Do I need to water the sevok after planting. How often to water onion sets after planting

Onion is perhaps the most popular garden crop among Russian summer residents. Grow it on almost every suburban area. Of course, to get good harvest of this culture, when cultivating it, all the required technologies should be observed. This also applies, of course, to procedures such as

General rules

According to the basic technology, onions should be watered after planting for about two months. Actually, the very frequency of moisturizingnsoil sowing on the beds with this crop is determined depending on weather conditions. If the spring turned out to be rainy, you can not water the onions at all. During the dry season, the bed with onions is moistened at least twice a week.

Also, some summer residents are interested inIt is known that sevok is used as seed material for growing this crop. These small annual heads are buried 2-3 cm into the ground. Before you start planting them, it is not necessary to moisten the ground in the garden. You can also bury the heads in dry soil. In this case, it will be more difficult to damage their roots. But after planting, it is necessary, of course, to fill the bed with onions with water.

Finding out whether the onion needs watering or not is very simple. Dry land under this plant should not be. During the growth of the green mass, you need to ensure that the soil in the garden always remains moist.

When to stop watering onions

Water the onions when planting,thus, it should be mandatory. For some time (with a set of green mass and with the development of bulbs), this culture requires a lot of water. But gsomewhere around mid-July in most varieties of this garden plantheads are almost finished forming. During this period, they begin to accumulate different kind nutrients and sucrose. So in the middle of JulywateringsLukeetcrare. If this condition is not met, the heads will grow tasteless and will be stored very poorly.

Three weeks before harvesting, watering the onions should be stopped even if the weather outside is dry. Otherwise, the heads may not even reach the New Year.

How to water properly

Moisturizing beds with onions, of course, you should adhere to a certain technology. Watering this crop simply from a hose is not recommended. Otherwise, you can damage the heads or even pour them out of the ground. Be sure to put a watering can on the hose. In this case, the water pressure should not be too strong.

Produce polive onionbest in the morning or evening. Feather tissues in this culture are rather coarse. However, getting water on them on a hot day can still cause burns. The fact is that after watering on the green parts of the onion, like any other plant, droplets of water remain. The sun's rays pass through them, like through small lenses, focusing. As a result, the tissues of the plant are very overheated and subsequently dead zones form on them.

How to water large onions

As soon as the heads reach a size of 4-5 cm in diameter, the method of moistening the onions by sprinkling can be changed to watering "under the root". The watering can from the hose during this period must be removed, and the water pressure should be tried to be a little less. Large onions are watered not over the heads, but trying to get into the aisles.

What water to use

It is possible to grow a good crop of onions with large heads and laying only in the area where there is a special outdoor storage capacity. It can be, for example, an ordinary tank welded from sheet metal in the form of a box. This design should be installed in the garden at the highest place. Water is poured here from or kopanka and left to warm up in the sun for several days. After that, it can be used for gentle watering of any garden crops, including onions.

The use of such water to moisten the beds provides best growth heads and reduces the risk of infection with all kinds of fungi and bacteria. This is explained very simply. When watering with warm water, the tissues of the bulbs do not experience any stress due to the rapidly changing ambient temperature.

Overflow hazard

Of course, you need to water the onion dquite often.Overdry this garden cropin no case can. otherwise good harvestPit will be simply impossible to get. But at the same time, it is impossible to allow overflows of this plant in any case. If there is a swamp in the garden with onions, it will quickly begin to rot. In addition, excess moisture will create in the soil favorable conditions for the development of various pathogenic microorganisms. For example, with excessive watering, onions can easily get sick. powdery mildew. In this case, even if it is possible to harvest some kind of crop, it is unlikely that it will be possible to save the heads in winter. Onions will begin to rot from the side of the roots in a couple of months.

On the damp areas This garden crop is best planted in slightly raised beds. It would also be a good solution to arrange drainage in the garden by digging ditches to drain water into a receiving well and laying them in them. In this case, not only onions, but also other garden crops will produce much larger yields.

How much water should be used

Watering onionsproduceusually quite a lot. Specific QuantityThe water used depends on the age of the plants. In any case, after watering, the bed should be soaked just enough so that everything, even the longest roots of the heads, “earned”. The grown onion is usually watered at the rate of 10 liters per 1 m 2 of the bed.The soil under the plants should get wet by about 15-20 cm.For freshly planted onions, you can use less water.

What else is worth knowing

A couple of weeks afterbutIt is advisable to mulch a bed with onions with manure or well-rotted compost. This should be done after watering. The earth is preliminarily loosened, all weeds are removed from the garden, and then it is covered with the selected type of mulch with a layer of up to 3-5 cm.

How to water onions with nutrient mixture

On a bed mulched with manure or compost, onions will, of course, grow much faster. However, such feeding is still not enough for this plant. In order to get a good onion harvest, throughout growing season it should be additionally watered several times with a nutrient mixture. You can prepare such top dressing using, for example, mullein infusion. The latter is diluted with water in a proportion of approximately 1x10.

WateringLukesuch a mixture should be done as carefully as possible. Get the nutrient solution on the featherstohighly undesirable.

Watering green onions in a greenhouse

The feathers of this garden crop grow very quickly. In addition, it contains just a huge amount of various kinds of vitamins. Therefore, many summer residents plant this crop in early spring in greenhouses. Of course, such onions should be watered correctly.

Experienced gardeners advise moistening this crop in a greenhouse with a frequency of about twice a week. When in closed ground be sure to monitor the degree of soil moisture.In this case, the soilunder plantsalsoshould not dry out.Waterlogging of this crop in the greenhouse should not be allowed.

