Compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules. Sanitary and hygienic requirements

On lessons physical culture I try to solve the organization problem physical activity students, prevention of hypodynamia. Maintenance and strengthening physical health directly related to their physical activity. The workload of schoolchildren makes them sit for hours over notebooks and books, the process of intensifying learning, the passion for computer games, the Internet and videos, the lack of opportunities for physical education and sports are the main reasons for a sedentary lifestyle, the spread of physical inactivity. This leads to a delay in growth and development, a decrease in the adaptive capabilities of the body of schoolchildren, and a general deterioration in health.

In this regard, I pay the most attention to:

  • changing the content of physical education lessons (each lesson should become a new “health path”);
  • the use between lessons of small forms of physical activity of students (physical education minutes, physical education breaks, etc.);
  • correction pedagogical technologies, contributing to the formation of physical inactivity and muscle clamps in schoolchildren (interaction between physical education teachers and subject teachers);
  • providing schoolchildren with the opportunity to exercise in the gym and on sports grounds after school hours.

Hygienic conditions for ensuring the educational process

Security optimal conditions at school - important element health-saving technologies.

My duties as a physical education teacher include the ability and willingness to see and identify obvious violations hygiene conditions conducting a physical education lesson. It has been established that the optimization of sanitary and hygienic conditions improves health by 11%.

During physical education classes:

  • I control the condition of workplaces, educational equipment, visual aids, sports equipment.
  • we do not allow the conduct of training sessions, the work of circles and sections in premises not equipped for these purposes and not taken into operation;
  • I control the equipment of the gym (open sports grounds), lighting, availability of a first aid kit;
  • before the start of classes, we conduct a thorough check of the place of the lesson, make sure that the inventory is in good condition, the reliability of the installation and fastening of the equipment.





Compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards

at physical education lessons

Physical education teacher:


Nikolai Alekseevich



At the lessons of physical culture, I try to solve the problem of organizing the physical activity of students, preventing physical inactivity. Maintaining and strengthening physical health is directly related to their physical activity. The workload of schoolchildren makes them sit for hours over notebooks and books, the process of intensifying learning, the passion for computer games, the Internet and videos, the lack of opportunities for physical education and sports are the main reasons for a sedentary lifestyle, the spread of physical inactivity. This leads to a delay in growth and development, a decrease in the adaptive capabilities of the body of schoolchildren, and a general deterioration in health.

In this regard, I pay the most attention to:

  • changing the content of physical education lessons (each lesson should become a new “health path”);
  • the use between lessons of small forms of physical activity of students (physical education minutes, physical education breaks, etc.);
  • correction of pedagogical technologies that contribute to the formation of hypodynamia and muscle clamps in schoolchildren (interaction between physical education teachers and subject teachers);
  • providing schoolchildren with the opportunity to exercise in the gym and on sports grounds after school hours.

Hygienic conditions for ensuring the educational process

Ensuring optimal conditions at school is an important element of health-saving technologies.

My duties as a teacher of physical culture include the ability and willingness to see and identify obvious violations of the hygienic conditions for a physical education lesson. It has been established that the optimization of sanitary and hygienic conditions improves health by 11%.

During physical education classes:

  • I exercise control over the state of workplaces, educational equipment, visual aids, sports equipment.
  • we do not allow the conduct of training sessions, the work of circles and sections in premises not equipped for these purposes and not taken into operation;
  • I control the equipment of the gym (open sports grounds), lighting, availability of a first aid kit;
  • before the start of classes, we conduct a thorough check of the place of the lesson, make sure that the inventory is in good condition, the reliability of the installation and fastening of the equipment.

Sanitary and hygienic requirements for sports halls are carried out in the execution, verification and supervision of:

The number of seats in the gym during classes should be set at the rate of 0.7 m per student

Floors must be elastic, without cracks, have a flat, horizontal, non-slip surface

Floors must be dry and clean before class starts. Wet cleaning should be done every 2 hours

Walls must be flat and smooth, paint must be resistant to ball impacts

The ceiling of the hall should have a non-crumbling color

Illumination must be at least 200-300lx

Ventilation should be carried out in a natural through way

Lighting control should provide the possibility of partial shutdown of the lighting installation

All socket outlets must be fitted with safety plugs.

There must be an evacuation plan in a conspicuous place in the room.

