Planting and caring for lavender in the open field, advice from experienced gardeners. Lavender - planting and care, growing from seeds

In the article we discuss lavender - planting and care in the open field, popular varieties, pests and diseases, breeding methods. You will learn how to plant lavender seed way, cuttings and division of the plant, how to properly water, prune and fertilize bushes, as well as how to care for lavender in winter.

There are many varieties of lavender for growing in the backyard.

Lavender is an evergreen shrub of the Yasnosotkovye family with a fibrous woody root up to 2 m long. In the lower part of the plant are a large number of lumbering shoots up to 60 cm high. Silver-greenish leaves with soft pubescence grow along the shoots. Fragrant blue-lilac flowers are collected in spike-shaped inflorescences of 6-10 pieces.

There are more than 25 types of lavender - varieties and species differ from each other in thermophilicity, shoot height, colors inflorescences and flowering period.

Lavender angustifolia or English ( Lavandula angustifolia) - bushes up to 50 cm high with narrow leaves and small inflorescences. Blooms in June and July. Counts the best variety for growing lavender in the Urals - planting and care are quite simple. Winter-hardy, withstands frosts down to -35°C. The most popular varieties in horticultural crops are:

  • Alba - white inflorescences;
  • Rosea - lilac-pink inflorescences;
  • Manstead - bright blue inflorescences.

Lavender broadleaf or French (Lavandula stoechas)- bushes with inflorescences of the most different shades, from purple and emerald to pink and white. Blooms in April and May, sometimes at the end of summer. The most popular varieties:

  • Yellow Vale - dark purple inflorescences and yellow-green leaves;
  • Rocky Road - large lilac-blue inflorescences;
  • Helmsdale - lilac-burgundy inflorescences.

Lavender hybrid or Dutch (Lavandula x intermedia)large plants up to 2 m high with oblong flowers. Blooms in July. Used for commercial cultivation. The most commonly used in horticulture are:

  • Alba - white inflorescences;
  • Sawyers - light purple inflorescences;
  • Arabian Knight - dark purple or dark blue inflorescences;
  • Richard Gray - dark purple inflorescences.

Serrated lavender (Lavandula dentata)- bushes with embossed silvery leaves. Blooms in July. One of the most heat-loving species, grown only indoors. A popular variety is Royal Crown with purple inflorescences.

Planting lavender in open ground

In open ground, lavender can be planted with seeds and seedlings.

In order for lavender to bloom profusely, choose the right place for planting in open ground:

  • the site should be well lit;
  • avoid areas with too wet soil, otherwise make a drainage layer near the roots of the plant at the bottom of the planting hole;
  • If the soil in your area is acidic or slightly acidic, add lime or wood ash to the seed planting holes.

When to plant lavender outdoors:

  • seeds directly into the ground - at the end of autumn;
  • seedlings - at the end of May.

lavender seedling

Before planting lavender seeds for seedlings, prepare a container and soil mixture. Mix 2 parts of humus and 1 part of river sand. Sift the mixture until there are no lumps and place in the oven at 130ºC. Pour the treated soil onto the drainage layer in a container for growing lavender.

In February - March, scatter the seeds over the surface of the soil mixture, sprinkle with sand 3 mm thick, moisten with water and cover with plastic wrap. Place the container with seedlings in a well-lit place with a temperature of 15-22ºC. Raise the cover periodically to ventilate the crops. When the first shoots appear, remove the cover and plant the shoots at a distance of 5 cm.

How to plant lavender in the ground in spring

At the end of May, prepare the site for planting. Dig up the soil to a depth of 20 cm and loosen the soil well. Make compost or peat for digging.

How to plant lavender:

  1. Dig holes every 80-90 cm. The depth of each hole should be such that the root system of the bush fits freely into the recess.
  2. Trim the roots of the seedlings.
  3. Plant each bush in the hole and dig in.
  4. Water all seedlings thoroughly.

Podzimny sowing of lavender in autumn

Sowing lavender seeds in open ground is effective only in warm climatic conditions. If you have on the site mild winters please adhere to the following rules:

  • In October, prepare the soil on the site - apply peat for digging and add sand or fine gravel if the soil is too wet.
  • Sow the seeds to a depth of 3-4 cm.
  • Compact the soil after sowing.
  • In dry weather, water the seeds, but not too abundantly.
  • At the beginning of winter, cover the area with snow.

lavender care

With the seed method of reproduction, lavender flowering begins in the 2nd or 3rd year. To quickly see the long-awaited lavender flowers, plant and care for the plant, taking into account the characteristics of its cultivation.

Growing conditions

Lavender roots need good air circulation, so make a mulch layer in the garden in the form of rotted foliage. Do not cover the soil at the base of the trunk with anything, so as not to provoke rotting of the plant. Mulch (compost) will gradually decompose and saturate the soil with nutrients.

When growing lavender outdoors, regularly get rid of weeds - pests, especially in the first year, when seedlings are just being formed.

When the first flowers appear on the stems of the plant, remove them so that the lavender root system can get stronger and develop normally.

Watering and fertilizing

Water the lavender as soon as the soil at the base of the plant dries out. Do not be zealous, because from abundant watering the aerial part of the plant turns yellow, and the roots rot. But don't do it too often. From a lack of moisture, the flowering of lavender will not be lush, and the aroma will become less bright and saturated.

