Open a martial arts room. Location and equipment

Today, many representatives of the business community are increasingly thinking about how to open sports section. And this trend is quite easy to explain.

Everyone understands that sport is the future of our country. It is now becoming fashionable to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and not to abuse bad habits.

It can be stated with confidence that a person who knows how to open a sports section and plans to do so will kill two birds with one stone with such intentions. First, it will create additional terms for doing exercises, and secondly, he can extract quite a solid profit from this business.

It should be noted that before opening the sports section, preparatory actions should be carried out. Which? Everything is very simple.

Business plan

First you need to draw up a business plan for the sports section on paper. In this document, you must reflect all the subtleties of organizing your own business: decide on the size of the room for classes, the number of staff, the volume start-up capital and calculate how much you intend to make a profit in the end. Set clear goals for the near future.

Business registration

Before you open a sports section, you must give your entrepreneurial activity legal character. What is meant by this? You must register your business with the competent authorities.

It should be noted that you have the right to formalize your enterprise as a commercial structure, or you can choose, for example, a non-profit partnership as an organizational and legal form. If you make a choice in favor of the latter option, then you can count on receiving tax benefits from the state.

If you intend to make a profit, then you should receive title documents from the tax office. If you stop at a public organization, then - in the territorial bodies of justice. To make it easier to pay taxes on initial stage it is better to register your activities as an individual entrepreneur.

It should be noted that the registration procedure, as a rule, does not cause difficulties and after 5-7 days from the date of application Required documents will be in your hands.

Section location selection

You must understand that in the age high technology humanity leads a rather dynamic life, when there is not enough time for anything. That is why people are not attracted by the prospect of standing for a few precious hours in traffic jams on the way to the sports section. Therefore, your club must have a convenient location. Naturally, customers should easily get to it by public transport.

Of course, not everyone can afford to rent a room in the city center. It is optimal to choose the location of your sports section in one of the sleeping areas. This will provide you with a regular influx of customers. At the same time, choose places where there are convenient parking lots so that your club members can park the car in the right place.


At the next stage, you must decide on the staff, because without qualified trainers, administrators, consultants and massage therapists, it is unlikely that you will be able to competently organize a business. Do not forget that every month you will have to pay for their work.


In order for as many people as possible to know about your section, you need to systematically advertise own business. Let's advertise in newspapers, on the radio, put up flyers on the streets. Organize promotions for your customers, for example, set a 5% discount when buying a monthly subscription.

Gym space and equipment

When organizing the above business, you must carefully consider what your sports facility will be like (this is also true when developing a document such as an art school business plan).

If you intend to work with clients with a low level of income, then the cost of renting a gym should not be excessively high. As an option, you can recommend semi-basement or basement rooms.

If you intend to put your business, as they say, on a grand scale, thinking, for example, about how to open a martial arts section, then you will need several fairly large premises where you could provide gyms, a lobby with a wardrobe, locker rooms, toilets And so on.

As for the equipment, visitors will judge the status of your establishment by its quality and design. The range of equipment depends directly on what kind of sports you are going to teach your customers.

For example, to organize a martial arts section, you will need special carpets, mats, exercise equipment, bars, and horizontal bars. Have you decided to open a basketball section? You need to take care of the balls, sportswear, and the arrangement of the hall with rings in advance. To play badminton you will need a net, rackets and shuttlecocks.

If you only want to have modern models simulators, then, when compiling, for example, a business plan for a martial arts hall, you must provide additional expenses in start-up capital, since modern "health machines" are quite expensive.

Again, it should be noted that if your business is focused on customers with a low level of income, then spend money on expensive bike paths It hardly makes sense, since such investments will not be able to recoup quickly. If you want to become a worthy competitor of well-known sports schools in your city, then you should have everything new and modern.

Of course, pay special attention to the quality of service in your section. Do not forget that the client is always right: he should be as comfortable as possible in a sports school. Remember also that sport is positioned as a separate ideology. It involves a positive attitude towards people leading a healthy lifestyle.

