What to plant in a sunny area. Flower garden of sun-loving perennials

This is a site about garden flowers that grow everywhere in our country. summer cottages, are used as landscaping in cities and towns, and some of them are even found in the wild in forests and glades. Learn to grow these flowers so that they bring joy to you and others - that's the task of this site.

Some garden flowers in the more northern parts of the country are cultivated as annuals due to the fact that they do not tolerate cold winter, but in more southern areas these same flowers can be grown as perennials. Usually, garden flowers are planted in different types flower beds: for flower beds, borders, borders, mixborders or rock gardens (rockeries). The choice of types of flower beds and their location is an important issue, the impression that they will make on you and on others will largely depend on it.

You need to be guided by two principles so that you and the plants that will grow in flower beds like it. The main requirement for plants in a flower garden is the continuity of flowering and decorative look. The decorativeness of the flower garden is achieved by the right combination of colors in color, height and shape. When choosing plants for a flower garden, one should not forget that the selected flowers must be biologically resistant to climatic conditions the site on which they will be grown, and must also meet your aesthetic preferences.

The main work on the care of garden flowers should include the following types of work. Watering - the need of plants for water depends on their biological characteristics, the phase of development and the type of soil, watering should be guided next rule- in the evening, it is more effective, since the water does not evaporate, but penetrates to the roots. Loosening - creates a favorable water-air regime of the soil for the normal development of the root system, while destroying a large number of weeds.

Mulching is a useful technique ]]> when growing any plant, including garden flowers, it reduces the number of loosening, saves heat and moisture in the soil, prevents the development of weeds, and also provides plants with additional nutrition due to the decomposition of organic mulch. The best materials for mulching are: peat, chopped bark, compost, sawdust, old leaves, as well as freshly cut chopped grass. You can also use special synthetic materials for soil mulching, such as lutrasil and spunbond. Fertilizer - when planting, rotted manure, mineral complex fertilizers, wood ash. Top dressing can be started no earlier than a month after planting, when the plant takes root in its place. They are usually fed full mineral fertilizer spring and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers at the end of summer.

Under bloom with special splendor and beauty. The choice of their species and varieties is large enough so that every gardener can find plants of the color, shape and flowering period that suit him.

The most successful places for many profusely flowering garden perennials are open to the sun.

Here such noble long-flowers as lilies, peonies and phloxes can show themselves in all their glory. They tolerate short-term daytime shade quite calmly, but longer shading and even openwork shade from trees and shrubs seriously affect their prosperity.

Particularly sensitive in this regard are large, luxuriant breeding varieties of sun-loving perennials. For them, the most optimal rabatki with fertile and sufficiently moist soils.

The design of sunny areas depends entirely on your taste and, of course, on the real possibilities of your garden. Small flower beds in the front garden can be arranged no less effectively than a ridge stretched along the garden path, a "ribbon" of perennials along the border of the garden, or a flower island in the center of the lawn.

In any case, it is very important to skillfully combine plants according to growth. Such tall and luxuriant crops as krasnodnev, mallow and lupine are most advantageous in the "far" section of the flower bed. Their flower stalks will rise above the shorter crops in the foreground, which in turn will cover the bases of their shoots.

For a beautiful transition between open to the sun compact cushion-shaped perennials - shrubby aster, gray carnation or Carpathian bell are very well suited for a ridge and a lawn, a terrace or a garden path. They will reliably cover the soil with a dense leafy cover, which will decorate the edges of the rabatok at the time when flowering ends.

The most important advantage of sun-loving perennials is their colorful outfit. Their multi-color arrangement looks best against a calm background of trees and shrubs.

In order to achieve certain color combinations, it is necessary to take into account the periodicity of the development of each individual culture.

The peak of flowering perennials falls on the period from June to August. At this time, such large yellow-colored "sun worshipers" as rudbeckia, heliopsis, coreopsis, gelenium, as well as juicy red and knifofia, bloom magnificently.

The choice of spring sun-loving perennials is somewhat less. In April, rezuha, meadow backache and adonis bloom. In May they are joined by daylily, catnip and peony.

You can enrich the spring palette with bulbs such as narcissus, tulip and hazel grouse. Since bulbous crops become unattractive after flowering, they should not be planted in the foreground of flower beds.

An easier-to-care-for large flower garden option is a sunny lawn. Wild perennials - cornflower, meadow sage - thrive here in a motley company with herbaceous plants. Such lawns are sown with a special seed mixture or individual crops are planted on an existing lawn.

