Raised beds for growing strawberries. Beds for growing strawberries - do-it-yourself Which beds for strawberries are better to do

Competent organization of land for cultivation berry crops- the key to a rich harvest and effective protection against weeds, diseases, insects. Garden strawberries are quite picky and require special growing conditions. Find out how to make beds for strawberries correctly, what materials are preferable to use and what agrotechnical requirements must be followed. Familiarize yourself with the technology of creating high warm plantations for strawberries.

"High" planting of garden strawberries

How to start arranging a plot for growing

The first step is to choose the optimal place for planting garden strawberries. At the same time, it is important to take into account the agrotechnical subtleties of growing berries:

  • The plant does not like shade, so it is better to break strawberry beds in a sunny area. It is undesirable to plant strawberries among garden trees - in the shade it does not bear fruit well. In addition, spraying trees with pesticides can be harmful.
  • Strawberries prefer places protected from the wind. Experienced gardeners recommend planting strawberries between currant and gooseberry bushes.
  • The ideal location of the plantation is the southeast side of the garden. Strawberries should be planted on a flat area or slightly elevated. In a lowland, where the soil is constantly flooded and does not dry out completely, the plant will not take root.
  • The culture gives a good yield on a sandy-loamy and sandy substrate, enriched with humus. On calcareous, saline areas and soils with a high groundwater table, fruiting is ineffective.
  • The best predecessors for planting strawberries: parsley, radishes, legumes, dill, celery, corn and carrots. It is undesirable to equip a mini-garden after harvesting potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, eggplants and peppers.

Strawberry is a photophilous plant

Having decided on the landing site, you need to choose the type of plantation and prepare a nutritious soil substrate. The classic version is the simplest and most popular. However experienced gardeners go to experiments and create interesting beds for strawberries.

Vertical - save space and reduce the risk of damage by many pests.

High - prevent root rot, providing good drainage. There is a possibility of arranging an insulated "front garden".

Pyramids - multi-tiered structures can accommodate many plants and at the same time act as a decoration of the site.

While creating different models improvised means are used: car tires, PVC pipes, bags, boards, slate.

Strawberry bed sizes

To provide high performance yields an important role is played by the size of the beds for strawberries. With the traditional planting option, garden strawberries are placed in a carpet way, in nests or in rows. This technology is also acceptable for arranging high plantations.

The carpet method is suitable for summer residents who rarely appear on the site. The culture grows and a special microclimate is formed - a layer of mulch is formed on the surface of the earth. Thanks to this, strawberries do not need frequent feeding and watering. However, as the number of rosettes increases, the berries become smaller.

Carpet method of planting berries

  1. The width of the beds for strawberries is up to 80 cm. This is enough to place two parallel rows at a distance of 40 cm from each other. If you select too wide a plot, then it may be difficult to water, weed and harvest.
  2. The optimal landing direction is from east to west. This will prevent the bushes from shading each other.
  3. The height of the beds for strawberries depends on the type of construction:
  • low modifications with sides of 20-40 cm - they are easy to manufacture;
  • high models with walls up to 90 cm have some advantages: ease of maintenance, picking berries and placing covering material.
  1. The width of the furrows for planting is 30-40 cm, the depth is from 20 cm.
  2. The distance between crops is 40 cm.

Important! You can not plant bushes too close to each other. Saving space negatively affects the growth of strawberries, provokes the rapid spread of diseases and complicates weeding.

Planting schemes for "cultivated" strawberries

Types of beds for strawberries

The right design will make the process of growing strawberries as efficient and comfortable as possible, and some types of plantations will become worthy decoration garden and yard.

Vertical beds - compact and neat

The idea of ​​​​growing strawberries on vertical structures seems exotic to many summer residents. However, some gardeners successfully implement modern technology and note a number of advantages:

  • saving space on the site;
  • ease of caring for the culture - no need to constantly bend over and load your back;
  • contact with the ground is limited, which means that the risk of root rot and the appearance of fungal diseases is reduced;
  • "vertical garden" performs a decorative function;
  • there is no total thickening of landings.

Vertical planting of strawberries

Arguments against vertical landing:

  • plants do not tolerate cold well - in raised containers, the soil quickly freezes;
  • required frequent watering and top dressing - fertilize preferably weekly.

Advice. To reduce the amount of irrigation, it is recommended to dilute the soil substrate with hydrogel.

Creation vertical design PVC pipe

The photo shows interesting and available options strawberry plantings of vertical type.

PVC pipe construction. To create a fixture, two pipes of different diameters are used - 120 mm and 20 mm. Holes for bushes are cut out in a wide pipe, and a thin inner one is wrapped with burlap and used for irrigation.

Multi-storey beds. Often multi-tiered structures are created in the form of pyramids. After assembling the frame, they begin to backfill the soil. A fine-mesh net is laid at the bottom of the pyramid, then a pillow of sawdust, and fertile soil on top. Each subsequent tier is arranged similarly.

Multi-tiered "plantation" for strawberries

Tire Tower. A simple construction does not require large financial investments and efforts. The rubber of a heavy-duty vehicle is used as the basis, for the second tier - tires of a smaller diameter. Tires from passenger cars serve as the top. Holes are made in the tires, and the base is filled with soil.

Hanging bags. From burlap, you can sew hanging flower beds for berries. For seedlings, prepare cuts in a checkerboard pattern - the distance depends on the spreading of the variety.

In bunk beds for strawberries, it is advisable to plant neutral daytime remontant varieties ("Brighton", "Elsanta", "Elizabeth 2").

Warm beds and their features

A warm bed for strawberries is arranged on the surface of the earth or deepened into the soil. The insulated structure consists of several layers: drainage, a heat-generating layer and soil. Its arrangement is necessary in regions with an unfavorable climate, where until mid-June there is a threat of frost returning.

Such structures are of three types: frame, bulk and combined. The photo shows their features.

Frame beds. All lower layers and a fertile pillow are placed in a manufactured box. This method of organization is suitable for areas with high humidity, where it often rains or the soil is waterlogged. The frame is made of boards or slate.

Frame construction from boards

Bulk beds. The technology consists in digging a shallow trench and filling it with "stuffing". As a result of the work, a raised bed-hill with a warm bottom is obtained. The bulk method is applicable in areas where there is no threat of flooding - The groundwater travel far from the surface.

Bulk plantation device

Combined. The design combines the two previous options - the lower layers of organic matter are laid in trenches, and the upper ones - in a manufactured box.

Regardless of the method of organization, the filling of the "warm garden" is the same. The figure shows the sequence of filling the pit and the box:

  1. Boards for a box. The body is trimmed from the inside waterproofing material.
  2. small metal grid protecting against voles.
  3. Chopped branches, bars and wood waste.
  4. Cardboard and newspapers.
  5. Sawdust and small shavings of wood.
  6. Fresh vegetable waste.
  7. Manure from the compost pit.
  8. Earth layer.

Pit backfilling scheme

Before you do warm bed for strawberries, you need to decide on the material of the fence. Boards, slate or metal profiles are well suited for this purpose. The wicker construction of branches is easy to manufacture, but does not provide proper thermal insulation, and moisture evaporates quickly.