Nowadays, the popularity of sports is growing every day. Today, more and more people are interested in a healthy lifestyle and, despite high employment and lack of time, they strive to keep their body in good physical shape. Thus, opening a sports club or fitness center is a popular and sought-after type of commercial activity.

Today, competition in this area is quite high, so entrepreneurs have to come up with new ways to attract customers, introduce modern technologies. One way to succeed in this area is to specialize in a specific group of consumers. As a result, a separate sphere- sports clubs for women.

Women's fitness is more popular and promising. According to statistics, among sports women 71% consider fitness to be the most suitable activity, but among athletic men, the share of fitness adherents does not exceed 40%.

The business plan of a sports club is developed taking into account the format of the institution, its target group, the planned location and many other factors.

Target audience - women aged 27-48 with an average level of income.

Room area: 100-250m2.

Location: sleeping areas with large quantity residential buildings.

Success factors: high-quality equipment, highly qualified coaching staff, friendliness and responsiveness of staff, quality of services provided, marketing support.

The amount of initial investment is 3 368 815 rubles.

The break-even point is reached in the first month of work.

The payback period is from Seven months.

2. Description of the business, product or service

A sports club for women is not just a gym for sports activities, but a real club where a woman receives not only results, but also a new social circle that shares her interests, the opportunity for recreation and entertainment. An individual approach is important here. Each woman can get qualified advice from a specialist who will develop a training and nutrition program to achieve the most effective result.

AT modern world the rhythm of women is very fast, and the schedule of the day is very busy, so close proximity to home is important. Thus, a fitness club for women should be located in a residential area within walking distance from home.

List of services provided:

  • Group lessons. Group classes include aerobic classes, stable classes (Pilates, yoga).
  • Gym. The gym is equipped with equipment that allows you to work on different groups muscles. Fitness instructors conduct mandatory briefings, talk about the possibilities gym and the technique of performing exercises on various simulators.
  • Personal training. Personal training program and individual approach - the most effective method improve health and fitness levels. A personal trainer develops an individual training program taking into account the physiological capabilities of the body and wishes, selects the necessary load, controls the technique of performing exercises, the dynamics of sports achievements.

Benefits of personal training:

Setting the right goals;

Creation of the most accessible and effective program;

Training safety. Reduces the likelihood of injury;

Acquisition of the correct skills for performing exercises;

The right choice of means and intensity of training;

The most noticeable result of training;

discipline and organization.

  • Fitness testing.

Starting fitness testing. The purpose of the initial testing is to determine the level of physical performance, to identify the state of a person's physical qualities, such as strength, endurance, flexibility, etc., as well as the harmony of their development. The result of the initial testing is a strategic training plan based on desires, goals, as well as your general health.

Standard testing evaluates the main indicators of health status and the level physical development, as well as the state of the central and peripheral nervous system, which is very important for the correct selection of the training regimen and the prevention of physical overstrain syndrome.

You can increase the revenue of the institution by selling additional goods.

Additional items:

Healthy diet;

Cosmetics for a good figure.

All products of the line work for three purposes:

  1. Slimness and lightness throughout the body.
  2. Youth and beauty of the skin.
  3. Harmony and general feeling of comfort.

Clients can get advice from a nutritionist, as well as choose the most effective diet supplemented with vitamins and useful products and cocktails.

3. Description of the market

Over the past 15-20 years, the fitness industry market has undergone a great metamorphosis. This area began to emerge in Russia in 1993, and only wealthy people could afford to visit the fitness room. Now fitness has taken root in all walks of life. Sports clubs for every taste and budget are opening all over Russia.

Optimistic forecasts for the fitness industry are given by various research companies. For example, the marketing agency "Business Port" says that the growth of this market will be kept at a level of at least 25%, while the NeoAnalytics company names a figure of $ 3.2 billion, talking about the potential capacity Russian market fitness services.

In mid-2015, there were more than 3,000 sports clubs in Russia, with more than 1.7 million people attending. But, as in many other areas, the capitals - Moscow and St. Petersburg - remain leaders. The metropolitan market of fitness services in terms of development rates and trends is close to Western models. The competition here is very high, and the crisis only exacerbates the situation .