Watering the onion with water xCold is not allowed not only in but also in the closed. In the greenhouse, this culture can catch the infection even faster than in the garden.

How to water seed onions

Of course, in a garden with such an onion, the soil should also be periodically moistened. The basic rule in this case is the same as when watering a crop grown on heads. Do not allow the soil under the plants to dry out or become waterlogged. Plentifully water onions planted on seeds should be during flowering. This will allow you to get a large quality set. It is not necessary to mulch the garden bed with such onions. But it is worth loosening the ground under it after each watering.

Use of sprinkler irrigation systems

With the use of such equipmentand throughout the season.Exactlysystems of this typeconsideredfor this culturethe most suitable. The main structural elementsuch equipmentis an irrigation head mounted in a special installation. These sprinklers are laid underground. During irrigation, when pressure is applied to the pipeline, rods with nozzles at the end extend outward. Sprinkler height can reach 5-30 cm.

On sale today there are two types of such equipment - fan and rotary. For onions, the first type of sprinklers is better suited. Rotary models are more often used for

Today I decided to touch on in my note the watering of onions in the open field. After all, it is the irrigation of onions that is the key to the formation of large bulbs and a good yield of onions in general. Previously, when growing onions in the fields, watering was practically not used. Thanks to the special preparation and cultivation of the soil, special attachments for agricultural machinery, it is possible to keep moisture in the soil. Thanks to this, natural watering with rain copes with the task quite well. Now almost all farms use drip irrigation onions. But all this is good, just not for amateur gardeners like me. Many techniques are simply not available to us. In this connection, I want to tell you how to properly water onions with water. I will also share my experience on how often to water onion in open ground and how to water onions to prevent diseases. If interested, you can read more. And so, let's get started...

Watering onions in open ground is a prerequisite. Unlike growing onions in a greenhouse where soil moisture is easier to control. Under the influence of the sun and winds, the soil in the open field dries out faster, which affects the yield of onions. In order to get a good harvest of onions every year, I recommend that you draw up a schedule in a notebook according to which you will always irrigate onions in the open field. About the importance of watering onions, I think everyone understands now. Next, let's figure out how to water onions during the growing season.

Photo: Watering onions in the open field

The very first watering of onions must be carried out before planting seeds - "chernushka" or in open ground. And you need to water the soil. After the soil has been prepared for planting, water it well. Good, but not for waterlogging the soil. This must be done so that the soil settles after irrigation and subsequently the planted onion does not appear on the surface. I recommend watering the bed at the rate of 20 liters per 1 square meter. If you water everything with a watering can, then it will be easier for you to cope with the amount of water. If you are used to watering with a hose, then you can control watering thanks to a simple method. Take a bucket and note the time for which it will be typed. Then, with further irrigation, drive the hose along each square of the site mentally counting the time. Personally, I do this, you can water differently.

How often to water onions

Now I will explain to you how often to water onions in the open field. Once the soil is ready for planting planting material, furrows are made and spilled. Then the onion is planted and covered with earth. This is followed by the first watering of the onion. In the very first watering, I recommend that you use Fitosporin or potassium permanganate. This action must be done to disinfect the soil. Phytosporin is added to the water as directed on the preparation, and potassium permanganate is added to the water until a light pink solution is formed. This watering of onions is carried out without strict rationing of the dose - "by eye". We maintain an interval between the first watering of the onion and the second. The second watering of the onion in the open field is carried out after the appearance of a green feather, which should reach a length of 5-10 cm. The tops of the onion grow very quickly, so do not worry and start watering it often.
The second watering of onions is carried out simply with water until the water goes into the soil. After the second watering, the next day, be sure to loosen all the beds with onions. Further, watering the onion should be done no more than once a week. How often to water onions in the open field, decide based on weather conditions. If the weather is hot, then one watering per week is enough. If it rains, water the onions a week after they end. I want to draw your attention to one thing. If it has been hot for a long time and there has been a strong, but short-term rain, be sure to water the onions in the open field, as if there was no rain.

After the bulbs have begun to form and, the arrows break off. Next, the next mandatory watering of the onion is carried out. The fact is that at the time of the formation of the arrows, the bulb practically ceases to pour and all moisture and nutrients enter the arrow. After its removal, to continue the formation of the bulb, watering the onion is simply necessary. Then the onion is watered in open ground according to the schedule described earlier.
Further, by outward signs ripeness of onions, you need to decide when to stop watering the onions. Onions stop watering when the side leaves begin to dry out. Between their drying and the complete fall of the tops, it usually takes about two to three weeks. Just two weeks before harvesting, it is necessary to stop watering onions in the open field. I hope you have taken note of my recommendations and the answer to the question of how often to water onions has been received.

How to water onions correctly

If you are interested in the question of how to water onions correctly, I will try to answer it. Onions respond well to watering in two ways. Watering onions in open ground is recommended by sprinkling or by drip irrigation.
Sprinkling means watering the onion on top - over the leaf. Watering the onions in the garden by sprinkling is carried out with a watering can, a hose with a nozzle, or using garden sprinklers.
Watering onions through a drip tape gives good results, saves water, but the installation of a drip irrigation system costs a pretty penny. Thanks to watering onions through a “drop”, onions are less susceptible to various diseases. Also, it is easier to track the rate and determine how to water the onions in the garden in different time days.