High beds and the scheme of their construction

Many gardeners do not share the concept of warm and high beds. In fact, there is no difference between them as such. Raised beds for strawberries are made using the same technology and from the same materials as insulated structures. The only difference is the backfill.

Tall structures may consist of a single layer of fertile soil, in this case there are no "heat-generating" components. The benefits of a raised garden include:

  • for arranging frame or deep beds, you can use balanced purchased soil;
  • breaking high beds for strawberries with your own hands is quite simple - the main task is to choose appropriate place and make a frame;
  • the soil is not trampled down, remains loose - more oxygen enters the roots of plants and nutrients;
  • a raised horizontal bed can be given a sinuous shape that will serve as a decoration personal plot;
  • rapid warming of the soil accelerates the ripening of fruits.

Arrangement of a raised mini-garden on the site

The disadvantage of the design is the rapid drying of the soil. Deepening the plantation 20 cm into the ground partially solves this problem.

When choosing the parameters of the "raised garden", you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. In regions with a harsh climate, it is better to create a structure 20-25 cm high. In winter, the structure will be under the snow, and the strawberries will not freeze. The sides of high structures (40-60 cm) run the risk of not being covered with snow and freezing through.
  2. If the approach to the mini-garden is possible only from one side, then the width of the structure should be no more than 60 cm. With two-way maintenance, 1-1.2 m is acceptable.
  3. The choice of length depends on the dimensions of a particular section.

Flowerpot with garden strawberries

Mobile beds with great potential

The mobile bed for strawberries is versatile because it can be installed anywhere. It is convenient to decorate the courtyard, a recreation area near the gazebo or patio with it.

To equip a portable mini-garden will turn out from unnecessary things on the farm: cast iron bath, metal or wooden barrel, flowerpots, wheelbarrows, buckets. Convenient beds for strawberries are obtained from plastic or wooden boxes with perforation. Assembly diagram:

  1. Vegetable plastic box cover the inside with cellophane in several layers.
  2. Fill the container with earth with humus.
  3. Plant two strawberries in each box.
  4. Place flower beds in a sunny location. To protect against frost, it is better to raise improvised front gardens a little above the ground - install them on logs or bricks.

Prefabricated steel structures

For spacious strawberry plantings, prefabricated beds are suitable. Among gardeners, galvanized steel boxes are popular. Various options of boards, both on width, and on length are possible.

The design is very easy to assemble and despite a light weight, has good durability. Steel has a low thermal conductivity, due to which it does not heat up in the sun. Galvanized curbs with a polymer coating are wear-resistant and durable. Fences are suitable for greenhouse and outdoor applications.

The portable box does not have to be removed for the winter, but if necessary, the sides can be easily disassembled and transported.

What to make beds for strawberries

There are no special restrictions in the choice of material for creating a berry plantation. You can use boards, logs, slate, polycarbonate or old tires.

Affordable and simple beds from the boards

A wooden bed allows you to maintain a beneficial microclimate inside the structure - it does not warm up and ensures the flow of air inside. For construction, it is better to take wood that is little susceptible to decay: ash, oak, cedar, larch. Pine boards need to be processed protective coating.

Homemade bed-box from the boards

Required Tools and materials:

  • shovel;
  • prepared boards;
  • level, tape measure;
  • screwdriver, drill;
  • Master OK;
  • sand-concrete mixture;
  • pebbles for drainage;
  • bark mulch;
  • soil mixture.

Work progress:

  1. Apply markings and remove the sod along the perimeter of the site.
  2. Install the boards in the prepared trenches and adjust them to the same level.
  3. Check the diagonals of the structure.
  4. Knock the boards tightly to each other and fix with self-tapping screws.
  5. If necessary, “grow” the sides with an additional row of boards.
  6. Cover the bottom with geotextiles and fill with drainage (pebbles, crushed stone, stone fragments).
  7. Fill the container with soil and plant strawberries in wooden beds.

Finishing the area around the modular plantation

The area around the strawberry front garden can be ennobled - lay out tiles, equip the approach. Along the perimeter of the structure, remove upper layer soil, fill the recess with cement mortar and lay a decorative stone.

Video: Planting garden strawberries in insulated board boxes

Slate beds - construction waste disposal

Slate beds are affordable, durable and easy to build. The disadvantage is the content of asbestos cement, which is harmful to the soil.

Strengthening the slate structure

When thinking about how to build a bed for strawberries, you need to take into account some of the nuances of working with slate:

  • the sides should be deepened by 10-20 cm;
  • so that the slate sheets do not “float”, in the spring the fences must be strengthened with metal corners and pulled together with crossbars;
  • connect two sheets with a welded plate with a reinforcing "leg";
  • wavy slate can be mounted on a pre-prepared wooden or metal frame.

Fastening two strips of slate with a plate

How the beds of flat and wavy slate look like is shown in the photo.

Tall slate strawberry plantations

Tire beds

Original beds for strawberries can be made from old tires. However, it is important to keep in mind that this material is low environmentally friendly and releases harmful toxins into the soil. There are several ways to arrange a plantation from car tires.

Method 1. Tire tower. For work you will need:

  • tires of different diameters;
  • wooden block;
  • chisel;
  • seedlings and soil.

The procedure for making beds for strawberries from cylinders:

  1. Prepare holes for seedlings. Cut holes with a chisel, put the tire on the block and punch through the “windows”.
  2. Set on the ground, cover the bottom with a net and cover with earth.
  3. Prepare subsequent tiers in the same way.
  4. Having brought the tower to the desired height, you can start landing.

The order of assembly of the tower from tires

Method 2. Pyramid of tires. For implementation, you will need 3-4 tires of different diameters.


  1. Cut off the tread on one side of each tire.
  2. Install the largest tire down the structure.
  3. Lay the ground with a grid or geotextile, pour soil and equip the second tier.
  4. After erecting a pyramid in the soil, prepare holes for strawberries.
  5. Moisten the soil and plant berries.

Examples of beds in the photo clearly demonstrate the device of a multi-tiered structure.

Frame flower bed for strawberries from tires

Covering material for strawberry beds

There are two types of covering material: organic and inorganic. The first option includes: sawdust, straw, pine needles. Organic mulch is available but degrades quickly and needs to be replaced regularly.

Modern inorganic covering materials are in active demand: Spunbond, Agrotex, Agril, Agrospan and Lutrasil. Agrofibre is made from polypropylene, which does not react with chemical compounds and liquids.

Important nuances how to close beds with strawberries with covering material:

  1. The material is spread out in spring or autumn - during transplantation.
  2. Two weeks before the shelter, the plantation is prepared: leveling the surface, moistening and fertilizing the soil.
  3. When placing a two-layer agrofibre, it is important to check that the moisture-repellent side is on the bottom, preventing the earth from drying out.
  4. The optimal layout of beds under black covering material is 40 cm between plants, 45 cm between rows. The film is lined with a mini-garden and cruciform holes are cut out in it.
  5. If the seedlings have already been planted, then first they cover the plantation with agrofiber, “feel” the plants under the film and make holes.
  6. Before fixing the covering material on the bed with strawberries, the tension of the agrofibre is checked - it should be free, but not develop.
  7. The covering sheet is fixed around the perimeter with metal studs, boards or sprinkled with earth. It is important that no holes are formed - this will lead to swelling of the material and its displacement.

