Very strict fasting dry food prayer prayer. Prayer in fasting before Easter - for every day, before meals, in the morning and evening - reading the prayer of Ephraim the Sirin in Great Lent

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Surprisingly, a quick search on the Internet does not provide a simple answer to how the prayer rule changes with the onset of Lent. Previously, this indication was contained in every church calendar, but now it falls out of it every now and then, losing in the struggle for a place to more pressing issues.

In 2018 great post starts February 19, but Easter falls on April 8. Read the parting words of Father Vadim Korovin, a member of the canonical commission, as well as a couple of links to materials relevant to the post

In the article below you will read about prayers, read at home in a great post short life St. Ephraim the Syrian, as well as a very informative description of changes in the charter on prostrations made in the service in the church.

We also bring to your attention a direct link to a detailed, and most importantly - understandable "instruction" about . This information will be useful to those who plan to prepare for confession in compliance with all Orthodox traditions.

Home prayer in fasting

Is it a great post

(except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays):
That is all bows to the earth; after the prayer King of Heaven "requires an earthly great bow.

At the end of the morning and evening prayers before the holidays we create 17 prostrations:

Prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian

Hourbook 16th century from archive of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra

Honest cherub… (great bow to the earth).

For the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God, have mercy on us. Amen (bow from the waist).

Rev. Efrem Sirin Russia; XV century; monument: John of the Ladder and Ephraim the Syrian books, semi-ust. in two columns; location: RSL,

Lord and Master of my life, the spirit of despondency, neglect, love of money and idle talk, banish me from me. Bow to the ground - throwing (without touching the floor with the head).

The spirit of chastity, humility, patience and love grant me, Thy servant. Earth bow-throwing.

Hey, Lord the King, let me see my sins, and do not judge my brother, for blessed are you forever, amen. Earth bow-throwing.

Followed by six more earthly bows-throwing with prayers:

Lord Jesus Christ Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner (twice with bows)

God, be merciful to me a sinner (bow)

God, cleanse my sins and have mercy on me (bow)

Create me, Lord, have mercy (bow)

Without a number of sins, Lord, forgive me (bow)

We repeat six prostrations-throws again, and then we say the prayer of St. Ephraim entirely with one earthly bow at the end.

Lord and Master of my life, the spirit of despondency, neglect, love of money and idle talk, banish me from me. Grant the spirit of chastity, humility, patience and love to me, Thy servant. Yes, Lord the King, let me see my sins, and do not judge my brother, for you are blessed forever, amen. (bow-throwing)

Several comments on this prayer are given on the website. Ligovskaya community Saint Petersburg.

In the short lines of the prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian, the message of the path of spiritual perfection of man is captured. We ask God for help in the fight against our vices: despondency, laziness, idle talk, condemnation of others. And we ask you to crown us with the crown of all virtues: humility, patience and love. This prayer is often repeated “during the sad days of Great Lent” - days of repentance and purification of the soul.

In contrast to the “throwing” permitted at the prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian (the head does not bend down to the ground), when performing a bow to the ground, it is necessary to touch the head of the hands or the floor

An example of performing Lenten bows at the prayer “Mary’s Standing”


Otzheni - drive away idle talk - empty, useless talk.
Yes, O Lord the King, let me see my sins, and do not judge my brother - Yes, Lord the King, let me see my sins, so as not to condemn my brother.

Selected materials:

A selection of materials on the topic of the relationship between religious and secular perception of the world, including the headings "", "", materials "", information, as well as readers of the site "Old Believer Thought".

Visit the Customs section of our website. You will find in it a lot of interesting things from the undeservedly forgotten. . .

A lively and reasoned story about the methods of baptism practiced by the New Believers, and true baptism according to the canons of the Church.

Brief selection objective literature on ancient Orthodoxy and the history of the Russian Church.

Which cross is considered canonical, why is it unacceptable to wear a pectoral cross with the image of a crucifix and other images?

Exclusive photographs depicting the consecration of the Great Bogoyavlenskaya water at the Intercession Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church in Rogozhskaya Sloboda.

A rich photo report on the appointment of the bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church and a sketch of modern life true Church.

A detailed and very successful interview with the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church on key issues of modern religious life in Russia.

Exclusive interview with the Old Believer Bishop Evmeny from the Russian Planet project.

Detailed historical analysis causes and consequences of the split from an independent secular publication.

An exclusive study of the site about the nationality, religion, dynamics of socio-economic indicators in the country on a variety of examples and comparisons.

Reasoned reflections of the city on the role of the church schism in the history of Russia and the current position of the Church in our country.

A rare and extremely detailed selection of materials about the Stoglavy Cathedral that were hushed up official history several centuries.

Strictly and beautifully: favorites.

The longest and strictest fast is aimed at the spiritual and physical cleansing of a person. It is during this period that the comprehension of the essence of being comes. Voluntarily giving up your favorite habits and products, you are struggling with passions that can destroy the soul. and restriction in food is conducive to repentance and self-knowledge. But you need to have an idea about what kind of prayers to read during Lent at home in order to free yourself from negativity.

Benefits of fasting

Fasting is a time for reflection. Interrupting the habitual way of life, a person begins to notice the many details that he missed in the run to do the necessary things. Looking around and listening to his heart, it will be easier for him to understand how close spiritual laws have become.

By fasting, people help themselves cleanse the body of toxins. Reduces cholesterol and sugar levels. The general condition is improving. The mood rises. The body is renewed and the soul wants to come to the ideal. However, fasting without prayer means nothing. Taking care of restoring inner harmony, it is necessary to change thoughts and ideas.

