Interesting activities on the Internet. Productive ways to spend time online

You can be bored in different ways. For some, it's lying on the couch and tormented by the hopeless inability to choose the right thing. For others - a way to find something to their liking. Here are the ways on how to properly follow the second path.

TOP 10 useful and interesting online activities

1. Listen to lectures. Someone will say that it's boring and it's not very similar to entertainment and will be right, but only in part. There are many places on the Internet that offer the most interesting topics in the world, able to interest the most notorious Losers. Especially a lot of them on YouTube.

Many famous people believed that only highly developed intellectuals were capable of boredom.

2. Study exotic games. The game is both useful and entertaining and just interesting. For example, do you know the name shogi? And this Japanese chess according to the original rules.

3. Geocaching. Whoever knows this word does not need to be told, and whoever does not know is a search for small ones that other users leave. The exchange of impressions, descriptions of famous places, fresh air is very useful. And on the Internet exchange of opinions, photos, stories.

4. Get busy. No, no one calls for insulting or bringing opponents to white heat for the very fact that you can do it. Here it is more important to measure intelligence with the interlocutor, to be able to develop it in the direction you need in any conversation, to control the feelings and emotions of the opponent. Interesting experience, which can be multiplied by the study of good literature, the theory and practice of negotiation and complete self-improvement.

5. Online games. If you have long been tired of Klondike solitaire or weak artificial intelligence in grand strategy games, try to compare your fighting skills with real-virtual opponents. When in front of you, for example, a mechanized robot controlled by a real person, the development of the game takes on a completely different meaning.

6. Collecting. This hobby is familiar to many and in real life. On the Internet, it takes on such proportions that it is simply impossible to assess in one evening. From heraldry to numismatics, from philately to collecting beer caps, there is everything!

8. Music. No, not the pop music, which is already abundant from all pages, TV, radio and every stall. You can find a lot of rare recordings of famous bands on the Internet, which in itself is quite fascinating.

9. Photo. Photography - whole Big world, where it is easy to spend more than one free evening.

Dispel boredom is not difficult

Among all the entertainment on the Internet, it is enough to listen to yourself, to your desires, and you will find in the depths of your soul what you are attracted to.

According to psychologists, boredom is a kind of overflow of the buffer zone in the brain responsible for impressions.

And follow the main advice given by Schopenhauer - the stupid wastes time, and the smart one uses it.

Who said you can't have fun and learn foreign language? Now there are many different sites where you can learn another language in the form of a game.

You compete with other users, and for the correct answers you get points to your account, which give different privileges. Agree that this is more interesting than just cramming a textbook. And you can also find a new friend from another country on social networks: he will write to you in English, and you will help him learn Russian.

Webcams from other cities

It would be great to peep what is happening on the other side of the world! But you have such an opportunity!

In all major cities webcams are installed, the video from which is broadcast a view of the streets, central squares or, for example, a view of the enclosures with animals in the zoo.

IN live you can see what's going on there.

If you are tired of ordinary webcams from other countries, then you should pay attention to such gaming sites: these are such rpg games with many doors, each of which leads you to a new corner of the earth.

You watch the world and at the same time repeat Geography, it's useful!

By the way, there are also sites with the noise of different cities, so you can find out how Venice or Paris sounds!

Virtual Tours

It is not necessary to work in art school to feel like a real artist.

Now there are a huge number of services in which you can create your own paintings.

There are sites where you can even draw with sand or, for example, with neon.

But do not forget that in addition to the Internet and interesting sites, it also has real world!

In addition, you can try yourself as an animator. There are services with which you can start creating animation or cartoon.

If you like this activity, then the creation can be saved and demonstrated to relatives. Who knows, maybe you are destined to become a cartoonist?

In addition to all these interesting sites, you will find hundreds of online lessons on the Internet in a second on the same drawing, scrapbooking, fitness, cooking, etc. You won't be bored!

Educational videos

Video is a whole other issue. Let's stop in more detail: you can watch, or you can shoot yourself.

Do you want to learn how to edit or master photo editors, learn how to do cool makeup or play the guitar?

Previously, you would have to look for it good teacher, and now you can just find training videos on the Internet.

Certainly, individual lessons they will not replace, but they will definitely answer the main questions! By the way, you can find such useful video tutorials on our Devchat channel.

Have you already learned how to edit videos and want to try yourself as a blogger? See what video genres are on YouTube and choose yours.

Virtual musical instruments

Websites with virtual musical instruments will give you the opportunity to feel like a real musician. You can learn to play the piano, make your own arrangements.

And you can even sing a duet with someone. Who knows, maybe this site will inspire you to make music!

But do not forget that in addition to the Internet and interesting sites, it also has the real world! Do you feel that you cannot live without a network and a few hours?

Then be sure to read our tips on how to get rid of Internet addiction.

How do you spend your free time online? Tell us what sites do you like?

Everything is interesting in the global network, from the latest news and weather forecasts to films that are not even shown on world screens yet! The Internet is a huge source of all kinds of information, communication and self-development! And yet, what interesting things can be found on the Internet specifically?

The main advantage of the Internet is that with the help of it you can quickly and easily get any desired information. So, you can download new books, music, movies, cooking recipes, instructions, articles, etc. Everything your heart desires! To download what you want, you need to enter in the search bar, for example, "movies 2012 download", and you will get a large list of links, by clicking on which you can watch and download the latest movies. In general, the given example is quite primitive, because you can also download from various special sites and servers that are directly involved in the accumulation and provision of various information.

