The chemical composition of the cell. The role of water and inorganic substances in the life of the cell

Today, a lot has been discovered and isolated in its pure form chemical elements periodic tables, and a fifth of them are found in every living organism. They, like bricks, are the main components of organic and inorganic substances.

What chemical elements are part of the cell, the biology of which substances can be used to judge their presence in the body - we will consider all this later in the article.

What is the constancy of the chemical composition

To maintain stability in the body, each cell must maintain the concentration of each of its components at a constant level. This level is determined by species, habitat, environmental factors.

To answer the question of what chemical elements are part of the cell, it is necessary to clearly understand that any substance contains any of the components of the periodic table.

Sometimes in question about hundredths and thousandths of a percent of the content of a certain element in a cell, but at the same time, a change in the named number by at least a thousandth part can already carry serious consequences for the body.

Of the 118 chemical elements in a human cell, there should be at least 24. There are no such components that would be found in a living organism, but were not part of inanimate objects of nature. This fact confirms the close relationship between living and non-living in the ecosystem.

The role of various elements that make up the cell

So what are the chemical elements that make up a cell? Their role in the life of the organism, it should be noted, directly depends on the frequency of occurrence and their concentration in the cytoplasm. However, despite different content elements in the cell, the significance of each of them is equally high. A deficiency of any of them can lead to a detrimental effect on the body, turning off the most important biochemical reactions from metabolism.

Listing what chemical elements are part of the human cell, we need to mention three main types, which we will consider below:

The main biogenic elements of the cell

It is not surprising that the elements O, C, H, N are biogenic, because they form all organic and many inorganic substances. It is impossible to imagine proteins, fats, carbohydrates or nucleic acids without these essential components for the body.

The function of these elements determined their high content in the body. Together they account for 98% of the total dry body weight. How else can the activity of these enzymes be manifested?

  1. Oxygen. Its content in the cell is about 62% of the total dry mass. Functions: construction of organic and inorganic substances, participation in the respiratory chain;
  2. Carbon. Its content reaches 20%. Main function: included in all;
  3. Hydrogen. Its concentration takes a value of 10%. In addition to being a component of organic matter and water, this element also participates in energy transformations;
  4. Nitrogen. The amount does not exceed 3-5%. Its main role is the formation of amino acids, nucleic acids, ATP, many vitamins, hemoglobin, hemocyanin, chlorophyll.

These are the chemical elements that make up the cell and form most of the substances necessary for normal life.

Importance of macronutrients

Macronutrients will also help to suggest which chemical elements are part of the cell. From the biology course, it becomes clear that, in addition to the main ones, 2% of the dry mass is made up of other components of the periodic table. And macronutrients include those whose content is not lower than 0.01%. Their main functions are presented in the form of a table.

Calcium (Ca)

Responsible for the contraction of muscle fibers, is part of pectin, bones and teeth. Enhances blood clotting.

Phosphorus (P)

It is part of the most important source of energy - ATP.

Participates in the formation of disulfide bridges during protein folding into a tertiary structure. Included in the composition of cysteine ​​and methionine, some vitamins.

Potassium ions are involved in cells and also affect the membrane potential.

Major anion in the body

Sodium (Na)

Analogue of potassium involved in the same processes.

Magnesium (Mg)

Magnesium ions are the regulators of the process In the center of the chlorophyll molecule, there is also a magnesium atom.

Participates in the transport of electrons through the ETC of respiration and photosynthesis, is a structural link of myoglobin, hemoglobin and many enzymes.

We hope that from the above it is easy to determine which chemical elements are part of the cell and are macroelements.

trace elements

There are also such components of the cell, without which the body cannot function normally, but their content is always less than 0.01%. Let's determine which chemical elements are part of the cell and belong to the group of microelements.

It is part of the enzymes of DNA and RNA polymerases, as well as many hormones (for example, insulin).

Participates in the processes of photosynthesis, synthesis of hemocyanin and some enzymes.

It is a structural component of the hormones T3 and T4 of the thyroid gland

Manganese (Mn)

less than 0.001

Included in enzymes, bones. Participates in nitrogen fixation in bacteria

less than 0.001

Influences the process of plant growth.

It is part of the bones and tooth enamel.

Organic and inorganic substances

In addition to these, what other chemical elements are included in the composition of the cell? The answers can be found simply by studying the structure of most substances in the body. Among them, molecules of organic and inorganic origin are distinguished, and each of these groups has a fixed set of elements in its composition.

