What are the rules of hygiene. Personal hygiene of workers in the food industry, catering and trade. food poisoning

Compliance with sanitary requirements, personal hygiene rules when preparing dishes in the meat shop.

The strictest observance of the sanitary and hygienic regime is its applied law for every catering worker and, first of all, for the cook. Strict implementation of the sanitary and hygienic regime excludes the possibility of pathogenic microbes, fungi, eggs of worms entering the body. Excludes hit in food of toxic chemicals, foreign impurity. Great importance has a fight against flies, cockroaches and rodents, which are carriers of contagious diseases (intestinal, tuberculosis, etc.), there should be no flies at all in catering establishments. The presence of flies is the first sign of unsatisfactory compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules at the enterprise.

Personal hygiene. An important hygiene requirement. The skin performs a new function of human life: it participates in the respiratory process, excretion of metabolic products, etc. If the skin does not function well, the person's well-being worsens. In addition, dirt can cause skin diseases and pollution, processed products. Therefore, all catering establishments, especially cooks and confectioners, need to keep the body clean. It is recommended to take a hygienic shower daily before work using soap and washcloths or wash your hands up to the elbow immediately before work.

1. short cut nails;

2. clean under the nail space.

It is forbidden to wear jewelry and watches. On the hands of cooks in the process of work, there may be pathogenic microbes, eggs of worms. Therefore, hands should be washed and disinfected before starting work, after visiting the toilet, when moving from processing raw materials to processing prepared food. In all other cases, hands should be washed with soap and water after each operation during cooking.

Maintenance of the oral cavity Caterers are of great hygienic importance, since a significant number of microorganisms are usually found in the oral cavity. It is recommended to brush your teeth daily in the morning and evening, and rinse your mouth after each meal. In case of colds (tonsillitis, runny nose, etc.), you should not start work without an appropriate doctor's opinion.

Sanitary clothing. Protects food products from contamination that can get from the body, personal clothing of the cook and confectioner in the process of cooking. cap or gauze scarf; apron; scarf for. wiping sweat; trousers or skirt; special shoes.

Sanitary clothing is made of white cotton fabric that is easy to wash. Based on 3 sets per worker. Currently, they use a new image of sanitary clothing, made without pockets and a button. Put on clothes in a certain sequence; achieving a neat look; the headdress should completely cover the hair; personal clothing and footwear of the cook and confectioner should be light, comfortable and intended only for work in production.

sanitary regime. Obliges employees to monitor the cleanliness of the workplace, equipment, inventory and utensils. It is forbidden to smoke in production and in trading floors (special places are allocated for smokers). You can not eat in production areas, food residues pollute the workplace and tables. Eating meals by employees of organizations in canteens for employees or in a specially designated dining room on the trading floor.

Medical examination. Catering workers are carried out in order to prevent the spread infectious diseases through food. Upon admission to the company Catering the employee is examined by a general practitioner, examined for bacteriocarrier, tuberculosis, helminthic and venereal diseases.

Examination by a dermatologist, blood test for RV. All employees undergo a quarterly examination for bacteriocarrier and fluorography at least once a year.

The following are not allowed to work at catering establishments: patients with tuberculosis, dysentery, typhoid fever, epidemic hepatitis, syphilis, acute gonorrhea, skin diseases (scabies, dermatitis, ringworm). Also, persons who have patients in the family, before the appearance of a certificate of hospitalization of patients and proper disinfection, in order to prevent and occur, infection and create immunity for all employees of public catering establishments, they are given preventive vaccinations.

Sanitary requirements for inventory and tools. For the preparation of high-quality dishes, it is necessary to strictly observe the sanitary requirements at this workplace and observe the rules of personal hygiene.

When working, it is necessary to strictly observe the rules of sanitation, despite the fact that all products are subjected to heat treatment. Tables should be made of stainless steel with rounded corners. Each production worker must monitor the cleanliness of the workplace, technological equipment. Your workplace should be in exemplary order. Cleaning must be done during the working day.

At the end of the work, the premises of the working shop must be carefully cleaned. Wash tables, stoves, floors hot water. Walls, windows, beams should be wiped with a damp cloth and washed at least once a week with hot water and soda. Do not use galvanized utensils for cooking, because zinc is poorly cleaned. It is best to use stainless steel utensils and utensils. Porcelain tableware is used in catering establishments. Equipment is included in the inventory. Facilitating the work of the cook and confectioner: cutting boards, rafts, skimmers, sieve, pastry bags. Cutting boards are made from a valuable piece of hardwood (oak, birch, maple) with a smooth surface. All boards must be marked in accordance with the products processed on them:

"MS" - raw meat:

"MV" - boiled meat:

"OS" - raw vegetables;

"OV" - boiled vegetables, etc.

