Pencil drawing of a spikelet of wheat. How to draw wheat with a pencil step by step

Irina Sergeevna Panova

Integration of all educational areas.

Children's age: 5-6 years.

Target: To consolidate knowledge about the genre of landscape painting. Learn to choose the right colors.



Learn to convey in the drawing the shape, color and size of objects;

Learn to harmoniously arrange the image on a sheet of paper;

To consolidate knowledge about the genre of landscape painting.


Develop skill draw background, depicting heaven and earth;

Develop a vision of aesthetic beauty in the landscape.


To cultivate the ability to work with paints carefully.

preliminary work:Viewing a presentation: "From where to our table bread came Consideration and ear point drawing, grain, sheaf of ears of corn.

Equipment and materials:

Reproductions of paintings with the image wheat fields, wheat ears.

A4 album sheets, gouache, brushes, brush holders, water jars, cloth napkins.

Lesson progress


Poems about wheat

At wheat way special,

So that the grains become muffin

Gotta get some sunshine

Drink rain water

Stand under the sky

golden spikelets,

Swing in the wind

And one morning

Collected in sheaves wheat,

They will take you to the village, to the village

At the winged mill

the grains will be ground

someone's good hand

The grains will become flour.

caregiver Q: What do you think we are going to talk about today? lesson? (children's answers) Right about bread.

caregiver: Look at the pictures in front of you, what can you say about them (children's answers)

caregiver: That's right, it's a landscape. What is in the landscape?

Let's remember what a landscape is? Landscape is a genre of art that depicts nature or some area. (forest, grove, field, etc.)

What art genres do you know?

Right: Still life and portrait.

caregiver: Let's look at our landscape, what's on it drawn?

(children's answers).

Children: Field. Wheat field. Sky.

How the artist depicted field, sky?

Children: yellow field.

caregiver: Why yellow field?

Children: Because it consists of spikelets and they are yellow.

caregiver: Light seems to come from the painting. Guys, let's be artists and draw a landscape, but to start draw we need to stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics

Flour is kneaded into the dough, fingers are squeezed and unclenched.

And from the test we blinded: Clap hands "sculpt".

Pies and buns, Alternately unbend fingers

Sweet cheesecakes, starting with the little finger.

Buns and rolls -

We bake everything in the oven. Both palms are turned up.

Delicious! Stroking the belly.

caregiver: At first prepare the background for the picture. What background do you think we will depict? (children's answers).

caregiver: Yes, guys, the blue sky will serve as a background for us and yellow wheat field. Let me remind you that the sky should be transparent, to do this, we apply clean water to the paper with a brush and add a drop of paint: the top of the sheet is blue paint, the bottom of the sheet is yellow. And we disperse the paint with a wet brush on the wet surface of a sheet of paper. (teacher show) Let's wait a bit until the leaf dries.


Bulka grew like an ear, Children raise their hands up, shake

They are left and right.

Was the grain under the millstone, Vol. Ex. "Feeding the Birds".

And baked it in the oven Clap one hand on the other.

good master - baker! Issue. Ex. "Tray".

Raise the thumbs.

Well done, let's start now draw spikelet. (Teacher show)

We collect yellow paint on the brush and draw a stem ears, then we pick up the paint again and, by sticking the bristle of the brush, draw grains in ear.

I draw the attention of children to the fact that the main background is field, and in field growing in abundance spikelets. Therefore, you can draw spikelets whoever wants!

At the end drawing looking at pictures.


What genre of art are we talking about today? (scenery)

What's on lesson we drew? (wheat field and spikelets)

It was hard draw, what exactly? (children's answers)

Did you like your drawings? (YES)

Do you like to exercise drawing? (YES)

caregiver: You are so good! Very beautiful wheat fields and ears you got, and the sky is the real blue and blue!

We are organizing an exhibition of children's work.