The gym must have at least 2 exits

Sanitary and hygienic requirements for open sports grounds are carried out in the execution, verification and supervision of:

The platforms must be flat, of the established size, solid

Running tracks must be specially equipped, smooth, non-slip, continue for at least 15m after the finish

Jump pits should be filled with loosened sand to a depth of 20-40m

The sand must be clean

Places for throwing are located in a well-visible place, at a considerable distance from public places. The length of the sector must be at least 60-70m

Sanitary and hygienic requirements for inventory and equipment are carried out in the execution, verification and supervision of:

All sports equipment and equipment installed in the training areas must be in perfect working order.

Gymnastic equipment should not have backlashes, swings, deflections in the nodes and joints, fastening parts must be securely fixed

The poles of the bars each time before the start of classes must be repaired along the entire length. When cracked, the pole must be replaced

The crossbar bar must be wiped with a dry cloth before and after the exercise.

The balance beam must be free of cracks and burrs.

The supports of the gymnastic goat must be firmly fixed in the hull boxes. When moving out, the goat's legs must be firmly fixed.

Gymnastic mats must fit snugly

The gymnastic bridge must be lined with rubber

Stuffed balls are used by numbers, strictly in accordance with age and physical activity

The weight of the projectiles when throwing must correspond to the age and gender according to the rules of the competition

Sanitary and hygienic requirements for clothing, footwear are carried out in the execution, verification and supervision of:

Personal hygiene includes taking care of the skin, oral cavity, hair, hardening, as well as keeping your clothes and shoes clean.

Girls and boys should carefully monitor the cleanliness of underwear, outerwear and sportswear.

Clothing should be comfortable enough light, not too warm, not restrict movement. Its size and cut should not constrain breathing and impede blood circulation. For the same reason, collars, belts and cuffs should not be tight. It is harmful to walk, and even more so to sleep in tight shorts, especially from synthetics.

For indoor training in winter and training in summer, clothing must be appropriate for the meteorological conditions and the characteristics of the sport. In warm weather - sports shorts, a T-shirt, a tracksuit made of cotton fabric; in the cool - a sports suit of woolen fabric.

For physical exercise and sports outdoors in winter, clothing should have three layers: underwear, flannel shirt, wool knit suit, wool cap and mittens. It is also good to wear a light jacket over the top to protect from the wind.

Shoes must be durable, elastic, comfortable, light and free, which will ensure the stability of the gait and will not interfere with the development of flat feet. Uncomfortable, tight shoes impair blood circulation, do not warm the feet, it causes abrasions, abrasions and calluses. Too loose shoes are also not comfortable, they rub the skin and cause abrasions. In winter, shoes should be half the size of the room and should be worn over woolen socks.

You are not allowed to be indoors in sports shoes, remember that you can not constantly walk in sneakers during the day: this can lead to flat feet.

Clothes and shoes need permanent care. Underwear must be washed after each workout. Soiled and wet shoes should be cleaned, dried and lubricated with a special ointment or cream. Keep sportswear and shoes need to be in a ventilated place.

Requirements for school educational technologies

Educational technologies are assessed as health-saving when I use the following conditions:

A system of operational, current and staged control over the state of health of students has been developed;

The learning process is built taking into account the anatomical, physiological and mental characteristics of the body;

Preference is given to meaningful, meaningful material;

are taken into account individual characteristics students;

stimulated independent work, independent choice, that is, what contributes to the self-development of the child;

Provided enough level motivation;

The educational process is focused on the formation of ideas, and not on the transfer of knowledge;

Overwork is prevented;

Positive influences prevail over the negative;

The success rate is used to develop positive beginnings;

Evaluation plays a catalytic role;

The level of communicative culture of the teacher is provided.

Rational organization of the lesson

The functional state of schoolchildren in the process depends on compliance with hygienic and psychological and pedagogical conditions. learning activities. A lesson lasting 40-45 minutes is considered physiologically reasonable (with the exception of students in grade 1 - 35 minutes).

The assessment of hygiene requirements is carried out according to regulated positions using timing:

Lesson density (% of time spent on educational work);

Number of learning activities (listening, exercise, rebuilding, etc.);

Duration of each activity (minutes);

Frequency of changing activities (minutes);

Number of types of teaching (verbal, visual, TSO), duration of independent activity;

Places, duration and conditions for the application of TSS;

Frequency of alternation of types of teaching.

To prevent fatigue, we take into account that the first 3-5 minutes of any lesson takes working out (at physical education lessons 8-10 minutes), stable performance lasts 10-15 minutes for junior schoolchildren, 15-20 minutes for the middle level, 20-30 minutes for high school students.

Motor activity of the student

Motor activity of students consists of daily ( morning work-out, walking, moving changes and pauses in the daily routine) and periodic.

