What are the virtues of a person. What are the disadvantages of a person


The appearance of a person is made up of a variety of advantages and disadvantages. In accordance with personal qualities, behavioral signs are formed, according to which others evaluate the inner world of the interlocutor. A proverb has long appeared in the Russian language, testifying to the importance of intellectual and spiritual components - "They meet by clothes, but see off by mind."

It is not surprising, because behind a well-groomed appearance, complemented by exquisite wardrobe items, even a skilled flatterer and deceitful hypocrite will not be able to hide their own disadvantages. The disadvantages and advantages of a person are in the hundreds of names, so it is almost impossible to mention every character trait. However, there are typical images of people endowed with the most common qualities that are quite easy to recognize.

Common Virtues: Social Benefits

It is impossible without learning to harmoniously combine the advantages and disadvantages of character. Successful marriages are distinguished by the compatibility of partners who have successfully accepted the pros and cons each other. The search for the "golden" mean, which allows you to remain yourself and evoke sympathy from others - life goal appearing on a subconscious level since childhood. The first step towards personal improvement can be done by adding positive qualities to your image:

Mercy and compassion allow you to support in difficult times loved one, substituting in a comradely "shoulder". Such qualities reflect the breadth of the soul, ready to share someone else's grief.
Communication - the ability to find mutual language even with a stranger. It is easy to build a constructive dialogue with him, because he is ready to talk animatedly about abstract things and share specialized knowledge on familiar topics.
Nobility, especially in demand in the Middle Ages, today is becoming a rare artifact that complements the personal appearance. In this quality, honesty and courage, selflessness and high moral concepts are concluded.
Loyalty is a thinning component of the image of a person, because the importance of the institution of the family in the 21st century is decreasing every second. The number of divorces that have become the logical conclusion of the breakup of couples is growing in geometric progression. Loyalty to a friend, parents, work, and love partner falls into a certain category of vanishing qualities.
Attentiveness to ongoing situations and imperceptible details is a useful feature that makes it easy to navigate in the fast pace of life. People do not notice banal things, missing important acquaintances and fateful events.
Far-sightedness and insight become another virtue of personal appearance, allowing a stranger to prevent the betrayal of a loved one. This quality helps to determine in time the thoughts of the interlocutor, which he does not dare to say out loud.

To achieve the desired result, supplementing the inner world with the above qualities, you need to work hard. The main principle on which training programs for self-improvement are based is the control of one's own emotions, provoking people to insane and senseless actions.

Typical disadvantages: chronic problems

Having identified common virtues, it is impossible not to mention the typical shortcomings inherent in the moral character of people in the 21st century. Only after eliminating the following qualities from your own image, you can count on a successful result, reaching a new stage in the process of personal self-development:

Selfishness and arrogance are messengers that it is difficult for the owner of such traits to avoid. Inflated self-esteem makes it difficult to build a dialogue with people, provoking the emergence of conflict situations.
Compliance and excessive responsiveness do not allow a person to say a significant “No” in time. Given the competitive environment in which the inhabitants of developed cities today have to exist, the inability to refuse is a good reason for cunning, but lazy ill-wishers.
Need for help and control.
Commercialism is the sworn "enemy" of the personal image, exposing the meager inner world of a wealthy person. Such people measure life and environment in financial aspect asking the vital question: for happiness?

Lies are different, so it is impossible to unequivocally attribute this quality to the shortcomings of the personal appearance. If a person is forced to lie in order to save the lives of loved ones, then it is not permissible to condemn such an act. However, the lies that unfaithful husbands do not hesitate to use are the height of arrogance.
Cowardice is a sign of a weak-willed person who is unable to cope with emerging problems. It is difficult to get along with such a quality, because in the event of an emergency, unpleasant facets of personal appearance appear.
Cynicism is a quality that frightens others and represents the inner world of a person in a negative light. Such people can calmly talk about the consequences of a terrorist attack or calculate personal gain in a deal that involves the bankruptcy of a friend.
Groundless jealousy is also deservedly one of the common shortcomings of people. Families fall apart due to reckless inspections and loss of trust.

In the first stages of self-development, try to succumb to emotional impulses less, subjecting your own thoughts to careful analysis. Do not be afraid to listen to, but remember the advisability of an objective assessment of the upcoming act. After a short period of time, certain “barriers” will develop at a subconscious level that will not allow shortcomings to break out without your permission. Only after reaching such a stage can the procedure for improving the personal appearance be considered a successful “event”.