The main classes of organic substances are proteins, nucleic acids, fats and carbohydrates. They are built entirely from the main biogenic elements: the skeleton of the molecule is always formed by carbon, and hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen are part of the radicals. In animals, proteins are the dominant class, and in plants, polysaccharides.

Inorganic substances are all mineral salts and, of course, water. Among all the inorganics in the cell, the most is H 2 O, in which the rest of the substances are dissolved.

All of the above will help you determine which chemical elements are part of the cell, and their functions in the body will no longer be a mystery to you.

The composition of a living cell includes the same chemical elements that are part of inanimate nature. Out of 104 elements periodic system D. I. Mendeleev in the cells found 60.

They are divided into three groups:

  1. the main elements are oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen (98% of the cell composition);
  2. elements that make up tenths and hundredths of a percent - potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium, iron, chlorine, calcium, sodium (1.9% in total);
  3. all other elements present in even smaller amounts are trace elements.

The molecular composition of the cell is complex and heterogeneous. Separate connections- water and mineral salts - are also found in inanimate nature; others - organic compounds: carbohydrates, fats, proteins, nucleic acids, etc. - are characteristic only of living organisms.


Water makes up about 80% of the mass of the cell; in young fast-growing cells - up to 95%, in old ones - 60%.

The role of water in the cell is great.

It is the main medium and solvent, participates in most chemical reactions, the movement of substances, thermoregulation, the formation of cellular structures, determines the volume and elasticity of the cell. Most substances enter the body and are excreted from it in an aqueous solution. Biological role water is determined by the specificity of the structure: the polarity of its molecules and the ability to form hydrogen bonds, due to which complexes of several water molecules arise. If the attraction energy between water molecules is less than between water molecules and a substance, it dissolves in water. Such substances are called hydrophilic (from the Greek "hydro" - water, "fillet" - I love). These are many mineral salts, proteins, carbohydrates, etc. If the energy of attraction between water molecules is greater than the energy of attraction between molecules of water and a substance, such substances are insoluble (or slightly soluble), they are called hydrophobic (from the Greek "phobos" - fear) - fats, lipids, etc.

Mineral salts in aqueous solutions of the cell dissociate into cations and anions, providing a stable amount of the necessary chemical elements and osmotic pressure. Of the cations, the most important are K + , Na + , Ca 2+ , Mg + . The concentration of individual cations in the cell and in the extracellular environment is not the same. In a living cell, the concentration of K is high, Na + is low, and in blood plasma, on the contrary, there is a high concentration of Na + and low K +. This is due to the selective permeability of membranes. The difference in the concentration of ions in the cell and the environment ensures the flow of water from the environment into the cell and the absorption of water by the roots of plants. Flaw individual elements- Fe, P, Mg, Co, Zn - blocks the formation of nucleic acids, hemoglobin, proteins and other vital substances and leads to serious diseases. Anions determine the constancy of the pH-cell environment (neutral and slightly alkaline). Of the anions, the most important are HPO 4 2-, H 2 PO 4 -, Cl -, HCO 3 -


Organic substances in the complex form about 20-30% of the cell composition.

Carbohydrates- organic compounds consisting of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. They are divided into simple - monosaccharides (from the Greek "monos" - one) and complex - polysaccharides (from the Greek "poly" - a lot).

Monosaccharides(them general formula C n H 2n O n) - colorless substances with a pleasant sweet taste, highly soluble in water. They differ in the number of carbon atoms. Of the monosaccharides, hexoses (with 6 C atoms) are the most common: glucose, fructose (found in fruits, honey, blood) and galactose (found in milk). Of the pentoses (with 5 C atoms), the most common are ribose and deoxyribose, which are part of nucleic acids and ATP.

Polysaccharides refers to polymers - compounds in which the same monomer is repeated many times. The monomers of polysaccharides are monosaccharides. Polysaccharides are water soluble and many have a sweet taste. Of these, the most simple disaccharides, consisting of two monosaccharides. For example, sucrose is made up of glucose and fructose; milk sugar - from glucose and galactose. With an increase in the number of monomers, the solubility of polysaccharides decreases. Of the high molecular weight polysaccharides, glycogen is the most common in animals, and starch and fiber (cellulose) in plants. The latter consists of 150-200 glucose molecules.

