Fashion horoscope: Style and clothes of the signs of the Zodiac. Aries: Sporty chic

Clothing can not only express your worldview, lifestyle and beliefs, but also bring good luck. Define your style according to your zodiac sign to always be successful.

Astrologers have been studying the influence of stars and planets on people for more than a century. Over such a long period of time, they have identified a lot of patterns that help people live happily. Use this knowledge to always look great and feel great.


Aries do not differ in love for fashion trends, but subtly capture the edges of what is permitted. They prefer to choose clothes at their own discretion, which often causes strong emotions from the environment. Aries love bright and even flashy colors that help them express their mood. Representatives of this Sign will not refuse general attention. To do this, they can brightly make up and put on something extraordinary. Experimenters by nature, they can combine the incongruous, but the image will favorably emphasize all the advantages of Aries. For self-expression, they use shades of red, which are perfectly combined with a mischievous character and irrepressible energy.


Taurus prefer a sensual image that perfectly emphasizes the features of their character. For them, the quality of outfits is important, not their quantity. Taurus is unlikely to pursue new fashion, but rather prefer the classics. They tend to excellent taste. Clothing with many small details will not impress them, but the outfit should always have a memorable detail, whether it be an appliqué or a patch pocket. Representatives of this Sign prefer shades of green, blue and pink, but the colors should be somewhat muted.


Geminis are considered owners of huge wardrobes. They dress according to their mood, which changes quite often, so in their collection there is an outfit for every taste. Geminis don't tend to focus on specific style and they often go shopping for new things. All styles can be found in their wardrobe, but most often representatives of this Sign prefer light and airy fabrics. Gemini is not characterized by a love for bright shades, so they will not stand out from the crowd with the help of colors. Gemini often express their emotions through the design of things and original jewelry.


Cancerians appreciate elegant loose-fitting clothing, choosing vintage or classic style outfits. Representatives of this Sign do not follow fashion closely, but they are able to emphasize their individuality with the help of a well-chosen wardrobe. Rakov emphasizes neatness and cleanliness. Of the colors, they prefer timeless classics - black and white, as well as pastel shades. Representatives of this Sign prefer discreet jewelry to emphasize their grace. It is unlikely that Cancers will find fashionable and expensive things in their wardrobe, because they do not get hung up on the latest trends, but rely solely on their own taste.


Pisces are quite controversial, so they often prefer a free style in clothes. The love of comfort gives Pisces a significant advantage: they will not put on fashionable things against their will that can impede freedom of movement. It is difficult to call Pisces fashionistas, but nevertheless they choose beautiful and delicate images that emphasize beauty. Among the favorite colors of representatives of this Sign can be called delicate shades pink, purple, lilac, blue, turquoise. Pisces is not happy with bright colors, so gaudy things are unlikely to attract their attention.

Have you ever met on the street or among your acquaintances people who have a truly manic predilection for old things? This is striking, first of all, by the state of clothing - shoes that have gone out of fashion, jeans that have seen more than one season, or a suede jacket with shiny sleeves and a collar. It's not that they were regular second-hand customers or wear clothes for someone. IN total the wardrobe looks quite decent, and there are a lot of fashionable things in it. But there are some things that are already a few years old. They should have been thrown away a long time ago, but they are all worn. Fans of such a rarity with great accuracy can be immediately attributed to the signs of Water. It is they who are characterized by such attachment to worn out things. Pisces and Cancers especially “sin” with this.

Let's not delve into physical processes, we only note that scientists have already proved and conveyed to the public the fact that water remembers information. It is this circumstance that pushes water signs to store old clothes. For them, it's like photographs. In this summer dress with already faded flowers, the girl went on a date with her loved one for the first time. But they bought this hat together while relaxing on the sea. Collecting clothes is not a single gathering that is characteristic of water signs. Take a closer look at their home, and you will see around a lot of old knick-knacks and furniture inherited from great-grandmothers.

In fashion, representatives of such signs in most cases do not try to be ahead of everyone. It is quite acceptable for them not to stand out from the crowd. This is especially true for Cancers and Pisces. The basis of the wardrobe of the signs of Water is free-style clothing, more reminiscent of hoodies. The tendency to such silhouettes appears in adulthood, and in young years it is rather an exception to the rule.