If you do not learn to accept your shortcomings and appreciate the virtues, then there is a risk of occurrence. A person who is not ready for who he is is doomed to mental imbalance and mental instability. Taking this fact for granted, it is easier to take the path of correction, improving and transforming your own minuses into pluses.

March 3, 2014

It's no secret to anyone that in our modern world almost nothing is perfect. Each individual has his own characteristics. For some, these are advantages, and for others, these are significant disadvantages. It all depends on how the person himself relates to one or another of his character traits.

Even if we take any quality of a person, then it can be attributed to both advantages and disadvantages. Take, for example, such a trait as generosity. If for friends, then this quality is positive, everyone likes generous friends, but if you look from the other side, as for the family, then this is already a person to some extent wasteful, then this is considered a disadvantage.

Another example is responsiveness. Man of heart will always come to the aid of others. This is of course a positive feature. But if a person is overly responsive or, more simply, trouble-free, then he will also have a hard time in life. They will be used by others. Therefore, all good things should also be in moderation.

Following from this, the disadvantages should be understood as personal qualities that prevent you from becoming successful and happy.

Types into which the main human flaws can be divided

  • Psychological type - such shortcomings often scare people away and create problems in personal life, can also become an obstacle in career growth. (anxiety, self-isolation, laziness, fear, cruelty)
  • Physical type - such shortcomings are somewhat subjective, because any physical quality of a person can be perceived from different angles. These include height, body structure, eye color, face shape, body type, skin condition. Someone does not like fullness, but for some, fullness is something to be proud of, the same can be said about low and tall. Someone complexes about their small stature, but for someone this is an advantage.
  • The female type of flaws - these include excessive modesty or licentiousness, talkativeness, duplicity, greed, callousness, touchiness and others. Such shortcomings sometimes lead the weaker half even to discord in their personal lives.
  • Male type of flaws - these include dictatorship, rudeness, lack of a sense of humor, greed, untidiness, indecision, and others. These flaws can also make life difficult for men.
    Whatever shortcomings or virtues are inherent in a person, it is important to know that we ourselves are the creators of our character.

Let's take a look dignity and human flaws from the point of view of the unshakable wisdom of our ancestors.

According to the Vedic scriptures, as a source of knowledge, there are criteria by which a person can be judged.

And, if we talk about the merits and demerits of a person, then their Vedas are described in total 29.

Of these, 16 are the main virtues, and, accordingly, 13 qualities that it is desirable to suppress in your character.

Therefore, I propose first to consider those qualities that we need to develop and cultivate, and then those that are worth fighting.

The advantages and disadvantages of a person look like this:

The 16 main qualities include the following. The ability to endure life circumstances and possible vices of character of other people. Regarding patience, this does not mean "stupidly" accepting life and all that it gives.

This means that when difficulties come into life, you need to perceive them properly and calmly, knowing that this happens for a reason. Something similar to patience is restraint.

This is a quality that manifests itself when a person evaluates life, circumstances from the point of view of reasonableness and common sense. Feelings do not take the mountain over such a person, which means that the chances of offending another or throwing out negativity are sharply reduced.

Persistence is another important point. It means resilience in the face of what fate has in store for you. The Vedas say that you should not give up if life becomes difficult. It is necessary to perk up and hold the possible blow of life with your head up.

I also forgot to say that even knowing and keeping in your head the advantages and disadvantages of a person, you are already taking the first steps towards finding permanent happiness in life. Under the next item are truthfulness and the absence of any envy.

With truthfulness, it seems to be understandable, but a few words need to be said about envy. There is such a thing as white envy. Here a person does not envy another, with a desire to master what has already been accumulated, but wants to independently achieve the same.

At the same time, absolutely respecting the one who already has the desired object. This is normal. It also turns out that procreation is also one of those important issues that a person should take with a great deal of seriousness and responsibility. Just to conceive a child, if only how - this is half the battle. But to conceive it correctly is another story.

And also there are spiritual qualities, which I will only list. These include: the study of the sacred scriptures, the observance of the commandments that are given there, selfless service to God and the offering of gifts to him in the form of fruits or household items, asceticism and self-renunciation.

