KBE . One of the most famous and popular Russian market window brand. The brand profile has long proved its unique high quality and durability. Products withstand temperature extremes from -50 to +50, the declared service life is 50 years. The company pays Special attention the environmental friendliness of their products. Windows made from the KBE profile are recommended for installation in medical and children's institutions.

Of the other, no less worthy European manufacturers, we can note the companies Montblanc, Salamander, Schuco, Trocal.

Proplex . A young domestic company using advanced European technologies for the production of PVC profiles. Products are developed taking into account Russian climatic conditions and meet all the requirements for this type of product. Affordability of prices with a decent level of quality is the main advantage of the domestic brand. The product line is represented by profiles with a width of 58-127 mm, which allows the use of products for the manufacture of windows of almost all dimensions and purposes.

Tips for choosing a profile:


Window fittings include metal parts that serve to movably connect parts of the window structure. Fittings no less than the profile determines the service life of the installed product. The convenience of using the window, the possibility of periodic adjustments and maintainability depend on the level of its quality.

According to their functionality, fittings are usually divided into several groups:

  • loops are the most important elements on which the durability of the entire structure depends;
  • opening elements (swivel, hanging, folding, sliding fittings) - ensures the opening of the sash in a given mode;
  • locks, blockers, limiters, handles - designed for convenient and safe use;
  • it is also customary to include here, which ensures the tightness of the product and performs sound and heat insulation functions.

When choosing a plastic window, it is important to remember that this is a high-tech product. This means that a quality profile is only one component of success. The operational properties depend on many factors, including the level of fittings, the type and number of glasses, the correctness of measurement and installation.

IVAPER GmbH is one of the leading suppliers of PVC profiles in Russia. The main activity is the production and supply of IVAPER plastic window and door profiles. The production process takes place under the constant supervision of German technical specialists. Firm quality, reliability, stylish design are the distinguishing features of profiles from IVAPER.

LG Chem, Ltd., South Korea- is a division of the international corporation LG, which has long and well established itself in Russia. Today, LG Chem is the largest manufacturer of PVC profiles. As a PVC profile manufacturer, the company has long history, the first batch of the profile left the line in 1976. For 30 years now, we have been improving our systems, focusing on internal needs and characteristics of product markets. The LG profile is successfully sold in the USA, Japan, China, India, Turkey, and other countries.

The Provedal profile system has been successfully used for more than 15 years. The developer of such profiles is the Spanish company Provedal Systemas. On the territory of Russia, due to the high coefficient of thermal conductivity, they have found their main application for glazing loggias and balconies. Made of metal and glass, they perfectly protect against strong winds, noise, dust and precipitation.

In 2003, a joint Russian-South Korean enterprise was opened to produce slidors profiles specially adapted for operation in Russian climatic conditions. SLIDORS (Slaydors) is a sliding profile PVC system for glazing balconies and loggias, developed by the South Korean company HANWHA.

In choosing a profile for a double-glazed window, every little thing is important. It would seem that all plastic windows are the same. However, in reality, it turns out that the service life of approximately the same products is different, and the quality characteristics of some often leave much to be desired. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the choice of a profile with all responsibility.


The PVC profile represents a plastic frame for a double-glazed window. Despite the apparent simplicity, this design is not simple. In the cross section of the profile, many air chambers are visible. At their expense, the safety of heat is ensured. The more there are, the better level thermal protection.

For rigidity and reliability, a metal frame is inserted into the base of the profile. This manufacturing process is called reinforcement. Due to the reinforcement, the profile becomes stronger, the possibility of its deformation and resistance to structure changes under the influence of negative factors is excluded environment(e.g. rain, gusty winds and frost). Profile material is polyvinylchloride.

Regardless of the type of profile, the metal strips inside it are an important factor to pay attention to when ordering. It is because of them that the profile is called metal-plastic

Longitudinal chambers in frame structures are responsible not only for the preservation of heat. They are frame reinforcements. The outer sections drain condensate that may occur inside the cavities due to the difference in temperature between indoors and outdoors.

At the bottom of the structure, they have a connection to the atmosphere. Due to this, drops flow down to the street when they appear. The presence of such holes does not affect the level of heat in the room in any way: the heat in the room does not decrease. Externally, such elements do not spoil aesthetic appearance windows, since in most cases they are closed with plugs or are simply not visible against the background of the entire structure. The presence of these holes indicates quality window. It will be more durable compared to modification without them.