Three physical education lessons a week do not compensate for the deficit physical activity. For schoolchildren, physical education classes should be 8-12 hours a week. Even 3 lessons are not enough to meet the biological needs of a growing organism. We try to organize the motor activity of children in order to prevent hypodynamia and at the same time not lead them to overwork. replenishment motor activity students at school occurs mainly in the lessons of physical education. Depending on the forms of conducting, topics and specifics, students realize the daily need for physical activity in different ways.

Building physical education lessons for health lies on our shoulders as physical education teachers. “Physical education without the liberated” is the principle we adhere to.

We organize physical activity in two directions:

1) Classes of large forms - lessons of physical culture and work in sports sections during off-hours.

2) Lessons of small forms introduced into the structure of the school day (introductory gymnastics before training sessions, physical education minutes and physical education breaks, physical exercises on extended change).

Evaluation of the dynamics of the state of health of students.

Methods for diagnosing the health of students

(social-psychological, psychological-pedagogical)

The health assessment includes the results of:

1) provided by teachers: observations and assessments;

2) results provided by parents;

3) the results provided by the students themselves;

4) the results of regular medical examinations.


The causes of diseases and injuries associated with physical exercises are violations of their hygienic provision, irrational methods and organization of classes, inadequate material and technical support and poor health of those involved. Prevention of negative phenomena requires the fulfillment of a number of conditions. For example, it is desirable to engage in physical exercises at the same time of day, not earlier than 1.5-2 hours after eating (but not on an empty stomach), in an appropriate sports uniform. It is necessary to observe gradualness in learning new complex exercises and in increasing their number. Shoes, clothes, Sports Equipment, as well as the place where classes are held, must comply with hygienic requirements. Classes are unacceptable during the period of illness, in a state of significant fatigue or malaise, especially for girls and women. It is very important to observe the rules of personal hygiene, especially cleanliness of the body.

The working activity of people takes place in different conditions. The most important characteristics of this environment are industrial sanitation and occupational health. Influence of working conditions and directly technological processes on the health of employees is studying a special scientific direction. Next, consider the basics of hygiene and sanitation.

General information

Industrial sanitation and occupational health are a set of measures and requirements. Their implementation is necessary in the formation of a healthy working environment. Industrial hygiene and sanitation are two related categories. To develop certain norms and requirements, it is necessary to study the working conditions, their impact on the state of personnel. Practical use of the obtained results is included in the task of sanitation at work. Within the framework of this direction, the requirements for the maintenance of the territory, premises, ventilation, heating, lighting, as well as the planning of workplaces are established.

Individual Measures

An important task in providing healthy conditions work is considered and personal hygiene. In a narrow sense, it is understood as the daily routine, body care, cleanliness of bed and underwear, shoes, outerwear and other items. home furnishings. Sanitation and hygiene are of great importance for the prevention of injuries and morbidity. Violation of norms and non-compliance with requirements can have Negative influence not only on the person himself, but also on the people around him. This can cause poisoning, the spread of infections, accidents.

Occupational hygiene and sanitation

Within these industries, the influence of the environment working environment and technological processes on the human body, the development and subsequent implementation of standards for the implementation of measures to ensure favorable conditions. This set of measures is also focused on preventing the development of occupational diseases. Scientific research are carried out in the following areas:

Research Features

Industrial sanitation and hygiene provides for regular medical examinations of personnel. In work environments, employees are often exposed to high and low temperatures, different kind radiation, toxic compounds, dust, vibration, noise, electromagnetic waves, as well as various combinations these factors. All this can lead to certain disorders in the body. This, in turn, can contribute to a decrease or loss of performance. The rules of sanitation and hygiene must be strictly observed at any enterprise, especially for Food Industry. Violation of the requirements that provide for sanitation and hygiene can lead to quite serious consequences for the population.

Practical activities

To prevent and eliminate the adverse effects of harmful factors and the consequences of their impact, a study of the features of technological processes, equipment and materials (raw materials, intermediate, auxiliary, by-products, waste) is carried out. Sanitation and hygiene provide for a detailed study of the occupational and general morbidity of personnel, personal protective equipment, and the effectiveness of ventilation and lighting installations and devices. Many enterprises use conveyor-assembly and production lines, as a result of which the labor process becomes automated and mechanized. All this, freeing a person from heavy physical stress, requires increased concentration of vision and attention. In this case, sanitation and hygiene are of particular importance in ensuring a healthy environment. In such enterprises, it is necessary to establish optimal mode work. It must provide high performance without disturbing the physiological state during the work shift. The standards that are established in Russia act as a guarantor of maintaining the health of workers.

