Beautiful landscape designs. Landscaping of a garden plot - how to arrange a beautiful garden and vegetable garden in the country

Citizens, tired of everyday work in a stuffy metropolis, are looking forward to the first sunny days to enjoy the peace and tranquility on own dacha. They all dream of turning their land into a true Eden - a place where you can comfortably relax, a place that will please the eye and allow you to relax. Having even basic knowledge, you can turn the smallest and most unremarkable site into a real oasis. And you can do it yourself. The dacha landscape design, the photo of which we posted in this article, will help create fresh ideas for landscaping.

How to equip a cottage

Creating a beautiful and modern landscape is a difficult task, we will not argue, but it is quite feasible for everyone. It is not at all necessary to change the relief of the site, to create complex structures. It is quite possible that in your case it will be enough just to build a beautiful and cozy gazebo, lay out an interesting lawn or plant exotic plants to give the cottage a unique charm.

Where to begin

First of all, you should choose a style - it should not differ from the general concept of the house. For those who are new to landscape art, poorly versed in styles, it is necessary to study special literature.

Consider existing ideas and select the desired landscape design options. Now carefully inspect your site, conditionally divide it into a recreation area, a garden area and economic activity etc. Do not try to use every centimeter of the site, do not clutter it with unnecessary elements - leave room for relaxation.

Flower decoration

You can ennoble your site with the help of a lawn in an unoccupied area and the design of an original flower bed. Before starting construction work, consider the shape and size of the structure, select suitable plants. All of them have certain features, so you need to have a good idea of ​​which flowers suit you best.

Beautiful hanging baskets with ampelous flowers planted in them look original. You can decorate an alpine slide with the help of creeping thyme, perennial cloves, aster, anafalis, coastal army and saxifrages. At the top of the hill, plants should be planted that grow well in bright sunlight. It can be iberis, cinquefoil, evergreen shrubs or geyhera.

Do-it-yourself landscape in the country: rock garden

Now we will try to build an alpine slide. This work must be started in early autumn.

The first step is to accurately mark the territory. The landscape of the cottage provides for the presence of an alpine slide of large, medium or small size. When planning a slide with an area of ​​​​10 m², it is necessary to mark out future transitions and garden paths.

If you are planning to create a landscape in a country house with a rock garden, then you must understand that this structure is not at all a meaningless heap of stones, but a reduced model of a natural mountain landscape. To make it similar to the original, the territory must have a "valley", "cliff", "plateau" and "top". An additional effect is achieved through various ways of lighting these areas.

Scheme of the slide

If you decide to decorate your site with an alpine slide, develop a plan for it on paper. This will allow you to plan your work properly as this is quite a complex decor. After that, the plan must be transferred to the selected territory. It is desirable that the site is high and well lit. Make a markup.

Site preparation

If you create a dacha landscape with your own hands (you can see the photo in publications for gardeners) with an alpine slide, site preparation will be required. For this you need to remove upper layer ground (depth is at least 300 mm). Then the bottom layer (100 mm) is formed, for which broken brick, gravel, slag. Then a second layer is created, consisting of coarse sand (50-100 mm). All created layers are abundantly watered with water.

Next, we make up an earthen mixture from the earth, cleared of weeds, crushed humus (peat) and coarse sand. The components must be taken in equal amounts. This mixture is poured onto a drainage layer, and a hill about one meter high is formed. If desired, it can be higher.

Stone laying

The created layers must undergo shrinkage, after which you can start laying stones. First, the largest of them are laid along the edges, then medium-sized and at the end - small ones. stones small size look great on top of an earthen hill. It is important to alpine slide became a solid structure. Therefore, large stones should be buried in the ground three-quarters of their size. Using this technique, you will get the best imitation of the rock outcrop.

Plant selection

When creating an alpine hill, it is important to choose the right plants. This largely depends not only on the general appearance and the beauty of the building, but also its compliance with the overall landscape design.

Natural stone walkways

To create an unusual landscape in the country, a completely acceptable solution is the creation of stone or mosaic paths. The magnificent decorative qualities of natural stones make them extremely in demand, and quite simple technique the execution of stone mosaics allows you to independently make the lining of retaining walls, decorate the recreation area in an original and stylish way. You will need a little for this - creative imagination and innovative thinking.