Daily prayer for seven weeks will suggest ways of correction. After pronouncing the holy words and phrases, you will notice how the fuss gradually disappears, and the planned deeds are completed in the shortest possible time, as if magic was present. Repentance leads to God's grace and the one who prays soon experiences positive results.

In addition to the usual morning and evening prayers, the prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian is added.

At the end, the phrase “God, cleanse me, a sinner” is said, a bow is made - and so on 12 times. Then the prayer of Ephraim the Syrian is said again and one bow is made.

This prayer traces the struggle of a person against laziness, despondency and condemnation. A person asks God for help and receives in return humility, patience, love.

In the morning, light and small prayers are read that can cheer up and give positive for the whole day.

After the prayer, be sure to bow.

These prayers are read at any time.

Before going to bed, be sure to read the initial, appeal to Holy Trinity and complete with a prayer to God the Father and to the Guardian Angel.

And just before going to bed, you should say the words below.

You can read prayers at any time if you wish. A sinful thought arose - it is worth turning to God and repenting. Holy words will reason and set you on a positive note. In addition to prayers, Holy Scripture is useful for self-reading. In silence, slowly, pondering each word, plunge into the gospel, comparing your life with what you have learned.

The time of Great Lent is given for reflection, reflection and making plans for the near future. Meeting the Easter holidays with pure thoughts, you become sincere to yourself and other people.

On the days of Great Lent it is necessary:

  • Pray daily.
  • Help your neighbors.
  • Finish the work you started.
  • Pay attention to family.
  • Fulfill the promise.
  • Restrict viewing of television programs and Internet pages.
  • Ask for forgiveness from everyone who was offended.
  • Read the Bible.

Now you know what prayers to read during Lent at home. But information alone is not enough if it is not supported by the desire to change and find the way to God. A person focuses on what is interesting and instructive to him. Therefore, much depends on patience, perseverance and determination. Beware of harsh displays of emotion. Reflect and analyze. overcome difficulties and hardships.

Post Views: 567

Fasting, by definition, is a strict prohibition or restriction on the consumption of food or only certain products, such as meat or dairy products.

Great Lent is the way to the Bright holiday Great Easter through which a believer needs to go through, keeping himself in strictness. The ban is imposed not only on the use of food, but it is also forbidden to spend this time in fun and joy. Great Lent is one of the strictest fasts. church calendar, it begins seven weeks before Easter and consists of forty days (Fourteen) and a week before Easter (Holy Week). Forty days is celebrated in honor of the fact that Jesus Christ fasted in the wilderness for forty days, and Holy Week- the memory of the life of Christ in last days his life, his crucifixion and resurrection.

Great Lent 2018- from February 19 to April 7

During Great Lent it is not recommended to eat food of animal origin - meat, eggs, milk. However, it is allowed to eat fish, but only on the holidays of Palm Sunday and the Annunciation Holy Mother of God. Eating seafood such as squid, shrimp, mussels is not prohibited during Lent.

But, do not forget that Great Lent is not an Orthodox diet, and the purpose of fasting is not so much the cleansing of the stomach, but the cleansing of the human soul.

According to church prescriptions, Great Lent is a tribute to the memory of the Lenten feat of the Son of God - Christ. After his baptism, Jesus wandered in the wilderness in meditation for 40 days without food or water. This act marked the beginning of his great saving deeds in the name of all mankind. And in order to thank the Savior and honor him, the church introduced the strictest restriction on the whole Fortecost, preceding Easter.

However, there is another version of the origin of the rite of long pre-Easter fasting. At the dawn of Christianity, before the rite of baptism, the future "Children of the Church" were ordered to pray fervently for 40 days and be strictly limited in food and water. Baptisms themselves took place only 1-2 times a year on major holidays, most often at Easter. All those wishing to join the religion were called catechumens. And being in solidarity with them, the rest of the Christians adhered to a 40-day abstinence in the period before the ceremony (that is, before Easter). As a result, not at once, but quite gradually, a post was established, which is known to us today. True, over hundreds of years, the conditions for fasting have changed more than once.

The main rules of modern Great Lent:

  1. Rejoice in everything and give thanks to the Lord;
  2. Visit the temple during Lent 2018;
  3. Repent at Forty and you will be able to be cleansed on Holy Week;
  4. Watch your health. In case of illness, soften the conditions of fasting;
  5. Don't think about food;
  6. Look at your plate;
  7. Hurry to do good;
  8. Remember why you entered the fast;
  9. Give up temptations and imaginary pleasures in favor of tireless prayers to the Lord;

As for the meal, according to the Church Charter, there are some rules:

  • During the first and last week of Great Lent, a particularly strict fast is observed.
  • Meat and dairy products (butter, cheese, cottage cheese, milk), eggs are excluded. That is, all products of animal origin.
  • You can eat only once a day, in the evening, however, on Saturdays and Sundays, food is allowed twice a day, at lunch and in the evening.
  • On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, eating cold food, without vegetable oil. Allowed on Tuesdays and Thursdays hot food without oil.
  • On Saturdays and Sundays, it is allowed to add vegetable oil to food, it is also allowed to use grape wine (except for Saturday of Holy Week).
  • On Good Friday (this is the last Friday of Great Lent), it is worth abstaining from food in general.
  • On Saturday, many fasting people also abstain from food until Easter.

How to fast for Orthodox laity and what to eat on different days

The annual pre-Easter Great Lent is mobile in the calendar and in 2018 it falls on the period from February 18 to April 7. The ritual of fasting lasts 49 days, of which 40 days are "Fourteen days", two feasts of the twelfth (Annunciation and Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem) and the ascetic 6-day cycle "Passion Week". According to the church charter, Great Lent 2018 is as follows:

  • first week — February 18-24, 2018;
  • second week - February 25 - March 3, 2018;
  • third week - March 4-10, 2018;
  • fourth week - March 11-17, 2018;
  • fifth week — March 18-24, 2018;
  • sixth week - March 25-31, 2018;
  • the seventh "passionate" week - April 1-7, 2018.

In addition to the church charter, it is important to know how to fast properly and what Orthodox laity can eat on the days in the calendar of Great Lent 2018. According to strict conditions, there can be no more than two meals per day. The first traditionally falls on the afternoon period (after the church liturgy), and the second - in the evening (that is, after vespers). If only one meal is laid, it's time - 15.00 Moscow time. With regard to nutrition, the first and last "passionate" weeks are the most stringent. They include days of dry eating and full fasting. On some days in other weeks, hot dishes with or without oil are allowed, sometimes fish caviar, on Twelfth holidays - wine and fish. To understand in more detail each week and its meaning will help orthodox calendar Great Lent for 2018: what you can eat on the days of the laity, read further in our article.

What foods are allowed to be consumed during fasting?

If it is reasonable to approach your diet during Great Lent, then, firstly, you will not have to starve, and secondly, even during strict fasting, food can be quite varied and balanced.

So, the main products allowed in the post:

  • Black bread, cereal loaves.
  • Cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, corn, wheat, barley)
  • Salted and pickled vegetables, jam from berries and fruits.
  • Mushrooms of various preparations.
  • Legumes (beans, lentils, peas)
  • Dried fruits, nuts, honey.
  • Seasonal vegetables (potatoes, beets, carrots, onions, cabbage, radishes, etc.)
  • Seasonal fruits (apples, bananas, grant, oranges, etc.)
  • Fish is allowed to be consumed twice during the entire post. On the feast of the Annunciation (in 2016 it falls on April 7) and Palm Sunday(April 24, 2016)

Daily food calendar (menu)

The first week of fasting (the most strict). It is important to correctly enter the post on the eve of the start. It is also important to know personal contraindications, who should not go into fasting.

Week 1

Mondayit is customary to abstain from food.
Tuesdayallowed black bread, water, kvass
Wednesdaydry eating, that is, food that is eaten raw, it can be various vegetables and fruits, as well as nuts and herbs. You are allowed to eat bread.
Thursdaycontinuation of dry eating
Fridayyou can eat vegetables, fruits, nuts, vegetable oil on this day is prohibited. Cooking is not recommended, eat everything raw
Saturdayfood is the same as on Friday, it is allowed to drink grape juice.
Sundayon this day it is allowed to eat boiled food with vegetable oil. You can also drink a small amount of red wine, which should be natural, without the addition of alcohol.

Above, we described one week, how, according to all the rules and canons, fasting should be observed, this is more acceptable to monks, or to people who strictly observe all the prescriptions of the church. If you have decided to fast for the first time, then you should not take on excessive loads! It is possible, for example, the use of oil in food.

Here sample menu, which you can take as a basis, adding or replacing certain dishes:

2 weeks

MondayBreakfastOatmeal on the water. Tea.
DinnerVermicelli soup. Potato cutlets. Apples. Coffee or tea.
TuesdayBreakfastRice porridge. Cucumber and tomato salad. Tea.
DinnerVegetable soup. Vermicelli with mushroom sauce. Tea with jam.
DinnerSolyanka vegetable. Cabbage salad. Compote.
ThursdayBreakfastCorn porridge. Tea or coffee.
FridayBreakfastBarley porridge, cucumbers, tomatoes. Tea or coffee.
DinnerBuckwheat porridge. Tea.
SaturdayBreakfastThe vinaigrette. Tea or coffee.
DinnerWheat porridge. Vegetables. Compote.
This is the first parent saturday during Great Lent. If possible, people go to the cemetery in order to visit their deceased relatives.

3 weeks of fasting

MondayBreakfastwheat porridge. Nuts. Tea.
DinnerPotato soup with buckwheat. Zrazy potato. Fruit. Coffee or tea.
TuesdayBreakfastbuckwheat porridge. Tea
Dinnerbean soup. Vermicelli with mushroom sauce. Tea with jam.
WednesdayBreakfastrice porridge. Tea or coffee.
DinnerVegetable pickle. Cabbage salad. Compote.
ThursdayBreakfastporridge from oatmeal. Fruit. Tea or coffee.
DinnerShchi from fresh cabbage. Vegetable Salad. Compote.
DinnerMashed potatoes with eggplant caviar. Tea.
FridayBreakfastbarley porridge. Tea or coffee.
DinnerPea soup. Salad with vegetables. Compote.
DinnerBuckwheat porridge. Tea.
SaturdayBreakfastWheat porridge. Tea or coffee.
DinnerRassolnik. The vinaigrette. Vegetables. Compote.
DinnerBoiled vermicelli with lecho. Tea.
Note: This is already the second parental Saturday during Lent. It is also necessary to go to the cemetery to pay tribute to your deceased relatives.
SundayBreakfastwheat porridge. Tea or coffee.
DinnerRussian-Ukrainian borscht. Fried potato. Compote.
DinnerRice porridge with onions and carrots. Tea.

4 weeks of fasting

MondayBreakfastoatmeal porridge. Nuts. Tea.
DinnerVegetable soup. Pea porridge. Nuts. Coffee or tea.
TuesdayBreakfastbarley porridge. Tea.
Dinnersoup with lentils. salted mushrooms. Tea with jam.
WednesdayBreakfastrice porridge. Tea or coffee.
Dinnerlean borscht. Cucumber and tomato salad. Compote.
ThursdayBreakfastrice porridge. Nuts. Tea or coffee.
Dinnerpotato soup with beans. Vegetable Salad. Compote.
DinnerMashed potatoes with eggplant caviar. Tea.
FridayBreakfastoatmeal porridge. Tea or coffee.
DinnerPotato soup with green peas. Salad with vegetables. Compote.
DinnerCorn porridge. Tea.
SaturdayBreakfastBuckwheat porridge. Tea or coffee.
DinnerRassolnik. The vinaigrette. Compote.
DinnerBoiled vermicelli with mushroom sauce. Tea.
Note: This Saturday will already be the third parental one.
SundayBreakfastoatmeal porridge. Tea or coffee.
DinnerRussian-Ukrainian borscht. Vegetable Salad. Compote.
DinnerBuckwheat porridge. with onions and carrots. Tea.

In the following fifth and sixth weeks fasting, you can repeat your menu, as in the second and third weeks.

The seventh (Holy Week) week of Great Lent is just as strict as the first.

The sixth Sunday of Great Lent falls on the celebration of the Lord's entry into Jerusalem, or it is also called Palm Sunday. On this day, you can eat fish, food with butter, eat a little Cahors.

On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday - dry food. Thursday you can eat warm food, but cooked without oil, and only once a day. On Friday, only bread and water. On Saturday, eating is prohibited.

And finally, Sunday, the end of the strictest fast falls on the celebration of Easter.

It is important to watch this video, for safety!

It is worth noting that if you decide to fast for the first time, it is recommended to talk with the priest and decide for yourself the measure of the severity of fasting, because you need to understand a very important truth that the main goal of fasting is not food restriction, but humility and repentance, prayer!

A person who takes communion only occasionally causes considerable damage to his
spiritual life. The Holy Fathers urged Christians to take communion at every
visiting the liturgy (St. Basil the Great. Creations; St. Maxim
Confessor1). If today this practice is abandoned, then, nevertheless,
to proceed to the Holy Chalice should be at least once every 40 days and without fail - in
your angel's day. Reverend Seraphim bequeathed to us to join at least 16
once a year.
On the eve of communion, they observe fasting and read "Following to the Holy
Communion" from the Prayer Book. Before communion in the morning, they do not eat anything and do not
they drink until the end of the liturgy (out of reverence for the Holy Meal). Smokers should
refrain from smoking. They approach the Holy Chalice only after confession.
Confession and communion are two separate sacraments. Practice Russian
Orthodox Church puts them in close connection for the reason that we do not
should approach the Holy Chalice without reconciling with God through the sacrament
repentance. Sometimes, if a person is not ready for communion, he may come
only for confession.
Communion takes place at the end of mass, after we sing "Father
ours" and then the next "communion" verse. When taking out the Chalice, we repeat about
behind the priest a prayer: "I believe, Lord, and I confess ..."
Then, in silence and reverence, we approach the Holy Chalice, folding our hands on our chests.
crosswise, right over the left (you can’t be baptized at the Chalice!), and we call
his full name. Having communed the Holy Mysteries, we kiss the lower edge of the Chalice and
we approach the table, where we drink "warmth" and take part of the prosphora. This
- a remembrance of the fraternal meals of the first Christians.
Orthodoxy recognizes the validity of the sacrament of the Eucharist celebrated
a properly placed non-Orthodox priest (Catholic or
Old Believers). The fact that we do not partake of communion together is not a sign that
we do not recognize the authenticity of another liturgy, but follows from the concept of it as
about the "meal of love". Joint communion is possible only upon reaching
unity and ending divisions. Until then, communion was
would be insincere and therefore unworthy. But in case of need
decreed in 1969 by the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Old Believers and
Catholics can confess and receive communion in Orthodox churches.

V. Commemoration and prosphora. Panikhida and prayer service

If we want the Church to pray with us for those dear to us
relatives (living and dead), we write their names on a note with the inscription "about
health" and "for repose" and pass along with the prosphora, which we buy for
candle box, to the altar. This must be done before the start of the liturgy; if
the service has already begun, then all conversations related to the purchase of prosphora,
handing over notes or candles should be carried out in a whisper so as not to interfere with the service.
The priest reads the submitted notes before the beginning of the liturgy (at the proskomedia) and
during the service, when he takes out particles from the prosphora and prays for health and
for the repose of those who are written down. At the end of the liturgy, these particles fall into the Chalice in
sign of the redemptive action of St. Eucharist. The priest at this time prays:
"Wash away their sins by Your blood..."
After mass, the prosphora is taken out of the altar and usually placed on the candlestick.
box, from where those who filed notes with them, sort them out. Prosphora can
at will, either eat immediately, or spread over several days,
or give it to the one for whom we "took" it.
Prosphora, if desired, can be distributed in the temple with a request to pray for those
for whom they are taken out, but this should be done not during the service, but after
how everyone will come to the cross.
In addition to commemoration at the liturgy, other types of
prayers for the living and the dead:
1. A prayer for the living, or a prayer service, to which, at the request of believers,
be added water sanctification or the reading of an akathist. Those wishing to serve a prayer service
apply for a candle box before the service (or, in last resort, after service).
2. Prayer for the dead is called a memorial service. She is served before a special
table for candles (eve). From ancient times there was a custom in memory of the dead
arrange a meal. It was attended by the poor, who were asked
pray for the dead. And today, those who pray for them bring to the temple
food that is distributed "for remembrance" after the memorial service. This is also done in
special memorial ("parental") days.
3. Prayers that are sung and read at burial are called
funeral service.
At the end of it, the icon that was on the chest of the deceased is placed on
eve and stays there for 40 days. After that, relatives can take it.
During the liturgy, prayer is performed only for members of the Church or
preparing for baptism ("catechumens"). It is believed, however, that during
a prayer service can be remembered even by people who are not baptized. For the funeral of Catholics,
Old Believers and other non-Orthodox there is a special rank.

VI. Rules Concerning the Relationship of a Layman to His Confessor

A confessor is a priest, to whom we constantly go to
confession. How is it better for a patient to be treated by one doctor who knows well
his body and illnesses, and spiritual healing will be more successful,
if a person brings his confession to a permanent confessor. Relations
between this priest and the laity must be built on sincerity,
understanding and trust. The layman should remember the following five rules:
1. A Christian does not take any important life step, does not
having received the blessings of the confessor, or at least without consulting
2. A Christian accepts instructions from a confessor about prayer rule,
posts and deeds of service to people.
3. A Christian must bring his life into harmony with moral
the requirements of the Church within the time specified by the confessor.
4. A Christian must coordinate the frequency of confession and communion with
confessor and firmly adhere to this.
5. In case of disagreement with your confessor and intention to go to
to another, a layman should inform his confessor and ask
blessings on the transition to another priest, specifically indicated (see 1
Kings 15:22; Heb 13, 7, 17; Nemocanon of John the Faster, Stoglav 40; questioning
Kirika, 6, 17; The writing of the Met. Gregory, 4; Commandment to the Confessor, 27;
Word of God about repentance, 97)2.

VII. The most important holidays of the year

Holidays and Sundays must be freed from work that can be
postpone. Church annual cycle of holidays is divided into holidays
"passing" and "non-passing", twelfth and great. non-passing
celebrated every year on the same day of the month. Passing refers to
Easter cycle and fall every year on different time. Here is the list
transitory, non-transitory and great holidays according to the "Orthodox Church
Twelfth rolling holidays
Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem - Sunday;
Easter of Christ - Sunday;
Ascension of the Lord - Thursday;
Holy Trinity Day (Pentecost) - Sunday.
Twelfth non-passing holidays
The Baptism of the Lord - January 6/19;
Meeting of the Lord - February 2/15;
Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin - March 25 / April 7;
Transfiguration of the Lord - August 6/19;
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin - August 15/28;
Exaltation of the Holy Cross - September 14/27;
Entry into the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos - November 21/December 4;
Christmas - December 25/January 7.
Great holidays
Circumcision of the Lord - January 1/14;
Nativity of John the Baptist - June 24 / July 7;
Holy Apostles Peter and Paul - June 29/July 12;
Beheading of John the Baptist - August 29/September 11;
Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos - October 1/14.
Church calculus is conducted according to the old style. The second date indicates
a new style.

VIII. Posts

In our human nature, the harmony between the spiritual and
carnal beginning; the flesh seeks to dominate the spirit. Therefore, a person
leading a spiritual life, at least the most simple methods austerities
(self-limiting). These include fasting - abstinence from animal food,
which has a double meaning.
On the one hand, fasting curbs the elements of the flesh, on the other hand, it develops
through obedience to the Church spiritual fortitude and the will of man. The post is consecrated
Christ Himself, Who, by fasting, by His example pointed out the need
abstinence for His disciples.
There are different levels of posts. They can roughly be described
in the following way:
I. Very strict fast - dry eating. Eat only raw vegetable food
without oil.
II. Strict fasting - they eat any boiled plant food with vegetable
III. Ordinary fasting - in addition to what is eaten during a strict fast, they also eat fish.
IV. Weak fasting (for the weak, who are on the road and eat in
canteens) - they eat everything except meat.
Cancellation or weakening of the fast is provided by the Church for special occasions
(illness, being on the road, etc.). However, a Christian should not
weaken or cancel fasting at your own discretion (as well as, on the contrary, do
his more strict), but ask the blessing of the confessor.
Fasting is not only a time of bodily abstinence; it means time
strengthening the fight against sin, special prayerful concentration, more
frequent communion.
There are four long posts a year. In addition, the Church established Lenten
days - Wednesday and Friday throughout the year. In memory of some events
One-day fasts are also established.
Multi-day posts
Great Lent - before Easter, in total continues seven
weeks. The post is strict. Very strict weeks - the first, fourth
(Cross) and the seventh (Passionate). On Holy Week Lent
ends after Liturgy on Holy Saturday. As usual, they break the fast
only after Paschal Matins, i.e. on the night of Holy Resurrection.
Great Lent is associated with a rolling circle of holidays and therefore on different
years falls on different numbers, depending on the day of the celebration of Easter.
Petrov fast - before the feast of the holy apostles Peter and Paul.
Starts on All Saints' Day (Sunday after Trinity Day) and
continues until July 12 new style. This post is changing
duration in different years because it depends on the day of the celebration of Easter. This
post - the least strict, ordinary.
Assumption fast - before the feast of the Assumption of the Mother of God. He always
falls on the same numbers: August 14-28 new style. This is strict
Christmas (Philippov) post - begins the day after
celebration of the Apostle Philip, always falls on the same days: November 28
- January 7 new style.
One day posts
Wednesday and Friday - throughout the year, except continuous weeks(weeks)
and holiness. The post is normal.
Epiphany Christmas Eve - January 5/18. The post is very strict (there is
folk custom on this day do not eat up to the star).
The beheading of John the Baptist - August 25/September 11. Fast
Exaltation of the Holy Cross - September 14/27. The post is strict.