If you are not using compost to mulch the soil around the lavender, gardening and maintenance should include fertilizer:

  • mineral complexes - in the summer at the beginning of flowering;
  • nitrogen fertilizers - in the spring at the beginning of the growing season.

Dilute the fertilizer in a concentration of 2 tbsp. on a bucket of water and water the soil around the perimeter of the bushes with the resulting solution.


Lavender care involves pruning the plant

Trim the plant every year:

  • In the first year of planting, after flowering, cut the shoots by 2-3 cm.
  • In early autumn, shorten the branches by 3-3.5 cm. Make sure that the cut level is 5-6 cm higher than the lignified part of the stem.
  • In subsequent years, prune lavender branches each fall to the shape of a bush.
  • At the age of 10 years, make a rejuvenating pruning - shorten the branches to 5 cm.

Pruning your lavender bushes is optional, but taking care of your lavender in your garden this way will create beautiful, lush bushes.

Reproduction of lavender

Lavender is propagated by seed, layering, dividing the bush and cuttings.

If you are going to grow lavender in the Urals, only the seed method is suitable for you. In a cold climate, the following scheme for growing lavender is used - planting and care in the open field in the Urals is carried out after mandatory seed stratification, that is, hardening. A bag of seeds is placed in the refrigerator and then in April the seed is sown immediately in open ground.

In warmer climatic zones lavender is propagated in other ways.

When propagating by cuttings, pluck a one-year-old lignified shoot from an existing lavender bush. Cut it into cuttings of 8-10 cm and plant in moist soil. Deepen the lower cut 2-3 cm into the ground and cover with glass jars on top. When the cuttings take root, remove the jars.

When propagating by division, cut the bush in autumn at a height of 10 cm and hill up - fill the space between the shoots with earth. In the spring, repeat hilling and wait for the lavender to give abundant growth. At the beginning of autumn, dig up a bush, divide it into parts and plant it.

When propagating by layering in the spring, bend 2-3 shoots from the plant and carefully lay them in grooves to a depth of 3-4 cm. Secure the shoots, cover with earth and water abundantly so that lateral roots form at the shoots. next spring separate the processes with roots from the bush, divide into parts and transplant to a permanent place.

For more information about planting lavender, see the video:

Care after flowering in winter

Before caring for lavender, keep in mind that the plant needs reliable protection from frost. If you are growing lavender in an area with temperatures below -25ºC during the winter months, after autumn pruning start warming her bushes. Cover the plant with branches coniferous trees, but by no means fallen leaves. Under the foliage, lavender can rot.

Pests and diseases

Outdoor lavender is highly resistant to pests and diseases. However, the plant sometimes strikes:

  • drooling pennitsa;
  • rainbow beetle (cycad);
  • gray rot.

To rid the plant of beetles, collect them by hand, and in the fight against pennits, wash off the white foam with a strong stream of water. In both cases, change the compost in the beds.

If the bushes are sick with gray mold, remove and burn the damaged parts of the plant, otherwise the infection will spread to other stems, flowers and leaves. Also review the mode of watering lavender flowers - planting and care in this case were clearly carried out with violations. Either you watered the bushes too often, or you did not protect the plant from waterlogging during a wet, rainy summer.

What to remember

  1. The most popular varieties of lavender in horticulture are narrowleaf English, broadleaf French, hybrid Dutch, and scalloped.
  2. When seed propagation of lavender, seedlings are first grown, and then in April, young shoots are planted in open ground.
  3. In the Urals, before sowing seeds in the ground, they are hardened in the refrigerator.
  4. Lavender care includes regular, but not abundant watering, the use of mineral and nitrogen fertilizers, and autumn pruning.
  5. Before the onset of winter, cover the lavender bushes with the paws of coniferous trees.

What comes to mind when you think of the word "lavender"? Correctly! The endless fields of French Provence, which are dotted with fragrant purple inflorescences.

Nowadays given flower they are grown in Russia and both professionals and amateur flower growers do this. Advanced summer residents and house owners have learned to breed it from cuttings or seeds, not only in the Moscow region, but even in the Leningrad region, in Siberia, in the Urals and in even more remote corners of the country.

All about lavender

Lavender fields

These flowering creatures are able not only to please those around them with their aroma and unusual inflorescence, but also to bring considerable benefits. They are widely used in the pharmaceutical and perfume industries, as well as dried fragrant inflorescences are used in everyday life to protect clothing from moths.

AT natural environment flowers feel great on the mountain slopes, on which they are able to hold on thanks to their long root system, which they cling to tightly. No wonder there is a famous song performed by the mega popular Sofia Rotaru "Mountain Lavender".

dwarf lavender

It is a perennial evergreen small shrub. Flowers can be lilac shade, and white.

The first mentions are found in historical scrolls ancient egypt where it was grown and used in medicinal purposes in the sacred city of the Egyptians of Thebes, which was their capital. AT Ancient Rome the use was found in a different environment: with its help, they carried out ablutions, washing clothes, and also washed their hands and dishes. This is where today's name comes from, because in Latin "lavare" means washing.

Except useful properties, there is an aesthetic pleasure in growing lavender in the garden. With its help, alpine slides and landscape compositions, planted in the form of a flowering border along the paths and simply planted in flower beds.