Ordinary river pebbles can be an ideal material for creating unusual paths with bright ornaments, it can be used to decorate the inside of a garden pool, which will make your site look completely different from the next one.

Today you can also choose ready-made tiles from natural stone. This will save you from having to pick up interesting stones yourself. In this case, creating a mosaic will not be difficult, provided that all the necessary tools and materials are prepared in advance.

Under the mosaic, you also need to create a foundation. To do this, remove the soil to a depth of 10 cm, tamp the ground and lay the drainage layer. It is best to use crushed stone.

Then we will install a metal or wooden crate for pouring the cement base. To do this, use the trowel and building level required for leveling the surface. We lay on top reinforced mesh, which is poured with 2 cm of mortar.

Leave the surface leveled in this way for 30 minutes for the solution to set. This will allow you to lay the material perfectly evenly and with better quality, and the mosaic will look more uniform and natural.

The stones must be evenly laid out on the surface and, using a soft rubber mallet, deepen them into the cement. Having created decorative pattern, the seams are carefully rubbed with a solution and the mosaic is left to dry completely. The advantages of stone mosaics include its durability. With the help of this technique, your dacha (garden) will be transformed for a long time.

Landscape: small mechanization

Owning a summer cottage not only brings pleasure, not only gives you the opportunity to be proud of yourself, but also imposes certain obligations on the owner. How large territory is in your possession, the more effort will be required to make sure that it is always in proper order, and without a well-groomed, trimmed lawn in front of your house, the site will not be beautiful. In this regard, all owners are faced with the need to purchase a lawn mower.

Someone will object that the landscape in the country (photos of which amateur gardeners love to demonstrate) can be created with the help of an old and good braid, but it is already obsolete and, moreover, will not allow uniform mowing.

To understand which lawn mower is best for you, you need to know how it differs. different types and, therefore, to know by what criteria it should be chosen.

The most significant difference is the type of engine used. In other words, the principle of its action. According to this principle, gasoline lawn mowers can be distinguished - devices that work with the help of a gasoline engine. They have advantages, including greater power, the ability to use additional functions and various devices. But there are also disadvantages. This is, first of all, the presence of exhaust gases and the noise of operation.

Electric mowers are devices powered by an electric motor. This type has less power, but it also has less noise, and is also distinguished by the absence of harmful exhaust emissions. Naturally, such equipment requires power. It is carried out through a fixed network and from

Mechanical mowers are not the most common option, since their action is carried out with the help of the muscular strength of a person who pushes the device in front of him. The advantages of such a device include the absence of the need for power and low noise.

Bridges in the country

A dacha (garden), the landscape of which each person can create on their own, gives great satisfaction to the owner. This is an extremely pleasant occupation, because here people create a place for moral and physical relaxation.

Originally arranged flower beds, various decorative elements - all this lifts the mood and encourages further creative process.

Original bridges are a great opportunity to create original design in the country.

Types of bridges

The purpose of these structures today has changed dramatically. Nowadays, not all of them simply connect the two coasts. Their main purpose is decorative. In addition, they are used as a division of functional areas on your site. Therefore, when choosing the type and style of the bridge, carefully analyze what it will symbolize - it mainly depends on how best to position it.

  • The style of a bridge depends on where it starts and where it ends. For example, a rock garden suggests simplicity and sophistication, in keeping with Japanese culture.
  • Lush gardens call for exquisitely decorated designs.
  • Bridges, which are located over streams or ponds, should be in close proximity to the gazebo on one of the banks - this achieves the completeness of this part of the garden.

If you, when creating a landscape in the country, plan to build a bridge with your own hands, then the most suitable material will undoubtedly become a tree. Designs from this material harmoniously fit into any style on a site of any size. In addition, it is easy to repair the failed sections of such a bridge.

As you can see, creating a landscape in the country with your own hands is not too difficult. The main thing - do not be afraid to experiment, show more imagination.