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The lesson is dedicated to all nerds and gluttons. You will see how to draw wheat with a pencil step by step. Naturally, I am not going to draw a whole field, but I will show a few spikelets:

Wheat is an edible grass. Many goodies are made from it: bread, pasta, sweets, beer and other noble drinks. So both adults and children love it. True, no one likes to grow, grind, and process, but that's a completely different story. In order to depict a spikelet of wheat, you need a lot of patience and care. There is no special image technique here, especially since you do not need to observe proportions. There are so many types and varieties of wheat that she herself does not even know which one she will grow. On the other hand, you need to do it beautifully, repeat after me.

How to draw wheat with a pencil step by step

Step one. We make a sketch, in the form of reeds.

Step two. Add round shapes similar to willow.

Step three. We correct the contours, add the antennae.

Elena Baranova
"Spikelet". Synopsis of the GCD for the NGO "Artistic and Aesthetic Development" (drawing) in the senior group of the compensating type

Design component.

Topic: « Spikelet» .

Integration of educational areas: artistic and aesthetic development, physical development, speech development, cognitive development, social and communicative development.

Target: children learning spikelet drawing non-traditional technique "sticking".


Correctional and educational: expand children's knowledge about spikelet, teach draw a spikelet with gouache paint, conveying the features of its structure, to consolidate skills drawing by sticking the bristle of the brush, activate the adjective in the children's speech (golden, noun (awn).

Correctional and educational: bring up artistic taste to cultivate a desire to help others,

Correction-developing: develop auditory attention thinking, fine motor skills, develop a sense of rhythm, develop aesthetic perception.

Equipment and materials:

Theater of soft toys (cockerel, mice, sun, toy hut, toy broom, natural wheat spikelet, easel, A4 album sheets, golden gouache, two types of brushes (No. 6 and No. 2, cups of water, napkins (for each child, loaf.

Children's activities:

gaming - game "Loaf", physical minute with speech accompaniment; communicative - questions and answers, game "Loaf"; fine- drawing; musical - singing songs "Sun", "Loaf", musical and rhythmic movements in a physical minute "The sun hit the ground"; cognitive-exploratory- examination spikelet, motor - mastering the basic movements in the game "Loaf", perception artisticliterature and folklore: listening to a fairy tale.

preliminary work: reading a Ukrainian fairy tale « Spikelet» , viewing spikelets, looking at illustrations, watching a cartoon « Spikelet» , learning a song "Sun", learning a physical culture minute "The sun hit the ground", game in "Loaf".

Organizational component:

Preparing for the lesson:

5 jars of golden gouache, 5 landscape sheets of paper, 5 napkins, 10 brushes, 5 cups of water.

Conducting classes in accordance with SanPiN and health-saving technologies.

The duration of continuous directly educational activity is no more than 25 minutes, in the middle of the time allotted for GCD, a physical education minute.


1) Visual,

2) verbal,

3) Practical,

4) Game.

tricks: riddle, game, display, explanation.


Soft Toy Theater (cockerel, mice).

Lesson progress:

Guys, look, we have guests. Let's greet them.

Children greet.

It is possible for our guests to visit us.

Children are allowed.

Today I want to tell you a story. Do you want to listen to her?

The children agree.

Okay. Then take any free places.

Once upon a time there were two mice, Cool and Vert, and a cockerel Vociferous Neck. The mice only know that they are dancing and playing, and the cockerel will get up early in the morning and wake everyone up with a song.

Let's guys help our cockerel wake up the sun.

Children sing a song and perform movements :

Sunshine, sunshine (image by hands of the sun)

Look out the window. (hand drawn window)

Look at the boys (hands to the side)

Shine on the kids! (image by hands of flashlights)

The sun is peeking out.


Thanks guys for the help! I'm going to sweep the yard.

Oh what I found! But first, guess the riddle:

He is golden and mustache,

There are a hundred guys in a hundred pockets.


Children's answers.

That's right, this spikelet. Its color is golden. Here are the mustaches, here are the pockets, and here are the guys grains (shows). Also, what do you have spikelet?

Children's answers.

I'll call the mice.

Cool, Vert! Look what I found!