Asceticism and self-renunciation is the glorification of God and the absence of enthusiasm for the illusion of the material world.Now let's talk about 13 disadvantages. When studying the topic of the advantages and disadvantages of a person, it is necessary to concentrate more on the first.

And therefore, we will not go deep into human vices, but simply list them. We list only in order to understand what we will need to work with. These include: debauchery and lust, which are now developed in many people.

Envy, anger and cruelty. Display of anger and ignorant gossip. Arrogance and pride. The oppression of others and one's own despondency and joylessness. As well as attraction to endless material enjoyment and aversion to one who is in distress.

Having studied the advantages and disadvantages of a person, it will not make much sense if you only know them and do nothing. It is clear that it will not be possible to develop all the good things in yourself and make yourself perfect in a couple of months, since it can take several years. But, constant and systematic advancement will make you such a person that everyone will reach out for. As an example, I recommend you take a look at the Russian guys who conquer the peaks of Moscow without insurance (I got goosebumps and my heart was pounding from watching):

What is a disadvantage? A flaw that prevents you from living or performing certain actions. Today I will not give a lecture on how flaws are evil and how to get rid of them. I'm not a psychologist - I'm a recruiter. I want to talk about the important part of the “Name Your Weaknesses” interview. The article will be useful to job seekers who have been looking for work for a long time, as well as working professionals who want to do something for their leisure time.

If you think that HRs are asking questions about a candidate's shortcomings, in order to hear his frank answer, you should know that recruiters are not so stupid and naive as to believe that one question can bring the applicant to clean water. The fact is that questions about shortcomings force the candidate to demonstrate his resourcefulness, resistance to stress and the adequacy of his assessment of himself.
The question about the shortcomings, as a rule, is asked at the end of the interview, when the general impression of the candidate has already been formed, and you just have to consolidate it.

Let me, as a person who has been working in the field of personnel management for more than 10 years, give some advice to applicants:

Tip 1: Don't be afraid to bring up your own shortcomings.
It is quite natural that you want to show yourself with the most better hand to a potential employer. However, do not forget that failures, along with successes, happen to everyone without exception.

Tip 2. Try to evaluate yourself adequately.
I have already said that the question of the shortcomings, or weak qualities of the applicant's personality, is raised in order to assess the candidate's resourcefulness and the adequacy of self-assessment, the ability to a constructive criticism.

Tip 3. Watch how you present information about your shortcomings.
Your answer gives a potential employer an idea of ​​how you behave in difficult situations, whether you are able to adapt to the interlocutor.

Tip 4. Explain the reasons for your failures.
When the applicant talks about his shortcomings, mistakes and failures, the recruiter always pays attention to who he blames for this: the boss, colleagues, circumstances, himself. The ability to correctly state one's shortcomings shows how the candidate has formed criteria for evaluating his own actions and the actions of colleagues.

Tip 5: Make your weaknesses your strengths.
A competent applicant notes stubbornness, perseverance, adherence to principles and dedication from his shortcomings. Agree, such shortcomings will appeal to a potential employer. If you are applying for the position of a customer search manager, then note your restlessness and excessive communication skills.

Tip 6. Prove that none of your shortcomings prevent you from doing your job effectively.
In this case, it is better to touch upon those shortcomings that are not directly related to the position for which you are applying.

Tip 7. Tell us about the shortcoming that you managed to eliminate.
For example, that you quit smoking three months ago, or that you were overly emotional at school. However, now you have learned to manage your emotions and make thoughtful and informed decisions.
Or tell us about a problem that you once had, after which you thought about what caused it, that you made certain conclusions so that such a situation would never happen again.

Tip 8. Show that you have a sense of humor.
Try to answer the question with a well-known cliché, such as “I leave my shortcomings at home,” and then proceed to a serious answer.

These tips will certainly help you during your next interview. But remember that each of you has its own characteristics that need to be emphasized much more than shortcomings!

What shortcomings would you point out?

Routing extracurricular activities and a presentation for its implementation allows you to acquaint children with the advantages and disadvantages of a person, teaches them to distinguish, work on themselves.

Prilutskaya Ludmila Valerievna, 23.01.2018

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Development content

Technological map of extracurricular activities

1. Subject: My strengths and weaknesses.

2. Item: The world

5. Educational institution: NMBOU "Gymnasium No. 11"

6. City: Anzhero-Sudzhensk

7. Short description: The technology for constructing extracurricular activities is problem-dialogical. The lesson provides for frontal and group work, work with the use of ICT.

