It is necessary to water the onion sets after planting. Proper watering of onions: how often and how much

It is simply impossible to imagine our table without His Majesty Luke. Let this vegetable be eaten raw only by the most desperate with the strongest stomachs, but for the preparation of first and second courses it is used in every second recipe. Growing onions in your area is quite simple, you just need to strictly follow the recommendations for caring for it. Most often, inexperienced gardeners are baffled by the question of whether to water the onions after planting.

Do you water the onions after planting?

To understand how to properly water onions after planting, let's make a short trip to the homeland of onions - to sultry Asia. All the local plants have adapted to live in the conditions of a short spring, after which they hibernate in anticipation of winter rains. Whatever variety of onion is planted, if it is placed in typically Asian conditions, it will become like its wild counterparts: it will release two or four leaves, form a tiny onion and hibernate. It will not be possible to bring him out of this state by any means. As a result, there will be no talk of any onion crop. Therefore, it is very important to provide the onion with good moisture during the first two months after planting, when its bulb (turnip) is forming and growing. But during the period of onion ripening, it is not necessary to water it, because this can significantly reduce it. taste qualities and shorten the shelf life.

How many times to water onions after planting?

As mentioned above, after planting, the onion must be watered regularly for the first 60 days. How often to water depends, of course, on weather conditions. If spring and early summer turned out to be rainy, then there is no need to additionally water the onion beds. In dry weather, onions are watered twice a week, so that the soil in the garden is moist, but not wet. Such drinking regimen for onions, even those gardeners who get to their plots only on weekends can organize. More than twice a week, onions should not be watered, even if there is an opportunity for this. Excessive wetting of the onion will lead to the fact that fungi that cause various diseases, such as peronosporosis - downy mildew, are activated in the garden.

Onion watering is usually stopped in mid-July, when most of its varieties have already formed bulbs. The landmark for the end of irrigation is usually the feast of Peter and Paul, celebrated on July 12th. After this day, the bulbs should gain nutrients, and especially sucrose, the amount of which determines both the taste properties of the onion and its ability to persist long time without spoiling.

How to water onions after planting?

And finally, a few words about how to properly water the onions after planting. First, the water for irrigation should be warm. Watering onions cold water from the tap can be fatal for him, without exaggeration. It is better not to be too lazy and collect water for these purposes in a barrel, where it will settle and heat up in the sun. Secondly, when watering, you need to make sure that water does not fall on the leaves and inside the bulb. It is not necessary to arrange sprinkling of onions from a watering can with a small strainer - moisture that has fallen on the leaves and bulbs can cause an outbreak of fungal diseases. When watering onion crops, it is necessary to moisten not the beds themselves, but the aisles, using 10 liters of water for each square meter. It is better to mulch the soil between the rows after watering. This will help retain moisture in it for as long as possible and at the same time slow down germination.

It is no secret that irrigation options vary, depending on the purpose for which the crop was planted. It is for this reason that in this article we will discuss not only the standard rules for outdoor irrigation, but also some of the subtleties associated with the changeability of the weather and temperature fluctuations.

When to start watering?

Let's start with a little background that will help you vary further, depending on time and climatic conditions.

In this case, we do not need rapid growth, since in an instant they will destroy all the green mass, and the bulb itself will get frostbite and die. Therefore, upon landing late autumn, it must be immersed in dry soil. Any watering is prohibited.

Important! Do not be afraid of rare rains in late autumn. They won't be enough to awaken the bow.

As for the question of whether it is necessary to water after planting, there are no additional subtleties, the landing is also made in moist soil, after which it is watered.

Irrigation Features

Early growth

At the beginning of growth, as mentioned above, the culture needs a lot of moisture, but the moisture must be "special".

Watering is desirable warm water, which before this is a little more settled. On warm days tap water it is enough to type in a large basin or vat so that it warms up in the sun for a couple of hours, and the existing sediment sinks to the bottom.

