Cancer cells in the intestine. The distinctive nature of pain in bowel cancer

Colon cancer is a cancer that develops in the large or small intestine. In other words, a tumor of a malignant nature is formed in the area of ​​the intestinal mucosa. Despite the fact that the neoplasm is more often manifested in the large intestine, there are cases when it is localized in the rectum, colon, sigmoid and caecum. Today, among many oncological diseases, intestinal cancer is considered the most common and frequent. It most often affects people over the age of forty. Based on statistics, this oncological disease ranks second after lung cancer in men, while in women, after breast and lung cancer, it ranks third. With age, the risk of developing bowel cancer increases by several percent.

Causes that provoke the appearance of the disease

Symptoms of bowel cancer can easily be confused with signs of stomach cancer. Accurate diagnosis will allow you to prescribe the correct and timely treatment, thereby increasing the chances of a full recovery.

Signs of bowel cancer can appear in people who often eat meat products, fats, abuse alcohol and smoking, and are overweight. Indeed, for the normal functioning of all organs in the body, fiber is needed, which is found in legumes, whole grains, vegetables and fruits, nuts and berries. Fiber-rich foods are especially beneficial for overweight people as they help burn fat while reducing the risk of disease.

Not the last place in the development of the disease is occupied by the genetic factor. The risk of developing a malignant tumor is much higher in a person whose relatives suffer from bowel cancer from generation to generation, especially if the disease manifests itself in youth.

The causes of the manifestation of a cancerous tumor may be some diseases: adenomatous polyposis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, inflammatory intestinal diseases. The symptoms of the disease appear spontaneously.

To date, the main cause of this oncological disease has not been fully studied, although scientists do not exclude that the above factors have a great influence on the development of the tumor.

Signs that determine bowel cancer

The first sign of bowel cancer is a tumor that is localized in a certain part of it. In the case of the development of a malignant neoplasm, pathological changes occur, the work of not only the diseased organ, but the whole organism is disrupted. The result is a general clinical picture of the disease. The signs of bowel cancer depend on whether a tumor develops in the left or right section.

Tumor that develops on the right side of the intestine

Early signs of bowel cancer on the right side are expressed by loss of appetite, anemia, general weakness of the body. Anemia is observed most often in patients in whom tumor development occurs in the caecum and ascending colon. The first sign of bowel cancer is aching and paroxysmal pain, radiating to the area of ​​the right side of the abdomen. The pain appears indistinctly, but quite regularly. Sometimes intoxication can be observed, expressed by general fatigue of the body and loss of appetite. Often the patient does not pay attention to such symptoms, and does not even assume the seriousness of the disease, so he postpones visiting a doctor. It should be clarified, however, that weight loss does not always indicate bowel cancer. In very rare cases, symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, belching, dryness, and bad taste in the mouth can indicate a serious illness. One of the important signs indicating cancer is elevated body temperature. If it does not decrease for a long time, then it is urgent to consult a doctor and take an x-ray.

Development of a tumor in the left side of the intestine

If the tumor is localized on the left side, then the signs of colon cancer will be somewhat different, more complex, in contrast to the symptoms that appear on the right side. The patient complains of constant constipation, difficulty in removing feces, and bloating. There is frequent alternation of loose stools with constipation, through narrowing and relaxation of the lumen of the colon. Excretion of feces occurs with great difficulty, often with blood and mucus, accompanied by painful sensations.

Symptoms and development of cancer in the small intestine

Since scientists still cannot say what signs of small intestine cancer are observed in the first place, the patient goes to the doctor's office already with symptoms. When examining a patient, the doctor notes that the tumor has been progressing for a long time and begins to grow in the tissues. If some patients may experience vomiting, bloating, nausea, weight loss during the disease, then others do not show such symptoms at all. Well, the tumor at this time progresses more and more, grows in adjacent organs and becomes noticeable only when the patient begins to feel aching pains in the abdomen. With sarcoma, bleeding in the intestines can occur.

How do bowel cancer symptoms differ in men and women?

When the tumor begins to grow into the walls of the intestine and spreads to other organs nearby, then the disease manifests itself with somewhat different symptoms. Signs of bowel cancer in men and women with this course are practically the same. Later, if the tumor progresses and spreads to neighboring organs, then in men the prostate is affected first, and in women the vagina, the rectal space and anal canal are also affected. At the same time, the patient begins to be disturbed by severe pains in the anus, coccyx, sacrum, lumbar region, men feel difficulty during urination.

The fact is that in men, a cancerous tumor of the intestine begins to germinate in the tissues of the bladder, manifesting itself as a strong increase in temperature and a manifestation of an ascending infection of the urethra.

How is bowel cancer different from stomach cancer?

The initial signs of cancer of the stomach and intestines are very similar to each other, they are difficult to distinguish, as a result, a correct diagnosis can be made only after a thorough examination of the patient, x-rays and appropriate tests. Both diseases are quite common in oncology.

