Is sport harmful? To whom and why physical activity is contraindicated. When sport is harmful

sports activity
can bring both benefit and harm, which depends on how much its volume and intensity correspond to the level of training of the athlete. Sports can bring benefits when the stress created by physical activity falls into the range of optimality for a particular athlete. The harm to physical activity is na-no-sit when its volume and intensity are excessive or not-too-precise. What does it mean? An excessive load can be considered such, which somehow leads to the occurrence of an injury, both immediately and in the process of accumulating do-zi-ro- van-no-go stress. Hence the conclusion: you should follow not only the volume and intensity of the training from del training, but also the entire training program as a whole. Not-dos-that-precise load-coy is the one that leads to gradual a-r-fia of certain muscular and non-muscular systems body themes.

Optimal physical activity is an activity that creates moderate stress, to which the body is able to respond with adaptation. From all this it follows that sport in itself is not harmful and not useful, because sport is a tool, using which you can both benefit yourself and harm yourself! Next, there are a number of rules, following which you can avoid non-ga-tiv-nyh consequences and improve your mind-but-live positive. But, at the same time, it should be noted that there are a number of for-bo-le-va-nies, some of them can be doing op-re-de-len-nym kind of sport or sports in general. And you need to understand this, and not think that the doctor bought a diploma and does not understand anything in life. This is not so, and such a way of thinking can have very dire consequences! Therefore, all the re-ko-men-da-tions below are from-no-sya to healthy people and do not cancel those in-di-vi-du-al-ny re-ko-men-da- tsy, someone gives you a doctor.

Sports principles

we are talking, first of all, about the athlete’s compliance with the sport and the specific training program that he is going to use. It is forbidden Lie on the couch for 30 years, and then suddenly start practicing according to the professional scheme of a bo-di-bil-de-ra, powerlifter, boxer, football player or any other sports shift. Na-chi-nat na-do always with training programs for beginners , besides that, if you have any diseases, then you need to pre-va-ri-tel-but pro-con-sul-ti-ro-va-sya with the doctor and add to the program co-from-vet-st-vuyu-schi cor-rek-ti-ditch-ki. Secondly, we are also talking about co-op-ra-for-life with the sport that you want for-no-mother-sya. It is forbidden go-ti-tre-no-ro-vat-sya, and then light a cigarette and "roll" 200 grams. If you want to-those for-no-mother dispute, you need to cor-rek-ti-ro-vat lifestyle and diet , what can you do with the help of a trainer or self-toya-tel-but when studying co-from-ve-st-vuu-shche-te-ra-tu-ry.

Cycling: the most important principle of any sport, since monotonous training not only slows down progress, but also leads to an imbalance in the development of different body systems, which, in turn, leads to injuries. In addition, any exercise is stressful, and intense sports contribute to the accumulation of this stress, so the focus of training programs should be less to understand that the load on this or that system of the body would become either more or less, which would allow it to recover. That is why absolutely any kind of dispute is pre-la-ga-et for-nya-tia for general-fi-zi-ches-coy training, which provides-ne-chi-va-et different ob-ra-zie tre-ni-ro-voch-no-th process. And power sports, in which in-ten-siv-but on-load-m-zh-ut-sya muscle-muscular, articular-ligamentous and other body systems, need tsik-li-ro-va-nii and pro-fil-ny tre-ni-ro-wok.

Safety precautions: it is a series of fundamental principles, which must be observed in order to avoid injury. We are not referring to accumulated injuries, some of them gradually arise during wear of the joints, muscles and other things, but about those injuries that happen suddenly. First of all, you need to pay attention to those-no-ku you-half-not-niya of certain exercises, because people who have recently started did not seek the services of a professional trainer, sometimes de-mon-st-ri-ru-yut such chu-de-sa iso-bre-ta-tel-nos-ty that it becomes painful, but yes, nab -lu-giving. Therefore, if you decide to go in for sports, you are obliged to study the correct technique for you-half-non-exercise! Secondly, it is about times-min-ke and for-min-ke, some must be performed at the beginning of the workout and at the end of the co-ot-vet-st-ven-but, since re-gu-lyar neglect of these training elements -ta-mi leads -to grass-moms.