Laying agrofibre on a high plantation

Growing garden strawberries in elevated mini-plantations has many significant advantages. The technology has proven its effectiveness and is widely used in garden plots. An important argument in favor of high beds for strawberries is the possibility of organizing the cultivation of strawberries with your own hands.

Strawberry (garden strawberry) is a very fastidious plant that needs to be planted correctly and cared for in a special way in order to get a good harvest. The berries will be juicy and tasty only if the soil is prepared correctly. In order to dig up beds for strawberries, you need to have certain knowledge.

A garden plant does not tolerate a lot of moisture. This must be taken into account when disembarking. If the location of groundwater is near the surface of the earth, then the beds are made higher. This eliminates the possibility of water stagnation. It is important that the strawberry beds are located in a place where there is lighting throughout the day. An insufficient amount sunlight negatively affects the yield and taste of berries.

Please note that the area for planting should be large, because the bushes should be planted at a distance of one from one. There should be no holes and heights on the site. The advantage is a slight slope, as it will affect the growth rate and the quality of the crop:

  • When located with south side- there is a friendly maturation and, as a rule, early. Berries grow sweet, sourness is practically absent.
  • The slopes on the northern side differ in the duration of the ripening of the strawberry crop, but thanks to this, the berries are much larger.
  • The most optimal landing site is the location from west to east.

If the landing is made on a slope that will have a strong angle of inclination, then in winter the wind can damage the snow cover, which will lead to freezing cultivated plant. It is also useless to plant a crop in the lowlands, because excessive moisture promotes foliage growth, which leads to a decrease in the mass of berries. This contributes to the active development of viral and fungal diseases, which gradually leads to the extinction of the garden plant.

Crop rotation and neighbors

Strawberries are planted after legumes, cereals and cereals. If tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers or potatoes grew in the garden, then the garden plant will not bear fruit. This is due to the fact that there are high risks of infection of the culture with various diseases.

To protect against slugs near the beds for strawberries, it is recommended to plant parsley or sage, which scare away the voracious pest. Among the most favorable neighbors, radishes, onions and beets should be distinguished.

Features of landing and selection

Strawberries are planted both in August and in April. The second option is more preferable for those gardeners who want to harvest in the summer. With spring plantings, a longer wait is required. Autumn planting of seedlings is also notable for the fact that it allows you to get a large number of berries, especially in the first year.

For healthy strawberry bushes and good harvest not only landing time is important, but also the acquisition quality seedlings. Must choose right sort healthy seedlings. Amateur gardeners recommend giving preference to annual species that have a closed root system. They have fibrous roots with a length of 5 cm and three well-developed leaves.

To get a good harvest, you should use the best varieties of garden berries. You can prepare frigo-seedlings - selected bushes from a personal garden, stored in bags with low temperatures. Before planting such seedlings, it is necessary to check for the presence of diseases.

Soil composition

Strawberry beds should be made from soddy soil or humus. Garden culture feels quite comfortable when planted in medium-carbon soil, which includes a sufficient amount of organic matter. It should be noted that this type of soil is heavy, so there is a need for additional loosening behavior.

How to loosen the beds for planting strawberries? It is recommended to use natural material:

  • Sawdust - only overripe raw materials should be added. If the process has not occurred, then it is recommended to soak the sawdust in a solution of urea: for 10 kg of sawdust, take 2 liters of water and 2 tbsp. l urea. Mix all components thoroughly and after 2-3 hours add ash.
  • Peat - absorbs and retains moisture, but, according to many gardeners, is not suitable for strawberries due to high level acidity. If it is decided to use peat, then at least 200 g of ash must be poured into each bucket. This type of baking powder is recommended for use only in autumn period. Otherwise, it will become an obstacle to the growth and development of seedlings.

The volume of fertilizer beds for strawberries should be sufficient: you need to take at least 6 kg per square meter. m. Superphosphate, potassium chloride and ammonium sulfate are best suited. They are sprinkled on top of the soil and evenly distributed. Weeding should be at a depth of 20 cm.

Preparing the ground

Before planting strawberries, you need to prepare a bed. Without these measures, the berry harvest will be medium-sized and the harvest will have to wait a long time.

Preparing a bed for strawberries includes the following steps:

  1. Cleaning of large debris (leaves, branches and stones).
  2. Digging up the soil to the depth of a shovel bayonet.
  3. A scattering of organic fertilizer (1 bucket of humus per 1 sq. M).
  4. Marking the site for the beds - applying dividing strips.

Digging holes for seedlings garden soil follows at some distance from each other. Each bush should have enough space for full growth. If the planting is carried out end-to-end, then there are great risks that all the seedlings will die. It is unacceptable to plant strawberries in the same soil for more than 4 years.

Formation of beds

Strawberry beds are formed in several ways. The most common are: simple, German and vertical.

The easy way

Strawberries are mainly grown in beds that are at least 20 cm wide. The distance between the bushes should also be taken into account. It should be 30-40 cm. The optimal width of the furrows between the rows is also 30-40 cm. It is recommended to place the beds on a hill, and furrow - 20 cm below. If you make the width of a different size, then uneven fruiting is possible. At the same time, some of the seedlings may die due to a lack or abundance of moisture.

This approach allows you to achieve optimal outflow of rainwater, which eliminates the likelihood of developing diseases. To ensure uniform illumination of the sun's rays, it is recommended to plant berries in the direction from east to west.

Low German beds

The peculiarity of this method is to create not ordinary furrows. As barriers to moisture, fences should be made, which can be made of asbestos-cement sheets, boards or slate or other material.

The height of the ridge should be 20-40 cm, and the width should not be less than 50 and not more than 80 cm. If used maximum width, then the seedlings should be planted in 2 rows. For the most effective filling of furrows, you can use broken brick or stones. On such a bed, moisture will not accumulate and there will be no problems with drought. Horticultural diseases are also excluded.

Advantages of a low German garden bed:

  • Easy access to berries, watering and weeding.
  • Avoiding the spread of disease.
  • Strawberry bushes do not get tangled with each other and do not create a shadow.

vertical way

Even an inexperienced gardener can make vertical beds for strawberries. There are several options for creating the most fruitful beds. These methods differ from each other and have a number of advantages.

The most popular ways of planting strawberries are vertical beds:

1. Stepped - the most common. It implies making landings in fences made of boards set in a stepped position. Such a design for appearance looks like a pyramid. This allows for a more even distribution of light.

2. Using tires - with your own hands you can create unique designs that involve the use of improvised material - old tires. Holes are made in them, in each of which seedlings are planted. In the middle of the stack of tires laid out one on top of the other, you should install a perforated pipe of sufficient length, made of PVC. A plug should be installed at the bottom. It will be used for irrigation. Please note that each tire installed must be filled with soil.

3. Structures made of PVC pipes - they are mounted mainly on the southeast side of the fence or gazebo. You need to use gutters as the main structure and nylon or steel cables for fastening. After preparation the right material it is necessary to proceed to the creation of structures. Pipes can be cut horizontally in half or holes of small diameter can be made in them. The pipes should be filled with fertilizers and soil. Such systems allow for good care for strawberries.