Shopping without leaving home

This will help online stores. Here you can order and buy, without leaving your home, any product - from pizza to a new dress. The convenience lies in the fact that there are no queues, you are at home in a calm and cozy atmosphere and you can easily walk around the online store at any time available to you.


What interesting things can be found on the Internet yet? Games! The Internet allows you to download or play online in various games which is a favorite pastime for many. You can play alone or with someone online. Options - weight, games - too.


With the help of the Internet, you can view and find thousands of vacancies, you can work using only the Internet. In this case, you will work without leaving your home. You can find additional income in your free time from your main job. If you are interested in this question, you can read more about making money on the Internet in several articles on our website.


On the Internet you can download a large number of different textbooks, teaching aids and materials with which you can do self-education. You can also hire a tutor and study with him via Skype or remotely receive any education.

Other possibilities

This includes everything with the help of which you can learn more about yourself and about what surrounds you. For example, a large number psychological tests will reveal your character, habits, temperament. You can also make your family tree, find out the secret of your name. You can also choose your new hairstyle And a new style, see in advance what will suit you and what will not. You can find information about various places in your city (cafes, bars, cinemas...), their possibilities and prices. Also, via the Internet, you can book seats and tickets for air and railway flights, select tourist holidays in different countries peace, etc.

There are many opportunities on the Internet today. If you list everything, it will take a lot of time. Now you know exactly what interesting things can be found on the Internet. But let's not forget about real life too, because artificial, even if interesting, will never fully replace real life! Walk more often fresh air, go to the cinema, to concerts and theaters, communicate with friends live, read paper books.

The man of our time is noticeably different from the one who lived one or two centuries ago. And largely thanks to technological progress! Before, there was no Internet or TV. People did not find anything to do, except to arrange balls, shoot duels ... Oh, what a romantic time it was! It sometimes seems to me that this modern progress is absolutely useless, because today we even get bored on the World Wide Web! - the topic of my article today.

Harm and benefit of the Internet

In fact, the time we spend on the Web can be both good and bad! I really dislike that most people (both children and adults) choose the second option. And it goes into bad habit. Tell me, why do all sorts of nonsense on the Internet when you can devote time to very useful things! What? We'll find out soon! But first, I would like to draw your attention to the following. Now it is gaining momentum at the speed of light. Here is what the average user is doing online today, regardless of their age:

What is useful to do on the Internet?

Creation of Internet sites

Agree that a person must develop. That is why I recommend that you take up the creation of Internet sites. If you do not know how to do this, then ask a familiar hacker. Gradually develop and promote your own site. Write and publish articles on it, getting everything large quantity readers. This will bring you some profit. As a result, you will have additional source earnings.

Listening to audiobooks

You still don't know what to do online? I'll give you a hint. Today in the open world wide web There are quite a few book catalogs of the most diverse subjects and orientations. Choose and listen to your health! This activity is a good help for people who do not have enough time to read certain books, or for those who do not want to strain their eyesight in conditions of insufficient bright lighting in the apartment.

Internet shopping

Girls, we just love to go to all kinds of boutiques. If you are interested in the question of what to do interesting on the Internet, then I will advise you virtual shopping! To buy this or that thing with just one click of the mouse - what could be easier and more convenient? Today there are a lot of different sites: Chinese, European, American and, of course, Russian, offering their visitors to buy clothes and gifts via the Internet. You can choose the one that is convenient for you (for example, using a card online or when receiving a parcel in the mail). Delivery is also different ways(for example, by courier or mail).

Find out what is happening in the country and the world?

If you still do not know what to do on the Internet for your own benefit, then I recommend that you just read the news. You need to be aware of the latest developments in the country and abroad. Read about politics, about culture, about religion... Most importantly, guys, don't be fooled! Take advantage of everything! Good luck!

How to calculate the enemy by IP or find out the address of the girl you like? We talk about services, search operators and interesting tricks.

Here's what you can do:

1. Find the latest posts of a person in all social networks at once

5. Find out what people around you are posting on Twitter

Using the "near:" operator, you can find out what the residents of a particular city are writing about now:

Or at a point with a specific latitude and longitude:

Geographic coordinates can be determined from this map or looked up in the exif data of photographs.

6. Find out who is in the photo

We cut out the part of the photo where the person has a head and upload it to the Google image search page. We are surprised at the result.

7. Find out what a person posted on Twitter on a specific day

Sometimes it is interesting to know that some famous person tweeted before a certain date. For example, what did Tim Cook post on his account before October 17, 2015?

For such challenging tasks Twitter has advanced search operators. They must be recruited home page social network in the form in the upper right corner:

If you combine the above "until" with the "since" operator, then you can make a selection of tweets for a certain period of time. For example, you can find out what Tim Cook wrote during the Christmas week:

8. Find out if a person is wanted

If your new acquaintance is suspicious, then you should look for him in the database of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of your region.

9. Find out if he has debts

14. Find out in which region he bought a SIM card

You can determine the region and operator for subscribers on the website

15. Find out, find out a person's apartment number by home phone number

The last life hack makes a lasting impression on women:

A) Escort the new girl to the entrance. Casually ask her home phone number;

B) In the meantime, go to mobile app Sberbank and go to the section for paying for MGTS services;

C) Enter the phone number and find out the apartment number;

D) Before you say goodbye, tell about a second cousin who participated in the "Battle of Psychics" and offer to guess her apartment number;

D) Call the desired number;