8. Type of lesson: discovery of new knowledge

9. Form of organization: extracurricular activity

10.Planned result:

Item Skills

Know the strengths and weaknesses of a person;

Know how to name them distinctive features

Personal UUD:

Establish a connection between the target learning activities and her motive;

Define common rules of conduct for all;

Determine the rules for working in groups, pairs;

- evaluate digestible content (based on personal values);

Regulatory UUD:

Determine and formulate the purpose of the activity in the lesson together with the teacher;

Speak the sequence of actions in the lesson; work according to plan, instructions;

Make your guess based on educational material;

To exercise self-control, mutual control;

Together with the teacher and classmates, evaluate the activities in the lesson.

Cognitive UUD:

Navigate in the task card, dictionary;

Navigate in your system of knowledge (determine the boundaries of knowledge / ignorance);

Find answers to questions in the text, illustrations, using your life experience;

Conduct an analysis of educational material;

Carry out classification, pointing to the basis;

Make comparisons by explaining the criteria.

Communicative UUD:

- be able to express their thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy, defend their point of view;

Space organization

Forms of work



Work in pairs

Task cards, proverbs and sayings, mini-dictionaries.

11. The purpose of extracurricular activities: show children the uniqueness of each person, to give an idea about their advantages and disadvantages through the game extracurricular activities.

12. Tasks:

To teach children to think about simple, at first glance, things, to see good and bad, good in every person (merits and demerits), to give the opportunity to compare the signs of people, finding similarities and differences, to explain what uniqueness is.

To form the ability to "listen and hear" another person.

Develop the ability to analyze specific life situations, in children Creative skills to encourage their diverse self-expression.

13. Equipment: multimedia presentation "Human Strengths and Disadvantages" fragments of cartoons, excerpts from works (mp3), writing paper, a set of felt-tip pens or colored pencils, smiley stickers, pens according to the number of participants, strips with the names of children, strips of paper: white and black, the sun, dictionaries by the number of students, objects: shells, pebbles or nuts, proverbs on sheets for groups.

Lesson progress:

Teacher activity

Student activities


1. Organizational moment. Psychological attitude to work.

Hello guys! Today we have another extracurricular lesson "Lessons of Morality", where you will continue to reveal secrets for yourself. Please look out the window. What day is today? Our classroom is cozy and warm. And yes, the sun was shining. What associations do you have when looking at the sun? (warmth, light, peace, summer, flowers, games ...). And I associate the sun with our occupation, because I really want it to turn out to be as light, warm and bright as our sun.

How do you see our work? What do you expect from him? Let's turn the rays over so that the sun shines even brighter.

Now take the rays to your tables and let them warmly accompany you throughout the session and give you strength. Take your seats.

Check if you are sitting comfortably, how organized your workplace”, as the necessary accessories are located on the desk.

Why is it important?

Express your thoughts. I wish you good health and success! May you feel safe and comfortable in our class. I see that you have changed. Many of you began to smile. And this means that our mood has improved. It is very nice. Thank you!

Psychological exercise Mood Barometer.

Children answer the teacher's questions, check the correct location of school supplies

and express their opinions about the need proper organization of their "workplace", place the words on the rays of the sun, take one ray each and take their places.

Children show their mood (like a barometer shows the weather) with their hands: bad mood - palms touch each other, good - hands are spread apart

The children are doing the exercises.

Preparing students for work in extracurricular activities: development on a personal basis significant level internal readiness for execution regulatory requirements educational activity.

Metasubject (UUD)


exercise self-control;

Master the ability to predict;


Listen and understand the speech of others;

Own the dialogical form of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the native language

2. External intrigue. Knowledge update.

Read the entry: "Two people look through the bars of the same grate: one sees the dirt, the other the stars" Frederic Langbridge

What do you think? Why do people look at the same thing and see different things? Which of these two people do you consider yourself to be? Explain why?

Children read, reflect and answer the teacher's questions.

Children express their assumptions, with the help of a teacher, they come to the idea of ​​the need for a warm-up for successful work.

3. Warm up.

Guys, try to explain why athletes warm up before training, competitions. Why are they doing this?