How to water onions

In the process of growing onions, you need to decide in advance how to water the onions in the open field. The fact is that onions are susceptible to various diseases and pest attacks. Which can greatly affect the onion crop and thus spoil the nerves of the agronomist. Because of the majority of defeats. Now let's figure out how to water the onions so that the cultivation proceeds without complications.
I recommend watering the onions with the addition of a remedy for fungal diseases Fitosporin. Its norms are not regulated in any way and you can make it at least with every watering. For the prevention of diseases, it is more than enough. But there is also folk remedies than to water the onions. These include watering the onion with salt, it would be more correct to use saline and ammonia. Although I myself do not use salt when watering, I don’t admit it, I’ll write the doses anyway. But watering onions with ammonia has a very good effect on quality, this has been personally verified.
Both of these folk remedies prevent the appearance of thrips and onion flies. Water the onion with salt should be under the root, 200-300 ml each. ready solution. Salt solution is prepared at the rate of 150 gr. salt per 10 liters of water. When watering onions with ammonia, a 10% composition is used. 50 ml dissolves in 10 liters of water. ammonia and the finished solution is watering the onions in the open field.

Remember one rule that you need to understand and stop watering the onions completely a few weeks before. In this case, the onion will be healthy and you can store it for a very long time.

I will wrap up on this, I hope the note was very informative and I opened the topic on a large scale about watering onions in the open field. And now you know how to water onions, as well as how often and how to water onions to prevent diseases and pests. I would be very happy if my recommendations allow you to get a good onion crop. Share a note on social networks and leave your comments.

Our garden-garden consumes a huge amount of moisture during the season, evaporating part through the leaves, and part using it to form greenery and fruits. When organizing proper watering the yield of the beds can increase significantly. And in this article we will look at specific example how often to water onions and garlic to get maximum results.

How often should I water onions after planting?

Onion belongs to the category of the most moisture-loving vegetables, with a lack of watering, its arrows change color to bluish-white, the quality of the bulbs decreases due to inferior passage chemical reactions in the process of growth and development.

The highest need for water in onions is observed precisely after planting. From the emergence of seedlings to the beginning of the formation of bulbs, soil moisture should be at least 75-80%. In the first two weeks after sowing and another two weeks after germination, it is extremely important to ensure that the onions are watered abundantly approximately every 4-6 days, provided that the weather is dry and hot. If it is rainy outside, additional watering is not needed.

Also, high-quality watering is required when the onion leaves leaves and the formation of bulbs begins. Next, the amount of water must be reduced.

How often should onions be watered on a turnip?

If growing onions on a turnip, you need to remember that the yield is ensured by the moisture content of the topsoil to a depth of 30 cm. This is easy to check by digging the ground in the garden with a shovel. Excessive watering of the plant during the growth of the bulbs, when you pull out a shovel with a continuous sticky clod of earth, leads to the fact that excess moisture delays the ripening process of the bulbs and reduces their keeping quality.

During the period of formation and maturation of the bulbs, soil moisture should be reduced to 65-70%. When the ripening phase of the crop comes, watering is stopped altogether. This usually happens 20-25 days before the onion harvest. It is possible to understand that the bulb has finally formed thanks to the yellowing tops.

How often to water garlic outdoors?

Garlic is more of a water-saving plant. He loves watering, but is able to withstand a week between waterings. So to the question of how often you need to water the garlic, the answer is no rather than yes.

In the period after planting, that is, in May and June, it is enough to irrigate it once a week. In July, its watering is completely stopped, since the ripening period begins. But if the weather is dry outside, then you can water it to prevent the plant from wilting, which manifests itself as an inflection of the tips of the feathers and a change in their color.

Features of watering or how often to water garlic and onions in summer?

Watering is carried out at the rate of 30 liters per square meter during the formation of leaves and the laying of bulbs and 35 liters per square meter during the period when they are poured.

Due to the compactness of the root system of onions and garlic, it is better to water along the grooves. In hot summers, you can water every 5-6 days. If the summer is rainy, then you can water less often or not water at all. Stop watering 2-3 weeks before harvest to keep the tubers clean and dry.

You need to water under the root, best of all - in the evenings. But if the weather is cool outside, it is preferable to water during the day, so that the moisture has time to absorb and dry before nightfall, otherwise it is fraught with fungal diseases.

After sowing, onions and garlic are watered, moisturizing upper layer soil, and after rooting, the depth of wetting should be sufficient to good development harvest.

As for the water temperature for irrigation, it should be in the range of + 18-25 ° C. To warm it, containers (barrels, bathtubs) are installed on the site. By the way, they can accumulate rainwater, which is better than tap water, because it does not have rigidity.

There is no need to talk about specific planting numbers for onions. Sevok is planted when the earth warms up to a depth of 6-10 centimeters.

If you focus on the weather, then early and warm spring planting can be done at the end of April. Onions cannot be planted in cold ground, but planting cannot be delayed either. The main guideline is the temperature of the soil, which should not be lower than + 12 ° С.

Planting material preparation

It is very important to properly prepare the planting material. If the sevok was purchased, it should be dried. Grown by hand and stored at a temperature below + 18 ° C - warm up.

Warming up the onion is a long process, carried out in several stages. Stage 1. At a temperature of +20 ° C, the onion must be kept for 15 to 20 days. Stage 2. Keep the onion for 8-10 hours at a temperature of + 30 ° C to + 40 ° C . It is important not to overdo it. The heated seedlings are treated with a growth stimulator before planting. If phased preparation is not possible, it is necessary to perform the following procedure immediately before planting a crop:

  • soak the seedlings in water with a temperature of +45°С - +50°С for no more than 10-15 minutes; after the above time, immediately immerse the planting material in cold water also for 10-15 minutes; place the seeds for 5-6 hours in a solution of complex mineral fertilizer.