Representatives of this sign are characterized by fragility and harmony. And in their youth, Cancers prefer to demonstrate their dignity with the help of tight clothes. With age, however, this trend weakens, and women switch to looser-fitting clothes. Speaking of spacious styles, it is worth noting that Cancerians also love layering in clothes. A woman of this sign can put on a shirt, a blouse, a skirt (or even two), a scarf, a cape. Moreover, all this variety of things will look quite harmonious and natural.

Preferring a loose fit of clothing, Cancerians prefer soft folds and simple, uncomplicated styles. These wardrobe items are worn for a very long time. They also have a few items that are reserved for special occasions. Chic and expensive clothes, as a rule, evoke a childish reaction - at first, a storm of delight and admiration, but after a couple of times they wear it, emotions subside and the clothes lose interest for a woman.

Along with their very extensive awareness of the latest fashion trends, Cancer women can constantly wear the same dress with amazing perseverance. all year round. But this is rather the lot of adult ladies, burdened with worldly chores. Young girls are more picky about their appearance and try to keep track of how good they look. In addition, "by clothes" they tend to evaluate other people. Therefore, a careless, unkempt person, in whose clothes there is no harmony, is unlikely to interest them. Water is symbolically responsible for purity. So Cancers are trying hard to keep their clothes clean and tidy. Not only do they not give themselves a break in this, they also have time to look after others. And believe me, pointing out to the interlocutor a stain on clothes or a torn button will not tremble in their voice.

Materials for clothing Crayfish prefer mostly natural, which can provide air exchange. It should not necessarily be light and pleasant to the touch fabrics. Cancer women feel quite comfortable in clothes made of coarse linen or a little prickly wool. But at the same time, they are very pleased to wear something made of silk, crepe georgette or crepe de chine. The only condition is the natural composition of the fabric, because Cancers experience negative feelings in relation to synthetic materials.

The color scheme of Cancer clothing is restrained. Muted and pastel shades prevail. fit various shades green, marsh and khaki. In their youth, they show some weakness for shades of pink and blue, but they are not suitable for all representatives. Basically, clothes are purchased in neutral gray and gray-green colors. There is also a black color. And even classic moon colors like white and silvery white appear occasionally in their wardrobe. Although dressing completely in clothes of such colors, Cancers often do not allow their natural shyness.

Of the jewelry, Cancers prefer modest items that often have symbolic meaning or medicinal properties for a person. Therefore, it is not surprising that in most cases these are decorations made of natural stones and tree. Cancer women really like jewelry in the form of flowers, which symbolize nature. The product does not have to be made subtly and elegantly, the beauty of Cancer is seen in rough natural forms. Of metals, preference is given to silver. Pearls with mother-of-pearl are also highly valued among them.


This sign is characterized by the greatest activity among the signs of Water, which, of course, is reflected in the manner of dressing Scorpions. Young women are reputed to be fashionistas, and they have a rather interesting sense of style.

Representatives of this sign are characterized by constant movement, even in clothes. BUT old clothes, which over time accumulates a considerable amount, a new appointment is invented. The fantasy of Scorpio women works in this direction at full capacity. Some things are sold (the main principle here is not to make money on the sale, but simply to get rid of boring clothes), something is altered, combined in a new way, etc.

Again, like Cancers, these women tend to show off their gorgeous bodies (when they actually have them) to those around them. And even in the case when nature has deprived a good figure, the Scorpio woman will correct her shortcomings by all means available to her. The laziest will use just tricks in clothes.

In clothes, they prefer a complex cut, an abundance of details, which individually already represent a difficult design. At the same time, the completed outfit, with all the variety of decorations and additions, looks harmonious, and not gaudy. They seem to collect a grandiose mosaic of clothes. And they do it very well.

Scorpio women love to wear necklines and various cuts. Unlike Cancer women, who prefer rounded shapes, Scorpios gravitate towards sharp and triangular shapes. They like lace frills and heavy collars. Scorpions are not indifferent to finishing with the brilliance of precious metals (gold and silver).

In fabrics, representatives of this sign also love shine. And at the same time, in general, they don’t care if they are artificial or natural. Only with age, women begin to switch to more natural compositions in tissues. They also like the fleecy structures of fabrics, so in their wardrobe there are a lot of clothes made of velvet and velor, there are also knitted clothes. The color palette is rich and often contrasting. The most preferred are red and black, especially their combinations. Although they can wear white suits with great pleasure (and skill).