Dangerous and harmful factors

The list of OVPFs includes:

Classification of chemical factors

According to the nature of the impact, chemical factors are divided into:

  • mutagenic;
  • carcinogenic;
  • affecting reproductive function;
  • annoying;
  • toxic.
  • Low-hazard (grade 4). These include gasoline, ammonia, acetone and other compounds.
  • Moderately dangerous (grade 3). This includes tea, camphor, and more.
  • Highly dangerous (grade 2). This category includes alkalis, acids and other compounds.
  • Extremely dangerous (1 class). These include lead, mercury and other substances.

Medical assistant: basic information

A person with a secondary specialized medical education is accepted for this position. The medical assistant must be trained in the relevant specialty "Sanitation and occupational hygiene". The appointment and dismissal of a person from office is carried out by order of the head of the enterprise in accordance with the current legislation. The assistant reports directly to the sanitary doctor or the head of the unit (laboratory, department), and in the absence of a higher employee, to the deputy or head of the enterprise.

Important information

The medical assistant needs to know:

  • Methods of control over compliance with existing rules, hygienic standards, requirements.
  • Fundamentals of health care legislation, as well as regulations that govern the activities of the respective institutions.
  • The main organizational and administrative provisions, in accordance with which the functioning of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision and its structural divisions is carried out.
  • Basic norms of the Labor Code.
  • Norms fire protection, safety equipment.
  • Rules of the order at the enterprise.

Job Responsibilities

These include:

Physician assistant rights

An employee can:

  • Request, receive and use information materials and legal documents that he needs to perform his duties.
  • Pass certification in the manner prescribed by law with the right to obtain the appropriate qualification.
  • Participate in scientific meetings and conferences, where the subject of consideration are issues related to its activities.
  • Attend refresher courses at least once every five years.

A responsibility

The Physician Assistant is responsible for:


The health of the country's population is directly related to the social structure. Activities that aim to improve the condition of people are most effective when they are carried out on a large scale. On the Russian enterprises established hygiene standards are widely used. Compliance with the requirements ensures not only the preservation of health, but also prevents the development and spread of various diseases. This, in turn, prevents a decrease or loss of ability to work.

Compliance with the requirements and compliance with the standards adopted in Russia is mandatory for enterprises and institutions of all sectors of the country's economy. This provision is fixed in the relevant legislation. Various specialists are involved in the implementation of tasks to ensure the protection of health and labor. For example, maintenance and testing of equipment is carried out by designers, technologists, builders and other professionals. Thanks to research carried out as part of ensuring healthy working conditions, innovative methods are being developed and implemented that can significantly reduce or completely eliminate the negative impact of various production factors.

CONTENT: 6. Sanitary and hygienic requirements. The technological process of cooking involves strict adherence to sanitary and hygienic norms and rules. Sanitary requirements should be carried out at all stages of the technological process: when receiving raw materials and organizing their storage, when preparing dishes and culinary products, when selling finished products and serving consumers.

6. Sanitary and hygienic requirements.

The technological process of cooking involves strict adherence to sanitary and hygienic norms and rules. Sanitary requirements must be met at all stages of the technological process: when receiving raw materials and organizing their storage, when preparing dishes and culinary products, when selling finished products and serving consumers. The quality and safety of culinary products depends on compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules.

POS workers must observe the rules of personal hygiene in order to prevent contamination food products, semi-finished products and finished products by pathogenic microorganisms.

skin care requirements and oral cavity:

Daily washing, in hot weather, a shower before starting work, careful hair care;

Nails, short cut, not varnished;

Jewelry and watches are not allowed;

Wash your hands regularly with the mule throughout the day;

Before starting work, after visiting the toilet and after working with raw food, hands are washed with soap and disinfected with a 0.2% bleach solution and rinsed with water;

In case of skin damage, treat with iodine, brilliant green, a weak solution of potassium permanganate;

Not allowed to work with finished products persons with pustular diseases of the skin of the hands;

Oral cavity: brush your teeth 2 times a day, rinse your mouth after eating, visit a dentist;

Requirements for sanitary clothing:

Should be from light cotton fabrics;

Do not fasten with pins or needles;

Do not put foreign objects in pockets;

Do not go outside and do not enter the toilet in sanitary clothing;

Store separately from outerwear;

Shoes should be non-slippery, with a closed heel, easy to clean.

POP workers must undergo a medical examination, the purpose of which is to prevent patients and bacteria carriers from working. Patients with tuberculosis, dysentery, typhoid fever, hepatitis, venereal and skin diseases etc. Medical examination is carried out 2 times a year according to the schedule.