Usually, patients suffering from stomach cancer do not even know about it for a very long time and go to the doctor only when the symptoms become noticeable and painful. Signs of cancer of the stomach and intestines are very similar to each other. A tumor of the intestine usually appears in the same place as a tumor of the stomach, while the patient has similar symptoms of the disease. Common symptoms include vomiting, nausea, pain in the chest, heart, between the shoulder blades, an unpleasant odor and taste in the mouth, and a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen. The patient may lose weight, he has no appetite, general weakness, anemia manifests itself, urination is complicated, there are traces of blood in the feces. Since bowel cancer has almost the same signs and symptoms as stomach cancer, the examination of the patient must be approached with all care and seriousness.

Intestinal cancer: examination of the patient

In order to correctly diagnose and not confuse the disease with stomach cancer, it is necessary to carefully study the patient's tests, symptoms and the nature of the course of the disease. Pale skin and anemia are commonly associated symptoms of colon cancer when the right side of the colon is affected. Much later, increased intestinal motility is detected, in rare cases, you can even feel the tumor itself.

Investigations that need to be done to determine the oncological disease

A blood test often helps to notice the initial signs of bowel cancer. Sometimes it is possible to detect anemia in a patient, an increased rate of leukocytes. Of course, deviations in the general blood test do not always indicate an oncological disease. Therefore, it is best to conduct an appropriate study in clinical laboratories. If the disease progresses and is in the third stage of development, then the tumor can be easily felt by palpation. To detect a malignant tumor, it is imperative to take a biopsy and pass smears for a cytological examination. In the absence of a tumor during palpation, intestinal cancer can be detected using ultrasound.

How to treat bowel cancer

Having found the first signs of bowel cancer, the doctor, as a rule, prescribes an operation as the main treatment, during which the tumor itself and the tissues that are around it, the nearest lymphatic glands, are removed. Until recently, during surgery, men had a risk of damage to the nerve endings of the genital organs, but today, thanks to modern methods and the latest technologies, this can be successfully avoided. Colon cancer of the first and second stage is effectively treated with surgery and specially designed diets. Only in the case of a disease in the fourth stage of cancer development, the intervention of chemotherapy is inevitable.

Cancer prevention

Of course, observing the measures to prevent bowel cancer, one cannot be one hundred percent sure that a malignant tumor will not manifest itself again, but it is better to be safe than risk ignoring the doctor's recommendations. As a preventive measure, you need to fill your diet with foods rich in fiber, fruits, vegetables, bran, try to consume up to two liters of fresh water daily. To cleanse the body, it is necessary from time to time to eat boiled rice and apples, beans, nuts, prunes, cereals. Try to follow this diet for at least two months. Do not drink drinks containing alcohol.


Oncological diseases are characterized by a high mortality rate. The number of cancer patients is constantly increasing, and the age of those affected by cancer is decreasing. In order not to miss the time for treatment, it is important to know what signs are characterized by bowel cancer at an early stage, where neoplasms are more common (in the large or small intestine), what are the risk groups.

What is bowel cancer

This is an oncological disease that develops as a malignant degeneration of the mucous membranes (glandular epithelium) of the intestine. Cancerous tumors of the small and caecum are rare, so colorectal cancer is commonly called oncological disease of the intestine. This definition refers to the two parts of the large intestine: the colon (colon) and the rectum (rectum).


There are no characteristic symptoms inherent only in malignant neoplasms of the intestine. The clinical picture is characterized by a variety of manifestations and is similar to other diseases. Signs of bowel cancer in men, women and children do not differ. When a tumor affects the integrity of the mucous membranes of the intestinal walls. Due to the ingestion of intestinal contents into the blood, a number of clinical symptoms of intoxication of the body are observed:

  • increased body temperature;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • pain in the joints;
  • pallor, anemia due to loss of blood through the capillaries in the walls of the intestine;
  • violation of the heart rhythm and breathing.

Due to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the intestinal walls, a violation of its functions occurs. There is a clinical picture resembling inflammatory pathologies or dysentery. This stage of the disease is characterized by common symptoms of bowel cancer in women, men and children:

  • diarrhea and constipation;
  • bloating at the site of the tumor due to the formation of gases due to rotting food, rumbling;
  • pain after eating due to impaired intestinal motility;
  • the presence in the feces of impurities of blood, mucus, pus.

As the disease develops, ulcers appear on the membranes of the colon, irritation of pain receptors, and metastases may appear. At this stage of the disease, symptoms of an intestinal tumor join the previous ones, which resemble indigestion, inflammation of the appendix, pancreas:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • severe pain in the abdomen;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • belching.

If adhesions occur in the intestinal lumen, intestinal obstruction occurs, the patient has signs of peptic ulcer: severe pain after eating, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen that does not go away after emptying the intestines, constipation. Signs of the development of intestinal oncology in adults and children are shown in the table:

First symptoms

For successful treatment of malignant neoplasms, it is important to determine the presence of a primary tumor. During the development of intestinal oncology in a patient, the first signs of intestinal cancer at an early stage appear:

Increase in body temperature;

Stomach ache;

Weakness, fatigue;

Paleness of the skin;

weight loss;

The stool becomes dark in color, it contains mucus and blood.


