When is the next year of the dog? What year will be the year of the dog

Dogs are considered by many to be pessimists in life, who are worried about something, always worry about something, although they often do not know the source of their experiences. As you know, the Dog is a faithful companion of man, a wonderful pet.

The youth of people born in the year of the Dog is overshadowed by problems in connection with love adventures, which do not always leave her good memories of this age. In adulthood, the Dog is often visited by nightmares, as for old age, she may regret missed opportunities.

It is worth noting that there are different types of these people - for some, life will be easier, for others it is filled with problems and worries. There is a popular belief that a Dog born in the daytime will live a happier life than one that was born in the dark.

All his life this person may be dissatisfied with himself, as well as overly self-critical, he may not compromise and be straightforward. In the case of life or professional failures and problems, he can become rude and ruthless.site/node/3076

In a rare case, a dog can correctly determine its life priorities without outside help, as well as realize its abilities, therefore it is always looking for a smart and reliable friend.

It is very difficult for them to determine the main and primary goal in life, but if they define such a goal, they will stubbornly pursue it.

In love, Dogs are not constant, they treat their betrayals and betrayals of a partner easily, although they can be very faithful, but only if there is a confident and demanding person nearby.

Next Year of the Dog 2018!

Characteristics of the Dog

Chinese name for the Dog sign: Gou

Chinese Zodiac Sign: Eleventh

Time of day Sign: 19:00 -21:00

Western zodiac sign: Aries

Element: Metal

Positive Traits of a Dog:

These are generous and honest people, they are devoted to their family, diligent at work, they can be trusted and can be relied upon.

Negative Traits of a Dog:

They can be stubborn, sometimes overly restless, talkative, pessimistic and slightly absent-minded, overly strict with others.

Years of the Dog with the elements


2030 (Metal Dog)

Those born in the year of the Dog are reliable at work, at home and in the family, they are devoted, although they are overly prone to prudence and pessimism. It would be wiser not to worry about trifles in advance, because you will still successfully cope with all the problems that arise, no matter what happens - pull yourself together!

The Dog woman is gentle and sexy, she always looks charming and dresses elegantly. Making friends with this sweet lady is quite difficult, even despite her friendliness and friendliness to others.

This woman trusts few people, she, as befits a Dog, is always wary of strangers, so she does not immediately open up to them. But if she opens her heart to someone, she will be ready to go with this person to the ends of the world.

Such women born this year become caring and attentive mothers, they are able to create coziness and comfort in their home, strive to make their family happy.

Horoscope of compatibility of signs of the Zodiac

Dog - year of the animal according to the eastern calendar: Dog born in 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018.

Year of birth from 02/18/1958 - 02/07/1959 (element of the year - earth, color yellow)
Year of birth from 02/06/1970 - 01/26/1971 (element of the year - metal, white color)
Year of birth from 01/25/1982 - 02/12/1983 (element of the year - water, color black)
Year of birth from 02/10/1994 - 01/30/1995 (element of the year - tree, color blue)
Year of birth from 01/29/2006 - 02/17/2007 (element of the year - fire, color red)
Year of birth from 02/16/2018 - 02/04/2019 (element of the year - earth, color yellow)

Characteristic of the year Dog

Dog. Dog- the eleventh sign of the Eastern calendar. The dog is an extremely restless creature, always on the alert, guarding its territory without rest. She is closed and shows feelings only when necessary. She knows what she wants, and therefore is extremely stubborn. She has a sharp tongue and her cynicism scares those around her. The dog is ready to criticize with or without reason, finding fault with trifles. However, her critical mind, skepticism, sense of humor and undeniable greatness of spirit do not allow her to wallow in pettiness. And yet she is a terrible pessimist and does not expect anything good from life.

The dog does not like crowds, and indeed any gatherings. In a love relationship, it seems cold, but this impression is deceptive. All the noble features of human nature are merged in it. She is loyal, faithful, honest, has a developed sense of duty, boldly and openly opposes any injustice. You can count on her - she will never betray. A dog is better than anyone at keeping secrets. However, she does not seek to become someone's confidant, just as she is not eager to confess to someone. Her speech is not very developed - it is often difficult for her to express her thoughts. But she is a wonderful listener and, moreover, incredibly smart. The dog inspires confidence and respect, which is quite justified. Her devotion knows no bounds - up to self-denial. She is ready to do everything possible for others.
Any injustice arouses her protest, and she strives with all her might to correct the situation. The dog sincerely suffers when misfortunes happen around; worries about the past, present and future. Fortunately, she has the intelligence to figure out where to intervene and where not. She will never confuse good with evil. In essence, she is a philosopher who suffers for an idea and is not interested in money.

The dog is generous and selfless. Regardless of whether she lives on the street or in luxury, the intellectual principle prevails in her. She can easily do without material well-being, and even if she has it, she does not strive for special chic. However, if she needs money, she will be better able to provide them for herself than others.

A dog can be a good leader, an active public figure, a priest, an educator. She perfectly manages people, has an incredible capacity for work and directness.

In love relationships will always have a crystal clear reputation. It is a pity that such an honest and reasonable being constantly has difficulties on the love front. And all the fault of her eternal anxiety.

The life of the Dog passes under the sign of impermanence. A restless childhood, a difficult youth, a mature age with a touch of skepticism and an old age full of regrets about what could not be realized.

Dog and zodiac sign

Aries: Dog of war, faithful dog. Passing through the fog.
Taurus: Faithful and perspicacious Dog.
Gemini: Learned Dog. Bad head but good heart.
Cancer: Sensitive Dog, overly vulnerable, honest, always sacrificing himself for a cause.
Leo: Makes a lot of noise to outdo his rivals.
Virgo: This dog is technical, does not allow itself to be carried away by chance.
Libra: A dog with a gentle nature, a little diplomatic.
Scorpio: Angry Dog, do not trust her ardor.
Sagittarius: Energetic Dog, nothing will stop her.
Capricorn: Watchdog, you can count on her, but she is restless.
Aquarius: Learned Dog.
Pisces: The original Dog, swims with interest.