Scorpios with a restrained and calmer character manifest themselves similarly when choosing clothes. They have a love for classic styles, good-quality and high-quality things. The color scheme of clothes covers shades of gray, green, black and beige. They show their extravagance in the selection of bright accessories.

Scorpio women are scrupulous about jewelry. Only expensive, massive jewelry, preferably gold. The decoration must also be masterfully done.


This sign is controversial and does not tolerate restrictions. The clothing style of Pisces women is as free as their nature. First of all, any strict and rigid forms are rejected. Therefore, uniform-type suits, various belts and tightening belts do not take root in their closet. Sometimes such clothes make you “pull yourself together”, but Pisces cannot wear it for a very long time.

The basis of the wardrobe is clothes made of soft fabrics with a silky structure. It is desirable that it also fits the figure like a second skin. Most the right thing for Pisces there will be a turtleneck. A lot in their wardrobe and knitwear, which does not hinder movement and is pleasant to the touch. There are also things made of silk, jersey.

Pisces women do not tend to chase fashion, although if they do, they try not to stand out especially from the rest. They love shiny fabrics that shimmer or change colors in the sun. Of the styles, they like the asymmetrical cut of clothes, and it doesn’t matter what it will be expressed in - neckline, edges of clothes or asymmetrical details of clothes.

The color scheme of clothes, unlike other signs of Water, is more blurry. It is pink, blue, dark green, color sea ​​wave. Saturated and bright colors they often don't like it. They feel more comfortable in clothes of pastel or deep shades. Therefore, they like the peculiar purple color so much.

Jewelry and accessories prefer to choose sophisticated, made subtly with the smallest details. They love decorations in the form of flowers, as well as their interpretation in the form of clothing details.



Like it or not, astrology is of interest to most people (even skeptics). Though astrological horoscopes for every day cannot be 100% reliable, common features, which this or that sign of the Zodiac possesses, often coincide. For example, I am a Sagittarius: I am optimistic, energetic, impulsive, and when it comes to fashion, I am a complete maximalist, I always wear bold colors and love complex multi-layer sets.

Style, of course, is primarily a manifestation of individuality, but your zodiac sign can have a certain influence on what clothes you choose. After doing a little research on each sign, the experts analyzed some of the current fashion trends that would complement your zodiac sign.

For example, Taurus, who is domestic and earth sign, could wear a pajama-style suit cool (even to the office). The inner perfectionism and strength of the Virgo will be emphasized by a well-tailored suit and accent stilettos. And Pisces is a real esthete and art lover, they can make each outfit chic by playing with catchy colors and original shapes.

Knowing a little more about your sign, its characteristics and color preferences, you can make your wardrobe perfect. Let's take a look at what each zodiac sign should add to their wardrobe this year.


Aries are famous for their energetic nature. Aries are athletic and love the color red. So what could be better for them than grabbing another pair of sneakers and incorporating Athleisure-inspired clothing into their wardrobe.

Aries is fearless and unstoppable, and loves bold accent pieces. A daring mix of a bright yellow fur coat and sports elements in one look is something that will suit any Aries.

Comfort is a key factor for those Aries who, due to their lifestyle, are constantly on the go. Look for universal basics and make ensembles that are suitable for any life situation.


Taurus are the perfect housewives. And they will look organic in silk pajama suits, backless loafers and with a casual bun on their heads.

This earth sign loves to do things with their hands, such as gardening or cooking, so look for things that are comfortable and durable.

Taurus are also famous for their romanticism, so they should pay attention to silk kimono-style blouses and jackets, floral prints and fitted feminine silhouettes.


Gemini is such a sign that does not have constancy. Many things quickly bore him. Therefore, they need to add clothes with a twist to their wardrobe, for example, with asymmetrical details.

Mixing different prints and shades is a Gemini favorite. Such costumes seem original to them and have a special charm for them.

The trend with one bare shoulder is also in favor with Gemini. And, of course, contrasting prints as a way to stand out among others.


Cancers are emotional and care deeply about their loved ones. Incorporating red into heart-shaped clothing and accessories can be interesting way showcase their individuality.

Cancerians like hobbies that do not require leaving the house, gatherings for delicious food with friends and relaxing activities. Therefore, invite your friends to your place, having announced to them in advance the style and color scheme parties.

Cancer loves to be near the water, so add some nautical prints and a navy blue-white-red color combination to your wardrobe.


Anything says more about Leo than fur and yellow? lion loves bright colours. All shades of yellow, orange and gold are perfect for a Leo to showcase his status.