The decision to improve the backyard territory entails a number of interesting activities, which are usually referred to as "landscape design". At its core, this is the transformation of the piece of land that is located near the house.

The landscape near a private house can be changed and made more comfortable with the help of natural remedies, as well as materials created by human hands. Landscaping your backyard is a laborious and painstaking task, but it is well rewarded in the end.

If you decide to equip and green the area around the house with your own hands, arm yourself with patience. Of course, some skills are also required. The main thing is to follow a clear plan and use a little imagination in expressing your vision of harmony and comfort.


Arrangement household territory should start with design. You can draw a project with your own hands on a sheet of A4 paper (photo below). The main task of the project is to competently manage the territory available to the owners of a private house.

The first step is to assess the terrain. Imagine where paths and steps could be, and in which corner of the yard you can equip a small fountain, barbecue or even a bathhouse. landscape design- this is not only creativity, but also a well-developed spatial thinking.

It is best to draw the project to scale. So you will not be mistaken with the size of objects, and at the end of the work everything will fall into place. Draw a sheet and outline the location of the main objects: gazebos, a bridge, an alpine slide, etc. If you decide to equip a small pool with your own hands, artificial pond or a fountain, be sure to consider the location of all communications (water supply, etc.).

After that, you need to ensure free and convenient movement around the yard. For this purpose, direct or winding paths. Make a few sketches with a pencil until the drawing “plays”. Landscaping for each individual yard is created individually and therefore is unique.

Be sure to consider lighting. Plan where a gazebo will fit well in the shade of trees, and where it is better to arrange a place for taking sunbathing. After everything falls into place, you should clear and prepare the yard area around the house with your own hands.

The buildings

Large architectural details play a decisive role in the design of the courtyard. The area around a private house is good because the following objects can be placed on it:

Wooden, stone or forged gazebo (photo);

bath (sauna);
brazier or barbecue with an adjoining dining area (photo);

well, pool, artificial pond or fountain (photo);

Summer shower etc.

Equipping all this with your own hands, do not forget about the rules for the construction of some buildings and the arrangement of reservoirs. If you decide to build in the courtyard of your private house large gazebo brick, you will need to fill the foundation. should be properly equipped and small pond. Be sure to strengthen its banks so that the soil does not erode during rains.

Photo 1.1

Try to make the most of the landscape features of your yard. Small hills are simply created for arranging beautiful steps (photo 1.1) and alpine slides (photo 1.2). Under the trees in a shady corner of the yard, you can put a bench on which it will be pleasant to relax on hot days.


After the main architectural details take their places, it's time to equip the garden paths with your own hands. No matter how much you like to walk barefoot on dewy grass, paths must be paved. Otherwise, in a couple of months, the entire lawn in your yard will be trampled. And this is unacceptable, since greenery plays an important role in landscape design.

So, garden paths can be straight, winding, with one or more ledges, if you happen to live in a hilly area. The rise must be arranged with steps, which can also be very different in configuration (photo).

Design is made up of little things. Even the material from which the garden paths will be laid out depends general form courtyard landscape. They can be laid out with paving slabs, natural or artificial stone and even small gravel. The main thing is that the material fits into the overall concept. The design of a private courtyard should look cozy and not stereotyped.


How the landscape design created by one's own hands will "play" largely depends on the landscaping. Before planting flowers and shrubs, take care of soil fertility. If it is depleted, it will be necessary to bring black soil, fertilize the land.
Is the landscape of the courtyard near a private house decorated with trees? Great, this can be used (photo). If you want to slightly shade some parts of the yard, you can plant a few more low - for example, fruit - trees.

It is impossible to imagine landscape design without flowers. They fill the space with vibrant colors. You can also plant flowers, shrubs and trees with your own hands. The main thing is to take into account the growth height of all these plants. Make sure that the taller ones do not cover the undersized flowers from the sun, otherwise all efforts will be in vain, and they will simply wither.

Very decorate the landscape and the so-called alpine hills. They are easy to make with your own hands. Alpine slides look good on the slopes, ledges. They are a combination of a rocky surface with undersized flowers and shrubs.