Rabatka from sun-loving perennials

Soft and delicate colors dominate this perennial discount.

Rabatka sun-loving perennials

1. Miscanthus - Miscanthus sinensis.

2. One-year-old three-incised, or hole - Malope trifida.

3. hybrid variety yarrow - Achillea "Schwefelbluete".

4. Bell flower - Campanula lactiflora.

5. Perovskia wormwood - Perovskia abrotanoides.

6. An annual verbena hybrid - Verbena.

7. Stonecrop-skripun, or hare cabbage - Sedum telephium (before flowering).

9. Fox-tailed peristoschetinnik - Pennisetum alopecuroides (before the appearance of peduncles).

10. Wormwood Louis - Artemisia ludoviciana.

11. Hybrid variety of yarrow - Achillea "Lachsschoenheit".

12. Hybrid shrub aster - Aster dumosus (before flowering).

13. Hybrid coreopsis - Coreopsis.

14. Fassen's catnip - Nepeta fassenii "Six Hills Giant".

15. Himalayan - Geranium himalayense.

16. Annual fragrant tobacco - Nicotiana.

17. Santolina cypress - Santolina chamaecyparissus.

Beautiful sun-loving perennials

Delphinium- large-flowered perennial with long candle-shaped inflorescences; supports are desirable; re-flowering after pruning. Densely strewn with bells, upright flower stalks of the spur are spectacular in any corner of the garden.

Phlox paniculata- durable large-flowered perennial with dense pin-shaped peduncles; re-flowering after pruning. Pleasant aroma and lush floral attire make phlox one of the most popular garden crops.

Rudbeckia- unpretentious large-flowered perennial with inflorescences-baskets; gives root suckers; pruning increases the flowering period. If enough space is provided for rudbeckia, then gradually it forms dense flower thickets.

Aster shrub- abundance of star-shaped inflorescences over dense dark green foliage; good . The warm lights of the autumn shrub aster (Aster dumosus) glow in the garden until October.

Kotovnik- long, arched shoots with numerous small two-lipped flowers; loose bushy growth. It is not difficult for him to find a company. Regular pruning keeps the bush compact.

Oriental poppy (Turkish)- large cup-shaped flowers of luminous color; short flowering time; spreads by self-seeding. He is loved for the freshness of bright flowers and for the expressiveness of the seed pods.

heliopsis- hardy large-flowered perennial with sunflower-like inflorescences on long straight stems and long-lasting flowers.

A compact long-lived perennial with evergreen hairy foliage and fragrant flowers. Thanks, they are classified as semi-shrub. She is very good in borders.

Day-lily- large-flowered perennial with star-shaped or bell-shaped flowers; grows to the size of a large shrub.

Gaillardia- attractive multicolor ray-shaped inflorescences on strong stems; cold protection recommended.

Not every plant is able to fully develop and grow without sufficient moisture. They can react to its lack in different ways: some slow down in growth, others lose leaf turgor, and others dry out completely. But what if in hot, dry weather there is no way to often water the flower garden? In this case great solution the problem will be the selection of drought-resistant plants for decorating a flower garden, which, even with insufficient moisture, do not lose their attractiveness, delighting others lush bloom and wonderful aroma.

When making flower beds from drought-resistant plants, you can adhere to standard schemes plantings, in which the foreground is filled with undersized flowers, and tall handsome men are planted as a background in the background.

Decorative flower beds are able to act as a spectacular decoration of the site and serve as a source of aesthetic pleasure for their owners.

When creating a flower garden that will decorate the site for more than one year, a number of points must be taken into account:

  • Place of arrangement. Drought-resistant flowers feel comfortable on depleted soils. But they do not tolerate swampy soils, where there is no sufficient outflow of moisture. On flooded soils, they simply rot and die. Reliable soil drainage is a prerequisite for the arrangement of flower beds. When laying out flower beds, the illumination factor of the site is also important, because some drought-resistant flowers love sunny areas, while others love shady places.
  • Plant combination. When selecting compositions, it is important to take into account the conditions for growing a particular species. Plants with different moisture needs may not feel comfortable in close proximity. And with such a combination of plants, the grower may have difficulty with watering.
  • Creating conditions for growth. For the arrangement of reliable drainage, a sufficient amount of gravel and sand must be introduced into the soil. Watering is desirable to carry out only in the morning, thereby reducing the loss of moisture in the daytime.

