Projects of houses of non-standard form. Original house designs

The desire of the homeowner to live in the original building is understandable and understandable. Being like no one else, getting emotional pleasure from the surrounding beauty are signs of an energetic and modern man. But not everyone will be able to independently create a dream come true, simply without having necessary knowledge and skills. Unusual house designs - simple and affordable way achieve the desired result.

Project No. 36-24. Four-storey house in the Art Nouveau style

Features of unusual house projects

The originality of the building is created different ways. The most common is the use unusual ideas when developing architectural solutions. Often, the designs of original houses are structures that are difficult to correlate with modern housing, for example, a hut building or an aquarium. The number of options is limited only by the developer's imagination.

The second way to make a building unusual is to use non-standard materials or a combination of them during construction. The level of modern technology allows you to create unusual designs of houses, the walls of which are mostly made of glass or plastic. The number of combinations of materials is great, and their diversity gives scope for creativity. All of the above applies to the work of a designer who is able to come up with original designs for houses and cottages, using modern finishing technologies and a variety of decorative elements.

"Dancing House" in Prague. The originality of architecture is achieved through smooth forms and a combination of glass, metal and stone.

The simultaneous use of several ways to give the building originality allows you to develop unusual projects custom houses and cottages for every taste, equally beautiful and technologically sophisticated.

Unusual villa in Egypt: a combination of modern and Arabic styles

Examples of original design

If you want to build an unusual house, the future owner is not obliged to independently develop a building project. There are many projects on specialized resources that can satisfy the most sophisticated tastes of customers. An example of such a site is our resource "Cottage Projects". It contains unusual house designs with photos, collected in an extensive catalog.

Project No. 40-88L

Project No. 40-88L. A two-story high-tech brick house.

An unusual project of a two-story house, created in high-tech style, surprises with an original combination of concise architectural solutions and a stylish appearance. It uses modern technologies (panoramic windows, jacuzzi, hammam) and original design solutions(combination on the facade of dark face brick and light-colored fiber cement siding).

Project №34-46

Project No. 34-46. Two-storey brick house, medieval stylization.

The use of medieval motifs in architecture and design in combination with modern technologies and materials allow you to create non-standard buildings. An example of such a solution is a project two-story house made in the style of a castle. Interesting architecture and unusual constructions of the building give the impression of a massive defensive structure with small dimensions.

Experts say that a modern comfortable house does not have to be large. In fact, 28 m is enough for a person to live a normal life. 2 . It turns out that a family of four will feel comfortable in a house with an area of ​​​​slightly less than 120 m 2 . And such a house can rightfully be called small.

Typically, projects small houses- one-story. But at the request of the customer, you can complete the full-fledged second floor or attic.

In order to accommodate all living rooms in a relatively small area and ensure comfortable living for the family, the size of technical and utility rooms is reduced. Although the space is organized according to the same principles as in any other project. But there are features that are due to the need to strictly save usable space.

Small house project: fight for every square meter

  1. When designing small ones, architects minimize the use of internal partitions. Thus, the premises, different in their functionality, are combined into a single space. For example, the living room, dining room, kitchen are grouped into a daily area and separated purely visually - with the help of design techniques. Project small house allows rational use of each square meter usable area. Wherein additional rooms remain isolated.
  2. The bedrooms of family members, bathrooms, dressing rooms form a night zone and are located in such a way as to protect the personal space of the residents of the house from outsiders as much as possible. If the house is two-story, then the night zone is taken out there.
  3. The utility area, consisting of bathrooms, a boiler room and other utility rooms, is being designed to be as small as possible.
  4. In order to productively use non-residential space, they seek to limit the number of corridors and passages.
  5. If the house is two-story, there should be two bathrooms. To reduce installation costs engineering networks, they are placed one above the other. IN one-story house the bathroom is placed so that it has a common riser with the kitchen.

Pros of small house projects

  • building small house does not depend on the configuration and size of the land.
  • The construction of such a house, and also cost much less.
  • Short terms of design and construction.
  • The relatively low cost of public Utilities And easy care behind the house.

Small house projects: results

A carefully thought-out project of a small house allows you to rationally use every square meter of usable area. Thanks to this, the customer receives modern comfortable housing for relatively little money. Therefore, we recommend choosing professional small house projects from Dom4m.