IX. Home prayer and spiritual reading

The prayers contained in the Prayer Book are composed for the most part
saints and people of high spiritual experience. By reading these prayers, we partake
to their spiritual life and learn to pray ourselves. Prayer according to the book (prayer)
does not exclude prayer in one's own words and prayerful standing before God in
[For the daily rule, see " Practical guide..."]. Daily
a "rule" is a collection of prayers meant to be read in the morning,
in the evening and throughout the day. This rule should not be omitted even if
when there is no prayer mood in the soul. The holy words themselves render
influence on the soul besides consciousness. However, one must always strive to overcome
distraction and delve into the words of prayers. For extreme fatigue or
special circumstances. Seraphim gave a "small rule".
During Great Lent, the prayer of St. Ephraim
Sirin "Lord and Lord of my life...", and during the Easter period - troparion
holiday ("Christ is risen from the dead...").
We must begin every work with prayer. For these cases, there are
Prayer book special psalms and prayers.
Scripture should be read daily. First of all, it concerns
New Testament. It can be read in parts or chapters, to choose from, or in
according to the church readings of that day. To a passage from the Gospel
we join the reading from the Epistles. From Old Testament Psalms are read daily.
The remaining books of the Bible should be read with interpretations in order to be more correct and
better understand the meaning of the Old Testament books and their relationship with the New Testament.
It is recommended to add readings from the Holy Fathers or
spiritual writers. best books of the Fathers for Beginners can serve:
"Psalter" of St. Ephraim the Syrian, "Confession" Bl. Augustine, "Moral
rules" of St. Basil the Great. From later authors - the creations of Tikhon
Zadonsky, "Invisible Scolding" of St. Nikodim the Holy Mountaineer, "Guide to
pious life "Francis de Sales. From contemporary spiritual writers
- "Records" of St. A. Elchaninov, books by Metropolitan Anthony of Surozh.

About Great Lent

General rules

Weeks of Lent

The time of Great Lent is specially given by the Church so that we can
get together, focus and prepare for the meeting of Easter days.
Great Lent should try to catch up, fill
gaps in our spiritual life, which has suffered so much from the
troubles, absent-mindedness, laziness and other things.
General rules
1. Abstinence from meat food is obligatory. Regarding everything else
should be clarified with the confessor. In addition, it is good to choose some
worldly thing and renounce it for these days, maintaining abstinence until
2. During Lent, all four Gospels must be read.
3. It is necessary to abandon all unnecessary meetings, affairs - everything that
dissipates. Rest, of course, is not canceled, but its types must be chosen
such that would not violate the peace of the soul (for example, walks, trips out of town
4. Every day you need to read the prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian, preferably
meditatively, i.e. focusing on the words. Need to think
predominantly over one part (for example, the phrase "Lord, Lord of the belly
mine"; theme: Christ as the alpha and omega of my life, its meaning, love and purpose.
Feel it, if only for a moment.)
5. In addition to reading the prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian must be dedicated
daily 10 minutes (this is a minimum, but in fact half an hour is desirable) - 5 minutes
in the morning and 5 minutes in the evening - prayerful reflections. The main thing is not to miss
not a single day during Great Lent.
It is recommended during prayer to choose comfortable spot, convenient
body position, but if this is not possible, you should not retreat. meditate
it is possible both on the go, and at work, and in the evening, when everyone is asleep, and in the morning - one
in a word, adapting to the circumstances. It is very important that nothing
"pressed", did not care about the need to urgently do something, did not oppress
too much fatigue. Before beginning prayer meditation,
cross yourself (if this happens at home) or mentally call on the name of God;
force yourself to renounce worries (this is the most difficult), by an effort of will
put yourself before the face of God; realize that wherever we are, we
always with Him and before His face. After that, we turn our eyes to the icon or to
cross (if we are not at home, half-close our eyes and evoke the image of the cross).
It is necessary that the whole body come to a state of rest, breathing should not be rapid,
movements are not needed (except for the sign of the cross). After that mentally
we say a phrase from a prayer or the Gospel (it can be from a litany, an akathist,
liturgy - optional) and try to keep it in mind as long as possible,
pondering it, plunging into the depths, feeling its many-sided connection with
life. At first, this will be difficult. Perhaps only on the third
week case will go better. The main thing is not to retreat. And so every day
the entire Lent, five minutes in the morning and five in the evening. At the very least, time
you can change, but it is better to choose the same. No need to be surprised
to be upset, catching oneself in absent-mindedness, in the inability to concentrate: it is useful
consider yourself a novice student, for the first time embarking on such
reflections. It is good to make a list of prayer sayings for them in advance on
week. We must try throughout the day in moments free from work
return mentally to the topic of reflection, as if preparing for a meeting.
The main condition for success is the establishment of inner silence; this is the hardest
in our noisy age.
6. After five minutes of reflection, you need to sit or just
stand in silence and concentration, as if listening to the silence, and then with
this silence in the heart to get down to business, trying to keep its "sound" as
as long as possible.
7. All Sundays during Lent must be attended
liturgy without being late for the service. Before the service during the "hours" well
read the prayer:

I believe, Lord, but You confirm my faith.
I trust, Lord
but You strengthen my hope.
I loved You, Lord
but you cleanse my love
and ignite it.
I lament, Lord, but You do
May I increase my repentance.
I revere, O Lord, Thee, my Creator,
I sigh for You, I call on You.
Guide me with your wisdom,
protect and strengthen.
I commit to You, my God, my thoughts,
let them come from you.
Let my deeds be in your name,
and my desires be in Your will.
Illuminate my mind, strengthen my will,
cleanse the body, sanctify the soul.
Let me see my sins
don't be fooled by pride
help me overcome temptation.
May I praise You in everything days of life,
which you have given me.