It is necessary to plant plants at a sufficient distance from each other, leaving room for the free growth of their aerial parts.

Since most drought-resistant plants naturally grow on depleted soils and nutrient-deficient soils, it is best to limit the amount of organic fertilizers when preparing a flower garden.

The opinion that drought-resistant plants look inconspicuous against the background of their sun- and moisture-loving counterparts is erroneous. Among the drought-resistant plant species, you can find many bright and showy decorative flowers. Beautifully flowering drought-resistant perennials are unpretentious in nature and are able to grow even on depleted soils.

Many flower growers love drought-resistant plants, not only for their unpretentiousness and beauty. Around the beds with these plants, a pleasant aroma always hovers, attracting insects that pollinate the flowers.

But even among the variety of beautiful drought-resistant plants, clear favorites can be distinguished, which, even with insufficient care, can delight with lush, unique flowering throughout the season.

Using tall and short drought-resistant grasses in the design of compositions, you can even create real masterpieces of landscape art.

Plants that are unpretentious in care can feel comfortable both in sunny and slightly shaded areas. Periwinkle, wormwood, spurge, arabis, stonecrop and yarrow grow beautifully between stones. They are indispensable for the design of dry slopes, as well as for arranging and.

Among the ground cover and low-growing drought-resistant flowers, the most decorative are: styloid phlox, gaillardia, alissum, saxifrage

Lilac lavender bushes, planted along garden paths and exuding a magical aroma in the area, can literally transform the territory of the site

Irises, beloved by many flower growers, are also not particularly demanding in their care. Most of them bloom in the spring for 3-5 weeks, but some varieties bloom again with the onset of autumn.

Irises - amazing plants, numbering in tens of thousands of varieties, amaze the imagination with an exquisite flower shape and a variety of colors

Echinacea is also great for decorating dry areas. A native of warm countries is interesting with bright inflorescences of pink, yellow, burgundy and purple hues.

In addition to decorative appeal, miniature "suns" can also have a healing effect: they help boost immunity, as well as cure colds and flu.

The original texture of the garden will help to give the Byzantine cleaner. The plant, popularly referred to as the "ears of the lamb" is interesting due to the silver foliage, which has a velvety texture.

Byzantine Chistets is a herbaceous perennial with a height of 30-40 cm. As it grows, it creates elegant soft “pillows” with a silvery sheen

Crocosmia - extraordinary beautiful plant, numbering about 50 species, is of South African origin. The aroma of its flowers is somewhat reminiscent of saffron, widely used in cooking.

Crocosmia, decorated with spikelets with star-funnel-shaped flowers, is famous for its abundant and long flowering, which can last from mid-summer to late autumn.

This drought-resistant plant looks great in open flower beds.

Among the tall, drought-resistant beauties, one can distinguish mallow, miscanthus, and decorative onions. Reaching a height of two meters, they are able to create elegant screens that will act as a bright decoration of the site throughout the season until the first frost.

Graceful stems of stock roses can decorate about a dozen semi-double or double flowers of various shades, from snow-white, rich yellow to dark purple and burgundy.

These showy plants ideal for low maintenance gardens. It is enough just to sow the seeds in the ground at a distance of 50 cm from each other on fertile and well-drained soil - and after a year or two you get the opportunity to enjoy the amazing flowering of mallow from June to late autumn.

Allium or decorative bow deserves special attention. Throwing out flower-bearing arrows 80-170 cm high in spring (depending on the variety), he dresses up in spherical inflorescences of stunning beauty.

Large balls of allium inflorescences, smoothly swaying on thin arrows, are strewn with star-shaped flowers of white, pink and light purple shades.

In addition to aesthetic appeal, due to the specific “onion” smell, allium is able to protect not only itself, but also its neighbors in the flower bed from harmful insects.

drought tolerant herbs

When decorating a flower garden special place should be allocated to drought-resistant grasses. The most attractive among them are: gray fescue, dvukistnik and elimus.

Compact bushes of gray fescue, whose height does not exceed 20-25 cm, outwardly resemble sea ​​urchin with bluish needles

Such "hummocks" look spectacular against the background of reservoirs, in rocky gardens. Gray fescue grows best in sunny areas with a fertile, well-drained substrate.

Double source - rapidly expanding ornamental grass, forming high "pillows", collected from white-green motley grass

Attractive for its pointed bluish-gray leaves and ornamental grass elimus.

Since elimus grows rapidly and behaves somewhat aggressively towards neighboring plants, it is better to plant it in a flower garden, limiting the roots with a container without a bottom.