In the process of work, strictly monitor the correct use of the boards in accordance with the marking. They are washed after each operation with hot water and a brush (previously cleaned with a knife from food residues), scalded with boiling water and stored on the edge of the racks. All inventory, including cutting boards disinfect by boiling in water for 15-20 minutes. Confectionery bags, gauze for straining the broth after washing are boiled in a 1% ~ solution of soda ash, then rinsed, dried and filtered. Tools, knives, chef's knives, as well as cutting boards, must be secured to the workplace and marked accordingly. Given that chef's knives are made of stainless steel, they should be kept dry. All metal tools are disinfected by boiling in water or roasting in the oven, after washing with hot water. Violation of sanitary and hygienic washing rules and the maintenance of inventory and tools can cause contamination with microbes food products, therefore, the occurrence of food poisoning, and intestinal infections.

Room cleaning. The premises are cleaned during the working day, if necessary, with hot water with the addition of soda ash. At the end of the work, the equipment is wiped. The floors are washed for the purpose of disinfection with the addition of bleach and detergents.

Cooking technology

Pretreatment of vegetables.

Washing potatoes and other root crops contributes to its quick cleaning, improves sanitary conditions further processing. At the same time, contaminants are removed from the surface of the tubers, so that sand does not enter, maintaining the rough surface of the grating discs and increasing their service life. .

Potatoes, roots, meat and other products for these soups are boiled, cut into small cubes or strips. Green onions are chopped. For some cold soups, a part of the onion (1/4 of the norm) is rubbed with a wooden pestle with a little salt until the juice appears. In cucumbers with rough skin and large seeds, the skin is pre-cleaned and the seeds are removed. Cucumbers with thin skin and small seeds are not peeled. When using unpeeled cucumbers (with skin and seeds), the rate of investment by their gross weight is correspondingly reduced. The whites of hard-boiled eggs are finely chopped, and the yolks are ground with a portion of sour cream (according to the recipe), mustard, salt, sugar and diluted with kvass or kvass with beetroot broth. Add chopped onion with salt, chopped foods to the prepared mixture and mix everything. The rest of the sour cream and eggs are placed in portioned dishes on vacation. In the mass preparation of okroshka on kvass, the chopped products are mixed and stored in the refrigerator. Before the holiday, the prepared products (mixture) are placed in portioned dishes, poured with seasoned kvass and the rest of the eggs and sour cream are added.

Name of raw materials



Bread kvass



fresh cucumbers


Sour cream

Baked porridge with minced cabbage

Flour is sifted before use in special sifters or manually, removing lumps and impurities; at the same time, the flour is enriched with atmospheric oxygen, which facilitates the kneading of the dough, improves its quality and contributes to its better rise.

Pressed yeast is diluted in warm water at a temperature of 30–35 °C before use, frozen yeast is subjected to gradual defrosting at a temperature of 4–6 °C. Dry yeast is taken 3 times less than fresh, while the yeast is diluted warm water and let stand for 1 hour. Prepared yeast is filtered.

Eggs are processed before use in accordance with the current Sanitary Rules for catering establishments. Fats introduced in a melted form are filtered through a sieve, and those used in a solid state are preliminarily cut into pieces and softened.

After connecting the components, the dough is kneaded different ways and put it in warm place for fermentation.

Yeast fungi and lactic acid bacteria that enter the dough with them cause fermentation: the first is alcoholic, the second is lactic acid. Yeast in the process of life activity ferment flour sugar to alcohol and carbon dioxide, which, trying to get out of the dough, loosens it and creates porosity, and lactic acid bacteria ferment sugar with the formation of lactic acid, which contributes to better swelling of flour proteins and improves product taste.

To obtain good quality products, it is necessary that the dough retains as much of the carbon dioxide formed in it as possible. The gas-holding capacity of the dough depends on the properties of the flour, which is the greater, the more proteins in the flour and the higher the quality of the gluten. Dough made from such flour absorbs more water, has good gas-holding capacity, does not blur, and retains its shape. It should, however, be remembered that for the life of yeast, oxygen is constantly needed, and the accumulated carbon dioxide inhibits the activity of yeast. Therefore, during the fermentation process, the dough must be crushed.

The kneading is necessary so that the dough is freed from excess carbon dioxide, and the yeast and lactic acid bacteria are more evenly distributed in the thickness of the dough. As a result, the dough becomes more porous and elastic.

The most favorable temperature for the development of yeast and lactic acid bacteria is 25–35 °C. Raising or lowering the temperature slows down the development of yeast and impairs the fermentation process of the dough. At a temperature of 45-50 ° C, fermentation stops.