The frequency of communion is set together with the confessor, but in advance
you need to prepare for communion on Maundy Thursday, the day of the Last Supper.
8. During the days of Lent, it is especially important to intensify prayer for others. Not skipping
not a single case when someone is sick, depressed, experiencing
difficulties, we must immediately pray for him, as much as we have strength and
9. It is necessary to make a list of especially revered saints and more often during Lent
address them as if they were alive, as helpers and friends, light candles for them,
pray before their icons.
10. We must beware of unevenness: ups and downs. It is from
this will be safeguarded by calm and systematic prayer
reflections. You should pull yourself up with manifestations of excessive spiritual
delight, remembering how often it is not the spirit that participates in it, but passion. It helps
avoid failures.

Weeks of Lent

First week (week)

We conduct the following cycle of prayer reflections:

1st day. Ecclesiastes Day

Great Lent, coming in 2017 on February 27, is not only the rejection of animal food and alcoholic beverages. This is a time devoted to the study of the life of Jesus Christ, turning to God in prayers. In Great Lent, a person becomes deeper, renounces many earthly blessings, rethinks his life and his destiny in this world. Lent, lasting six weeks and Holy Week, ends with the bright Pascha of Christ - the resurrection of Jesus as a miraculous proof of the existence of the Lord. Every Christian must come to Christ's resurrection cleansed not only physically but also spiritually. Not all believers know how and what kind of prayer to read in fasting. Temple ministers often say that God can be addressed in any prayers. However, the prayer in the post to Ephrem the Syrian should be read every day except for Saturday and Sunday. It is also read before Easter, on a cheese week. The purpose of reading it is to free the "belly" (life) from bodily and, what is considered the main, spiritual ailments. Prayers in fasting before meals are also considered important in Orthodoxy. They help the Christian to avoid gluttony, set him up for modest food and a long absence of entertainment.

Prayer in Lent for every day - How and when to pray in Lent

In Orthodoxy, there are prayers for every day of Great Lent. Believers who visit the temple know that the first day of the first week begins with hymns. The priests tell the parishioners about John the Baptist and Herod. On Tuesday of the first week, the main, first prayer is dedicated to the life of Andrew of Crete, a saint who dedicated his life to God as a result of a miracle that happened to him (gaining the gift of speech after becoming dumb). On Wednesday, on the third day of Lent, church-going people who visit temples will learn the interpretation of the prayer of Ephraim the Syrian, and so on. If you cannot, for any good reason, go to the temple for prayer, set aside at least ten to fifteen minutes a day to study the Scriptures - the Old and New Testaments.

Examples of prayers for each day of Lent

Any believer will tell you that there is no fasting without prayers. Of course, this statement does not mean that you should completely renounce everyday worries and immerse yourself in the reading of prayers. In the absence of praying often and attending the temple, read the Scriptures. Finding free time, take it to read one of the prayers of Great Lent. Now you can download them all on the Internet. We propose to pay attention to the most famous prayers related to the time of abstinence before Easter.

Praise to the Lord God
(small doxology)

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

In this prayer we praise God without asking for anything in return. It is usually pronounced at the end of the case as a token of gratitude to God for His mercy to us. This prayer is pronounced in short: Praise God. In this abbreviated form, we say a prayer when we finish some good deed, for example, teaching, work; when we receive any good news, etc.

Publican's Prayer

God, have mercy on me a sinner.

Lord, be merciful to me, a sinner.

Prayer for forgiveness of our sins. It must be said as often as we often sin. As soon as we sin, we must immediately repent of our sin before God and say this prayer.

Prayer to the Lord Jesus Christ

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother and all the saints, have mercy on us. Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, through the prayers of Your Pure Mother and all the saints, have mercy on us (have mercy on us). Amen.

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of Truth, Who is everywhere and fills everything, Treasury of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Blessed, our soul.

Heavenly King, Comforter, Spirit of truth, Who is everywhere and fills everything, Container of all goodness and life Giver, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all impurity, and save, Merciful, our souls.

Orthodox prayer in Great Lent before Easter - What is prayer

Any Orthodox prayer is an appeal to God, a conversation with the Mother of God, saints. You can pray to yourself anywhere and anytime. They turn to God aloud at home, alone or in temples, standing in front of the icons. Before fasting, at the end of Cheesefare Week, they say the prayer of Ephraim the Syrian, pray to the Lord God Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the most holy. Each prayer can be ended with an appeal to the Almighty, praise to God, a request and giving you strength during fasting.

Examples of Orthodox prayers before Easter in fasting

Churched people have a custom to read all the Gospels during the time allotted for Great Lent. Of course, not all believers are able to overcome the Scriptures. Fasting before Easter, read prayers as much as possible. We propose to memorize the texts of some of them.