Next, we will answer the question of how often to water onions in the open field. It all depends on the weather. If there is no rain for weeks, and the crop receives moisture exclusively from your watering, then you need to pour in water at least 2 times a week. On average, about 10 liters are used per square.

Important! The ingress of moisture into the space between the leaves can lead to rotting of the bulb.

But if it rains several times a week, then the process is slightly more complicated. The fact is that a little rain can only slightly wet upper layer soil, and the roots will remain without moisture. For this reason, we need to check for moisture in the following way: we take a flat stick or iron rod / wire, measure 10 cm on it and stick it in next to the bow. Let's take it out and have a look. If at a depth of 7-10 cm the soil stuck to our measuring "device", then additional watering is not required. If nothing sticks to the wire or stick, then it is better to carry out additional watering.
Now, as regards watering time. Everything must be done early in the morning or late in the evening, as drops of moisture that have fallen on the feathers can lead to a burn.

Pay attention to the irrigation system. If you use when filling the aisles with water, then make sure that the water pressure is negligible, otherwise it will wash the ground and expose the bulbs. After such watering, the culture will begin to rot, or be affected by pests. You can use a watering can or. The second option would be, in case of large areas.

Let's say a few words about how pour onions on a feather.

In principle, there are no differences, since onions during the period of gaining green mass, first of all, need moisture. It is enough to water the culture warm clean water and monitor soil moisture. Every week, a complex (,) is added with water and the height of the feathers is monitored. As soon as they reach 30-40 cm, they are cut.

When ripe

When ripening, the amount of moisture must be gradually reduced, otherwise the shelf life and taste will deteriorate. For this reason, 2 months after planting, the intensity of irrigation decreases, depending on the planted variety.

If you are sure that the bulb has scored maximum weight, then start preparing it for collection. You can determine a ripe onion by recumbent thick feathers.
As for the collection of green onions, they continue to water it up to. Only a few days before watering is stopped so that the feathers are not covered with dirt.

Before the harvest

Behind a week before harvest, you need to stop any irrigation. Of course, you cannot influence the weather in any way, so coordinate the moment of collection with the "predictions" of weather forecasters. The crop must be extracted from dry land, otherwise the drying process will be protracted, and the bulbs themselves, in the future, will be worse.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the onions do not ripen at the same time, so if you are going to harvest the entire crop in a day, you will need to sort the products and use those bulbs that are not fully ripe for cooking. It is also important to remove damaged or rotten onions, otherwise such specimens will spoil a good part of the entire production.

How and why to water the onion with saline

In conclusion, let's talk about what watering with saline will give us.

Watering the onion with salt water is necessary in order to rid it of a pest that causes yellow spots on the leaves -. This pest eats onion roots, thereby reducing the possible area for absorption of moisture and nutrients. As a result, the culture dries even with excessive watering.

Important! Salt solution does not affect the taste and ripening speed of the bulbs.

Watering with salt water is carried out 3 times. The first - when the feathers reach a length of 5-7 cm. The second and third - every 10 days.

This vegetable crop very demanding on soil moisture. This is especially true at a time when the bulb germinates and forms. Therefore, in dry weather, watering is indispensable. It is very convenient to irrigate in the grooves made between its rows. This favors the early ripening of the vegetable. In the article, we will consider how often and how to properly water onions in the open field, how much to add bait.

The quality and quantity of the crop depends not only on timely loosening, removal of weeds and pests, but also on proper watering. All bulbous plants do not tolerate both stagnant water and lack of moisture.

When and how often should onions be watered?

The homeland of onions is Southwest Asia - a place where drought alternates with rains, heat with frosts. Wild onions grow in the meadows and steppes of this region. In the spring, it receives abundant moisture, ripens in a drought, spreads seeds in anticipation of new rains.

With proper watering, the number of fruits increases significantly

If the domesticated onion is not watered at all, then it will grow like a wild one - small and very bitter. If you water it too much, it will rot.