Carbohydrates- the main source of energy for all forms of cellular activity (movement, biosynthesis, secretion, etc.). Splitting to the simplest products CO 2 and H 2 O, 1 g of carbohydrate releases 17.6 kJ of energy. Carbohydrates perform building function in plants (their shells are made of cellulose) and the role of reserve substances (in plants - starch, in animals - glycogen).

Lipids- these are water-insoluble fat-like substances and fats, consisting of glycerol and high molecular weight fatty acids. Animal fats are found in milk, meat, subcutaneous tissue. At room temperature This solids. In plants, fats are found in seeds, fruits, and other organs. At room temperature, they are liquids. Fat-like substances are similar to fats in chemical structure. There are many of them in the yolk of eggs, brain cells and other tissues.

The role of lipids is determined by their structural function. They make up cell membranes, which, due to their hydrophobicity, prevent the contents of the cell from mixing with environment. Lipids perform an energy function. Splitting to CO 2 and H 2 O, 1 g of fat releases 38.9 kJ of energy. They poorly conduct heat, accumulating in the subcutaneous tissue (and other organs and tissues), perform a protective function and the role of reserve substances.

Squirrels- the most specific and important for the body. They belong to non-periodic polymers. Unlike other polymers, their molecules consist of similar but non-identical monomers - 20 different amino acids.

Each amino acid has its own name, special structure and properties. Their general formula can be represented as follows

An amino acid molecule consists of a specific part (radical R) and a part that is the same for all amino acids, including an amino group (- NH 2) with basic properties, and a carboxyl group (COOH) with acid properties. The presence of acidic and basic groups in one molecule determines their high reactivity. Through these groups, the connection of amino acids occurs in the formation of a polymer - protein. In this case, a water molecule is released from the amino group of one amino acid and the carboxyl of another, and the released electrons are combined to form a peptide bond. Therefore, proteins are called polypeptides.

A protein molecule is a chain of several tens or hundreds of amino acids.

Protein molecules are huge, so they are called macromolecules. Proteins, like amino acids, are highly reactive and are able to react with acids and alkalis. They differ in composition, quantity and sequence of amino acids (the number of such combinations of 20 amino acids is almost infinite). This explains the diversity of proteins.

There are four levels of organization in the structure of protein molecules (59)

  • Primary Structure- a polypeptide chain of amino acids linked in a certain sequence by covalent (strong) peptide bonds.
  • secondary structure- a polypeptide chain twisted into a tight helix. In it, low-strength hydrogen bonds arise between the peptide bonds of adjacent turns (and other atoms). Together, they provide a fairly strong structure.
  • Tertiary structure is a bizarre, but specific configuration for each protein - a globule. It is held together by weak hydrophobic bonds or cohesive forces between non-polar radicals that are found in many amino acids. Due to their multiplicity, they provide sufficient stability of the protein macromolecule and its mobility. The tertiary structure of proteins is also supported by covalent S - S (es - es) bonds that arise between radicals of the sulfur-containing amino acid cysteine, which are distant from each other.
  • Quaternary structure not typical for all proteins. It occurs when several protein macromolecules combine to form complexes. For example, human blood hemoglobin is a complex of four macromolecules of this protein.

This complexity of the structure of protein molecules is associated with a variety of functions inherent in these biopolymers. However, the structure of protein molecules depends on the properties of the environment.

Violation of the natural structure of the protein is called denaturation. It can occur under the influence of high temperature, chemicals, radiant energy and other factors. With a weak impact, only the quaternary structure breaks down, with a stronger one, the tertiary one, and then the secondary one, and the protein remains in the form of a primary structure - the polypeptide chain. This process is partially reversible, and the denatured protein is able to restore its structure.

The role of protein in cell life is enormous.

Squirrels- This construction material organism. They are involved in the construction of the shell, organelles and membranes of the cell and individual tissues (hair, blood vessels, etc.). Many proteins act as catalysts in the cell - enzymes that speed up cellular reactions by tens, hundreds of millions of times. About a thousand enzymes are known. In addition to protein, their composition includes metals Mg, Fe, Mn, vitamins, etc.

Each reaction is catalyzed by its own particular enzyme. In this case, not the entire enzyme acts, but a certain area - the active center. It fits to the substrate like a key to a lock. Enzymes act at a certain temperature and pH. Special contractile proteins provide motor functions of cells (movement of flagellates, ciliates, muscle contraction, etc.). Individual proteins (blood hemoglobin) perform a transport function, delivering oxygen to all organs and tissues of the body. Specific proteins - antibodies - perform a protective function, neutralizing foreign substances. Some proteins perform an energy function. Breaking down to amino acids, and then to even more simple substances, 1 g of protein releases 17.6 kJ of energy.

