How bad is ice cream. Benefits of ice cream - a favorite treat in summer and winter

A delicacy that has been familiar to all of us since childhood, today causes serious controversy among nutritionists. We are talking about ice cream and about the benefits and harms of this dairy product for us.

Myths about ice cream and their refutationMyth one: ice cream causes a sore throat

Many of you have come across the opinion that ice cream will certainly hurt your throat if you eat it in very hot weather. Many parents even forbid their children from eating it for safety reasons. It is believed that cold sweetness provokes a sore throat and other types of colds, especially in the summer.

But this is nothing more than a myth. In fact, ice cream cannot provoke either a sore throat or a cold if it is not eaten in large pieces. Moreover, with regular use, the walls of the throat harden.

Myth #2: Ice cream is bad for kids

Any child's favorite sweet treat is ice cream. And is it not from the excessive predilection of children for him that this myth appeared? Parents should know that ice cream contains substances useful for the body and, if consumed in moderation, it will only benefit, not harm the health of the child.

What substances in ice cream are especially useful for your fidget? Let's take a look at them!

  1. The amino acid tryptophan promotes the production of the hormone serotonin, which is also called the "hormone of happiness."
  2. Ice cream, made on the basis of natural milk, contains enzymes and vitamins useful for children, which help strengthen the bones of a growing man, as well as increase the body's defenses.
  3. Minerals (mostly found in fruit and berry varieties) also have a beneficial effect on the body.

Myth #3: Ice cream makes you fat

Of course, this product can hardly be called dietary. But with moderate consumption, gaining extra pounds will also be problematic.

If you consider yourself to be a supporter of any diet programs, then you are probably counting kilocalories. Just look at the packaging of any kind of ice cream to make sure that it does not have too many calories. And given that you are unlikely to consume this delicacy in liters a day, you can forget about these fears.

Having destroyed the stereotypes imposed on us for years, it's time to move on. Let's look at what the true benefits of ice cream are.

Useful properties of ice cream

The product has a noticeable effect on the development of the human body's own immunity from colds.

Ice cream is a source of the “hormone of happiness”. Have you ever noticed that lovers of cold sweets are extremely smiling and cheerful people?

Few people know, but it is this delicacy that helps women get pregnant. This fact has been scientifically proven by the Harvard School of Public Health. Scientists conducted an experiment and found that women who did not neglect a tasty and nutritious dessert became pregnant more often by 25% than those who preferred to abstain from it. Studies have shown that ice cream is rich in ovulation-healthy fats.

Useful properties include the fact that varieties created from natural products (milk and butter) calm the nerves, help relieve fatigue and relax.

Suffering from insomnia? Do not rush to the doctor for a prescription for pills from her. Try relying on your favorite treat!

But if the benefits are so great, why is there so much controversy around this food product? In fact, there are also disadvantages, and the harm of ice cream should also be identified.

To whom and why can ice cream be harmful?

Despite all the beneficial properties, this dairy product can be harmful to people who suffer from the following diseases:

  • obesity;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • gastritis;
  • frequent headaches.

With these ailments, it is better to refrain from this sweet dessert or use it in rare cases.

How to choose delicious, and most importantly - healthy ice cream

It is worth avoiding the product in the store, which is slightly melted, wrinkled or completely melted. There is a high risk of poisoning with such a product, because E. coli may be present in it. Spoiled goods, as a rule, do not bring significant harm to health, but diarrhea will be guaranteed.

When choosing creamy ice cream, you need to pay attention to its color. If it is similar to a sheet of plain paper, then you should refuse to buy. Most likely, such a product was not made from milk, but from soy concentrate.

Manufacturers often resort to various tricks, but according to today's standards, they do not have the right to keep silent about the names of the additives that make up their products. Therefore, do not neglect the information indicated on the package.

You should know that cocoa in chocolate ice cream should be at least 2.5%. If a delicious briquette is additionally covered with chocolate icing - at least 6%.

If in the process of eating the glaze falls off the briquette, and ice crunches on your teeth, then you can safely file a complaint with the store - the ice cream you bought turned out to be of poor quality.

Ice cream is a delicacy that both adults and children love. It's so nice to pamper yourself with a glass of ice cream or a popsicle bar in the heat! But, despite the great taste of this cold dessert, its use does not always favorably affect the health of the sweet tooth. Below are answers to a number of questions. How to choose quality ice cream? What are the harm and benefits of this delicacy? What elements are included in its composition?

The history of ice cream

For the first time people tried ice cream about five thousand years ago. In ancient times, on the tables of wealthy Chinese people, this cold dessert was present in the form of a mixture of fruit juice and ice or snow. Moreover, the recipes for preparing delicacies were kept in the strictest confidence. However, the famous traveler Marco Polo managed to scout them. So Italy, and a little later, the whole of Europe, learned about the existence of ice cream. The Slavs have long been preparing such a delicacy as follows: in the cold season, a mixture consisting of honey, raisins, cottage cheese and sour cream was exposed to the street until freezing. Adults and children pampered themselves with this treat during Maslenitsa. Today, one of the most common treats in the world is ice cream. The harm and benefits of this cold dessert will be described below.

Types of ice cream

Depending on the amount of milk fat content, ice cream is divided into the following types:

1) Ice cream. The most high-calorie ice cream of all available types. Contains 11-15 percent milk fat.

2) Creamy. Prepared with cream. Its fat content is 8-10 percent.

3) Dairy. Produced on a milk basis and includes 3.5 percent animal fat.

4) Fruit and berry. It is made on a fruit-and-berry basis and contains 1 percent of milk fat.

5) Aromatic. It is prepared on the basis of sugar syrup, to which food aromatic essences and oils (strawberry, lemon, etc.) are added. Milk fat in it is completely absent or replaced by vegetable fat.

One of the novelties is a cold treat containing cottage cheese. It is a regular creamy ice cream. At the stage of churning, soft cottage cheese is added to the mass. This allows you to reduce calories and increase protein content. At the same time, the taste of the dessert remains almost unchanged.

Another modern version of a cold dessert is a yogurt treat. The benefits or harms of ice cream prepared using a fermented milk component are obvious. This delicacy has a low fat content - about 3.5 percent. With this ice cream, live yoghurt cultures enter the human body, which positively affects the health of the sweet tooth and does no harm.

Ice cream composition

It's no secret that modern ice cream sold in supermarkets is made using machines in factories. And unfortunately, in our time, in the composition of the delicacy, one can often find a variety of food additives, dyes and chemical elements. Therefore, the question arises of how significant the benefits and harms of ice cream are for children and adults. It is known that excessive consumption of a cold dessert with a high content of undesirable components can harm the body of a sweet tooth.

The main ingredients of ice cream:

  • milk - at least 10%;
  • dry milk residues (proteins, lactose) - 12%;
  • sugar or syrup from glucose and sucrose - 12-16%;
  • emulsions, stabilizers - 0.2-0.5%;
  • water - 55-64%.

By mixing the above components and air, ice cream is obtained.

The benefits of ice cream

Ice cream contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes necessary for proper metabolism. Thanks to this, a cold dessert improves immunity, improves eyesight, and normalizes blood pressure. The milk components in this delicacy are homogenized, that is, the size of the fat globules is very small. This contributes to the good digestibility of ice cream. It quickly bypasses the intestinal tract, so people who have a stomach ulcer can safely use it.

What are the benefits and harms of ice cream for women? The answer is obvious, because this delicacy contains easily digestible calcium. An acute deficiency of this mineral is observed in pregnant women. Therefore, they are encouraged to consume ice cream. The main thing at the same time is to responsibly approach the choice of goodies, giving preference to a product made from natural ingredients. There is also an opinion that ice cream has a positive effect on women who are difficult to tolerate PMS.