The origin of oncology is not fully understood. It is believed that malignant cells appear in place of normal ones in case of loss of antiblastoma resistance (resistance to oncocells) by the body. The role of protection is performed by cellular anti-oncogenes and killer cells. As a result of the mutation, the anti-oncogene degenerates into an oncogene, which is responsible for the formation of cancer cells. Individuals at risk for the disease:

  • with congenital antioncogene deficiency;
  • when exposed to a viral oncogene (herpesvirus, papillomavirus, retrovirus);
  • as a result of exposure to a carcinogen (chemical, physical).

It is believed that the following risk factors contribute to the occurrence of malignant tumors:

  • the predominance of solid animal fats in the diet, the absence or slight intake of fiber;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • smoking;
  • obesity;
  • prolonged use of antibiotics, exposure to asbestos;
  • the presence of polyps;
  • genetic predisposition.

In children

Oncological pathology of the colon and small intestine in childhood is rare. There is an unconfirmed hypothesis that the development of intestinal cancer in a child is possible after infection with carcinogenic bacteria. More often, cancer is detected in children whose parents have intestinal malignant neoplasms. Intestinal carcinoma can develop in a child after chronic gastritis.

How much develops

Mostly, bowel cancer develops from polyposis. The degeneration of polyps into a malignant tumor is a long process, sometimes it takes from 5 to 10 years. For a long time, cancer cells can be on the surface of the intestinal walls, without penetrating deep into. It should be remembered that late forms of cancer are more difficult to treat than at the initial stage.


Determining the degree of development of the disease is important for finding a treatment method. It is customary to distinguish the following stages of the disease:

  1. First stage. Cancer is a small mobile formation in the mucous membrane and submucosal layer. Lymph nodes are not affected, there are no metastases.
  2. Second stage. From the presented images in the photo it can be seen that the size of the tumor at this stage of the disease is from one third to half the diameter of the intestine. Lymph nodes may be damaged, but tissue metastases are not observed.
  3. Third stage. The neoplasm is characterized by a size of more than half the diameter of the intestine, extends beyond the walls of the intestine. The tumor affects the lymph nodes, but there are no distant metastases. Sometimes internal intestinal adhesions are formed with other organs, obstruction of the small or large intestine is observed. When the lymph nodes are damaged along the bloodstream, cancer cells spread throughout the body.
  4. Fourth stage. It is characterized by the presence of metastases, often in the liver.

How to check the intestines for cancer

Early diagnosis increases the chances of recovery. If intestinal oncology is suspected, a blood and stool test is prescribed. With intestinal oncology, a reduced level of hemoglobin and occult blood in the stool are found. The following diagnostic methods help to identify the tumor:

  • sigmoidoscopy (to examine the walls of the intestine to a depth of 30 cm);
  • colonoscopy (to examine a section of the intestine 1 meter long);
  • irrigoscopy (X-ray examination of the entire intestine after the introduction of a radioactive isotope);
  • Ultrasound and MRI (to detect the location of metastases).

Is bowel cancer curable

To fight cancer, it is important to recognize intestinal cancer at an early stage. In medicine, there are separate methods for the successful treatment of cancer without metastasis and for tumors that are accompanied by metastases. Sometimes, with extensive damage, measures are aimed at alleviating the symptoms of the disease, but under modern conditions, remission can be achieved even in severe cases.


With the timely detection of intestinal oncology, only surgical treatment can be dispensed with. In the absence of lesions in the excised nearby lymph nodes, treatment procedures are not prescribed. In other cases, the following schemes apply:

  1. To eliminate the remaining malignant cells in the body, chemotherapy is prescribed when the affected lymph nodes are found after the operation.
  2. If a large tumor is detected, chemicals are used before surgery to reduce the number of cancer cells and make the operation easier.
  3. Radiotherapy is used for advanced cancer to shrink tumors and reduce pain.


Treatment with this method is carried out in several stages. One cycle of chemotherapy lasts from one to several months. Patients are prescribed pills or intravenous administration of the drug, during treatment, patients may not be distracted from their usual activities. During chemotherapy, patients experience: nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea, mouth ulcers, hair loss.

Radiation therapy

The course of treatment with irradiation lasts from one to two months. For patients, radiotherapy is painless, but has side effects. During the procedures, patients experience: reddening of the skin, hemorrhages at the site of irradiation, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, hair loss. After the end of the course, the side effects disappear.

Surgery to remove a tumor in the intestine

Surgery is the main treatment for intestinal tumors. The technique of the operation depends on the stage of the disease and the part of the intestine in which the malignant neoplasm is located:

  1. In the early stages, the tumor and lymph nodes around it are removed.
  2. With an extensive oncological lesion, a section of the intestine is removed and a colostomy is formed - the intestinal opening is brought out to the stomach. In colon cancer, surgeons seek to restore the passage through the digestive tract.
  3. When intestinal obstruction is detected due to the large size of the tumor, surgery is used to create bypass anastomoses.


In the absence of metastases and lesions of the lymph nodes after removal of the tumor, the recurrence of the disease can be avoided. In more advanced cases, after surgical and conservative measures, cancer recurrence is possible. In the presence of metastases after surgery and chemotherapy, 30% of patients continue to live for 5 years. For five years, the percentage of survival after treatment is:

  • 99% for the first stage;
  • 85% for the second;
  • 65% for the third.