Dogs - the male principle of yang, the sign of the third triangle, the element of the Earth

The main quality of the Dog sign is honesty. Nobility and loyalty to principles, people, cause, as well as loyalty to the shortcomings of other people distinguish the Dog from all other representatives of the Chinese zodiac. At least once in a lifetime, but meets with betrayal, but she herself is able to solve any problem alone. Responds to affection, attention, she is very sensitive and caring. The dog always protects the weaker ones, his family and friends. Reliable and generous, independent, aggressive, if attacked with reproaches and claims. A strong rival, an attractive partner, a practical businessman. The dog does not like to show his feelings in public, but will show the passion and ardor of love in private. Sometimes it is sharp in communication, but does not seek conflicts. In disputes, he will show out-of-date nobility.

Positive qualities of the sign

Honesty and nobility gives the Dog a special brilliance in partnership. Prefers a fair duel to behind-the-scenes intrigues. She is straightforward in feelings, faithful in love, but subject to the influence of her mood. Uncertainty or temporary setback can disable the Dog from feelings. When her business is going well, the best sign in love is hard to find. The dog is an idealist and strives for harmony and peace in the house, reliably protects the rear of the family, knows how to make money. It does not go over their heads in order to achieve success, which is guaranteed to that Dog that has found happiness in his personal life.

Negative qualities of the sign

Laziness, pessimism and coldness towards people prevent the Dog from realizing his brilliant career opportunities. Sometimes the Dog cannot heed wise advice, is too self-sufficient and loses, relying only on itself. This sign is subject to anxiety for no apparent reason. The dog must monitor his health and be sure to play sports in order to control the level of internal aggression.

Year of the Dog you can meet both noble people and scammers, from whom you will have to protect houses or partnerships. You can meet your ideal in love and find a suitable business. A good year for the Dog, Rat, Dragon and Pig. Tense - for the Bull, Snake, Sheep and Rooster. A positive year for the Tiger, Monkey, Rabbit, Horse.

Celebrities of this sign

Mother Teresa, Voltaire, Alexandre Dumas - father, Alexander Suvorov, Claude Debussy, Sir Winston Churchill, Victor Hugo, Prince William, Golda Meir, Bill Clinton, Louis Armstrong, Elvis Presley, Kurt Vonnegut, Pierre Cardin, Cher, Andre Agassi. Cast: Brigitte Bardot, Sophia Loren, Pierre Richard, Alisa Freindlich, Anatoly Papanov, Gerard Philip, Sylvester Stallone, Rachel Weisz, Matt Damon, Jennifer Connelly, Ethan Hawke, Simon Pegg, Uma Thurman, Vince Vaughn, Kirsten Dunst, Jessica Bill Marina Alexandrova, Maxim Matveev.

The nature of the sign by the elements

Red Fire Dog

Strong character and will distinguish the Fire Dog. Versatile interests and erudition help in communication, business and love to achieve what you want. A developed imagination allows the Dog of the element of fire to successfully realize itself in creativity. If it enters a lower level environment, it degrades along with the environment. It can also rise above its nature, overcome shortcomings and surpass itself, thanks to a successful partnership and close circle. A reliable sign with the advantage of initiative.

Yellow Earth Dog

The Earth Dog is distinguished by its special sensitivity and love for humanity. Some infantilism, naivete and desire to share life to black and white can lead to difficulties in relationships with a partner and in family life. The Earth Dog is ready to give up leadership positions in the union, does not strive for leadership positions, can be considered a bourgeois, but will provide a high income for the family. Living for the sake of the family is a great option for an alliance with a more restless sign.

White Metal Dog

The best diplomat, the Metal Dog is popular in society, surrounded by friends, knows a lot about both work and entertainment. In love, she appreciates both sensuality and passion, and also strives for spiritual merging with her loved one. He attaches great importance to the sensual side of relationships, loves paradoxes, can bring any situation to the point of absurdity in order to have fun. He understands the true needs of another person well and can use it, but never for evil - the Metal Dog is too generous. She is irritable for no apparent reason, from fatigue.

Black (blue) Water Dog

Charm, charm, openness and mystery are the hallmarks of the Water Dog. She has a difficult character to understand, but she is ready to sacrifice herself, and remain not understood by her partner to the end. Natural magnetism, strong intuition, a penchant for mysticism gives the Water Dog a special charm in communication. She constantly gets into non-trivial stories, achieves success in any business due to unique character traits - sincerity, audacity and tenacity. Capable of experiencing a deep sense of affection for loved ones.

Green Wood Dog

Active, inquisitive and sociable, the Wood Dog is an indispensable companion and partner in life. You're lucky if this is your friend. The Wood Dog does not hide his feelings, if he is in love, he is generous with warm words of support and compliments. Sometimes it is used, not appreciated. But the Wood Dog easily makes sacrifices, does not have a sense of self-importance, and cares more about the welfare of others. She sometimes also seeks support and understanding.

year of birth: 1910 1922 1934 1946 1958 1970 1982 1994 2006 2018

The dog belongs to the Yin group of animals. This is the 11th sign of the Chinese zodiac. He manages from 19 to 21 hours. The season that brings good luck is autumn and the peak period is September. According to the European Zodiac corresponds to the sign of Libra. Fixed element - Metal. The colors that bring happiness and prosperity are black and dark blue. Flowers and plants that bring good luck - wild poppy, orange blossom, water lily. The most favorable countries for a Dog to live in are Luxembourg, Malta, Korea, Costa Rica, Angola, Guinea, Guiana.