Moderation: this is the most difficult training principle to implement, since people, as a rule, either don’t do anything, or almost “they don’t tear their ass on the German cross.” This is characteristic of everyone, including your obedient servants, but this must be fought. You have to moderate your appetites, your vanity, understand that in one day you won’t jump higher, but the tre-ni-ro-voch-ny process is a long and monotonous work -ta, not a heroic feat. It is extremely difficult to moderate your own ardor, so you need a coach and / or at least a tri-ro-voch-ny partner. The fact is that the coach evaluates the tre-no-ro-voch-program from the point of view of rationality, and not “wants”, and in the same way -par-no-ka pos-in-la-et to look at the situation more objectively. In addition, the desire to “break the ass-poo” is dualistic, because one day the athlete literally cannot stay, but on the next I blow The guy doesn't want to train at all. Therefore, we need a person who can help you approach the issue of building a tri-ro-voch-no-go process more rationally but.

Everyone knows that sport is good for health, but few know exactly how it affects it. Why is the sports lifestyle popularized? What is its harm and what is the benefit?

What are the health benefits of sport

Sports activities are beneficial for all health. Swimming, running, cycling, skiing, working out in the gym and more bring great results. The body not only acquires a magnificent shape and attractiveness, it acquires good health for all systems.

As a result of regular exercise, the number of erythrocytes and leukocytes increases in the blood, which contributes to the fight against harmful viruses and strengthens immune system the whole organism. Due to periodic physical activity, not only muscle tissue grows, but bones and cartilage are also strengthened. Thus, the motor-support apparatus becomes much stronger and less vulnerable. The strength of the motor-support apparatus affects nervous system. As a result, a person becomes much more resistant to stress, gets rid of irritability and unstable mood.

During exercise, the heart accelerates its pace, developing its valves. For the same reason, vessels and capillaries, which are not involved in a state of rest, begin to actively function. This significantly reduces the risk of blood clots in the vessels, the deposition of cholesterol on their walls, as well as the development of atherosclerosis. Due to the abundant inhalation of air during training, the chambers of the lungs increase significantly. In addition, oxygen enters all organs, richly saturating them. It is also worth noting that those who go in for sports do not have a chance to suffer from various kinds of diseases of the spine.

Physical activity activates all body processes, including metabolism. It helps to get rid of toxins, toxins and extra pounds. For 48 hours after training, the metabolism continues to be accelerated, so the body burns calories much faster.

It is no coincidence that sports can relieve stress. Under the influence of physical activity, hormones such as testosterone, endorphin (the notorious hormone of happiness) and dopamine are produced. These hormones can remove pain, bring feelings of pleasure, strengthen bone tissue and skin, contribute to the stable functioning of brain neurons.

Thanks to sports loads, human health is getting stronger to a large extent. Physical education maintains a chemical balance, which prolongs youth and increases life expectancy.

Negative factors of sports

In fact, sports are not always beneficial. But only if we are talking about the principle of everything that is too much, then it is not healthy. If you start with heavy loads, lift heavy weights without warming up or play sports professionally.

For sport to bring real health benefits, you need to observe correct mode and training system. Don't forget to saturate your body too essential vitamins and healthy food..

Generally speaking, I think everyone understands when sport is bad. Overload, injuries, steroids, doping are the main problems of professional sports. A person who crosses the line of an amateur should understand this. On the other side, sports are very useful, within reasonable limits. On this topic, you can develop a big discussion, a forum will appear, and we'll talk there.

So it's time to talk about when sport can be harmful ..

When we hear the words that doing sports is bad, our first reaction is surprise, which is then replaced by suspicions that the person who utters these words about the dangers of sports is the most banal lazy person you need to look for. Well, Can sport harm human health? We have always been taught that no. Sports have always been synonymous with healthy lifestyle life, and fit athletes evoked a feeling of envy and regret in many of us ... In addition, playing sports not only helps us develop physically, but also trains our endurance, determination and patience. Rave all this can be harmful??? Let's try to move away from the standard patterns of sports perception and well-known clichés for a few minutes " sport is power!». Let's look at sports from the other side ...

First of all, let's define sports can be practiced professionally(training, standards, competitions, medals) and sports can be practiced unprofessionally, so to speak, for yourself, in order to amuse your pride and have a slender, healthy and fit appearance(in this sport there are no standards and tasks, you do as many exercises as you can). I.e the main difference between these two sports is the limit of human capabilities. Professional sports make every effort to break the next record of the possible limit, and sports for yourself - you load your body with physical exercises exactly as much as it can withstand.