In addition, the calcium contained in the treat helps maintain healthy teeth and bones, improves blood clotting, reduces the risk of heart disease and prevents kidney stones.

This dessert helps lower blood pressure, so hypertensive patients are advised to eat ice cream.

What are the benefits and harms of ice cream for the liver? If you are interested in such a question, you should know that the dessert contains vitamin B13. It helps to recover liver cells and normalizes its functions.

Ice cream harm

Basically, the harmful effects of ice cream on the body are manifested only with excessive consumption of this dessert.

In some cases, eating treats can cause a headache. This is due to the rapid decrease in body temperature, as a result of which blood flow in the brain worsens.

Eating ice cream containing various emulsifiers, stabilizers, colors and flavors can harm the kidneys and liver and cause allergies.

What are the benefits and harms of ice cream ice cream? The positive properties of this product are described above, but its negative impact is possible due to its high fat content. Ice cream, like ice cream, should not be consumed by people who have high cholesterol levels. But it is quite possible to replace it with a cold dessert on a milk or fruit and berry basis.

Ice cream and fear of being overweight

People who carefully count calories should not be afraid of such a product as ice cream.

What are the harm and benefits of such a dessert for those who want to lose weight? To answer this question, we need to recall the experiment of European doctors, who suggested that overweight people include a serving of ice cream in their daily diet. At the end of the experiment, it turned out that those who ate a cold dessert while losing weight lost weight faster and more efficiently.

The main thing in this case is to use ice cream in moderation.

Medical ice cream

The harm and benefits of this dessert have not yet been fully studied, but scientists have developed such a type of treat as therapeutic ice cream that helps to lose weight. It is made on the basis of skimmed milk with the addition of a special component - inulin. The taste of such a delicacy is practically no different from ordinary ice cream.

There are also several types of cold dessert with therapeutic and prophylactic properties:

  • With lactulose. This component contributes to the creation of favorable microflora in the intestines, which increases the body's immunity. Such ice cream is recommended for use by children, workers of chemical enterprises, patients who have been treated with antibiotics, and the elderly.
  • With calcium, magnesium and vitamin A. This ice cream has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.
  • with acidophilus. This cold dessert improves the digestive tract.
  • With beta carotene. Such a delicacy has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and eyesight.

Ice cream for diabetics

Created a special ice cream for people with diabetes. However, it contains sugar substitutes that adversely affect health. Therefore, the best choice for diabetics is a fructose treat. Frozen fruit juice is recommended for patients with hypoglycemia. Is it possible to use classic ice cream? The harm and benefits of this product for people with diabetes are as follows. A rapid increase in blood glucose is dangerous for the health of such patients. But if you choose ice cream or creamy ice cream, then the fats present in them will slow down this process. That is, the use of this delicacy is possible, but care must be taken.

How to choose ice cream?

You should choose ice cream from manufacturers who have proven themselves in the market on the positive side.

The ingredients from which ice cream is made should be as natural as possible. Sometimes unscrupulous manufacturers replace milk fat with unacceptable analogues. So, there is ice cream with vegetable fat. Harm and benefit - what is more in this product? The answer to the question is that the nutritional value of such a dessert would be highly questionable. In addition, such a replacement does not have the best effect on the final taste of the product. It is better to refuse such ice cream.

GOST must be indicated on the packaging. This will be evidence that milk was used in the manufacture of the dessert.

Eating ice cream has many more positives than negatives. In addition to taste pleasure, this delicacy gives the body many useful substances: vitamins, minerals, amino acids. In addition, when eating a cold dessert, serotonin is produced - the so-called happiness hormone, which improves mood and helps to cope with stress and depression. The main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of treats eaten.

Ice cream sells out quickly in the summer. It is enjoyed by adults and children to cool off on hot days. Many housewives prepare the product at home using natural ingredients. Shop products, in turn, are made with the addition of palm oil and flavors. The wide demand for ice cream encourages people to look for information that affects its useful and harmful qualities.

Composition and features of ice cream

Before starting to study the benefits and harms, it is necessary to objectively evaluate the list of ingredients that make up the basis of ice cream. In most cases, people buy treats in stores, so we will consider the composition of factory products.

The basis is milk, the fat content of which does not fall below the 10% mark. Unscrupulous manufacturers stuff their products with powdered milk, so the benefits are minimized.

Also, palm oil is often taken as the basis, which is not indicated in the composition on the package. It doesn't add value to the ice cream. Palm oil is considered the cheapest raw material and prolongs the shelf life of the product. For producers, the benefit is obvious, while consumers remain in the red.

In addition, palm oil is addictive, thanks to such qualities, the buyer acquires a delicacy again and again for himself and his children. However, organic acids accumulate in the oil, which eliminate cholesterol from the cavity of the blood channels and prevent thrombosis.

On the other hand, such a product also has negative characteristics. Palm tree oil belongs to the category of carcinogens, which practically do not leave the cavity of internal organs, poisoning human health.

In addition, the composition of ice cream includes saccharides, including various syrups. The product is rich in dry milk residues in the form of proteins and lactose. About 1% is allocated to stabilizers and flavor enhancers, emulsions. Ice cream also contains water, which evaporates quickly.

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Varieties of ice cream

If you look closely at the composition of the treat, you will notice that the product has practically no benefit. However, this aspect does not fully characterize the delicacy; the type of ice cream also matters.

To date, the following varieties of dessert are distinguished:

  1. Creamy ice cream with a fat content of about 10% and a sugar content in the range of 14-16%.
  2. Ice cream ice cream, which is one of the most high-calorie treats. It accumulates at least 16% fat, but the product has a lower sugar content.
  3. Fruit and berry ice cream is considered the most low-fat, but this feature is compensated by the accumulation of sugar. Its more than 30%.
  4. Another type of ice cream is dairy, containing about 5% fatty acids and 15% saccharides.

The benefits of ice cream

  1. In addition to taste, ice cream perfectly quenches thirst in the summer heat. Also, the treat improves mood, increases mental activity and gives peace.
  2. People who care about their health need to choose a treat with a minimum inclusion of sugar and fatty acids. Such a product will have a low or moderate calorie content within 250 Kcal. per serving of 100 gr.
  3. It is useful to use ice cream for the representatives of the weak half of humanity during the menstrual cycle. The treat will make up for the lack of iron and raise hemoglobin. Against this background, painful cramps in the abdomen will decrease and dizziness will go away.
  4. If we talk about natural milk, which is found in dessert, this component is responsible for the health of bone tissue and teeth. Ice cream, close to healthy, has calcium in its composition. It is needed for the proper functioning of the kidneys.
  5. The greatest value of a cold summer treat lies in its ability to accelerate the production of the hormone of joy - serotonin. Even after one serving of ice cream, a person experiences a surge of strength and a lift in mood.