Name of products and products

Consumption of raw materials per 1 kg in g

for baked pies

Wheat flour of the highest or 1st grade*

table margarine

Yeast (pressed)

Humidity, %

Baked pies are made from sponge dough. Products are molded on a table dusted with flour in the form of balls. After 5 minutes, the balls are rolled out in the form of cakes, minced meat is placed in the middle of which, the edges are tightly connected and the product is shaped like a boat. Lay the pies seam down on a greased confectionery sheet at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other and put in a warm place for proofing for 20-30 minutes. 5–8 minutes before baking, they are smeared with an egg and baked in an oven for about 10 minutes at 240 ° C.

Any shape can be given to pies - round, semi-circular, square, triangular, with a smooth surface or with a curly pinch.

baked piesfrom yeast dough

Simple pies weighing 75 g (*)

Yeast dough № 796

Flour for dust

Stuffing №№ 835 -854 , 856

Or jam, jam


grease for lubrication sheets

Melange for greasing pies

Output (pcs.)

Minced cabbage. Minced meat is prepared from fresh and sauerkraut. Minced fresh cabbage is prepared in two ways.

First way. The processed white cabbage is finely chopped and immersed in boiling water for 3–5 minutes, then put on a sieve and squeezed. Squeezed cabbage is put into a cauldron or pan, broth, milk or water (10–15% of the mass of cabbage), fat, salt are added, covered with a lid and stewed until tender.

The second way. The prepared white cabbage is finely chopped, put on a baking sheet with a layer of melted fat no more than 3-5 cm and fried until cooked in an oven at a temperature of 180-200 ° C, stirring occasionally. At a lower temperature, the cabbage becomes brown and tasteless, and at a higher temperature it can char. Ready cabbage is cooled, salt is added. Salt the cabbage until frying or uncooled

it is impossible to cook it, because at the same time moisture is released from it, which reduces the quality of minced meat. Finely chopped eggs or browned onions are added to the finished cabbage.

Requirements for the quality of dough products. Shelf life

Finished dough products should have the correct shape, an even upper crust, without cracks, tears, tightly adjacent to the crumb. The color of the crusts is golden yellow or light brown. The crumb of products should be well baked, elastic, with light pressure with a finger, take on its original shape, not crumbly, evenly porous, without voids. The taste and smell should correspond to the type of product and its composition, but without a taste of bitterness, excessive acidity, salinity. Foreign odors and tastes are not allowed.

Store finished products in clean, dry, bright rooms with a temperature of 6-20 ° C, in trays stacked in rows so that the products do not lose their shape. The implementation period is 24 hours. With longer storage, dough products become stale, i.e. the crumb becomes dry, hard, crumbly. The crust loses elasticity, becomes wrinkled and rubbery. The volume of the product is reduced. This happens due to a change in the state of starch and proteins. Ready-made pancakes and pancakes are stored in folded piles in a container with a closed lid until they are released to keep them hot longer.

marriage finished products.

Marriage - daily control over the quality of cooking, it can be departmental, administrative and personal.

Departmental marriage - leads a special commission. Members of the commission evaluate the quality of food prepared at this or another enterprise. If violations are found, an inspection report is drawn up.

Administrative marriage is carried out periodically during the working day by the head of production or his deputy, cooks foremen.

Scraping of finished products is carried out selectively at least 2 times during one work shift.

To determine the quality of the dishes, members of the commission may withdraw the dish from sale.

The most important form of quality control of dishes are the posts of quality and control at the distribution. The posts are headed by cooks - foremen who control the quality of the prepared dishes and their output.

Before proceeding with the marriage, the members of the commission carefully get acquainted with the menu, technological and calculation cards. First determine the mass of finished products.

food quality and culinary products evaluated by organoleptic indicators; taste, smell, appearance, color and texture. Depending on these indicators, products are rated "excellent", "good", "satisfactory" and "unsatisfactory".

The “excellent” rating is given to dishes (products) prepared in strict accordance with the recipe and approved technology.

The “good” rating is given to dishes cooked according to the recipe with excellent taste indicators, but having irregularities in the form of cuts, insufficiently golden brown, slightly colored fat in soups, etc. undersalted or vice versa.

The “satisfactory” rating is assigned to dishes (products) suitable for sale without processing, but having minor flaws.

The “unsatisfactory” rating is assigned to dishes (products) that have significant drawbacks: the presence of an extraneous taste and smell, oversalted, spicy, out of shape, burnt, with signs of spoilage. These dishes are sent for revision or rejected. Draw up the relevant act.

A real means of increasing responsibility for the quality of food is the provision by the best cook of the right to personal marriage of food, that is, the delivery of finished products from the first presentation. In this case, the chefs of the 5th and 6th categories are themselves controllers and guarantee the high quality of the dishes.

Cooks who have received personal marriage after three years are re-certified, which serves as confirmation of the right to personal marriage for a new term. The deprivation of this right may occur at the request of the quality commission.

The commission enters its comments on the quality of prepared dishes and culinary products in the marriage-range magazines.