A mandatory procedure that must be carried out before planting onion sets is disinfection. For processing, both a weak solution of potassium permanganate and a solution of copper sulfate (35 grams per 10 liters of water) are suitable. There is a method, the so-called grandmother's secret of planting onion sets, which is as follows:

  • planting material is dried for 7 days, the temperature should be from + 20 ° C to + 25 ° C; before planting, the bulbs are soaked for 3 hours in a saline solution (2 tablespoons of salt per 2 liters of water); the bulbs are washed; the seeds are immersed in a dark solution potassium permanganate for 2 hours; washed again;

This completes the preparation of the sowing for planting.

Soil preparation

Before preparing the soil, you need to choose a site for planting. It is important to know that onions are a light-loving plant, so the area where it will grow should be open and well lit. This culture is moisture-loving, but does not tolerate excessive amounts of water, so you should avoid areas where groundwater passes. The soil for this crop is started cook from autumn. Onion - a lover of loose, nutrient soil, so it is necessary:

  • dig the ground to a depth of 15 to 20 cm; apply fertilizer from rotted manure (you can fertilize with peat-dung compost).

An important point is that it is necessary to fertilize the land at this stage of soil preparation, it is strictly forbidden to add organic fertilizer to the soil before planting in order to avoid the growth of the upper part of the plant and the dormancy of the lower one, as well as the appearance of weeds. Before planting, it is contraindicated to make humus and chicken manure.

It is necessary to take into account the level of soil acidity. If the soil is acidic, then it is necessary to carry out liming with one of the following components:

  • lime;

Should onions be watered after planting?

Sanja spec pro 6h6u7 2 years ago

There are two opinions: some recommend watering the planted onion so that it is like in a swamp, others say that it should be watered extremely rarely. Does that mean there will be enough rain? Where is the truth, please answer

Day 2 years ago

A very small onion has very weak roots, so you need to water it, but it’s not rice to stand in a swamp, especially considering the onion’s propensity for downy mildew. Therefore, while the onion is small, you just need to make sure that the soil does not dry out, you do not need to fill it.

And when the bulbs begin to gain their size, watering should be completely reduced. Last year, by the way, the rainy season fell during the ripening period of the bulbs and the entire crop rotted in the bud, not a single bulb was preserved. So everything is good in moderation.

shallots with interesting history and a bunch of onions

Planting onions

The principles of planting onions "for food" and for decorative purposes are the same. The main rule: do not plant onions after related crops, so that the bulbs do not rot and there are no other diseases.

But tomatoes, cabbage, peas and beans are excellent predecessors. Choose a bright, warm place for landing, so that the sun warms the soil. For decorative bows, this is also important condition beautiful coloration.

And for onions, light and warmth are juicy onions and bright greens. In addition, loose warm soil reduces the risk of rot. Onion loves fertile soil, well seasoned with organic and mineral fertilizers, with a reaction close to neutral.

As a rule, prepare a bed for onions in advance. You can plant both before winter (early autumn) and in early spring. Before winter, onions are usually planted “on a feather” in order to delight themselves in the spring with fresh herbs, but if you follow simple rules, then it is possible on a turnip.

I planted several times sevok (small onions grown from seeds) before winter, but in the spring it very quickly began to shoot to the detriment of greenery and the formation of an onion. After reading an article about winter landing Luka understood: for this, sevok should be chosen no more than 1-1.5 cm in diameter.

In the spring, seedlings are planted in the first decade of May in well-warmed soil. The problem in this case is only its preservation in winter: small onions can dry out. And yet, if planted in the soil, the temperature of which is less than +12 degrees, the onion will quickly begin to shoot.

But it’s also not worth it to be late with planting - this can affect the development and quality of the bow later.

Preparing planting material

We sort out the seeds collected in the fall (damaged ones are not suitable for planting).

The day before planting, I put them in cheesecloth and keep them in warm water. I also sort out the sevok and distribute it more carefully in size. I keep sevok at home - at room temperature or a little lower - and the day before landing I put it closer to the battery to warm up.

If the bow was kept cool, it is also better to warm it up, otherwise the rapid appearance of arrows cannot be avoided. Immediately before planting the bulbs in gauze, I put them in a solution of copper sulphate for 10 minutes (1 teaspoon per 10 liters of water). This reduces the risk of fungal diseases.

Some gardeners also soak in a fertilizer solution, I don't do that.


So, we make a bed, once again we dig it well, remove the weeds. Depending on what kind of planting material we take, we select this planting pattern:

1. Sevok I close up to a depth of about 4 cm, I make the distance between rows 25 cm, I leave a little more than 10 cm between the bulbs. I usually mulch the soil with humus 2. If I sow seeds(they form at the end of a matured arrow in the fall), I plant them no more than 2 cm into the soil (the scheme is approximately 13x1.5 cm), water abundantly from a small watering can and cover with plastic wrap.

onion care


Onions need moisture to develop properly. Many sources say that it makes sense to water onions once a week.

But in 2013, for example, the summer was inconsistent: either the sun was hot, and the tips of the onion feathers had already dried up in a couple of days, or it was raining when the bulbs were already formed (the bulb ripening process begins in July), and watering was not particularly required. In this case, you need to look so that the onion does not dry out, but also does not overflow.

Greens will be the first to let you know about excess moisture - it will turn pale green.


If the onion does not go green for a long time, it makes sense to feed it liquid fertilizers. Perfect for 1 liter. urea +1 glass of mullein. After a couple of weeks, you can feed again.

Loosening and weeding

It makes sense to loosen the onions several times a week, but I usually limit myself to once. Be sure to weed the onions.