Onions have a shallow root system, which explains the increased requirements for air and soil moisture. But these requirements are not the same for different stages growth.

After sowing, onions are especially in need of moisture during the first two weeks. Within 2-3 weeks after germination, it also needs a lot of moisture. This is explained by the fact that it is during this period that the active phase of growth and development of the root system begins. However, there should not be an excess of moisture - this will negatively affect the maturation of the heads. So, the plant needs moderate watering after planting and germination.

In the first 60 days after planting, onions must be watered: if there is not enough moisture, it forms only 3-4 leaves, small bulbs form, and the plant hibernates. And nothing can bring him out of this state.

Moreover, unlike other vegetables (cabbage, cucumbers), onions do not need daily watering. Twice a week is enough. This is quite convenient for those who come to their country cottage area on weekends: you can water the onions on Friday and before leaving on Sunday.

For irrigation, you need to use only warm water, settled in a barrel for a day, but in no case cold. The soil must be moistened carefully, between the rows of the plant, in specially made grooves. But not directly under the bulb and not along the leaves - in no case should this be done if you do not want to infect the plants with transference - false powdery mildew, which usually happens when the soil is waterlogged.

Most varieties of culture from the second half of summer begins to form bulbs. AT middle lane In Russia, this period roughly coincides with Orthodox holiday- the day of the chief apostles Peter and Paul - July 12. From now on (about a month before harvesting), onions do not need moisture. It's connected with climatic conditions homeland of onions - Central Asia, where the weather is very hot and dry at just such a time. Under such conditions, at this time, the bulb is formed tasty, high quality, contains enough dry matter and sucrose. It is thanks to them that the onion is better stored. good storage this useful product, of course, depends on the variety and growing conditions. If the summer is dry and hot, more sucrose and dry matter accumulate in the bulb. The remaining factors are in the power of man: this is the observance of the sowing dates, the irrigation regime, nutrition.

The maturity of the plant, or rather its speed, also depends on watering.

Watering onions is best before weeding or immediately after it. You can independently check the required frequency of watering onions - by dipping your fingers into the soil. If the soil is moist at a depth of one finger phalanx, then you should not rush to water it. If it is loose and dry, then it's time to moisturize.

The main regulator of watering frequency is weather conditions. If the humidity is high, the onions do not need to be watered. If the weather is consistently hot, it is watered every three to four days. During bulb formation excess moisture causes the fruits to crack. To avoid this, in different regions onion cultivation is used various ways landing. Where humidity is high, onions are planted on beds, ridges, where it is dry - under normal conditions. If the husk on the bulbs is cracking, this indicates sudden changes in humidity. Often this happens when, after a drought, they begin to go heavy rains.

If the onion is grown for seeds, it is watered during flowering.

For better irrigation, you can carry out a drip irrigation system, which will improve soil moisture, and, accordingly, accelerate plant growth.

So, watering onions during the growing season:

How to properly water onions?

This procedure is best done carefully, trying not to damage the leaves, using a watering can with a sieve neck. It is necessary to water abundantly - so that the water is absorbed into the soil by 15-20 centimeters. Most often this is done in the evening, when a crust forms on the surface of the earth. So that oxygen enters the root system of plants, the soil is loosened. To avoid cracking of the bulbs and to extend their shelf life, watering should be completely stopped three weeks before harvesting.

If the plants grow poorly, they should be fed with a solution of mullein with water in a ratio of 1:12. If you are preparing a bucket of this solution, add 30 grams to it ammonium nitrate.

It is worth remembering that watering should be regular, because the number of fruits obtained will depend on this.

And we must remember: this crop does not tolerate excess moisture, therefore it is recommended to use sprinkler (irrigation) systems when irrigating, with which you can achieve an accurate dosage of water. If you place the watering pipe at the top, water will flow down the leaves and thereby improve metabolic processes. Due to this, the yield and shelf life of onions will improve. It is good to add fertilizer in the right proportions to the water for irrigation.