Ornamental trees and shrubs

The beautiful barberry shrub is a clear favorite due to its unpretentiousness and drought tolerance. Its thorny stems, which grow up to 1 meter high, are decorated with elegant yellow, pink-brown and bright red leaves.

Among the variety of barberry varieties, the most decorative are Golden Ring with red small leaves in yellow border and Rose Glow with pink-brown leaves with a whimsical pattern in the form of white strokes and droplets

Branched barberry shrubs love the sun, but can also grow in slightly shaded areas. Some varieties of barberry also delight with edible bright red fruits by autumn.

Euonymus - bright and unusual beautiful shrub attractive with a beautiful openwork crown and small elegant foliage.

The plant, whose foliage has a rich dark green color in the summer months, with the onset of September, is covered by an "autumn fire", turning into orange, purple and violet hues.

The pinkish fruits, strewn over the euonymus stems, open as they ripen, and bright red-orange seeds peep out of them. Amazing spectacle! But it is worth remembering that ripened fruits, like all parts of the plant, are poisonous.

The silver goof shrub is no less decorative. He feels most comfortable on very depleted soils, enriching and improving them with nitrogen.

The branches of the shrub, decorated with silvery foliage, are covered with miniature flowers during flowering, spreading a pleasant aroma, due to which they are widely used in the perfume industry.

In place of flowers, fruits are later tied, which by autumn grow into yellowish berries with astringent sweetish pulp.

Flexible branches of an evergreen shrub are decorated with tiny needles and scaly needles, spreading a pleasant resinous aroma around them.

An amazingly beautiful forest dweller, who can withstand adverse conditions, with his person is able to transform any place on the site. It will act as a spectacular addition to a rocky garden, a multi-level flower garden, a mixborder, and framing a garden path.

Drought-resistant plants - ideal for decorating a garden and flower garden. They fit perfectly and serve well. worthy decoration site.

Everyone can have a beautiful and colorful site, even not very experienced gardener. And even if it is not possible to provide daily watering and they need to be planted in an open, arid area, it does not matter. Consider some drought-tolerant plants as examples for planting in a sunny bed that will bloom, delight in lush greenery and create a cozy atmosphere in your garden.

drought tolerant herbs

When making a sunny flower bed, you should pay attention to which will help to complement your flower garden with juicy greenery and give it volume.

Examples of such drought-resistant plants:
  • meandering meadow- forms tussocks of thin blades of bright green color. It is not picky and tolerates frost well and is great for planting in an open area;
  • tonkong gray- low drought-resistant grass of green-gray color, which is the reason for its name. It takes root well in sunny areas and does not need any specific care;
  • reed canary Grows well in both sunny and shady areas. His main feature- leaves white color;
  • - an excellent plant that absolutely does not need watering and loves sunny places. There are many varieties of tenacity, which differ in a variety of colors.
  • Sun-loving flowers for the flower bed

    In nature, there are a lot of plants that we can plant in a sunny flower bed. And in the search for drought-resistant flowers for a flower bed, we advise you to pay attention to those that do not need to be sown every year. Another plus in favor of perennials is the factor that they are quite unpretentious and do not need special care.

    • In April-May, you can land cornflowers. They prefer sunny places and are unpretentious to soils. These perennials must be planted at least 30 cm apart, otherwise the plants will shade each other. Cornflower does not require special care after planting and is resistant to pests and diseases. In order to keep your sunbed looking tidy, you need to remove flowers that have faded.

      Did you know? Cornflowers are perennials that are widely used in classical medicine. They are part of antiseptics and preparations for the treatment of diseases of the eyes, liver and biliary tract. IN folk medicine inflorescences are used to make various tinctures that help in cosmetology and even gynecology.