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Ice cream harm

  1. Everyone's favorite delicacy, in addition to benefits, can cause significant harm. In this case, a similar phenomenon occurs due to poor-quality composition. Currently, ice cream manufacturers are less and less using natural ingredients.
  2. As part of the delicacy, you can find various chemical additives. They are not good for health. The high sugar content in cold treats is harmful to humans. Abuse of the product is fraught with the development of diabetes and obesity.
  3. In addition, overeating ice cream provokes an increase in blood pressure. In the case of a child's body, the child's nervous system is overexcited. The baby becomes overly active and deconcentrated.
  4. Store-bought ice cream, instead of healthy vegetable fats, is replaced with palm oil. Such a component does more harm than good. The calorie content in such ice cream is much higher than in natural. Therefore, you should be careful, you can quickly gain excess weight.
  5. To reduce the harm that unnatural fats bring, it is important to follow the correct technology for obtaining such a composition. Unfortunately, few manufacturers adhere to the principles. In other cases, a lot of harmful chemical additives are added to the delicacy.
  6. In this case, in order to minimize the harm of harmful fats to the body, you can choose a product with a minimum content of these substances. The composition of ice cream should not include a large number of various impurities, emulsifiers and flavors. The naturalness of the product is completely lost.
  7. Do not expect benefits from the chemical composition. In some cases, unscrupulous enterprises include ingredients that are hazardous to health in ice cream. After a certain time, a person begins to develop pathological diseases.
  8. Try to avoid treats that include additives with an "E" index. Such enzymes apply to other products as well. Otherwise, regular eating of raw materials will lead to the development of serious ailments. Refrain from purchasing such products, despite their unique taste and aroma.
  9. The high calorie content of a dairy treat is not reflected in the best way on the figure, do not even abuse the natural composition. It is worth attaching importance to the fact that ice cream can be dangerous specifically for the female body. In most cases, the delicacy contains vegetable fats, which cause infertility.
  10. Do not lean on ice cream with various flavors. As a rule, such a delicacy does not contain natural ingredients. Therefore, apart from harm to the body, do not expect anything good. Give preference to classic ice cream on a stick made from natural juice. Such a delicacy is practically harmless.
  11. Some people have a headache after eating ice cream. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that a cold product does not affect the cardiovascular system in the best way. The composition greatly narrows the blood vessels, because of this, the blood begins to circulate poorly throughout the body.
  12. Studies have shown that the eaten delicacy is practically not absorbed by the body. Therefore, ice cream belongs to the category of heavy products. The splitting of the composition occurs only after its complete warming in the stomach. In order not to meet with complications, a delicacy is allowed to be consumed no more than 3 times a week.

Ice cream contraindications

  1. It is not recommended to eat ice cream with various flavors in diabetes. In limited quantities, the product is allowed if it is completely natural.
  2. Limit your intake if you are prone to rapid weight gain. It is also worth refraining from treats with a recent cold.
  3. Ice cream is completely contraindicated for ulcers, lactose intolerance, urolithiasis, chronic gastritis and high cholesterol.

Ice cream is a kind of product from which you should not expect much benefit. If you do not want to harm the body, learn how to cook a treat yourself exclusively from natural products. Store composition should be consumed immediately after opening the package.

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Video: about the benefits and harms of ice cream

Cold, sweet, delicious treat, wonderfully refreshing in the heat - ice cream is loved by many. But, like any product, it can bring both benefits and harm to health. Nevertheless, adults and children love it, they love everything: soft and hard, with pieces of fruit, creamy, chocolate, in waffle cups, on a stick, in bowls, with additives and toppings. This most popular dessert has an interesting history, it was described in prose and poetry, confectioners create masterpieces of culinary art on its basis. Many people associate ice cream with a holiday and a special joy.

The history of ice cream

The history of ice cream has about 4 thousand years. The Roman emperor Nero first ordered to mix pieces of ice with fruit and approved the delicacy. Around the same time, at the court of the Chinese king Tanggu, cooks prepared a mixture of dairy products with ice. Alexander the Great kept fast-footed runners with him to make ice cream. They had time to bring snow from the mountains before it melted.

It is believed that Marco Polo brought ice cream to Europe from China for the first time. The recipe for its preparation was at first secret and expensive, only noble nobles and royal families could afford it. Trendsetter France first tasted ice cream in cafes in the 18th century, and in the 19th century it began to be mass-produced in America.

In Russia, because of the long winters, planed frozen milk or cottage cheese with raisins and sour cream could be enjoyed for several months in a row. Who first invented this dish in the Russian village, history is silent. Among the Eskimos beyond the Arctic Circle, local akutak ice cream was served in the form of frozen berries with meat and lard.

Composition of modern dessert

Ice cream - a product based on milk, cream with sugar, additives or frozen juice. At home, it is prepared in a special device - an ice cream maker. In the food industry, freezers are used to prepare treats, with a capacity of up to 15 kg per hour. In fact, these are special freezer mixers in which the ice cream mixture is mixed and whipped while freezing.

Ice cream made from natural milk, depending on the amount of milk fat, is:

  • dairy - up to 3.5%;
  • creamy - up to 10%;
  • ice cream - up to 20%.

Ice cream is considered the most high-calorie, but also the most delicious. In addition to milk, cream, butter, sugar, ice cream can be added:

  • cocoa;
  • chocolate or chocolate chips;
  • natural fruits, berries;
  • coffee;
  • condensed milk;
  • caramel;
  • jam or jam;
  • chicken eggs;
  • food colorings;
  • emulsifiers, homogenizers;
  • sugar substitute;
  • food additives for color and taste;
  • preservatives for long-term storage.

In Soviet times, ice cream was mostly natural, made according to classic recipes. Now the technology has undergone changes, to reduce the cost of the product, a larger number of substitutes and additives are used, which does not always have a good effect on its taste and benefits.

The consistency of ice cream is hardened, or hard and soft. Soft ice cream is served in cafes, sold by weight, hard ice cream - in various types of packing and packaging.

Famous confectioners create exclusive ice cream with exotic additives, original shape and design. There is ice cream - cakes, pastries, sorbet, frozen ice, figured. They produce ice cream for diabetics with a sugar substitute, ice cream with a therapeutic effect was invented.


Ice cream is a dessert that is easily digested by the human body. Natural ice cream contains vitamins and minerals necessary for health. Calcium, which is part of dairy products, from which your favorite treat is prepared, is an indispensable building material that strengthens teeth, nails, hair, and bones. The combination of calcium and milk fat in ice cream contributes to the good absorption of the former, which is very important for children, pregnant women, women and men of any age.

Natural ice cream, made in accordance with GOST, from high-quality ingredients improves immunity, improves metabolism, and lowers blood pressure. Fruit ice cream, frozen ice provides the body with all the vitamins that are part of fruits and berries.

Ice cream is a good harmless antidepressant. It is tasty, pleasant, refined, promotes the production of serotonin, the hormone of joy. It improves mood, drives away gloomy thoughts, adjusts to a positive perception of the environment.

Doctors agree that a cold dessert strengthens the local immunity of the throat and larynx, has a beneficial effect on the liver, thanks to the vitamin B13 that is part of it.

Recently, a special therapeutic ice cream has appeared. It may contain:

  • carotene - to improve vision and skin condition;
  • lactulose - to normalize bowel function, increase immunity;
  • acidophilus - for good functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • potassium, magnesium - improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

The benefits and pleasures of ice cream are undeniable. But it also has some negative properties.


It is believed that ice cream can cause the main harm to the body if you eat it in large quantities. Thus, it is easy to earn inflammation of the nasopharynx, up to tonsillitis, indigestion, overweight, diabetes. Golden rule: everything is good in moderation. Also with ice cream. If you monitor the calorie content of food, then it is better to eat its low-fat varieties: dairy, fruit, sorbet. 100 grams of treats are enough per day. You can’t eat ice cream if your throat hurts, if there are signs, symptoms of a cold.

Sweet contributes to the appearance of caries, which means that you need to thoroughly rinse your mouth after eating or brush your teeth.

Before buying ice cream, you should read its composition and shelf life on the package. If it contains vegetable fat and many nutritional supplements, it is better not to purchase it. The same recommendation if the shelf life has expired or the packaging is broken, and the portion is crushed, melted or covered with ice chips.

It turns out that ice cream can cause headaches in people who are prone to sudden vasoconstriction. You need to pay attention to this and not be afraid. For patients with diabetes, there is a special ice cream with a sweetener in the composition. It is better in this case to choose ice cream with fructose, other sweeteners are harmful to the body.