Onions are hardy and unpretentious. Therefore, you can choose any method of watering: drip, sprinkling, from a hose under the root. Sprinkling should be carried out very carefully: put a watering can with very small holes on the hose - too powerful jets of water can crush onion feathers, which will have a bad effect on the growth of the vegetable.

Don't water the onion too much. warm water. High temperature and humidity can cause putrefactive diseases. It is desirable that the water for watering onions be 14-18 ° C. Then the bulbs will grow tasty, juicy, large.

What does the drip irrigation system look like, which is often used to moisten the onion soil, especially when the plant grows in a greenhouse

It is also important to monitor the appearance of the onion: if its feather has become pale and watery, the frequency of watering should be reduced. If the tips of the leaves turn yellow and dry, then on the contrary, the plant lacks moisture.

Energen can be added to irrigation water, which stimulates the growth of onions and feathers, reduces the level of nitrates in plants, and increases yields by up to 40%. Energen should be added to the water at the rate of 1 capsule per 10 liters of water.

How to water onions "on a feather"?

In this case, the soil should be moistened in much the same way as when growing turnips, but more often. If the spring is dry, moisturizing is carried out two to three times a week at a water flow rate of 8 liters per square meter. Until the feather grows enough, it is better to water it under the root. Later, any method will do for watering. In the middle of summer, onions in the open field, which are grown "on a feather", are watered until harvest. Stop moistening the soil approximately five days before cutting. If you continue to water, the feather will become brittle and watery, and its shelf life will also decrease.

If certain conditions are created, green onion can be bred all year round. For example, in greenhouses it is grown in sawdust. Luke doesn't care on what basis to grow. The main thing is that its root system is able to receive moisture from it and useful material. Sawdust, although it perfectly retains moisture, does not contain useful substances. In this case, it will have to be fed.

Bulbs are planted in sawdust in a bridge way - that is, close to each other. Water them twice a week, as fast-growing leaves need a lot of moisture. But at the same time, water should not stand at the bottom of the container.

Also, when planting onions in sawdust, you need to pay attention to the variety of onions - in this case, the following are suitable: shallots, batun, slime, which give a lot of leaves.

Salt solution and watering onions

Sometimes onion feathers suddenly begin to turn yellow and wither. Most often this happens when onion fly larvae start up in them, which damage root system. If nothing is done about it, most of the crop will die. Salvation of the situation can be watering the plants with a weak saline solution. To do this, 200 grams of salt is dissolved in 10 liters of water. From a consumption of 300 milliliters of the solution, each plant is watered under the root. Soon the feathers of the onion will turn green again and rush up.

Thus, the plants are treated in the evening, before sunset. It is necessary to follow that salty water didn't hit the leaves. If necessary, such watering can be done once every three weeks. To test the effectiveness of this method, you can undermine the roots of one severely affected plant and check whether live larvae remain on it. If they are still not all dead, during the next treatment, increase the amount of salt to 450 grams per 10 liters of water.

Experts advise to carry out salt treatment of onions also for prevention purposes. The first watering should be carried out as soon as the onion feathers appear from the ground by 5-6 centimeters. The following such waterings are made every 2-3 weeks.

Sometimes, instead of a similar procedure, before planting, onion sets are soaked for 12 hours in a saline solution in the proportion of 1 glass of salt per bucket of water. After the upper scales are well salted, the onion fly larvae will not attack the treated plantings. In addition, salt is, although not a fertilizer, but a growth stimulant.

However, do not forget that salt accumulates in the soil, so it is important not to overdo it.

When watering onions, it should be remembered that by overdoing it too much, you can worsen the situation, namely, bring the onion to a rotten state and simply ruin the crop.