To prevent the appearance of malignant neoplasms, it is necessary to eat foods containing fiber (vegetables, fruits), reduce the intake of fatty foods and alcohol, stop smoking, and be regularly examined for the presence of blood in the stool. It is important not to hesitate to remove polyps when they are found. Persons over 40 years of age and those whose relatives had oncology or polyps should definitely be checked by a gastroenterologist.


Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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The first signs and symptoms of intestinal oncology - stages, diagnostic methods, treatment and prevention

Colon cancer, oddly enough, is one of the most common ailments in the population of our planet. Out of 100,000 people, this disease is diagnosed in 9-10 people. The malignant formation itself can affect several sections of the intestine at once, which is why the disease proceeds in a rather severe form, especially in the last stages. Let's not forget about the diagnosis of bowel cancer.


Unfortunately, there is no exact knowledge about the causes of cancerous tumors in the intestines, as in other oncology, and there are only illusory assumptions, as well as statistics that can indicate the risk of a particular group of people. Here are the most common causes of bowel cancer:

  • Food and nutrition- when a person eats improperly and consumes more protein and fatty foods, then stagnation of feces or partial blockage can be created in the intestines, which can create an unfavorable environment. The intestine itself can be mechanically damaged in this case. The risk of developing cancer with such factors increases.
  • genetic predisposition- scientists still blame it on the genes, so if there are patients with this type of cancer in the family, then there is a risk of the same disease in the descendants.
  • Various diseases- such as the presented adenoma, polyps, Crohn's disease and various ulcerative colitis. These diseases often become precancerous and later carry more severe consequences. If the treatment of these diseases is delayed or the patient is not treated for them, then a favorable environment for the occurrence of cancer is created in the intestines. Polyps that appear in the intestines are tumor benign neoplasms, but later, if they are not removed, they can turn into a tumor. Many patients who have gluten intolerance are at risk of developing cancer from excessive consumption of this substance.

Forms of bowel cancer by tissue type

  • squamous
  • Adenocarcinomas
  • cricoid cell
  • Colloidal

Clinical picture of bowel cancer

Like any cancer, intestinal cancer needs to be diagnosed at the earliest stages, but often patients begin to be treated for the wrong disease because of the first symptoms. Because of this, they lose a lot of time, and later oncology of the intestine enters a new stage, and it is already much more difficult to treat it.

That is why the most important thing is to understand the pathology and detect cancer as early as possible. The cancer itself can be located anywhere in the intestine, and, of course, the first and subsequent symptoms will greatly depend on the place of dislocation.

First signs

The worst thing is that in the first stages the patient practically does not feel anything, because of which he loses a large amount of time. There is a theory that the tumor itself, as well as malignant cells, releases a small amount of painkillers into neighboring tissues. Therefore, the patient at the very beginning does not feel anything. But there are several syndromes that can indicate bowel cancer:

  1. Enterocolitis Syndrome- usually appears with cancer in the left side of the colon or cecum. At the same time, fermentation of the food coma appears, the process of fecal masses itself is disturbed, constant bloating, long constipation, which can then abruptly be replaced by diarrhea.
  2. Stenosis- here, usually the cancer itself goes into the stage when the neoplasm clogs the intestine itself and interferes with the passage of feces. Then it becomes difficult for the patient to go to the toilet, constipation appears quite often. Bloating and severe pain in the abdomen, and colic. The pain of bowel cancer itself immediately disappears after the act of defecation.
  3. Dyspeptic syndrome- usually accompanied by vomiting, constant nausea, painful and severe heartburn, as well as a constant bitter taste in the mouth. The syndrome is associated with the fact that with cancers, the digestive process is disturbed.
  4. Pseudospastic- the sheets of the peritoneum become inflamed, which causes a strong falling temperature, severe pain in the abdomen, intoxication occurs due to which the person constantly feels bad and quickly gets tired.
  5. Cystitis - the cancer itself already deeply covers the tissues of the intestine and affects nearby organs: the bladder, uterus with ovaries in women. There are pains during urination, the appearance of blood in the urine, as well as blood and mucous discharge from the vagina.
  6. Other symptoms- Rapid fatigue and constant weakness throughout the body. Pale and very dry skin, drier and other mucous layers and membranes, body temperature constantly rises, chills, headache and dizziness, indigestion. Feeling of constant fullness of the intestines, even after the act of defecation. Blood in the stool or even bleeding from the anus, intestinal carcinoma may occur.

NOTE! Of course, general symptoms do not give precise instructions to the doctor, which is why you need to take tests and resort to a hardware examination of the sore spot.

Rectal cancer

As you probably know, the entire intestinal section is divided into the rectum, large and small intestine. It is from the localization of cancer that the symptoms that will manifest in the patient depend, and so it is easier for the doctor to determine exactly where the tumor has settled.