Now let's take a closer look professional sports option.Any human body has its own margin of safety and its own limit allowable loads, constant training with ever-increasing loads and standards gradually develop this margin of safety, wearing out the human body. In addition, when you are professionally involved in the same sport long time- groups of joints and muscles that you use constantly, "work out" themselves. That is why, those who went in for athletics and gymnastics face joint diseases and back pain in the future. What about occupational injuries and sprains? So, for example, sumo wrestlers (or sumo wrestlers, as they are also called) suffer from obesity. Boxers, over the course of their sporting career, lose count of how many times their nose was broken and how many times they received a concussion (most boxers, in addition, begin to get Parkinson's disease and suffer from epileptic attacks in old age). And, these are just a few examples. We see sports competitions, results, medals, but we don’t see injuries, pain and disappointments…

Professional sports always have two sides of its gold medal.

Who is strictly contraindicated in professional sports?

In this zone of categorical contraindications are pregnant women. In no case should you engage in professional sports during pregnancy. Pregnancy and physical activity, training, running and jumping are incompatible concepts. During such exercises, blood rushes to the muscles and leads them to tone, and your baby is threatened with asphyxia. In addition, too intense training can lead to abortion. Another thing is special physical education for pregnant women. Such exercises will be useful for both mother and baby, a woman will feel easier during childbirth and will be able to return to her normal shape more quickly after the birth of a child.

Professional sports harm the health, physical and psychological development of adolescents. This is true, this fact has already been proven by scientists. But, you should not immediately prohibit your child from visiting sport sections. The ban applies only to such sports as boxing, wrestling, gymnastics, athletics. All of these sports require the athlete to train for wear, adherence to strict diets, use steroids - for a growing teenager, all this can cause irreparable harm his health. In all other sports, with a gentle training regime, your child will even benefit from a little physical activity.

Sport and illness are also incompatible concepts..It is strictly forbidden to engage in professional views sports during exacerbations of chronic diseases, with pathology internal organs, mental illness, with various neoplasms. Any physical activity with such diagnoses is possible only after consulting a doctor.
Today we have touched only on what lies on the surface of professional sports. But, after all, there is also an underwater part of this iceberg - doping, psychological breakdowns… About them, next time.

Of course, watching the competition of professional athletes is a fascinating sight. But, behind this beauty of grace and hidden inner strength the flip side of the sports medal is also hidden - injuries, excessive loads, chronic diseases and unsuitability (the most terrible word for a professional athlete, whose whole life is in sports).

But here in moderate limits, physical activity to maintain the tone of our own body in our passive and sedentary age will not only be useful, but also necessary. We are not against professional sports, we are for a reasonable approach to physical activity.

Intense physical activity leads to early atherosclerosis and calcium deposition in the vessels. This news came from American scientists (publication in the scientific journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings, which is published by the famous Mayo Clinic). The results of the study are shocking. Not only very intense loads turned out to be harmful, but also the usual ones, which we are strongly recommended to perform.

If you carefully study the table from the article (we adapted it for the reader), it turns out that those who intensively and regularly exercised themselves in the gym, jogging, cycling, etc., had atherosclerosis 2 times more often than those who did not lead a very active lifestyle. The latter won even over those who acted in accordance with the advice of doctors: they devoted 150 minutes a week to physical activity (in the USA this is the official recommendation).

The state of the vessels depending on the level physical activity
Physical activity level
(less than 150 minutes
in Week)
(at least 150 minutes per week)
(450 minutes
a week or more)
general information 0* +11%** +80%
Men 0 +10% +86%
Women 0 +17% +71%
* The risk of atherosclerotic changes in this group was taken as baseline. Relative to him, this indicator was calculated in other groups.
** Increase in the risk of developing atherosclerosis as a percentage relative to the level of the first group.

25 years of observations

The observation of volunteers lasted 25 years. For the first time, their health status was assessed at the age of 18 to 30 years. According to their commitment to an active lifestyle, everyone was divided into three groups. The first included the most passive, they did not run, did not jump, did not even walk at a fast pace for 20-25 minutes a day. The second performed the recommended level of physical activity. The third group included the most active, who tortured themselves with physical activity for at least 450 minutes a week, that is, they spent more than an hour a day on them. And these enthusiasts, who were involved in a serious race for health, were 80% more likely to have poorer blood vessels than those who were too lazy to perform a sports minimum.