The magazine must be laced and sealed with a wax seal, and its pages must be numbered. The journal is kept by the production manager.

Dishes and culinary products are sent at least three times a month to the sanitary and food laboratory to study the completeness of the initial products in them, as well as their good quality.


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Sanitary requirements to the personal hygiene of the staff. All employees of enterprises must observe personal hygiene. At the same time, before starting work and working at the enterprise, employees must undergo a medical examination in accordance with the current regulations. by orders of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (No. 90 of 14.03.96, No. 405 of 10.12.96, No. 555 of 09.29.89), with Instructions for Mandatory Medical Examinations ( Sanitary regulations and norms SanPiN and medical examinations.

In connection with the epidemiological situation, the bodies of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision may conduct an unscheduled bacteriological examination of workers. All newly hired workers must undergo training on a sanitary minimum and pass exams. In the future, exams under the sanitary minimum program after classes are taken every two years. Newly hired workers are allowed to work only after familiarization with the rules of personal hygiene and instructions to prevent the ingress of foreign objects into the finished product.

Before being allowed to work, workers who produce confectionery products with cream must undergo a mandatory daily examination by a medical worker in order to identify injuries and pustular diseases of the skin of the hands, exposed parts of the body, as well as patients with tonsillitis and catarrhal symptoms of the upper respiratory tract.
Workers with cuts, abrasions, burns, pustules, boils, suppuration are not allowed to work on the production of confectionery products with cream.

Employees food enterprise must have a personal medical book, in which the results of a medical examination are entered. Employees who are found to have infectious diseases are suspended from work. Persons whose family members are ill with acute intestinal diseases are temporarily suspended from work until the patient is hospitalized and disinfected.

Upon admission to work and in the future, studies are periodically carried out for bacilli and helminth carriers in order to identify bacillus carriers, i.e. people who are actually healthy, but excrete bacteria - the causative agents of intestinal diseases. Identified bacillus and helminth carriers are removed from work and sent for treatment. To prevent the spread of infectious diseases at the enterprises of the industry, annual preventive vaccinations of the combined vaccine and regular chest x-ray examination (fluorography) to identify patients with tuberculosis are mandatory.

All employees of bakery and confectionery enterprises must observe the rules of personal hygiene, as this is one of the main conditions that prevent bacterial contamination of finished products. Sanitary requirements associated with the implementation of personal hygiene rules are as follows: keeping personal and sanitary clothing clean, caring for the cleanliness of the body and hands, hair, observing sanitary regime at work and at home.
At enterprises Food Industry there should be a sanitary checkpoint - a specially equipped room for the sanitization of people, disinfection and disinfestation of clothing and footwear.

At enterprises producing confectionery products with cream, before admission to work in each shift, a mandatory examination by a medical worker of a medical institution of all shift workers without exception should be organized.

Inspections are carried out in accordance with the Instructions on daily inspections of employees of enterprises producing confectionery products with cream before starting work (see Appendix 2).

The results of the inspection are recorded in the journal.
It is forbidden to conduct an inspection by shift supervisors, site foremen and other employees of the enterprise.

All factory workers are required to do the following: personal hygiene rules:

1) come to work in clean personal clothes and shoes; upon entering the enterprise, thoroughly clean clothes;
2) before starting work, take a shower, put on clean sanitary clothes, pick up hair under a cap or scarf; sanitary clothing should be tied; the use of buttons, hooks, etc. is strictly prohibited; it is forbidden to fasten sanitary clothes with pins, needles, keep cigarettes, pins, money and other items in the pockets of dressing gowns, as well as wear beads, earrings, clips, brooches, rings and other jewelry at the workplace; only a neatly hemmed handkerchief can be stored in the pockets of sanitary clothing;
3) keep hands and face clean, cut nails short;
4) do not eat or smoke in industrial premises; eating and smoking are allowed only in specially designated areas.

Before going to the toilet, sanitary clothes are removed and hung on a hook (hanger) designed for this purpose. After using the toilet, wash your hands with soap and disinfect them with any approved disinfectant.

Most importance for employees of food industry enterprises has the maintenance of hands in impeccable cleanliness. Some operations in the preparation of bakery, rich and flour confectionery products are carried out manually, and there is a risk of bacterial contamination of semi-finished products and finished products. Nails must be cut short, as microorganisms and worm eggs can be under them. Hands should be thoroughly washed with warm water with soap and a brush, and after visiting the toilet, contact with contaminated objects, containers, shoes, after smoking, etc., disinfect with a 0.2% clarified solution of bleach, and then rinse with clean water.

On the skin of the hands there should be no scratches, suppuration, burns, cuts, in which there are staphylococci and streptococci. These microorganisms, when in contact with the product, cause its infection. The wounds should be lubricated with tincture of iodine and such a worker should not be allowed to work related to the direct processing of the product. This is important in the preparation of creams and cream products.