Lavandula varieties and varieties

English lavender

Today there are more than 45 types of lavender. But for decoration summer cottages and gardens, as a rule, the following types are used:

  • The most common type is angustifolia lavender or whatever it is called real english(Lavandula angustifolia, L. officinalis)

This variety is practically maintenance-free and frost-resistant. If properly cared for, it grows up to one meter in height and reaches the same size in diameter.

A new variety is found dwarf lavender, whose dimensions do not exceed 30 cm. It has small narrow leaves, of a gray-green hue. This species begins to bloom in June and fills the garden with its aroma for a month.

The most popular and commonly found varieties:

scented lavender

  1. Lavender Alba white
  2. Munstead lilac blue
  3. Alba is a pink lavender that blooms in early May and tolerates frost well.
  4. Gem dark purple
  5. Lavender Nana Alba white dwarf, up to 30 cm in height. Very popular with gardeners
  6. Little Lottie pale pink dwarf, up to 30 cm
  7. Sarah is one of the smallest lavenders, only 15 to 40 cm tall, dark purple flowers
  8. Munstead (Manstead or Munstead) lilac-blue, does not exceed 40 centimeters

As you can see, real lavender can be found in the most unpredictable and unique forms.

  • French lavender or lavender broadleaf(Lavandula latifolia)

This species laid the foundation for all decorative varieties. It is characterized by long bracts with 3 inflorescences of a wide variety of shades. This species begins to bloom in May. The only drawback of broad-leaved is the strong and rather unpleasant smell emanating from it.

  • Papillon - mauve flowers resembling butterflies,
  • Tiara - large blue flowers,
  • Regal Splendour - dark purple flowers.
  • Lavandin, hybrid or Dutch lavender(Lavandula intermedia)

A hybrid based on broad-leaved and English lavender. It differs from other species in that it has very large inflorescences and very narrow leaves. silver color. Its height reaches 2 m.

The most popular varieties:

  • Arabian Night - dark purple
  • Grosso - purple,
  • Seal - blue-lilac,
  • Olympia - dark purple.

This lavender is used to create essential oils.

  • Lavender h scalloped(Lavandula dentata)

A plant variety that loves the sun's rays very much, this is precisely what caused us to use this species only as indoor plant. Has large blue flowers and soft silvery leaves. One of the most popular varieties is Royal Crown, releasing purple inflorescences.

  • petiolate lavender(Lavandula pedunculata)

lavender plant

This is ornamental variety, which is characterized by a strong aroma and unusual rich purple inflorescences. This species can be found in Spain, Portugal, Morocco and Turkey. Its height does not exceed 50 cm. Of course, petiolate can also be grown on the territory of Russia, but for this it must be planted in a pot, which will allow it to be brought into a warm room with the onset of winter.

  • Stahad lavender(Lavandula stoechas)

Almost all flower growers liked this species, because with the onset of heat, it pleases those around with its inflorescences twice. The first flowering begins in March and lasts until June, the second time the bush pleases with the flowers of the hosts at the end of August.

  • Lavender green(Lavandula viridis)

It differs from other species in greenish-yellow flowers and leaves. Differs in special firmness in the dry period, grows in the territory of Portugal and Madrid.

  • woolly lavender(Lavandula lanata)

It got this name because of the thick layer of villi on its leaves. It has long spike-shaped inflorescences of purple color.

Proper cultivation of lavender in the country

pink lavender

To grow this flower in open ground, you must adhere to some rules, which you will now learn about.

One of the most significant conditions for growing lavender at home is the selection right place. The selected area should be well lit. Of course, you can plant it in partial shade, but in this case, do not expect the plant to delight you with gorgeous flowering for a long time.

Lavender does not like wetlands or places with high groundwater. In order for the bush to develop well and grow, it must be placed in dry soil. In the event that it was not possible to find a dry site, then before planting in a place with high humidity build a special drainage.

white lavender

Sometimes it happens that the drainage layer is not enough for the lady to grow, but in this case, you can find a way out. To do this, you will have to build a bulk mound, on which a flower bed with beautiful lavender will flaunt.

No less important is the acidity of the earth. All varieties of lavender prefer to grow on neutral ground or in soil endowed with alkali. To reduce acidity, it is worth adding a little ash or lime to the soil.

Also, in order to increase the nutritional value of the earth and improve its drainage qualities, it is worth regularly fertilizing it with compost. It is not necessary to use manure and nitrogen before planting, as these components can adversely affect the inflorescences and the duration of flowering.

When planting a plant in the ground, consider the distance between the bushes, which should not be more than the maximum height of the plant. If with the help of lavender you decide to decorate the hedge, then the distance between the flowers must be halved.

How to propagate a flower

How to grow lavender from seeds video:

If you are looking for an answer to how to make a chic flower garden, or decorative border if there is only one bush, then here you can find it.

There are several ways to grow lavender:

  1. seeds.
  2. cuttings,
  3. layering,
  4. from shoots, separation of part of the root

Growing lavender from seeds

Lavender Stahadskaya

Seeds must be hardened before planting. In countries with a hot climate, where there are no very coldy, this process takes place naturally. The seeds selected in advance must be planted in the ground and wait until they sprout. It is customary for us to carry out artificial hardening of seeds. The first thing to do is to mix the existing seeds with sand. After that, they are poured into a container, which is wrapped in a film. A kind of greenhouse should be placed in the refrigerator, where they will be stored for about a month and a half.