Last summer I planted it in different places: one was in the open sun, and the second - in a warm sunny place but with intermittent sunshine. I was in no hurry to weed the onion growing on the “ashes” itself - I just broke through the most aggressive weeds so that small feathers would not drown out, and when the onion gained strength, weeds can be removed.

This helped for some time to protect young feathers from overdrying and wilting.

Treatment against fungus

Many gardeners, when the feather reaches 15 cm, treat the foliage with a solution of copper sulfate in order to prevent fungus.

I did not spend, and while the fungus bypasses my bow. My grandmother liked to add 1 tablespoon of laundry soap grated and dissolved in water to the copper sulphate solution.

Propagation of onions

Onions propagate through seeds.

At the end of summer, arrows with "balls" at the end are formed on the plants - they contain the seeds. When the arrow is dry and the seeds turn black, carefully dump them in for storage.

Seeds are used to obtain small onions - sevka, from which a full-fledged bulb is formed a year after planting.

Cleaning and storage of onions

If no new feathers are formed, it is September, the foliage has died, and the bulbs are pleasing to the eye with golden scales, it's time to start cleaning. The main thing is not to tighten it, otherwise the bow will decide to “wake up” and start growing.

Usually, when I dig up onions, I don’t wash them - this is how it historically happened in our family: after a good drying and removal of scales, it becomes perfectly clean. But this year there were constant rains, so after the onion was dug up, it had to be washed, the roots removed, and the feathers trimmed.

After that, the onion is laid out to dry in one layer. For drying, you need a bright, well-ventilated area. After about 3 weeks, scales form even on bare bulbs, then the crop can be put into boxes or containers for storage.

Our bow is usually laid out on the street under a canopy, and in the first days after we dug it, we leave it right on the ridge under the sun.

Varieties of onion

Odintsovo- included in the State Register for many districts, including the Central.

Recommended for growing on a turnip from seeds and sets. Mid-season bulb, round, flat or round-flat. Max weight- about 80 g. This is one of my mother's favorite varieties; it is juicy and the scales are crispy.

Suitable for fresh consumption in salads - not "nuclear" burning. The upper dry scales of the bulbs are golden yellow. Variety suitable for storage Bessonovsky- refers to the local varieties of Penza. The shape of the bulb is rounded flat with a clear elongation of the neck upwards.

The upper scales are yellow. Bulb is dense. Bulb weight - about 45 g. Burning spicy taste. well kept

Tell us, what kind of onions do you grow?

How to care for onions and how to feed them

Working in the garden gives many people incomparable pleasure. But it, like many years ago, is very laborious, requires a constant return of strength and energy.

Therefore, every gardener wants to see a worthy reward for his labors in the form of a big harvest in the fall. You can carefully look after your beds, water them regularly, protect them from pests and diseases, and not get the desired harvest, because one of the necessary agricultural practices has fallen out of a list of your gardening jobs. This refers to plant nutrition, which is simply necessary.

Therefore, many people have a question - how to feed onions in the spring? A lot can grow in the garden onion plants. In spring, one of the first to raise its bright green feathers above the ground bow-batun, the very one whose stems we cut with such pleasure into a spring salad.

It should be noted that this onion is quite unpretentious, and does not need any additional feeding. By the way, if you grow onions because of their usefulness, you need to know that the radish contains no fewer vitamins. You can learn about growing radishes in this article.

It is not whimsical, so if you know a few rules, you are guaranteed a good harvest of this root crop. The only thing to consider is that when we plant a batun in a garden for the first time, the soil in it must be completely filled with mineral or organic fertilizers. Then his green feathers will grow without any problems, delighting us with vitamins all summer long.

The same can be said about onion sets - it grows well in a pre-fertilized bed, without needing additional dressings. This is not at all the case with turnip, for its normal development, timely top dressing is necessary. This bow is very responsive to mineral fertilizers and absorbs them with great pleasure and speed, depleting and impoverishing the soil.

How to care for onions

The soil for the onion bed is prepared in the fall, it is fertilized with compost (humus), per sq.m. beds goes 10 kg of compost (humus). If the soil is depleted, you can fill it with mineral fertilizers, after making the full complex, the site is dug up.

The spring digging of the site is not as deep as in the fall, after digging, nitrogen fertilizers are applied at the rate of 5 g per 10 liters of water. Before fertilizing, weak, diseased plants must be removed. During this period, the onion is in need of nitrogen, phosphorus. In order for the onion to grow normally, after the appearance of the first 5-6 leaves, we carry out phosphorus and potassium top dressing.

How to feed onions

Dissolve 1 tbsp in 10 liters of water. l. superphosphate and 1 tablespoon of potassium. An aqueous solution with fertilizers will be useful in dry weather, if the weather is humid, dry fertilizers are scattered between the rows, shallowly planting them in the soil. Top dressing should be carried out slowly so that it has as much benefit as possible, water it under the plant, on a quiet evening .

If the weather is very dry, watering with ordinary water is carried out before feeding. Some gardeners, not knowing how to feed onions, carry out feeding fresh manure what not to do, as manure decomposes slowly and on initial stage growth, the plant will not receive the nitrogen it needs. But by the middle of summer, there will be too much nitrogen from the decomposition of manure, a powerful gray feather will stand on the garden bed, and food will not be supplied to the bulbs, all because of the same excess of nitrogen. They ripen late and store poorly.

How to grow a good large onion. We observe the plant itself.

First, let's talk about how to water onions. Onions need regular watering from planting until early July, then watering should be stopped, but do not forget to loosen the soil between the rows.