The convenience of vertical beds - ease of cleaning for the winter. The soil is easy to work before planting. Watering is provided with the help of special hoses led to a thin tube installed in the soil. This system allows you to control the humidity even when prolonged absence gardener.

Ridges for growing strawberries can be different. The gardener can choose any design that will be more convenient to use for growing garden crops. It is best to create harmonious beds that will become an ornament for a personal plot or cottage. Berries and fruits must grow under constant supervision, which makes it possible to get an enviable harvest.

In a small area it is quite difficult to place everything desired plants, so the idea came up to use the height. Vertical beds for strawberries (photo below) are built with their own hands on any chosen area.

Positive factors of a vertical bed

Vertical beds for strawberries have successfully proven their effectiveness. In some respects, they are even more convenient than conventional and familiar landings. Their advantages:

  • Convenience in care: the back will not get tired, because there is no need to bend during the removal of weeds and loosening, the plants are placed at a comfortable height.
  • Do-it-yourself high beds for strawberries allow you to save space on the site: there is free space on which other plants are planted.
  • In the beds in upright the roots do not rot, the plants do not suffer from fungus and are removed from pests.
  • Weed grass is much less, which saves time on its removal.
  • In cold weather, containers can be moved to sheds, other outbuildings or cover, in warm weather they are hung on the wall of a house or a fence, this gives a beautiful look.
  • Under the berries do not need to substitute forks so that they do not deteriorate from the ground.

Negative bed factors in vertical view

Vertical beds for strawberries have several disadvantages:

  • Top dressing should be used more often, because there is little land, and it quickly loses its useful properties.
  • The earth in the container dries out faster than in ordinary soil, so you need to water more often. To keep moisture longer, hydrogel is added to the soil.

Variants of vertical beds

Vertical beds for strawberries on the site are within the power of every gardener. There are many options for such structures.

They are built from pipes, containers and other utensils. But the fastest and easiest way is to make vertical beds for strawberries from plastic bottles. They are fastened in turn up, the strawberries are placed in a lit place so that the berries ripen well. If you make a lot of containers, this will make it possible to plant a large number of bushes. Arrange the bottles so that they do not obscure each other. Other methods:

  • In the store with plants, you can buy special containers, plant strawberries in them and place them on a rack near the house or fence in a lighted place. If the structure is large, then it is being built on the intended site, it will be difficult to transfer it.
  • For planting plants in pots, circles are made and strung on a metal support in an inclined form, so you can make a large bed.
  • Strawberry beds can be built by hanging thick bags on many levels and then planting bushes in them.
  • They make a pyramid using wooden boxes, the first one should be large, a smaller container is placed on it, and so on until the desired height. Earth is poured into the boxes and bushes are placed along the edge. It turns out a beautiful stepped structure. For these methods, drip irrigation is not used, but watering with settled water is carried out manually.
  • You can make a bed with a plastic pipe. take water pipe and a plug on it or connect plastic bottles. Circles for bushes are cut out in it, a thin pipe is inserted into which water will be filled for drip irrigation, as well as top dressing in liquid form.
  • Holes are drilled in a thin pipe along the entire length, the lower ten centimeters are not touched, then they are wrapped in burlap and inserted into a thick pipe with a plug. On the bottom, where there are no holes, expanded clay is poured for drainage, the rest of the place is covered with soil, which should be loamy, contain hydrogel and foam.
  • A large pipe is screwed to a support, bushes are placed in the cut out circles and covered with earth. A small pipe is filled with water, liquid top dressing is also poured through it, this ideal conditions for plant development. Such structures can be made in large numbers and fixed on one support.
  • Strawberry beds can be built using pipe cuts from a drain. Plugs are placed on both sides, holes are made and wire or other fasteners are inserted, then they are attached to the support and filled with soil, you can hang them on ropes in any convenient place. To prevent containers from tipping over, they must be fixed away from strong winds.
  • You can use insulation covered with foil, while the surface will reflect excessively bright rays of the sun. The material is divided and folded in half, the upper and side edges are stitched, a bag is obtained. They outline the location of the bushes and sheathe them in a circle, cut pockets from above. They are filled with soil with hydrogel and polystyrene, plant roots are placed and covered with earth. They hang a bed on any support, on a fence, technical buildings or a house.

How to make beds from plastic bottles?

We suggest considering some of the most common options for how to create high beds for strawberries with your own hands.

Method number 1

Vertical beds for strawberries from plastic bottles can be made as follows: a two-liter bottle is cut in half, the lid is not tightly twisted so that excess water can escape. AT upper part pour the earth with the addition of hydrogel and nutrients and plant a bush.

The filled container is placed in the lower cut-off part, into which excess water will drain, a frame is constructed from the wire and ready-made home-made pots are attached to it. For beauty, they can be decorated.

Attach containers at such a distance that some do not create a shadow for others, otherwise the fruits will slowly sing.

Method number 2

The next way to make vertical beds for strawberries from bottles: twist the cork in a two-liter bottle and cut a hole from one side, fill it with prepared soil, make a recess and place the bush. Construct a grid and attach a container with wire along the edges, to wooden structure eggplant is nailed. The plant should immediately be watered with settled water.

Method number 3

Beds for strawberries from plastic bottles can be made by pre-constructing a support made of metal or wood. Then cut a two-liter bottle in half, pour soil into the lower part and place the plant, make holes in the container along the edges, thread the wire and hang it from the support.

Method number 4

From plastic bottles you can make a pipe by melting. Two-liter bottles are cut off at the edges, only the thick parts of the container are left.

The cut edges are heated to melt and joined, resulting in one pipe, consisting of a maximum of four cuts. You can fasten the edges without heating, using adhesive tape. A narrow pipe for irrigation is placed in it, wrapped in burlap to avoid contamination, holes are drilled so that water can pass to the roots. The bottom is sealed with tape or closed with a special cork.

In the main pipe, bottles are made of round cutouts for the plant, one side is left intact for attachment to the support, they recede up to 15 centimeters from the ground, you need to put a plug on the bottom, attach it to the support. Expanded clay up to 20 centimeters is poured on the bottom so that the thin pipe does not move.

The rest of the place is covered with soil with hydrogel and foam, then the roots will not rot, they are gradually watered so that air does not accumulate. Bushes are planted in the holes, settled water is poured into a thin pipe, liquid top dressing is also made through it.

Such pipes can be made in large quantities, while making a common support.

Method number 5

The support can be made of wood in the form of a pyramid, knock down a triangle, attach another smaller step to it at an angle, and so on to the very top.

Plants can be placed in two ways:

  • put bottles cut in half with plants;
  • drill circles with a special round nozzle on the drill and insert bottles with plants cut in half into them, bend their edges and nail them to the steps, make holes in the containers to drain excess water.

You can use unnecessary items as a support: bottles with plants can make an old bed, table, benches, or combine everything at once.

The objects will have a beautiful view thanks to the plants, and space is saved on the site.