    • Sunny mood in your flower bed will create doronicum. While the rest of the plants are just gaining strength, and the bulbs have already faded, doronicum will delight you from May to June. More than 40 species of this plant are known. The flower adapts perfectly to any conditions, so a sunny flower bed is perfect for planting it. When leaving, it must be taken into account that the plant has a superficial root system, and weed and loosen the soil with care so as not to damage the perennial.
    • Lush and bright, which are also planted during this period, are not only unpretentious, but also bloom twice: in June-July and August-September. You can plant them either one at a time or in groups of 2-3 plants, in which case in a couple of years you will get powerful root system This plant is very strong and goes to a depth of 1 meter. It should be borne in mind that the seeds of this perennial are poisonous and it is necessary to cut the flower stalks in time. But the stems of faded lupine will be perfect for your flower bed.
    • The list of colors that are great for an open sunny bed includes small-petal blooming throughout the summer. This plant is deservedly preferred by novice gardeners and designers. Indeed, when choosing this perennial, you get fluffy green bushes that also bloom profusely. Small-scale frost-resistant, not capricious and sun-loving perennial.
    • You can also land at the end of May. This herbaceous plant from bright colors has about 90 species, it can be both upright and ampelous. The plant does not require special care, but during flowering it is desirable to provide moderate watering. And, of course, to maintain the well-groomedness of your flower bed, dried flower stalks should be removed.
    • It has many colors and is perfect for a sunny flower bed. In addition to the abundance of colors, it also has a pleasant aroma. All varieties of cloves go well with other plants in the flower bed, not capricious to the neighborhood.

When designing a garden, emphasis should be placed on drought-resistant perennials. Big choice grass flowers and ornamental shrubs presents a wide scope for original ideas. The ability of these plants long time being without moisture makes it much easier to care for the garden, saves water.

The choice of plants for the alpine slide, features

Alpine slide has become a sign of the taste of the owners country house. It is traditionally located in the central part of the site, which is well lit by the sun at noon. The right choice will be sun-loving perennials.

Ground cover perennials are considered basic plants for alpine hills, rockeries, rocky gardens. They grow into a continuous carpet or form curtains up to 30 cm in diameter. These drought tolerant perennials make the visuals look like mountain landscapes:

  • braid the terraces;
  • harmoniously connect all tiers of the slide;
  • unite plants different heights and large decorative boulders.

Attention! In the design of an alpine slide (rockeries), hybrid forms can be combined perennials, and not just mountain varieties.

Enliven the landscape with flowers, also drought-resistant perennials. Don't forget about ornamental grass. Grass for dry places - fashion trend in the design of not only rock gardens, but in general any territory of a country house.

Description of perennials

A rich selection of ground cover drought-resistant perennials for sunny places makes it possible to create the desired background, to fix the soil on the slopes. To fill the space between the stones, landscape designers prefer perennials:

  • Mshanka subulate;
  • Aubriete;
  • Stonecrops.

Perennials grow well in the sun: Phlox subulate, Thyme, Astra alpine. From drought-resistant herbs in the sun, gray fescue grows well.

Bryozoan subulate

Styloid bryozoan is a sun-loving perennial. The plant has flexible stems, which are very difficult to break. Small leaves resemble needles, but they are very soft and do not prick. Rare watering is enough for the growth of bryozoan. The use of perennial in landscape design not limited to rock gardens, a drought-resistant plant is planted on a lawn, garden paths are planted around the perimeter.

The awl-shaped bryozoan blooms all summer, starting in May. Perennial flowers are white, about 5 cm in diameter. Plant of limited growth (8 cm), does not require pruning. The lawn of styloid bryozoan does not need to be mowed, this greatly facilitates maintenance. Rock gardens, decorated with a drought-resistant perennial, always look well-groomed.

Advantages of awl-shaped bryozoan, which will not leave indifferent any owner of the garden:

  • beautiful grass cover;
  • the carpet of grass is so dense that weeds are completely absent;
  • rather rare watering during hot periods of summer;
  • flowers emit a pleasant aroma.

You can propagate awl-shaped bryozoan by seeds, but it’s easier to buy ready-made planting material perennial in the nursery.

Advice! Sow perennial seeds in boxes in March: spread them on the surface, sprinkle with snow, close the container with a transparent lid or film.

The plant is dived, planted in the ground in May, leaving a distance of 10 cm between the bushes. A drought-resistant perennial that has taken root will reproduce by self-sowing in subsequent years.


Aubrieta is a sun-loving perennial for the garden, capable of withstanding light partial shade. This flowering plant. Flowers up to 1 cm in diameter are bright, of a wide variety of shades: white, pink, purple. The plant forms continuous carpets up to 35 cm high. Early flowering - April, May, June. Cropped perennial bushes bloom again in autumn.

Leaves with a light fluff of a laconic form are little visible from under the flowers. This special flower hibernates without shedding them even in cold weather. The frost resistance of the plant is convincing, but if the winters are severe, below minus 25 ° C, shelter is indispensable.

Important! The flower can be affected by aphids, suffer from powdery mildew. Prevention with fungicides is needed.