Scientists were amazed: they expected the opposite results. After all, there is an established opinion that when playing sports, cholesterol decreases, glucose in the blood and fat under the skin burns, the heart and blood vessels are trained, and all this delays the development of atherosclerosis.

What to do?

“There have already been studies in which athletes showed similar vascular changes,” explains cardiologist, MD, head of the department and scientific secretary of the Moscow State Medical University Evdokimova Yuri Vasyuk. - And in principle it is clear why this happens. Large loads not only train the heart muscle, but also stress the blood vessels: high blood pressure during a long and intense load, it has the same effect as arterial hypertension. Because of this, mechanisms are triggered that contribute to the development of atherosclerosis and the deposition of calcium in the vessels. It seems that in this case, it was precisely such mechanisms that worked, because people who were intensively engaged in physical exercises experienced the same stresses as athletes. But, of course, more research is needed here to find out all the details.

If speak about practical advice, then it is better to exclude static loads and heavy lifting. With such exercises, large muscle groups are tensed, and this contributes to an increase in pressure. Calm running, Nordic walking with sticks, swimming and other moderate aerobic exercise are still useful if you follow a number of rules.

The main thing is to focus not on kilometers of distance, but on the state of the body. This can be determined from the heart rate, calculating the optimal load using the very simple Shepard formula (see infographic). With its help, you will determine the maximum allowable heart rate during exercise for your age. It is good if during classes your heart rate is 50-60% of the maximum. This usually corresponds to a feeling of light perspiration. Try to stick to that load."

Click to enlarge

Everyone knows the assertion that healthy body healthy and spirit, and for this you need to do more active physical exercises. But not everyone knows how much sport is harmful to health, but how useful. What organs and how can it affect? How to avoid undesirable consequences, for example, passion for football or tennis? This will be discussed in this article.

What is the main harm of sports for health?

It's one thing - amateur training, and another - classes on professional level. Which organs are most at risk? Does it depend on the chosen sport? Of course, not all physical activities have an adverse effect on the body. The most important thing is to know the measure.

In pursuit of high results the body begins to work above its capabilities, which can contribute to the development of pathological processes. Therefore, it is very often harmful to health. Constant overloads force many organs to work literally for wear and tear. As a result, there are problems with the musculoskeletal system (muscles, joints, ligaments) and cardiovascular system(hypertension, headaches), which are aggravated in adulthood.

Risk factors

Especially sports are harmful to health in that there is a risk of various injuries. For example, professional football players or boxers suffer more than one fracture and concussion during their short career. And the number of simple bruises and sprains, perhaps, cannot be counted. Also, some sports heavily affect certain parts of the body and muscle groups. For example, tennis, badminton, fencing or shooting involve only one hand. Therefore, sometimes there are such consequences of many years of training as a violation of the functioning of internal organs, and this should be especially taken into account when planning a sports career for beginner athletes.

How to choose a section for children?

Many parents think about this issue long before the child starts attending school. Quite often, already 5-6-year-old kids are regularly engaged in any section. Deciding to take this important step, you need to worry about whether sports are harmful to health? Then consult with your pediatrician to rule out the risk of exacerbations in the presence of any diseases. Many doctors recommend starting with dance classes, thanks to which the baby will learn to move without being too overworked, and also get used to a new, clearer daily routine.

The most useful types of physical activities

It turns out that in order to start strengthening your health, it is not at all necessary to purchase a subscription to gym or buy special exercise equipment for home workouts. An ordinary walk in the park can easily turn into your first workout, because walking and running are the safest and most useful species sports. Especially if the classes are held outdoors.

So, you want to start improving your health? Turn on at least a half-hour run. Such fitness events are easiest to organize for owners of four-legged friends who are used to regular walks. early morning in any weather. To other most helpful sports activities swimming can also be included. It is best, of course, to combine various physical exercise to engage all muscles and organs. In addition, not only the body, but also the spirit must. Yoga classes will help to temper mentally.

As you can see, sport is not always harmful to health. Find your golden mean and go for it!