The quality of manufactured products largely depends on the cleanliness of the workplace of the cook. At the beginning of the working day, it is necessary to wipe the production tables with a clean, damp cloth. In the process of work, promptly remove food waste, used utensils and equipment from the table. Rinse the table after each operation hot water. At the end of the working day, tables are washed with hot water. detergents and disinfected with a 0.5% bleach solution, washed with running water.

Nessesary to use cutting boards and knives strictly according to the marking.

In the process of preparing and decorating dishes, it is necessary to touch the products with your hands as little as possible, using special tools, inventory, and equipment. Only clean, sanitized equipment, inventory, utensils and containers should be used.

When preparing dishes, it is necessary to strictly observe the flow of technological processes. Processing various kinds raw materials and semi-finished products to be carried out in the relevant workshops.

Products should be prepared in small portions, as they are demanded and sold.

To prevent the development of microbes already in prepared food it must be stored for distribution for no more than 2-3 hours, observing a certain temperature. So the storage temperature for the distribution and serving of first courses is 75 ° C.

5. Labor protection.

Kitchen workers must study the rules for the operation of thermal mechanical equipment, undergo practical instruction from the production manager. In the places where the equipment is located, it is necessary to post the rules for its operation. The floors in the workshops should be smooth, without protrusions, not slippery.

Electrical equipment must be grounded. You can not clutter up the aisles with dishes and containers. It is allowed to open the lids of cooking kettles 5 minutes after the supply of steam or electricity is interrupted; before opening, lift the turbine valve by the ring and make sure that there is no steam inside the boiler. The lids of stove-top boilers must be opened towards you during cooking.

Finished goods weighing more than 20 kg must be transported on trolleys. Boilers weighing more than 15 kg are allowed to be removed from the stove only by two people.

The surface of the plate must be flat and smooth, without burrs and cracks. It is forbidden to melt the plates with flammable liquids. Stovetop boilers must have tightly attached handles. There must be dielectric mats.

When working with a knife, observe certain rules to avoid cuts.

There must be a first aid kit with a set of medicines at the factory.

4. The procedure for organizing the workplace.

The cold shop is designed to produce a wide range of products: sandwiches, cold dishes and snacks, sweet dishes, cold soups and drinks. In the process of preparing these products, most products are not subjected to heat treatment, so it is necessary for the worker to observe the rules of sanitation and personal hygiene with particular care. When planning a cold shop, it should be borne in mind that in summer the temperature in it should be quite low, so it is better to turn the windows to the north. A convenient connection of this workshop with the kitchen and the trading floor is necessary.

Refrigeration cabinets, disassembly chambers, low-temperature counters, ice makers, as well as special mechanical equipment are placed in the workshop.

The workplace is a part of the production workshop, adapted to perform certain production operations, equipped with necessary equipment and inventory.

To organize the workplace, cooks install modular sections - tables with a refrigerated cabinet and a slide for storing components of cold dishes, with a built-in bathtub, above which a cold and cold mixer is mounted. hot water with flexible hose and shower head. Under the tabletop there is an auxiliary shelf for storing dishes and drawers. The workshop organizes separate workplaces for the production of cold dishes and snacks, sweet dishes and sandwiches. From the equipment they use a universal drive, a vegetable cutter with a set of various knives, bread, sausage and ham cutters adapted for cutting butter, cheese, as well as a variety of recesses, knives, dishes and forms. Great importance has the design of cold dishes and snacks, and their attractiveness depends on the shape of the cut, color combination products, their location and, of course, the qualifications of the chef. The number of necessary utensils, containers and production inventory determined depending on the volume of products, the range of dishes and culinary products.

The hot shop is the main EPP shop where the cooking process is completed. The workshop should have a convenient connection with the procurement and cold shops, washing kitchen utensils, distribution and dining room. Cookers, ovens, cooking pots, electric frying pans, electric fryers, refrigerated cabinets, tables and racks should be installed in the workshop.

The workplace for preparing products for heat treatment is equipped with a production table with a box for storing tools and equipment with a built-in bathtub and hot and cold water connected to it.

Also workplace includes line thermal equipment and a line of non-mechanical equipment. The heating equipment line consists of electric stoves, electric frying pan, etc. Lines of non-mechanical equipment include sectional modulating tables, a mobile bath, a table for small-scale mechanization.