Bakery and confectionery workers must be provided with sanitary clothing. Sanitary clothing is designed to protect food products from possible bacterial and mechanical contamination by the worker's clothing during the preparation or dispensing of finished products. Sanitary clothing includes a dressing gown, jacket, trousers, apron, scarf or cap. Sanitary clothing should be white color, always clean and completely cover personal clothing.

Kerchiefs and caps should fit snugly around the head to protect the product from hair. Do not fasten sanitary clothing with pins, needles, hairpins to prevent these items from getting into the finished product. Toilet items (mirror, comb, powder box, etc.) must be left in the dressing room. Sanitary clothing should be sized. Care must be taken to ensure that there are no flying ends, as they can get caught in the moving parts of the machine and lead to an accident.

Sanitary clothing should not be taken with you, after work it must be left in individual lockers installed in the locker room. Cupboards must be kept clean and must not contain food or dirty dishes, as it promotes the reproduction of rodents, cockroaches and flies. Individual cabinets for storing sanitary clothing must be periodically cleaned, washed and disinfected. Sanitary clothes are washed in laundries.

Public places (canteens, toilets, washrooms, cloakrooms) must be kept in good sanitary condition. Otherwise, they can be sources of the spread of pathogenic microorganisms in the workplace. In places

Exposed parts of the body are especially susceptible to contamination. It has been proven that when applying bacterial cultures to the skin of cleanly washed hands, the number of bacteria after 10 minutes. decreases by 85%, and when applied to the skin of unwashed hands, the number of bacteria after 20 minutes. reduced by only 5%. Especially many bacteria are found under the nails (approximately 95% of the total number of microorganisms on the skin of the hands), so systematic and proper care nail care and thorough hand washing. The cleanliness of the hands of catering workers is a prerequisite for work. Cleanliness of hands is also necessary when preparing food at home (dysentery, for example, is often called the disease of dirty hands). L. g. skills need to be instilled in children from an early age.

Basic cleansers skin are soap and water. To wash you need to use toilet soap It is also better to use soft water. The skin can be dry, oily or normal; each person should know the characteristics of their skin and take this into account when caring for it (see Skin, care). It is advisable to use the shower daily, especially after work associated with skin pollution and heavy sweating, as well as for people suffering from sweating; water temperature should not exceed 37-38 °. If the apartment does not have water supply and shower facilities, it is necessary to wash the exposed areas of the body, armpits, skin under the mammary glands with warm water and soap; it is always recommended to change soiled underwear. It is necessary to wash in a bath or in a bath using soap and washcloths at least once a week; after washing, it is necessary to change underwear. When washing, especially with the use of a washcloth, the skin is massaged, which improves its blood supply and general well-being of a person. After washing, it is useful to wipe the folds of the skin with toilet vinegar or some lotion produced by the perfume industry (see Cosmetics). Feet should be washed with soap at night, preferably every day, especially in summer. fungal diseases and pustular skin diseases. When calluses occur, they must be removed appropriately.

It is better to wash your hair in soft water; if the water is hard, then borax or baking soda should be added to it (1-2 teaspoons per 5-6 liters of water). Oily or dry hair needs special care(see Hair). Caring for the oral cavity not only helps to maintain the integrity of the teeth, but also prevents many diseases. internal organs. You need to brush your teeth daily in the morning, rinse your mouth after every meal; if you have bad breath, you should consult a doctor. To discover initial form dental caries, removal of tartar and other activities related to the sanitation of the oral cavity (see Mouth, oral cavity), you need to visit the dentist at least twice a year.

In addition to general hygienic measures, LG includes care for the external genitalia. These special hygienic measures should not be started from the time of puberty, but from the moment the child is born and carried out constantly (see below).

An important place in L. is occupied by the observance of the cleanliness of underwear, work clothes, daily change of socks (stockings), especially with excessive sweating. Maintaining the cleanliness of the body and clothing is unthinkable without maintaining cleanliness in the living rooms, the kitchen (see Dwelling), as well as in industrial premises (see Hygiene, Occupational hygiene in industry).

It is recommended that each family member "have a separate bed, separate towels (personal and bath); change of bed linen should be timed to coincide with a visit to the bath. It is also recommended to change daytime underwear for a nightgown (pyjamas) before going to bed.

All these hygienic measures, which are necessary every day, are of particular importance in cases where someone in the family falls ill, because non-compliance hygiene requirements may adversely affect the health and ability to work of people around the patient, especially children (see Nursing).

When developing the rules of L. g., essentially common to all people, age-related, as well as aiatomo-physiological characteristics of the female and male organisms are taken into account.