As is known to all peoples, the Dog is a true friend of man. She is always loved. Often we cannot imagine our life without a Dog. They evoke undying sympathy. Unlike a cat, which is busy with itself, the Dog completely gives itself to the owner. Chinese sages believe that Dogs are born pessimists and are constantly in anxiety. They don't know why they are suffering. This is probably due to the fact that such animals are used to constantly serving, and therefore cannot understand their deep essence. For them, life is just a moment that serves as a short bridge to another world.

A dog is happy if it is born during the day. Dogs born at night will be on guard all their lives, like sentries. It is very difficult for them to relax and release their worries. Often the life of the Dog is unstable, except for childhood, when parents protect it.

Youth, as a rule, is overshadowed by unhappy love, and mature years are colored by fear of loss. Old age is full of regrets about the life lived, about unfulfilled projects. And yet there are means to make their lives happy. From childhood, they need to be forced to live in the present and enjoy every moment lived.


Outwardly, Dogs are not like other people, but they have one quality in common - they are terribly restless. They always develop vigorous activity and try to solve all urgent problems. They are always in a hurry somewhere, often suffer from insomnia and this upset their nerves. These people try to work without a break and therefore turn into real tyrants. They are always preoccupied, because they know that they are on earth temporarily. Dogs work selflessly, but, nevertheless, are always skeptical.

Dogs are born into the world already with their own philosophy. They come weighed down by unsatisfied desires and guilt. They bravely walk along their life path, looking for moments for success. To fully understand them, you need to look deeper into their subconscious. They constantly ask themselves - what is my purpose?

Dogs are not overly sociable, but cordial and entertaining when not at the table. Even the most talkative and adaptable Dogs are not able to withstand the cynical criticism inherent in a tipsy company. They always look at the world with a sober look, aware of their weaknesses. Therefore, their humor usually seems dark, and they are harsh with those who are considered careerists and upstarts.

Dogs are trusted, and rightfully so. You can always come to them with your problems, because no one better than them can penetrate into the essence of the Cause. They are able to put themselves in the place of another and will never refuse help. At the same time, they do not expect rewards - this is their inner calling. Dogs are generous and for the most part disinterested. These people are able to give everything to people, even to sacrifice themselves. All fighters for justice were born in the year of the Dog. Every untruth revolts them. They are doing everything they can to destroy it. They are loyal and noble, therefore they are often incompatible with this cruel world. Dogs rarely tolerate cruelty and refuse to live by the laws of the wolf. Therefore, they are valued and respected everywhere. But suspicion makes them check all new acquaintances. At first glance, they even seem cowardly.

Dogs can always be trusted, but their constant pessimism arouses suspicion. These restless people cannot stand surprises and impromptu, because they hold on to their past so firmly, skeptically meeting all undertakings. They rarely express their feelings, and if they do something, then only when they consider it an emergency. They are exceptionally stubborn and always know what they want. Often Dogs like to tease and are avoided due to their sharp tongue.

This sign is amazing. Sometimes it seems that they are consistently looking for flaws in everything they do. In essence, Dogs are big pessimists who do not expect anything good from life. They are always the first to criticize injustice, even in circumstances where no one else can open their mouths. Possessing a critical mind, a natural sense of humor and greatness of soul, Dogs cannot be accused of mediocrity.

Deep in their hearts, Dogs are anti-social because they don't like large crowds and hate gatherings. Emotionally, they leave the impression of cold-blooded people, but this is only an appearance. They just tend to doubt both their own feelings and the feelings of others. Despite these shortcomings, it is in the Dogs that the nobility of human nature is hidden.


It cannot be said that the Dogs are intended for financial affairs and various kinds of speculation, but they are surprisingly clever in choosing their companions and advisers. They are very generous and selfless, but not selfish enough. To succeed in business, they need to acquire some cynicism. If they possess this quality, then it is rather philosophical in nature. They cannot bankrupt their opponent and often forgive those who offended them. These people are the embodiment of honesty and loyalty to the given word. They absolutely do not know how to pretend and benefit from the misfortune of others.

If they have money, they behave wastefully and spare nothing for their neighbor. Dogs try to decorate and equip their home. But having become poor, they tend to aggravate the situation, considering themselves completely ruined, although it is very far from a debtor's prison. Just next to the Dogs there must be realist partners who are able to correctly assess the situation. Usually Dogs do not want financial responsibility.


Dogs are very hardworking. They have all the prerequisites to be successful in the service. They really believe in what they are doing, therefore they bring extraordinary benefits to humanity. If they don't have faith, they just won't budge. At such moments, they fall into melancholy. They have a natural ability to organize, but often lack independence and aggressiveness. To. to be more productive, they need to gain confidence. All their complexes are born in adolescence, because their parents are trying to impose their opinion on them. They waste a lot of time on useless studies and on acquiring a specialty that is not interesting for them. Dogs choose their own profession. Only in this case they become brilliant workers.

In their work they are obsessed, they are used to bringing everything to the end. Colleagues are treated correctly and fairly. When they are at the head of an enterprise, they know how to make their efforts appreciated. Dogs always act simply, naturally and are available in communication with everyone. They never lose credibility. Dogs are always restless, and if something does not suit them, they can spoil the atmosphere without realizing it in time. They do not pay too much attention to their career, and if they take steps in this direction, it is for the benefit of all. Very kind and generous. But be careful, because dishonesty makes them furious. Dogs always fight for justice.