I. Main part.

1. Theoretical part.

1.1. Characteristics of the enterprise.

Cafe-Bar "Beer House" provides consumers with a wide range of dishes of complex preparation, mainly on individual orders. In the cafe-bar high level service is combined with the organization of recreation for visitors. They also organize servicing of official evenings, receptions, family celebrations, banquets, holding theme parties.

Consumers are served by cooks, waiters, bartenders, administrators who have undergone special training. Meals and drinks are prepared by highly qualified chefs. The cafe-bar serves foreign tourists, the waiters usually own one of foreign languages to the extent necessary to fulfill professional duties. Service staff has a uniform.

As additional services, they organize the sale of semi-finished products, culinary and confectionery products, and accept pre-orders.

The interior of the cafe: tables for two, four, six seats, sofas, there are also many TVs, VIP rooms, a bar, smoking rooms.

In the cafe-bere, musical service is provided using stereo radio equipment. Performance of artists, instrumental or vocal-instrumental group is allowed.


The most important task of development Catering on the present stage is the introduction of industrial technology for the production of products based on cooperation with the food industry, the creation of large procurement enterprises for the production of semi-finished products and products of a high degree of readiness and centralized supply or public catering enterprises. This will make it possible to significantly increase the productivity of workers in the industry, improve the quality of products, rationally use raw materials and mechanize labor-intensive technological processes.

The quality of products manufactured by public catering enterprises, the health and performance of people largely depends on the skill of cooks, on how much they have mastered advanced technology and modern technology.

The development of public catering helps to rebuild people, allows you to move to public forms satisfaction of the material and domestic needs of the family, liberation homework to involve them in social production.

Public canteens appeared in our country only after the Great October Socialist Revolution of 1917.

In 1919 signed a decree on free baby food. In 1923 the partnership "Narpit" was created, whose tasks were to study the norms for the use of raw materials, the development of cooking technologies, the organization, accounting and mechanization of production.

The number of public catering enterprises increased in 1929-1937, collectivization in agriculture. Public catering has developed rapidly. The card system was abolished. 29 million people used the services. human. The trade turnover was 10 billion rubles.

In 1941-1945. catering workers contributed to the victory over the Nazis through the correct distribution of products.

1950s-1950s - years of recovery National economy. A number of resolutions have been adopted; “On measures to improve the work of public catering”.

The tasks were the introduction of progressive forms of service (self-service), the improvement of the production of semi-finished products, and the improvement of the quality of dishes.

1970-80, the number of enterprises reached 320, 8 thousand. The services were used by 120 million people. The quality of seats - 2.7 million. The HP five-year period was the five-year period of accelerating the development of the industry,

It was planned; improve number seats, build 70 factories of semi-finished products and culinary products, pre-cooking enterprises - up to 7 thousand. build fast food businesses. Provide hot drinks at the place of residence, recreation, work.

In 1990-97. - during the years of the market economy, public catering departments were liquidated: Tests, Ministry. State enterprises are being transformed into joint-stock companies and leased to individuals. Property is issued state enterprises, and unprofitable enterprises are sold at auctions. The network of fast food establishments is growing.

Joint ventures with foreign lines are being created. The forms of ownership have been preserved: state, collective, enterprises of private citizens, joint ventures.

Chuvash cuisine is rich in its national traditions, as it has been formed for centuries, in the diet of our ancestors there were mainly dishes from offal, wild herbs, milk and lactic acid products, dough products.

At present, the Chuvash have a rich and varied cuisine, which has its own distinctive features - kakai-shurpi, sharttan, khuplu, chipit, sharku - these are some of the traditional dishes that have become famous not only in the Republic, but also abroad.

The food of the Chuvash, mainly preserved the traditions of the national cuisine, has undergone certain changes with the expansion of its cultural level, new dishes and products have appeared. Vegetables and fruits began to occupy a significant place in the Chuvash cuisine, the range of dishes from meat, poultry and fish, dough products expanded. Are very popular confectionery and national drinks. Some attention was paid to Chuvash cooking national cuisines other peoples living in neighboring Republics and regions of Russia. Today on dining table Chuvash family along with traditional national dishes you can see Russian cabbage soup, pasta, various omelettes, etc. At the same time, they have retained their originality, and this is one of the reasons for the popularity of national cuisine.

Hygienic education carried out by the school includes work on the introduction of hygiene skills among children and adolescents and teaching them hygiene in the course of classroom work, within the limits provided for by school programs, as well as imparting biomedical knowledge to them through extracurricular and extracurricular activities. Equally important is the involvement of students in social work to protect and promote health, maintain a hygienic regime at school and family, and conduct individual health measures.