The space between flower beds, alpine slides and other design elements should be filled with fresh green grass. The lawn can be equipped in two ways: by planting seed grass or laying out a rolled lawn. In the first case, you will have to try a little more, taking care of the weed until it comes into force and takes root well.


Landscape design is difficult to imagine without such decorative elements as bridges, lanterns, benches, unusual crafts from improvised materials. It is not at all necessary that a river flow through your yard, through which you can throw a bridge. You can create a pond yourself.

The landscape design around a private house is very decorated with low lanterns lined up along the paths. Their light in evening time will create an atmosphere of fabulous comfort in your yard. Be sure to put one or more benches in secluded corners of the garden. There you can retire and relax from the noise of city life.

All sorts of decorative elements made by with my own hands. For example, a large flower garden can be arranged on an old cart (photo). lush vegetation, bright flowers and wicker baskets and pots scattered around will give your yard a cozy feel.

Furniture and miscellaneous items

If you like to sit in the yard with a book or have a cup of tea outdoors, you can't do without garden furniture. Very colorful and expensive looks forged or wicker furniture. But it doesn't have to be like that at all. Tables and benches can be made by yourself from the remaining after construction wooden house logs and logs. It just takes a little ingenuity.

Of course, you can’t do without various handmade crafts: flowerbeds from old tires, funny wooden boxes for flowers (photo 2.1), hand-painted pots, etc. By the way, all plants do not have to be planted in the soil. Some of them will look and feel better in pots.

Photo 2.1
Great if you yourself or someone from your family is fond of creating miniature copies of palaces, castles and houses. Such decor always looks advantageous against the background of dense vegetation (photo 2.2). In general, try to use all your talents to the maximum, then your landscape design will become a real work of art.

Owners of dachas and country houses are incredibly lucky. They can equip not only the interior and exterior of the premises, but also decorate the landscape in the country. Often such sites remain abandoned, look neglected. Those who want to transform their site and make the environment attractive will have to familiarize themselves with the concept of landscape design.

How to transform the yard with your own hands?

The market is overflowing with the largest organizations offering comprehensive services not only in interior design, but also in the arrangement of areas adjacent to the house. If you are interested in DIY arrangement of them, here you will find answers to many questions regarding how to recreate beautiful landscapes at the cottage with their own hands. For example, where to start designing, how to choose plants and determine their combination, how to save on design suburban area.

Landscape design at first

For many, a summer cottage is associated with an abundance of greenery and flower plantings. The suburban area is ennobled with lawns, colorful flower beds, alpine slides. Many of the novice summer residents begin work on landscape design with the design of the lawn. Isn't it nice to grow a silky grass carpet in your yard and reap the rewards of your own activities while relaxing on such a lawn? green meadow creates a feeling of orderliness, comfort and tranquility. With the help of such an element, it is easy to shade the landscape in the country with your own hands. The photo colorfully conveys all the attractiveness of a well-thought-out landscape design.

An on-site lawn is a great choice, but wouldn't such a yard be empty without flower plantings to please the eye? With your own hands, it’s easy to arrange original flower arrangements, and you can use any seeds and materials for this.

Landscaping is more than just landscaping and landscaping. The creation of gardens is a whole art with its more than a thousand-year history. Everything changes: styles, fashion, but the gardens remain.

Unlike gardening and horticulture in their usual perception, landscape design is a general and even universal discipline.

The landscape in the country is one of the most important elements for arranging a beautiful and cozy atmosphere in the courtyard. Before deciding what you want to see in the end, develop a plan, create sketches. Conditionally break your site into zones and estimate the style of landscape design. Based on your requests, determine the budget of the landscape, because without this, do-it-yourself work will be delayed for a long time.

Once you have an idea, start planning. Create a scheme and set aside certain areas on the site for specific design elements, where you can create compositions by combining elements different kind. In this case, fantasy is important, because to a greater extent everything depends on it, and also on the scale of the budget, the availability of materials and living plantings.

The owner of a large backyard area will have no questions about how to organize the space, combining aesthetics and functionality in design. But the owners of small personal plots often have a question: how to make a landscape in the country?