After playing sports, you should not immediately pounce on a cooling dessert. Excited by training, the body will react with a sharp narrowing of blood vessels, you can get a cold, headache, and malaise.

cooking recipes

There are thousands of ice cream recipes. There are national, author's recipes, recipes according to GOST, you can come up with them yourself. Modern technologies and the imagination of confectioners contribute to the creation of masterpieces, edible gold is added to ice cream, making it healing, there is even ice cream made from human milk.

Advice! Polzateevo magazine suggests making homemade ice cream from quality ingredients. Such a dessert will be tasty and healthy.

Nut ice cream

Ingredients: 375 ml heavy cream, 0.5 cup roasted hazelnuts, 3 eggs, 150 g sugar, 3 tbsp. water, a pinch of salt. You can take any nuts, the shades of taste will be different.

Preparation: first you need to boil the caramel, to do this, bring the water to a boil, add 100 g of sugar and cook until brown, stirring constantly. Add crushed or grated hazelnuts to hot caramel, mix. Grind the cooled caramel with nuts in a blender. Grind the remaining sugar with the yolks, gradually pour in the cream, continuing to beat. Separately beat egg whites with a pinch of salt until fluffy. Mix all ingredients carefully. Pour the resulting mixture into a container, freeze, stirring well every hour. After 2-3 hours, the delicacy is ready.

strawberry dessert

Ingredients: 350 ml cream 33% fat, 250 ml whole milk, 120-150 g sugar, 6 egg yolks, ripe strawberries.

Cooking: bring the milk and cream to a boil over low heat, at the same time rub the yolks with sugar well until a light air mass is formed, carefully pour the hot milk mixture into the yolks with sugar, mix until smooth, put in the microwave for a couple of minutes to thicken. Wash strawberries well, dry with a napkin, cut into pieces, cover with sugar. You can mix the berries that let the juice into the milk-egg mixture immediately, then put in the freezer, or freeze only the mixture first, and then mix with the strawberries.

Milk shake

In the heat, it perfectly quenches thirst and refreshes, for example, on a sea beach, a milkshake based on ice cream. The recipe for making it at home with a blender is simple.

Ingredients: a glass of milk 3.2% fat, ice cream - 200-250 g, powdered sugar - 1.5 tablespoons, syrup, chocolate, fruits, berries, vanilla can be added to taste.

Preparation: freeze milk before cooking, but not to ice, pour into a blender glass, add powdered sugar, vanilla or vanilla sugar, beat until foamy, add ice cream, continue beating for several minutes until a stable fluffy foam appears. If the milkshake is with fruit, they are whipped with sugar first.

Ice cream is an affordable, tasty, healthy dessert. Its beneficial properties greatly outweigh the slight harm to health. Ice cream can and should be eaten at any age, it is not contraindicated for anyone, moderation and common sense are just needed. All health!

When listing their favorite delicacies, both children and adults most often name ice cream. Indeed, this cold dessert reminds of childhood, creates a carefree mood, saturates well. We need to figure out what the benefits and harms of ice cream are in order to understand why almost everyone likes the treat.

Ice cream production technology

Making ice cream at the factory looks like this:

  • At the first stage, the basic components - melted butter, milk, water, sugar - are mixed in an industrial bath.
  • The mixture is then filtered and heated to 85°C. At this temperature, all microorganisms and bacteria that can cause harm die.
  • Further, the future ice cream is cooled in a special tank, where the stirring of the mass continues.
  • After a few hours, soft ice cream is divided into portions and sent to a strong freeze.
  • At the final stage, the product is packaged in a branded wrapper and once again sent to the cold store for hardening.

The technology is the same for all types of ice cream, but the details may vary. At the last stages, the delicacy can be covered with chocolate, nut crumbs, candied fruits, pieces of berries and other components can be added.

The composition and calorie content of ice cream

What is the nutritional value of a cold dessert, and what useful substances are included? It is impossible to answer the question unambiguously. There are many varieties of ice cream - it all depends on what kind of treat you buy, ice cream in a glass or popsicles, milk treat, vanilla or chocolate.

On average, 100 g of ice cream has 100 to 270 calories. Standardly, the largest share in the composition is occupied by fats - from 10 to 19 g, carbohydrates are in second place - about 20 g, and least of all in the delicacy of protein - up to 3.7 g.

But the vitamin and mineral composition of ice cream can surprise anyone who reads the information on the package. The treat usually contains:

  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamins B1 and B2;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin PP or niacin acid;
  • sodium and calcium;
  • iron and potassium;
  • phosphorus and magnesium;
  • omega-3 fatty acids.

The share and benefit of all these elements is quite large, for example, due to one serving of ice cream, you can get 11% of the daily calcium intake and about 9% of vitamin B2.

Important! Fruit ice noticeably differs from all other varieties - it contains a maximum of carbohydrates (8 g) and a minimum of fats and proteins (up to 1.9 g). The fact is that ice is ice cream without milk. Its benefits are determined by the amount of vitamins in the original fruit mixture.

Benefits of ice cream

The rich vitamin and mineral composition of the delicacy suggests that ice cream is not only tasty, but also very healthy. Indeed, the benefits of ice cream are as follows:

  • The delicacy saturates with essential substances - vitamins, essential acids, sodium, calcium, potassium. This comprehensively strengthens the body.
  • Ice cream promotes the production of serotonin, known as the "hormone of happiness." That is why a small portion of dessert puts people in a great mood.
  • Ice cream has a mild vasoconstrictor and analgesic effect. Therefore, it is recommended to eat in the presence of a predisposition to nosebleeds or with muscle pain. The benefit of ice cream for women is that it can even relieve PMS.
  • The product has a good effect on intestinal motility and microflora - it is of great benefit for both constipation and diarrhea, improving the functioning of the stomach.
  • Some doctors recommend eating ice cream more often for those who constantly suffer from colds. The benefit of a cold dessert is that it hardens a weak throat.

Ice cream is a sweet product, but it also contains a lot of ordinary water, so the benefits of ice cream also lie in the effective quenching of thirst.

Features of use

The benefits and harms of ice cream depend on the observance of important rules. They include:

  • Eating dessert or drinking a milkshake with ice cream is best in the morning or afternoon. In the evening, the body will not have time to absorb fats and carbohydrates.
  • Although hot weather is the best time for ice cream, you need to be careful when eating ice cream in such conditions. You can not swallow large pieces at once - this can lead to a sore throat.
  • Ice cream drowns out hunger, but cannot replace normal food. Even in summer, you should not eat exclusively this delicacy, otherwise the body will be harmed.

During pregnancy

Fortunately, ice cream does not fall into the list of products that are prohibited for pregnant women. Its benefits far outweigh the harm.


  • Ice cream improves a woman's mood by helping her cope with hormonal fluctuations.
  • The delicacy increases resistance to heat, and, therefore, it is easier to endure the state of pregnancy.
  • Regular use of the product saves from insomnia, as it has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

However, a number of conditions must be met:

  • It is not recommended to eat more than 100 g of treats per day.
  • It is better to choose white ice cream from whole milk in the store. You can study the recipe for milk ice cream for cooking at home and independently control the benefits and harms in its composition.
  • You can’t eat ice cream with weak kidneys, hypertension and high blood sugar - this is dangerous for both the woman and the fetus.

Advice! The composition of ice cream for pregnant women should be as natural as possible, without flavor enhancers, dyes and flavors. It is recommended to avoid treats with E160 dye - the carotene in this supplement can harm the fetus.

Ice cream for children: is it possible and from what age

Giving treats to children is not only possible, but necessary. Parents often think that the benefits and harms of ice cream are about the same, but in fact the positive properties outweigh - the product strengthens the child's body.

Babies under 2 years of age should not be offered treats. But upon reaching this age, a couple of spoons of ice cream will be a complete benefit. To begin with, it is better to melt the delicacy so that it turns from ice to cool.