Nucleic acids(from the Latin "nucleus" - the core) were first discovered in the core. They are of two types - deoxyribonucleic acids(DNA) and ribonucleic acids(RNA). Their biological role is great, they determine the synthesis of proteins and the transfer of hereditary information from one generation to another.

The DNA molecule has complex structure. It consists of two spirally twisted chains. The width of the double helix is ​​2 nm 1 , the length is several tens and even hundreds of micromicrons (hundreds or thousands of times larger than the largest protein molecule). DNA is a polymer whose monomers are nucleotides - compounds consisting of a molecule of phosphoric acid, a carbohydrate - deoxyribose and a nitrogenous base. Their general formula is as follows:

Phosphoric acid and carbohydrate are the same for all nucleotides, and there are four types of nitrogenous bases: adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine. They determine the name of the corresponding nucleotides:

  • adenyl (A),
  • guanyl (G),
  • cytosyl (C),
  • thymidyl (T).

Each DNA strand is a polynucleotide consisting of several tens of thousands of nucleotides. In it, neighboring nucleotides are connected by a strong covalent bond between phosphoric acid and deoxyribose.

At enormous size of DNA molecules, the combination of four nucleotides in them can be infinitely large.

During the formation of the DNA double helix, the nitrogenous bases of one strand are arranged in a strictly defined order against the nitrogenous bases of the other. At the same time, T always turns out to be against A, and only C is against G. This is explained by the fact that A and T, as well as G and C, strictly correspond to each other, like two halves broken glass, and are complementary or complementary(from the Greek "complement" - addition) to each other. If the sequence of nucleotides in one DNA strand is known, then the nucleotides of another strand can be established by the principle of complementarity (see Appendix, task 1). Complementary nucleotides are joined by hydrogen bonds.

Between A and T there are two bonds, between G and C - three.

The duplication of the DNA molecule is its unique feature, which ensures the transfer of hereditary information from the mother cell to the daughter cells. The process of DNA duplication is called DNA replication. It is carried out as follows. Shortly before cell division, the DNA molecule unwinds and its double chain is split into two independent chains by the action of an enzyme from one end. On each half of the free nucleotides of the cell, according to the principle of complementarity, a second chain is built. As a result, instead of one DNA molecule, two completely identical molecules appear.

RNA- a polymer similar in structure to one strand of DNA, but much smaller. RNA monomers are nucleotides consisting of phosphoric acid, a carbohydrate (ribose) and a nitrogenous base. The three nitrogenous bases of RNA - adenine, guanine and cytosine - correspond to those of DNA, and the fourth is different. Instead of thymine, RNA contains uracil. RNA polymer is formed through covalent bonds between ribose and phosphoric acid of neighboring nucleotides. Three types of RNA are known: messenger RNA(i-RNA) transmits information about the structure of the protein from the DNA molecule; transfer RNA(t-RNA) transports amino acids to the site of protein synthesis; ribosomal RNA (rRNA) is found in ribosomes and is involved in protein synthesis.

ATP- adenosine triphosphoric acid is an important organic compound. Structurally, it is a nucleotide. It consists of the nitrogenous base adenine, carbohydrate - ribose and three molecules of phosphoric acid. ATP is an unstable structure, under the influence of the enzyme, the bond between "P" and "O" is broken, a molecule of phosphoric acid is split off and ATP passes into

The chemical composition of plant and animal cells is very similar, which indicates the unity of their origin. More than 80 chemical elements have been found in cells.

The chemical elements present in the cell are divided into 3 large groups: macronutrients, mesoelements, microelements.

Macronutrients include carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen. Mesoelements are sulfur, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron. Trace elements - zinc, iodine, copper, manganese and others.

Biologically important chemical elements of the cell:

Nitrogen - structural component of proteins and NA.

Hydrogen- is a part of water and all biological compounds.

Magnesium- activates the work of many enzymes; structural component of chlorophyll.

Calcium- the main component of bones and teeth.

Iron- enters into hemoglobin.

Iodine- part of the thyroid hormone.

Substances of the cell are divided into organic(proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, carbohydrates, ATP) and inorganic(water and mineral salts).

Water makes up to 80% of the mass of the cell, plays important role:

water in the cell is a solvent

· transports nutrients;

water is removed from the body harmful substances;

high heat capacity of water;

Evaporation of water helps to cool animals and plants.

Gives elasticity to the cell.


participate in maintaining homeostasis by regulating the flow of water into the cell;

Potassium and sodium ensure the transport of substances across the membrane and are involved in the occurrence and conduction of a nerve impulse.

Mineral salts, primarily calcium phosphates and carbonates, give hardness to bone tissue.

Solve a problem on the genetics of human blood

Proteins, their role in the body

Protein- organic substances found in all cells, which consist of monomers.

Protein- high molecular weight non-periodic polymer.

Monomer is an amino acid (20).

Amino acids contain an amino group, a carboxyl group and a radical. Amino acids are linked together to form a peptide bond. Proteins are extremely diverse, for example, there are over 10 million of them in the human body.

The diversity of proteins depends on:

1. different AK sequence

2. by size

3. from composition

Protein structures

The primary structure of a protein - a sequence of amino acids connected by a peptide bond (linear structure).

The secondary structure of a protein - spiral structure.

Tertiary structure of a protein- globule (glomerular structure).

Quaternary protein structure- consists of several globules. Characteristic of hemoglobin and chlorophyll.

Protein Properties

1. Complementarity: the ability of a protein to fit in shape to some other substance like a key to a lock.

2. Denaturation: violation of the natural structure of the protein (temperature, acidity, salinity, addition of other substances, etc.). Examples of denaturation: changes in protein properties when eggs are boiled, protein transfer from liquid state into solid.

3. Renaturation - restoration of the protein structure, if the primary structure has not been disturbed.

Protein functions

1. Building: the formation of all cell membranes

2. Catalytic: proteins are catalysts; speed up chemical reactions

3. Motor: actin and myosin are part of muscle fibers.

4. Transport: transfer of substances to various tissues and organs of the body (hemoglobin is a protein that is part of red blood cells)

5. Protective: antibodies, fibrinogen, thrombin - proteins involved in the development of immunity and blood coagulation;

6. Energy: participate in plastic exchange reactions to build new proteins.

7. Regulatory: the role of the hormone insulin in the regulation of blood sugar.

8. Storage: the accumulation of proteins in the body as spare nutrients, for example, in eggs, milk, plant seeds.

A cell is not only a structural unit of all living things, a kind of brick of life, but also a small biochemical factory in which various transformations and reactions take place every fraction of a second. This is how the organisms necessary for life and growth are formed. structural components: minerals cells, water and organic compounds. Therefore, it is very important to know what will happen if one of them is not enough. What role do various compounds play in the life of these tiny, structural particles of living systems that are not visible to the naked eye? Let's try to understand this issue.

Classification of cell substances

All compounds that make up the mass of the cell, form its structural parts and are responsible for its development, nutrition, respiration, plastic and normal development, can be divided into three large groups. These are categories such as:

  • organic;
  • cells (mineral salts);
  • water.

Often the latter is referred to the second group of inorganic components. In addition to these categories, you can designate those that are made up of their combination. These are the metals that make up the molecule. organic compounds(for example, a hemoglobin molecule containing an iron ion is protein in nature).

Minerals of the cell

If we talk specifically about the mineral or inorganic compounds that make up each living organism, then they are also not the same both in nature and in quantitative content. Therefore, they have their own classification.

All inorganic compounds can be divided into three groups.

  1. Macronutrients. Those whose content inside the cell is more than 0.02% of the total mass of inorganic substances. Examples: carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, magnesium, calcium, potassium, chlorine, sulfur, phosphorus, sodium.
  2. Trace elements - less than 0.02%. These include: zinc, copper, chromium, selenium, cobalt, manganese, fluorine, nickel, vanadium, iodine, germanium.
  3. Ultramicroelements - the content is less than 0.0000001%. Examples: gold, cesium, platinum, silver, mercury and some others.

You can also highlight several elements that are organogenic, that is, they form the basis of organic compounds from which the body of a living organism is built. These are elements such as:

  • hydrogen;
  • nitrogen;
  • carbon;
  • oxygen.

They build the molecules of proteins (the basis of life), carbohydrates, lipids and other substances. However, minerals are also responsible for the normal functioning of the body. The chemical composition of the cell is calculated in dozens of elements from the periodic table, which are the key to successful life. Only about 12 of all atoms do not play a role at all, or it is negligible and not studied.