The creed reads like this:

1. I believe in one God the Father, Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, visible to all and invisible.
2. And in the one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Only Begotten, Who was born from the Father before all ages: Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not created, consubstantial with the Father, Whom all was.
3. For us, man, and for our salvation, descended from Heaven and incarnated from the Holy Spirit and Mary the Virgin, and became human.
4. He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered, and was buried.
5. And he rose again on the third day, according to the scripture.
6. And ascended into Heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father.
7. And the packs of the coming with glory to judge the living and the dead, His Kingdom will have no end.
8. And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, Who proceeds from the Father, Who with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified, who spoke the prophets.
9. Into one holy, catholic and apostolic Church.
10. I confess one baptism for the remission of sins.
11. I look forward to the resurrection of the dead,
12. And the life of the future age. Amen

 I believe in one God, Father, Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, of everything visible and invisible.

 And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Only Begotten, begotten of the Father before all ages: Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not created, one being with the Father, by Him all things were created.

 For the sake of us people and for the sake of our salvation, he descended from Heaven, and took flesh from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and became a man.

 Crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered, and was buried,

 And resurrected on the third day, according to the Scriptures.

 And ascended into Heaven, and sits on right side Father.

 And coming again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and His kingdom will have no end.

 And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, who gives life, who proceeds from the Father, who is worshiped and glorified with the Father and the Son, who spoke through the prophets.

 Into one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.

 I acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.

 I look forward to the resurrection of the dead,

 And the life of the next century. Amen (that's right).

What is said in the prayer to Ephraim the Syrian for Great Lent - What does the prayer call to Ephraim the Syrian

History says that the prayer to Ephraim the Syrian was loved not only by the holy fathers, but also by A.S. Pushkin, the great Russian poet, who put the words of the prayer in a poetic way. Saint Ephraim the Syrian, living in the Middle Ages, was filled with spiritual wisdom. He also owns "divine thoughts" from the Psalter Mother of God. As for the well-known prayer, which aims to purify the hearts of believers before Easter, it is known for its simplicity and depth. This prayer helps to cleanse the soul from idle talk, lack of chastity, from proud self-affirmation. It teaches meekness, humility, gratitude.

When the prayer to Ephraim the Syrian is read in Great Lent

As the church recommends, the prayer of Ephraim the Syrian should be read daily, from late Sunday evening to Friday. Do not worry about the repetition of a prayer - each time you say its words, you perceive them in a new way. Prayer purifies the soul and heart, setting the believer in a blessed mood during Great Lent.

“Lord and Master of my life, the spirit of idleness, despondency, arrogance and idle talk, do not give me.
Grant the spirit of chastity, humility, patience and love to me, Thy servant.
Yes, Lord, King, grant me to see my sins and not condemn my brother, for you are blessed forever and ever. Amen".

What prayer should be read in fasting - Helping prayers to fast

Each prayer is an appeal to God, concealing our thoughts, a request to free us from "filth" - dishonest, impure thoughts and actions. By asking the Lord God in prayer to protect us from temptation, we really do get better. In principle, any pious prayer addressed to God at the right time helps us to fast, abstaining from passions and temptations.

How Prayers Help Fasting

Any prayers uttered during Great Lent are aimed at cleansing the soul from unfavorable, ungodly thoughts. By praying and reading the Gospel, we get to know God more deeply and understand the meaning of fasting.

I believe, Lord, but You confirm my faith.
I trust, Lord
but You strengthen my hope.
I loved You, Lord
but you cleanse my love
and ignite it.
I lament, Lord, but You do
May I increase my repentance.
I revere, O Lord, Thee, my Creator,
I sigh for You, I call on You.
Guide me with your wisdom,
protect and strengthen.
I commit to You, my God, my thoughts,
let them come from you.
My deeds be in Your name,
and my desires be in Your will.
Illuminate my mind, strengthen my will,
cleanse the body, sanctify the soul.
Let me see my sins
don't be fooled by pride
help me overcome temptation.
May I praise You all the days of my life,
which you have given me.

What prayer is said in fasting before eating - Orthodox prayer "Our Father"

Believing Christians pray before eating, regardless of whether food is eaten on a fast day or not. The most common prayer before meals is at the same time the most famous prayer, known by heart even by children - “Our Father”. Very often in fasting before eating, praises are said to the Lord, who gave food and drink. At the end of the meal, believers thank God, who gave them food, with prayers.

Lord's Prayer. Our Father

In Church Slavonic:

Our Father, who art in heaven!
Hallowed be thy name, may he come Your kingdom,
Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth.
Give us our daily bread today;
and forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors;
and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

In Russian:

Our Father who art in heaven!
May your name be hallowed;
Let your kingdom come;
may Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven;
Give us our daily bread for this day;
And forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors;
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Examples of Orthodox prayers before eating in Lent

pronouncing Orthodox prayer before eating in fasting, the believer sets himself up to accept modest food, where there is no animal food. Thus, prayer before meals helps Christians endure some of the restrictions of Lent.

Prayer before meals

The eyes of all in Thee, O Lord, trust, and You give them food in good time, You open Your generous hand and fulfill every animal good will.

Prayer for the blessing of food and drink for the laity

Lord Jesus Christ, our God, bless our food and drink with the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother and all Your saints, for you are blessed forever. Amen. (And cross food and drink).

Prayer after eating

We thank Thee, Christ our God, for Thou hast satisfied us with Thy earthly blessings; do not deprive us of Your Heavenly Kingdom, but as if in the midst of Your disciples, Thou hast come, Savior, give them peace, come to us and save us.

Any prayer in the fast helps to exterminate from the human soul all dishonesty, deceit, sinful thoughts and actions. The main Christian prayer in Great Lent always remains the Our Father. It is read both before meals and at other times of turning to God. Great importance during fasting is given prayer of repentance Ephraim the Syrian, asking the Lord to "give" us the spirit of chastity and patience, so necessary for us during Lenten abstinence.