Is ice cream allowed while breastfeeding

Nursing mothers can eat ice cream, but not earlier than 4 months after giving birth. Ice cream increases the fat content of mother's milk, which can lead to baby colic.

Natural white ice cream remains preferable - its benefits for a nursing mother are maximum.

Is it possible to eat ice cream on a diet and when losing weight

Those who are prone to weight gain often have to go on a diet. The question arises - is it necessary to refuse ice cream, or will it benefit even during weight loss?

You can eat dessert if you follow a number of rules:

  • choose only the most low-fat and low-calorie product, and even better - learn how to make ice cream at home;
  • do not exceed servings of 80 g per day;
  • move actively so that calories do not go to harm;
  • do not eat dessert after 4 pm.

Attention! Nutritionists note that with reasonable use, the product even promotes fat burning. The benefit is that ice cream cools the body, which means it forces it to spend more energy on heating.

The benefits of ice cream for various diseases

Surprisingly, the benefits and harms of ice cream remain balanced, even if there is a treat for ailments. It promotes:

  • reduction of pain;
  • removal of puffiness - for example, after burning in the sun;
  • reduction of sore throat - of course, with careful use, without swallowing large pieces;
  • lowering the temperature - and here there is more benefit, and less harm than many pharmacological agents.

ice cream for diabetes

Ice cream does not bear definite harm for diabetics, but there are strict rules for its use. The following recommendations should be followed:

  • You need to choose varieties with a low content of fats and carbohydrates. The safest, from this point of view, delicacy is ice cream with a base of fructose. And the greatest harm is fraught with a popsicle with chocolate icing.
  • For diabetics, it is better to combine ice cream with physical activity before or after dessert.
  • You need to limit yourself per day - a maximum of 80 g of goodies, but it is better to treat yourself to ice cream only 2-3 times a week.
  • It is necessary to carefully monitor the level of sugar and measure it after ice cream - for comparison with normal indicators. If the level changes for the worse, it is better to refuse the product.

How to make ice cream at home

The factory technology for the production of delicacy seems complicated, but you can cook it at home - according to a similar scheme. For example, to make homemade milk ice cream, you need:

  • mix milk (1 l) in a large saucepan and put on fire, add good butter, chopped into pieces (100 g);
  • while the ingredients are boiling, mix 2 cups of sugar with five egg yolks and 1 teaspoon of starch, dilute with a little milk and beat until completely smooth;
  • pour the resulting liquid mixture into boiling milk and butter, mix and wait for a new boil;
  • after that, remove the pan from the stove and put it in cold water, while constantly stirring the mixture.

When the future delicacy has completely cooled down, it remains to give it a shape. Then homemade ice cream is put into the freezer for several hours - until completely solidified.

Homemade ice cream without cream, based on milk, delicious on its own. But you can add other ingredients if you like.

To prepare a treat with chocolate or coffee color and taste, you will need:

  • brew 250 ml of cocoa or coffee, mix with 700 ml of milk and boil over a fire;
  • thoroughly mix six egg yolks with 100 g of powdered sugar, carefully add to the milk-coffee mixture;
  • boil again, and then cool in cold water, stirring constantly.

Then, as in the previous recipe, it remains to give the finished delicacy a shape and send it to freeze.

How much ice cream can you eat per day

The benefits of the product are great, but you still need to limit its use. Even healthy adults are recommended to eat no more than 100 g of the product per day. And it’s better to limit yourself to 2 to 3 servings per week, so that the increased calorie content does not exactly affect either the figure, or the level of cholesterol and sugar.

Ice cream harm and contraindications

The benefits and harms of ice cream are closely related. What are the negative consequences of eating treats?

These include:

  • The main harm of ice cream is the high content of sugar and fat in the product - dessert contributes to weight gain.
  • With weak vessels, a treat can provoke their sharp narrowing - and, as a result, a headache.
  • People with a predisposition to heart attacks and atherosclerosis need to eat dessert very carefully - the benefits and harms in this case are difficult to predict.
  • Not all types of delicacies consist only of natural ingredients - often in the composition you can find chemical additives, as well as palm oil.

Contraindications are divided into absolute and relative, they include:

  • A natural treat made from milk can harm people with lactose intolerance.
  • A relative contraindication for ice cream is diabetes - you can use the product, but in small quantities.
  • Overweight people also need to limit themselves - for example, it is advisable to exclude ice cream ice cream, and it is better to replace it with fruit ice.

How to choose ice cream

The choice of this dessert depends not only on personal preferences. The following recommendations are offered:

  • The benefits and harms of ice cream depend on its freshness. It is better to buy a delicacy made recently - so there is less risk that it has already thawed and frozen several times in the store.
  • The less extraneous additives in the delicacy, the higher the benefit. It is worth giving preference to a product without flavor enhancers, flavors and preservatives.
  • The best ice cream is still the one that meets the GOST standards - state-level quality standards.


The benefits and harms of ice cream complement each other - with excessive use, all the good properties of the product can be harmful to health. But if you eat them in moderation, it will only bring pleasure. Delicious and natural ice cream has a refreshing effect on both physical and emotional health.

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ICE CREAM... Mmmm ... The mere mention of this delicacy makes our brain turn on and "dance in frenzied ecstasy" =) people =) In general, as you already understood from the title of the article, today we will talk exclusively about ice cream, namely: can i have ice cream people who watch their figure, and if possible, then what kind of ice cream? Is ice cream good or bad? And, of course, how to choose the right ice cream so as not to run into a cheap or, even “better”, expensive fake?

Since it’s still summer outside, I think this article will be relevant for many ice cream lovers (I also include myself in them), and therefore get ready for a detailed analysis and analysis of the composition of this delicacy. And we will start, perhaps, with the most interesting: from the cooking process ...

What is ice cream?

Surely, many of you have tried to make ice cream at home on your own: someone froze yogurt, someone cottage cheese or milk, and someone drove frozen fruit. Of course, homemade ice cream is tasty and healthy, but it is very different from store-bought, and it's all about the preparation process.

Ice cream is not frozen milk, as many thought in childhood or still think, ice cream is stabilized (frozen) milk foam. This foam is whipped in a special freezer, where it is simultaneously frozen. That is why industrial ice cream is much more airy than homemade.

The whole secret of magical air ice cream lies in the process of freezing (well, in a couple of other moments, I will talk about them a little later). In order to produce a 100-gram glass of ice cream on an industrial scale, you need only 50 ml of milk, that is, 2 times less than if you wanted to make ice cream at home. So, as you can see, the freezer does 2 useful things at once: it creates an airy texture of ice cream, making it tasty for consumers and at the same time saving producers raw materials.

 A bit of philosophy

In fact, when it comes to pp and healthy lifestyle, people are conditionally divided into two camps: some are ardent pp fanatics who cannot even afford to eat a small piece of cake for some holiday; while others are quite adequate people who adhere to proper nutrition, but sometimes they can afford to eat something that is not very correct and not very healthy. I personally adhere to the second camp, because I think that it is fanatical about something, this is a bad idea ... As a result, all the same, strict restrictions and prohibitions will “come out sideways” sooner or later, for each this “side” is completely different, but the consequences are practically the same: depression, an injured psyche, eating up one's problems, a set of new kilograms, etc. round. Do you need it? I'm sure not!

But we digress a little from our ice cream. We will now move on to clarify what kind of ice cream, and is there healthy ice cream?

The benefits of ice cream

Talking about the benefits of ice cream in the 21st century would be too bold a statement, but I'll try anyway.