Leo loves to be the center of attention, he is sociable and social, the real king of parties. Therefore, he should bet on disco details in clothes, for example, sequins and sequins.

Due to their busy schedule, Leo needs versatile pieces of clothing (like a jumpsuit) and classic accessories to wear day in and day out.


Virgos are perfectionists, strong and independent, so the best choice for them there will be a Power Suit (business suit). Strict silhouettes, neutral colors are the essential components of such an ensemble.

For Virgo, not only appearance is important, but also functionality. So put aside stilettos and look for comfortable shoes with low heels. Also look out for basic t-shirts and accessories that you will use over and over again.

This earth sign leads an active life, is a great analyst and workaholic, so look for clothes that you can wear all day at the office and then go to some meeting in them.


Libras are charming, emotional and hopeless romantics. Look for feminine things, your everything is dresses and skirts, heels, shades of red and pink.

Harmonious Libras are ideal people for monochrome looks, flounces, laces and light fabrics.

Let your artistic imagination shine in your clothes - wear cool graphic t-shirts, tulle skirts and more.


Sexuality is the role of Scorpio. Show some exposed skin in the neckline of a skirt, or in an open neckline, or under a sheer fabric.

Scorpios are no strangers to loud statements in the fashion world. They are not just fashionistas, they are real trendsetters, and red - perfect color for those who stand out from the crowd.

All Scorpios are a little possessive and jealous, although they don't show it. Therefore, they need things-identifiers that will belong only to them alone. For example, monogrammed accessories with personal initials and clothes that will be hand-embroidered with their name.


Sagittarians are maximalists, but modern tendencies allow them to open up to their full potential. Now is your time to shine! Layered kits, mixing colors, textures, things different styles perfect for your daily adventures.

All Sagittarians are children at heart, they strive for new things, they love to be spontaneous, so don't be afraid to combine the incongruous.

Sagittarians are always on the go, they travel and love freedom in everything. The same applies to freedom of expression - Sagittarius are remembered, thanks to the bold color combinations and funny details of their images.


Capricorns are known for being in control of everything in their lives. So for them best option- simple monochrome looks, time-honored pieces that they love and can be interchanged with.

Capricorns are wise and experienced. Tune in to your inner old lady and incorporate some vintage pieces into your wardrobe. For example, in capsules for special occasions.

Capricorns are ambitious, punchy, have high professional qualities. Show off your intelligence with chic silhouettes, business suits, smart casual wear.


Aquarians are people who perfectly combine mental activity with executive activity. They are naturally social, frequent guests of various events, and therefore they need to keep clothes on hand for going out.

Aquarians are free-spirited thinkers, often eccentric and do not like to make concessions. Abstract outfits with unusual details match their curiosity and unpredictability.

This sociable people a conversation starter is needed, and metallic boots and an accent coat are the perfect excuses to strike up a conversation.


As art lovers, Pisces should strive for bold patterns, geometric silhouettes, and abstract details.

Use the game different colors and forms in all their images. Combining will combine all of these pieces, and create a piece of art in itself.

Pisces are friendly, compassionate and have a delicate taste. Emphasize these inner qualities with warm, vibrant hues.

The "Ascendant" in astrological terminology is the constellation that rose on the horizon at exactly the moment we were born. And if today you rarely meet a person who does not know his "main" zodiac sign - the one that is determined by the calendar date of birth, many do not even know what the other, "ascending" one influences. It is believed that the ascendant largely determines how our “I” looks from the outside: our behavior, individual communication style, appearance and how we demonstrate it to people around us - we choose clothes, hairstyle, makeup, etc. Experienced astrologers believe that those of us who build their image, sensitively and skillfully combining the features inherent in both their main and ascending zodiac signs, look the most attractive and advantageous.

To calculate your ascendant, you need to know the exact time and place of your birth. Then on the Internet you can find the corresponding table, and best of all - ask to do necessary calculations one of the friends who is seriously interested in astrology. And finally, we invite you to evaluate your style, taking into account the professional tips of the permanent author of ELLE horoscopes Bernard Fitzwalter.

Bright, energetic, athletic - these are typical Aries. They open the list of zodiac signs, tend to be the first to try everything new and often the first to come to the finish line. Elegant, active, sexy - according to the horoscope, this style suits you perfectly and allows you to feel self-confidence. Nothing pleases an Aries more than novelty. However, with all the love for her, you are not always ready to finish what you started. Improving your own image, try to show more attention and patience.