An onion feather may not lie down for a long time and remain green, you do not need to wring it or roll it, an infection is introduced into the broken leaves, which will not allow the onion to be well preserved. The growth of the feather, and its lodging is stopped in a different way - by limiting the access of moisture to the leaves. When growing a turnip, you cannot cut its feather, this will not allow you to get a good bulb. How to feed onions if the tips of their feathers turn white? There are several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • The acidic composition of the soil, it is urgent to help it. 3 tbsp calcium nitrate is diluted in 10 liters of water, 1/2 cup of the solution should be poured under the plant. You can use lime if there is no saltpeter - dilute one glass per 10 liters of water or make a solution of ash (pour 2 cups of ash with boiling water, pouring them into a bucket of water).
  • If only the tips of the onion feather turn white, you need to know that the reason here lies in the lack of copper, very often this happens on peat soils. Water the soil under the bulbs with a solution of homa (copper oxychloride). One tsp the drug must be dissolved in 5 liters of water to get a 1% solution. You can successfully pour onions and Bordeaux liquid, blue vitriol and oxychome.
  • The reason may be a lack of potassium, the leaves not only have white tips, but also a deformed, twisted leaf. We urgently help the onion with the help of potash top dressing. 3 art. l. dissolve any potash fertilizer in 10 liters of water, pour 1 glass of top dressing per plant.
  • If the cause of white leaves is an early frost, the plant can be helped by feeding with potassium, calcium nitrate (proportions of 3 tablespoons per 10 liters of water).

Now that we know how to dwarf onions and have already done all the necessary feeding, we will wait for a good harvest. You probably know that with the help of onions you can make any dish richer and healthier. For example, onions are used when cooking crayfish or in dishes with buckwheat.

Onion storage conditions

Onion harvesting is carried out on a sunny, dry morning, they are allowed to lie down in their own garden for several hours, they are transferred to dry room to dry. The room must be well ventilated.

After the onion dries, cut off its roots, without touching the bottom, remove the excess husk. If you are weaving an onion braid, then you need to hang it and store it in a dry place.

You can also cut the greens by putting the onion in fabric bags and hanging it. It is necessary to provide the onion with the necessary temperature for storage, not lower than +20 C, if it is an apartment. The storage should be + 4 C. In case of non-compliance temperature regime(+12, +18 C), the onion will release flower arrows, and the whole will go up. How to remove the onion in bad weather - it is immediately cleaned of feathers, husks and stored in a dry room in one row.

After 2-3 weeks, the bulbs will acquire new golden-colored shirts, they are very thin, consist of one layer. Such an onion is perfectly stored in cardboard box, it is dry, clean, has no extra husk. We immediately reject the bulbs with an open neck, putting them on food or blanks.

The leftover bow will keep well. This technique can be used always, not only in inclement weather.

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There is no need to rush with planting a seedling: the soil should warm up to at least 10 ° C. In the middle lane, this is usually the third decade of April-early May. May holidays are the best time.

But it also makes no sense to be late: productivity, marketability, resistance to pests and diseases are sharply reduced. Therefore, it is advisable to be in time before May 10. Onions should be planted on ridges or on ridges, especially when groundwater is close to groundwater.

The raised ridge contributes to a better supply of air, heat, which means - better assimilation nutrients. It is rational to place the bow in several lines, the distance between which should be sufficient for subsequent processing with a hoe. The step between the bulbs is about 8 cm, the depth is 3-4 cm.

The bulbs are not just laid out in rows, but slightly pressed in so that the growing roots do not bulge out. Otherwise, the sevok can quickly be above the surface of the earth, after which curious birds will pull it out and scatter it with great pleasure. And we don't need it at all.

Loosening - fight weeds

In order to make life easier for yourself, to help better plant formation and a higher yield, the onion must be systematically loosened. The procedure must be carried out after each watering or rain, at least once a week.

You should not try to compensate for the missed loosening with its depth, it only brings harm - it is strongly not recommended to disturb the soil deeper than 5-7 cm. What is it connected with?

Myriads of weed seeds of different generations lie in the ground, but at a depth of more than 5 cm they do not germinate. It is worth raising them higher (and this is inevitable with deep loosening) - and the bed will “bloom” with weeds that will take moisture and food from the onion and release oppressive poisonous substances.

The absence of "competitors" contributes to better breathing of the root system and good nutrition. Therefore, if you loosen to the same depth, everything will be fine: both onions are good and there is less weeding.


The next secret to success is hydration. High yield without watering in the first 60 days is unthinkable. The nature of the onion is as follows: with a lack of moisture, the plant forms 3-4 leaves, forms a small onion and hibernates.

The homeland of this plant is Central Asia, where everything blooms luxuriantly and smells sweet only in spring, but then hibernates in anticipation of winter coolness and moisture. And it is worth creating our varietal bow arid conditions- he instantly rushes "back to nature", after which this small onion cannot be brought out of dormancy by anything. Therefore, constant watering is precisely in the first 60 days after planting.

You don’t need to water daily: onions are not cucumbers and cabbages. Twice a week is enough. This is also true for weekend residents: it is easy to organize watering on Friday immediately upon arrival and on Sunday before departure. Cold water should not be used.

Only warmed up, stood in barrels during the day. It is strictly forbidden to water the onions on the leaves! Just gently moisten the soil between rows. Otherwise, we ourselves create a microclimate that contributes to the infection of plants with downy mildew - peronosporosis.

No sprinkling, no watering cans with strainers! But starting from the second half of summer (in the middle lane, the Orthodox holiday can be considered a landmark - the day of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, July 12), most varieties form bulbs. Further, they do not need moisture - by analogy with their homeland Central Asia where it is hot and dry at this time.