And we also need to warm up for successful work. But the warm-up is not of the body, but of the mind. Prepared tasks will help us with this. Your task is to concentrate as much as possible on the content of the questions-assignments, to give thoughtful and quick answers.

Here listen:

- I love to eat well

Plenty, tasty, appetizing.

I eat everything and indiscriminately

Because I....( Glutton )

- Well, I'm lazy and boring

I am not separated from the handkerchief.

I don't like to play and sing

I'd rather cry.

I'm the main whiner from the class,

And everyone calls me .... ( Crybaby )

- I do not like, brothers, to wash,

I'm not friendly with soap and a brush.

And now, isn't that why they call me .... ( Dirty )

- Honestly, I'll tell you guys:

Be neat, tidy ,

It's very difficult on your own.

Where are the pants, and where is the shirt. I don't know. I …. ( Slut )

Children explain.

The guys listen to questions and tasks and try to quickly and correctly give an answer, be able to justify them.

The main task of this stage is to create a certain positive emotional background for the children, without which the effective assimilation of knowledge is impossible. Therefore, the warm-up includes fairly light questions that can arouse interest, designed for ingenuity, speed of reaction, helping to prepare the child for active cognitive activity in the classroom.


Know the terminology, know what the words mean.


Listen and understand the speech of others;

Be able to express your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy;

Own the dialogic form of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the native language.

3. Discovery of new knowledge.

4. Primary fastening.

(children draw the names of children from the box).

Write down 3-4 points about what you see good in the person whose name is written on your piece of paper. What does a person feel when I notice something good in him?

Have you ever had such cases when you found something useful, beautiful and necessary in something unattractive in appearance?

Why you shouldn't judge people and things by appearance?

How does the ability to see the good help a person in life?

Why do people often notice the bad rather than the good?

Guys, all people are different: big and small, fat and thin, funny and angry. Every person has good qualities - these are called virtues, but there are also bad qualities - these are shortcomings. To understand these qualities, let's look at this little man (slide: drawing of a little man divided lengthwise into two parts, painted in black and white). Why is this little man one half black? We see all the bad in black, and the good in light, white. Let's help the little man become clean and white, that is, become good. For this, for each poor quality or a disadvantage, we will select a good quality or dignity, which are covered with leaves. Let's take the first leaf. What is written?(modesty).
We glue the white leaf on the dark half of the little man and do this until the body of the little man turns white
-Guess what we're going to do today.

Listening to a fairy tale by children and discussing it.

Did you like the fairy tale?

Tell me about the best things about yourself.

Who teaches you to see the good around you?

If you see the good in people, do you always tell them about it?

- Work with proverbs:

Which of the proverbs fits the theme of the lesson?

Practical work.

- I ask you to look out the window. Remember the quote. I ask you to make two descriptions. One from the point of view of a person who looks out the window and sees the beautiful, and the other from the point of view of the one who first of all notices the bad.

Verification of practical work.

Compare descriptions.

Say which description was easier to make and which was more difficult. Why?

What conclusion can be drawn?

What advantages and disadvantages can you name?

The guys get acquainted with the content of the proposed material, express their assumptions, collect and give leaflets to those about whom they wrote.

The children answer the teacher's questions.

Students analyze the given tasks. They determine the level of complexity of tasks, suggest what they will do.

They are divided into working groups, perform tasks and fill in the plate.

This form of work for children is not new, they are easily divided into mini groups and determined with a workplace in the classroom.

Children answer questions, prove their point of view.

Children discuss, prove their point of view.

Children complete tasks (no more than 4 sentences) for certain time.

Make a conclusion, name the advantages and disadvantages.

Check the correctness of the completed tasks.

The tasks used at this stage on the cards contribute to the development of intellectual qualities, allow you to deepen the knowledge of children, diversify methods and techniques cognitive activity.

Children perform the proposed tasks at their own pace and in the sequence chosen by them, which corresponds to the principles of minimax and variability.

Students under the guidance of a teacher analyze tasks for independent work, determine the individual level of difficulty. The level of difficulty is marked with a color: blue is the easiest, green is the average degree of difficulty, red is the most difficult. Each student chooses tasks of any level of complexity and proceeds to independent implementation.

Within the groups, the teacher acts as a consultant, coordinator.

What unusual and interesting things have you noticed?

What questions have you already answered?

What exercise would you like to work on now? Why? How will you perform?