Plastic profile (PVC) is the basis of windows. The reliability and durability of the entire structure depends on it. From this material sashes and fittings are made, a double-glazed window is installed in it. The main characteristics of the window structure depend on it, including the level of sound insulation, as well as tightness. It also affects the preservation of heat in the room.

The metal-plastic profile is a sash and a frame with a different number of chambers (up to 8). The most popular products among buyers are options for 2-3 compartments. The fundamental factor of technical characteristics is the size of the windows. So, varieties of panoramic type are characterized by less noise and thermal insulation properties compared to smaller counterparts.

Due to the increase in heat retention in such structures, during installation, it is necessary to resort to mounting foam when filling chambers. In addition, structures can have a fiberglass coating with stiffeners. One of the significant characteristics during installation is the thickness of the ceiling and the installation width. They are responsible for the rigidity of the profile structure and the reliability of the valves themselves.

A modern plastic profile for windows differs from analogues in the period of its appearance. Today, its quality characteristics are quite high, as well as decorative possibilities. Technological and functional frames have long supplanted analogues made of wood, making glazing reliable and ergonomic. Unlike wood, PVC does not shrink. Such windows will not be deformed during operation.

PVC windows can be installed in buildings different type. They can replace wooden frames in houses whose active phase of shrinkage has already been completed. At the same time, residents will be protected not only from cold and noise, but also from dust. Typically, such structures pull out any, even boring, interior design and look harmoniously in the architectural context of buildings of various types. The ability of plastic to imitate any texture makes it possible to use such frames in any design style.

The surface of the profile can be matte, glossy and even three-dimensional. The color schemes of such products today are diverse and can satisfy any taste. For example, you can select a profile under expensive varieties wood (wenge), show imitation of aged wood.

When more luxurious solutions are needed, stone-like plastic and even reptile skin are chosen. The design depends on the preferences of the client: brands today are often ready to perform individual order buyer.


Among the main characteristics of such a profile can be noted:

  • resistance to oxidation, high temperature;
  • resistance to moisture and water;
  • safety for the health of households;
  • aesthetic appeal;
  • low coefficient of thermal conductivity;
  • variability of forms of structures;
  • fitting into any historical design of architecture;
  • varying degrees of complexity of designs and mechanisms of windows;
  • rich color palette.

In care, such a profile is simpler than a wood counterpart. It does not need to be covered with stain or other paint over time. To clean the surface, in most cases it is enough to use a damp cloth or a semi-dry sponge. However, in case of significant mechanical damage, scratches may form on it, which cannot be hidden in any way. This is the main disadvantage of such structures.

Options with a different number of cameras differ in performance. For this reason, their choice is often based on the climatic conditions of the region. If the winters in it are cold and windy, they try to choose cameras with a large number of compartments. In this case, preference is given to the greater thickness of the double-glazed window.

The profile itself is environmentally friendly. It is far from the harmful plastic that was produced in the past. Such a frame with sashes will not emit toxic substances during the operation of the window. When choosing, it is important to pay attention to the number of cameras. If the glazing is cold, there should be at least 3 of them. Such profiles can be used for balconies, loggias and technical rooms. When it is planned to glaze heated buildings (school, house, apartment, restaurant), the number of required cameras increases to 5.


In addition to polyvinyl chloride, aluminum or steel is used in the construction of PVC profiles for windows. Metal is used in horizontal and vertical elements . The production of profiles is subject to the requirements of GOST 30673-99 in our country and EN 12608 SR in European countries.

The profile of the first group is the best option and is intended for residential buildings. It is characterized by a thickness of the outer walls of the order of 2.8 mm or more, internal - from 2.5 mm. This variety is more resistant to accidental mechanical damage. The analog of category "B" is distinguished by a smaller wall thickness.

The inner walls have a thickness of 2 mm, while the outer ones are thinner by 1/3 mm. It seems to be a little, but that is why such options are less resistant to mechanical stress. They can be used for heated and unheated rooms. The profile marked "C" is characterized by smaller thicknesses of both walls. In the language of specialists, it is called object.

Unlike the two previous options, it does not have a normalized thickness (it is clearly less than the categories "A" and "B"). The disadvantage is the design of this type itself: it does not have opening doors. The solidity of such windows makes them less in demand among buyers. These varieties are used in unheated rooms.