Original designs houses, which are performed in the most different styles, differ significantly from each other, both internally (by layout) and externally (by facade). Used as decoration decorative plaster, facing brick or lining.

Today, many companies are able to provide their customers with unusual house designs that are developed specifically by people who know how and love to appreciate design imagination and original architectural solutions. Now cottages with unusual architectural solutions from the category of curiosities are gradually moving into the category of elite buildings, popular among a large number of people.

An example of the original project of a country cottage

The number of such structures is increasing day by day. original form windows, roofs, doors, attics, terraces and, of course, an unusually amazing landscape design- all this can significantly brighten up everyday reality, giving good mood both homeowners and their guests.

Recently, glazed houses have been in special demand. First of all, their owners are attracted not only by the beautiful appearance such a structure, but also its practicality, because a large amount of natural daylight makes it possible to significantly save on electricity. Despite the fact that these houses seem too fragile and vulnerable, glazed facades can fully provide the building with all the necessary operational functions.

The use of glass opens up many possibilities for designers and architects. simply can not do without a large amount of glass in their design. Such structures are erected in the most incredible forms, as if floating in the air due to the transparency of the ground floor. The glass roof is one of the most common design elements, giving originality to everything. appearance at home, as well as non-standard interior design rooms.

Read also

Projects of houses with flat roof

Unusual project of a house made of glass

metal houses

Metal is a material modern construction used very widely. When it comes to unusual projects country houses, it is more expedient to talk about such a type of metal as expanded aluminum. This material is often used in the construction of fences, stairs, fence railings, walls for summer pavilions.

Speaking about the design of unusual houses, it is impossible not to touch on the topic of metal facades. Naturally, this is always a risk, but if a professional takes up the matter, the risk is justified.

Original metal house located in Utah in the USA

Original projects of houses and cottages in the Russian style

Among these cottages, they are especially popular - with an abundance of carved tips, balusters, "lace" hems of the roof. Facing brick is used as a facade decoration - very beautiful and practical solution. Thanks to the use of this material, the service life can be significantly extended. external walls your house.

All projects of houses, despite their not large area, have quite convenient layout. During the design process, specialists try to take into account all the points required for a comfortable stay. If it's about two-story house, then on the first floor there is usually a spacious living room with a hall and a guest room, and on the second floor there are several living quarters.

The original project of a two-story house in the Russian style

Unusual layout bunk house

The layout of a two-story house should be thought out especially carefully. Such structures, as a rule, do not have a very large area, and therefore the location of zones in them is often not very convenient. One way or another, but it's affordable and in many ways good option for people who want to acquire their own home, but limited in funds. And with a reasonable approach to design, its interior can become a real design masterpiece. Especially if the house is equipped large windows to solve most lighting problems.

The best way to visually increase the space of a room is to use light materials in the decoration. And the construction of compact plywood partitions between zones and glass sliding doors create conditions for rational organization.

Interior partitions

The sleeping area of ​​the apartment is represented by a small room with a minimum amount of furniture. The bed is arranged on a low podium. The built-in wardrobe is skillfully disguised by sliding doors that mimic the wall cladding.

sleeping area

Enough space was allocated for the bathroom, which made it possible to compactly place a toilet and a shower in it. Transparent doors make the space less closed, turning the bedroom into a modern suite.


The abundance of corners and ledges only emphasizes the uniqueness of the interior. Usage natural wood as the main material for wall cladding, it adds warmth and coziness to the space. The transition between the tiers is decorated with low wooden steps.

corridor and steps

The second tier of the room also demonstrates the dominance natural materials in decoration, especially light brick and wood. The floor is lined with light laminate, which supports the design idea. On such a small area, through the rational organization of space, an office, a living room and a kitchenette were placed.

Second tier decoration

The interior of the office is formed by a large closet, which has enough space for working tools, household supplies and clothes. In the niche below bookshelves an office was arranged, which, if necessary, is hidden behind a sliding door, so that computer equipment does not bring dissonance into the composition.

Additional storage space is provided drawers, which are disguised in the steps leading to the second tier.

Additional shelves

Before proceeding with the design of this kind of premises, it is necessary to study in detail and determine the parameters of the available space, and then think over a compact and convenient placement of zones.

First floor plan