Seeds ready for planting are moved to the ground at the end of spring. For further growth, greenhouses should also be used, where the seeds are placed along with the sand in which they were hardened and covered with a thin layer of soil. As soon as you see that the seeds have started up the first shoots, then feel free to plant them on pre-prepared areas.

The disadvantage of the presented method is that the plant takes too long to prepare for flowering. In the first few years of its life, lavender grown from seeds will strengthen root system, well, it will begin to bloom a little later.

Reproduction of lavender cuttings

Is pretty in a simple way and is most commonly used by flower growers. To do this, you will need stiff shoots that are at least a few years old. Cuttings are prepared from them, the length of which is not more than 10 cm. Treat young sprouts with any growth enhancer. Future bushes should be planted in loose and moist soil by about 2-3 cm. Be sure to cover the cuttings with a film and do not forget to constantly water. An excellent option for planting cuttings of lavender will be used plastic egg trays, because it will be convenient to water and cover them for the greenhouse effect. Wait until the roots appear, which sprout at an incredible speed, and plant the plant in the most suitable place.

Using layering

This method is also very simple, because all you need to create a new bush is the branch you like. It is laid horizontally and completely covered with soil, not forgetting to place any load on top. After about two months, the layering will take root, so you can safely cut it off from the bush and plant it in a prepared place. In order to prevent the cut from festering, be sure to sprinkle it with crushed coal.

Lavender reproduction by dividing the bush

Another way that any amateur gardener can apply at home. In advance, select a bush that you have to cut by 10 cm in the fall and cover it with earth. When spring comes, you will have to cut the same bush again. After waiting for the next autumn, divide the plant that has released many shoots into several young ones.

How to care outdoors

If you decide to decorate your garden with this plant, then you should prepare for the fact that it does not tolerate frost well, which means that it must be covered before the onset of cold weather. For this, branches of coniferous plants are used.

Watering lavender is done only if the soil around it is completely dry. If the summer turned out to be too hot, then the earth should be mulched, which will allow it to retain moisture and prevent a crust from forming on the soil surface. If mulching is not possible, then periodically loosen the soil so that air can penetrate to the root system. If the weather is too rainy, then the mulch must be removed, as it can cause the plant to rot.

Lavender flowers cultivation and care in the country: how to fertilize

As soon as lavender begins to bloom, it should be fed using organic fertilizer under the name "Rossa universal", observing the ratio of 2 tbsp. to 10 liters of water.

There is also another way of feeding, in which 2 tablespoons are used. nitrophoska and 0.5 l of liquid cow manure. These two opposite substances should be diluted in 10 liters of water.

Proper pruning of lavender and whether it should be done

If you want to grow a beautiful and lush blooming lavender, then you have to prune every year. This procedure is carried out after the flowering of the bush has ended, cutting off the withered spikelets.

With the onset of autumn, it is necessary to cut the branches of the bush, leaving about 4-5 green stems.

If you do not trim, the bush will become too tall. In windy weather, such plants, as a rule, lean too much, which leads to the loss of their shape and decorative effect. After the bush grows with you for more than 10 years, be sure to spend radical pruning to rejuvenate him. To do this, you need to shorten all lavender branches by about 5 cm. The same procedure is carried out with young plants that do not produce lush and beautiful inflorescences.

The first buds that appear on the plant must be removed, which will allow the young bush to strengthen the root system without wasting its strength on flowers.

In the first year of his life household plots the pet grows too slowly, so lavender care in the garden is focused on eradicating weeds that will try to drown out young plants.

Lavender plant: diseases and pests

Wintering in open ground in Moscow and Moscow region

If you live in regions where the air temperature in winter drops to -25 degrees, then you need to properly protect the plant.

To do this, lavender bushes, after the obligatory pruning of branches, need to be covered with spruce branches. The use of foliage is prohibited, because in winter it will begin to rot, which will lead to the death of the roots.

Flower growers living in warm areas do not need to cover the plant at all with the onset of winter.

Approaching from a practical point of view, we can say that for these harsh regions, English officinalis or angustifolia lavender.

If you don't want to risk your prized lavender bushes, dig them up, then plant them in a suitable container and place them in a cool spot where they can overwinter.

The benefits of lavender, as well as the harm that it can cause

Beauty lavandula, in addition to eye candy, can also bring practical benefits in treatment and cosmetology. But, as the famous saying goes: "In every barrel of honey, there may be a fly in the ointment." Therefore, contraindications should not be dismissed, they exist, and they must be taken seriously.

Let's look at the most common use for the benefit of the body and what harm can be done.

The use of the plant for medicinal purposes

It's no secret to anyone that lavender has medicinal properties , as it contains essential oils, the components of which are coumarins, linalool, geraniol, tannins, ursolic acid and borneol. Lavender oil is endowed with many beneficial properties. It is also used in perfumery and cosmetics, as well as in medicine. It is with the help of lavender oil that bruises and burns are treated.

Various components are widely used in the treatment of cerebral vessels, seizures that occur after suffering a stroke, to get rid of headaches, drowsiness, and paralysis. Fragrant flowers can relieve even the most severe toothache, and also have good diuretic properties. In order to get rid of spasms and discomfort in the stomach, it is worth brewing tea from lavender.

Green lavender leaves are used for taking therapeutic baths, but dry spikelets will allow you to store clothes without fear that a moth will attack it.