Do not despair if your backyard area is not large. small plots lovely and charming. These qualities are manifested in a special comfort. Here, every flower, every bush, every element is in plain sight, that's why it is so important to think over the arrangement correctly and combine the components of decorative art correctly. In a small area, multi-tiered living compositions of flowers, garden and ornamental plants look advantageous.

By applying the rules of landscape design when arranging a summer cottage correctly, you will understand how easy it is to visualize the space due to the hills enclosed by small stone walls.

The landscape in the country (photo is in the article) with limited space for creativity should not be oversaturated, at the same time, the space should not be empty. A compact backyard area involves the rational use of each square meter earth.

Landscaping ideas for a small backyard

Alternatively, you can issue a small household plot, making a path paved with gravel or small gravel, leaving the house deep into the garden. You can focus on a round flower bed, complemented by a mini-fountain closer to the center. All this is easy to do with your own hands.

If you can’t build a fountain or you don’t see such an element in your composition, you can replace it with a stone statue. From plants it is preferable ornamental grass(chistets), charming phlox, geranium, lavender.

By arranging a pond on the site, you will give the territory freshness. You can make an artificial reservoir even from an old bathroom or armed with a waterproofing film. Along the edges of the pond, daffodils, mint, primrose, irises, hostas will look great.

Country landscape design involves many options for the design of the site. You just have to choose the one that will look most balanced and harmonious in the rear of your home. Only then will the landscape in the country house begin to really please the eye.

More than 50% of summer residents love alpine slides. Such a decoration element is able to create the illusion of natural stone painting in combination with picturesque plants. In this case, you should not be afraid to experiment. At the foot you can land undemanding plants. For these purposes, choose creeping thyme, alpine edelweiss, young, perennial cloves. For the middle tier, slides are selected alpine asters, seaside army, fluffy anafalis, saxifrage, stonecrop. At the top, sun-loving plant species are planted: evergreen iberis, cinquefoil, geyhera, and other types of unpretentious evergreen shrubs. Choose any plants, use all kinds of techniques, the main thing is that the alpine slide that you build has a natural look.

Your site: how to turn it into a unique masterpiece

The main task of landscape design, according to experts, is the creation of an aesthetic space combined with amenities of a different nature. Here it is important to make the landscape in the country house not only beautiful, but also functional, for example, using attractive green spaces along with building infrastructure. These techniques may be indirect in nature or belong to a more voluminous concept in which we are talking already about special planning using carefully designed landscape design schemes for a summer cottage.

water bodies

Mini-reservoirs and ponds in this design are of no small importance and are popular with people ordering landscape design services. And the designers themselves love to create compositions that include a water body. Before you decide to organize a reservoir on the site, ask yourself: why is there a pond on the territory?

Judging by the photo, the landscape in the country, made by hand, as a result gives the site an attractive, colorful look. Get ready for the fact that you will have to purchase plants, flowers and bushes, animals for ponds, specialized equipment, service equipment and care for the pond. In any case, the project should be organized correctly.

In addition to reservoirs, in summer cottages you can organize:

  • the fountain;
  • water mill;
  • a circulating river
  • cascade;
  • waterfall.

Floral and plant compositions

Growing flower plantations always involves time, labor and material costs. In addition, efforts will have to be made to harmoniously decorate the landscape of the summer cottage.

About Quantity existing species There is no need to say a lot of flowers and plants - they simply cannot be listed. For arranging a living corner, you can use classic, mixed and modern options. The choice depends only on the style of the overall design of the landscape of a small cottage.

fairy paths

If you are going to do the design of the backyard, then remember - landscape decoration always involves the arrangement of garden paths. By resorting to the use of such a seemingly simple detail, you can easily create a truly unique landscape that will have no analogues. And if you decorate the path by placing along it flowering bushes or decorative elements and lanterns, then such a garden will immediately turn into a fairy-tale forest where children will play.

The paths in the yard are the most important component of the landscape, created with your own hands in the country. They can lead to a gazebo, rock garden, shed, parking lot, pond. This element of decor is not only aesthetic, but also practical, allowing a person to get to the right part of the yard at any time of the year and weather. Turning the idea into reality, it is extremely important to think through everything to the smallest detail in order to equip the territory as functionally as possible.