“Earthly”, reliable, caring - this is how their close friends would describe Taurus. Taurus does not rush anywhere and gladly nibbles grass in the pasture, but if a stranger wanders there without an invitation, he will immediately understand his mistake. Taurus are keenly aware of the boundaries of personal space and will defend their territory. In love, you are gentle, but big owners. The same goes for things: you stick with what you love even when it's time to move on. Your horoscope style is sensuality, calmness, simplicity and harmony. Classic lines, time-tested brands, delicate fabrics will suit you. And of course, excellent quality is important to you.

These are virtuosos of communication, lovers of talking, reading something, exchanging ideas. The Internet and mobile communications were as if specially invented for you. You are smart and inquisitive, you need communication like air. Your style, a little eclectic, but expressive and full of optimism, allows you to feel "one hundred percent" in a variety of companies, while bright accessories and a constant touch of fantasy add shine to the image. In love, Geminis are masters of seduction with words. Ah, if you only knew what constancy is...

“Sensitive”, “shy” - such epithets are most often awarded to Cancers. Yes, of all the signs of the zodiac, you are the most emotional, but at the same time, your heart cannot be broken, and your love can overcome any obstacles. Like real cancers, you are able to stand up for yourself and protect those you care about. Although you are often reserved in public and prefer to keep a low profile, friends and family are well aware that behind this mask lies a much softer nature. So you put similar meanings into the choice of your clothes: “safety” and “success”. You can't stand trash, elegance suits you, and classic complements your image rather than obscures it. What is missing? Perhaps a little more perseverance and pressure.

This is the sign of true leaders! Each Leo is the star of his show, the center of everyone's attention, the born "number one". And it is important for him that everyone else is convinced of this. If you can't get the lead role, you'll simply refuse to go on stage. Do you like clothes for special occasions? famous brands which will clearly show how successful you are. However, the one who says that you are arrogant does not know you at all. In fact, one born under the sign of Leo is like the Sun, full of warmth and light; lighting and warming everything around, you are ready to give a piece of your talent and time to everyone.

Virgos are cautious, smart, and incredibly disciplined, which has earned them an undeserved reputation as picky critics. In fact, you only seek to analyze and understand the world around you, in order to improve it later. You are not looking for easy ways and always strive for the best. When it comes to appearance, you can be very hard on yourself. You are most comfortable in an organized and orderly environment in which you strive to neatly take your place - without unnecessary frills and show. Comfort is also an important factor for you, you are attracted to fashion brands, but with one condition: things must be not only beautiful, but also functional.

Happy, carefree, charmingly indecisive when it comes to something important - this is a typical portrait of Libra. The ability to evaluate the arguments of both sides in an argument has won you universal love. But, if you look at it, it means that it is difficult for you to determine your own values. Perhaps that is why you go through life easily and naturally: without being too carried away by anyone or anything, deftly avoiding obstacles that others stumble over. Your need for beauty and harmony is deep, and you need external order to feel comfortable. Whatever you wear - jeans with a T-shirt or Evening Dress- you dress for yourself, but you also care how others see you. You also adapt fashion "for yourself", trying to express your mood and personality traits.

Scorpions are characterized by concentration, secrecy, authority, sexuality, the desire to control the course of life, directing events in the right direction. People often cannot even imagine how much effort and dedication it costs you! It is believed that Scorpio is the sexiest of the zodiac signs; the reason for this is the same thirst for power, mystery, passion of nature, which seeks a way out in feelings. All these features are also in your clothes: your choice is subtle (you know: sometimes “less is more”), inspires respect; it has charm, contrasts and a touch of drama - but the result is truly impressive!

The most open and optimistic among the signs of the zodiac, Sagittarians are also real good luck minions. In addition, you are extremely honest; to say something other than the truth, it simply does not occur to you. As a result, some may consider you tactless and never share secrets with you for the same reason. In fact, you are wonderful friends, always ready to support, cheer and cheer up. In love, you are enthusiastic, playful and unusually passionate. Sagittarius is a fire sign and it's hard for you to go unnoticed. The spirit of coquetry and the pleasure of life - all this expresses your clothes; you love color and make a strong impression.