This spikelet! You need to thresh him!

And who will thresh him?

Not me!

Not me!

Okay, I'll shut up!

Guys, let's play with you, remember what you need to grow up spikelets and then I'll grind spikelet.

Physical education minute "A seed hit the ground" (to the music of the music director):

1. A grain fell into the ground.

(Children squat down, press their heads to their knees and cover it with their hands)

2. It began to germinate in the sun.

(Children raise their hands up above their heads, sentencing:

“Golden sun, you warm us a grain!”

“Rain, rain, water! There will be a harvest of bread!)

(Children stretch their arms forward, palms up and "splatter" on yourself with water.)

3. The rain watered the earth, and the sprout grew!

(Children get up slowly).

4. Stretched for light and warmth (hands to the side)

5. And turned into a handsome man (arms forward).

6. Golden spikelets sway in the wind,

(Children stand on their toes, raise straight arms up, hands down).

7. Bend low.

(Children wave their hands up and say:

"The harvest is ripe! Come clean up!

(Bends down)

Thanks guys! And where is mine spikelet? I have a name day today and I wanted to bake a loaf!


Don't be upset, chick. Guys, let's help the cockerel, draw him spikelets.

The children agree and sit down at the tables.

Let's remember how to sit when we draw: “I won’t bend down straight, I’ll get to work!”

The teacher draws on the easel and comments.

We take a large brush in our hand, dip the tail of the brush into the water, squeeze the extra drop on the edge of the glass, draw gouache on the tail, dip only the tail so that the brush does not get dirty. We draw the stem from the bottom up, find the middle of the stem and put a point, from this point up on opposite sides of the stem we draw pockets in which the grains are located using the technique "sticking". Let's remember how we do it. We apply the tail of the brush to the paper and immediately remove it. Slap-slap-slap. It turns out a smooth, beautiful print. And the last time we slap with a brush at the very top spikelet. Now take a thin brush and draw a mustache spikelet neatly between the pockets. They are called awns. And who already drew an awn, can draw leaves.

Children draw (independent activity of children, the teacher helps each child individually as needed and praises them).

Guys, put your drawings on one table! Let them dry!

Guys, what did we do today?

Children's answers.

What do you have spikelet?

Children's answers.

What is the name of the mustache spikelet?

Children's answers.

The cockerel admires the children's work, praises the children and thanks them for their help!

surprise moment:

Mice come running and bring a loaf!

Cockerel, congratulations on your birthday! We took your spikelet, threshed it, took it to the mill, grinded flour, heated the oven, kneaded the dough and baked a loaf for you!

Thanks mice!

Guys, let's congratulate the cockerel and sing a loaf to him!

Children congratulate the cockerel and sing loaf (to the music of the music director):

How we baked a loaf on Petya's name day:

(children dance around the cockerel)

Here is such a height

(raise clasped hands up)

Here is such a low

(children squat down, lower their hands)

Here's the width.

(children diverge to the width of outstretched arms, stretching the circle)

Loaf, loaf, choose whom you like!

(cockerel chooses children, going around them in a circle)

I really love everyone, but (name of selected child) the best!

(points to one of the children in the circle).

The chosen child and the cockerel dance in a circle. The game is repeated until all the children have danced.

The cockerel and mice treat the children in a loaf and say goodbye to them.

reflective component:

The goal and objectives were achieved, the children were active, they liked everything. productive activity - drawing could be replaced with molding.


1. Lykova I. A Visual activity in kindergarten.

2. Ukrainian fairy tale « Spikelet» .

3. Malova V.V. abstracts classes on the spiritual and moral education of preschoolers on the basis of Russian folk culture.

4. Averina I. E. Physical training minutes in kindergarten.

Thematic selection of games and exercises for young children on the topic "Spikelet"


Continue to teach children to listen carefully to the story. Watch a table theater show, emotionally perceive the content.
Introduce children to the fairy tale “Spikelet.
Enrich children's vocabulary on the topic.
To form stable ideas about the size, quantity, color, geometric shapes.
Exercise in modeling, gluing, drawing with fingers, brushes and pencils.
Develop the ability to repeat the movements of the teacher.
Develop thinking, motor skills, visual and auditory concentration, coordination of movements.
Cultivate interest in fairy tales.