Vertical beds for strawberries: land preparation

Expanded clay is placed on the bottom, thus drainage is done, the earth from the site is mixed with compost or humus, 20 grams of superphosphate are placed. If planting is done in open cut bottles, then hydrogel is added so that the soil does not dry out so quickly.

Fill the containers with earth, then pour with settled water and fill up the missing layer, make a recess and immerse the roots, cover with soil from above.

Placement of bushes in beds

The neck of the seedlings should be strong, up to 6 millimeters in circumference, the roots are fibrous, at the very bush - from three to five green leaves and a bud. If the seedlings cannot be planted quickly, then they need to be buried with earth and stored for up to 2 days.

If the roots are long, then they are cut to 10 centimeters.

The roots are dipped in a clay mash - so the plant takes root faster in the soil, they are placed in cut out circles and covered with earth.

Make the distance between the bushes up to 10 centimeters and leave for the development of each root up to 1.5 liters in volume. In the pipe, landing begins from below.

High beds for strawberries: berry care

For irrigation, use settled or rain water, it is softer for the plant. It is not worth pouring the bushes strongly, this will lead to rotting of the roots. During heavy rain and hail, the plant needs to be moved or covered with agrofiber, this will save it from damage.

The likelihood of pests is small, but still there, and unlike open ground, the disease can quickly destroy all plants. When yellow leaves they must be removed and burned. If you need to move the bushes from one container to another, then do it carefully so as not to break the roots.

In order for the crop to be of high quality and rich, it is necessary to apply nitrogen and potash top dressing.

For the winter, the bushes need to be insulated, put mulch, wrap the pipes and cover with agrofibre, individual containers can be removed and moved to places that are hidden from drafts and cold. They do this with the onset of cold weather, and if you start the process in advance, the plants will rot from the heat.

To in next year there was a good harvest, in the fall you need to remove all the extra tendrils, dark and dry leaves. In the spring, such a procedure is also carried out, all frozen shoots and leaves are removed.

The most enjoyable moment is the harvest, which pleases with its result. The process is not laborious, since the strawberries do not touch the ground and are removed in their pure form. The bushes are located at a height, so dirt does not fall on them during the rain, the berries do not rot. When the crop is harvested, you need to cut off weak, broken and extra tendrils.

You can harvest a rich harvest from vertical beds, while you can place them where it is convenient and save space on the site by planting other plants on it. Special care and excessive efforts are not required. Vertical regular beds for strawberries are very convenient and do not contain a large amount of weeds compared to open ground.

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City dwellers like to spend time in their dachas, where someone organizes only a recreation area, and someone plants flowers, vegetables and grows fertile trees. Spending several hours a day or a week in the process of cultivating the land, the question arises of how to make beds with your own hands, not like everyone else. Interesting ideas come to mind for many summer residents and owners of private houses. Consider the original photo examples and a few instructions for creating such beauty.

Beautiful flower garden without the hassle

How to create beds with your own hands, not like everyone else: interesting ideas for ready-made options

Decorating their garden, many people think about how to create beds with their own hands, not like everyone else. Interesting ideas come to mind, but the process of implementation becomes difficult and not everyone succeeds.

You should not despair, you can take as a basis ready-made version, and on his drawings to bring to life his own original creation. Keep in mind that not only the structures themselves will decorate the site, but also the combination of garden paths and the grown crops themselves will be included in the overall landscape design.

Here are a few interesting photos arrangement of beds in the garden:

Garden design examples with beds

Many interesting ideas for do-it-yourself beds can not be found in the vastness of the global network like everyone else. Despite the fact that people still associate a vegetable garden with earth and small long mounds for planting edible crops, the process of creating a unique vegetable garden can be an exciting experience.

Making beautiful beds with your own hands from a photo with instructions is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The main thing is to decide on the selection criteria. For example, for a small area, vertical structures that occupy a minimal area are a good idea.

When choosing the shape of the landing site, also consider the dimensions of the entire area that you will allocate for the beds. You should not choose round shapes for a narrow and long area. For the best shoots, try to arrange plantings from north to south in line. And if you got land with a slope, it is better to plant vegetables across it to avoid washing off the crop with heavy rains.

How to make a garden bed in the country with your own hands with the right size

If you are going to arrange a bed in your garden, you should decide on the size in order to plant the maximum number of crops, using the entire area rationally. There are no exact criteria for dimensions, however, it is necessary to make such a place for landing so that it can be easily weeded from the path.

The standard size is considered to be 1 m wide, from 1.5 m long or up to 50 cm deep. The distance between landings is up to 40 cm, it is quite enough for free passage. At the same time, the path is made 30-50 cm below the upper level of the ridge.

There are several varieties of beds that differ from the standard dimensions:

  • Big. In terms of area, this design exceeds 12 m². In such open spaces, plants are planted that practically do not need weeding: potatoes, beans or pumpkins.
  • Hilly variant. Height is from 80 to 100 cm, and there are no requirements for length. To create, cut off the top layer of soil and make fences from metal or chipboard. In the middle of this design, a small depression is made where water accumulates during irrigation.
  • High. For such a design, it is worth choosing sunny areas. It is advisable not to exceed 1.5 m in width. The ridges are different in height, but do not forget that this option needs frequent watering.

  • Deep. Instead of a hill, make a trench where you lay peat, compost and manure, lay soil on top of everything, the height of which does not exceed 25 cm.
  • Narrow garden for vegetables. Most often used in greenhouses. Also suitable for open ground. Plants with small shoots on top, but a strong root system, are planted in such structures.

When choosing a bed option, it is worth considering the characteristics of the crops that you plan to plant. Some plants prefer moist soil more, so high ridges are rarely chosen for them.

How to equip beds in the country with your own hands with photo examples

To equip your garden, it is worth considering not only the shape and subtype of the garden itself, but choosing the material for framing it, as well as equipping the paths. Why do around the place to land? There are several reasons for this:

  • aesthetic side. Such designs look neater and more interesting.
  • Weeds will grow less. For their development, the free area is reduced, and weeding is much more convenient.
  • Ridges do not crumble from rain or watering.
  • The moisture content of the soil remains longer after watering.
Important! Choose the right material for the manufacture of beds. It must pass air and not emit toxic substances.

Good choices come from:

  • flat slate for beds: an inexpensive option that will serve as an additional decor, but do not forget that it is quite fragile;

  • wood: natural and easy to install, but short-lived and requires processing from decay;

  • galvanized steel with polymer coating: long term operation, but will not be cheap;

  • stone or concrete durability and beauty, but this option incurs material costs, and also requires a certain skill in masonry;

The paths between the beds can be left as is, sprinkled with small pebbles or covered with paving slabs. It depends on the option you choose to decorate the garden plot.

How to make a fence for the beds with your own hands

Most simple options for fences that do not require a lot of time and have affordable price: flat slate and border tape. In the second way, you can create any forms for planting fruit crops.

To make an interesting decor on your site, you first need to buy a flat slate for the garden. The average cost is from 300 to 500 rubles. depending on the thickness of the material. The classic size of one element: 100 by 150 cm.