Only under this condition will a high-quality, tasty bulb with a high content of dry matter and sucrose be formed, due to which it is better stored. The good keeping quality of the bulb is related to its dry matter and sucrose content.

Not any sugars, namely sucrose - the more it is, the longer our healing product is stored. It depends mainly on the variety, as well as on the growing conditions: in dry and hot summers, more solids and sucrose accumulate in the bulb, and it is better stored. Much depends on the person: this is the observance of the sowing dates, the irrigation regime and nutrition.

Fertilizers and top dressing

The onion root system is very weak, 90% of it is located in a soil layer 30 cm deep. Accordingly, this crop needs fertile, rich in humus, humus and other soil elements.

The culture under which it was introduced is suitable as a predecessor. a large number of organic fertilizers: this is a cucumber, tomato, cabbage, etc. However, it is absolutely impossible to bring fresh organic matter under the onion!

It promotes late development, worse maturation, accumulation harmful substances, disease damage, worse keeping quality - the whole bunch of negative phenomena. It is allowed to introduce humus or semi-rotted compost in the fall before digging.

At the same time, complex mineral fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium are added. Nitrogen fertilizers can be fed in the spring, in the first period of growth, combining them with watering.

Onion fragrant Aprior

The landing site must be changed annually - otherwise the same onion fly, peronosporosis, bacterial and cervical rot. Use of manure and large doses ammonium nitrate negatively affects the taste of onions, contributes to the accumulation of ammonia and nitrates in it, but ... “feeds” large onions.

Overfed plants suffer from late ripening and reduced keeping quality. However, producers, especially tenants from countries South-East Asia, often sin by introducing huge doses of ammonium nitrate. When choosing a larger “remedy for seven ailments” on the market, be aware that this is not always a sign of a variety, but in most cases an excess of mineral nitrogen fertilizers with all the ensuing negative consequences.

Problem solving

The most dangerous onion diseases are peronosporosis, gray cervical and bacterial rot. You can avoid them through agricultural technology. To get started: choose more resistant varieties, for example, Borodkovsky, Boterus, Tervin.

And interspecific hybrids are genetically resistant to peronosporosis - Golden Domes, Sigma, Sputnik. Many lovers ask whether it is necessary to crush, roll, break onion leaves in order to speed up ripening? It is this technique that contributes to the fact that infection occurs.

Through fractures and wounds, the infection enters the leaf, then through the neck it penetrates into the bulb, develops - as a result, it dries or rots during storage. The onion plant, like any other living being, has a genetic code that determines the ripening algorithm without our help.

Therefore, violent fractures bring nothing but harm. The most common pest is the onion fly. The greatest harm brings when sowing seeds on the bulb.

The first flight of the fly occurs approximately in the third decade of May, when weak plants have only one true leaf. The fly lays eggs on the ground, and the hatched larvae bite into the growth point, eating away the nutrients.

What can be done about this? For example, combine sowing onions with carrots. There is an opinion that carrots repel pests. A more radical way is to treat the leaves from the spray gun with an insecticide during the first flight of the fly.

Then oviposition does not occur. And by the summer of the second generation of flies, the plants are already adults, and the larvae practically do not harm them.

Podzimny sowing

The main advantages are in saving the budget (prices for planting material are always lower in autumn) and in an earlier and better harvest (in spring, winter onions have time to absorb the first moisture, heat and take advantage of the length of the day, especially if you help it loosen). But there is a problem - the sevok needs a strictly defined size, not exceeding 15 mm (preferably closer to 10 mm).

But a very small one is also not good - it hibernates worse and is poorly formed. What are the size requirements? Small onions will not be able to shoot themselves, but larger overwintered specimens will certainly release arrows, but they themselves will not really grow. Planting time is 2 weeks before the onset of stable cold weather, when the temperature drops below 5 ° C.

Before October 15, it is absolutely impossible to land. At early dates planting may premature regrowth. Later dates threaten that the plant will not have time to take root and freeze. If the plant is rooted, this is enough, it will overwinter well.

Last year it was very warm in November, so every year it is necessary to act according to the weather.


A characteristic feature of shallots is strong branching and the ability to get up to 30 “nests” from one planting bulb, weighing from 10 to 50 g each. After rooting and germination, the bulb forms up to 10-15 shoots, bearing 5-7 tubular, narrow leaves collected in a compact bush.

They differ in juiciness, tenderness, aroma, high nutritional value, contain mineral salts and vitamins. green onion usually ready for harvest in a month, and the bulbs - on the 60-75th day after the start of leaf growth.

That is, 15-20 days earlier than the most early-ripening onion variety. Shallot bulbs are sharp and semi-sharp in taste, dense, cold-resistant and lie perfectly until the new harvest. Shallot refers to independent species onion family, but some researchers consider it a kind of onion.

By nature, it is a perennial plant, but it is cultivated mainly as annual crop planting bulbs. It can also propagate by seeds. Planting for early ripening bulbs is carried out in early spring.

To obtain a marketable onion, small planting material is needed - it will give a "family" of a small number of large bulbs. But if they want to get as many small bulbs as possible in the nest (for propagation or getting green onions), then they use large planting bulbs. Shallot care consists in destroying weeds, loosening, fertilizing, and if there is a lack of moisture in the soil, watering is needed.

Perennial bows for every taste

Green onion leaves serve as an excellent source of vitamins and other valuable substances that protect the human body from many dangerous diseases and surpass bulbs in their usefulness. And yet - in addition to the usual onion feather, you can grow a wide variety of onions for greens, and they should be used to the maximum!