The school should bring into the system the hygiene skills previously acquired by children, strengthen and develop them. At school, according to the age of the children, the meaning of the skill must be explained, its implementation motivated and reinforced by the student's consciousness. At the same time, it is necessary to provide external conditions facilitating the implementation of nurtured skills (washbasins, soap, tooth powder, brushes, etc.).

The main work on the education of hygiene skills is carried out in the lower grades of the school. In middle and high school, work in this direction should not stop, and all the efforts of teachers, as well as parents, should be aimed at consolidating and developing hygiene skills in students. It should be borne in mind that the skills acquired by students in the lower grades, which are not consolidated and not developed in the middle and upper grades, disappear imperceptibly and often they are replaced by anti-hygienic habits.

Responsibility for non-compliance with the requirements of the Sanitary Rules in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus is assigned to the head of the general education institution, as well as to other employees of the general education institution to the extent determined by their official duties.

The head of the educational institution exercises daily control over the implementation Sanitary regulations. Specialists of the territorial institutions of the State Sanitary Supervision carry out periodic supervision of the implementation of the Sanitary Rules.

The results of the checks are recorded in the sanitary journal of the institution, which must be laced and numbered.

17. Electrical safety. The effect of electric current on the human body: types of electrical injuries, electric shocks.

Electrical safety - a system of organizational measures and technical means that prevent harmful and dangerous effects on workers from electric current and electric arc. Electrical safety includes legal, socio-economic, organizational and technical, sanitary and hygienic, medical and preventive, rehabilitation and other measures. Electrical safety rules are regulated by legal and technical documents, regulatory and technical framework. Knowledge of the basics of electrical safety is mandatory for personnel servicing electrical installations and electrical equipment.

Electric current passing through the human body affects it:

Thermally - manifested in burns of the skin and heating to high temperatures of internal organs;

Electrolytically - expressed in the decomposition of organic fluids (blood, lymph), causing a violation of their physical and chemical composition;

Biologically - manifests itself in irritation of body tissues and in violation of internal bioelectrical processes;

Mechanically - it is expressed in damage to body tissues (mainly muscle), walls of blood vessels, lung tissue as a result of an electrodynamic effect.

Conventionally, all electrical injuries can be reduced to the following types:

local electrical injuries - pronounced local violations of the integrity of tissues, local damage to the body caused by exposure to electric current or an electric arc;

general electrical injuries (electric shocks) - injuries associated with the defeat of the whole organism due to a violation of the normal activity of vital organs and systems of a person.

mixed electrical injuries.

An electric shock causes excitation of the living tissues of the body by an electric current passing through it, accompanied by involuntary convulsive muscle contractions, including the muscles of the heart and lungs. As a result, various disturbances in the vital activity of the body and even a complete cessation of the activity of the respiratory and circulatory organs can occur.

Electric shocks are divided into four degrees:

Convulsive muscle contraction without loss of consciousness;

Convulsive contraction of the muscles with loss of consciousness, but with the preservation of breathing and heart work;

Loss of consciousness and impaired cardiac activity and respiration;

Clinical death, i.e. lack of respiration and circulation.

Sanitary and hygienic regime in the preschool educational institution.

Prevention of colds and infectious diseases.

(from work experience, head Eremina T.N.)

The basic goal of any preschool institution is to create optimal conditions for effectively solving the problems of development of each preschooler. The task of strengthening the health of children is a necessary condition for their comprehensive development and ensuring the normal functioning of a growing organism. In order to maintain and improve the health of a child in one of the most crucial periods of his life, systematic, purposeful work is necessary, both in preschool as well as in the family.

The activity of our preschool institution for the preservation and promotion of health contains 7 main areas:

one). Organization of the sanitary and epidemiological regime and the creation of a pedagogical protective regime for the life of children.

2). Organizing meals for children.

3). Ensuring the psychological safety of children during their stay in preschool.

four). Organization of preventive work.

5). Organization of physical culture and health-improving work.

6). Creation of a subject-developing, logistical and ecological environment the child's stay in preschool.

7). Formation in children of a conscious, transformative attitude towards their health.

The sanitary and hygienic condition of the preschool educational institution is maintained in accordance with the established requirements.

In the preschool educational institution there is a whole block for the system of work on health conservation - this is a medical office, an isolation ward.

The organization of the mode of stay of a child in a preschool institution is built with mandatory consideration age features child during the week and day, the need to meet the child's need for physical activity, rest.

In accordance with these criteria, a grid of children's activities was compiled. When compiling the grid, the requirements for the total duration of organized activities, for the distribution of the load during the day and during the week, for a sufficient duration of children's stay on fresh air, to change activities during the day.