Small groups of non-permanent shifts are organized. The correctness and awareness of the assimilation of educational material is established, gaps, misconceptions, and their correction are identified.

Works are evaluated with a smiley.

Metasubject (UUD)


Navigate in your system of knowledge (determine the boundaries of knowledge / ignorance);

Determine and formulate the purpose of the activity in the lesson;

Under the guidance of the teacher, plan their activities in the lesson;


actions in the lesson.


Express your guess;


Express your thoughts accurately and completely.

Personal UUD:

- to establish a connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive (why?).

4.Dynamic pause.

It's time to relax, change the type of activity. Relax with your favorite cartoon characters.

To the cheerful music, the guys perform a dynamic pause.

A dynamic pause as part of a lesson develops not only the motor sphere of the child, but also the emotional one. The guys perform a dance workout looking at the cartoon characters.

5. Application of new knowledge.

Working with words from the dictionary:


Note the advantages and disadvantages.

-Game black and white.
If the quality is good, we raise a white card; if the quality is bad, we raise a black card.

Children look up the meaning of words in dictionaries and read out their meanings.

Children answer the teacher's questions, justify their answer, note the advantages and disadvantages.

Children listen carefully and raise cards of a certain color.

On the this stage The attention of the children was offered printed pages from the textbook of Yazykanova. Developing tasks: tests, games, exercises. Grade 1 Moscow: Exam Publishing House from the pages

The ability to solve search and creative tasks is very important for the child, as it allows you to feel the taste of success and gain self-confidence, because the solution of such tasks is based on the child’s search activity and quick wit, on the ability to “get” one or the other from his memory at the right time. a different reasoning algorithm, the ability to dig "in oneself", "get to the bottom of the truth."


Metasubject (UUD)


Distinguish between a correctly completed task and an incorrect one;

exercise self-control;



Listen and understand the speech of others;

Guys, look at the slide and read. What are the qualities here? That's right, the good qualities or dignity of a person. I wish that these qualities will always be with you and help you grow into beautiful and good people!
Take care of each other,
Warm with kindness
Take care of each other,
Let's not offend
Take care of each other,
Forget all quarrels
And in a spare moment.

The children answer.

Consider small items on your tables. Arrange these objects according to some feature, for example, by size.

Prove that objects that look similar at first glance are different.

Exercise "Slide" (by color, by shape, by size, etc.).

Stack items in a pile. Make a conclusion.

Group work:


- What are the advantages of being tall and short?

Exercise "Clouds".

Compare clouds.

Find the differences between one cloud and another.

Children lay out objects, group them in different ways, prove differences, draw a conclusion.

Perform tasks, find differences, draw a conclusion.


Know how to complete assigned tasks.

Metasubject (UUD)


Distinguish between a correctly completed task and an incorrect one;

exercise self-control;


To carry out the analysis of educational material;


Listen and understand the speech of others;

Ability to express thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy

6. Reflection of extracurricular activities.

7. Homework.

This is where our lesson comes to an end. How did it turn out for you?

What discovery have we made?

-Compilation of the syncwine "Advantages and disadvantages".

Read. What happened.

-Here we have learned - what is the dignity of man. We even managed to acquire some of them, which in your opinion are good qualities person. Guys, do not be afraid to admit your shortcomings - this is a manifestation of courage. From such recognition, a person only becomes stronger.

Game-exercise "Trash can".

Guys, write down your shortcomings, crush them and throw them in the trash, i.e. get rid of them forever.

-Guys, there are many opposites in life. Similarly, virtues have anti-virtues, i.e. human flaws. What are they?

The lesson is over, and the sun still warms us with its warmth.

Evaluate your work, color with colored pencils or take emoticons. If you think that you did everything right - green, if the work caused difficulty - red, and if the activity did not leave any impressions - yellow.

Every day for a week, observe your family members and write down or remember only the good things that happen to them. If you wish, you can draw your family members, you can not draw yourself. Color in the family member you think you look like.

Children speak and bring rays and stand in a circle to the sun, answer questions, generalize knowledge.

Children read syncwines.

The children try to objectively, fully and accurately evaluate their activities in the lesson with the help of emoticons. State what they learned and what they didn't, and why.

Children write their shortcomings, unpleasant stories, situations on sheets of paper, crumple the sheets and throw them into the bucket (saying goodbye to them forever).