Bowel cancer symptoms:

  • Since the rectum is located next to the bladder, ovaries and uterus, in this case, these sections may be inflammatory. There may be incontinence, pain when urinating.
  • Constant false urges to go to the toilet and defecate, while in fact there is nothing. May appear even after the act of defecation.
  • Pus, mucus and even blood can be released from the anus.
  • Due to damage to the nerves by a malignant tumor, there may be severe pain in the lower abdomen, especially before the act of defecation.
  • If cancerous tissues have reached deep into the muscle fibers, then if they are severely damaged, it becomes impossible to retain feces and gases. Constant incontinence.
  • If the tumor is large, then it delays the stool, which causes severe intoxication of the body, pain in the head, nausea, vomiting, and pain in the abdomen.

colon cancer

Manifestations of bowel cancer:

  • When a dull and aching pain begins under the ribs in the left or right side. The lining of the large intestine is affected.
  • Bloating, constant seething, loose stools.
  • Intestinal obstruction, at 2-3 stages of cancer development, when severe pain, nausea and vomiting appear. Moreover, the vomit may contain feces.
  • Ascites accumulates in the abdominal cavity - this is a fluid that, due to excess, can affect the functioning of all organs.

Small intestine

Symptoms of small intestine cancer:

  • Abundant blood in the stool, then the stool has a dark color.
  • Changes in taste and smell, severe spasms in the intestines to pain, nausea and vomiting with heartburn.
  • Loss of appetite and aversion to food.
  • Constant pain that changes location anywhere in the abdomen.

Usually, the doctor prescribes a strict diet in this case, and if the symptoms persist, then the patient is already sent for a more detailed analysis and examination of the diagnosis.

Different signs in women and men

In women, due to the proximity of the rectum and uterus, there are severe pain during urination, as well as a certain syndrome, when cancer cells grow into the uterus and feces from the intestine and blood may appear in the urine when urinating.

In men, usually malignant cells spread to the prostate gland, because of which it swells up and it becomes more difficult to go to the toilet "in a small way", and severe pain may appear.

In children

In a child, the symptoms themselves appear in approximately the same way as in adults. At the very beginning, there are practically no symptoms. But later, you can find a deterioration in appetite, rapid weight loss, fatigue and severe weakness.

After the cancer enters a new stage, it appears: loose stools with blood, nausea and vomiting, belching, and abdominal pain. Unfortunately, but at the same time, many doctors mistakenly treat the child not for cancer, but for inflammation, and for some time the child becomes better, but the disease does not go anywhere, but only progresses.

Stages of bowel cancer

Bowel cancer has 5 stages. Unfortunately, but without any strong symptoms, stages 2 and 3 are observed. When the end of stage 3 and the beginning of stage 4 comes, the patient develops severe abdominal pain. Moreover, the pain is so severe that the patient usually goes to the doctor.

Unfortunately, by the third stage, tumor cells metastasize, which makes it much more difficult for doctors to treat the neoplasm itself.

Zero stage

This usually happens after precancerous diseases, when cells accumulate in the intestine, which can divide rapidly, but are not yet a tumor. In the process, these cells can, due to various favorable factors, become cancerous and turn into the first stage.

NOTE! Not every stage zero turns into cancer, it all depends on the patient himself: diet, alcohol consumption, smoking, as well as environmental and other factors. Since at this stage there are no differences from other diseases in terms of symptoms, in 30% of cases these cells develop into cancer.

First stage

Cancer cells are just beginning to grow in the walls of the intestine, while metastases do not yet appear and cancerous tissues do not spread to neighboring organs. Usually there is no symptom at this stage, but there may be a slight upset or diarrhea.

Second stage

The tumor itself grows profusely and expands to the entire depth of the intestine, up to the muscle tissue. Small but infrequent pain may appear. Metastasis has not started yet.

Third stage

Regional lesions appear when a malignant tumor grows so much that it even gives rise to nearby tissues, lymph nodes, etc.

Fourth stage

Metastases cover adjacent organs. The tumor can completely block the intestinal passage, which is why intoxication begins, both from the vital activity of the cancerous tumor itself and from stale feces. As a result of severe intoxication, work can be severely disrupted and other organs affected.


Basically, metastases of a cancerous tumor of the intestine affect:

  • Liver
  • ovaries
  • adrenal glands
  • prostate gland
  • abdominal space
  • Bladder
  • Pelvic organs
  • Pancreas
  • Lungs
  • Stomach

If the oncology itself is at the last stage, and there is extensive liver damage, then the prognosis for the patient is not comforting, since the survival rate drops to 5%. The maximum life expectancy is 6-9 months.

This is understandable, it all depends on the size of the cancerous tumor, as well as on the area of ​​liver damage. However, with proper treatment, the patient has a chance to live 2-3 years.


The very first and, probably, the simplest method is the delivery of feces for analysis. Even the minimum content of blood in it can further diagnose bowel cancer. It is clear that the diagnosis itself takes place in a complex to identify the exact focus of the disease, as well as the approximate stage and size of the tumor.

NOTE! Older people should have a complete bowel examination once a year.


  • SA 242
  • Sa 72-4
  • Tu M2-PK

NOTE! Remember that tumor markers do not show the presence of a malignant tumor by 100%, so it is worth doing tests several times at intervals of 10 days, and with a positive result, resort to more accurate diagnostic methods.