In the former CIS countries (Ukraine, Belarus and Russia), the situation with the production of high-quality natural ice cream is ten times better than in the same European Union or America. This is due to the fact that our production of dairy products is at a fairly high level (especially in Belarus), and all due to the fact that we do not need to buy milk from abroad, our domestic cows themselves can produce as much milk as we need.

But even here, not everything goes as smoothly as we would like ...

To the question " is ice cream healthy?"There is no definite answer ... The fact is that now ice cream is made differently than 25 years ago, when there were strict laws and state standards, for non-compliance with which they could be very severely punished. Today, the process of ice cream production has changed a lot, the authorities are no longer the same, and the punishments, respectively, are also not the same, unfortunately ...

That is why in a modern glass of ordinary ice cream you can find a huge amount of flavors, flavor enhancers, stabilizers and other components that people did not even know about before. And this factor greatly affects the quality and benefits of this delicious treat for all children and adults.

But even despite this not very pleasant fact, there are still some useful properties in ice cream that make this dessert worth loving.

1. Ice cream is an antidepressant

Ice cream causes a feeling of euphoria and pleasure, this is due to the release of the joy hormones dopamine, as well as serotonin. These two hormones can relieve stress, anxiety, fatigue and make you the happiest person in the world for a while.

2. Ice cream is a friend of ectomorphs

If you suffer from the problem of weight deficiency and cannot add at least a couple of kilograms in any way, that is, you are an ectomorph, then ice cream can become your lifesaver in this difficult matter. All you have to do is after your workout eat a serving of ice cream, you can with a couple of bananas or other fruits. In this way, you will create a calorie surplus that will help you in increasing your body weight. Of course, this method is not the main method for "correction", but it can also be effective (and most importantly tasty) in some cases.

3. Ice cream is a source of vitamins A, D, E and K

Based on this property, we can say that healthy ice cream exists, and this is not fiction, because what contains vitamins can rightfully be called “useful”. And this is absolutely true, but with some amendment:

Only ice cream that contains MILK FAT, may have a proud name HEALTHY ICE CREAM!

This rule you must remember once and for all! Not every ice cream is a healthy product, but only one that is made from milk (dry or whole), and which contains MILK FAT, and not vegetable (more on this later).

 Help!

Sources of natural milk fat in ice cream can be cream or butter.

And we smoothly move on to the question, how to choose the right ice cream, what you need to look at first of all in the composition of ice cream, and finally, what kind of ice cream eat without fear of harming your health?

How to choose healthy ice cream?

How do you usually choose ice cream? I am sure that in most cases it happens like this: they went to the ice cream stand, chose the most beautiful colorful packaging, and happy and satisfied stomped to the checkout. If you recognize yourself, then I hope that after reading this section, you will change your habits, and your choices will become more conscious.

In fact, in order to choose the right and healthy ice cream, it is enough to spend no more than 2-3 minutes, having studied its composition. The packaging of any ice cream will tell absolutely everything you need to know. And now I will teach you how to read the composition of ice cream correctly ( picture is clickable).

1. Standards

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the standard according to which the ice cream was made. There are currently two standards in Ukraine: DSTU 4733:2007 and DSTU 4735:2007.

The first standard (DSTU 4733:2007) says that you have ice cream made from natural raw materials. It contains natural milk and natural milk fat.

The second standard (DSTU 4735:2007) says that the composition of ice cream contains a substitute for milk fat. These can be: margarine, palm oil, coconut oil, or other cheap hydrogenated vegetable oils.

 Help!

For Russian cities, the standard is GOST R 52175:2003.

Also, the abbreviation TU (technical conditions) can be indicated on ice cream. This is an indicator that the manufacturer used his own recipe in the production of ice cream, which no one knows about except himself ... But statistics show that ice cream made according to TU is very often made from cheap milk fat substitutes.

2. Ingredients

  • The next thing to look for when buying ice cream is the ingredients. Ranked first in quality and healthy ice cream must be indicated cream and milk. If sugar or vegetable fat is in the first place, then you should never buy such ice cream! Nothing to do with this ice cream 100% has nothing.

Good to know!

If you are an opponent of sugar, and do not use it in any form, then ice cream is not a product for you. The fact is that you will hardly find sugar-free ice cream anywhere (unless you make it yourself at home). Adding sugar to the milk mixture makes it thicker and more viscous, and this is the secret to the creamy taste and thick consistency of any ice cream. If sugar is not enough, or it is replaced with cheaper synthetic substitutes, then ice cream will lose its creamy texture, for which many people love it.

  • If you choose chocolate ice cream, then the composition should indicate cocoa powder and not a cocoa butter substitute or other vegetable fats.
  • If creme brulee ice cream, then the composition should indicate condensed milk, not creme brulee or condensed milk flavor.
  • The number of ingredients in the composition of any ice cream should not exceed 8 .

3. Additives

How do you think, is ice cream healthy, in which there are eshki? I think the answer is obvious to everyone. Choose ice cream without edibles, so you will know that you are buying natural healthy ice cream without the addition of harmful additives, dyes and other unnecessary ingredients. But today it is almost impossible to find ice cream in which there will be 100% not a single egg. Therefore, I give you a list of the most harmful additives, remember them and never buy ice cream that contains these additives: E433, E489, E476, E466, E407.

Also, the composition of ice cream necessarily contains stabilizers and emulsifiers, without them it would be impossible to make ice cream of an airy consistency. And here is a list of those stabilizers that you do not need to be afraid of, if you find them in your ice cream, they are absolutely non-toxic and non-hazardous:

- pectin

- gelatin

- starch

- monoglycerides of fatty acids (E471)

– lecithin

- microcrystalline cellulose

- guar gum (E412)

- xanthan gum (E415)

- locust bean gum (E410)

- agar (E406)

4. Fat percentage

On the front packaging (preferably) or in the composition (required) the percentage of fat content of ice cream should be indicated. Usually in ice cream it is 12-20% milk fat; creamy ice cream - up to 12%; in dairy - up to 8%; in fruit and berry - up to 2%.

Good to know!

The fatter the ice cream, the lower it , and vice versa - the less fat in ice cream, the more sugar it contains, which means that its GI will be much higher.

For example, ice cream with 18% fat contains 15% sugar, and its glycemic index is 52, and fruit and berry ice cream with 1% fat contains 25-30% sugar, and its GI is 70. So for girls who are watching their figure, I do not advise you to lean heavily on fruit low-calorie and low-fat ice creams, since their GI is much higher than that of a fatty ice cream. It is better to give preference to milk or cream ice cream with medium fat content (3-12%).

5. Chocolate glaze

As a separate item, I decided to take out information about chocolate icing. If you like ice cream covered with chocolate, then you should know that there is simply no natural chocolate in the composition of such ice cream. Even if the manufacturer indicates cocoa butter in the composition, then this is not natural cocoa butter, but its cheap substitute. All ice cream in chocolate glaze consists of VEGETABLE HYDROGENATED FAT. You will not find any natural chocolate there, just know this, and if you already buy chocolate-coated ice cream, then do it at least not very often.

6. Visual evaluation

  • Package- when choosing ice cream, you must definitely look at the fact that its packaging is intact and without any damage. If you buy ice cream in a waffle cup, make sure that the cup is not deformed. If you buy ice cream on a stick with chocolate icing, then carefully feel the packaging, and if you notice that the ice cream is slightly “moved out” and the icing is cracked in places, then this is a sign that the ice cream has been subjected to secondary freezing.
  • Color - unsaturated, natural.

The color of ice cream, milk or cream ice cream should be white or slightly creamy.

For chocolate ice cream, the color should be light brown or similar to the color of coffee with milk, but in no case should the color be too dark.

Fruit ice cream can vary in color from yellow to lilac, but most importantly, it should not be too rich and bright. If the color is too unnaturally saturated (bright blue, tart raspberry, acid lemon, or dark dark brown), then this is a sign that colorings and flavors have been added to this ice cream, as well as flavorings to give the taste of natural berries or chocolate.