Contraindications for the use of lavender

During pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, it is not recommended to use lavender, as it causes the muscles of the uterus to contract. In addition, its use after an abortion is prohibited, as the plant can cause bleeding. In no case do not use it if you use substances that include iodine and iron.

Preparations containing lavender are very strong and can cause allergies.

Excessive use of the plant can lead to depression or irritation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

Combination with other plants

It is a well-known fact that smells affect the subconscious and the mood of a person. That is why, before engaging in the cultivation of various plants in a flower bed, one should take into account their compatibility with each other.

If you want to decorate the garden with lavender, then flowers or, lyatris, yarrow, will be the most suitable next to it. It also pairs well with herbs and other perennials.

Planting lavender near is often practiced, as its smell repels uninvited insects.

If you do everything right, then the flowers will not only delight you with their beauty, but also allow you to enjoy an unsurpassed and unforgettable aroma.

Lavender in landscape design photo

Decorating the landscape with the help of this bush is so diverse that any gardener, even one who is just starting gardening exploits, can easily decide on a landing site.

A variety of riot of colors from white and pink to rich shades of lilac and purple will help draw attention to any chosen area.

We can consider some variations landscape ideas that can be tried on with lavender.

  1. The very first thing that comes to mind is planting near paths and paths in the form of a green hedge. This method can demarcate the planting area and the walking area.
  2. "Carpeting" is the planting of numerous shoots over a large area to form a continuous cover. It will especially look beautiful when it is time for flowering, and the fragrant aroma will spread throughout the site.
  3. Sometimes planted different varieties lavender, as if in a checkerboard pattern, and the effect is " chessboard". It should be a wide and fairly flat area so that the boundaries are clearly visible.

Naturally, lavender is not yet so often found in garden plots, such as asters, or even. But everything is changing, and the appreciation of many people turns to fragrant lavender. After all, such an acquisition will emphasize your dissimilarity with others and the original style.
Lavender indoor in a pot on a balcony or windowsill video review:

Fluffy bushes of fragrant lavender will decorate any site. This is a great option for borders and spectacular Mediterranean-style rock gardens. Charming bouquets of dried flowers, fragrant bags and oils are made from the plant. Lavender in the garden always welcome guest. Experts count up to 39 species of this beauty, but for northern regions not all fit. True, tubs with lavender of any variety will help out. They are put outside, and when cold weather sets in, they are simply transferred to a warmer place.

English and French lavender are considered more winter-hardy, which differ slightly in the shape of the inflorescences, but perfectly withstand winters. The first has narrower leaves, elongated spikelets-inflorescences. It is usually not dug up for the winter. The French look with wide leaves and short inflorescences has a rather capricious character. It is more carefully protected from frost, covering it with spruce branches for the winter.

Most often, this perennial is associated with purple flowering. But various varieties able to surprise with a palette of shades. Inflorescence brushes are blue, pale pink, white and even slightly greenish, and flowering lasts from May until frost. Plant height varies by variety. Taller specimens are suitable for creating chic hedges. Lavender in the garden is often planted in mixborders, near windows, benches, gazebos, along paths, between. It's so nice to take a walk, inhaling the delicious aroma! Dwarf varieties look great on flower containers.

You can plant lavender in a rose garden. The combination with santolina is very beautiful, they have a similar shade of leaves, but the inflorescences are contrasting - purple and yellow. You should not allow mixing plants, otherwise the flower garden will resemble a sloppy spot. Representatives of different species are best planted in large groups.

It is difficult to do without lavender in the garden if you have to arrange it in the English style. This plant lends itself perfectly to pruning and will help create beautiful geometric shapes. Dry branches will fill the room with freshness. Dried flower compositions with other aromatic herbs are suitable for rustic style interior.

How to plant lavender

Choosing the right site for landing, you can avoid many problems. The plant loves heat and sunlight, so a place in the shade will not work. The bushes will take root, but without bright lighting not pleased with long flowering. The soil should not be swampy and waterlogged, in last resort, it is desirable to build a small hill and make a drainage layer. In addition, the increased acidity of the soil is unacceptable. To insure, a little lime and wood ash are added to the soil. It doesn't hurt to add .

Seed propagation, traditional for most perennials, is difficult in the case of lavender. Better buy mature plant or just twigs. When this is not possible, stratification of lavender seeds is mandatory. For a long time they are stored at low temperatures. In warm climates, sowing just into the ground in November is allowed. If frosts come early, the seeds are mixed with sand, placed in a container, wrapped in foil and left in the refrigerator for at least 1.5 months, or longer. At the end of February, they are sown in containers or already in May in a greenhouse. After stratification, seedlings will appear more readily, but flowering will occur only after 1-2 years. To begin with, seedlings will have to grow roots.

Adult lavender bushes must be planted with a lump of soil, as the plant does not adapt well. To achieve maximum splendor, the distance between adjacent bushes should be no less than their maximum growth. If you need a flat green hedge, the distance is halved, the plantings will look monolithic.

With cuttings, everything is easier. They quickly take root, it is enough to deepen them into loose soil by about 2 centimeters and cover with a film. Water the soil regularly. As soon as the roots appear, lavender can be transplanted to a permanent place.

Obtaining cuttings of lavender for planting is quite simple. In the spring, carefully bend the lower branch to the side and sprinkle with earth the place where it comes into contact with the soil. After the formation of roots, cut off the layering, and boldly plant. It is better to sprinkle the place of the cut on the bush with coal.

lavender care

Lavender is not to be ignored. It is sensitive to the lack of air circulation and does not tolerate the presence of weeds, the earth will have to be regularly weeded and loosened. You can use a mulch layer, but the soil near the base of the bush should be uncovered.