  • Onions, like most plants, do not like watering under the scorching sun. Water drops concentrate on the leaves sunlight and leave burns on them. Do not water onions in the heat - moisture cannot immediately be absorbed into the soil. Wet soil perfectly conducts heat to the lower layers, and this damages the bulbs. Therefore, watering should be carried out either before the onset of heat, or after it subsides. If this is not possible, make small grooves at a distance of 10-15 centimeters from the bulbs, and pour water directly into them.
  • High soil moisture during bulb ripening is very harmful. Therefore, in places excess moisture onions are planted on beds and ridges, and where it is dry, on flat surfaces.
  • Sudden changes in soil moisture should not be allowed - this is not the best way to affect the growth of onions. If precipitation falls during a drought, additional rhizomes grow on the bulbs and the husks crack.
  • In no case should the onion be watered after breaking the leaf - this will adversely affect its storage.
  • The greatest need for moisture is experienced by onions, which are processed for seeds, during flowering. Its deficiency leads to a decrease in seed yield.

If your onion has begun to wilt, then think about the fact that you may be pouring too much of it or too often.

  • In May, onion sets in hot, dry weather are watered every week at a rate of 6-10 liters of water per 1 sq. meter. In order not to break the leaves, you need to water carefully, from a watering can.
  • Water the onion abundantly, as needed, 4-6 times a month. The soil layer should be moistened to a depth of 15-20 centimeters. Before and after watering, when the topsoil dries out a little, it must be loosened. If, when planting with bulbs, the plant develops poorly, it is fed with bird droppings or mullein, diluted with water 10-12 times. Add 30-40 grams of ammonium nitrate to a bucket of solution. The second top dressing can be done at the end of June: take 30 grams of potassium salt and superphosphate for 10 liters of water.
  • If the soil in your area is fertile, with large quantity humus, then you should not add nitrogen and organic fertilizers, otherwise the leaves will grow, and the formation of bulbs will be delayed. Periodically inspect the planting and completely remove plants damaged by fly larvae. They must be burned or buried to a depth of 50 centimeters.
  • If the onion feather is difficult to pull out of the bulb, and the bulb itself is poorly cleaned, then the onion lacked moisture. He dries up.

Question answer

  1. Why are onion seeds treated with potassium permanganate?

Potassium permanganate contains elements that promote plant growth: potassium and manganese. The seeds of the plant are soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate before sowing. This will disinfect them, destroy pathogens and provide a starting supply of manganese. Soak onion seeds for 20 minutes in a 0.5 percent solution of manganese (0.5 grams per 100 milliliters of water), then rinse thoroughly and dry. The use of potassium permanganate makes it possible to do without fungicides and get a rich, environmentally friendly harvest.

  1. How to water the onion so that the feather does not turn yellow?

First you need to find out the reason for this phenomenon. If this is not associated with onion diseases (bottom rot) and the appearance of pests in it (onion fly, secretive proboscis), then perhaps the reason is a lack of nitrogen. This can happen after heavy rain, and due to lack of moisture. In this situation, the plants need to be fed with infusion of manure, saltpeter, urea.

Onions and garlic - unpretentious, tasty and useful crops grown in almost every garden. One of the main conditions for obtaining a good harvest is their proper watering. Like any other bulbous plants, these crops absolutely cannot tolerate either stagnant water or its lack. About how often to water onions and garlic and in what quantities, our article.

Spring onion care

This crop is planted in open ground in central Russia in mid-May. The day before this procedure, the soil in the garden should be thoroughly shed. After planting, the soil is not moistened in any case: they wait for the moment when the earth dries. In a rainy spring, this usually does not happen, and the plants are not watered at all.

The answer to the question of how often to water the onions depends largely on what kind of weather it is outside. In a dry spring, the condition of the soil will have to be carefully monitored. Drying out the onion in the beds is just as harmful as waterlogging it. In temperate continental climate spring time onions usually have to be watered about once a week. While the heads are small, it is not necessary to moisten the soil under the plants too much: an 8-liter bucket per 1 m 2 will be enough.