For the correct development of the child's body, the influence of such general strengthening factors as air, sun (see Air and sunbathing), water procedures, physical exercises and outdoor games (see. Physical Culture), nutritious food. But one should be wary of overfeeding, a cut can lead to obesity with subsequent endocrine disorders, and in particular to a disorder of the hormonal function of the ovaries and menstrual irregularities in adolescent girls. The basic rules for hygienic care for a boy and a girl of infants and toddlers are general (see. infant, Toddler age).

The genitals of a girl must be kept especially clean, as they are very delicate, easily vulnerable and have a relatively low resistance to infection. In the absence of proper care, vulvitis (inflammation of the external genital organs) can develop. Every time after urination and defecation, the genitals of children should be washed with warm boiled water using a cotton swab with careful movements in the direction from the pubis to the coccyx so that the remnants of feces do not fall on the genitals. After that, dry the skin by lightly applying a soft, clean diaper. If there are the slightest signs of irritation, diaper rash, it is recommended to lubricate the skin after drying. thin layer boiled vegetable oil or powder with a thin layer of baby powder (if there is no irritation, lubrication or powdering is not required). Wash your hands thoroughly before starting these procedures.

From an early age, children should be taught to empty their bowels every day. certain time and regular urination, since overflowing of the rectum and bladder negatively affects the function of these organs, and in girls it can lead to an incorrect position of the uterus, which in the future can cause a number of disorders (eg, painful periods). Starting from the age of 5-6, after children have mastered basic hygiene skills, they should be taught to self care behind the genitals. Daily washing of the genitals, if done carefully, does not cause the child to awaken sexual feelings, which some parents fear. On the contrary, urine, remnants of feces can cause irritation and itching of the genitals. Children should wear comfortable shorts that do not restrict movement and do not fit tightly to the genitals.

Girls need to wear closed shorts (in winter and summer) to avoid hypothermia, dirt getting into the vulva area (see Genital organs, female); shorts must be changed daily. Vaginal discharge, which is also found in young girls, gets on the panties along with urine and hardens, which leads to irritation of the skin and mucous membrane of the vulva. Bacteria multiply very well in these secretions, which can cause vulvovaginitis (inflammation of the vulva and vagina). In addition to hygienic violations, infectious diseases (measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria, etc.) can be the cause of genital diseases. Therefore, in infectious diseases Special attention should pay attention to the condition of the genital organs. If abnormal discharge or other signs of inflammation appear, the mother must show the child to the doctor.

At school age, it is especially important that children go to school as much as possible. fresh air, were in motion, regularly engaged in physical education, correctly alternated training sessions with rest, observed a sleep schedule. Heavy physical exertion and prolonged sitting at school at a desk and at home for lessons can cause a curvature of the spine and deformity of the pelvic bones. Both teachers and parents should take care correct posture children. It is necessary that the desk and table for homework correspond to the growth of the child and are properly lit; care must be taken to ensure that children do not develop nearsightedness and farsightedness. During puberty, when there is a large restructuring of the nervous and endocrine systems and all the adaptive mechanisms of the body are in a state of tension, regular physical education hardening procedures that have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Women's hygiene. By adolescence, a girl should already have a complete understanding of general rules L. g. and acquire all the necessary self-care skills. The girl must be prepared in advance for the appearance of menstruation. A mother or older sister, school health workers or a teacher should tell the girls in an accessible form about the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the female body, explain that the discharge of blood from the genitals is a normal phenomenon, which will continue to be repeated regularly (see Menstrual cycle). In the absence of such preparation, the appearance of menstruation in nervously excitable girls can cause mental trauma, which may result in various disorders of the menstrual cycle. If menstruation is accompanied by a large blood loss, the girl must be shown to a gynecologist.

During menstruation, the genitals become more susceptible to infection due to a certain decrease in the body's defenses and the presence of a wound surface of the uterus. Therefore, these days it is especially important to monitor the cleanliness of the body and underwear. Girls should be taught the rules to follow during menstruation. With the normal course of menstruation, classes and lifestyle should not change. Physical education is allowed, but you should refrain from jumping and hard physical exercises, as well as certain sports (cycling, swimming). Participation in competitions is not allowed. It is important to beware of cooling the body, especially the legs and lower abdomen. It is better to wash under the shower. You can take a bath, but the water should not be too hot and not too cold, so as not to cause expansion or constriction of blood vessels. At least 2 times a day, it is necessary to wash the external genital organs with warm boiled water and soap, after washing your hands thoroughly. First, the external genital organs are washed, then the skin of the thighs, and lastly, the anus. Washing directly in the basin is unacceptable.