They are perceptive and judge with understanding. They quickly orient themselves in the situation, details rarely escape them. True, such qualities can turn into a disadvantage - sometimes they are too fond of diving in particular. These people are suitable for the scientific profession and various kinds of research. They operate very successfully with money, but still it is better for them not to devote themselves entirely to the material sphere. Having money, they spend it with ease. Convenience and luxury are not the goal of their life, they can live without them. Even if they are rich, they live modestly. These are real philosophers - moralists, people of leftist convictions.

They make good workers, craftsmen, party functionaries, critics, teachers, priests, writers, philosophers, thinkers, moralists, judges, doctors, objective politicians, secret agents, directors of enterprises.


In love, Dogs are too straightforward and because of this they can have problems throughout their lives. But in these problems they will be guilty themselves. Dogs love fleeting adventures and lasting bonds. But they make contact only if a person inspires a sense of reliability. Of course, they can be playful, but this is just an external mask associated with the need to find a soul mate. When they find their loved one, they will breathe a sigh of relief. Dogs are very loving, gentle and sensitive. When they tie the knot, they are full of responsibility and absolutely not succumb to temptations. They can resist foreign aggression and will take all measures to preserve the family hearth. For them, there is nothing more important in life.

Despite these qualities, they are not always happy in love. They are often jealous and restless because they are not sure of the partner's feelings. Their pessimism often leads to disaster. Their solidity and high morality are the key to stability, but Dogs do not know how to suppress moodiness in themselves, they are highly dependent on the ambition and behavior of others. Dogs are incredibly emotional and intuitive, which is why they instantly feel the mood of others. This contributes to a bad mood in their soul.

Dogs need a long time to rest and relax. They look at people for a long time. Sometimes it takes a lifetime. If this fails, they become completely indifferent to their loved ones, and then all sorts of excesses are possible. They may go alone. Marriage is necessary for them, like air, in order not to fall into temptations. In their marriage, they will be faithful companions and will always help in difficult times.


In their family life, they are just perfect - exceptional family men and wonderful parents. When they have a child, they become restless. Dogs always vigilantly guard their family hearth, like faithful guards. They take their parental responsibilities very seriously, are present at all parent meetings and vigilantly monitor their offspring. They are upset by any misconduct of children. Children are their destiny and the ultimate goal of life. Dogs sometimes attach exorbitant importance to them, so they often become their victims.

Parents - Dogs quickly find a common language with Tiger children, whom they will teach caution. For Horse Children, they are able to weaken their egoism. But with children - Rats, Hares, Dogs, they will have to spoil their nerves. The snake is also able to disturb the moving Dog, and the too dreamy Sheep will not be able to find a common language with their parents - Dogs. The sensible Pig himself can teach the parents-Dogs of life. In no case should Dogs give birth to children in the year of the Ox - there will be a complete misunderstanding. Dragon children are too touchy, and Rooster parents - Dogs can cause a lot of mental trauma. The Monkey is too different from the Dog, so it can go into open conflict with its parents.


For Dogs, sex is an obsession. For them, the opposite sex exists as an object of satisfaction of passions. They do not look at the individuality and intellectual abilities of the partner. Not everyone likes this attitude. In sex, they are a little primitive, but their potency is surprisingly high. They are very cute and attractive. Everything beautiful attracts them. For saws, a partner is what increases their tone. Dogs are considered the epitome of charm, but their propensity for fickleness cannot be denied. They try to take over any attractive partner, and then direct their efforts to conquer the next object. In some cases, their promiscuity is simply amazing.

Dogs are very skilled in sex, but, most importantly, they want to be adored, and therefore they need a partner who will pay their attention only to him. Dogs don't need to be rushed, they expect perfection and can criticize mistakes that prevent them from achieving it. When they are embarrassed by something, they are indecisive, act passively and wait for someone who will help them get out of this state.

For their sexual activities, they carefully select the place and time. They love to watch the reaction of their lovers, and after that they want to know the depth of their experiences. In bed, they do not like to rush. They are a kind of fortress, which must be taken by storm.


When Dogs are twenty years old, they use all their charm and make every effort to seduce the person they like. They are characterized by extremes and it is very difficult to control themselves. But everything they do is sincere and, as a rule, their tactics work. Dogs can be trusted because they speak from the heart. Such people simply deserve respect.

At the age of thirty, they show excessive perseverance, constantly caring for their partner. Woman - Dog prefers to portray inconstancy, and this lures men into a trap.

When meeting with them, it is necessary to show a passionate temperament and give the Dogs the opportunity to gather their thoughts. They expect tact and boundless devotion from a partner. After all, they need so much care and family environment! If they like someone, they will make every effort to keep the partner. Of course, these people can change, but only if their patience has come to an end, since betrayal and deception of a partner for them is just a disaster. In the event of a break, the Dogs leave very awkwardly. Often they blame the partner and want to remain good friends with their former lovers.

If there is a need to give them a gift, then it is better to choose a souvenir, a cute little thing or an amulet. If you need to attract the attention of the Dog, it is better to immediately confess your love to her or invite her to visit an interesting person. But if there is nothing to talk about and it is time to leave, it is easiest to hint to them that they are absolute losers.


Dogs are born homebodies and therefore are very attached to the place where they were born. They love old houses, where the smell of dust is so pleasant and all corners are full of memories. Of course, in this regard, they are very conservative. They do not like to change the situation and prefer to leave everything in its place. They often watch their usual programs and endless serials smelling of mothballs. They prefer to spend their holidays in a villa or in a village house where they spent their childhood. They are very careful about their environment and are reluctant to purchase new furniture. But this does not mean at all that they have no taste.

On the contrary, Dogs are extravagant and very demanding. They love lots of air, high ceilings and big rooms. They do everything prudently and never make a mistake in choosing the color and range of the interior. When shopping, they are extremely careful, checking absolutely all product samples. They do not consider the cost if they like something. Dogs choose the most expensive fabrics, shoes and everything else. When they improve their home, they do not like to leave the house. They enjoy wandering around the house, reminiscent of a museum, and sort out their toys.


Jean Anouille, Jean-Louis Barrault, Brigitte Bardot, Peter Brooke, Kate Bush, Carl Gustav XVI, Michael Jackson, Stephen King, Golda Meyer, Liza Minnelli, Elvis Presley, Sylvester Stallone, Robert Louis, Mother Teresa, Marie François Voltaire, Socrates , Bertolt Brecht, Grigory Rasputin, Yuri Gagarin, Guy de Maupassant, Georges Bizet, Claude Debussy, George Gershwin, Nikolai Basov, Olga Berggolts, Yuri. Herman, Nikolai l Dubov, Akira Kurosawa, Sophia Loren, Tamara Milashkina, Nikolai Ozerov, Anatoly Papanov, Lyudmila Pakhomova, Patriarch Pimen, Stanislav Rostotsky, Tatyana Samoilova, Vladimir Serov, Alexander Tvardovsky, Gerhard Blucher, Aristide Briand, Rene Clair, Jacques Yves Cousteau, Dalida, Alexandre Dumas père, Benjamin Franklin, Ernest Hemingway, Victor Hugo, Madame de Lafayette, Gottfried Leibniz, Lope de Vega, Louis XVI, Alphonse Lamartine, Saint Louis, Robert Stevenson.


Dog and Dog

These types are similar in many ways, they love children, the family hearth and always defend it; They need love. Even if they try to be casual and cheeky, you don't have to believe it - that's their way of protecting themselves. In fact, they value each other very much and always miss a partner. Quarrels and misunderstandings upset such people, but, as a rule, this does not happen between them.

They have a solid financial position, beautiful children, understanding and peace reign in the family. True, their iridescent coexistence can be overshadowed by an invasion from the outside, then they become nervous and lose sleep. Fortunately, they are able to destroy all doubts and establish a pleasant microclimate in the house. Intuition will help them with this. They will make a qualitative leap forward, which will destroy all obstacles.

Dog and Rat

The Rat knows how to understand the nature of the Dog's anxiety. After all, the Dog is vigilantly accustomed to guarding its territory, which is why the mysterious Rat is somewhat afraid. In general, they endure each other, these are two modest accomplices who go out only at night and do not like to enter into conversation with the first person they meet. This union exists due to its secrecy and confidence in the future. After some acquaintance, they trust each other - after all, the Dog is very faithful, and for the Rat this is the most important thing. In case of trouble, both know how to stand up for themselves. This union is good for both love and business.

Dog and Ox

It is better if in this union the Dog is a man, and the Ox is a woman. The dog will find the desired balance, which will be given to her by a calm and respectable woman - Ox. Only in this case the Dog will sleep peacefully at night and not run around the fence in search of the enemy. In business, they also suit each other, because the Dog is an excellent administrator, and the Ox is a wonderful financier. In this duet, they will never fail. If the Woman is born in the year of the Dog, everything is different. Dogs are very vain and cannot live without entertainment, and the Ox is not able to wait forever. But. in any case, these partners appreciate each other. The Ox likes the deep mind of the Dog, and the Dog is fascinated by the poise of the Ox. Their union is happy and not without prospects.

Dog and Tiger

Both are incorrigible idealists. Therefore, there are many misunderstandings in their union. The dog always tries to get ahead, and the Tiger seeks to maintain a dominant position. But in their need to fight, they will find a common language. To do this, they need a target, which they quickly find. Together they will fight to the end, despite the obstacles, with endless enthusiasm. The Dog is smiling at the eternal activity of the Tiger. But the Dog can find arguments in time to save him from a wrong step. This union can be very happy. His only enemy is everyday life. There are difficulties here, because the Dog needs constant assurances of his affection for her, and the Tiger is not too accustomed to showing signs of attention. For a long-term union, they need to think about their own behavior, find common goals, only in this case it is possible to achieve harmony.

Dog and Hare

This union can become happy and permanent. Only these people should be helped by chance. According to classical traditions, such a union is considered impossible. But from the point of view of astrology and psychology, they have a lot in common. They love security, are both deeply decent, jealously protect their property, and are endowed with many virtues. They understand each other and can support each other in difficult times. Their life flows monotonously, without much upheaval. In the event of a misunderstanding, the Dog can overcome fear in itself and sacrifice its own ambition, because it is reasonable, it knows how to see in a partner what it lacks itself. In turn, the Hare hates trouble and will prefer to follow this determined partner.

dog and dragon

This is an unfavorable union. These signs do not have common goals, they do not understand each other. The dog is the only sign that is not delighted with the brilliance of the Dragon. The dog looks at life realistically and does not tolerate artificial brilliance. Of course, the Dog will fall in love with the Dragon, but it will only suffer from this, as it will not be able to be gentle. Deep down, she will laugh at her partner, and the Dragon, in turn, will suffer from her lack of attention. Such a person must be loved with all his shortcomings, admire him. For the Dog, this is very difficult. Involuntarily, she may underestimate him. All this leads to the emergence of new complexes, and there are already enough of them.

Dog and snake

Dogs become attached to Serpents very quickly because they are fascinated by the Serpent's wisdom and depth of mind. They do not even want to notice the shortcomings and patiently endure their careerism. Dogs idealize Snakes and try to protect them from all troubles. The snake, in turn, also admires the honesty of the Dog. Everything is going well in their union, because the Snake loves to be adored. Of course, it is not without difficulties. One partner is not enough for the snake, and she will wish to find someone on the side. True, there is one but - she can do this only if she completely paralyzes the will of the Dog; The dog will not be very upset because he likes to work quietly alone. The snake will regularly return home and keep it in its power. In this case, they can live a long life together. And even happily.

Dog and Horse

At first glance, two completely different people find in their partner those traits that they would like to see in themselves. The Dog is very skeptical, generous, and the Horse is a little selfish, trusting and adventurous. But this does not create mistrust between them. Their friendship gradually turns into a strong alliance in which they do not question the feelings of a partner. They do not try to dominate and do not criticize each other, unless the Horse first makes a mistake.

In this union, everyone lives their own life and no one interferes with each other. An idealistic Dog pays a lot of attention to his friends, so he does not have enough time to follow the actions of the Horse, and the Horse is quite happy with this. And both are happy. Horses should not suspect the Dog of infidelity. If something touches her, you should not bring the matter to a tragedy.

Dog and Sheep

The Sheep is worried about her present life, and the Dog is overcome by doubts about the future. Both are very suspicious for everyone, fidelity And the truth of the partner's feelings are very important. These different personalities are endowed with incredible pessimism, but in different aspects. Frankly, we can say that these people are not suitable for each other. They will only kindle doubts about their partner and spoil their nerves. The Dog is too big a realist to understand the Sheep's fantasies. The dog is serious and very responsible. These people don't get jokes. The light irony of the Sheep offends the Dog.

This union can survive without even realizing it. As a rule, the Rooster is critical at those moments when the Dog starts to get nervous, but at the same time tries not to offend his toothy partner. The dog, on the other hand, does not at all tolerate the bragging and carelessness of the Rooster, she spends a lot of time raising him. But no matter how hard the Dog tries, she still will not be able to remake her original partner. Their relationship can turn into the Battle of Borodino. As a result, both will suffer, because they are too sensitive. But if in their mutual life they behave more restrained, then their union can last a very long time.

Dog and Boar

Between these people immediately there is a complete mutual understanding. Both benefit from this union. The Boar will be able to teach the Dog his carelessness and reward her with the optimism that she so lacks. Both are generous and honest, able to sympathize and respect each other. They know how to maintain a good microclimate in the family and constantly strengthen their union. They know what true love and a good life is, the rest is unimportant.

A peaceful Dog will be happy and calm. She is interested in listening to the Boar and listening to his useful advice. She is absolutely not embarrassed by the awkwardness and slowness of the Boar, although sometimes the Dog shows excessive suspicion. But at the right moments, she boldly rushes to the defense of her beloved. True, sometimes the Pig is annoyed by the excessive care of a restless girlfriend. But with the Boar, the Dog will not be lonely and she will finally be able to relax.

The dog is usually associated with devotion, loyalty, protection and protection. So people born in the year of the Dog have characteristics that are in many ways similar to the character of their patron. Among the Eastern peoples, this animal is endowed with a special power capable of expelling evil spirits. So they treat the year of the Dog with special reverence.

Dates and elements

According to the Chinese horoscope The dog is the eleventh sign of the 12 year eastern cycle.

For the eastern calendar, not only the year of birth is important, but also the element related to a particular year. There are 5 elements in total. Each designates a specific color: Wood is green, Water is blue or black, Metal is white, Earth is ocher or yellow, and Fire is red. Years of the Dog refer to active even years, which are called yang.

1958 was the year of the Earth Dog, 1970 was the Metal, 1982 was the Water, 1994 was the Wood, 2006 was the Fire, the last year of the Dog was in 2018, it started the cycle anew and was the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. 2030 will be the year of the White Metal Dog.

Features of character and behavior

People born in yang years are usually of average height, they may have problems with excess weight, but they are distinguished by good health. In communication they sociable, easily find topics for conversation even with unfamiliar people, very hospitable. They are quick-tempered, emotionally unstable, very impressionable, take everything to heart. Empathizing with others, they themselves are somewhat distrustful, rarely share personal secrets, as they worry about their status in society, not wanting to be worse than others.

The characteristic of their business qualities is distinguished by a rationalistic approach to the choice of activity: material values ​​are very important for them.


They have an extravagant spectacular appearance, give the impression of self-sufficient women. However, this is not always true. Possessing a masculine mindset, logic of thinking, perseverance, in fact, these are not self-confident women.


Men Dogs - good husbands, loving fathers, ready to do everything possible for the sake of family well-being. By nature, they are somewhat melancholic and gloomy. Having low self-esteem they rarely believe in the possibility of career growth and do not put any effort into it. As a result, they do not fully reveal their potential.


A child born in the year of the Dog is unpretentious. He does not require increased attention, beautiful outfits and new toys. The most important thing for him is the love and warmth of his relatives. Such children are very caring towards their parents.

Depending on the sign of the zodiac, the nature of babies born in the year of the Dog can vary significantly.

  • Aries children Those born in the year of the Dog are truth-seekers, they are trying in every possible way to achieve justice.
  • Taurus Parents you should carefully study the circle of communication of children, since their excessive gullibility can harm them.
  • Gemini-Dogs they love to walk on the street, while they want to feel free from parental control there. Therefore, they must be closely monitored so that they do not get into trouble.
  • small crayfish caution and suspicion should be taught, as they are made vulnerable by excessive vulnerability and truthfulness, the desire to stand up for others.
  • lions they love to be in the spotlight, and if they don’t get it, then children’s tears cannot be avoided.
  • Virgin- the most cautious and prudent sign of the zodiac. But for Virgos born in the year of the Dog, this is not enough to avoid getting into adventurous situations.
  • Libra-Dogs in dire need of parental support in the process of character formation. It is especially important to pay attention to the education in them of confidence in their actions.
  • Scorpio babies not childishly severely condemn the world around them, considering it hostile. Parents of such Dogs should use the example of their good deeds to dissuade children from the anger of other people.
  • Proper upbringing of Sagittarius is the ability to direct the indefatigable energy of the child in the right direction.
  • Capricorn- excellent assistants to mothers, they love to carry out assignments and do it very responsibly and efficiently. The more tasks are entrusted to the little Capricorn, the more confident his growing up will be.
  • Intellectual abilities of Aquarius parents will be pleasantly surprised. They are not childishly correct in their reasoning, so very often older guys become their friends.
  • Parents of Pisces-Dogs it is worth helping them to establish friendly relations, as they do not accept to remain in the background. Only equality in friendship can be accepted painlessly by such a child.

Boys born in the year of the Dog are characterized by increased curiosity. They start talking, standing and walking early. They have excellent potential to achieve success in sports.

Girls have a good memory and a vivid imagination. They, like boys, develop much faster than their peers. They are easily fascinated by art, music or dance. They do not like hot-tempered, capricious children, therefore as friends they choose complaisant and kind guys.

Positive traits

Characteristics of people born in the year of the Dog have predominantly positive traits. The most important feature of their character is fidelity, which is inherent in them both in friendship and in love. Even the external playfulness and coquetry of women does not go beyond light flirting with those who are not of great importance to them.

Those born in the year of the Dog are very responsible people. This manifests itself in careers and friendships. Dissatisfaction with their own knowledge becomes the basis for them to comprehend new things, which allows them to get a good education.

Innate sociability makes them the soul of companies and allows you to build relationships at work.

Their attitude towards their parents and members of their family is commendable.

Negative Traits

The most important negative feature of this sign is pessimism. Dog people do not believe in their happiness, they see a dirty trick and disappointment in everything. Digging into themselves and other people in search of problems is a common state of people of this sign.

Excessive touchiness spoils the life of both themselves and others. All information is passed through them through themselves. Offended, Dogs become aloof and cold, emotionally withdrawing into their world.

Showing increased concern for others, quite often, such people interfere in other people's affairs, thereby exacerbating their problems. Exercising excessive vigilance in the pursuit of foreseeing absolutely everything, they often miss the really important. Most often this manifests itself in family relationships. For example, in pursuit of a child's gold medal, parents do not pay attention to his inner world and hobbies.

People born in the year of the Dog do not value relationships and easily delete from their lives those who, in their opinion, become a traitor, very quickly finding a replacement for them.

Description of the astrological signs of the zodiac

The astrological signs of the zodiac also impose a certain influence on those born in the year of the Dog.

Aries man is wise and self-confident. With it you can feel like behind a stone wall. Only excessive distrust and caution can become the reasons that destroyed relations with him.

Aries womancareerist, she is soft and gentle. Appreciates the beautiful, can connect life with art. In his personal life, he constantly listens to his inner voice, which is sometimes mistaken.

Taurus man is an active person, who knows how to control his time not to the detriment of himself, providing an opportunity for exciting leisure. Such a sign is capable of compromise solutions for establishing family relationships.

For a Taurus woman, the main thing in life is serving her beloved and loved ones. Her career doesn't really matter to her.

This is an ideal wife, quiet, gentle, not contradicting her husband.

Gemini man is a careerist who chooses honest ways to achieve their goals. This is a workaholic, ready to do several things at once. Having found his only love, he becomes an exemplary family man.

Gemini Woman she is very correct in everything, she has everything laid out on the shelves both in her career and in her family. She clearly understands what she needs from life.

Cancer man strives for material wealth and is ready to do a lot for this. Digging into his own emotions sometimes makes him blind to the feelings of loved ones.

Brightness and creativity Cancer women attracts the attention of others. This is a born leader, she can achieve certain career heights. In order to melt the heart of such a woman, the partner needs to do something extraordinary.

Leo Man decent, honest, devoted to loved ones, always ready to help. Ideal for creating a family.

communication, responsiveness Leo women makes it the epicenter of numerous friendly companies. Family well-being, peace of mind - this is what such a wife appreciates.

Virgo man can be called a peacemaker for his ability to smooth out conflict relations. In relations with the opposite sex, he lacks decisiveness. In case of refusal, he can withdraw into himself for a long time, without making attempts to create new relationships.

Virgo woman distinguished by logical judgments, communication skills. She hates dishonesty and impudence. In relationships with men, it is not immediately revealed, being careful and not wanting to make the wrong choice.

Surrounded by many friends Libra man active and determined. Inspired, he is ready for productive activity. In relationships with women, much depends on the beloved, as he can be both a jealous tyrant and a faithful loving spouse.

Capriciousness and frivolity Libra women unpredictable. As a rule, they lead an active lifestyle, unforgiving, cheerful.

irascible, suspicious Scorpio man difficult to communicate. His relationship with women is also not easy, with whom he tries to unquestioningly manipulate.

A life scorpio women full of problems that are created by itself from scratch. This is facilitated by her excessive incredulity and suspicion. In relationships with men, the initially passionate and emotional partner quickly cools off, which makes her female happiness problematic.

Become a friend and wife Sagittarius men- a real pleasure, because he is simple, cheerful, easily copes with all problems. His determination and perseverance help to solve all problems.

Such a spouse prefers quiet gatherings with his family to noisy companies of friends.

Sagittarius woman- an activist, social activist, a good friend and a reliable companion in life. Constantly feeding the attention of a partner, she knows how to be mysterious and unique.

ambition Capricorn men reaches the desired heights. This is facilitated by increased demands on himself and the people around him. In the eyes of many women, prudent and dry, he has been looking for his soul mate for a long time, and when he finds it, he becomes an exemplary family man.

Capricorn woman truthful and responsible. A thin and vulnerable personality is hidden behind a mask of composure. Being on good terms with colleagues, she still does not make friends at work. In building relationships, she is hindered by a lack of a sense of humor. At the same time, she is always ready to help and achieves her goals in achieving her goals.

Aquarius man distinguish justice, honesty and exactingness. He reacts very painfully to criticism, does not forgive betrayal. A supporter of change, the monotony depresses him. Ready to create a serious relationship, showing romantic and tender feelings for his beloved.

Brightness and cheerfulness Aquarius women attract the attention of men. However, it is not easy to catch her in marriage networks, as she prefers freedom. The choice of a profession for her is important from the point of view of moral satisfaction.

Pisces Man combines decisiveness in communicating with friends and shyness in relation to women. This is a reliable friend and monogamous. Good nature and feminine softness are characteristic of Pisces women. They are not interested in career growth, they are content with little.

In marital relations, they are ready to completely trust their husband and give all of themselves to their family.

Work and career

The innate responsibility of people born in the year of the Dog is also manifested in work, which allows them to achieve career growth. It is not uncommon for such people to be at the head of enterprises and large corporations. This is also facilitated by the ability to build relationships with different people.

The desire to increase the intellectual level helps some to achieve heights in science. Ease of climbing, kindness, desire to help others make them desirable in any job and in any team. The main thing for them is to be useful, so they put their whole soul into any business..

Love and relationships

Relationships of Dogs with a partner are built on mutual trust. They try in every possible way to preserve family values, but when disappointed in a partner, they very quickly find a replacement for him, while experiencing separation from a previously loved one for a very short time.

They have the best compatibility for living together and love with the Rabbit (Cat), less successful with the Dragon, Goat and Rooster.

To build relationships with other signs, Dogs should perform certain actions.


Harmony between Dog and Rat is built on an intuitive level, as they easily understand each other. In such a marriage, respectful and trusting relationships are built. Sexually, the Dog shows the most tender feelings. Such an alliance can be ideal if the Rat is not categorical in everyday matters, but consults with the spouse and listens to his suggestions. Various surprises are favorable in everyday life, which do not allow you to feel constant predictability, which can cause the breakdown of these relationships.

Between Bull and Dog very often there is mutual sympathy. Both signs are conservative in matters of family life and this brings them together. In these relationships there is no place for romance, passion and violent emotions. They are adherents of calmness and comfort. In bed, they understand and fulfill the desires of a partner. Such an alliance is favorable and practically excludes the possibility of betrayal. The disadvantages in this relationship include jealousy and frequent quarrels on this basis.

The Tiger and the Dog are drawn to each other at the subconscious level. Their outlook on life is very similar.

Their romance can start very rapidly, beautifully and end just as abruptly. A happy marriage is possible only in the case of a compromise relationship. Short-term relationships promise sensual sex, and during family life, passion may fade.

A harmonious union is prophesied by the stars Rabbit and Dog. Such an acquaintance will reveal all the best in the Dog. The sensitivity of the Rabbit easily calms the restless partner, who is always ready to help in gratitude. In bed, they will be united by tenderness and care towards each other. The family union will only become stronger over the years. There may be disagreements on the basis of jealousy and in the struggle for leadership.

Pretty complicated relationship Dogs with dragon. The straightness of the Dog is not to the liking of the Dragon. Contradictions in views, coldness of feelings, misunderstanding are the main negative characteristics of such relationships. Married couples quite often break up or are saved only for the sake of common affairs and children. At the same time, both signs are passionate in bed and, with a great desire, can learn to understand each other.

Love at first sight can break out between Snake and Dog. The dog in such a relationship suddenly becomes romantic. The atmosphere of romance persists until living together, at which the pink light fades and the shortcomings of partners begin to appear. The initially vibrant sexual relationship begins to fade. Selfishness, loud quarrels, constant competition can destroy such an alliance. A marriage is more likely in which the Dog will be a woman.

The union of the Dog woman and the Horse man is peculiar. Such a woman is ideal for this partner, holding back his irrepressible energy. Their marriage can be harmonious, and the house will be a full bowl, where the husband is the earner, and the wife is the keeper of the family hearth. Complete mutual understanding reigns in the family, life is full of emotions, travels that both partners like.

With the reverse union, where the Dog is a man, the situation is not so successful. A man needs to learn to give in.

Poor compatibility with Goats and Dogs. The pessimistic Dog is not a match for the artistic Goat. Their characters are completely different, they hardly understand each other.

The lack of harmony in bed will very soon negatively affect the relationship of this couple. Household issues fall on the shoulders of the Dog, while the Goat is in the clouds. Such a relationship is possible only with the sincere love of the Dog man, who is ready to forgive all the whims of the Goat.

Monkey and Dog are completely incompatible. Love between them can develop based on the attraction of polar opposites. Marriage is possible only thanks to the tolerance and devotion of the Dog, but even this may not be enough for the Monkey, and it will quickly cool off. In sexual terms, they also do not have mutual understanding.

Unfortunate combination Rooster and Dog, since the truthfulness of the Dog is not to the liking of the boastful Rooster. In marriage, the “cock” dictate will be unpleasant for the partner. There will be no consistency in bed.

Only the blind boundless love of the Dog man, who is ready to obey his wife in everything, will save such a marriage.

Quiet harmony is prophesied by the stars union of two dogs. A common outlook on life, consistency in relationships, loyalty to each other can become the foundation of a strong family. Quarrels are possible only in financial matters.

Successful union Dogs and Boar. Mutual sympathy arises between signs based on similar characters. Smooth, calm relationships in everyday life and sexually guarantee a good family.

Knowledge of the characteristics of characters in accordance with the zodiac horoscope should not cause discord in relationships, it, on the contrary, helps to find a shorter path to mutual understanding, which is the key to a happy life.

For information about the character traits of people born in the year of the Dog, see the following video.