  • Consistency- homogeneous. If, when opening the ice cream package, you notice ice crystals on its surface, or the consistency of the ice cream itself is too rough, or the milk mixture separates from the waffle cup, this is a sign that the ice cream has been refrozen. It is also possible that the product is stored in the wrong conditions with sharp fluctuations in temperature, but in any case, the use of such ice cream can be dangerous for your health.

What kind of ice cream is available?

According to Ukrainian studies in 2013, a list of several ice cream brands of the “ice cream” type was identified that meet the existing standards of DSTU 4733:2007. And these marks picture is clickable):

Among all brands, Chistaya Liniya ice cream is the only copy of a Russian manufacturer, all the rest are Ukrainian. All these brands have adequately passed all stages of testing, and can rightfully be considered the best examples of ice cream producers. They are both tasty and healthy at the same time, so you can safely buy them.

Well, if you don’t like ice cream, and your soul wants something more exotic, then everything is in your hands. If you carefully read this article, then you can easily choose the right healthy ice cream, moreover, you can very quickly and simply determine what ice cream is better not to buy at all, but what kind of ice cream buy with a calm mind.

I really hope that this article was useful to you, and now you can easily find among the great abundance of all ice creams the only one that will be both tasty, and healthy, and natural!

Sincerely yours, Yaneliya Skripnik!

P.S. Enjoy the summer and sometimes let yourself relax =)

You can't do without this delicious delicacy in the summer. However, we often eat ice cream not only in the hot season, but buy dessert all year round. And for some reason it is not at all customary to talk about its useful qualities. In generally accepted opinions, there are only two legends - a figure deteriorates from cold sweetness and a sore throat begins. Meanwhile, not all ice cream is equally harmful. So today let's talk about the benefits.

From the history

Ice cream is an old delicacy. It is believed to be over 4,000 years old! Even in ancient China, the facts were mentioned, how the inhabitants sold cold delicacy to noble guests as a dessert for a rich table. However, this dish only remotely resembled what is considered to be ice cream today - the ancient "ice cream" was snow and ground ice mixed with pieces of fresh oranges, lemons and pomegranate seeds.

In the writings of King Solomon, archaeologists have found several references to dessert in the form of chilled juices. However, it is impossible to say with accuracy that it was another prototype of ice cream.

As for European countries, the acquaintance with ice cream occurred at the beginning of the 14th century thanks to the traveler Marco Polo. It was he who first wrote about this dessert in one of his travel journals. There is also a version that it was he who first brought ice cream to Europe from the East - more precisely, the recipe for sherbet, which instantly became a popular dish among aristocrats and was served on the table of the royal nobility.

At first, the production of ice was so expensive that only rich and wealthy Europeans could afford ice cream, but gradually the situation changed. In 1718, Mrs. Mary Eales' Recipe Book was published in London, in which the recipe for ice cream was first printed. Since then, ice cream has been included in the national menu of different countries.

In Kievan Rus, ice cream was finely planed frozen milk, a little later it was replaced with cottage cheese with the addition of raisins. In the modern interpretation, ice cream appeared in Russia only in the middle of the 18th century.

Studying the composition

To date, the following components are used for the production of ice cream:

Natural milk (at least 10% fat)
Dry milk residues (proteins, casein, whey, etc.)
Sugar (sucrose and glucose syrup)
Flavor stabilizers and emulsions
Water (about 55%)

Various fruit components can also be used as additives. However, the above composition is the main component of every ice cream, with the exception of popsicles and sherbet.

Ice cream often contains cream and butter. As for food additives, they are usually used to give a particular taste, as well as to increase the shelf life of the product.

In fruit and berry desserts, the sugar content is 30%. This ice cream is made from natural fruit purees and juices. It is less caloric - about 110kcal per 100g compared to dairy counterparts that have 227-250kcal.

The famous and most delicious type of ice cream - ice cream - used to be made exclusively from milk. But today, unfortunately, many manufacturers have begun to use vegetable fats, gelatin, starch and emulsifiers. Such a dessert, alas, differs in taste and is less healthy.

Beneficial features

Supporters of a cold dessert believe that the beneficial properties of ice cream are contained in the chemical composition of the product. Since it is made from milk, therefore, it contains vitamins A, B, P, E and D, as well as trace elements such as iron, magnesium and potassium.

Therefore, the benefits of ice cream should be discussed only if
if it is made from natural ingredients and not substitutes
natural components with analogues in the form of vegetable fats.


When a person eats ice cream, the body begins to produce the "hormone of joy" - serotonin. Therefore, ice cream can be safely called an assistant from bad mood and depression.

It is believed that ice cream is useful for women during pregnancy, as it contains lactose, mineral salts and easily digestible proteins, and most importantly, calcium, which is so necessary for a lady in an “interesting position”. A cold dessert is also believed to help relieve PMS symptoms.

Even for people with diabetes, they have created a special kind of ice cream based on soy milk products. This dessert also has a sweetener and uses a minimum of fat. Some doctors recommend ice cream for diseases of the stomach and intestines, as well as for those who have undergone surgery on the abdominal cavity.

More recently, a new type of ice cream has become popular - yogurt-based. Such a dessert is considered the most useful, as it contains bifidobacteria, which improve the functioning of the digestive system and strengthen the immune system.

Harm and contraindications

Despite all the benefits, ice cream is not always recommended for consumption.

For example, people with high cholesterol should avoid foods containing animal fats.

Studies have shown that too much ice cream can cause headaches. Such a sensational fact, at first glance, seems absurd. However, doctors are sure that every third inhabitant of the planet suffers from this disease precisely because of an addiction to a cold dessert. The thing is that when it is eaten, especially at a fast pace, the body temperature slightly decreases, which can lead to vasoconstriction, and less blood begins to flow to the brain. It is this process that causes pain.

People with coronary heart disease, as well as those who suffer from atherosclerosis and caries, should avoid eating ice cream.

As for children, for whom ice cream is one of the main treats, dessert should be given a few hours after eating, as a cold product can make it difficult to digest food.

Myths about ice cream

Myth 1. Dessert hurts your throat.

On the contrary, otolaryngologists recommend eating ice cream in order to harden and increase immunity from sore throats and other colds. The throat, in their opinion, should be accustomed to the contrast of temperatures. After such "training" no disease is terrible! Therefore, you should not blame ice cream for sudden sore throats. But so that it doesn’t really hurt, you should bite off the dessert in very small pieces.

Myth 2. There are no vitamins in ice cream.

This statement can only be called a myth. In products made from vegetable fats, indeed, there is practically no benefit, however, desserts made from natural milk are a real pantry of vitamins and microelements that are so necessary for the body. Therefore, when choosing ice cream, you should carefully study its composition.

Myth 3. Ice cream makes you overweight.

On the one hand, this is not a myth at all, because dessert really can be high-calorie, but on the other hand, blaming ice cream alone for gaining extra pounds is completely wrong.

The whole thing is in quantity consumed products, that is, in the daily caloric intake of the diet. It is also worth making a comparison: 100g of cold dessert contains from 130 to 250 kcal, and the same portion of the cake contains about 450 kcal. The difference is proof that this judgment is a myth.

How to choose the right ice cream

You should carefully study the packaging and familiarize yourself with the composition. Milk ice cream usually contains 3% to 8% fat, and the amount of sugar should not exceed 20%. The creamy product is a little different: 10% fat and 15% sugar, while the classic ice cream is characterized by 15% fat and 14% sugar.

High-quality ice cream should not contain vegetable fats. If the composition contains palm or coconut oil, such a product is best left on the counter.

Unfortunately, it will not work to choose a dessert without stabilizers in its composition. But still, it is better to give preference to natural supplements, avoiding artificial analogues such as gelatin.

Real chocolate ice cream must contain at least 2.5% cocoa and 6% natural chocolate ingredient.

The appearance of the ice cream is also very important. The product must not be wrinkled. If the shape of the dessert is broken, this may indicate that it has been thawed and frozen again more than once, which is why it no longer carries any benefit, and in some cases can become a breeding ground for microbes that have formed in an environment favorable to them.

High-quality ice cream does not have a snow-white color. If it looks perfectly white, it most likely contains soy concentrates, and it is better to stop using such a product.

If you enjoy ice cream "wisely", its benefits are obvious. However, do not forget about the “fly in the ointment” and approach the choice of a cold dessert carefully so as not to harm your health.

Today we will talk about the dangers and benefits of ice cream, because with the onset of the hot season, and often even in winter, people begin to pamper themselves with their favorite delicacy, which reminds them of their childhood - ice cream. But rarely does anyone think about the benefits and harms of this frozen piece of happiness and childhood for the human body, so our topic will be devoted to discussing this problem.

There is a category of people who are sure that ice cream is healthy and consume it in large quantities, others, on the contrary, believe that the product is harmful to the body, since it contains a lot of sugar and calories, but still they cannot resist the delicacy. Research has shown that ice cream, like most foods, has benefits and harms at the same time.

The history of ice cream

The first mention of ice cream dates back more than 5 millennia. In ancient times, ice cream was served in the wealthy houses of China, it was mixed fruit juices with ice and snow. In those days, recipes for making such a delicacy were strictly prohibited.

The famous traveler Marco Polo, having visited China, brought the ice cream recipe to Italy, thanks to which Europe recognized the taste of a cold dessert.

Our Slavic ancestors also knew the recipe for making ice cream. In winter, the housewives mixed honey, raisins, cottage cheese and sour cream and put the delicacy on the porch to freeze. This treat was relevant during the celebration of Maslenitsa.

Ice cream composition

It's no secret that today ordinary ice cream from a supermarket is made not by kind people, but by machines in large factories, and it is not known from what in combination with various food additives, natural dyes and chemical elements that, if ice cream is consumed excessively, can cause irreparable harm to human health. body.

The main components that make up the ice cream:

- milk, not less than 10% fat;

- dry milk residues - 12%, meaning proteins and lactose;

- sugar 12-16%, a combination of glucose and sucrose syrups;

- emulsions and stabilizers 0.2 -0.5%;

- water 55-64%.

These components and air, in the process of mixing, make up ice cream.

One cup of ice cream can contain between 270 and 375 calories..

Main types of ice cream by fat content

- milk ice cream - fat content not more than 4%;

- creamy ice cream - fat content not more than 10%;

- ice cream ice cream - fat content not more than 15%;

- fruit ice cream - zero fat content.

Healthy and healthy ice cream

In addition, scientists have developed such a type of treat as non-harmful and even therapeutic ice cream, which is useful for those who want to lose weight. Such a product is made on a milk basis, but without fat, but it includes a special component inulin. The taste of such ice cream is no different from the usual frozen treats.

Ice cream is available for sale, which, according to the statement of its manufacturers, has therapeutic and prophylactic properties. It is divided into several types:

- with the content of an acidophilic additive as lactobacterin, which ultimately gives a product that improves the activity of the gastrointestinal tract;

Although naturally this information is from the manufacturer, because the benefits and harms of such ice cream were tested by the same scientists who test food from McDonald's and the like.

The benefits of ice cream

The benefit of ice cream is that it contains contains vitamins A, B,D, P, E, including minerals such as phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron. All these elements are quite important for our body in the hot season, so ice cream not only cools, but also energizes.

Also, the composition of ice cream includes 20 protein amino acids, 25 fatty acids of various types, more than 20 important vitamins. It can protect against stress and eliminate insomnia.

Useful properties of ice cream

Doctors otolaryngologists assure that the use of dessert hardens the throat well, thereby developing immunity to infectious diseases. However, this does not mean that the delicacy must be eaten in large quantities, it is necessary to start with small portions.

All components of the treat contribute to the production of the happiness hormone serotonin, which helps improve memory, gives a good mood and helps to endure stress more easily.

Ice cream for diabetics

Ice cream can also be consumed by diabetics, since the fats present in the product slow down the rate of absorption of glucose into the blood. However, it does not hurt to be careful, for example, for patients with a critical level of blood sugar, it is not recommended to use a treat, and it is also forbidden to eat it daily for those who control their sugar level.

Today, ice cream for diabetics is on sale, but it is not as innocent as it might seem, since it contains many types of sweeteners that are dangerous to the health of the patient.

A fructose-based dessert is a great option for diabetics. It is better for patients with diabetes to use creamy ice cream, as it contains more fats, which do not allow sugar to be quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. Frozen fruit juice is only good for those who have hypoglycemia.

The safest thing for diabetics is to make ice cream at home, where even frozen juice without sugar will be an excellent cooler.

Ice cream harm

The main harm of ice cream lies in its excessive consumption, hence all the accompanying problems. The delicacy is considered a high-calorie product, so eating it in large quantities is harmful to the figure for those who are obese..

Ice cream is bad for people having stomach ulcers and chronic gastritis, also a delicacy is not recommended for those who often suffer from respiratory diseases.

If the product is made on sucrose, then it should not be used by diabetics. those those who have high cholesterol levels should not eat ice cream made with animal fats.

Which ice cream is healthier

Most nutritionists do not recommend eating aromatic ice cream treats such as lemon, strawberry and others. These aromatic additives and essences are not natural, so their harm to the body is great, so white or just chocolate ice cream will be more useful.

Ice cream contraindications

For people whose kidneys are not in order, a frozen sweet product is also prohibited, and in general, the use of cold food and drinks is not recommended.

Ice cream can cause a headache, the reason for this is the narrowing of the vessels of the brain due to a too sharp decrease in body temperature, thereby reducing blood flow in the brain, which ultimately provokes pain.

Owners of coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis and caries can enjoy ice cream very rarely or refuse it altogether.

Ice cream can be given to children only from the age of five, when the child's immunity is more or less strengthened.

How to choose less harmful ice cream

It is worth giving preference to those manufacturers that you trust, who use only natural products in the preparation of ice cream. Before you buy a treat, study the information on the package, if GOST is indicated on it, then this indicates that the product is made from milk.

It is worth paying attention to the storage of the product, it is preferable to purchase ice cream in a package.

In the event that the ice cream looks shapeless on the outside, this indicates that it has been defrosted and re-frozen. Therefore, it is better not to purchase such a product. If the ice cream packaging does not indicate the expiration date and date of manufacture, then it is also better to refuse it, otherwise you will provoke an acute intestinal disease.

natural supplements

It is also worth knowing that high-quality ice cream does not contain vegetable fats such as palm or coconut oil.

Real ice cream never has a snow-white color, it has an even shade and does not contain lumps and clots. Chocolate ice cream contains no more than 6% chocolate or 2.5% cocoa, the color is also uniform.

It is unlikely that you will be able to buy a treat without stabilizers and additives in the store, so choose natural additives such as gelatin or agar-agar. High-quality ice cream melts very slowly, while the icing does not fall off the product, but is evenly distributed over its entire surface.

If you felt an unpleasant taste or smell from ice cream, then most likely this ice cream was generally faked somewhere in a dirty basement, and not manufactured at the factory in compliance with all the norms, you should not use it naturally, you can get severe poisoning.

To all of the above, it is worth adding that ice cream, beloved by many children's treats, is useful in certain doses, like any other product, and this is especially true for children who love and ask for it most often.