Care in June-August

So, we have found out how to properly moisten the soil under plants in spring. Now let's figure out how often to water the onions in the summer and how much water you need to spend. In June, the beds with plants should be moistened a little less often than in spring. Watering during this period is usually done once every one and a half weeks. At the same time, about 10-12 liters of water are consumed for each square meter. Approximately the same irrigation regime is maintained in the first half of July. At this time, bulbs are poured in plants, and therefore they need quite a lot of moisture. The soil in the garden should get wet by at least 15 cm.

Summer residents who decide to grow good harvest of this culture, you should also know the answer to the question of how often you need to water onions at the end of July. At this time, the beds are moistened at the same frequency as at the beginning of the month. However, the amount of water poured under the plants is halved. At the end of July, no more than 5-6 liters of water should be spent per square meter of planting, otherwise the bulbs will be lost in storage. Stop watering about three weeks before harvesting - immediately after creases appear on the feathers.

Basic rules to follow

How often to water onions in the open field, you now know. In the spring, this is done once a week, in the summer - once every one and a half. Next, consider what the actual technology for performing this procedure is.

Onion is a hardy and unpretentious plant, so you can choose any method of watering: from a hose under the root, drip, sprinkling. In the latter case, the procedure should be carried out as carefully as possible. A watering can with very small holes should be put on the hose. Too strong jets can crush the feathers of the onion, and it will grow worse. It is best to water early in the morning.

What else do you need to know

It is not recommended to water the onions with too warm water. High temperature combined with humidity can provoke the development of putrefactive diseases. The optimal degree of water for watering onions is 14-18. With this mode, you can grow juicy, tasty, large and at the same time lying heads.

Sometimes the owners suburban areas added to irrigation water different kind preparations useful for onions. A very good solution would be, for example, the use of such a tool as Energen. This drug stimulates the growth and development of heads and feathers, reduces the content of nitrates in plant tissues and can increase the yield of onions up to 40%. Add "Energen" to the water at the rate of 1 capsule per 10 liters.

The answer to the question of how often to water onions can be, among other things, appearance the plants themselves. If the turnip feather turns pale and becomes too watery, the frequency of soil moisture in the garden should be reduced. Yellowing and drying of the tips of the leaves, on the contrary, is a sign of a lack of moisture in the soil.

How often to water the onion "on the feather"?

In this case, the soil in the beds is moistened in much the same way as when growing plants for heads. The only thing is that such onions are watered a little more often. In a dry spring, the soil is moistened not once, but two or three times a week. At the same time, they consume about 8 liters of water per meter. Before the growth of a long feather, watering is best done using the "under the root" method. Then you can use any method.

How often to water onions in the open field when growing "on a feather" in the middle of summer? Moisten the soil under the plants almost until harvest. Stop watering about five days before cutting. Later, this procedure should not be carried out, otherwise the pen will be too watery and brittle, and its shelf life will decrease several times.

Watering the garlic

So, how often to water the onions and how much water to use, we found out. Now let's figure out how to properly moisten the soil in the beds with garlic. The root system of this plant is rather weak. In addition, garlic heads are smaller than onion ones and nutrients are drawn mainly from the upper layers of the soil. Therefore, this plant needs a little more water. However, it is impossible to pour garlic, just like onions.

The green parts of this culture begin to develop intensively in late April - early May. During this period, at least two waterings should be made. But only if the weather is dry. At the end of spring - in June, garlic heads begin to actively grow. At this time, it is watered at least once every 5 days, and in very hot windy weather - once every 3 days.

The answer to the question of how often to water onions and garlic depends primarily on the weather during the growing season. In rainy summers, the soil on the beds with garlic is watered much less frequently - as it dries up. Sometimes in the beds with this plant you even have to make grooves to prevent stagnant water.