The installation of flat slate itself will be reduced to a few simple steps:

Photo exampleWhat to do

Having chosen the place and dimensions of the place for planting vegetables, cut the material of the desired height and length. Along the perimeter of a flat ridge, dig a trench half the depth of the purchased slate.
Install the blanks in the prepared trenches and fill them with soil. Be sure to tamp the soil for the stability of the structure.

Use metal pegs to secure the structure. And pour fertile earth inside. Everything is ready.

To make it easier to work, watch the video on the topic:

It’s hardly easier to use do-it-yourself borders for beds. The softness of the material allows you to make any shape, and for strength, the material is not only added dropwise to the trench, but also plastic pegs are used. Here are some interesting photo examples of finished work:

Related article:

In the article, we will consider in detail why it is useful, what types of garden border tapes are on sale and how to install this device correctly?

Photo of unusual beds in the country with their own hands

It is not at all necessary to spend a lot of money on fencing for planting fruit crops, you can use the simplest and most available materials that you have left from construction or other work. Often, scraps from boards, bricks or pieces of wavy slate are used.

Those who like to do everything on their own, as well as decorate the garden with bizarre forms, often make things from improvised materials. A photo of some of the work is presented below:

Related article:

Photo of beds for strawberries with your own hands: features and examples of creation

Strawberries are planted in almost every garden. juicy and unpretentious berryfavorite treat adults and children. But to make it really tasty, you need to properly prepare the garden.

To date, there is a rich choice of material that allows you to accelerate the growth and productivity of the bushes. For example, the price per meter for a spunbond is only about 100 rubles, and such a fabric has many advantages:

  • creates unique conditions for the growth of berries;

  • has an excellent ability to pass air and water;
  • does not allow weeds to develop;
  • the soil under the canvas warms up faster;
  • extra whiskers do not take root, and slugs are practically absent.

If you do not want to spend money even on such a simple and comfortable material, you can make beds from plastic pipes. Here are some interesting photo examples:

Interesting beds for strawberries with your own hands from car tires

Coming up with an option suitable for planting a delicious berry, various improvised materials come to mind. Including beds for strawberries from tires. Moreover, you can create a unique vertical structure that takes up little space in the garden and gives a large harvest.

Tires of the right size, a chisel, a wooden block and soil with seedlings will come in handy for work. An additional carcass is not required, since the tires have a metal cord that provides the proper strength of the structure.

Holes for seedlings are made with a chisel, and the tire itself can be put on a block. Punch a few holes and simple design ready. Here is a video on one of the creation methods.

Video: growing strawberries in tires

Instructions on how to make a bed for strawberries from a pipe with photo examples

Planting strawberries in a pipe (horizontally) is a common option in areas with little free space. Moreover, the material itself can be both metal and PVC. Here are some fun examples:

You can even use a sewer pipe for a strawberry bed. Let's take a closer look at how to make a design for a delicious berry:

  • Prepare two pipes with different diameters, while the thin ones should be 20 cm shorter than the thick ones.
  • In a large one, drill holes with a large diameter (7 cm) at a distance of 15 cm. And in a small one, three rows of holes are made with a diameter of 0.5-1 cm and an interval of 8-10 cm.

When the preparatory work is completed, assemble the structure. To do this, put plugs on the pipes. You deepen the thick one into the ground, and a small tube for irrigation is attached to it in the center. The soil is filled up, and the bushes are planted. To make it clear, watch the video on the topic:

Interesting designs of vertical beds for strawberries made of plastic pipes. Here are some photo examples:

How to make multi-tiered designs of beds for strawberries with your own hands

Modern materials, as well as improvised means, allow you not only to do it yourself, but also to recreate real pyramids with beautiful bright clusters of strawberries from a photo. And also to make multi-level "houses" for flowers.

Making a pyramid for growing strawberries on your own is not so difficult. You can use different materials for fencing: wood, metal, plastic. As well as all sorts of improvised means:

  • flower pots;
  • car tires;
  • cutting pipes of different diameters;
  • fruit and vegetable boxes.

There are no exact criteria for the form of the base. You can make it round, square, rectangular, polygonal and even wavy line. Consider easy way how to make a multi-tiered bed for strawberries:

Photo exampleSequence of work
Let's take as a basis the classic pyramid, but with a sharp top. We will assemble from wood, since it is easier to fasten it.

Assemble the first tier. It should be the biggest one. The width of the ridge for strawberries should be 40 cm. A stainless steel mesh can be laid down, it will keep the roots from pests and prevent waterlogging.

At the bottom of each tier, pour sawdust and shavings, as well as dry grass. That is, you get a grid - sawdust - grass. Then a layer of earth. It is advisable to leave the total height of the pyramid at the level of one meter, otherwise it will be inconvenient to take care of the berries.

It is better to make the sides of the levels at an angle, and before disembarking, treat the entire structure with varnish or paint to protect it from decay and increase its service life.

To make it easier and faster to work, watch the video on the topic:

Photo of beds for strawberries from bags

Vertical beds for strawberries are ideal for a small area. You can buy them ready-made at the store or make your own. And the second way is a real flight of fancy. In addition to the considered methods of building beds from pipes, tires and wood, you can make a unique decor with fruitful bushes from bags.

The process of growing strawberries in bags is no different from the classic or vertical beds, but they turn out very interesting options to create beds is not like everyone else.

The advantages of do-it-yourself slate beds with photo examples

The use of flat slate for beds has been known for a long time. Every gardener has seen such designs at least once. The material for the sides has a number of advantages:

  • durability due to the absence of corrosion and decay processes;
  • looks nice and neat;
  • easy to mount high structures, and even multi-level options;
  • affordable cost;
  • eat in open sale in any city or online store.

Despite the ease of installation and undemanding additional processing, slate has negative aspects that must be taken into account when choosing fences for planting strawberries:

  • gets very hot in the sun, so the beds should be watered more often;
  • exposure to mechanical damage: if you accidentally hit with a shovel or cart, the slate will crack.

But from the wavy material, very neat and beautiful beds are obtained:

How to make wavy slate beds with your own hands

From the photo above, it can be seen that creating a bed of wavy slate is not necessarily even and rectangular. You can make structures in several levels or mow corners, choosing the best option for your site.

Sometimes slate trimmings left after the roof are used. This is the cheapest option for arranging a garden, since additional costs it does not carry, but there are inconveniences of working with different pieces. The easiest way is to buy wavy slate sheets of the same thickness and length. Moreover, the average price for them varies between 200-300 rubles. for 7-8 waves. Average dimensions: length - 1.75 m, width - 1.13 m.

To lay such a fence in the ground, it is enough to dig a small trench around the perimeter of the future ridge. Place the slate in straight lines in this hole, about half the total height, and dig in with earth. To understand the sequence of actions, watch the video on the topic:

Features of flat slate beds with their own hands

Many summer residents prefer to make slate fencing beds, as it is affordable and simple. And also, no specific skills and abilities are required, as is the case with laying a stone curb.

At the same time, such a practical and harmless material has several recommendations for installation as a fence for flower beds or beds:

  • For convenience, a full sheet of flat slate is sawn in half or divided into parts of 1 and 0.75 m.

  • The elements should be fixed to each other using metal corners, painted with a special varnish against corrosion. This prevents the ridge from spreading.