Capricorns are serious and successful; working tirelessly, they always achieve a well-deserved reward. Luck plays almost no role for you, you prefer to think through everything in advance, take into account all the possibilities. Because of this, you often like conservative style in clothes; you willingly follow the dress code of your profession, but are endowed with a special talent for choosing, mixing and matching various elements and details. You demand quality, although you are willing to bargain over the price. Capricorns have stamina and always finish what they start, no matter how long it takes. But, despite the outward severity, there are soft features in your nature; you are not deprived - albeit restrained - sense of humor. As a friend, you are prudent and reliable; in love, take your time to express your feelings, but are incredibly devoted.

Aquarians are not like everyone else. Seeing where the crowd has moved, you will definitely head in the other direction. You like to be part of society, but at the same time stand out with your independence and uniqueness. Even if you wear a uniform, you will find a way to bring individuality and chic to your look. You tend to think about the reasons for your actions and act according to own principles, and not from blind obedience to fashion. Of course, it would never occur to you to follow a general trend or obey accepted norms. You have your own style, you are your own guide and model. Sometimes you seem detached - but this is not so at all: you are passionate about life, you just don't show it.

With a rich imagination and developed intuition, but at the same time fickle and far from reality, Pisces, the most fluid of all signs, strives to slip out of your hands ... Like a chameleon, you try on other people's qualities and properties; it allows you to be exactly what other people want you to be, but hides your true nature, known to very few. Pisces can wear almost anything - and feel comfortable. What really attracts you? Mysticism, magic of creativity - and a lot of glamour! In love, you surrender to feelings completely, live in the current moment. What is it - courage or recklessness? Perhaps both.

Astrologers told what fashionable style is ideal for representatives of each zodiac sign. Do you have any of these items in your wardrobe?

Aries: Sporty chic

The ideal style for Aries women is sporty chic. In such clothes, they feel comfortable and cozy, because nothing will hinder their movements and does not prevent them from achieving their goals.

Favorite colors: denim, white and red.

Taurus: ethno style

Taurus women in the choice of clothes give preference primarily to quality. It should be expensive, but not flashy. Best of all, such requirements in modern realities correspond to ethno-style, as a reasonable combination of folk wisdom and modern fashion.

Favorite colors: natural, including blue, green, pink and all shades of pastel.

Gemini: Casual

Gemini women prefer casual style in clothes. They like things from natural materials And definitely bright colors. Gemini girls will not refuse very short skirts.

Favorite colors: all bright combinations.

Cancer: Romantic Style

Cancer women are big lovers of romance, who are happy to emphasize their femininity. Clothing for them is a kind of shell that protects against outside world and provides comfort.

Favorite colors: lilac, green and blue.

Leo: Dramatic Style

Leo women simply adore expensive, high-quality and fashionable items of the most famous world brands. The whole world for the Lionesses is like a stage on which they are the main actresses. Therefore, the appearance must match!

Favorite colors: gold, scarlet, purple.

Virgo: Classic style

Virgo women love classic style. Everything should be neat and tidy. The main condition in choosing clothes is the purity of the lines, on which the representatives of this zodiac sign are simply obsessed.

Favorite colors: beige, gray, white.

Libra: Glamor Style

Libra women love glamour. Chic, brilliance and beauty are the main priorities in appearance representatives of this zodiac sign. But at the same time, they never look vulgar and untidy.

Favorite colors: turquoise, silver, pink

Scorpio: Unique Style

In the style of clothing, Scorpio Women prefer individuality. They always find their own unique style in which they are comfortable and comfortable. Even in gray, they will definitely stand out from the gray mass, although they usually prefer to dress in black.

Favorite colors: black, burgundy

Sagittarius: Eclectic Style

Sagittarius women prefer an eclectic style. They surprisingly manage to combine, at first glance, completely incompatible things absolutely different styles. In clothes, Sagittarius choose only the best!

Favorite colors: blue, yellow, orange

Capricorn: Elegant style

Capricorn women prefer elegant style. It is important for them that the clothes are of high quality, expensive and neat, but at the same time not too bright and catchy.

Favorite colors: black, grey, turquoise, purple

Aquarius: Bohemian Style

Aquarius women prefer a bohemian style of clothing that combines practicality with originality. They love the whimsical mix of hippie, casual, vintage and boho styles. The main thing is not like everyone else!

Favorite colors: blue, purple, emerald

Pisces: Vintage Style

Pisces women are big fans of the neo-vintage style, which copies the popular models of past decades. Such clothes allow these individualists to always look romantic and unusual.

What do you think about your style? Do you agree with the astrologers or strongly against?