Toys-heroes of the fairy tale "Spikelet", wheat spikelets, wheat grains, flour, dough.
Colored silhouettes of a cockerel, house, mice, spikelet, picture-background.
Picture-blank "Spikelet" for finger painting, finger paints, yellow pencils.
Plasticine yellow.
Picture-blank "Spikelets without stems", yellow gouache, brushes.
Background picture depicting a forest, a mouse, a fox, two mushrooms under a tree; cut out of cardboard leaves of different sizes.
Background picture depicting a spikelet made of ovals, ovals cut out of yellow cardboard, counting sticks.
Spikelets cut out of thick cardboard, multi-colored clothespins.
Buttons of different colors and sizes, a picture of a cake with colored circles, color and size corresponding to the buttons.
A blank picture depicting trays of various shapes, silhouette pictures of a round bun, an oval braid, a square pie. Glue, poppy, sesame, red plasticine.
Napkins, saucers, cups, spoons cut out of colored cardboard.
Buns. Sieve. Peas (not shelled).
Audio recording: "Top-top."

Lesson progress:

Greeting game "Our smart heads"

Our smart heads
They will think a lot, deftly.
Ears will listen
Mouth speak clearly.
Hands will clap
Feet will stomp.
The backs straighten
We smile at each other.

Today we are waiting for a meeting with a fairy tale.

Screening of the table theater "Kolosok"

Once upon a time there were two mice, Cool and Vert, and a cockerel Vociferous neck. The mice only knew how to sing and dance, spin and spin. The cockerel got up early in the morning, first woke everyone up with a song, and then set to work.
Once a cockerel was sweeping the yard and saw a spike of wheat on the ground. The cockerel called the mice:
- Twist and Twirl, look what I found!
The mice come running and say:
- You need to thresh him.
- And who will thresh? - asked the cockerel.
- Not me! - squeaked Krut.
- Not me! - squeaked Vert.
- Okay, - said the cockerel, - I'll thresh.
And set to work. The mice, meanwhile, started a game of bast shoes.
The cockerel finished threshing and shouted:
- Hey, Cool, hey, Vert, look how much grain I have threshed!
The mice came running and squealed in one voice:
- Now it is necessary to carry the grain to the mill, to grind the flour.
- And who will bear it? - asked the cockerel.
- Not me! Cool replied.
- Not me! Vert answered.
- All right, - said the cockerel, - I'll take the grain to the mill.
He shouldered the bag and left. And the mice started a game of leapfrog. Jumping over each other, having fun.
The cockerel returned from the mill and called the mice:
- Here, Cool, here, Vert! I brought flour.
The mice came running, they look, they are not overjoyed:
- Oh yes, cock! Oh well done! Now you need to knead the dough and bake bread.
- Who will knead? - asked the cockerel.
And the mice are again their own:
- Not me! - Krut squeaked.
- Not me! squeaked Vert.
The cockerel thought, thought and said:
- Looks like I'll have to.
The cockerel kneaded the dough, dragged firewood, lit the stove. As the oven was heated, he planted bread in it.
The mice also do not lose time: they dance and sing songs.
The bread was baked, the cockerel took it out, put it on the table, and the mice were right there. And I didn't have to call them.
- Oh, and I'm hungry! - squeaked Krut.
- Oh, how you want to eat! - squeaked Vert.
Rather sit down at the table. And the rooster says to them:
- Wait, wait! You tell me first, who found the spikelet?
- You've found! the mice screamed loudly.
- And who threshed the spikelet? - the cockerel asked again.
- You threshed! both said quietly.
- And who carried the grain to the mill?
- Too you, - Quietly answered Krut and Vert.
Who kneaded the dough? Did you carry firewood? He stoked the oven, who baked the bread?
- All you. All of you, - the little mice squeaked a little audibly.
- What did you do?
I don't know what to say mouse. Krut and Vert began to crawl out from behind the table, but the cockerel does not hold them back.
There is no reason to treat such loafers and lazy people with bread!