  • If you want to change the color of the material used, do it in advance, and not after installation.

And also follow the safety precautions and carry out the installation with construction gloves so as not to injure your hands on sharp corners or self-tapping screws. As a result, it may turn out beautiful vegetable garden, which stands out against the background of neighboring beds:

Price for slate for garden beds

If you don't have any pieces left after your roof repair, you can buy slate bed strips. The price for them is different, depending on the thickness of the material:

It is easier to work with ready-made strips, since the need for cutting is eliminated. At the same time, you can find very cheap options with and without delivery, as well as order a kit through online stores.

The installation of flat slate for beds does not take much time. Watch the video instruction to understand all the steps of the work:

How to make beds in a greenhouse: photos of interesting works

The greenhouse is the place where summer residents like to plant heat-loving fruitful plants. In them you can see peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers and much more. Some equip the area under the greenhouse or insulate the structure so that they can harvest all year round.

For whatever purpose the greenhouse is used, it is a small space, if you do not take into account commercial options, where you need to place several beds.

Advice! Try to think in advance how many plants will be placed in the greenhouse in order to calculate the number and width of the beds.

Borders that protect fertile land from sprawling are assembled from a wide variety of materials. There are beautiful creations made of wood or neat metal structures, as well as curb tape and improvised means. Here are some options for arranging a greenhouse:

Related article:

A variant of successful arrangements of beds in a 6x3 greenhouse with a photo

There are many design options, one of the most common is 3x6 greenhouses. How to arrange the beds in a long and narrow space- a question that worries many. There are several general options for the location of landing sites in a greenhouse:

  • Two large ridges with longitudinal and transverse passages. Less space for landing, but there is free access for careful care of landings.

  • Long wide two beds along the walls of the greenhouse. In the middle there is a passage with a width of 50-70 cm. This arrangement allows you to plant different crops, adjusting the distance between them, and take care of them calmly.
  • Three identical parallel ridges. Usually the structures are narrow, which makes it easy to weed the entire area around the plants.

  • In the center there is a wide place for landing, and narrow along the walls. It is easy to care for, but it gives little usable area for plants.

When choosing the location of places for planting in greenhouses, keep in mind that the beds near the walls should not be more than 1 m wide. And the dimensions of the central one cannot exceed 3 m. This is due to the need for free weeding and loosening of the soil.

How to make a garden bed in a 3x6 greenhouse: photos of practical ways

Most often, gardeners opt for a large ridge in the middle and small small ones on the sides. This is the best way to plant several varieties of plants in one greenhouse so that they do not interfere with each other to grow and bear fruit.

If you opted for a 3-meter-wide bed in a greenhouse, then position it exactly in the center, leaving enough space for passage. The path can be covered with small pebbles or covered with a film so that unnecessary weeds do not germinate.

It is not difficult to make a bed with a width of 3 meters on your own. First, you need to decide on the material of manufacture. And then dig a small trench around the perimeter and deepen the tour structure. Be sure to compact the soil from above.

Under the soil, it is worth making a layer of organic fertilizers and laying drainage that prevents waterlogging of the soil. Here is a video example of how to redo the beds and make 3 narrow identical strips:

Do-it-yourself non-standard options for beds in a greenhouse

Not suitable for all regions traditional designs. For example, in the northern regions, where snow can fall even at the beginning of summer, it is necessary to install a warm bed in the greenhouse. It is not difficult to make it with your own hands, the main thing is to choose the appropriate option:

  • Internal heating with help electric cable. You can accurately control the temperature inside the greenhouse and in the soil.

  • Water heating. Pipes are laid under a layer of soil and connected to the heating system of the house or a separate boiler is installed.

  • Natural material. Components are selected depending on the type of soil and stacked on top for a natural greenhouse effect. saws are used, dense fabric, leaves collected from autumn, humus and much more.

When there is no need for heating, since the greenhouse is located in a warm or moderate climate zone, use others unusual options for planting plants. For example, you can organize the vertical placement of beds in a greenhouse. In this case, it all depends on the imagination of the author and the crops for planting.

Below are beautiful photos of the beds in the greenhouse, which you can recreate on your own:

Autumn and spring preparation of beds: how to increase productivity

Professional gardeners know the need to prepare any soil in the fall and spring. This prophylaxis does not big stature weeds and increase yields.

First of all, the area for planting plants is dug up. And in the fall, they do it as late as possible: almost before the onset of frost, and leave large clods of earth so that the roots of weeds and pests freeze. And in the spring, on the contrary, they are loosened to enrich the soil with oxygen and quickly dry out after a snow pore.If there are perennial fruitful shrubs on the site, then the need for wrapping for the winter depends on the planted variety. For example, girlish grapes do not need warming.

Important! For any crops and plants that will decorate the garden or benefit, it is worth following individual care recommendations.

Let us consider in more detail the features of soil preparation for winter and spring planting.

Spring preparation of beds for planting: basic recommendations

Spring is the most active period in the life of any summer resident and owner of a garden near the house. Seedlings are already growing on the window, which should be transferred to open ground or a greenhouse. But you can’t just “poke” the plants into the ground, otherwise they will die or not bring the desired harvest. That is why spring soil preparation takes a lot of time.

  • The looseness of the soil should be ensured. To do this, the garden and the garden are dug up. On large areas, they are used to facilitate the work process. In modest gardens and greenhouses, summer residents still have a shovel in their hands.

  • Feeding the soil before planting. During constant digging in spring and autumn, microorganisms necessary for fertility die. To replenish their balance, you can purchase the following drugs in specialized stores: Emochki, EM-1, Baikal-1 and others.

  • Care should be taken to protect the crop from pests already at the preparatory stage, and not after the appearance of the harvest. To do this, drugs are purchased, for example, "Metarizin" and applied to the soil along with other types of fertilizers.

It is worth considering the characteristics of the crop that you will sow in the selected area. For example, preparing a bed for carrots in the spring includes several stages:

  • Despite their unpretentiousness, carrots do not like poor soil. At the same time, it is also not worth overdoing it with fertilizers, as they change taste qualities vegetables and their shape.

  • You should not add manure to the garden, for carrots, he and compost are the worst helpers in growth.
  • The bed should not only be well dug up, but also loosened with a chopper or rake. The better and deeper the soil is dug, the better the harvest will be.
  • Before sowing, the seeds are soaked for a day, and then dried a little before planting.

  • Do not forget to moisten the bed well under a vegetable that loves moisture. Do not forget about watering during the growth period.
  • It is advisable to change the place for planting carrots every year and avoid clay soil.

By following these recommendations, the harvest of an orange vegetable will be on top. There are fewer requirements in preparing the beds for onions in the spring. The main criterion for obtaining a good harvest is the choice of a place for planting. Best of all, the vegetable grows in the sun or partial shade, but bulbs should not be planted in marshy areas of the site.

All the nuances of growing onions, see the video:

Autumn preparation of beds for winter: features and rules for planting garlic

Autumn is not only a pleasant harvest time, but also the process of preparing the soil for the next season, as well as wrapping non-frost-resistant plants and removing dried branches in anticipation of winter.