Colonoscopy or retromanoscopy

This procedure allows the doctor to see the condition of the tissues and the organ itself - the intestines, and, if necessary, even take a sample for analysis. Later, the sample itself is biopsied for a more accurate diagnosis.

For patients who are at risk, it is necessary to undergo a routine examination once a year, of course, the procedure is not very pleasant, but this will help to identify the tumor at an early stage and defeat it.


Very often, patients refuse the previous method, due to a psychological barrier. That is why intestinal irrigoscopy is often used, when a special solution is injected into it with the help of an enema, which stains the intestinal walls well on x-rays and allows you to see various neoplasms even in the early stages and stages before metastasis.


With the help of research data, one can not only determine the location of the tumor, but also the size, stage, and even the approximate growth rate. It is even possible to see the degree of germination of cancer cells in the intestinal walls and already understand how to treat the patient.


NOTE! Remember that the treatment of colon cancer with folk methods will in no way be able to save you from a cancerous tumor. Usually healing herbs that grandmothers usually advise just hide some of the symptoms and make the disease not so unpleasant. But the growth of cancer cells does not slow down. So in any case, you will have to see a doctor.

The most important thing in the treatment of any cancer is timely diagnosis and proper subsequent treatment. Of course, there are also cases of recovery in the later stages, even after metastases, but unfortunately the percentage of survivors is greatly reduced.


This is usually the best way at stage 1 or 2, when metastases have not yet begun. Then a piece of the intestine is simply removed, and the healthy ends are fused and the person can safely go to the toilet.

If there are more malignant formations, then in this case most of the intestine is usually cut out, and the healthy end is brought out and a colostomy is applied. In this case, the patient feels severe discomfort and possible pain.

Chemotherapy and radiation

Usually this therapy occurs in the last stages, when surgical intervention is not possible. Then, using these techniques, it is possible to reduce the rate of tumor growth and prevent metastasis. True, the side effects of the technique are very strong and unpleasant: up to hair loss all over the body.

Life expectancy of patients

How long do colon cancer patients live?

  • The patient can survive with a probability of 90 to 95% in the first stage.
  • In the second stage of deep organ damage - 57-83%. It is much easier to cure cancer at this stage than at subsequent ones, although the organ is badly damaged.

Bowel cancer occurs equally often in both men and women - its feature is poor clinical symptoms in the early stages of the disease. It is for this reason that a severe diagnosis is determined only at stages 3-4, when the possibilities of medicine are very limited. Consider the first signs of bowel cancer, manifestations by stages and prognostic data.

Bowel cancer - what is it?

Intestinal cancer is a group of malignant neoplasms that appear in various parts of the large and small intestine and cause severe disruption of the digestive tract and other systems. Depending on the location of the tumor, there are:

  1. Cancer of the small intestine. It occurs quite rarely, in about 1-1.5% of cases of all oncological diseases of the digestive tract. Mostly elderly and senile people are ill, the disease affects men more often than women. Of all the departments of the small intestine, tumors prefer to be localized in the duodenum, less often in the jejunum and ileum.
  2. Colon cancer. The predominant number of tumors in this area is located in the sigmoid and rectum. Among people who prefer meat, pathology is observed more often than among vegetarians.

Contributing factors for the development of oncology are:

  • Precancerous diseases of the digestive system: adenomas, polyps, ulcerative colitis, ulcers, Crohn's disease and erosion.
  • Features of the diet: the predominance of spicy, fried, spicy and meat dishes. Limited intake of plant foods.
  • Genetic predisposition (familial adenomatous polyposis).
  • Chronic stool disorders (constipation).
  • Age.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Chemical carcinogens in food.

Stages of bowel cancer, photo

photo of cancer development by stages

All malignant formations in this area are divided into a number of stages, depending on the prevalence of the process and the presence of metastases.

There are 4 stages:

  • 1st stage. The tumor affects the mucosa and submucosa. There are no metastases.
  • 2nd stage. It is divided into 2 sub-stages:
    2a - the tumor does not grow into the muscle wall, there are no metastases, its prevalence is within half of the intestine;
    2b - grows into the intestinal wall, but does not go beyond it, there are no metastases.
  • 3rd stage. Has 2 substages:
    3a - grows into the muscle wall and captures the semicircle of the intestine, nearby lymph nodes are not affected;
    3b - there are many metastases in nearby lymph nodes.
  • Stage 4 - a large tumor, grows into the surrounding tissues, there are many regional and distant metastases.

In the international system, bowel cancer is classified according to the TNM system, where T is the size of the primary tumor, N is regional metastases, and M is distant metastases.

According to this classification, T1 - the tumor grows only to the submucosa, and T4 - grows into the serous and muscular membranes and passes to other organs and tissues; N1 - regional metastases in 1-3 lymph nodes, and N2 - in 4 or more; M0 - no distant metastases, M2 - yes.

Important! Assess the stage of cancer on the basis of data obtained as a result of examinations before, after and during surgery.

Determining the type, form and stage of cancer helps the doctor choose treatment tactics.