With excessive moisture, the green part of the plant will turn yellow. Drought will not cause the death of a perennial, but it will negatively affect flowering. In order not to miscalculate with the irrigation regime, it is worth focusing on the condition of the soil.

Pruning is not mandatory procedure, however, will help form lush bushes. For the first time they are cut off after the inflorescences wither, the shoots are shortened by only a couple of centimeters. In September, you can cut a little more, but not reaching the lignified stem. It is better to fertilize lavender with mineral complexes as soon as flowering begins. Nitrogen fertilizers are applied exclusively during the growing season, until mid-July.

Lavender tolerates cold well. If a winter without snow is expected and you do not want to take risks, it is better to make a shelter. Usually, branches of coniferous trees are laid out on the garden bed; under a layer of foliage, the plant can rot.

I was lucky - I live in a place where it is possible to grow heat-loving plants, at least their frost-resistant species. It wasn't always like this, but climate change on the planet...

Mindful of positive thinking, I decided to switch to plants that are not quite traditional for our places.

For example, lavender. Perennial evergreen subshrub exuding an inimitable aroma. Interestingly, everything smells in lavender: stems, leaves, flowers. She is a well-known source of essential oils, a sedative, an antiseptic and a recently discovered spice.

Flowers are the most popular - they are added to tea, in meat dishes when baking, in sawdust when smoking fish, in jams, jams, and even candied to decorate cakes.

Twigs with leaves are placed in pickles and marinades. The aroma of lavender is specific and is used to perfection in the homeland of lavender - the Mediterranean.

She is a valuable honey plant and medicinal plant wide spectrum of action. However, in landscape design, lavender has an equally honorable place. In order to grow a fairly voluminous and lush bush, you need to know a few rules:

  • lavender loves loose non-sour soil,
  • stagnant water in the ground should be avoided,
  • after flowering, the lavender greens are cut, but literally by 2-3 cm, so as not to expose the branches to the lignified part,
  • an adult plant does not like transplants, if necessary, it is important to keep an earthen ball around the root system and do the procedure only in early spring,
  • nitrogen fertilizers that enhance vegetation are applied only in spring, lavender does not tolerate organic matter (manure and litter), but mineral complexes with a high content of potassium will appeal to her,
  • once every 10 years, 1-2 kg of slaked lime is applied to acidic soil (per 1 square meter) and dig up.


There are not many varieties of lavender, but you can still find plants with purple, lilac, blue, blue, pink and white flowers if you wish. All of them are derivatives of two types: English and French lavender.

Lavender angustifolia, common, English(Lavandula angustifolia, same as L. officinalis)

  • Growth area: Southern Europe.
  • Flowering period: June July.
  • Color spectrum: blue flowers (there are white and pink varieties), silvery leaves.
  • Height: up to 1 m.
  • Growing conditions: loose non-acidic soil, moderate watering, sunny place, perhaps shelter for the winter with spruce branches.
  • Peculiarities: perennial evergreen shrub, the most frost-resistant species (up to -25 0 C), medicinal plant, spice.

  • Varieties of narrow-leaved lavender with white colors - Edelweisse, Alba, Arctic Snow, Hidcote White, etc.
  • Owners blue (blue) shades- Grosso, Dwarf Blue, Munsstead, Hidcote, etc.
  • Violet (lilac) flowers in varieties Dark Hidcote, Ellagance Purple, Essence Purple, etc.
  • Pink inflorescences in varieties Loddon Pink and Posea, etc.

Lavender broadleaf, French, Stahad, Spanish(Lavandula stoechas)

  • Growth area: Mediterranean.
  • Flowering period: July August.
  • Color spectrum: purple (blue, pink) flowers, green leaves.
  • Height: up to 1.5 m.
  • Growing conditions: loose non-acidic soil, moderate watering, sunny place.
  • Peculiarities: evergreen subshrub, high content of essential oils, valuable as a raw material for the perfume industry, needs to be carried in winter warm place(will withstand at least -14 0 C, therefore it is often grown as a pot culture.

The photo collage shows a far from complete list. hybrid varieties broadleaf lavender. All of them are unusually beautiful, some even frost-resistant. But most of them are still grown as potted crops.


Since lavender is a heat-loving plant, it is afraid of freezing of the root system. The greatest danger in our latitudes lies in wait for lavender on elevated areas and slopes. There, water does not linger, which means that the earth remains dry and unprotected from frost.

pruning - milestone formation beautiful bush. In the spring, all dried parts are removed that did not let the lateral processes. In summer, at the peak of flowering, flowers and part of the foliage are cut off in order to prepare raw materials from them.

If you plan to get seeds, then pruning is transferred to the end of August-beginning of September, when the seeds ripen.

In any case, the plant must be pruned before wintering, this procedure will make the lavender bush lush. You will receive the result in the next season.


Lavender lends itself well to shaping. Round-shaped tapeworms are grown from it, as well as live borders.

combination of lavender and natural stone as natural as sea and sand.

Places of rest are framed with lavender: patios, lounge areas, areas with benches. Its place is not only in the ground, but also in container gardens on the terrace or in front of the house. Herb garden, lawn framing, rockeries, in general, it is difficult to say where it is inappropriate to plant lavender.