In essence, everything existing varieties plastic profile for windows can be divided into 3 types:

  • economy;
  • standard;
  • lux.

Window plastic profile is the main and additional. On the shelves of stores today you can buy a profile:

  • connective;
  • pedestal;
  • reinforcing;
  • expansion;
  • P- and F-shaped.

These are tubular structures with blocks inside, which form the frame of the window. Chambers vary in shape and volume. Some of them are not related to each other or to external environment. They are hermetic, while others serve for ventilation. Depending on the size, air content and the number of chambers, such profiles have different purposes. Some of them are used for technical premises, others can be used for residential buildings.

The L-shaped view is characterized by the strengthening of two profile walls. U-shaped type is a reinforcement of three walls. When closed, all parts are reinforced. In this case, the choice of profile depends, among other things, on the number of glasses in the structure. Cameras in frames directly depend on this.

Varieties differ in the degree of frost resistance. So, frost-resistant versions marked "M" are designed for temperatures up to -50 degrees C (control load). Analogues of normal execution are suitable for regions with sub-zero temperature up to -20-40 degrees C. The difference depends on the type of base material used.


Profile parameters are determined by its width and thickness. In this regard, manufacturers are trying to adhere to standard values. A common frame version may have dimensions of 58x63x43 mm. In this case, the dimensions of the sash are 58x77x57 mm, the impost - 58x87x47 mm.

When the profile contains 6 chambers, its thickness can be 85-90 mm. At 70mm it usually has up to 5 chambers. In the first case, the profile is thick and not suitable for every window opening. 70mm is considered the best option if up to 5 cameras are needed.

The thickness of the front wall of class "A" is on average 3 mm. For analogues of category "B", this indicator is reduced by half a millimeter. Not the front side of classes "A" and "B" is thinner by 0.5 mm each from the values ​​of the front wall. In category "C" manufacturers do not indicate data. The mounting width of the profile in some varieties can be 104, 110 and 130 mm.

How to choose?

On the modern market similar materials PVC profile is presented in a wide range. It's easy for a buyer to get confused. However, it is quite possible to make the right choice without being a specialist in the field of construction and installation. To begin with, it is worth paying attention to the material itself. The appearance of plastic can tell a lot about its quality.

When there is no decorative laminated film on the profile (imitation of the desired texture), one careful look is enough. High-quality material is characterized by a monolithic structure. It should not have roughness, heterogeneity. Any stains, uneven staining are excluded. Noticeable graininess will indicate a fake product.

You can not buy such a PVC profile. Typically, such samples can be found in one-day firms. Such companies offer the installation of windows from their material. It is produced from cheap and harmful raw materials. Therefore, it is impossible to expect any qualitative characteristics from such a profile.

Yes, and you need to know about the manufacturer before buying components. To do this, you can find out more about the reputation of the company based on reviews.

It is important to understand that profiles have some differences among themselves. They are cut into special machines for certain sizes of structures. This applies not only to the sashes, but also to the uprights and crossbars. Therefore, when buying, you need to purchase the entire set from one brand. Otherwise, you can not count on the perfect joining of the elements, whether it is a connection by special welding or mechanical hardware.


Before buying, it is important to ask about the number of cameras. Usually high-quality products of eminent trademarks there are more than 5. This is enough, while 7 cavities will be too much. In this case, we must not forget that not the number of chambers, but the wall thickness is more important. After all, they will be responsible for the level of heat to a greater extent.

In addition to options with air chambers, today on the market you can find a PVC profile in which the voids are filled not with air, but with a heat insulator. This is mainly a foam-based material (polystyrene foam) or fiberglass. Such a profile appeared on the market relatively recently.

However, experts believe that it is more effective in terms of heat retention. The disadvantage is the cost of modification, which is noticeably higher than traditional options.


Since the choice of profile involves a comprehensive analysis, it is worth paying attention to the width of the PVC profile. It is often called mounting depth in the language of specialists. In a standard profile, its indicator usually varies in the range of 50-80 mm. The number of cameras inside the element depends on it. Usually, with a smaller width, the design has no more than 3 cavities. When the width exceeds 70 mm, their number increases from 4 to 5.