The first symptoms of bowel cancer develop very slowly. The clinical picture largely depends on the location of the tumor. Depending on the area affected, early bowel cancer symptoms may include:

1. If the small intestine is affected:

  • nausea, urge to vomit;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • bloating and flatulence;
  • weight loss;
  • appetite disorders;
  • weakness and fatigue.

2. If the large intestine is affected:

  • diarrhea, constipation;
  • bloating;
  • pain in the epigastrium;
  • loss of appetite;
  • weight remains normal or increases;
  • weakness, low-grade fever, symptoms of intoxication.

The main problem of cancerous tumors is the absence of specific symptoms in the early stages, so patients go to the doctor at stages 3-4, when treatment options are already limited.

development of symptoms according to cancer stages 1-3

With the progression of the tumor, severe manifestations of bowel cancer develop, which force the patient to seek help:

1. Oncology of the small intestine:

  • vomiting, weight loss;
  • intense pain in the abdomen;
  • with a gigantic tumor size, intestinal obstruction develops, which is characterized by repeated vomiting, bloating, dehydration;
  • with bowel torsion, necrosis and peritonitis develop;
  • if metastases penetrate the liver, jaundice may develop;
  • bleeding;
  • fluid in the abdominal cavity, etc.

Colon cancer symptoms:

  • stool problems: constipation, diarrhea;
  • digestive disorders: bloating, rumbling, flatulence;
  • blood in the stool - characteristic of rectal cancer;
  • severe pain in the abdomen;
  • weakness, weight loss;
  • tenesmus - false urge to defecate;
  • with the development of complications (inflammation, fistulas, abscesses), other symptoms join.

A complication of cancer can be abscesses and intestines with the development of peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum). In addition, pathological fistulas are often formed (between the intestines and the bladder or vagina), which significantly complicate the patient's life.

Colon cancer with metastases

This area is well and abundantly supplied with blood, therefore metastases can quickly appear in various organs and tissues. Most often, this cancer metastasizes through the portal vein system to the liver, but its cells can end up in the lungs, bones, and even the brain.

Metastases reduce the percentage of a patient's five-year survival rate, and can kill a person faster than the primary tumor itself. After the detection of distant metastases, the prognosis is very deplorable and the patient is promised from six months to a year of survival.

How long do people live with bowel cancer?

When a patient asks how long he has to live with stage 4 bowel cancer, there is no definite answer. Five-year survival in such patients ranges from 5-6%. For comparison, the prognosis for the detection and treatment of bowel cancer at stages 1-2 is 70%.

It all depends on the possibilities of medical treatment, the characteristics of the tumor and, to some extent, on the combination of circumstances.

How long do patients with metastases live? In the presence of distant metastases, the survival period is reduced to a year. And in the absence of metastases, most patients live over 3 years.

Important! In the absence of metastases, more than half of patients are cured of the disease.

Bowel cancer treatment

Treatment is chosen taking into account the stage and prevalence of the process. They prefer the surgical method in combination with radiation therapy. There are many options for surgery depending on the location of the tumor. Additionally, radiation therapy is carried out taking into account the histological type of the tumor.

In stage 4 cancer, palliative operations are performed (they alleviate the patient's condition): fecal fistulas or bypass anastomoses are applied with the development of intestinal obstruction. The patient at the 4th stage receives medications designed to alleviate his condition.

Chemotherapy is used for stage 4 cancer or for tumors that are sensitive to this method.

Preventive measures are the timely treatment of chronic inflammatory pathology. In addition, patients at risk are advised to adhere to proper nutrition, reduce the number of meat dishes and prevent the development of constipation.

Patients with precancerous diseases are subject to dispensary observation and must monitor their condition annually.

Intestinal cancer is a serious pathology, and if the patient is concerned about incomprehensible symptoms, you need to consult a doctor in a timely manner and deal with your health.

The exact causes of bowel cancer are unknown to medicine. There are a number of predisposing factors for the development of this disease. Let's consider some of them in detail.


Tumors are often the result of dietary errors. The nature of nutrition has the greatest impact on colon cancer, which is part of the large intestine. Increases the risk of developing malignant tumors food, consisting mainly of proteins and animal fats.

The lack of plant foods (vegetables and fruits) in the diet also negatively affects the condition of the intestines.

The risk of developing bowel cancer is increased in people who abuse alcohol.

Video: Food against colon cancer

hereditary predisposition

If a family history of bowel cancer has been recorded, the risk of the disease increases. Those whose closest relatives fell ill with intestinal tumors before the age of 45 are at additional risk.

People with a hereditary predisposition should be regularly examined in specialized clinics: this will help to identify cancer or precancerous conditions in time and prescribe a course of treatment.

Medicine has also identified 2 genetic conditions that increase the likelihood of bowel cancer:

  • the first condition is called hereditary adenomatosis polyposis, or HAP. In this condition, a large number of benign polyps are formed in the colon, which, under certain conditions, are capable of degenerating into malignant tumors;
  • the second condition is called HHRC, hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer. In the presence of the second type of genetic pathology, cancer can develop in several places in the intestine at once.