In the event that the garlic is supposed to be stored for a long time, during the period of rapid development of the bulbs, it should be watered less often, then the heads will not grow too large, but at the same time keeping. If the bed is small, and garlic is supposed to be used, for example, only as a seasoning for pickling tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers, the frequency of watering should be increased. In this case, the heads will grow very large, but they will not be stored for too long.

Basic watering rules

When growing garlic, the following recommendations should be taken into account:

  • at temperatures below +15 degrees, the plants are not watered;
  • the water temperature should be no more than +18 degrees;
  • watering is best in the early morning;
  • most The best way watering garlic - drip.

If garlic is only going to be used for canning, stop moistening the beds a week before harvest. If the heads will be stored all winter - 2 weeks before.

Thus, we have found out how often to water onions and garlic. Both of these plants are unpretentious, however, in terms of soil moisture, they are still considered quite capricious. The technology of their irrigation must be observed, otherwise it will be, simply put, impossible to grow a good crop.

The rules of agricultural technology, developed on the basis of practical experience, contain recommendations on how to water onions in the open field. When all the requirements for growing onions are met, it is possible to get the maximum possible yield, which will be well stored until spring. Violation of the rules of watering leads to a decrease in yield by 20%.

Why water onions

Watering onions in open ground at the beginning growing season allows the plant to quickly build up the root system and green mass. Feather accumulates nutrients in the lower part, which is constantly thickening. Due to this, the growth of the bulb occurs. The longer the feather grows, and does not lie down on the ground, the larger the underground part will be.

The onion root system begins to die off with a lack of oxygen, advanced level moisture and temperatures above 18ºС. If it is impossible to influence the average daily temperature at which the bulb falls asleep and feathers lay down, then it is quite easy to provide the plants with enough water and oxygen. Before the onset of heat, it is necessary to regularly loosen the soil between the rows and water the beds with cold water as the soil dries.

Onions need moist soil until mid-June. After June 20, the bed is watered when drought occurs, and the roots die from lack of moisture. Timely watering at this time allows the growth of the bulb to continue until the onset of a hot period.

At the beginning of July, when average daily temperature air temperature exceeds 18ºС, the roots die off, and the bulb goes dormant.

Watering at this time causes more harm than good. If the onion has already fallen to the ground due to the drying of the neck, then the wetting of semi-dry onion tops leads to severe rotting of the leaves.

Bacteria and fungi, which begin to multiply actively, are responsible for this natural process of turning plant waste into a nutrient medium. A large number of conditionally pathogenic microflora that appeared on the onion bed becomes the cause of the development of putrefactive processes in the bulb. A semi-ripe root crop is connected with a green mass by a neck that did not have time to close in order to protect the resulting turnip from rotting the ground part.

Important: The last watering takes place 15 days before harvesting.

How many times do you water the onion

Planting sevka occurs only in moist soil. If the soil on the bed prepared for growing turnips is dry, then the day before planting the seedlings, the earth is abundantly shed with cold water at the rate of a bucket per 1 m².

Important: By planting seed material in moist, loose soil, the gardener stimulates the bulbs to grow together.

If a week after planting, the rains do not wet the bed, then you need to water the plantings so that the growth of the bulbs continues normally.

How many times you have to water it depends on the weather conditions. If in May-June it rains once a week, then this moisture will be enough for the growing process to continue.

In late May - early June, a short-term drought may occur. If the soil is dry, then during this period of active feather growth, it is necessary to moisten the beds 1-2 times a week, until the rainy season. 10 liters of water are poured onto 1 m².

If there is no precipitation in summer, you will have to carry water to the onion beds regularly until the end of June. After each watering, the earth is loosened so that the crust formed due to watering does not block the access of oxygen to the roots of plants.

Interesting: Mulching after each watering is much more beneficial than loosening the soil. This prevents the formation of a crust, and the root system does not receive injuries that occur when loosening the soil.