Some salts are especially important, which must be ingested with food every day in sufficient quantities so that various diseases do not develop. For plants, this is, for example, sodium. For humans and animals, these are calcium salts, salt as a source of sodium and chlorine, etc..


Minerals of the cell combine with water in common group so its meaning cannot be ignored. What role does it play in the body of living beings? Huge. At the beginning of the article, we compared the cell to a biochemical factory. So, all the transformations of substances that occur every second are carried out precisely in the aquatic environment. It is a universal solvent and medium for chemical interactions, synthesis and decay processes.

In addition, water is part of the internal environment:

  • cytoplasm;
  • cell sap in plants;
  • blood in animals and humans;
  • urine;
  • saliva of other biological fluids.

Dehydration means death for all organisms without exception. Water is the living environment for a huge variety of flora and fauna. Therefore, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of this inorganic substance, it is truly infinitely great.

Macronutrients and their meaning

Mineral substances of a cell for its normal work are of great importance. First of all, this applies to macronutrients. The role of each of them has been studied in detail and has long been established. We have already listed which atoms make up the group of macroelements, so we will not repeat ourselves. Let us briefly outline the role of the main ones.

  1. Calcium. Its salts are necessary for the supply of Ca 2+ ions to the body. The ions themselves are involved in the processes of stopping and blood clotting, provide cell exocytosis, as well as muscle contractions, including cardiac contractions. Insoluble salts are the basis of strong bones and teeth of animals and humans.
  2. Potassium and sodium. Maintain the state of the cell, form the sodium-potassium pump of the heart.
  3. Chlorine - is involved in ensuring the electroneutrality of the cell.
  4. Phosphorus, sulfur, nitrogen are constituent parts many organic compounds, and also take part in the work of muscles, the composition of bones.

Of course, if we consider each element in more detail, then much can be said about its excess in the body, and about its deficiency. After all, both are harmful and lead to diseases of various kinds.

trace elements

Role minerals in the cell, which belong to the group of trace elements, is also large. Despite the fact that their content is very small in the cell, without them it will not be able to function normally for a long time. The most important of all the above atoms in this category are such as:

  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • selenium;
  • fluorine;
  • cobalt.

A normal level of iodine is essential for maintaining thyroid function and hormone production. Fluorine is needed by the body to strengthen tooth enamel, and plants - to maintain elasticity and rich color of the leaves.

Zinc and copper are elements that make up many enzymes and vitamins. They are important participants in the processes of synthesis and plastic exchange.

Selenium is an active participant in the regulation processes, it is necessary for the work endocrine system element. Cobalt has another name - vitamin B 12, and all compounds of this group are extremely important for the immune system.

Therefore, the functions of mineral substances in the cell, which are formed by microelements, are no less than those that are performed by macrostructures. Therefore, it is important to consume both of them in sufficient quantities.


The mineral substances of the cell, which are formed by ultramicroelements, do not play such a significant role as those mentioned above. However, their long-term deficiency can lead to the development of very unpleasant, and sometimes very dangerous consequences for health.

For example, selenium is also included in this group. Its long-term deficiency provokes the development cancerous tumors. Therefore, it is considered indispensable. But gold and silver are metals that have a negative effect on bacteria, destroying them. Therefore, inside the cells play a bactericidal role.

However, in general, it should be said that the functions of ultramicroelements have not yet been fully disclosed by scientists, and their significance remains unclear.

Metals and organic substances

Many metals are part of organic molecules. For example, magnesium is a coenzyme of chlorophyll, necessary for plant photosynthesis. Iron is part of the hemoglobin molecule, without which it is impossible to breathe. Copper, zinc, manganese and others are parts of the molecules of enzymes, vitamins and hormones.

Obviously, all these compounds are important for the body. It is impossible to attribute them completely to mineral ones, but it still follows in part.

Mineral substances of the cell and their meaning: grade 5, table

To summarize what we said during the article, we will compile a general table in which we will reflect what mineral compounds are and why they are needed. You can use it when explaining this topic to schoolchildren, for example, in the fifth grade.

Thus, the mineral substances of the cell and their significance will be learned by schoolchildren in the course of the main stage of education.

Consequences of a lack of mineral compounds

When we say that the role of minerals in the cell is important, we must give examples that prove this fact.