However, it cannot be assumed that the wider the profile, the more cameras it has. This is far from always true, because, depending on the design features, the profile can be wide (for example, up to 9 cm), but with a minimum number of cavities. Such options may differ in excellent heat-insulating characteristics, since the air supply and the dimensions of the cavities themselves are important in this case.

In some cases, the installation depth can be 10 cm. Such options block the window opening, so they often do not need to be installed external slopes. Them distinctive feature is the shape of a section in the form of a trapezoid. These windows are called "Dutch", "Danish". They are certainly better than their usual counterparts, although not everyone can afford their installation.


It is impossible to buy a plastic profile without knowing the depth of the insulating glass unit. It is this factor that is responsible for the type of double-glazed window, its quality, as well as heat-shielding properties. A good profile frame is a structure where the glass sheet is at least 1.5 cm away from the frontal cut, overlapping with the profile seam.

If you plan to mount the frame to a depth of 5-7 cm, the seat for installing glass should be 1.8 cm. Few people pay attention to this aspect when buying a profile. However, if you ignore it and rely solely on the width of the profile and the number of cavities in it, you may not be surprised in the future that the double-glazed window fogs up or freezes.

In addition, it is worth paying attention to 4 factors:

  • Linear expansion. It should be minimal so that no voids form during installation. The higher it is, the smaller size window frame.
  • elasticity coefficient. The presence of steel is a mandatory criterion for choosing a profile. In this case, the thickness of the inner walls (stiffening ribs) is important.
  • Resistance to temperature difference and UV rays. Polyvinyl chloride should contain stabilizers to maintain inertness to loss of color and structure.
  • Sealant. From thermoplastic, thermopolymer, silicone and rubber, silicone products should be preferred. It is resistant to abrasion, inert to temperature changes.

Each profile is supplied with a certificate. It indicates the type of product and the place of its production.


White frames are considered old-fashioned today. It is replaced by profiles with a laminated film that can imitate any texture. These can be neutral options (gray, black), as well as wood tones. Of course, such a solution for a window structure will cost more, but by paying 15-20% more, the buyer can equip his home, taking into account the choice of a specific design.

If the choice is made in favor of a colored frame, the shade is selected taking into account the interior and exterior. The frame should look beautiful outside and inside. You can build on the color of existing furniture, doors. A color profile may have a related tint, but different temperature colors are undesirable. However, the choice of color profile has its own nuances.

Bright hues won't warm up in the sun like, say, dark rocky or woody browns. This means that when choosing a colored profile, the presence of metal in the frame is mandatory, regardless of the size and shape of the frame. In addition to lamination, manufacturers paint the PVC profile with acrylic coating, supplement it with metal or wood overlays. decorative technique is the very form of the elements, which today is more streamlined and can have a complex relief.

To date, you can order a plastic window profile for oak, alder, fir, mahogany, malachite, marble. For more creative design in the palette of shades there are yellow, turquoise, blue and wine shades. Due to lamination, you can decorate the frames with a film with an aging effect. If desired, you can also choose coatings with a three-dimensional effect, creating a sense of volume and relief.

Manufacturers and reviews

Today, many companies are ready to offer the buyer a PVC profile for windows. Highly rated professional craftsmen included several companies:

  • Rehau;
  • Veka;
  • Proplex.

Their products are different high quality execution and complies with the established norms of European standards. Such frames do not cause complaints from professional craftsmen, they are easy to install and do not deform during operation. According to customer reviews, these products are characterized by high cost. However, the goods are worth it, since the profiles of these brands are durable, resistant to mechanical stress and do not collapse over time.


German profile manufacturer with a wide range of products. The brand focuses on all segments of society, releasing economy class, standard and elite products. Options are designed for different climatic conditions. The number of chambers in the profile varies from 3 to 6. At the same time, the installation depth ranges from 6 to 8.5 cm. The products are characterized by a high level of noise and heat insulation. They come with gray seals.


Russian-made profile, manufactured according to german technology. Corresponds to class "A", is intended for use in any regions of Russia with different climatic backgrounds. Today it is represented by 8 different types with different mounting depth ranges (58-90 mm). The number of air chambers inside the profile is from 3 to 6. Equipped with a durable metal frame, it looks stylish, beautiful and modern.

What is the best window profile? Only from hundreds of names of manufacturers, eyes run wide. And if you also try to understand branded technical descriptions (well, of course, only advantages, but what about), rating tables, summaries of consumer ratings, opinion polls data, then your head will hurt.

Well, since metal-plastic windows, as they say, are on everyone's lips, and manufacturers are almost fighting for the buyer, it means that this product is necessary and useful. And not so complicated and mysterious, if you look at the essence. That's what we're going to do.

Before taking apart different types profiles for windows, let's tell the reader a little secret: German windows, in the accompanying documentation of which the address and details of the German manufacturer are indicated, are a rare curiosity. The trail of most of the "German" windows leads to Dnepropetrovsk. True, unlike Malaya Arnautskaya during the times of Ilf and Petrov, window craftsmen in Brezhnev's homeland work conscientiously: their windows often turn out to be better than the original ones.

How to compare window profiles

Let's open one more secret to the reader: the quality of window profiles depends little on the manufacturer; more - from the material. The quality of the window as a whole is determined by 80 percent by the type of sealing of the double-glazed window, the performance and quality of the fittings; about it below. And the characteristics of window profiles as such are determined primarily by a combination of the following parameters of their material:

  1. Its thermal conductivity should be as low as possible, otherwise cold will go through the window frame in winter, and heat in summer.
  2. The coefficient of thermal expansion λ should be as close as possible to that of glass - this determines the durability of the seals. At big difference in λ glass and profile, alternating loads on the seal will soon lead to its fatigue and cracking.
  3. The modulus of elasticity H should be as high as possible: the window frame works mainly in bending and torsion. Simply, the wind and temperature changes tend to turn the double-glazed window out of the frame.

Based on this, the comparison of window profiles must begin with the material.

Window profile materials


Wood as a material for window frames has given way to PVC, not because it is worse than plastic. On the contrary, wood is an almost ideal material for a window profile. Just with the deterioration of the environment and the rise in the cost of commercial wood, PVC turned out to be a little cheaper. Nevertheless, the tree of special species firmly holds its position as a material for elite and exclusive window profiles:

  • Siberian cedar (cedar pine) on outdoors in a harsh climate, it serves for more than a hundred years without care, it only gets darker.
  • Larch, especially Tuvan and Dahurian larch, lasts for hundreds of years: piles for piers and dams have long been made from it.
  • The Canadian Hemlock is slightly less durable than Siberian cedar, but lasts longer than ordinary pine - up to 60-70 years without care.
  • Teak wood has no analogues in terms of strength and durability: from it long time they made the decks of warships and submarines, and only the advent of sonar forced the use of sound-absorbing artificial materials.


how structural material for window profiles, pure aluminum is of little use in all respects. If for PVC and wood λ = (0.18 - 0.21) W / (degree * sq.m), then for aluminum λ = 221 W / (degree * sq.m). In terms of thermal conductivity, aluminum is the third among metals, after silver and copper.

The coefficient of thermal expansion of aluminum is also high even among metals and far exceeds that of glass. Complex design profile with the use of thermal bridges makes it very expensive, and the heat flux through such a frame is still several times higher than through wood or PVC.

The modulus of elasticity of aluminum, on the contrary, is low - aluminum, as you know, is a soft and ductile metal. On the outer surface of the building, aluminum corrodes to pitting over several years. Therefore, the aluminum profile for windows is justified only in decorative purposes, subject to replacement within 10-12 years.

But in combination with PVC, aluminum turned out to be a godsend for window profiles: the combination of the disadvantages of both gave undeniable advantages.

fiber composites

The reinforced profile is also called a fiberglass or fiberglass composite (FBK). Behind this tricky name lies the good old fiberglass.

FBK in all respects is even better than exclusive wood: it practically does not conduct heat, its λ is exactly equal to λ of glass, and fiberglass is superior in elasticity the best varieties steel: remember at least the fiberglass poles of jumping athletes.

But! FBK has a huge drawback: it exfoliates from weather influences. You can't replace a window without repairing the room, like an airplane radar radome. You can't put a window in a boathouse for the winter, like a yacht. Manufacturers of the best cruising yachts worth millions of dollars guarantee a fiberglass hull for no more than 10 years, provided that it sailed at a temperature not lower than -1.8 degrees (the freezing point of ocean water), otherwise the guarantee is voided. This is not enough for an ordinary apartment window.

The delamination occurs from the chipping of the binder - synthetic resin. Manufacturers are working on this problem, but until complete solution still far. Therefore, FBK windows appeared on the market recently and are still expensive and not very durable.

The disadvantages of FBK are devoid of a composite material based on carbon fiber - carbon fiber or carbon fiber. But prices are astronomical, and carbon windows are only possible as a bespoke rich man's fad.


Metal-plastic windows are a good example of how a minus by a minus gives a plus. The strength and elasticity of PVC drop sharply with increasing temperature: at higher than +60 it becomes unsuitable as a structural material, and already at +80 it begins to soften. The elasticity of PVC is also low.

Edison once said: “Everyone knows that this is impossible to do. Then there is an ignoramus who does not know about it. He makes the invention." Probably, metal-plastic windows were born in a similar way.

Let's do something stupid: inside the pipe of their bad PVC, we tightly insert a pipe made of bad aluminum. And what happens? λ of aluminum is much higher than PVC, it will burst the plastic from the inside, and the whole structure will maintain strength up to a temperature of +60 and above (see the figure on the right). If you heat it up more, the plastic will begin to spread, but it doesn’t matter anymore: they don’t live at such temperatures.

In addition, mutual mechanical stress will greatly increase the elasticity of the entire structure. Put a metal ruler on two pencils - it will bend under its own weight to the table top. And try to squeeze it with two books so that it arches upwards - here you can’t even press it down on purpose until the books have moved.

In cold weather, the effect of mechanical interaction of materials will disappear, but when cooled, PVC quickly gains strength and elasticity, without increasing thermal conductivity in any way. The aluminum insert, surrounded on all sides by a material that does not conduct heat well, does not affect the overall thermal conductivity of the structure.

Tricky question: you have not yet guessed why in a protected from external influences plastic pipe put expensive aluminum instead of cheap and durable steel? But because its coefficient of thermal expansion is too small to create the desired mechanical connection in the required temperature range. However, profiles with metal inserts made of special alloys and modified PVC with a special filler are increasingly common on the market.

Structures of metal-plastic profiles

A design based on a good principle will work well even in a rough design - this is a principle known to all engineers. There are a great variety of branded window profiles, and the experience and knowledge of branded specialists are invested in each of them. But this gives only a small fraction of the quality of the profile as a whole.

But there is still the most best profile for plastic windows? Yes, I have. This is the profile that suits your climatic conditions. Six options for all occasions are shown in the figure. Manufacturer-specific profiles may vary in detail.

The top row is for mostly warm places; lower - cold. The profiles are arranged in columns like this:

  • Left row for temperate climate. The simplest in design and the cheapest profiles.
  • The middle row is for a sharp, continental climate: hot in summer and / or with frosty winters. It differs in the section by widened air chambers, especially on the frame.
  • The right row is for a harsh climate with strong winds and sudden temperature changes. Volumetric air chambers are equipped with additional baffles for rigidity.

At the heart of any profile is a torsionally coupled metal channel/PVC sheath. Additional air chambers improve thermal insulation, strength, rigidity and save material.

Important: when choosing a profile, pay attention to the frame seals. There must be two of them, otherwise the dew point in any climate will be under the frame, condensate will begin to settle, the insulation will deteriorate, a draft will be pulled, and breeding grounds for harmful microorganisms will appear in the nooks and crannies. Complaints about the harmfulness of metal-plastic windows arise precisely because of this circumstance.

The market is overflowing with window profiles from "alternative" manufacturers. Of these, many, even presented as "luxury" - with single seals. No matter how you praise such a profile, no matter how attractive the price seems to you, do not take it. This is the case when the miser pays not even twice, but three times, given the prices for good windows.

About insulating glass seals

Although a double-glazed window is not part of the window profile, the quality of the window as a whole largely depends on its sealing. Two things are important:

  • The sealing cuff (ring) must be solid, without a cut, even in budget windows. The cut does not increase heat transfer much, but as a breeding ground for infection, it is no worse than a single seal. Its sealing with silicone, as is sometimes recommended, is not an obstacle for microbes: microcracks soon form from alternating temperature deformations.
  • The sealing of the double-glazed window and the frame must be all-rubber. Polyurethane expansion joints are good at first, but soon they flatten out from the same deformations, the double-glazed window sags in the frame, and all the above problems.

About fittings

Window fittings should not rust or oxidize in any other way, this is understandable. For this, it is better to have handles covered with plastic, or stainless steel, if so required by design. With nickel-plated coating, it will peel off over time, and the estimated life of the window is equal to the minimum life of a residential building - 40 years.

Loops are needed hidden. As a rule, even "alternative" suppliers make profiles that prevent water from flowing into the loops in the rain. But with a single seal, condensate can settle on them. That is, again, a double seal.

The adjustable ventilation slot greatly increases the service life of the fittings: it allows you to open the window less. Manual damper adjustment for budget and middle-class windows is preferable: primitive automation on a bimetallic plate soon fails. Automatic shutters can only be recommended when buying expensive luxury windows.

Whose windows are better

Is it possible to choose a window profile somehow simpler, without any technical subtleties? Moreover, sellers often have little understanding of this, knowing only the names of firms.

It is possible, despite the diversity of information. Its abundance helps. There is such a science - mathematical statistics. If there is, roughly speaking, a lot of sheer lies and conjectures at your disposal, then the methods of mathematical statistics allow you to find out what is true.

Budget profiles (economy class):

  1. Veka - 4.86;
  2. LG Hausys - 4.80;
  3. KBF - 4.79;
  4. Novotex - 4.64;
  5. AGF "Agrisovgaz" - 4.32.
  1. Veka - 4.94;
  2. KBF - 4.82;
  3. Rehau - 4.75;
  4. Schuco - 4.74;
  5. Funke - 4.65.

Luxury and Premium:

  1. Rehau - 4.90;
  2. Veka - 4.84;
  3. KBF - 4.82;
  4. Funke - 4.77;
  5. Deceuninck/Thyssen - 4.70.

Of the rest, Salamander, Velux, Montblanc, Provedal, Aluplast, Exprof, Vitrage, Gealan, Brugmann confidently hold above the "four".

Note: The summary is based on user feedback. Really specifications window profiles that meet the requirements described above differ little. So, if a profile suits you according to some of your criteria, but didn’t get into the summary, you can take it: due to fierce competition in the window market, decent manufacturers don’t do obvious hack work, “alternatives” are immediately visible by single seals.

More about aluminum windows

Although a one-piece aluminum profile for windows is not very good, it is readily taken not only for offices and public buildings. One of the most active categories of buyers of aluminum windows is the owners of rental housing in resorts: a chic appearance immediately raises the price category of the premises by a step.

After 5-7 years, aluminum window sashes begin to fade, but they can easily be regularly updated before the season by walking over them with felt. Enough for 10 years, and the additional profit during this time more than covers the cost of replacement, and the repair is just in time.


The best window profile for today is metal-plastic. The profiles of leading manufacturers do not differ particularly in quality. But a metal-plastic window will show all its advantages only with a double seal of the frame and a solid rubber one - a double-glazed window.

Video: expert opinion on the choice of PVC windows and profiles for them

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    Alexei said:

    Friends, unfortunately, the lack of awareness that is present on the window market today deprives many consumers of the opportunity to make their house (cottage, apartment ...) the home of their dreams.
    Today's technical and architectural capabilities of "aluminum" window systems allow you to realize literally any desire, and in a very wide price range. Today there are many very worthy manufacturers, the main thing is to clearly understand and formulate their task to specialists, because. Unlike PVC systems, there are many more variations in aluminum with any characteristics and for every taste (both in terms of warmth, and in terms of opening, and in price, etc ...). Eyes run wide! Today, talking about the inferiority of aluminum windows is nonsense: people who have never seen a normal aluminum window can talk like that. Come to any reputable manufacturer - get a lot of interesting knowledge, then make the right choice.

The formation of polyvinyl chloride windows into a full-fledged segment has long been completed in the domestic market. Technological and functional frames have confidently replaced wooden counterparts, providing the consumer with reliable and ergonomic glazing. However, plastic profiles for PVC windows also cause ambiguous opinions from users, due to the variety of models and quality parameters of these products. Often the manufacturer's brand becomes a decisive selection criterion - certified windows are more likely to be endowed with the qualities and characteristics declared by the company. It remains only to figure out which brand guarantees best properties profile.

What is a PVC profile?