  • Soil loosening. It is not necessary to dig deep, it is enough to remove the remains of plants and loosen the beds to a depth of 3-4 cm. But this should be done before frost.

  • Deep digging is not useful for all types of soil. If your garden is dominated by sand and loose soil, then you can’t dig in the fall. But in clay soil, digging is necessary.

  • It is worth feeding the "tired" land before the cold. You can apply manure, humus or other organic fertilizers, which are also selected according to the type of soil.

By following the three tips suggested, it will be easier to dig the ground in the spring, and the first shoots will appear much earlier.

But the work in the garden before the onset of cold weather comes down not only to digging and removing old plants, but also to planting some crops. For example, to prepare beds for garlic in the fall, you should follow certain rules:

  • A garden bed for garlic is best done using fences. For example, you can make a structure from slate or wooden planks. This will help to avoid sprawl in the spring, after the snow melts.
  • The height of the ridge should not exceed 20 cm. This norm is derived from the rate of heating of the soil by the first spring rays.
  • Pour black earth into the prepared structure. If there is no special soil, be sure to apply fertilizer to enrich the land for high yield garlic.

  • Pay close attention to what cultures used to grow in this place. If you have collected beans, cucumbers or tomatoes, then be sure to process blue vitriol before planting garlic.
  • Bulbs should be planted before the cold weather, at the end of October. It is better to cover the ground after landing with any suitable material. And the cloves themselves must be placed vertically in the soil, bottom down. The distance between the garlic is 8 cm, and between the furrows it is worth leaving 25 cm.

To make it easier to grow garlic in your area, watch the video

Experienced gardeners know what strawberry beds should be like. Garden strawberries are any berry of everyone who has their own land. In order to get a lot of tasty and juicy berries in a season, you need to choose the right strawberry variety, plant it correctly and take care of the berry. An integral stage in the cultivation of garden strawberries is the arrangement of the land.

Site preparation for garden strawberries

Not everyone knows how to make beds from the earth and improvised means. When preparing beds for strawberries, the following aspects are taken into account:

  • depth of groundwater;
  • side of the world;
  • the presence of shading objects (trees, shrubs, fence);
  • soil acidity;
  • soil type.

Digging up a bed for strawberries, you need to keep in mind the fact that the plant does not like excess moisture. If a ground water located close to the surface, it is necessary to make a bed for strawberries higher. A pyramid bed works well. The soil should be loamy, sandy or contain a sufficient amount of humus. Neutral pH soil is best.

When choosing beds for strawberries, it is important that they used to grow on them. It is not advisable to use the land on which tomatoes, eggplants and cucumbers grew in past years. It is recommended to plant strawberries in the beds where greens (lettuces, peas, beans) used to grow.

In such areas, the soil is more suitable for berries. The bed for strawberries should be located from west to east. This arrangement will provide sufficient sunlight. Strawberry is a photophilous plant.

These structures are vertical. They can be made from the following materials:

  • bags;
  • stands with pockets;
  • car tires;
  • tree;
  • plastic or metal pipes.

Growing strawberries in high beds is becoming more common. This is due to the following factors:

  • ease of care for plants;
  • aesthetics;
  • saving space;
  • irrigation efficiency.

When using flower beds made from improvised materials (barrels, tires), the useful area of ​​​​the land is preserved, since such structures are located mainly above the ground. This facilitates care (weeding, watering, loosening, trimming the mustache). Pyramid for strawberries allows you to increase the yield of berries.

Few people know how to make beds for strawberries from tires. This will require a sufficient amount of tires, land and fertilizer. To equip a high bed for strawberries, you need to fill the tires with earth, previously mixed with humus or other fertilizer (litter, nitrophoska). The land is watered abundantly. Up to 5 plants should be placed in 1 tire. If the tires are of different sizes, then they can be stacked on top of each other. In this case, the diameter of the tires from the bottom up should decrease. Holes for strawberries are made in a circle.

Some gardeners make flowerbeds hinged in the form of bags filled with earth. For their manufacture, bags of cereals, flour or sugar are suitable. Bags must be strong. The bags are hung on a wall or fence on the sunny side. Strawberries should be watered from above. Horizontal slots must be made in the bags.

High beds for strawberries in the form of wooden pyramids are widely used. A pyramid for strawberries requires certain skills from the owner. A box is made, which is then filled with earth. A box of smaller diameter is installed inside it. A pyramid is formed, consisting of several tiers. Garden strawberries are planted around the perimeter.

Arrangement of a classic horizontal ridge

Not everyone has an idea of ​​​​how to properly make a ridge for garden strawberries. Initially, you need to carefully dig up the ground. It is necessary to dig to a depth equal to the height of the shovel bayonet. The following rules must be observed:

  • its width should be from 40 to 80 cm;
  • furrows should be 30-40 cm wide;
  • furrow depth not less than 20 cm;
  • the height of the ridges is 20-40 cm.

For convenience, it is required to make a fence of boards around the entire perimeter.

Asbestos-cement sheets are often used instead of boards. Some gardeners equip walkways made of bricks or tiles. The presence of such paths is a measure of protection against the spread of diseases between crops.

Once every 3-4 years, the location of the strawberry garden needs to be changed. Beds under the film are widespread. The difference lies in the fact that a dark, dense film is laid on top. The material is cut into large rectangles. Their size is the same as that of the beds. Sheets are overlapped and sprinkled with earth.

For planting plants, cuts 15 cm long are made in accordance with the location of the seedlings. Strawberries are planted in holes dug in cuts. Such beds have a number of advantages. First, they do not need to be weeded. Secondly, soil loosening is not required. Thirdly, water accumulates under the coating. The disadvantages include the possibility of strawberries drying out in hot weather, since the film and the ground under it heat up well.

Proper planting of strawberries (video)

How to care for ridges

The presence of several low or high beds for strawberries requires the land owner to regularly care for them. In summer, during the growth of plants, they need to be watered regularly. Watering is organized using a watering can, hose or sprayer. On hot days, you need to irrigate the beds 2-3 times a week. It is recommended to do this in evening time because the water evaporates quickly during the day.

On cool days, the frequency of watering is less. For irrigation, warm water purified from clay is used. If you have your own well, water must first be defended in a barrel. The beds need to be periodically loosened. Loosening improves oxygen access and helps strengthen the root system. Be sure to clean the beds from weeds and pests.

AT spring time mulching and enrichment of the earth with organic and mineral substances is mandatory. Complex mineral fertilizers, mullein solution, ammonium sulfate are used. Fertilizers are best purchased in specialized stores. Liquid fertilizers can be dissolved in water and irrigate the beds with it. Fertilizers in the form of granules can be laid on top of the beds.

High (vertical) ridges are easier to care for because you don't have to lean too far. Every autumn, the beds need to be cleaned of mustache and old foliage. When breeding strawberries, new beds are planted with young mustaches. Thus, beds for garden strawberries need to be prepared in advance (even before planting). Preparation includes cleaning the soil, digging, fertilizing. With fertile land and permanent care all summer from June to September you can pick juicy and ripe berries.

Planting strawberries in non-woven fabric (video)

Gallery: beds for strawberries (15 photos)

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