Elements of architecture

Buildings will help to equip you with a practical corner for leisure activities. At 75% landscape plans It implies an architectural component that is more practical in nature. Such buildings include:

  • gazebos;
  • tandoors with small open kitchenettes;
  • sheds for tools and gardening equipment;
  • playgrounds and much more.

Combine spectacular buildings and general rules landscape - beautiful cottage you are guaranteed.

Living and decorative hedges

This element is purely decorative in nature, fulfilling for the most part an aesthetic role, since it is ridiculous to fence off someone on your site. In 95% of cases, a fence along the dividing line of two adjacent plots is not among the decorative elements of landscape design.

Landscape design in the country with the use of hedges is used for zoning. For example, to separate the garden, garden or playground from the rest of the territory adjacent to the house. So you can visualize the space with decorative railings made from any material. Sometimes it is appropriate to use hedges of weaving roses or other types of plants. The main thing is that such an element harmoniously complements the concept. Its meaning is not in fencing or hiding what is behind them, but in a reasonable division of the site into zones, while not harming the aesthetic integrity of the dacha landscape. The garden, for example, can be separated from the yard with a wicker fence, and the path leading to the house can be decorated with climbing hedges.

Other decor elements when landscaping in the country

These are things that complement the space, about which there is no need to talk much. They are used to make the site unique in its kind. Use of figurines pink flamingos and garden gnomes - the squeak of the last century. Today, decorating the garden with flowerpots is in fashion, with the help of lighting, decorative fountains, patio, sculptures and other elements you can think of. These elements will complement any stylistic decision, the main thing is to make the right choice by combining a composition that is unique in its beauty.

As you can see, in decorating everything is conditional. The main thing is that you know what you want to achieve, then you can safely get down to business. Many people use the services of landscape designers who, working with the project, form a country space according to the latest fashion. But you can make a masterpiece plot yourself, just having the desire and basic skills in gardening, because you have to decorate the territory with living plantings. All the inhabitants of the house can be involved in such work.

In landscape design country house there will definitely be work for a child, and for a teenager, and for an adult, and for an elderly person, and creating something together is not only easier and faster, but also more entertaining.

Landscape design of a summer cottage, we will consider some photo options in our article extraordinarily fashion trend last decade, which literally captivated Russian summer residents. It is curious that the history of landscape design began at the beginning of the 20th century, while such a fashion came to Russia recently.

Among the millions of ideas and variations, a person will find a design option suitable for a summer cottage. If there is a creative vein, the approach to the issue is different - to design your own style, drawing ideas from the submitted projects. The key to success lies in harmony and convenience.

Decorative techniques - improving our own skills

To decorate the summer cottage, consider a few design techniques. Consider the methods of designers that will help in further work:

Note! The use of a "dry stream" would be appropriate along with bridges. They will complement the landscape design and create harmony.

The basics of creating a project - choosing the right options

It should be remembered that landscape design should be inviting, neutral and at the same time attractive, have a relaxing effect, which is so necessary during the rest period. That is why, experts present landscape design as a complex task designed to solve several issues.

The project is the first component of landscape design, the creation of which should be approached with utmost attention. Initially, it is required to study the area (summer cottage) and clarify all its features (soil type, vegetation, climatic features, the presence natural reservoirs and ravines, etc.). After “reconnaissance”, a composition is drawn up - the location of paths, flower beds is thought out, the boundaries of various zones are drawn, the possibility of installing a pool or an artificial reservoir, etc. is considered. As a creation of a “green” atmosphere, planting options are thought out tall trees and shrubs. It is necessary to provide for the center (or several centers) of the composition, from which the entire design of the site will “dance” (this can be a pool, a fountain, a tree in the middle of the site, etc.).

Don't forget about color scheme, which is designed to create harmony in the summer cottage. Variegated colors and incorrectly chosen tones will only annoy. Absolutely everything should be in harmony - fences, grass, plantings, paths and recreation areas.

When choosing a set of plants, one should study in detail their qualities, compatibility with other plants, their needs and care features.