Aubrieta does not like prolonged rains, she tolerates drought easily. Propagated by seeds, cuttings, division of the bush is not used. When designing a garden, it is convenient to plant not seeds, but seedlings. You can grow it yourself or buy it from a nursery. Popular varieties:

  • Giant waterfall;
  • Charming Morocco;
  • Lizzie.


Stonecrop is an indispensable element of rock gardens, with their help they decorate unattractive places in the garden. Popular and easy care stonecrops:

  • White;
  • False;
  • Spanish;
  • Kamchatsky;
  • bent;
  • Clawed;
  • Caustic.

Most stonecrops love sunny places, tolerate partial shade. Stonecrop grows well in the shade, it is customary to plant it on rocky hills, it spreads slowly. In sunny areas, the flowering of stonecrops is longer and more abundant.

All types of stonecrops are propagated by seeds through seedlings, cuttings. Sowing seedlings begin in February-March. Care consists in rare watering, pruning of faded inflorescences, loosening the soil. Weeds will need to be removed periodically.

Advice! Stonecrop caustic saves the summer resident from weeding. Weed grass does not grow near it.

A pleasant feature of all varieties of stonecrops is the absence of pests on them and immunity to infections. Because of the indifference, this groundcover will become the best option for the alpine hill.


Thyme is a perennial sun loving requiring a minimum of moisture. The plant has many types. In landscape design, a fast-growing perennial is used to decorate rock gardens. The most popular type is creeping thyme.

By mid-July it forms blooming carpet. The flowers are pinkish-purple. The height of creeping thyme is 15 cm. The perennial is propagated by seeds. They are sown in a nursery in early spring, and in autumn the grown seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place.

For alpine slides, special dwarf varieties perennial, their height is from 1 to 5 cm:

  • T. Elfin;
  • T. coccneus;
  • T. White Moss.

All varieties of perennial thyme grow better in the bright sun, in the shade it loses its decorative effect: the shoots stretch out, the color of the leaves fades. The drought-resistant plant looks great against the background of fine gravel. Adult perennials can be transplanted, divided bushes, propagated by cuttings.

Astra Alpine

Perennial Astra Alpine is planted along garden paths in mixborders and in the foreground of flower beds. Arid perennial is traditionally used in the design of alpine slides. Create flower arrangements not difficult, many varieties of different colors allow you to do this.

Popular drought-resistant varieties:

  • Albus;
  • Gloria;
  • Rosea;
  • Ruber.

Important! Plant the aster in a sunny, dry place.

IN southern regions perennial propagated by seeds, directly sowing them into the ground. In temperate latitudes, they are sown in greenhouses and already grown seedlings are transplanted into the garden. Mature bushes can be divided. Rare drought-resistant varieties are propagated by cuttings. Care consists in rare moderate watering and the prevention of fungal diseases. The flower is susceptible to fusarium, black leg. From pests (meadow bug, caterpillars), bushes are treated with karbofos.

Phlox subulate

The profusely flowering perennial styloid phlox enjoys special love among gardeners. The plant is drought-resistant, prefers sunny places, dry, poor soil. It starts blooming in May. The flowers are medium-sized - 2 cm, collected from 5 petals. Varieties of different colors have been bred.

Important! To limit growth drought tolerant plant, trim faded bushes to 1/3 of the length.

Phlox subulate bushes grow up to 50 cm, the shoots are covered with evergreen, hard leaves up to 1 cm long. The plant is aggressive, spreads quickly. To preserve the decorative effect, formative pruning is carried out immediately after flowering.

The perennial is propagated vegetatively: cuttings, layering. Seed propagation is rarely practiced. Care is simple, the emphasis is on weed control, they are fed in the spring. Humates are used to feed the evergreen perennial.

gray fescue

In gray fescue, blue-gray looks very impressive. narrow leaves. It is a drought-resistant grass plant that blooms from June to July. Inflorescences paniculate, gray-green. The bushes are lush - up to 40 cm high, and sometimes up to 60 cm. Designers love to use this drought-resistant perennial in flower arrangements.

Important! For intense coloring of the leaves, transplant the perennial once every 2 years.

The plant prefers to grow in full sun. Grows best in poor soils. The grass grows well Alpine rollercoaster, since it needs well-drained soil, it must be limed a year before planting. Common varieties:

  • Azurite
  • Blauglut;
  • Daeumling.

Drought-resistant perennials require minimal care, from spring to late autumn they are a decoration of the garden.

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