During menstruation, it is recommended to use special sanitary pads made of bandage and cotton wool; they can be purchased at a pharmacy or sewn yourself from a double layer of gauze. Bandage length 30-35 cm, width - 7-8 cm. C inside bandages, closer to one of the ends, make a hole along the length of the bandage, through which a cotton swab is inserted inside. The bandage should be changed several times a day as it becomes soaked with blood, preventing the blood from drying out, because this injures the skin of the perineum, which contributes to the penetration of infectious agents. In addition, you should have several special shorts made of cotton fabric or knitwear, which also need to be changed frequently, preventing blood from drying on them; after washing, panties need to be ironed. In adolescence, attention should also be paid to the issues of sexual education of girls, to explain the concepts of “maiden honor”, ​​“feminine dignity”.

The hygiene of an adult woman is based on the same rules. With the onset of sexual activity, you must adhere to the following hygiene recommendations. So, after the first sexual intercourse, it is necessary to refrain from sexual intercourse for 2-3 days so that the ruptures of the hymen can heal. You should also refrain from sexual contact on the days of menstruation, so that pathogens do not get into the genital tract and bleeding does not occur; for the same reason, vaginal douching is prohibited during this period. During pregnancy during the first 2-3 months. it is necessary to limit sexual activity, and in the last 2 months. before giving birth, completely abandon it. Sexual life is also prohibited in the postpartum period for 6-8 weeks. If a woman for some reason cannot have a child, she needs to seriously consider measures to prevent pregnancy together with her doctor so as not to resort to abortions, which can be harmful to health.

In the menopause, in addition to general hygienic measures and a thorough toilet of the genital organs, daily wiping of the entire body with water (t ° 36-22 °), physical education, exposure to fresh air, proper nutrition. All this contributes to the weakening of certain disorders associated with age-related restructuring. endocrine system(see Menopause). It is recommended to visit a gynecologist regularly, 2 times a year, and if even a slight discharge from the genital organs appears, you should immediately see a doctor.

Men's hygiene. In adolescence, a boy, like a girl, must acquire the skills of L. g., keep the body, hair, and clothes clean. Adults should warn the boy about the involuntary ejaculations that appear in adolescents, usually occurring during a night's sleep (see Pollutions); explain that wet dreams are a normal manifestation of puberty.

The main goal of sex education at this age is to teach the boy to control his feelings, to develop a correct view of the relationship of the sexes, to prepare him for the future sexual life, not only from the moral side, but also from the hygienic aspect. It is important to warn a teenager against casual sexual intercourse, delicately warn about the possible harmful consequences of such an association (see Venereal Diseases).

Every boy and grown man must keep his genitals clean. They should be washed daily with warm water and soap, while it is imperative to open the preputial sac, i.e., move the skin fold (foreskin) from the glans penis and wash off the fat-like substance accumulating there - the estimate. Sometimes the foreskin is narrow and does not allow to expose the head of the penis, in such cases it is necessary to consult a doctor. After wet dreams or sexual intercourse, it is also recommended to wash the genitals with warm water. Men should know that sexual intercourse during menstruation with a wife can lead not only to pathological abnormalities in the female genital area, but also to inflammation of the urethra in a man, which is associated with the ingress of blood clots containing infectious agents into the canal.

Features of personal hygiene in old age. At advanced age at persons of both sexes observance of rules L. acquires special value. General hygienic measures, rational (according to age) nutrition, outdoor activities, physical education stimulate the compensatory processes of an aging organism, and resistance to diseases increases. It is always necessary to seek medical advice as exercise stress and diet should be appropriate for age and health

Personal hygiene of PES workers

All employees of enterprises must observe personal hygiene. At the same time, before starting work, employees and employees at the enterprise must undergo a medical examination in accordance with the current orders of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (No. 90 dated March 14, 1996, No. 405 dated December 10, 1996, medical examinations (Sanitary rules and norms SanPiN and medical examinations.

In connection with the epidemiological situation, the bodies of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision may conduct an unscheduled bacteriological examination of workers. All newly hired workers must undergo training on a sanitary minimum and pass exams. In the future, exams under the sanitary minimum program after classes are taken every two years. Newly hired workers are allowed to work only after familiarization with the rules of personal hygiene and instructions to prevent the ingress of foreign objects into the finished product.

Before being allowed to work, workers who produce confectionery products with cream must undergo a mandatory daily examination by a medical worker in order to identify injuries and pustular diseases of the skin of the hands, exposed parts of the body, as well as patients with tonsillitis and catarrhal symptoms of the upper respiratory tract.

Workers with cuts, abrasions, burns, pustules, boils, suppuration are not allowed to work on the production of confectionery products with cream.

Employees of a food enterprise must have a personal medical book in which the results of a medical examination are entered. Employees who are found to have infectious diseases are suspended from work. Persons whose family members are ill with acute intestinal diseases are temporarily suspended from work until the patient is hospitalized and disinfected.