Didactic game "Lay a fairy tale in the picture"

Find in the picture a place for a hut, for a cockerel and a mouse. Put the spikelet under the tree.

Didactic game "Hide the mouse from the fox"

The mice decided to improve - to make a pie themselves and treat the cockerel. One mouse kneaded the dough, and the other went into the forest to collect mushrooms for the pie.

The mouse came to the forest, saw mushrooms. Do you see mushrooms in the picture? Where are they? Under the tree. How many mushrooms are under the tree? Two mushrooms.
But the little mouse was not lucky, he just wanted to pick mushrooms - he caught the eye of a fox. Rather, pick up a leaf of the right size to hide the mouse from the fox.

Didactic game "Fold the spikelet"

What geometric shapes will we fold the spikelet from? From ovals. How many spikelets do you have in the picture? One spike. And how many oval grains will be needed for one spikelet? Many. Lay out the ovals on the picture. And now with counting sticks make a spikelet antennae.

Drawing "Spikelet"

Draw a spikelet antennae with a yellow pencil. Leave fingerprints in place of the grains in the spikelet.

Modeling "Spikelet"

From yellow plasticine, roll up a sausage with direct rolling and attach it to the cardboard, lightly press it on top with your palm. Put a toothpick stick on top of the spikelet sausage (along) and press. Now take wheat grains and press on both sides of the stick.

Didactic game "What's gone"

A spikelet, a bun, dough are laid out in front of the children. Covered with a scarf. One item is hidden. Then the scarf is removed and the children are invited to say which object is gone.

Musical-dynamic pause "Top-top"

Children repeat the movements to the music as shown by the teacher.

Game with clothespins "Spikelet"

Make antennae out of clothespins for spikelets.

Button game "Pie"

Arrange the buttons into circles of the appropriate color and size.

Visual activity "Pies and buns"

Stick pie and rolls on trays. Choose a tray that fits the shape.
Sprinkle a round bun with poppy seeds (previously greased with glue), and an oval bun with sesame seeds. But let's make a pie with cherries - stick cherry circles on the pie from red plasticine.

Didactic game "Tea service"

Pick up a cup and a spoon for each saucer, put them on napkins of a suitable color.

Drawing with paints "Stalks of spikelets"

Draw the stems of the spikelets with a brush.

Exercise "Sifting flour through a sieve"

Children are invited to put the flour in a sieve with a spoon and sift the flour over the tray.

Modeling from salt dough "Pie"

Children make a ball out of salt dough, flatten it into a cake, roll out thin sausages and spread it on a pie with a mesh. Peas are pressed into free places.

Didactic exercise "What first, what then"

First, the cockerel found a spikelet, show the spikelets.
Then he took grain from the spikelet. Show grains.
Made flour from grains. Show flour.
Made dough out of flour. Show me the dough.
Made a pie out of dough. I'll show you the cake. And I suggest you try it.

There is a pie tasting.

The lesson is dedicated to all nerds and gluttons. You will see how to draw wheat with a pencil step by step. Naturally, I am not going to draw the whole, but I will show a few spikelets:

Wheat is an edible grass. Many goodies are made from it: bread, pasta, sweets, beer and other noble drinks. So both adults and children love it. True, no one likes to grow, grind, and process, but that's a completely different story. In order to depict a spikelet of wheat, you need a lot of patience and care. There is no special image technique here, especially since you do not need to observe proportions. There are so many types and varieties of wheat that she herself does not even know which one she will grow. On the other hand, you need to do it beautifully, repeat after me.

How to draw wheat with a pencil step by step

Step one. We make a sketch, in the form of reeds. Step two. Add round shapes similar to . Step three. We correct the contours, add the antennae. Step four. Let's add hatching and big antennae. Ready: Try to draw more such plants.