Schedule of immediate educational activities and the daily routine in the preschool educational institution are compiled on the basis of the recommendations of SanPiN, with the obligatory consideration of the age of the children, the season (warm and cold seasons).

The mode necessarily reflects the time of eating, walking, daytime sleep, classes and free activities.

During classes that require a high mental load, in the intervals between classes, educators and teachers conduct physical education sessions.

Particular importance in the upbringing of children is given to the development of movements through outdoor games, both in physical education classes and in everyday life.

In physical education classes, a variety of outdoor games are used: plot, non-plot, with elements sports games, fun games and others.

In the preschool educational institution strictly observed all the nutritional standards provided for sanitary standards and rules.

Organized 4 single meal based on a prospective 10-day menu. The menu is compiled according to technological maps that make it possible to withstand all necessary requirements preparing children's meals.

When catering, all physiological and age norms in the daily requirement of basic nutrients are observed.

For the purpose of prevention colds The following activities are carried out in the DOE:

  • temperature control,
  • observance of the daily routine,
  • daily walks,
  • compliance with the seasonality of clothing during children's walks,
  • morning exercise,
  • implementation of the room ventilation mode,
  • room quartzing,
  • dynamic pause between classes, physical education in the classroom,
  • "Health Weeks", "Funny Starts",
  • conducting preventive interviews with parents.

Along with preventive work in a preschool institution, a system of general health measures is carried out, which includes:

  • formation of cultural and hygienic skills
  • hardening system
  • fortification of meals
  • optimization of motor activity of children

The groups are equipped with sports corners equipped with non-traditional sports equipment, in the groups “Health Corners” are separately allocated, where there are health-improving materials ( didactic games and “Health” manuals, which children can use both with the help of adults and on their own.

It should be noted that hardening procedures are organized and carried out in the preschool educational institution, since regular hardening of the child's body increases its resistance to the effects of various adverse factors. external environment. With children are held: game self-massage, outdoor games and physical exercises in the air, breathing exercises, physical training minutes, barefoot walking along the "Health Paths" in the summer, physical education classes on the street.

On the territory of the preschool educational institution is equipped playground for outdoor activities sports holidays and entertainment. The site is equipped with the necessary physical training equipment.

Along with providing the necessary conditions for maintaining and strengthening the health of children, a system has been built in our preschool institution pedagogical work on the formation of a conscious, transformative attitude towards their health in a preschooler.

The main goal of working with children is to form in them a conscious attitude to health as a leading value and to motivate them to healthy lifestyle life.

The main form of work with children is specially organized classes "Health Lessons".

It should be noted that work with children is not limited to academic year and does not stop with the onset of the summer recreational period. Against, this work expands in the summer, because it is in summer period natural natural conditions to improve and maintain the health of children. Therefore, during all summer months work on hardening is actively carried out (in the process of specially organized hardening procedures, such as barefoot, walking on wet grass, as well as playing with water, sun and air baths)

In a modern preschool institution, it is necessary to search for new approaches to the improvement of children, based on monitoring the health status of each child, taking into account and using the characteristics of his body, individualizing recreational activities, and creating certain conditions. The main role in this process, of course, belongs to the teacher. After all, it is precisely from professionalism, literacy, the level of knowledge and skills, as well as personal qualities teacher directly depends on the result of his interaction with the child. Interest in obtaining positive results of their activities and possession of practical skills in health technologies are also necessary conditions the effectiveness of the introduction of new health-forming approaches to building a common educational process in a preschool.

Therefore, with teachers are carried out business games, subgroup and individual consultations, workshops, master classes, presentations of the work experience of individual teachers.

In the groups there are corners of the junior teacher. In which there is information about the air and temperature regime, rules for cleaning the premises, instructions for the current disinfection.

In the center of work on the full-fledged physiological and psychological development and rehabilitation of children, along with the preschool educational institution, the family should also be, as the two main social structures, which basically determine the level of health of the child. For this purpose, the preschool educational institution uses such forms of work, such as: information stands for parents, collective, subgroup and individual consultations, trainings, joint holidays, leisure, entertainment, parent meetings.

All measures for the prevention of colds and infectious diseases have helped to reduce the incidence of children. Compared to the previous year, it decreased by 1%. The percentage of attendance at MDOU by children corresponds to the average level.

Despite the gradual decrease in morbidity, the team was tasked with further reducing the level of morbidity, maintaining and strengthening the health of pupils through the system of physical culture and health-improving work and hardening procedures that has developed in MDOU.