Whether it is necessary to water the onions when the weather is cloudy and the precipitation is scarce, they decide based on the condition of the soil in the beds.

If the earth in the garden crumbles, and it cannot be formed into a ball, then the onion needs to be watered.

Important: Only the condition of the earth on the onion bed helps determine how often to water the onions.

Beds with onions planted on a feather are watered as often as onion varieties. stop water procedures it is necessary 5 days before harvesting so that the cut feather does not accumulate an excess of moisture, due to which it becomes watery and brittle, which leads to the development of putrefactive processes.

Attention: Watering is carried out before sunrise or after sunset. Then the tender leaves will not suffer from sunburn that form on green onions.

How to water the beds

Onions need moist soil, and in what way they will irrigate it, it does not matter for obtaining a healthy bulb crop:

  1. Drip irrigation will be useful if the irrigation system is turned on from evening to morning.
  2. Watering from a hose at medium pressure will provide an opportunity to moisten the soil well and facilitate hard work associated with lifting and carrying heavy loads.
  3. The watering can can be used to care for a garden bed with onions. Young shoots are watered with it from above. When the turnip is formed, water is poured along the aisles so that a direct stream of water does not fall on the bulbs.
  4. Many housewives scoop water from a 1 liter bucket with a bucket or a jar, dividing it into 5 bushes. Water is poured under the bush so that the root system is moistened.

After irrigation, the earth is loosened, providing oxygen access to the underground part of the plant. This allows you to get a fast growth of greenery.

Important: It is impossible to splash water onto the onion bed with a sharp movement. Onions are planted in the soil, filling it with 2/3 of the earth. Water splashed out of the bucket easily washes the tiny bulb out of the soil. A bare set will take time to root into the ground, which will slow down the growing season.

The temperature of the water suitable for irrigation should be between 14-18C. The higher the average daily temperature, the lower the water temperature will be. This allows you to cool the root system, which rots in moist warm soil.

After watering, the soil should get wet to a depth of at least 8 cm. When mulching and after loosening, the moisture will gradually seep deeper.

When the beds need urgent watering

Irrigation using salt water can be applied 1-2 times per season. At the beginning of the growing season, saline solutions help fight onion fly. Half an hour after applying the salt, you need to shed the beds with clean water so that the bulbs continue their development.

At the end of cultivation, salt allows moisture to be retained, which causes the necks of the bulbs to lose their elasticity. The last watering contributes to the rapid death of the roots and causes lodging of the leaves.

Before processing at the end of the onion growing season saline solution, prepared at the rate of 300 g per bucket of water, it is necessary to remove the soil from the root crops without touching the root system. Salt does not need to be washed off with clean water.

When watering onions is not needed

Soil moisture is not always good for onions. When neither feather nor bulb develops, watering is harmful to the plant. It becomes the cause of putrefactive processes that can destroy the crop.

It is recommended to stop watering the onions no later than 2 weeks before harvesting. Many gardeners are guided by the traditional date of July 12, after which onion watering is no longer carried out. Until this date, they stop watering the onions of the first year of life, which have grown from black chernushki, if the onion tops have begun to dry.

Some vegetable growers believe that continued watering in July will lengthen the growing season, which will increase the yield of turnips. This is possible only when the summer is so cold that in July the average daily temperature will be around 18ºС.

Important: It is impossible to fill the onion with water at high temperature values, because excessive soil moisture in the hot season leads to a rapid increase in conditionally pathogenic microflora.

When to stop watering onions depends on the variety and variety of the plant. Watered in August perennial bows so that the pen is juicy and massive. Some dutch varieties that in the 1st half of the summer they form a set, and after a period of heat they begin to grow a feather and actively grow the bulb, water the whole of August and September, if necessary.

You need to stop watering the beds with late onions before the start of the rainy season, which occurs in September. Late varieties of onions are harvested at the end of October after the first frost.