Only shady and wet places are not suitable for lavender.


Lavender is a great specimen for a Mediterranean or landscape garden. It is drought-resistant and quite unpretentious, as well as decorative throughout the year.

In addition, this plant is a "long-liver": in one place without transplantation and division it can grow up to 25 years.

Perfect garden plant :)

As a contrasting partner in the flower garden, you can plant a soft cuff with lavender, and frame fragrant curtains with caustic stonecrop. The contrast of yellow and blue (purple) will create a very bright composition.

Such a combination (pictured above) of the simultaneous flowering of lavender and decorative onions is possible only in the case of tub content. AT vivo lavender blooms just as the allium has withered.

Lavender looks great in huge arrays, in which plantings of different shades of this amazing plant are combined in a large space.

Planted at the foot of rose bushes, lavender will not only not be lost against the backdrop of the queen of flowers, but will also emphasize her beauty. In this case, this cooperation is mutually beneficial.


Seed propagation of lavender will allow you to get a young flowering bush only in the second year of development.

In this case, the material must necessarily pass either in natural conditions (pre-winter sowing) or in the refrigerator (sowing time - February) Without this procedure, the seeds will also sprout (subject to sowing in open ground in early June and maintaining moderate humidity), but germination will be very low.

In May, the seedlings are moved to the school.

By autumn, the sprout will develop into a small green bush - just a few branches. However, he will quite cope with the winter frosts if he winters under the shelter of a snow cover.

Reproduction of lavender by cuttings gives the greatest productivity in a relatively short period of time. This is how new individuals are obtained in nurseries.

For cuttings, young semi-woody twigs up to 10 cm long are harvested. The lower part of the leaves is removed. Soil for rooting is bought with ordinary peat (for seedlings) - the land from the garden is not good. The cuttings are immersed in the substrate to a depth of 4 cm, sprinkled with a layer of sand, covered with a film.

Procedure time: end of June - beginning of July. The greenhouse is periodically ventilated, the optimum air temperature is not higher than +25. In a month, the roots will develop, and the top will start to grow. This is a signal - it's time to transplant into separate containers.

The disadvantage of this method is the regular monitoring of soil moisture, temperature and degree of illumination. It is not suitable for busy people.

Most lazy way guaranteed receipt of new bushes - layering. The lower branches are bent and pinned to the ground in the spring, and the next year the rooted cuttings are separated from the mother bush and planted in a new place. This is how I recommend propagating lavender to amateur gardeners.

The division of an adult lavender bush is possible, but it is fraught with the death of the divisions. This is because an adult plant does not tolerate a transplant. If you are ready to nurse the transplanted bushes, you can try. From a bush divided into three parts (the procedure was carried out in early spring), only two survived. Therefore, I prefer to grow lavender using the natural stratification method.

The best age to transplant lavender is the second year of development. A good time is the beginning of the growing season. The seedling is immediately planted in a permanent place - a subsequent transplant is undesirable. An adult should be transplanted carefully, with a large clod of earth and preferably with the use of root preparations.

The optimal distance between plants is about 80 cm. For several years, one bush will occupy a fairly large volume.

A seedling with a closed root system (in a container) can be planted in the ground at any time of the year, but no later than September. Mandatory condition: careful transfer from the container to the hole and subsequent control of soil moisture for a month.

For many gardeners, planting and caring for lavender outdoors is considered a difficult topic to talk about, but if you approach this issue thoroughly, then growing this flower in the garden should not cause any difficulties.

We will deal with the nuances of planting and caring for lavender in our article.


Lavender is a rather small plant, up to 60 centimeters high. Belongs to the Lamiaceae family, does not drop leaves for the winter. The stem is slightly bent to the edges and covered with bloom.

Blue or purple flowers grow at the top of the main shoot, the shape of these inflorescences resembles a spikelet.

Popular varieties and types

English or narrow-leaved lavender is a chic shrub that can reach one meter in diameter. The leaves of this plant are small, rather narrow, Green colour with a gray tint.

The flowering of the described culture is observed from early to mid-summer. The variety can be successfully grown even by inexperienced gardeners, it perfectly tolerates drought and freezing temperatures.

English lavender

The second variety, French broadleaf lavender is the ancestor of all famous varieties. The inflorescences of this culture may have various shades, but their aroma is not always pleasant.

Note: At the moment, about 30 varieties of lavender are known, but only a few varieties are used for cultivation in the garden.

A hybrid variety of the described flower, bred by Dutch breeders. The inflorescences of this culture have a maximum diameter, the height of the bush can reach two meters. This hybrid is derived from the two previous varieties. Dutch variety blooms in July, has limited frost resistance.

jagged lavender

by the most beautiful variety is jagged lavender. The development of this plant is badly affected by negative temperatures, so it is grown indoors, on balconies or loggias. The variety is distinguished by large inflorescences that have a purple hue.

Landing in open ground

Site selection and preparation

When choosing a place for the described flower, preference should be given to areas well-lit by the sun. It is not recommended to place the plant under the shade of trees or near buildings.

The culture in question is undemanding to the composition of the soil, but it does not like highly moistened and heavy soils. It is best to land on sandy ground or sandy loam. In the presence of heavy soil, sand is added to its composition, and the ratio of natural and artificial soil is taken in equal proportions.