There is a diversification trend in the fitness industry in the market. Recently, large sports complexes with swimming pools, spas and other additional services have begun to fade into the background. More and more people who care about their health and physical fitness give preference to clubs of a "home" format, located within walking distance. For entrepreneurs who want to open their own fitness business, this alignment can play into their hands. You need to understand that a sports club will not pay for itself in a short time, and the size of the initial investment cannot be called small.

The target audience of the sports club for women is women, whose age is 27-48 years old, the level of income is average.

Slimness, beauty and health will always be at the top of the list of priorities. modern woman, after all, taking care of yourself is the item of expenditure that is almost the last to be cut. When there is uncertainty around and every news makes you nervous, it is important for a woman to please herself, to create an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility around. Therefore, the popularity of sports clubs for women in the coming years will only increase.

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Production plan

The key goal is to open a sports club for women.

  • Overview of the real estate market for the selection of the optimal premises

Basic requirements for the premises.

District selection:
- "Sleeping" areas with a higher proportion target audience. The main type of buildings - multi-storey residential. If an old housing stock is chosen, then it must be of medium and high cost, since pensioners usually live in a cheap old housing stock; if new buildings, then with a deadline of more than 1 year (residents of new buildings with a deadline of less than a year, as a rule, the first year they spend all their income and savings on arranging a new apartment).

It is recommended to locate a sports club near healthcare system enterprises, pharmacies, banks, utility bill collection points, educational institutions for children, beauty salons of medium and high price categories.

Room characteristics:
- Room area 100-250 m2 (less is considered individually);
- Separate entrance from the street or from the end;
- It is desirable to have parking for 5 cars or more;
- Preferably ground floor or semi-basement with windows. Basement not considered. You can consider the second floor with a comfortable and short flight of stairs. It is not recommended to consider the location of the club above the second floor;
- A place on the facade facing the street is obligatory for a sign, it is also desirable to have a place for placing a banner.

Technical requirements for the premises:
- Guaranteed water consumption of at least 8 cubic meters per day;
- Load on overlapping 100 kg/sq.m;
- The possibility of connecting bathrooms and showers, at the rate of 1 per 50 sq.m;
- Possibility of redevelopment and reconstruction of engineering networks;
- The height of the ceiling is not less than 2.8 m (up to the false ceiling);
- Availability or possibility of accommodation supply and exhaust ventilation. In accordance with SNIP, air exchange per person must be at least 80 cubic meters. m per hour at

air speed is not more than 5 m / s, and at least 33 square meters is required per person. cm area of ​​the supply grille;
- The width of the doorway (the entrance to the room and the entrance to the active zone) is at least 95 cm.
If the door opening is less than 95 cm, it is necessary to find out the possibility of expanding the opening or dismantling the window to bring the equipment into the room.

  • Registration of a legal entity;

Activities can be carried out as individual- IP, and entity- OOO.

  • Conclusion of a contract for the supply of equipment.

6. Organizational structure

Salary fund


Salary per 1 employee (rub.)

The number of employees

Salary Total (rub.)




Cleaning woman

General fund of salary

7. Financial plan

The sales plan is drawn up based on the number of subscriptions sold, the type of subscription and its price, as well as the goods sold.

Planned revenue in the first year of operation (rubles)

Number of workouts

Subscription price

1 month

2 month

3 month

amount, rub., total

number of tickets purchased

amount, rub., total

number of tickets purchased

amount, rub., total

number of tickets purchased

amount, rub., total

number of tickets purchased

amount, rub., total

Sale of goods

Total revenue

Number of workouts

Subscription price

4 month

5 month

6 month

number of tickets purchased

amount, rub., total

number of tickets purchased

amount, rub., total

number of tickets purchased

amount, rub., total

number of tickets purchased

amount, rub., total

number of tickets purchased

amount, rub., total

Total revenue from subscriptions, rub.

Sale of goods

Total revenue

See the appendix for the full revenue plan.

Forecasting the company's activities in the first year of operation (rubles)

1 month

2 months

3 months

4 months

5 months

6 months


* Calculations use average data for Russia

1.Project summary

The goal of the project is to open a specialized boxing center in a city with a population of more than 500,000 people to provide sports and fitness services and make a profit. The business idea is to create and operate a commercial boxing club aimed at all groups of the population of any age, starting from 5 years old. The format of the institution will refer to the so-called "white collar boxing" (boxing for white collars), which implies the adaptation of professional boxing for ordinary people and affordability. Club services will include group and individual boxing and kickboxing classes, from one-time training sessions to sales of annual subscriptions.

Investments in the opening of the club will amount to 3,620,000 rubles. Source - own funds. The payback period of the project is 16 months.

2. Description of the industry and company

AT last years boxing is increasingly adapting to mass demand and opening its doors to non-professionals. The popularity of boxing clubs for middle-class citizens is increasing, as evidenced by the opening of more and more clubs and boxing centers in major cities countries. It is believed that white collar boxing originated in the 80s in New York, where tournaments for office workers who sought to get emotional release in the ring began to be regularly held. White collar fights became so popular that in 2001 the International White Collar Boxing Association (IWCBA) was formed to establish clear rules and monitor the competition. Today, there are more than 1,500 clubs around the world where anyone can try himself as a boxer, regardless of his age and status. Unlike professional clubs, the goal of these centers is to provide a boxing venue as an alternative to fitness. A person, attending classes, keeps himself in good physical shape, increases stress resistance and more easily endures all the hardships of life.

The purpose of this project is to open a specialized boxing center in a city with a population of more than 500 thousand people to provide sports and recreation services to the population and make a profit. The business idea is to create and operate a commercial boxing club aimed at all groups of the population of any age, starting from 5 years old. The format of the institution will refer to the so-called "white collar boxing" (boxing for white collars), which implies the adaptation of professional boxing for ordinary people and affordability.

The boxing club will be located in the central area of ​​the city, close to major business centers and educational institutions. The club will work on a daily basis: from 8:00 to 22:00 on Mon-Fri. and from 9:00 to 21:00 on Sat. - Sun. total area club will be 250 sq. meters.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Boxing classes will be conducted by professional trainers with sports achievements and sports categories (CMS, MS). The owner of the business will act as the manager of the club, part of the management and administration responsibilities will be transferred to the full-time administrator. Employees whose work is not related to making a profit (accountant, cleaner) will work for hire.

The legal form of activity will be an individual entrepreneur. The OKVED code for this business is 93.12 Services provided by sports clubs. The simplified taxation system (STS 6%) will be chosen in the forms of taxation.

3.Description of services

Boxing club services will include group and individual boxing and kickboxing classes, from one-time training sessions to sales of annual subscriptions. Under the guidance of experienced trainers, functional training, boxing and kickboxing training will be held. An indicative price list is presented in Table. 1. To ensure an advantage over competitors, emphasis will be placed on the professionalism of the trainers' staff, the quality of service, and the affordability of services.

Table 1. List of services



Cost, rub.

Group adult training (16+)

Subscription for 3 months

Subscription for 6 months

Subscription for 12 months

Package for 8 workouts

Pack of 12 workouts

Group training for children (5-15)

Subscription for 3 months

Subscription for 3 months of group training

Subscription for 6 months

Subscription for 6 months of group training

Subscription for 12 months

Subscription for 12 months of group training

Package for 8 workouts

Attending 8 group workouts (1 month)

Pack of 12 workouts

Attending 12 group workouts (1.5 months)

Personal training

1 workout

1 individual training

10 workouts

10 individual workouts (2 months)

Other services

Visit to the boxing gym

Visit to the boxing gym (1 month)

One-time workout

One-time workout

No special permits or licenses are required to provide such services. The activities of the institution will need to be coordinated with Rospotrebnadzor and Rospozhnadzor.

4.Sales and marketing

The target audience of boxing will be citizens with an average level of income various categories population. During the classes, groups of different ages will be formed, including children's groups (5-9 years old, 9-15 years old) and groups for adults. A separate group, if there is an appropriate specialist, is planned to be created for girls and women. At the stage of preparation for the opening, work will be carried out to attract customers through social networks and pre-sale of subscriptions. On the first day of work there will be a day open doors with master classes and drawings of certificates for free access to the club for a certain period.

The main channel for attracting new club members will be the Internet. The desire to sign up for sports is not like the impulsive purchase of clothes or food. A potential client has an idea of ​​what he wants and seeks to find out more information about the sports sections he is interested in on the Internet, compare the prices of several clubs. Therefore, information about the services of the boxing center, prices, trainers and contact details will be posted on the website. According to the Yandex.Wordstat service, the request for "box section" is made 12,000 to 26,000 times a month, while there are many more similar requests (about 50-60 thousand). The leaders in the number of requests are Moscow and St. Petersburg (3205 and 1245 requests “boxing section” as of April 2016), followed by Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, Rostov-on-Don, Novosibirsk, Krasnodar, Voronezh, Samara and Kazan (170 -338 requests). Taking into account related requests, the indicators increase by 2-3 times. At the same time, most of those who want to sign up for boxing are fixed from August to October after the end of the summer vacation season. In autumn, the peak of sales of fitness club subscriptions is recorded, so it is most expedient to open a club in August-September.

The main methods that will be used when promoting on the market will be:

In the process of activity, the management of the club will proceed from the principles of expanding the services provided, increasing the number of permanent members of the club, as well as improving the quality of service. To implement the first task, a search will be made for new partners of the club, including large employers interested in purchasing subscriptions in bulk. To implement the second, special seminars, master classes and other events for staff under the guidance of invited experts will be held. The management of the club will contribute to the creation of a trusting family atmosphere in the establishment with customer-oriented service. Attention will be paid to all the subtleties of work, from maintaining the general discipline of employees and creating a loyalty system, ending individual approach to each client (taking into account the characteristics and inclinations of the client during training, addressing by name, etc.).

5.Production plan

The location of the club will be the central area of ​​the city with a large number of office and commercial buildings(business center). The club will operate on a daily basis. Working hours from Monday to Friday - 08:00-22:00, weekends and holidays– from 09:00 to 21:00.

The club will be located on a rented area of ​​250 sq. meters. The boxing club will have two sports halls for competitions and training, administration, a locker room, a wardrobe area and a bathroom with a shower. It will take 1.8 million rubles to repair the premises, and 1.2 million rubles to equip it. Among other things, the room will need to be equipped with a ventilation system. More equipment costs can be seen in Table. 2.

Table 2 Equipment Costs


price, rub.

Quantity, pcs.

Cost, rub.

Supply and exhaust system ventilation

Boxing ring


Equipment for training (pears, bags, etc.)

Office equipment, computers

Furniture for administration and reception


Dressing room equipment


1 200 000

The entrepreneur will take over the duties of the club manager. Also, at the initial stage, 5 staff positions will be required, including an administrator and four trainers (see Table 3 for payroll). Accounting, security and cleaning services will be transferred to third parties for a contractual payment. In the case of organizing competitions on the basis of the club, additional employees may be involved.

Table 3. Staffing and payroll

The main income of the boxing club will be generated by the sale of season tickets, additional - payment for one-time visits and individual lessons. Provided that on average one client will pay for services about 3600 rubles. per month, then if there are 200 regular customers, the net profit of the club will be 227,000 rubles. with a revenue of 720,000 rubles. This mark is planned to be reached at the initial stage (1-4 months). At the same time, the number of permanent clubs can subsequently be increased to 300 people, which will make it possible to count on profits of up to 550 thousand rubles. The club's expenses will include: rent - 200 thousand rubles, payroll with deductions - 195 thousand rubles, advertising - up to 45 thousand rubles, other expenses (utilities, accounting, cleaning, etc.) - 23 thousand rubles

6. Organizational plan

Responsibilities for the management of the club will be assumed by an individual entrepreneur, who, together with another administrator who is subordinate to him, will form an administration link. The activities of the administration will include the solution of all organizational issues, document management, personnel management, scheduling, marketing promotion and development of social networks, the search for new partners, negotiations with the landlord, and conflict resolution with clients. Boxing trainers, who conduct group and individual training, will act as a production link.

7. Financial plan

Starting investments in the project will amount to 3,620,000 rubles. Investment cost items are given in Table. 4.

Table 4. Investment costs

Financial indicators of the project in terms of revenue, cash flow, costs, tax deductions and net profit are given in Appendix 1. The conditions adopted in the calculations were: average check for services - 3,600 rubles. achievement of sales volume of 720,000 rubles. for 4 months of work (200 clients), annual growth in the number of regular customers for 5 years (up to 300 per month).

8. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the project

The calculations made allow us to say that the project to organize a boxing club is a profitable business that can pay for itself in a short time (see Table 5). At the same time, the load indicators taken in the calculations are approximate and can be significantly increased during competent work to attract customers for preparatory stage which will have a positive effect on performance. In conditions of weak competition, prices for services can change both downward and upward without significant impact on the level of demand.

Table 5. Project performance indicators

*with club attendance of 200-300 people per month and an average bill of 3600 rubles.

9.Risks and warranties

A description of the key risks of the project and protective measures are presented in Table. 6.

Table 6. Assessment of project risks and measures to prevent their occurrence or their consequences


Probability of occurrence

The severity of the consequences

Prevention measures

Difficulties with recruitment



Placement of information about vacancies on several sites, offer favorable conditions work

Growth of competitors / loss of clientele



Development of loyalty systems, customer-oriented service, revision of the price offer, hiring highly qualified personnel

A sharp drop in the solvency of the population



Reducing costs, developing loyalty programs, reviewing pricing policy

Emergency, cataclysm



Usage fire alarm, insurance

Seasonal drop in demand for services



Providing discounts, selling annual subscriptions, creating a financial airbag



Production plan and main financial indicators project in a five-year perspective

83 people are studying this business today.

For 30 days this business was interested in 32082 times.

Due to the growing popularity healthy lifestyle entrepreneurs are increasingly thinking about how to open a sports section. But, despite the seeming simplicity of organizing the case, the issue has many features and pitfalls.

Required condition

The first question that arises when organizing this business– what direction should be covered? Any sports section teaches a specific sport. There are about 200 official sports alone. Sports activities are usually divided into Olympic and non-Olympic sports. But there are many other classifications. For example, the Olympic classification:

  • cyclic (swimming, skiing, skating, cycling, various running, rowing and others);
  • speed-strength (sprint numbers, throwing, etc.);
  • complex coordination (rhythmic and artistic gymnastics, figure skating, diving, etc.).
  • martial arts (wrestling, boxing, martial arts);
  • sports games (volleyball, hockey, football, etc.).
  • all-around.

To open sports business, you need to be well versed in the chosen sport, even if you do not plan to personally train. It is desirable to have some training experience in order to understand the peculiarities of the coaching process of the chosen sport.

Business registration

There are also many options for registering a case. First of all, you need to decide whether you will work as a separate and independent club, or join a sports federation. Each of these options has its own advantages, so it all depends on what goals you put at the forefront - open your own business and generate income or promote a sport and put students in competitions.

If you decide to work separately, include registration in the business plan individual entrepreneur or LLC. Only then can you legally take money for training. Which organizational and legal form to choose, which taxation regime to choose - it is better to check with a lawyer who will give advice based on the regional characteristics of the legislation. All the same, the subsequent work of the sports section will require his services, since its activities have an increased risk of injury to students.

If you plan to work with a federation or join a youth sports school, you can choose a non-profit partnership or register as a non-profit public organization. Then you get tax breaks from the state.

Accordingly, if you do business on your own, you need to register with the tax authorities, then when you work with the federation or the Youth Sports School, you need to register with the local justice authorities. The registration period may be limited to five days if you register as an individual entrepreneur. If a public or other non-profit organization - about a month.


The choice of the location of the section must be approached carefully. No one will come to you for classes across the city, unless you have a reputable trainer working for you, who is a great success to train with. Therefore, the business plan should provide for the search for premises in an area with convenient transportation and parking. But it is not at all necessary to open a section in the city center, where the cost of rent is high. It is much more logical to open a section in a residential area. There will be many potential clients here. In addition, low rent will help to establish reasonable prices for your services.

The size of the room depends on the flow of students your business plan provides. If you rent or purchase a separate room, it must be converted, adhering to the norms fire safety, as well as sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN

Therefore, it is much easier to rent gym at school. This room is quite spacious, meets all the requirements, has some necessary equipment. In addition, it will be more convenient for parents to take their children to the section right at school than to another building.

But if you want to get profitable business, it is necessary to focus not only on children, but also on adults who train. But then the gym of the school is not very suitable for training.


As a rule, the equipment for the section consists of mats and sports equipment. If the main stream of trainees is children, then this can be limited. Usually for them, training consists of general physical training, stretching exercises and a small part of special exercises for a particular sport.

For older trainees, the purchase of special equipment should be included in the business plan. Which one depends on specific type sports and training habits. In addition, it is necessary to include the purchase of equipment in the business plan. Most of it refers to individual means, therefore each student is obliged to purchase his own equipment. But some of its volume should be in the hall in case someone forgot something, or the student is just trying himself in this sport.

The sale of equipment can be included in the income plan of the section, since this can be used to earn additional income.


The staffing plan should include at least a set of qualified trainers. If you are organizing a section as a business project, you will also need an administrator and a massage therapist. Their remuneration depends on the level of the club, the qualifications of specialists and other nuances.


Sports sections should be constantly advertised. If you have small club, you should limit yourself to advertising in your area. Suitable distribution of flyers in mailboxes, distribution of leaflets, organization of communication with parents in schools. But advertising is the most rewarding social networks and on Internet bulletin boards. A good and common publicity stunt is a free first workout.

Items of expenses and income

How much to invest in opening a section depends on many factors. But the average spending parameters look like this:

  • 60 thousand rubles - rental of premises;
  • 400 thousand rubles – renovation of premises and purchase of equipment;
  • 200 thousand rubles – wages of 10 employees;
  • 100 thousand rubles - advertising;
  • 100 thousand rubles - additional expenses.

In total, about 860 thousand rubles will be required to open the section.

The income part will be permanent and temporary customers. Permanent - those who immediately buy a subscription for a month or more. A monthly subscription costs an average of 1500 rubles. To organize a more or less decent income, you need to have about 100 such clients per month. Temporary - those who come several times a month and pay for one-time classes in the amount of about 150 rubles. one visit. In total, you can have about 200 thousand rubles per month. In the most rosy scenarios, a business can pay off in six months.

More and more people are starting to pay more attention to their health. To have a good physical shape and a beautiful, muscular figure for many people today is becoming extremely important. But many are driven to gyms and private sports classes by the desire to lose weight. negative energy and stress, or achieve outstanding results, become a professional in your chosen sport. Boxing is considered an excellent option to achieve these goals. It has always been consistently popular both among those wishing to engage professionally and among amateurs. Therefore, everyone who is interested in boxing needs to train somewhere. Having a well-designed business plan, you can quickly promote a newly created boxing school, and get a fairly high profit.

  • Where to start a business?
  • Equipment needed to open a boxing school
  • Boxing school staff
  • Business profitability
  • Documents, licensing
  • The choice of premises for the boxing school

Where to start a business?

In the sports field, there are a lot of offers for any wallet and in various directions. The competition in this field of activity is quite high - these are almost all sports sections and clubs that offer training using various techniques, first of all - boxing schools and sections.