Attention! It should be remembered that a summer cottage with a well-thought-out landscape design looks attractive and well-groomed at any time of the year.

If you are not a supporter of long, painstaking work, then it is recommended this work entrust a landscape designer who will competently and as quickly as possible make all your dreams come true.

Features of working on a summer cottage of a small size

A standard summer cottage does not exceed 10 acres, which somewhat limits the flight of design ideas. Do-it-yourself landscape design will have to be thought out to the smallest detail, because you want to get not only beautiful decoration, but also leave space for beds and a small garden.

Experts recommend not to take radical measures, but to bring only indirect changes that will help change the style and the whole general look. It is not recommended to clutter up the site with decorative elements (garden gnomes, fountains, etc.), borders, flower beds and ponds, as they only spoil the overall impression. Harmony in everything - do not forget this rule.

Landscaping is a whole science. Let's see what is meant by this concept:

Improvement of the suburban area - the secrets of professionals

What falls under the concept of landscaping a suburban area? Let's see.

See how you can add interesting new solutions to landscape design using stone. Decorative stone mulching can be used both in flower beds to control weed growth and retain moisture, and as modern reception landscape design to create a stylish and clear minimalist garden structure.

Effective landscaping.

Create a front flower garden.

A bright flower bed with unpretentious plantings, using the methods of gravel mulching in landscape design, turns an uncomfortable area near the entrance into a friendly flower garden.

Add charm to garden paths.

The easiest garden paths paving slabs take on a completely different look next to a flower garden with white gravel mulch, a beautiful line around the wall of the house.
In addition, this flower bed also serves drainage purposes, removing moisture from the foundation of the house.

Landscaping solves site problems

Adding Stone Elements to Landscape Design garden plot is another way to diversify its texture and shape. The area in front of the house is below ground level, so mulching the flower garden near the fence with a stone solves drainage problems.

Design a welcoming entrance to your home.

You can take a few practical ideas from photo above: combination different types mulching (wood bark and stone), harmonious combination of rectangular and curvilinear shapes in one style, a beautiful solution for using border stone and mulch in one color tone. All these landscape design techniques form a stylish appearance.

Place bright accents in the garden.

Part of the area under the tree, mulched with stone, can be the main focus of your garden.

Make a spectacular flower garden in an uncomfortable area.

This stunning dry stream along a narrow path near a blank fence is an example of spectacular landscape solutions with little effort.

Combine a stone of different colors.

Using two contrasting mulches creates a striking effect for this. beautiful flower garden near the house.

Create a rhythm.

Unpretentious plants, planted in uniform groups and decorated with gravel mulch, will create an interesting flower garden structure.

Pay attention to difficult areas.

This hillside property not only solved the problem of drainage from the higher neighboring property with gravel mulching, but also added an unusual decorative element to the lawn, which visually enlarges the space.

Landscaping: the right choice of stone type.

The stones you choose can set general style throughout your garden. Rounded river stones or sea pebbles will form a cozier, warmer style.
White marble chips Helps brighten up shadow areas. Flat stones are more appropriate in landscape garden but may seem out of place in a formal style garden. For a modern minimalist garden, black lava rocks are perfect. Choose the style you like because the life of the stone is indefinite and it is important to choose the look that you will be happy with for many years.

How to use decorative mulching in landscape design.

Regardless of where mulching is used - in a flower bed, under a tree, near the wall of the house, it has 5 main functions:

  1. Careful preservation of soil structure.
  2. Preservation of soil moisture.
  3. Smoothing out fluctuations in soil temperature.
  4. Sunlight reflection.
  5. Weed protection.

One of the main benefits of mulching is soil temperature regulation.

Mulching will help keep the soil from overheating on hot summer days, and can help keep temperatures down on cold nights.

This temperature constancy is one of the key factors for healthy and strong plant growth.

The choice of materials for mulch in landscape design is endless. Stone, bark, hay, needles, and even synthetic materials.

Stone mulch can be good choice for mulching large landscape zones– which may include large and medium ornamental grasses, trees and shrubs.

Such mulching allows water to easily penetrate and does not require replacement.