The success of achieving the goal is analyzed; the quality and level of mastery of knowledge is revealed.

The "Ladder of Success" is analyzed.

Personal UUD:

Establish a relationship between the purpose of the activity and its result.

Metasubject (UUD)


exercise self-control;

Evaluate the activities in the lesson together with the teacher and classmates;

Highlight and realize what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned;


Be able to express your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy.

Total: 40 min

Development content

Group work:

1. Complete the task: Stand by height, by hair color.

2. Discuss:

3.Compare clouds: Find the differences.

Group work:

1. Complete the task: Stand by height, by hair color.

2. Discuss:

What are the advantages of being tall and short?

3.Compare clouds: Find the differences.

Group work:

1. Complete the task: Stand by height, by hair color.

2. Discuss:

What are the advantages of being tall and short?

3.Compare clouds: Find the differences.

Development content

Greed - is stinginess greedy man does not like to share with friends.
Anger – a sharp and very negative feeling.
Stubbornness - intransigence, intransigence.
Intolerance unwillingness or inability to tolerate someone or anything.
Arrogance. This is when a person begins to overestimate his price.
Modesty. This is when a person, even with many virtues, behaves simply and imperceptibly, without sticking them out and not showing off.
Honour. These are the moral principles and qualities of a person worthy of respect from society.

Greed - this is stinginess, a greedy person does not like to share with friends.
Anger – a sharp and very negative feeling.
Stubbornness - intransigence, intransigence.
Intolerance unwillingness or inability to tolerate someone or anything.
Arrogance. This is when a person begins to overestimate his price.
Modesty. This is when a person, even with many virtues, behaves simply and imperceptibly, without sticking them out and not showing off.
Honour. These are the moral principles and qualities of a person worthy of respect from society.Your opinion

  • “Two people look through the bars of the same grate: one sees the dirt, and the other the stars”

Frederick Langbridge


  • I love to eat well

Plenty, tasty, appetizing.

I eat everything and indiscriminately

Because I….

(Glutton )

  • Well, I'm lazy and boring

I am not separated from the handkerchief.

I don't like to play and sing

I'd rather cry.

I'm the main whiner from the class,

And everyone calls me...

(Crybaby )

  • I do not like, brothers, to wash,

I'm not friendly with soap and a brush.

That's why, guys, I always go dirty.

And now, isn't that why they call me ....

(Dirty )

  • Honestly, I'll tell you guys:

Be neat, tidy ,

It's very difficult on your own.

I don't know why, I throw things everywhere

And I can’t find them, whatever I grab, I run in that.

Where are the pants, and where is the shirt. I don't know. I ….

(Slut )

  • The parable says that there are good people and there are bad people. Is it so?
  • How do you understand the expression "feed the wolf"?

Work with proverbs

  • Evil cries with envy

but kind with joy.

  • Do good -

amuse yourself.

  • You go for the bad -

you will run into trouble.

  • Doing evil

do not hope for good.

  • Learn good

bad things don't come to mind.

Human virtues:














Human flaws:












Game "Black and White"










Take care of each other, Warm with kindness Take care of each other, Let's not offend Take care of each other, Forget all quarrels And in a spare moment. Stay next to each other.

  • What is more pleasant to remember and tell others: about how you helped someone, or about how you offended someone?


Kindness in oneself must be “trained”: to do good deeds, to notice the good in people.

If someone is offended in your presence, support the weak. Remember: the word can save!

Kindness in oneself must be “trained”: to do good deeds, to notice the good in people.

A spell helps to become kinder

"I CAN!". Try to repeat it quietly.

Start being kind with a small deed. Do not be ashamed to help, small services to your comrades, loved ones.

It is useful to start a SECRET DIARY OF GOOD DEEDS.

Record your progress on it. Every little success is your victory over YOURSELF.

But it also happens. Some guys are afraid to do beautiful things, for example, to give way to a girl, to help someone. They feel like they are being looked at and laughed at. Such fears are bad for the character. You definitely need to get rid of them.

  • If someone is offended in your presence, support the weak.
  • Remember: the word can save!

  • What did you find useful for yourself in this lesson?
  • Why does a person need to be kind and humane?
  • Why does a person need to have more virtues, and eradicate shortcomings in himself?
  • When is a person happy?