To take into account all the nuances even before the opening of the school, you need to study similar offers that are in your city. Having established in which niche - professional or amateur, the filling is the smallest, you need to delve deeper into the nuances of price offers and demand for this service by region. Such monitoring will allow developing a more flexible pricing policy, choosing the most interesting types and areas of work for potential clients, and choosing the most suitable location for the future boxing school.

Many aspects of activity depend on the amount of start-up capital, and in the conditions of fierce competition, every effort must be made to ensure that the school offers its clients comprehensive services with high quality.

Equipment needed to open a boxing school

The gym should be equipped primarily with strength training equipment. To open a small school, you can buy about 15 simulators. The amount required for this is about 600 thousand rubles.

In addition, you need to purchase:

  • sports equipment: pancakes, dumbbells, barbells, etc. - 50 thousand rubles;
  • punching bags (the cost of 1 pear is about 4 thousand rubles) x10 pcs. =40 thousand rubles;
  • rings for training and competitions - from 80 thousand rubles 1 training ring;
  • furniture, household materials - 50 thousand rubles;
  • repair, preparation of premises - 200 thousand rubles.

In general, starting costs without renting a room will be about 1,020,000 rubles (including the cost of buying a ring - 600 thousand rubles).

Boxing school staff

The main work in the boxing school is performed by trainers and mentors. They must have work experience sports achivments. It is also necessary to take into account the characteristics of the groups with which the mentors will work. If, for example, a coach works with athletes who aspire to become professionals, he must have not only experience, but also an appropriate “track record”, awards, experience in training winning boxers.

For novice athletes, such a titled mentor can even get in the way, since he has high requirements that are not realistic for novice boxers.

In children's groups, it is necessary to select not only a coach-athlete, he must also be a good teacher.

It is also desirable to have a doctor on staff, as this sport is traumatic.

We also need administrative staff. 2 people are enough for shift work and a manager, whose functions can be performed by the owner of the school. The services of an accountant, lawyer, tax consultant can be outsourced.

It is also necessary to hire security for the school - 2 people, work in shifts.

Business profitability

A subscription to a boxing gym today costs about 3,500 rubles. If you attract an average of 150 people to the club, you can make a monthly profit of about 525 thousand rubles.

Rent, payment utilities, wage, consumables will amount to about 200-250 thousand rubles.

525,000 - 200,000 \u003d 275,000 rubles. - income received for 1 month of work.

Payback with an investment of 1 million 020 thousand rubles is about 4 months.

Documents, licensing

If the boxing school will work like commercial enterprise, it is preferable to register as a legal entity - LLC, since this form of business is more significant. The cost of registering an LLC is 4 thousand rubles.

A legal entity must have an authorized capital.

You can register a boxing school as an individual entrepreneur. But in this option, the individual entrepreneur puts at risk not only his own part of the capital, but also his property.

There is an option to register as a non-profit organization. In this case, you can count on state support - the state often allocates various grants, certain privileges apply to NGOs, since they carry out socially important activities. In financial terms, it may even be more profitable than commercial activity. In the case of planning a full-fledged teaching job, you will have to obtain a license. It is not required for other registration options.

The choice of premises for the boxing school

To open a boxing school, you need to rent a fairly large room. It would be nice to have several rooms, in addition to the training room:

  • a gym with a good capacity, so that there is free access to the simulators and there are no queues;
  • a hall with a ring for sparring (at the beginning of the activity, you can combine it with a gym);
  • sanitary facilities - locker rooms, toilets, showers;
  • hozadminpremiya.

It is desirable to have a separate training room for children, if such a direction is developed, since many parents do not approve of holding training sessions in common halls with adults. If girls will study at school, it is necessary to provide separate sanitary rooms for them.

For a boxing school, you need to look for a room with dimensions of 150-200 m. The height of the ceilings in them should be at least 2.4-3 m. It is advisable to rent a room closer to the city center, as most of the clients prefer training in the evening.

In order for the boxing school to attract as many sports fans as possible, it is necessary to create all the necessary conditions for this in it. Only a well-equipped room with complete set shells, a good ring, experienced professional trainers will be able to interest boxing fans to enroll in sections and attend the newly opened school.