We list some diseases that develop with a lack or excess of any of the compounds indicated in the course of the article.

  1. Hypertension.
  2. Ischemia, heart failure.
  3. Goiter and other diseases of the thyroid gland (Basedow's disease and others).
  4. Anemia.
  5. Wrong growth and development.
  6. Cancer tumors.
  7. Fluorosis and caries.
  8. Blood diseases.
  9. Disorder of the muscular and nervous system.
  10. Indigestion.

Of course, this is far from full list. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor that the daily diet is correct and balanced.

Inorganic substances that make up the cell

The purpose of the lesson: explore chemical composition cells, reveal the role of inorganic substances.

Lesson objectives:

educational: show the variety of chemical elements and compounds that make up living organisms, their significance in the process of life;

developing: continue the formation of skills and abilities independent work with a textbook, the ability to highlight the main thing, formulate conclusions;

educational: educate responsible attitude to the implementation of the assigned tasks.

Equipment: multimedia projector, presentation, handout.

Lesson plan

I. Organizational moment.

Greetings; - preparing the audience for work; - availability of students.

II. Motivation of educational activity.

- Here is a set of words: copper, proteins, iron, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, magnesium, gold, sulfur, calcium, phosphorus.

What two groups can these words be divided into? Explain the answer. (Organic and inorganic; chemical substances and chemicals).

- Which of you can name the role of certain substances, elements in the life of living organisms?

- Set yourself the goal and objectives of our lesson, based on the title of the topic.

III. Presentation of new material.

Presentation. The presentation includes 3 lessons on this topic at once. We start work with the key second slide: follow the hyperlink to go to the desired lesson.

3rd slide: conversation according to the scheme “The content of chemical elements in the human body”.:

- The cell contains about 80 different chemical elements that are found in objects of inanimate nature. What can it say? (about the commonality of animate and inanimate nature). 27 elements perform certain functions, the rest enter the body with food, water, air.

- What are the chemical elements and in what quantity are contained in the human body?

- All chemical compounds that are found in living organisms are divided into groups.

- Using the table, draw up a diagram “The main groups of chemical elements in nature” (see the table “Elements that make up the cells of living organisms”, see Table 1 ). Oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, sulfur and phosphorus are necessary components molecules of biological polymers (proteins, nucleic acids), they are often called bioelements.


Slide 5: Start filling in the table - a reference summary in your notebook (this table will be supplemented in subsequent lessons, see table 2 ).

- Of all chemical compounds contained in living organisms, water is 75 - 85% of body weight.

Why is this amount of water needed? What is the function of water in a living organism?

– You already know that the structure and functions are interconnected. Let's take a closer look at the structure of the water molecule to find out why water has such properties. In the course of the explanation, you fill in the supporting notes in your notebook (see slide 5).

Slides 6 - 7 demonstrate the structural features of the water molecule, its properties.

- From among the inorganic compounds that make up organisms, highest value have salts of mineral acids and the corresponding cations and anions. Although the need of humans and animals for minerals is expressed in tens and even thousandths of a gram, however, the absence in food of any of the biologically important elements leads to serious illnesses.

- Fill in the table, column “Mineral salts”, using the textbook material p.104 - 107. ( slide 8, click on the hyperlink to check the work done).

- Give examples proving the role of mineral salts in the life of living organisms.

IV. Fixing new material:

    several students (how many computers in the class) perform interactive test 1 “Inorganic substances of the cell”;

    the rest perform tasks for training thinking and the ability to draw conclusions(Handout) :

There is a certain connection between the first two terms. Between the fourth and one of the following concepts there is the same connection. Find it:

1. Iodine: thyroid gland = fluorine: ___________________

a) pancreas b) tooth enamel in) nucleic acid d) adrenal glands

2. Iron: hemoglobin = __________: chlorophyll:

a) cobalt b) copper c) iodine d) magnesium

3. Perform digital dictation "Molecules". 1. Hydrogen bonds are the weakest bonds in a molecule (1). 2. Structure and composition are one and the same (0). 3. The composition always determines the structure (0). 4. The composition and structure of a molecule determine its properties (1). 5. The polarity of water molecules explains its ability to slowly heat up and cool down (0). 6. The oxygen atom in the water molecule carries a positive charge. (0)

V. Summary of the lesson.

Did you achieve your goals and objectives of the lesson? What new things did you discover in this lesson?


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