Upon admission to work and in the future, studies are periodically carried out for bacilli and helminth carriers in order to identify bacillus carriers, i.e. actually healthy people, but excreting bacteria - the causative agents of intestinal diseases. Identified bacillus and helminth carriers are removed from work and sent for treatment. To prevent the spread of infectious diseases at the enterprises of the industry, annual preventive vaccinations of the combined vaccine and regular chest x-ray examination (fluorography) to identify patients with tuberculosis are mandatory.

All employees of bakery and confectionery enterprises must observe the rules of personal hygiene, as this is one of the main conditions that prevent bacterial contamination of finished products. Sanitary requirements associated with the implementation of personal hygiene rules are as follows: keeping personal and sanitary clothing clean, caring for the cleanliness of the body and hands, hair, maintaining a sanitary regime at work and at home.

Food industry enterprises should have a sanitary checkpoint - a specially equipped room for sanitizing people, disinfecting and disinsection of clothes and shoes.

At enterprises producing confectionery products with cream, before admission to work in each shift, a mandatory examination by a medical worker of a medical institution of all shift workers without exception should be organized.

Inspections are carried out in accordance with the Instructions on daily inspections of employees of enterprises producing confectionery products with cream before starting work

The results of the inspection are recorded in the journal.

It is forbidden to conduct an inspection by shift supervisors, site foremen and other employees of the enterprise.

All production workers are required to comply next rule personal hygiene:

1) come to work in clean personal clothes and shoes; upon entering the enterprise, thoroughly clean clothes;

2) before starting work, take a shower, put on clean sanitary clothes, pick up hair under a cap or scarf; sanitary clothing should be tied; the use of buttons, hooks, etc. is strictly prohibited; it is forbidden to fasten sanitary clothes with pins, needles, keep cigarettes, pins, money and other items in the pockets of dressing gowns, as well as wear beads, earrings, clips, brooches, rings and other jewelry at the workplace; only a neatly hemmed handkerchief can be stored in the pockets of sanitary clothing;

3) keep hands and face clean, cut nails short;

4) do not eat or smoke in production premises; eating and smoking are allowed only in specially designated areas.

Before going to the toilet, sanitary clothes are removed and hung on a hook (hanger) designed for this purpose. After using the toilet, wash your hands with soap and disinfect them with any approved disinfectant.

Keeping hands immaculately clean is of the utmost importance for workers in the food industry. Some operations in the preparation of bakery, rich and flour confectionery products are carried out manually, and there is a risk of bacterial contamination of semi-finished products and finished products. Nails must be cut short, as microorganisms and worm eggs can be under them. Hands should be thoroughly washed with warm water with soap and a brush, and after visiting the toilet, contact with contaminated objects, containers, shoes, after smoking, etc., disinfect with a 0.2% clarified solution of bleach, and then rinse with clean water.

On the skin of the hands there should be no scratches, suppuration, burns, cuts, in which there are staphylococci and streptococci. These microorganisms, when in contact with the product, cause its infection. The wounds should be lubricated with tincture of iodine and such a worker should not be allowed to work related to the direct processing of the product. This is important in the preparation of creams and cream products.

Bakery and confectionery workers must be provided with sanitary clothing. Sanitary clothing is designed to protect food products from possible bacterial and mechanical contamination by the worker's clothing during the preparation or dispensing of finished products. Sanitary clothing includes a dressing gown, jacket, trousers, apron, scarf or cap. Sanitary clothing must be white, always clean and completely cover personal clothing. Kerchiefs and caps should fit snugly around the head to protect the product from hair.

Do not fasten sanitary clothing with pins, needles, hairpins to prevent these items from getting into the finished product. Toilet items (mirror, comb, powder box, etc.) must be left in the dressing room. Sanitary clothing should be sized. Care must be taken to ensure that there are no flying ends, as they can get caught in the moving parts of the machine and lead to an accident.

Sanitary clothing should not be taken with you, after work it must be left in individual lockers installed in the locker room. Cupboards should be kept clean and should not contain food or dirty dishes, as this encourages rodents, cockroaches and flies to breed. Individual cabinets for storing sanitary clothing must be periodically cleaned, washed and disinfected. Sanitary clothes are washed in laundries.

Public places (canteens, toilets, washrooms, cloakrooms) must be kept in good sanitary condition. Otherwise, they can be sources of the spread of pathogenic microorganisms in the workplace. In public places, disinfection is carried out, they must have freshly prepared disinfectant solutions. Washrooms should have electric towels.

The quality of personal hygiene by employees of the enterprise should be controlled by bacteriological studies of the sanitary cleanliness of clothes and hands, especially after going to the toilet.

Eating should be carried out in special workshop buffets, canteens. It is not allowed to eat directly at the workplace, as food residues, paper, etc. can get into the finished product. There must be titanium with drinking water in the workshop, as well as a soda water machine.

It is forbidden to smoke in the production workshops to prevent ash, cigarette butts, matches from getting into the finished product. There are designated areas for smoking.