Everything perennial bows, as a rule, are very winter-hardy and withstand frosts down to -50 ° C. They practically do not get sick, which means they give environmentally friendly products without the use of chemicals. Vitamin C and carotene in perennial onions are 2-3 times more than in onions.


Bow-batun. The most common and well-known of the perennial bows. It does not form bulbs and can grow in one place for 5-6 years. It winters well, and its green leaves can be cut several times during the summer and used for salads, seasonings, drying, etc.

The yield of batun is quite high - up to 6 kg with square meter for 3-4 cuts. The most common and productive variety- Russian winter The leaves of chives are spiky in shape, like those of onion or batun, but rather miniature and thin.

Schnitt is superior to batun in yield and content ascorbic acid. And its decorative qualities - beautiful flower stalks from white to dark purple, depending on the variety - deserve special attention.

They can decorate flower beds, curbs of paths, combining business with pleasure. For perennial bows, the rest period is short, therefore late autumn and in winter they can be used for growing in protected ground and even on the windowsill. Onion-slizun - flat-leaved.

Its leaves are similar to garlic leaves - dense, juicy, high in iron and potassium, a real medicine. Well received by gardeners: those who have tried slime salad will not eat onions!

It is distinguished by high productivity, winter hardiness, high decorative qualities. Varieties: Leader - with pink-red color, Charm - with almost white color of inflorescences. Fragrant onion - also flat-leaved, with high winter hardiness, Interesting feature varieties of fragrant onion Piquant and Aprior - in blooming form they smell deliciously of almonds and hyacinth, especially in the evening!

No other variety and type of onion can boast of this. And thanks to the remontant nature, the flowering of allium fragrant is stretched from July until the onset of frost.

Growing Secrets

Schnitt, batun, slizun and other perennial onions (fragrant, Altai, oblique, multi-tiered) are simple in agricultural technology. They can grow in one area for up to 5-6 years, producing the highest yield of green leaves from the 2nd to 4th year.

The first to grow is a multi-tiered onion - at the end of April, then Altai and onion-batun - in early May, in mid-May - chives, and at the end of May - oblique. Later, slime and fragrant grow, which, however, retain tenderness and good taste leaves until late autumn, therefore, they are used before the onset of stable cold weather. When growing perennial onions, it is necessary to choose elevated areas of relief in order to avoid autumn and spring flooding. The soil should be light, highly fertile, neutral or slightly acidic.

Sowing seeds, planting seedlings, dividing bushes from perennial plantations - all these methods are suitable for perennial onions. Seeds are sown on a flat surface, on ridges or ridges, depending on the height of the site and soil temperature.

Before sowing, the seeds must be treated with a fungicide to disinfect from harmful microorganisms. At annual cultivation seeds are sown early in spring in 2-3 lines to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. And the crop is harvested by digging up the plant along with the roots.

When grown for more than 2 years, the leaves begin to be cut in the second year. During the season, 2-4 cuts are carried out, the last - no later than August. For earlier greens, onion plantings are covered with a film - this accelerates their growth by 10-14 days, and the greens turn out to be more tender and juicy.

When propagating by dividing the bushes, the plants are planted in May or August in an ordinary way. Care - loosening, top dressing, if necessary - watering. Starting from the second year of life, as soon as the snow melts, last year's remnants of leaves are removed and fed with 10 g / m2 of nitrogen and potash and 15 g / m2 of phosphorus fertilizers.

After each cutting of green leaves, top dressing is also carried out, combining it with watering. Tervin- mid-season, maturing, spicy taste, resistant to bacterial and cervical rot. golden- mid-early, small nested, 1-2 bulbs per nest.

Bulb of semi-sharp taste, good keeping quality. Cascade- recommended for growing from sets. Early maturing, very soft. Sevok can be from 10 to 30 mm in diameter. Kolobok- fruitful, transportable and lying.

Handsome- bulb original form and coloring, high palatability, with a high content of biologically active substances. Kuchum- small nested, 1-2 bulbs per nest, mid-season. The bulb is dense, semi-sharp taste, high keeping quality.

Golden domes- small nested, 1-2 bulbs in the nest. The bulb is dense, spicy taste, high keeping quality. Highly resistant to downy mildew!

Many consider growing a very simple matter. For many, it even grows in the garden without any care, but the crop resulting from such cultivation can hardly please. If you want to get a large number of heads, then you need to know whether it is possible to water the onion sets after planting in open ground and how to do it correctly.

Watering schedule for onion sets after planting

You can plant sevok before winter and in spring, depending on your goals and available planting material. In the second half of autumn, it is recommended to plant the smallest onions, otherwise it is possible that the onions will start to shoot arrows and then there will be no harvest. And so this is a great option if you want to always have fresh herbs on hand.

In the spring, you can plant any size seedlings. The most suitable period for this is the last week of April - the beginning of May. Do not be afraid of May frosts, onions are a cold-resistant crop, so nothing will happen to them. It is very important that in the place where you are going to plant onions, there is no stagnant water, and the snow melts quickly.

Immediately after deepening into the soil, the planted sevok should be well moistened. IN further watering should be carried out every week at the rate of 7-8 liters per 1 m2. Onions need this regimen throughout May, June and the first week of July. Then watering should be carried out less frequently, and 20 days before harvesting, and generally completely stopped.

If the summer is rainy, then natural precipitation may be enough for the bow. In this case, additional watering is not required. This can be determined by the state of green feathers, which, with an excess of water, become pale green.

What water to water the onion sets?

Watering the onion sets should only be done with warm water (minimum +18°C). If you pour cold water on it, then you can provoke the defeat of the plant with downy mildew.