It is important to remember that stone mulching excludes weeding and soil enrichment.

Therefore, it is more correct to use this type of mulching in combination with film protection against weeds and use plants that do not need rich soil.

Landscaping. Mulching with stone master class

Let's see what is the order of work for decorative stone mulching in landscape design.

First, remove 5 cm of soil, choosing the roots. Please note that our starting site is located on a slope.

We set the garden profile in accordance with the contours of the flower beds, leveling the soil level at each level (this is how we got four mini terraces at each level). At the same stage, it is good to add 1-2 cm of enriched soil to the flower garden, which will be food for plants for many years.

Pour sand into the flower beds and tamp it down. This is done in order not to accidentally damage the agrofibre, which we will lay on top of the sand.

We line the agrofibre, making cuts in it for planting. For big plants make an incision from the edge to the center, then form a hole. We press the film to the ground with metal brackets (you can make it yourself in the form of the letter U from a metal rod).

Let's dwell a little on the color of the film - it will depend on your climate for you. About 7 main types of film are used in landscape design, we will focus on white and black.

White good for hot climates, tk. well reflects sunlight and prevents combustion due to overheating of the soil. For a colder climate, such a film is not suitable, because. the soil under it does not warm up enough. In addition, it requires additional mulching from above, because. it also does not completely eliminate the access of sunlight to the soil, which does not protect against the appearance of weeds.

black film effectively stops the growth of weeds, because. completely absorbs light. On the other hand, it quickly warms up in the sun to 70 degrees, which can cause plants to burn.

The best option in the middle - black and white mulching combines all the advantages of the previous two methods and does not have their drawbacks.

We fall asleep prepared flower beds with a stone layer 5 cm thick. Leave 7-8 cm from the base of the plant to the stone mulch. We lay out the lawn.

We water the flower garden as usual and enjoy our new landscape design project.

Where to use stone mulching.

A favorite technique of modern landscapes is a combination of contrasting colors, such solutions create an unexpected and spectacular result. And the best place for such flower beds is the main entrance, where they will stun and enchant at first sight each of your guests.

Natural stone attaches new color, the texture and hue of the contemplative oriental style to your garden. But it is not for every area in your garden.

The use of stone is a long-term project that does not involve changes for a long time.

In addition, consider your climate and place such landscape elements outside areas of increased leaf fall, the organic remains of which can give the flower bed an untidy look.

But such beautiful solutions in the middle lane can be implemented, for example, for a coniferous garden.

Landscaping. Mulching with stone "FOR" and "AGAINST"

Mulching with stone gives the site a finished modern look. But, on the one hand, such mulching does not enrich the soil in any way; on the other hand, such solutions are durable and require minimal maintenance.

Benefits for gardeners

Mulching with stone allows you to introduce new spectacular solutions in landscape design. A variety of colors, shapes and sizes allows the stone to become a separate design element in your garden.

Cons for gardeners.

When installed without a perimeter fence, stones can roll onto lawns, paths, beds, causing significant inconvenience. Therefore, the edge of the fence should be slightly above the level of mulching.

Plant benefits.

Mulching smooths out critical temperature peaks for plants - the stone absorbs heat during the day and slowly releases it at night. Stony mulching is generally about maintaining moderate soil moisture. Combined with agorafibre, it is an effective weed barrier.

Cons for plants.

The stone can create obstacles for the reproduction and development of plants. In addition, at years of use stone on the flower garden, additional spraying of the plant with bait is required.

Cons for real estate.

Beauty in landscape design is a purely objective matter - what you like may not like a potential future buyer of your home. And the dismantling of stone mulch is a laborious and troublesome business.

Landscaping. Conclusions.

Applying mulch to your garden landscape design can provide a number of benefits, including reduced erosion and water loss, improved soil nutrition, and a more balanced temperature regime soil.

Different types of mulching solve these problems in different ways: river stones and gravel are often used to prevent the growth of weeds and are a spectacular landscaping technique, in addition, they help keep the soil moist and require little maintenance, but they do not nourish or insulate the soil in the same way. just like normal organic mulch.