Precancerous diseases

Any damage to the mucous membrane can theoretically provoke the development of colon cancer. These diseases include: ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease (chronic inflammation of the digestive tract), duodenal ulcer.

Among other factors that affect the occurrence of colon cancer, there are:

  • smoking;
  • chronic constipation;
  • taking anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • elderly age;
  • overweight;
  • lack of motor activity (physical inactivity): the occurrence of cancer of the rectum and colon can be facilitated by sedentary work, in which the tone of smooth muscles decreases;
  • ethnic factor (the prevalence of the disease among the inhabitants of Eastern Europe is noted, which is caused by the peculiarities of nutrition in this region).


In the early stages, bowel cancer occurs without symptoms. Subsequent manifestations of the disease are nonspecific and may resemble signs of other gastrointestinal ailments.

Symptoms of bowel cancer include:

  • prolonged constipation, which alternate with diarrhea;
  • feeling of fullness or heaviness in the abdomen;
  • abdominal pain radiating to the lower back and perineum;
  • lack of appetite, aversion to certain types of food - for example, meat;
  • the appearance of blood in the stool;
  • prolonged temperature not higher than 37°C;
  • anemia (weakness, dizziness, decreased performance).

All these signs do not specifically indicate bowel cancer, but if any of the symptoms do not go away for several weeks, a visit to the doctor is mandatory.

There are five stages of bowel cancer. At the zero, first, second, and sometimes third stages, bowel cancer may not manifest itself in any way and manifest itself weakly. Severe pain, forcing patients to consult a doctor, often appears only at stages 3 and 4, when treatment is difficult due to the presence of metastases in the lymphatic system and adjacent tissues.

At stage 0 in the epithelial tissue of the intestine, a small accumulation of pathological cells is formed, prone to degeneration and active division. The tumor does not extend beyond the mucous membrane.

At stage 1 the neoplasm becomes malignant - it increases in size, but does not go beyond the walls of the intestine. Metastasis does not occur, there are no painful manifestations either. There may be a slight indigestion. Cancer can be detected through a colonoscopy.

At 2 stages the tumor grows up to 2-5 cm and begins to penetrate the intestinal wall.

3 stage characterized by increased activity of cancer cells. The tumor rapidly increases in size, penetrates through the walls of the intestine. Cancer cells invade the lymph nodes. Neighboring organs and tissues are also affected: regional lesions appear in them.

At 4 stages the tumor reaches its maximum size, gives metastases to distant organs. There is a toxic damage to the body by the waste products of a malignant neoplasm. As a result, the operation of all systems is disrupted.

At the stage of metastasis, specific symptoms of intestinal cancer appear: serious digestive disorders, obvious signs of blood in the feces, intestinal obstruction, disturbances in the functioning of the urinary system due to tumor growth into the bladder. Surgical treatment at this stage is practically useless - therapy is aimed at alleviating the patient's condition.


Bowel cancer develops slowly: the patient has a chance to detect the disease in the early stages if he undergoes a clinical examination at least once a year.

If bowel cancer is suspected, the following procedures are used:

  • palpation (performed by a doctor to detect a tumor in the colon, transverse or caecum);
  • rectal examination (performed if colorectal cancer is suspected);
  • gynecological examination in women to assess the spread of the tumor;
  • laboratory analysis of feces for the presence of blood;
  • irrigoscopy (X-ray examination of the colon with a contrast agent);
  • colonoscopy (a hardware study using a probe that makes it possible to conduct a visual examination of the mucous membrane of the large intestine);
  • blood test (general and oncomarkers);
  • biopsy and histological examination;


The main treatment for bowel cancer is surgical removal. Radiation therapy and chemotherapy are used as adjuncts to surgery.

The type of surgical intervention depends on the location of the tumor, its diameter and extent of spread. If the tumor is small, it can be eliminated completely, while maintaining the functional capacity of the intestine. For large tumors, a colectomy is performed, and an intestinal outlet is also created - a colostomy.

Radiotherapy is usually given after surgery to prevent recurrence of the disease. Radiation therapy destroys cancer cells that remain in the body after surgery.

Chemotherapy reduces the chance of metastasis and may help shrink the tumor. Treatment with aggressive medications is used before or after surgery. As the main method of treatment, chemotherapy is used for inoperable types of bowel cancer.


To prevent bowel cancer, people at risk should undergo periodic clinical examinations. It should also be timely treated for diseases that doctors consider precancerous - inflammatory pathologies of the colon (Crohn's disease, colitis). Care must be taken to remove colon polyps.

Inclusion in the diet of more vegetables and fruits will also help prevent bowel cancer. Coarse fiber and dietary fiber stimulate the cleansing of the intestines from deposits.

Video: How to prevent colon cancer

Antioxidants, beta-carotenes and other beneficial compounds prevent tissue damage and irritation from under-oxidized substances. Elimination of constipation also reduces the risk of congestion in the intestines, thereby preventing the development of precancerous processes.

A preventive measure against cancer of the lower intestine can be called sports and physical activity. Physical education increases the tone of the smooth muscles of the intestine and thereby prevents cancer.