A metal-plastic profile is a frame that can include up to eight cameras, but models with two or three compartments are more common. Actually, they depend on their parameters in general. It is logical that the options larger area weaker in insulating and soundproofing functions than plastic window profiles small sizes. In order to increase thermal insulation, manufacturers use polyurethane foam, which fills the space of the chambers. A fiberglass coating is also common. In the list of the main distinguishing features of the profiles, the installation width also appears. The rigidity of the structure and, consequently, the reliability of the valves depend on these indicators.

Foreign manufacturers of profiles

For the most part, imported PVC windows are represented on the market by German products. The technologies of European companies have gone far ahead and today dominate this niche. The list of companies numbers dozens, and the leading positions in terms of quality and sales are occupied by the brands KBE, Rehau, Veka, Trocal, Deceuninck, etc. It is noteworthy that the windows of most German companies are manufactured in Russia under special licenses. Accordingly, many plastic profiles for PVC windows, whose names are of German origin, are produced in our country. Domestic manufacturers of brands such as Rehau and KBE strive to ensure proper quality by completely recreating the original

Russian profile manufacturers

Despite the wide representation of foreign window products, Russian manufacturing technologies are also being improved. Proplex is one of the oldest domestic manufacturers of metal-plastic profiles. Having initially mastered Austrian technologies, the company strives to offer a wide range of glazing products.

The formation of the Montblanc brand was not without the help of Austrian specialists. At the moment, plastic profiles for windows with maximum width 120 cm is a system including five cameras.

The Novotex company, which has production facilities in the Moscow region, can perhaps be unconditionally called Russian. Engineers and technologists are constantly working to improve plastic structures, focusing on local climatic conditions. It is the latter factor, combined with a low price, that allows the Novotex brand to maintain competition.

Class A profiles

Although the quality of profiles is determined by general criteria, there is a division into classes, according to which it is unjustified to compare premium models and representatives of budget series. The former obviously win in operational qualities and durability, and the advantage of the latter is the price.

So, luxury plastic window profiles are positioned on the market as A-class. Such systems are distinguished by wall thickness (3 mm), reliable connections in the corners, as well as protection from external influences. Technical features A-class profiles are not felt during use, which, however, indicates the reliability of the structures. It is very problematic to dismantle them without a special tool, an optimal microclimate is created in the room, and the aesthetic beauty with the possibility of tinting frames makes premium systems the best choice. Representatives of the A-class include profiles KBE, Rehau, Veka, etc.

Class B profiles

It is not necessary to count on impeccable technical and physical parameters in the windows of this group, but due to the relatively low cost, this product also deserves attention.

The thickness of the outer walls in B-class constructions is 2.5 mm. For this reason, plastic window profiles PVC grade B is less resistant to physical influences. There is also an opinion about the unsatisfactory environmental performance of the profiles of this group, but this is not true. The absence of toxicity is a general condition for the certification of plastic structures.

Category C profiles

In general, modern C-class profiles fully meet the needs of the consumer both in terms of sound and heat insulation, and in decorative properties. Another thing is that premium competitors have raised the level of technical qualities quite high.

Category C representatives include profiles of such brands as Vektor, LG Hausys, AGF, as well as almost all domestic products, including Novotex. Typically, they are used to provide non-residential premises, but there are also lines focused on installation in apartments and private houses.

Top Profile Ranking

Against the background of the development of technological methods for manufacturing profiles and fierce competition, it is not easy to identify The rating is formed by a combination of qualities and the introduction of fundamentally new properties. In this regard, the arrangement of leaders can be represented as follows:

This brand has earned the championship thanks to maintaining an unsurpassed level of the main qualities of window profiles. Among them are 50-year durability, increased heat and noise insulation performance, as well as environmental friendliness due to the addition of zinc and calcium compounds to the PVC formulation.

Being a serious competitor to KBE, the Veka brand takes the second place. The list of its advantages includes the manufacturing technology of "light" profiles, which at the same time ensure the preservation of heat and acoustic comfort.


The Rehau company is rightfully included in the top three. The quality of the profiles of this manufacturer is achieved by adding lead compounds. As a result, the structures acquire high strength and stability in operation.

The following positions can be occupied by many plastic profiles for PVC windows. Which one is better among them should be determined by the same parameters. The Salamander and Deceuninck systems should be added to the top three. Although plastic profiles for windows of these brands are not so popular, their physical and technical qualities maintain a high level. They are also distinguished by ergonomics and thoughtful configuration, which facilitates the installation and further use of window systems.