It is important to know: before you start planting lavender in the garden, you need to choose the right variety that is adapted to local climatic conditions. This moment is given special importance, the culture should feel good in a particular region, which will prevent possible diseases.

At high level ground water for withdrawal excess moisture organize drainage from pieces of brick or expanded clay with the addition of sand. Special attention give, the norm is 6.5-8 pH. If the soil does not meet the specified parameters, lime or wood ash is added to its composition. After carrying out all the necessary preparatory procedures, you can dig the site.


The most popular ways to propagate lavender are cuttings or cuttings, although some gardeners practice the method of dividing the bush.

The seed method of reproduction of the described flower is considered one of the most time-consuming. In this case, the plant is obtained from seedlings. The technology for obtaining seedlings consists of several stages:

  1. To prepare a nutrient substrate, mix two shares of humus with one volumetric part of sand. For disinfection, the soil is calcined in the oven or spilled with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate.
  2. Sowing seeds for seedlings occurs in late February or early March.
  3. After sowing, containers or individual cups are placed in a shaded place, the soil is moistened with a flower sprayer. Cover the container to speed up germination. polyethylene film or glass.
  4. After the seeds germinate, the pots are placed on a sunny windowsill.


Lavender seedlings are most often used in regions with difficult climatic conditions. In addition, sowing the seeds of the described flower in open ground is practiced, but such procedures must be carried out at the end of May.

This period also applies to planting seedlings. AT southern regions in our country, sowing seeds can be carried out in autumn period around the middle of October.

Advice: the depth of sowing of lavender seeds is 2-3 centimeters, while tall plants are placed on the site every 1.2 meters, undersized - every 80 centimeters.

Planting seedlings in open ground is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Holes are made in the garden, the size of which corresponds to the earthen coma of seedlings;
  • One plant is placed in each of the recesses;
  • The roots of the flowers are covered with dry soil, and the root collar should remain under the layer of earth by about 4 centimeters;
  • Water the seedlings with warm water.

How to care

Further development of the plant will depend on the correct care. Watering the crop is carried out as the soil dries, as excess moisture can cause plant root rot.

The lack of moisture in the soil is also negatively perceived by the culture, so watering should be moderate.

The first dressing is applied two weeks after planting the seedlings. To prepare the nutrient mixture, 10 grams of nitrogen-containing fertilizers are dissolved in a bucket of water and the plants are watered. The second time the crops are fed with complex mineral fertilizers during flowering.

With the advent of spring, as well as autumn, flower bushes need to be spudded and trimmed. According to experts, the shortening of the shoots contributes to the formation of new pagons and continues the life of the culture.

Good to know: using fallen leaves of fruit trees to protect lavender from frost can cause root rot, so this material is not recommended.

Pruning is also done after the flowering of lavender, and all dried inflorescences must be removed. It is necessary to completely thin out the bush only in the autumn, leaving four or five new shoots to winter. In the case when the flower remains to winter in the garden, it must be covered with needles to protect it from the cold.

Pests and diseases

The described flower almost does not get sick, and pests do not attack it so often. The most popular disease of the described flower is gray rot.

You can prevent the further development of this disease by pruning the damaged parts of the plant, after which they are taken out of the garden plot and burned.

You can get rid of pennits by watering the plants with a jet of water. The rainbow beetle is destroyed with chemicals protection.


One of the main ways is considered to be the reproduction of lavender using cuttings. Several cuttings from 8 to 10 centimeters long are cut from the main stem in June and placed in a jar of water or a special moistened substrate prepared from sand and peat in equal amounts.

A good result can be achieved when the flower is propagated by layering. First you need to dig a small depression near the bush and lay a young branch there, and part of the plant should rise above the soil.

So that the shoot does not spring, its position is fixed with a metal pin or stone. You can separate a new plant in the fall when it gets colder.

The easiest way to propagate lavender is considered to be dividing the bush. This method is used for biennial plants. In spring, the bush must be divided into several parts with the same number of roots. After that, pruning and watering of the crop is carried out.

Medicinal properties and contraindications

AT folk medicine Lavender is used as a sleep aid and to prevent seizures. Preparations based on this plant relieve toothache, help people who have had a stroke. With the help of raw materials taken from lavender, the following diseases can be cured:

  • heart diseases;
  • jaundice;
  • gout;
  • muscle pain;
  • nervous disorders;
  • indigestion;
  • prostration;
  • dizziness.

Interesting fact: in some people, applying lavender oil to the skin can cause flushing or swelling. To check the body's perception, a drop of this substance is rubbed around the elbow and the skin reaction is checked.

A bunch of useful components included in inflorescences. They are present in tinctures and essential oil, flowers are added to baths to treat a wide variety of ailments, and tea is also made from them.

Plant in garden landscape design

The flower in question is ideal for decorating a garden. This culture has a wonderful aroma, has many colors and shades, from pink to lilac. One of the most popular ways to use lavender in landscape design is to plant the flower along the garden paths which makes it possible to divide the territory into several zones.

On horizontal surfaces, lavender is planted in squares in a checkerboard pattern.

Another way to decorate the garden involves the use of a carpet of these plants. In this case, it is necessary to constantly trim the bushes to the required height.

Growing lavender makes it possible not only to decorate the garden. This plant is unpretentious in care, and its flowers are not only beautiful, but also have medicinal properties.

How to grow lavender in your area, see the advice of an experienced gardener in the following video:
